Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi everyone, I'm back for a longer stay now, lol. The rain has been coming down in spurts and some are much heavier than others. Unfortunately there is flooding everywhere in Texas and Oklahoma with the storm heading east. I don't think I mentioned that hubby texted me yesterday while he was at work and said he was thinking about going to Lowe's to pick up the things we needed to put rain gutters on the back of the house. The patio area floods in 2" of rain and we were expecting 10" over about 4 days. I am so glad he finally decided it was needed back there, I was always freaking out when I saw the water about ready to flood our house. I researched the best there was and decided to go to Lowe's myself and get everything we needed. 40 feet of rain gutter needed to be put on and he wouldn't be home before 4:00 and the heavy rains were supposed to begin at 6:00. He was pleased with my shopping trip and the quality I got. Yay! :smiley:

    I also purchased rain boots and suits just in case we needed them but thankfully we didn't. We also decided for the sake of time to just put up the rain gutters and run it longer than the house so it could direct the water out without needing the downspouts right away. We'll put those on after the rains stop but for now it is helping tremendously and we can see the one south end has to be directed around the house because it's just draining from the grass back onto the patio at a much slower pace than off the roof though. It is still much better than before so I'll take it for now.

    We finished just in time for the rains to start at 6:00 last night too. It's amazing how much water comes off our roof at three different directions onto the patio area. We wanted to have seamless gutters put on because they look much nicer than the metal ones with seams in them and of course they do all the work. We don't have the money since the cost is about three times the regular metal rain gutters and we have other areas of the house we want to install them.

    I figure if we aren't happy with the metal ones we just put up we can always go the other route down the road, now we are bleeding in the pocket book but at least the house isn't flooded. My body was killing me from what little I did after grocery shopping earlier in the morning and walking again on concrete at Lowe's. I wish I could do more to help him out around here but my back hurt so bad I couldn't move very easy and I couldn't walk from my feet today. We decided to go out for fast food last night because I hurt too much for cooking, it was the worst food ever. Yuck! I can't stand fast food but we couldn't go far with the rains coming in.

    The weekend plan was to begin installing the new laminate but that was put off for the rain gutter installation. This morning he decided to work on the laminate and put it away because he thought he was making too much noise and would wake me up. I didn't hear anything so I told him next time just do what he needed to do, if I wake up it would be alright. I can sleep later and he only has so much time on the weekend. There are four pieces installed in the hallway for now (lots of corners to cut because there are four doorways) and from what I can tell I do like the color of it. The cheap laminate we have in the living room looks cheap but the new cheap laminate we are laying doesn't look cheap and it feels much smoother than the living room stuff that was put in before we rented the house.

    At one time I had wished they put it all over the house because the carpet was so bad but as time has gone by I am happy that wasn't the case. Every step we take can be heard on the living room floor and it sounds hollow and plastic like and I can feel every joint in it. I can't wait to get that replaced when we can afford to do it. For now my husband removed the plastic transition piece that was between the hall carpeting and the living room laminate so he could join the new stuff to the old. We have some extras of the old stuff that was in the house which comes in handy because he had to remove the board connected to the transition because they cut away the click snap side of it to install with the transition. The old laminate is a teeny bit shorter than the new stuff so he shaved off a teeny bit of the new piece on the join side to join them together. Now the transition piece which hurt my feet if I accidentally stepped on it is gone which makes walking into the hallway and to the bathroom much easier on my feet. Although I will have to remember a new transition piece will have to go in between the hallway and the bathroom as well as the craft room until we can do laminate in those rooms. The other room won't have a transition so I am grateful for that.

    Gathered Table has definitely been helpful but I am not happy that I have to wait until midday on Friday to get my new week menu time available for planning. I had already done some planning on my notes section in my phone because of items I have in stock here and had to shop yesterday (Friday) because of the rain today (Saturday) which made the Gathered Table week not useful for planning, I usually shop on Saturday. They really need to fix that because I don't like being constrained to that time and waiting on them especially because I am often up at night and unable to sleep. That's a perfect time to plan my menu and my weekly ad comes out on Wednesday.

    Sannferris-It's good you can talk to your mom more often and I'm glad to hear the house paperwork is done and off your plates. I love fireplaces but can't breathe with the smoke and I get a headache as well. It sure is pretty to watch in the dark though. On the painting of the can what I meant to say was paint it glow in the dark yellow and wait until night time to shine a light on it. I am pretty sure you got that though, lol.

    Jlhawki-How are you feeling today? I hope things are looking up for you.

    Mygnsac-I hope Cisco got his walk in. Do you get a discount on your car insurance because of the defensive driving course? Out here we get 10% discount for it. A pot roast sounds great and you didn't want a shot there. I have always believed if I am not welcome somewhere I won't get 100% attention so I am glad you decided to go to your usual place for a shot.

    Iyvanek-You had a great shopping trip and I am not surprised about long lines for free pizza, you should see the long lines and people pitching tents to camp out overnight when some new place opens. I just get a good laugh out of that one and it's so strange to watch the human race, lol. I'm concerned for the little villages along the Mexico coast where they said the hurricane's eye hit. Those people don't have the better built housing and businesses and many people couldn't get out of there.

    Free trash day around here is to get those people who trash up their yards with so much garbage it looks like a dump. I was so let down when I moved out here and saw so much trash and dead cars in peoples acreage. Dilapidated and run down mobile homes and RV's dot the landscape out here in the county areas. It seems you can do anything you want if you are in the county but the city's are good about getting people to clean up better. I have never seen so much uncaring for ones home until I moved here. I think I was spoiled in California and I'm happy my neighborhood here is a good one, of course I don't think the city would let it get bad here. I do agree the dump isn't cheap in California because we paid fees at least twice per year out there but we also shared it with the neighbors if we had space available on the trailer we were taking. That helped the pocketbook. I love clean sheet night too! :smiley: LOL!

    Arobed53-I have been researching new stoves as well because mine has been having some problems. We have replaced some parts because it's only 10 years old and we bought it used as well but now it's not keeping temp or even getting to the right temps anymore. I think buying new would be about the same cost for the parts we need to buy and I found one at Lowe's I want to get. I also do not want anything except electric coil and I want self cleaning which means the bottom coil has to be seen because the new stoves with the hidden lower coils only use steam to clean. I have read too many complaints that when you use the self clean on those it causes the heat sensor to go out because it gets too hot because it's buried inside. Also the steam doesn't clean properly and they find themselves bending down to clean the oven anyway. I can't bend down to do that so it's out. Until I can afford to spend more than $1500 dollars for a slide in knobs in front electric coil stove the one below is what I will get when I absolutely have to have a new stove. Or, If I can ever afford one of those magnetic stoves I'd take that in a heartbeat. They say those are like cooking on gas because they respond just like gas does. My only fright would be dropping a pan on it and breaking it, I am real positive it would happen because I always drop things.

    I found this stove from Lowe's reasonably priced, self cleaning with open lower element, a good sized window, a 5.3 cubic foot inside baking chamber with storage drawer below. This is the best one I could find and saw it at Lowe's personally, so I am offering my final choice on all my research if you are interested in it. I did just read a review that says the oven turns itself off after the timer finishes out. If that is the case I would see how I could stop that from happening since I might want to continue baking something after the timer goes out. I know my current GE has a 12 hour timer and shuts off if I am doing a low and slow pork roast for pulled pork and have only done one of those with the discovery that the oven shut off on me but I was able to turn it back on within an hour of that discovery and saved my roast.


    Mygnsac-Oh poor little Cisco he would have been so happy to have just one piece of meat, lol. Our dog loved to beg for it too but we don't eat many roasts so you have me now thinking about getting one. I don't have a big enough crockpot for it though and I tend to do poorly when cooking one in the oven so I will probably just pass on it. Your comparison of yours and Cisco's visions are pretty funny. How long do hard boiled eggs last in the refrigerator? Do you peel them first or as you use them? That tip on cleaning the garbage disposal sounds good I've always used baking soda and vinegar but I might try that one too.

    Well, I think you are all pretty tired from reading so much so I will close this one. I hope you all have a great rest of the weekend.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    The vinegar lemon ice cubes worked great. I put a couple in the garbage disposal and it smells soooo good! I put the rest of the cubes in a freezer ziplock and will start putting a cube or two down the garbage disposal each night. That's one large lemon for 18 cubes.

    Well, so far I've finished the laundry, made a pot of lentils, made egg salad, made oatmeal pumpkin protein bars (waiting for them to cool down so I can wrap up each bar), hard boiled and peeled a dozen eggs, and browned the pot roast. All I've got left to do now is throw the roast, broth, and veggies in the crockpot before I go to bed in a few hours. It should be done by the time I get up tomorrow. Dad will wake up to a yummy smelling house!

    Here's Cisco, irritated because I'm not paying any attention to him while I'm working in the kitchen. ;) He wants to go to bed, but won't do it until I stop moving around.


    Anew, glad you were able to get those rain gutters up. Gosh I wished some of that rain would pay us a visit! Our rain gutters work really well. We have drains on each corner of the house. My dad used to clean out the gutters every season, but now we have the gardeners or the handyman we occassional hire do it. Dad doesn't need to be doing roof work anymore. I used to boil the eggs and then peel them as we ate them throughout the week, but earlier this year I read somewhere that they can be peeled all at once and then store for up to a week. Been doing that ever since and it has worked out well.

    I'll stop blabbering on now. Night everyone.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hello all! Thank you all for your concern and good healing vibes! My hip is improving and the pain area seems to be getting smaller each day! :) It was the entire groin area and is now basically just at the top hip area (if that makes sense). Trying to remember to take my Tylenol every 6 hours but don't always remember. I am trying to use my new cane more but still feel that the walker is better for right now, Since I know I'm off for 2 more weeks, I don't feel any 'get back to work' pressure and I really think that has helped too! I'm going to try to go to water aerobics tomorrow but am only going to walk in the water, not do any jumping or repetitive movements. Wish me luck!

    Carla-- what is that on your profile pic? At first I thought it was a Halloween pic and then I really looked at it and is it some type of vegetable?

    Ivanek--never heard of beet greens! I am always amazed at how many things I learn here :) Hope all is well at your house!

    Marcie--Cisco is cute even when he's mad! Kringle turned 7 yesterday which seems impossible. We've had her since she was 6 weeks old :) You have been a total busy beaver and I'm just proud that I made it to church!

    Anew-- Glad that the rain wasn't as bad as you expected! The gutters sure can make a big difference-- I had to reroute mine at my old house and once I did, I never had water in the basement again. I bought a slide in gas range from a local appliance place--it's a Whirlpool and has the steam cleaning but I haven't tried it yet. I was interested to hear the stuff about self cleaning with the steam. I will let you know what I think once I try it :)

    Aero-- The doctors want me to take 2000mg of Vitamin D and 1500mg of Glucosamine/Condroitin in addition to my regular arthritis medicine. Never heard of gelatin but if it would work, I'd try it. I know for sure that I will never get another shot in that hip. Most people have no troubles with steroid shots but I have had such a bad reaction that I would really have to think about getting one somewhere besides my hip. (my hips say 'NO NO') :) I think we are going to have burgers tonight too. The boys are Halloween camping and are usually exhausted so it may be just get something you want and I won't make anything! Doesn't hurt my feelings a bit ;)

    Sheryl--so glad to hear that you got to go out with the girls! You need that and I know that with the year you have, a stress reliever every couple of months is a must :) Hope the weather stays ok, it's cold and blustery here but no rain yet! Halloween and the beginning of Nov seems to always be rainy and gloomy. Since I'm not going to work, maybe I can sleep in :)

    Take care and I will talk to you all soon! Any Granny updates? :)
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    The pot roast turned out sooooo good! Made a really yummy gravy with the juice too.


    Jannie, that's great that you don't have to go back to work right away!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2015
    good afternoon, Oh, I'm drooling...all over myself. That photo right above me looks sooooooo good.

    Just a quickie, John is watching football again, but it doesn't keep his attention for very long.

    Anew, in regards to your dilemma about meal planning, I would prepare the same meals two weeks in a row and then the subsequent menus will be a week in advance. Is that something that you could do? Then you'd have a whole week to fit your shopping in and maybe get better deals.
    The links you put in for a "tracker" sound appealing for when John becomes a wanderer. Stereotypically, dementia patients do wander off and I know John's mom and aunt both did that, so it's probably a matter of time for John. I have only lost him twice in the last four years and both times, he walked around to the development behind us. Usually, he stays on our property and heads out to the pasture. I am so thankful and very fortunate that he has no desire to drive anymore and won't take off in the car or truck.

    Good luck to all of you looking for a new oven. I think my oven is ready to poop out too. It's the original appliance that they put in the mobile when they set it up in 1986. I had to replace the refrigerator in 1996 and the dish washer about 2000. I bought the washer and dryer used when we moved here in 1992, so I have no idea how old they really are, but they both are still working like a charm, Whirlpool.
    I am hooked on the Great British Baking Show and covet the ovens they have on there. Although, I would like the oven up to a level that's easier to get in and out of, not down on the floor. But, the part I am in love with is that the door opens and then slides in, out of the way. Looks very convenient.

    Well, like I figured, John is walking around, looking for something to do. It's raining outside or I'm sure that he'd be out the door by now.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello everyone, I got some sleep today and my ice packs on my feet really helped last night. I keep getting phone calls from an 877 number and it says on it "United States" but they don't leave a message. It has been constant over the past month or so and I'd block them if my phone had that feature. I don't add extra apps to my phone so that's out, lol. Either way they called three times today and woke me up each time. I finally answered it ready to scream and yell at them (I didn't) for being so rude and the person was not very understandable. I asked again what they needed and was asked the name of someone I know and told them there isn't a person with that name here, I then checked the number and it's a collection agency.

    How they got my Voip number I don't know, it's not a listed number. I have the phone set to ring at the house and then to ring over to my cell phone if I don't answer at the house. I do this because and elderly friend gets so confused about what number she is calling that I decided to make it easier on her since she won't let me delete one of my numbers in her phone. Anyway, I am not happy about a collection agency calling me looking for someone I know. This is about that "no privacy" issue for me and as far as I am concerned I am not a go between for someone who owes money to someone else and it makes me mad they won't leave a darn message. Just keep calling and calling with no identification of who they are.

    Jlhawki-I'd do a search on hidden oven elements and the damage caused by self cleaning, Aqua lift(the worst offender of not cleaning well), steam cleaning without Aqua Lift seems to work better and acidic juices damage to the bottom porcelain on the ovens. Lining the oven bottom with foil causes the foil to fuse to the bottom causing damage. Because I don't know your brand or any of it's offerings I can't do a search but I think it would be better for you to do that. Also search the hidden element self cleaning damage the ovens are causing with high dollar repairs. Good luck but I would recommend you not do a self clean on your oven before the holidays just in case you have a problem with it. At least you would then have a working oven for the holidays. I'm not trying to scare you I am just informing you on what I have been reading which has led me to avoid that kind of oven altogether. This is only once article written regarding the problems people are having with their new ovens and hidden elements but there are numerous threads out there.


    My ideal oven would be a gas top and electric oven combo. I love a gas cooktop but not the gas ovens, lol.

    Sannferris-I am sure glad to hear John hasn't been lost too often. I have a friend who got lost numerous times before they put some sort of tracker on her. Her family moved and I haven't seen her in years so I can't ask about what they used with her. If you want to get any of those trackers we should do it soon because the campaign only offers so many sets and it ends within about 1 month. If all the offers we are interested in sell out we won't get the freebies.

    I love those ovens on the show too, they do look much easier to use and this link is information on that oven, lol. I don't have time to read it right now but I know it's about that particular oven but I guess it's called Slide and Hide.


    Here's a product page with a price. It's from the UK so it's probably different electrically too.

    Thanks for the help on meal planning. My problem is that I don't cook anything more than once or twice a month except turkey chili which I cook at least each week or two. I thought I wanted a taco once per week (having those tonight) but that hasn't happened so I guess I really like variety. I use the ad that comes out on Wednesday to plan my meals from so it gives me a great variety and I try new recipes at least once per week too. If I see something I want to try in the ad I will research for a recipe that sounds good and run it by by husband. It's a go if we both agree we want to try it, sometimes it isn't what we thought it would be, lol.

    The Gathered Table menu planner gives you a shopping list but it doesn't tell you how much of a particular ingredient you need for the week. So if I need only 1/2 cup of butter total in recipes all week it tells me I need to buy 1 pound of butter and I might already have 1 pound of butter in the refrigerator so wouldn't need to buy the butter. The only way I can see how much I need of butter is to click on the 1 pound of butter in the shopping list and it tells me which recipes and how much butter I need. That doesn't show on the shopping list and it is the case with all ingredients, all of them are much more than I need so it isn't helpful in that way. I have let them know about that dilemna so I hope it will be fixed in the future because my entire menu once required only 1 pound of chicken and it told me I needed two entirely whole chickens, that's a lot of chicken, lol.

    I also purchase things on sale to pop in the freezer for later meals if the deal is good enough and anything I keep on hand like crushed tomatoes or black beans so I can plan meals according to what I have in stock. I just remove it from the online shopping list instead of adding it to the online pantry list because the pantry on the site doesn't count down when I use something from it that week. That's two pantries I have to keep track of then, the virtual one and the real live one in my kitchen so I just avoid using the pantry on the site. I think I like the site because I can make the menu and I have the recipes I need for that week available in just one click so it makes it easy to find the recipe instead of searching my database on my tablet. It's been great adding all my recipes to the site which makes it easy to keep planning my menu. I have definitely thought about keeping it for a few months and then printing all the weekly menu's then adding a copy of the recipe to them as well. This would be great to build a recipe manual and I always go back and make a note on the recipe on changes I need to make the next time or how well we liked it and want to have it again. I delete the recipe all together if we don't like it.

    I'm going to get off here and get to making some taco seasoning up for the recipe tonight. I make about four recipes worth and store it in a mason jar with the printed recipe attached with a rubber band. It works great and easy to find the recipe when I need more.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Anew, thank you for mentioning Lowe's. I would be happy to have you share your research - we don't do a lot of that - but doubt everyone else wants to read it so you can send it to my email (claassen@juno.com) if you wish. I hope we can go look there tomorrow but we'll have chicks with us so I don't know if it will work - might depend on how warm it is. Maybe I should tell Ralph I'll make some raisin bread as soon as we get one. He baked whole wheat bread in the one we have have it was put in our first home (before we were married so he was trying it out on his own).
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    arobed53 wrote: »
    Anew, thank you for mentioning Lowe's. I would be happy to have you share your research - we don't do a lot of that - but doubt everyone else wants to read it so you can send it to my email (claassen@juno.com) if you wish. I hope we can go look there tomorrow but we'll have chicks with us so I don't know if it will work - might depend on how warm it is. Maybe I should tell Ralph I'll make some raisin bread as soon as we get one. He baked whole wheat bread in the one we have have it was put in our first home (before we were married so he was trying it out on his own).

    Your welcome but that is my research, lol. I just know what I found that would be the best for me regarding reviews, size and the upgrades for a stove with electric coils on it. I didn't write anything down I have just read and read and read until my eyes and brain about stopped functioning. I've been looking at stove information for at least 1 year or more, lol. My Lowe's has the stove on the floor, your Lowe's might not, so I would call them before you go. I would just do a search for what you want and see what the reviews bring you. Make sure you look at the bad reviews just as you do the good reviews because that is where you will find if a product has a specific issue you might not care for. Sometimes I read reviews and wonder what the person was thinking because sometimes I think people want a miracle or something. Sometimes they review that something didn't work out because they did this or that, and clearly the this or that was the problem. I take some reviews with a grain of salt but those reviews showing a real issue are the one making the decision easier for me. Good luck on your hunt.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi everyone, wow, all this talk about stove hunting. Look forward to hearing what you both end up with. I have heard that Lowes is a good place to get appliances.

    Jannie, glad the pain is easing up. Beet greens are the leafy tops of the beets when you buy them in a bunch instead of loose beets. They are delicious and can be as healthy or healthier than the beets themselves.

    Marcie, I sometimes put the beet greens in my shake too. Once in a great while I'll add some to a salad also. But I make a pot of greens every week (kinda like your pot of something) and usually put chard and kale together and sauté them with herbs and lite salt. I bring the cooked greens to work and eat them during the week with my lunches. I never tire of them. When I have beet greens I add them to the sauté pot. So delicious!

    Man oh man, that pot roast looks SO good! I will have to make one sometime soon.

    The movie Tomorrowland was very enjoyable. At least Dan and I really liked it. My friend Jami thought it was a bit slow in some places.

    Well, gotta go. Have a great week everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Meal worked out great time-wise. I had the grandkids help put stuff on and they liked that. Katie (who's ulcerative colitis is acting up big-time brought her greek yogurt to eat (like 1 cup). No wonder she's weak. She does have an appointment with a doctor the first past of November. We got the dishes taken care of, everyone else left and then I went to a women's thing at church - good speaker, fun at our table and good fall refreshments - focus on apples. Got home about 6 to find Ralph digging out black walnuts that my sister gave him. She was cracking some. I did my list, some walking, Lori's laundry (Jim did figure out the problem with the dryer this afternoon so that will end).

    Tomorrow is at home except for taking chicks to Paige's class. So my list is made and we'll see how much I can get done.

    Marcie, that makes sense on the defensive driving - and they do let you do it on work time too. I bet Cisco did give you eye. Your meal looks scrumptious. I serve the juice but am not great with gravy but I sure like how yours looks. So how long did you work on the weekly cooking since you started so late. Neat idea for the disposal. Cisco takes such good pictures.

    Anew, cool on getting gutters on - that's one thing I've never liked not having and DH doesn't think it would help anything - so..... Glad you like the laminate. I think you should be able to access the next week's stuff earlier too. Be nice if it was open ended, but Wednesday would be good when the sales come out. Sorry you kept getting woken up. Glad the ice packs are being a help.

    Thanks for the info on the store. We'll go look at what we can and then can go back to online. I did read some reviews. There were certainly more positive than negative on that one. I don't have to have self-clean but if I can get it for the same price as without, I'd take it. I'd just like to get it done with but Ralph doesn't push as hard as he used to so I'm trying to be patient.

    Jannie, I'm glad you have more time off work and that it's getting better. Hopefully, your boys are helpful when they are around.

    Sheryl, I like the Baking Show too - that's is cool on the ovens. Never any guarantees on how long appliances will last. I just always hope it's a long time. Soon I won't have anything harvest gold - :)

    Think I'll head for bed now. Better remember to set the alarm since I walk in the morning.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Arobed53-Would $45.00 savings get him to get pushing? Do you get a discount from Lowe's like military? Because you can get the additional 10% on top of the sale price of 10% off so that would be just over $40 more for at least a total of $85.00 savings from regular price. That sales been going a few weeks so I don't know when it ends.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Arobed-I sent you an email
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sannferris-Here is another link to a key finder and it's a set of two for $34.95 with sound and a light.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Anew, after reading all the links you gave me, this last one seems reasonable and best. The others all need a cell phone or some kind of mobile device to activate them and I don't have that. The Keyringer uses another keyringer to activate and that sounds like I can handle that. Thanks for the info.

    Had quite a few little "storm spurts" yesterday, but not as much as was forecast. It's nice that we have breaks in the rain throughout the day, not a steady deluge. Still wet out this morning, but should dry later in the day and be sunny and warm for tomorrow. I think I'll put off my errands until tomorrow. I have a coupon for $10.00 off at Staples, that expires the end of the month, and I need file folders and a couple other small office supplies. I also have a coupon, that came in the local mailer, for the Prairie Bar and Grill down the road, buy one meal and get a second for 1/2 price. Maybe John will go with me tomorrow and we can go out to lunch.

    We got the firewood brought in on Saturday, but with the cloud cover (insulation) it wasn't cold enough yesterday to use the woodstove. It's those clear nights and mornings that are soooooo COLD. It's coming soon and we're ready.

    Most of the big projects on my list, that I thought "this is the summer to get these done", have not gotten done. Too many trips to California and lots of family stuff took over. But, two things that I still think I can get done, because I'm going to hire them done, are on my list today to make phone calls. One is replacing the garage doors. They are old wooden doors that are now weathered, water-logged and falling apart, time to get new metal or composite doors. And, the front deck is rotten and one day soon, someone is going to break through it and break a leg. Time to rebuild the deck, possibly also with composite material so it's maintenance free, if I can afford it. Got to price it out.

    My oncologist told me to get a flu shot and when I contacted my primary doctor and made the appointment (for next Friday) she asked if I also want the pneumonia shot. I have to call the oncologist to see if I should get that shot also. He told me to definitely NOT get the shingles shot because that's a live virus and my immune system is down due to treatment and medications. If I get that shot, it's guaranteed that I'd get shingles, don't want that.

    Guess that's it for now, need to refill my mug. Oh yes, need to email Granny and get the latest, I have been bad about staying in contact lately.
  • cjdigsindirt
    cjdigsindirt Posts: 23 Member
    I am so far behind keeping up with you.
    Jlhawki, my photo is of a abutilon flower that I made into a little doll. Have you seen the hollyhock flower dolls? That's what I based it on you can see them on my blog http://zoesfoodhaven.blogspot.com/2011/04/hollyhock-and-abutilon-dolls.html.
    I worked in the garden yesterday getting the compost rototilled in but I'm not going to plant until later in November. Tony needs to build a new fence around the garden and then we need to dig down and go for proof the edge with some mesh wire. I'll probably get it planted around the . Tony will be going to Virginia in November and stay a couple of weeks through Thanksgiving so I will be alone this Thanksgiving. Or I may invite a couple of friends over that are single and see if we can just have a feast together that will be fun. Well its 11:50 and I haven't taken my walk yet they better get busy with that get that out of the way and then I'm making black bean sweet potato chili today with quinoa!! ♥
  • cjdigsindirt
    cjdigsindirt Posts: 23 Member
    edited October 2015
    That should say gopher proof the edge of the garden. I'm using my microphone and sometimes it doesn't pick up what I'm saying correctly!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good afternoon everyone, I got some sleep and today was the first day I haven't been awakened by the phone ringing from harassment by that "United States" number. I guess he could tell I was quite annoyed by him and hopefully won't call me again, if he does I will bring it up to my friend. Thank goodness for all the overtime my husband has been working because it seems the pocketbook has to keep bleeding every time we turn around. The bearing in my trucks idler pulley is going out and the screech has become unbearable. We ordered the part last night and he can pick it up at Autozone after work. This one thank goodness is under $20.00, I don't know how much more our pocketbook can bleed this month. He says it will only take about an hour to install it. That's good I can go somewhere and not worry about breaking down now.

    Cjdigsindiert-I'd like to hear about your garden as the season comes along, my garden is a no go this year because we have had so many other things happening with our time. We will be able to get that last raised bed filled with all the compost we bought last year and get a good mix so I should be ready for a spring garden.

    Sanferris-I totally agree on that last key finder set. I was thinking the same thing about it being useful within itself so you could essentially have one on your key ring and one on the can if he loses it. I put that one on my wish list.

    I hope everyone has a great day today!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Awe, this video should put a smile on everyone's face. How sweet it is, a man nursed a baby deer back to health and returned her to mommy.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Awe, this video should put a smile on everyone's face. How sweet it is, a man nursed a baby deer back to health and returned her to mommy.


    LOVED that video! Thanks for sharing it with us Anew!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Me too! It's sure to lift anyone's spirits. :D