Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    It looks like they are done. Here's Cisco yawning and ready for his nap now. Ha!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Day has gone well. Got Ava to speech and the Good News Club invites into the teacher's boxes. My sister made it to and from her appointment. She's doing well with her diabetes control. Otherwise I've worked on things here - planned what to take to the potluck Sunday, checked out my Good News Club bag, etc. etc. Worked some on the afghan. I drove the big car to town cause the power steering was not doing well on my car so Ralph worked on that this afternoon. Not good when you can hardly turn the steering wheel when you start out. Been watching my taped shows - one new one - Code Black. I liked it. Trying not to start too many new ones since I already watch too much. :) I have my stuff together for this evening and will head out in about an hour. We have elections along with out regular work. I don't have to worry since I already know my job. The VP becomes president the next year so that's what I'll be. :)

    Sheryl, you eating worked out well. You had the time with Carol to talk your life over and you and John had time together with good friends. So glad he was willing to do that. You are doing what's best for you.
    September changes all the shows around. I enjoyed recipe rehab too although things they acted were so easy didn't look that way to me.

    Have a good evening.
  • cjdigsindirt
    cjdigsindirt Posts: 23 Member
    Hi All, I am just stopping in for a few minutes. I went to the senior garden today and removed most of the spent plants. I left the sorrel, 2 hot pepper plants and some garlic chives. I think I spotted some arugula coming in so that will be nice to have for salads in a few weeks. I don't think I will begin planting the winter garden until sometime late Oct or first week in Nov. I just can't see putting anything in with the crazy heat waves we have. This week has been very nice and in the mid 80's. So much cooler than the past weeks.

    I am walking on my treadmill a few days a week and started doing a bit of weight lifting for my upper arms. I only use two 2 pound weights so it isn't much but it should help as the weight comes off. Plus I try to do some aerobics each day and then a couple times a week I go to Curves but I only use the machines for my legs because it seems like I might have some arthritis in my shoulder so the upper body machines are not so good for that. All in all I am in a good mindset. Plus I am just feeling so much better.

    You all have a wonderful evening and I will check back in sometime next week. We have some work to do here at the house this weekend.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, almost time to start fixing lunch, but I'll take a moment to check in here first. John is outside again and I have a little time.

    Carla, it sounds like you have a well rounded exercise system for every part of your body. I need to start back up with the walking tapes again. That, and my arm exercises, should help me hit all my trouble spots.

    oops, John's back in already, time to go. Hope to be back later.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi everyone, I was looking into a phone number that called me this morning and I stumbled on this

    T-Mobile Data Breach-Have you ever had a credit check via T-Mobile for financing a device between Sept. 1, 2013 and Sept. 16, 2015? If yes you could be included in this breach.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    The weekend has arrived. My tooth is steadily getting worse. I've doubled up on the tylenal and the Aleve. I called the Endodontist who gave me a root canal on that tooth a year ago and they set an appt for me for next Thursday afternoon. I suspect its going to be a long week. Hopefully their fix is to just pull the tooth. I dont want to mess with it anymore.

    Here's a pic of my waggy-tailed dog. I was just playing keep away with him. He get's so excited when he finally gets to chase his favorite purple ball. He is such a stress reliever. The second pic is where he's about to pounce to on me!



    Here's a pretty pic someone posted in the Sunrise post in the main forum. So pretty. I love cloud pics.


    I hope you have a great weekend everyone.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    edited October 2015
    We have countertops and as of today, running water! After 7 weeks without water it is such a relief :) I have so much to tell you all but will try to check in on Monday--I'm working this weekend and have been super busy. Take care and hope to check in again soon :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    My feet are sore but will be fine by morning. I met Derek and kids at the parade at 10:30 and other than squatting while we ate was on my feet till 5. We watched the parade, walked past the booths and got something to eat (no empty tables so the kids sat on the ground and I squatted). Then we went to the kids games and i was with one of the kids in the lines. When Derek left I helped at one game. One of the bouncy things that two people could go in so I was the ready set go person. Then I took Thomas to Youth Group Bible study, came home and fixed supper and then baked brownies, did dishes and a few other small things till time to go pick Thomas up (20 minutes drive). He's spending the night here and headed right down to bed. Ralph went to a conference this morning and then to the DAV book sale - got another 4 boxes.

    Here's what I think is a cute story. Alan's family went to buy groceries the other night. As they were driving Owen (who's 4) said when he got old enough and learned to drive, he would only drive to grandma's house. They asked him what about when he got a girlfriend - wouldn't he want to go see her and he said he would. Grandma is his girlfriend.

    I have a casserole ready to bake in the morning. We have our church service at 9 and then are going to the Community Church service at 10:30. Lori's not coming till 10:30 (9 is pretty early) so I'll work in the nursery for her. After church there's a potluck meal and a tractor pull.

    Oh - another story - In the parade there was a John Deere tractor pulling another John Deere tractor that was a little smaller and so on for 6 or 7 tractors and the last tractor had a trailer with a bunch of John Deere toy tractors on. Derek's two year old saw those toys and he took off after it. He was ready to play.

    Carla, when you talk about the senior garden, is this a garden for a number of people and you take care of it for them. Gardens are about done for the year around here - we haven't had frost yet but it has been down in the 40s the last couple mornings. Great walking on the treadmill and the weightlifting. I should do something like that.

    Marcie, Thursday will seem very far away with a sore tooth like that. This better be the last thing for you to have to suffer through for awhile. Cisco is so cute.

    Jannie, countertops and water - what a wonderful day. Still not sure how you survived without water. Can't wait to hear more when you have time.

    Didn't do a lot at home but it has been a good day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Ugh. I'm still being whiny about the sore tooth. I called my dentist and left a message on his cell phone today to see if he had any advice. He left me a message on my cell phone a few hours later. Basically just said to increase the over the counter meds until I go see the Endodontist on Thursday. So, no help from him. He said he'll call me back tomorrow, but I won't hold my breath. I took 800 mg of Ibruprofin (apparently I'm not allergic like I thought) and 500 mg of Tylenal a couple hours ago and it's dulled the pain a little. Relief is only lasting a few hours at a time now. I woke up last night a couple hours after going to bed from the pain. On Monday I'll call the Endodontist to see if they can get me in any sooner this week.

    I did manage to get my grocery shopping done today, made a pot of pink beans (now that the weather is cooling down, I'm ready to start making my pot of something on the weekends, hardboiled some eggs for the week, snd got the laundry done. After I got home from grocery shopping, I came home, grabbed Dad and Cisco, and we went to the pet store that has a dog washing station (they provide the tub, towel, shampoo and conditioner, water proof apron, and blow dryer). First time I've done that and it worked out good. A lot cheaper than taking him to the groomers, and a lot easier than washing him in the tub at home (to hard on the back). Afterwards we went to the frozen yogurt shop that's next to the pet store and sat outside and had some yogurt. I bet Cisco thought we were taking him to the dog park. Hee hee.

    Jannie, I LOVE the countertops. Your new kitchen is just beautiful. I'm jealous! And yay to running water!

    Debora, cute stories. You must be tired after a day like today!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Jannie, when I read Marcie's post, I realized you had little pictures. Bummer, I couldn't see them.

    Marcie, so glad you're keeping your dentist up to speed. You can't do much with that pain. Glad you got your shopping done. Cool that the new bath idea of Cisco worked and were rewarded with yogurt.
    Yes, I was tired but a good night of sleep and we're up and going. Casserole is in the oven and we'll head out for church in about 30 minutes. Have a good day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Debora, if you click on the little pics in Jannie's post, you should be able to see them.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good morning, I'm in love...with Jannie's counter space. I want a kitchen like that.

    I made a fresh pot of coffee with a new flavor...Dark French Roast. I usually buy the generic medium blend, this is also generic, but it tastes 'richer', so they say. It is different, I don't know exactly what 'richer' should taste like.

    Debora, very cute stories, I can picture the various sizes of JD Tractors all in a row.
    What's hard to picture is a tractor pull at the church. We used to have potlucks once a month, but no tractor pulls...that must be the difference between city church and country church.

    Marcie, having a raised tub does save the back, LOTS. Glad you found this new way of keeping Cisco clean. I hope he enjoyed it and it's easy to get him there whenever he gets smelly. Does he splash a lot? Or, does he treat it like a spa...ohhh and ahhh in the warm soak.

    John and I are reorganizing the garage again. I'm trying desperately to get the tools in order and labeled and maybe they will stay that way. Tools that are alike or even similar will be together. And, I will know where everything is. I hate sticking labels right on the tool box drawers, but if I make a diagram and label where things should go, maybe that will be enough. Otherwise, next step is to actually stick a label on each drawer of the Snap-on tool boxes. I put labels on the smaller tool boxes, but I don't want to ruin the big expensive ones.

    I hear John already, like I said before, I've been sleeping later and he's getting up earlier, and I've run out of "me" time.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi everyone, sorry I'm so late this week. It's been a very crazy hectic week. I worked again this Saturday. More contracts stacked up and had to get them out. Then Trader Joe's. The BBQ that was postponed was this Saturday so I had to make brownies to bring when I got home. Dan didn't want to go and so he didn't want me to go because "it made him look bad" so we had quite a tussle about it. I went without him but of course was out of sorts when I got there because of our disagreement. I don't have a very good poker face so the gals knew I was upset. Dan and I had more conversation when I got home and kinda sorta got things resolved. We both apologized and agreed to work on it.

    I cleaned out my closet this weekend of the last remaining "I might fit into that again someday" clothes and bagged them all up. 2 large bags full. I hadn't even worn many of them! Our church is collecting clothing for a neighborhood outreach but I have a gal at work that needs some stuff so I am going to bring them to her to go thru first.

    Like everyone else has been saying I read everyone's comments but won't take a lot of time commenting individually this time except for a few.

    Jannie, the kitchen looks great! Well worth waiting for!

    Sheryl, so sorry things are getting tougher with John. I agree the best therapy is with friends and family (which of course includes us!). :)

    Anew, the food program is really working well for you! Look forward to further updates. Was blessed by your story of God's protection. He is so gracious.

    Carla, I too am curious about your senior garden? We have a couple that are within walking distance from me but I just don't have the time nor the inclination right now.

    Debora, you are busy as always. Loved your stories. Especially about the John Deeres. I kinda felt like you this weekend - it was that busy! :)

    Marcie, so sorry to hear about your tooth. I can relate. Good idea to call them on Monday to see if they can get you in any sooner.

    OK, I'm off to bed. Take care everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I have an eye doctor's appointment today, and then, will do some grocery shopping. We've been eating from the freezer for several days, it will be good to get fresh food in the fridge again. Although, I did get the freezer clean out a bit. There was some food in there that was over a year old. Either time to eat it or time to throw it out. Just in time for the trash pick-up tomorrow.

    We're having gorgeous weather right now, couldn't ask for a more beautiful fall day. It's so good for John to be outside, but with winter coming, I have to plan on indoor things to keep him occupied.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. It's raining this morning, what a surprise, I wasn't expecting rain until the weekend. I have to go out for blood work today and I hate getting in and out of the car in the rain, but I'm committed for the appointment, I may skip stopping for groceries.

    I got my new glasses ordered. My contact lenses remain the same, no change. The main reason I'm getting new glasses is because they are so scratched, very slight change in prescription. Doctor said that my eyes are very good for my age, and especially since the breast cancer. She told me that breast cancer is known to effect the retina.

    On my way home, I stopped at McDonalds...been many years, but I had a coupon and got a "meal deal" really cheap. 2 Big Macs, 2 fries and 2 drinks. It was not as good as I remember, I used to love Big Macs. I got John a Coke and I got a root beer. I hadn't had a root beer in many years also, I don't care for carbonated drinks but it was good. I think that will do me for McDonalds for many years to come. I do like to use the coupons I get for whoppers at Burger King, but will wait until after Halloween now. I saw a tv ad that they did something to their buns for the holiday and they are black. Eewwww, looked awful.

    I'll stick to grabbing a subway sandwich when I want a quick meal to take home to John. After shopping and buying good, fresh food, I get home and want to eat NOW and don't want to cook.

    I thought I had John talked into going with me today, a quick blood draw and then we could drive and do something fun together, but now, with the rain, I bet he won't go. We are invited to my cousins' house on Sunday for dinner and a visit. She's the cousin who lives in Portland and came to visit, brought food and cleaned my house when I was sick last year, before I got the caregiver. I hope John will go with me and doesn't back out at the last minute. We'll see.

    In preparation for going out, I will talk John into a haircut and a beard trim, he's looking shaggy again.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Been working here at home this morning - just plugging away. I just talked with Lindsey and learned I won't have kids overnight on Saturday. Nice in some ways and not in others. I still might babysit during the day. She's trying to figure that out.

    It's been a good week. I worked in the nursery during out church service but we only had one child so we were able to listen to the message. Then we went to the Community Service. Sang a lot of hymns and the message was good and you know potlucks are good - decided not to log and just enjoy although I don't feel I overate. Our family ended up eating somewhat together and I got to hold Maggie for awhile. Afterwards I helped with the clean-up while Ralph went out to watch the tractor pull. He really enjoyed what he saw but we left at 3 to go to the 70th wedding anniversary celebration and that was fun too. Still it was nice to get home and stay for the evening.

    Monday other than walking I got to be at home and I felt good about what I got done. Then came Tuesday and I went with Ralph to his appointment. After they said all they had to do, I left to run the errands. We stopped at Burger King on the way home (Sheryl, I still enjoy fast food but like the smaller sandwiches but that's not necessarily good. Not having to cook is nice). Ralph had his eyes dialated so I got to drive. I got home, gathered the rest together for Good News Club and headed off. Club went well. I haven't done a final head count but will now need to get the attendance and verse charts made. I had two kids to take home and I went in to see their baby and then we got to spend the evening at home. Our electricity is still acting up and Alan hasn't checked out what he said he would (I know he's busy but..) so we called the electrician this morning and he'll come when he can (hopefully we'll be home then).

    I walked and then have been working at home. Later I'll head for Lori's. I still don't know if they plan to take two cars or leave Maggie with me too.

    Marcie, thanks. I tried clicking on the pictures which didn't work but clicking on the stuff beside them did.

    Jannie, your kitchen is beautiful. You'll enjoy your time in it and it's nice that you can see into another room too.

    Sheryl, have fun with the garage reorganization. Sounds like a big job. Labels should help.

    Isabel, I chuckled at Dan not wanting you to go. We have those times here. Glad you talked it out and are moving on. Great job on the closet.

    Sheryl, yay on working on things in the freezer. I keep trying. I have things way older than a year I think but still plan to use it. Goal is to get and keep things more current but I'm slow. Here you got your glasses ordered and I still have made the appointment. It's on the list. :) Rainy days are not fun to get out in. Hope John will go with you Sunday after he gets that haircut and shave.

    Off to do a bit more and then will do tomorrow's list since it's usually close to 10 when I get home. Have a good one ladies.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    Been a long week of taking way too much Tylenol for that bad tooth. I went to the Endodontist after work yesterday and he confirmed there's a bad infection and that the tooth needs to be pulled. He put me on antibiotics, gave me a prescription of Vicodin, and called my regular dentist to set up the appt to have the tooth pulled. Apparently my regular dentist has an oral surgeon come in once a month for tooth pulling and she will be in the office tomorrow, so I'll go in tomorrow afternoon to have that tooth pulled. I was surprised by the appt on a Saturday.

    While the Endodontist was looking over my xray, he noticed a problem with another tooth. Apparently the is significant bone loss. He did a 3-d digital scan and is going to call me with his recommendation. The tooth isn't bothering me at all, so I'm not sure what I will do, but will listen to his recommendation. I swear, if it's not one thing, it's another. I figured he would charge me for the scan, but he didn't.

    I'm glad I had to go to work today. As I was leaving I noticed our neighbor across the street was cranking up his big bbq to cook a whole pig. He does this once a year and it stinks up the neighbor something awful. Dad was grumbling about it when he got back from walking Cisco this morning. He's going to have to leave the windows closed in the house.

    Better get back to work. You all have a great weekend.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello everyone, it's been a while I know. I will have to go back and do some reading but for now I will update on what I am doing.

    After we took the RV for inspection it took about 2 hours to get it into the backyard because we live on a culdesac and our yard is angled. To miss the fire hydrant and water cleanout at the front of the yard and then to also miss the garage you have to go in at an angle. The leveling jack on the back of the RV kept hitting the concrete driveway so my husband finally decided to remove the leveling jacks. Then to miss the garage you have to kind of straighten out the 39' RV but that puts it at the wrong angle to put in the back yard, lol. This meant a whole lot of standing for me and with the added standing for the next night with the car trailer it made my feet and legs hurt really bad. Headaches came back and I couldn't get comfortable at all. I finally can sit in the chair without throbbing in my legs and feet so I am here posting. My vertigo got me real good last night too. My husband was going to bed and I laid down to talk to him a bit and when I stood up I was spinning. I had it so bad I actually vomited three times. I sure am glad my food had already been digested, lol. It still hurt though and I was still dizzy when I went to bed at 6:00 am. Feeling better now.

    I have been using my Gathered Table menu for the last week and I was sure happy that two of those meals were for items that I already had cooked and frozen in the freezer. This made not having to stand on my feet too long much better and made me much happier.

    I have just done another menu for next week which begins on Sunday. I will shop tomorrow for everything but I am finding some things I don't like about the grocery list the program creates. For instance, I need about 10 cloves of garlic for this week but the list tells me to buy 2 ounces of garlic. I find that to be a problem because one recipe might call for two garlic cloves and another might call for 5 so buying ounces of garlic is not user friendly in my mind. I find this happens with other things like dairy and salad dressing. I have salad on the menu with 2 tbsp of salad dressing per meal (one tbsp for me and 1 for my husband) but the program says I need to buy an entire 16 ounce bottle of salad dressing and it is even named wrong. There are definitely some things that need to change regarding the program but if they work on it and make it more user friendly I might stay with it.

    There is a drop down beside each item on the grocery list and when you click it you can see what recipe the item goes to but I find the list to be to inaccurate to work for me. For instance, I have chicken on the menu and I need 2 pounds but the grocery list says I need to buy 2 whole fryer chickens. I clicked on the drop down menu and the only choices are not in pound except say, chicken legs. They definitely need to make some changes so this program is more user friendly and I will continue to contact my person there and point out the things I see that are wrong with the program.

    I hope everyone is having a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi everyone. Didn't have to work today. Contracts are somewhat caught up until my signer gets back into the office on Monday. Then I will have a big stack that need to be sent out again. The free library concert is today. We will leave at 1:30pm. It should be a really good one with a 5 member bluegrass band. Love that stuff! Hopefully Dan will want to go out to eat afterward but if not, I'm prepared with a prepackaged meal I got at Costco. It is beef tips with carrots and potatoes and was on sale for $8.99. The annoying thing about this meal is that I didn't read the label carefully enough and the calories and fat that sounded reasonable at first glance turned out to be for a serving size of one 8th of the package! There is no way that package serves 8! 4 people at the most and that is stretching it. Oh well, we'll enjoy it and move on...

    We had a kinda crazy situation today. Dan hired a landscaper that we have used before to complete the project he has been working on because it is not coming out the way he wants it to. Well, the landscaper tried to call Dan's cell today but it had been disconnected! We called Verizon to find out what the heck and were told that the credit card that we are using for the autopay has been declined. :s We gave Verizon a different card then called the back to find out what the heck. We were told there was some suspicious activity on the card so they blocked the card and cancelled it. :s There was indeed a couple of attempted charges on the card that we did not make. Fortunately the bank declined them and that is why they cancelled the card. This all happened with little to no prior notification to us. Verizon claims they texted Dan that his account would be closed if other payment arrangements were not made but he did not receive a text. Then the bank claims that they called our home number to notify us that there was suspicious activity but it was a recorded call and with so many robocalls Dan probably deleted it before he even listened to it. It was quite the morning but it seems to all be straightened out now and the bank is sending replacement cards. We only use this card for internet purchases and for Dan's cell phone so it is pretty limited as to where the card number was stolen from. Grrrr!!! :s

    Debora, sounds like you've had a really nice week. Lots of fun activities and fellowship.

    Marcie, sorry to hear about the tooth having to be pulled. Hope you're not in too much pain today. As far as the other tooth showing bone loss my endodontist just explained to me that this usually is caused by infection and that once the infection is removed the bone should start to grow back. He is having me come back in 6 months at no extra charge to make sure that the bone around the roots of my tooth starts to grow back. It will be interesting to see what your guy says.

    Sheryl, hope John goes with you to visit your cousin. It should be a nice time. It is funny that you mention McDonalds and Burger King. I haven't been to any of those places in many many years but I have had the urge to go to maybe Burger King or In and Out burger or some such one of these days soon. We'll see...

    Anew, sounds like some odd glitches in your food program. Hopefully your contact person there can fix these issues for you. Hope your legs and feet feel better and that the vertigo has gotten better. My friend Jami gets really bad vertigo and can be laid up for a day or more when she gets an attack.

    Well, I'd better go and get ready for the concert. Dan said he definitely wants to go out to eat. YAY!! :p
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hi All! I've had a painful week--got a steroid shot on Monday and since Thursday/Friday have been in immense pain and almost unable to walk :( My hip and thigh have been cramping up and I get lots of these sharp knife like pain! I thought I might have a septic hip (requiring hospitalization and lots of antibiotics) but the orthopedic RN thinks they hit a nerve doing the shot and it's plumping up and causing all the pain. The shot was very painful so I'm hoping that is what happened and it will get better soon. I do feel so much better this evening, I slept most of last evening and this morning.

    The kitchen is done except for a couple of small things :) I ordered switch plate covers and am waiting for them to come in. Also, my exhaust fan (original to the house) decided it was exhausted and isn't working. The really weird thing is that a switch in the living room is also not working even though they are not close to each other they work in unison. Poor Joe spent a lot of time trying to fix it but will have to back feed it the next time he comes. He took all his supplies which tells me we are done!!!! I will post a pic tomorrow showing the stools that I bought :)

    Marcie--so sorry to hear about your tooth. I'm glad that you got pain meds, my doc doesn't like to give them out so I am just toughing it out. Hope you feel better soon as the antibiotic kicks in!

    Anew==sorry to hear about your vertigo and leg pains. Hope resting makes you feel better! Hope the recipes turn out ok either way :)

    Ivanek--I hate to hear that anyone has credit card trouble. Hopefully canceling the card will be all that is needed. I will be looking forward to seeing pics of the landscaping!

    Aero-- hope the electricity isn't weird like mine! I think electricity is 'magic' and really don't understand something so simple turns into something big :neutral:

    Take care all and hoping tomorrow is a better day for all of us! :)