Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday was certainly "haunted" around here. After I posted, the weather really turned on us and we had a storm come through. I turned off all electronics and honkered down. Heard dripping and realized that rain water was coming in the house by way of the flange on the chimney for the woodstove. We cleaned up the mess and placed a pan to collect the future drips. Last night, the pan was 1/4 full, I emptied it and this morning it was still completely dry. I guess the wind was just perfect to push the rain in for a while, but then eased up.

    Glad that we don't have trick-or-treaters come down our street, I would not have opened the door with wind and rain like that.

    Today, it's gorgeous, sunny and drier.

    That's it for now, I'll check out the links and hopefully, come back later.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good afternoon everyone, today has been kind of slow for Sunday. Our breakfast tacos were great with scrambled eggs, the leftover pork, salsa, cheese and avocado, all wrapped up in a tortilla. Then I cooked up some chicken breasts to shred and pop in the freezer for meals later in the week and month. It was still too hot to handle so I went to bed and asked hubby to make sure to check it later for temp, and wake me up so I could take care of that. I woke up and he had already done it for me, and he saved the broth too, what a nice guy he is. He has been slowly getting the laminate laid in the hallway and bedroom but he is just so busy all the time. The hallway has five doorways, not four like I had posted before because I forgot to add the hall closet to that count. He had a lot of corners and difficult cuts to make on that stuff but it looks great and will be finished in the hall when he brings home some quarter round to trim it off.

    We don't know what happened, we bought enough laminate to cover the bedroom and closet in that room, the hallway and the hallway closet, but he is 3 boards short of getting the bedroom floor finished. The closet in the bedroom and the hallway are done. He had to get another box of laminate and we are hoping this will complete the hall closet too. It's so confusing, we added 10% to our measurements, we used the per square footage according to the box and we are still short. We should have had 4 pieces left over from the last box once he finished everything. The only thing I can think of is the hallway required a lot of pieces to be cut so maybe we didn't account for enough laminate to accommodate that. So, if your taking on a laminate job make sure to toss in an extra box or two on top of what you think is enough to make sure to cover those things you didn't account for. We had no waste otherwise, each piece has been perfect to use so that is good news.

    The weather is light rain but mostly sunny and humid, I think I might try heading back to the store to get those pie plates for clearance price, but might call them first to make sure I can get them for that price, since I have a couple of things to pick up anyway.

    Cjdigsindirt-I just love your screen name, I love to dig in dirt, lol. I have a favorite garden quote.

    In the spring
    at the end of the day
    you should smell like dirt!

    Margaret Atwood!

    It sounds like you have both been busy in the yard. I bet it looks great and is a perfect place to relax. I have a double size cannon ball post bed headboard and foot board I might turn into a garden bench, but I hesitate because I don't think it would last long here in the heat and humidity. The headboard rail connecting part is broken so I might just see if we can fix that and sell it instead. It's about 1940's, we sanded and painted it a few years ago because there was a lot of water damage on it. It sure is beautiful though and would make a real nice bench. If I had the space I would put it at the foot of the guest bed since we won't be using it for the bed anyway. Hmm, I have to decide if the footprint is worth taking in that really small room or not.

    Sannferris-It sure is scary having those storms like that. I heard dripping water in the bathroom the past few times it has rained and couldn't find the leak so I told hubby. He looked in the bathroom and said it was the drain from the roof but it's going down the pipe to get it off the roof. I thought that was strange, I have never heard the dripping before when it rains, lol.

    Well, I think I am going to get on with my day and I wish you all a great one.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi everyone, I didn't get a chance to post yesterday because I actually did some cleaning then the weather was so beautiful I sat outside and read my book till dinner time. We did not have any trick or treaters yesterday which is no surprise since we haven't in the 12 plus years we've lived here but since we have at least 3 houses on the block with kids now I thought we might get some. We were very happy we didn't. We don't want to set a precedent now.

    I e-mailed Granny early in the week to ask how she was doing with all the rain and got an e-mail back from her about falling and the huge hematoma on her hip (which made her anemic) and she also hurt her tailbone. She actually fell twice in the same day. She is really upset and in pain poor thing.

    Debora, you really got a great deal on that stove. It looks perfect! I'd love to get a new cooktop one of these days.

    Jannie, really glad you got to the water aerobics and walked around even if you didn't do the aerobics. Hope you're back to normal soon. I'll keep praying.

    Marcie, your potluck stuff looks good. Ham and cream cheese around a pickle does sound good. I'll have to try it sometime. I can't believe your dad got up in the wee hours of the morning and took Cisco for a walk around the neighborhood. Hopefully Cisco won't get any ideas to try to make this a regular thing! :)

    Anew, glad the rain wasn't heavy in your area. Those ribs look and sound really good. I'll have to try that some time. I think it would be good with country style spareribs also. I can't believe the amazing price you got on them! Glad you knew that the IRS thing is a scam. My brother in NJ got those calls and they had him scared to death. He was just about ready to give them the money but I happened to call him and he told me about the calls. I told him it had to be a scam, that the IRS will not call and certainly won't threaten you. He said he was really scared because they said there is a warrant out for his arrest and the police would be there any minute if he didn't give them a credit card or bank routing number to wire the money from. I told him if it would make him feel better he should call the police station and ask if they had a warrant out for his arrest then call me back. Of course they didn't and told him it was a scam. Thank God I had called him and stopped him from giving them the money. He was so mad he reported the calls and the phone numbers, etc. to the IRS and the FTC or whichever agency it is that handles phone scams. I also got a scam call at work saying that we hadn't paid our electric bill and they were going to shut off our power if we didn't make a credit card payment. I called SDG&E and reported that scam. The TV and radio should do public service announcements warning people about scams like this.

    Sheryl, good news that you found John's tool so you can both stop worrying about it. Also good that you found the checking info for Norma to send to the SS office. Nice that you like your new doc and that the office is closer. Good news all around except for poor Christina. I don't know how she can possibly take much more. I can't even imagine. I guess it wasn't such a good idea to call your mom every day after all. Maybe a once or twice a week is the way to go after all.

    Carla, your garden projects sound really good. It will be nice to sit on the bench and enjoy the garden.

    Well, I'm off to spend the evening with hubby. Have a great week everyone!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Ha ha ha ha ha, well, this is how my morning will go.

    Good Morning, I had just written that I was up "earlier" than usual, I'm sure it just seems that way due to the time change and that I'd have my "me" time with my coffee and the computer while John sleeps.
    But, he got up and was looking over my shoulder and asked about my profile pic. "Looks familiar, but I can't see it very well" I told him that it's Mochadot and we all have separate profile pictures, unique to each of us. So, I scrolled to show him the photos and clicked to the previous page to show him the photo of Cisco and by doing that, lost the comment that I had written. I'll start again.

    John is in love with Cisco, by the way, he loves to see the photos although he forgets that he has seen photos of Cisco before.

    Three Sundays ago, when we went to my cousins' house for dinner, we drove by a farmhouse down the road that had a sign out front, "Grass-Fed Beef". It just so happened that my cousin asked me if I knew anyone who sold "grass-fed" beef, her regular guy wasn't answering his phone this year. I told her that coincidentally I had seen that sign while driving to her house. But, driving back, the sign was gone and I wasn't positive which house it was. I have driven by there many times since, but no sign, until yesterday. I stopped and got info and brochures and prices to give to Kristie. They only put their signs out on the weekends. I got a bonus just for stopping in...my choice of a bag of potatoes and onions from their garden or a bag of apples from their orchard. I took the potatoes and onions, yum. There were two big yellow onions, one red onion, three red potatoes and three that look like Yukon gold. I already used one big onion in last night's meat loaf. I'm so glad I stopped. I'll have to ask Kristie how much she usually buys, it's $3.50 per pound for a whole and $4.00 per pound for a half. If she only wants half, maybe, I'll consider going in with her for a whole and save some money per pound. I have freezer space now. I have never done that before, but remember my parents buying, I think it was a quarter, when I was a kid. My mom was disturbed at paying so much for the ground beef, not considering the great deal she got on the steaks and roasts. But, now, that is the price we pay for ground beef in the stores, so it sounds like a great deal to me.

    I guess I better go since John is up already.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    This morning we contacted insurance (we do have full coverage), had the sheriff come make a report, had the appraiser come out so got everything moving along there. I had the entire day at home which doesn't happen often and got a lot done (in my mind). So I'm a happy camper and I think I have someplace to go all the rest of the days of the week. So it goes.

    Anew, it does take awhile to get to know a store after they move everything around and they like to do that. Good job if all you forgot was bananas. The ribs sound good - they go on sale sometimes here. I'll have to try that next time. Cool that the island is working so well. Glad coupons work for you. Years ago I used a lot of them and saved - now so many you have to buy two different things and they aren't things I use. If I get some I look at them and use ones that work for me. A pie for a gift - wow - that would be a great gift. The cookies and fudge would be good too and probably a little less expensive.

    Wow, Carla, I think you earned a rest day after all that outside work you did.

    Isabella, what a nice day - needed cleaning and then a book to relax.

    Sheryl, glad the time change is working nice for you. It does get the guys in earlier in the evening since it gets dark , but... Cool on the fresh produce. Does the price for the beef include processing? Yes, you do get the steaks and all that doing it that way. I very, very seldom buy steaks anymore.

    Well, I think I'll do a little car browsing in case we find out there's more wrong under the hood then it seems. We know there's a leak but we haven't been able to get the hood up yet. Otherwise it doesn't seem too bad.

    Tomorrow afternoon is Good News Club and then I'm headed to Lori's to watch Emily (and maybe Maggie) so they can watch Thomas play in the tournament so I need to make good use of my morning. :) Good night.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good late evening everyone, it's been a good weather day today as it was 57 degrees this morning and 60% humidity. I checked again around 4:00 pm when a friend from arizona called and asked me about temps, and it was 87 degrees and only 35% humidity. I feel like I am in California on one of those fantastic spring days that warm up just enough but still feel so great, too bad I don't get to enjoy because I am in bed for most of it, ugh!

    I started dinner and it occurred to me we are eating a lot more rice and potatoes than usual so I decided to exchange the rice for some left over peas and carrots to serve with the broccoli and hawaiian chicken. Yay, no food waste.

    I went back yesterday for banana and hubby's maple syrup, so I decided to pick up four 100 year anniversary easy grab pyrex pie plates for $2.21 each, they are the etched ones, not sure what that means though since I only see 100 years on the bottom of it but doesn't look etched, looks like it's just part of the mold, lol. I'll bake a pie in a couple and fill the other two with cookies and such to hand over to friends this year. I am not usually prepared in advance for this so I am proud of myself for thinking ahead. I guess I should thank the sales link online for my grocery store's website for showing it to me, this allowed my thoughts to wander to the holidays, lol.

    I was cleaning up my computer last week and messed up big time. I deleted my McAfee Plus from my computer when I had thought I was removing the Norton. So I contacted them via chat and they helped me put it back on my computer. I could not remember my account information for the life of me so i could not get in, and it turns out hubby put it in his name, lol. Since I couldn't get into my account, I proved who I was and and they confirmed my McAfee version on our account. Then he told me our protection was expiring in 36 days and would need to be updated again. So I went on the search for a new program and found Fry's had it for $54.99 with a $30 mail in rebate. I ordered and got it today in the mail, I got the McAfee Plus, unlimited devices, because you can add it to your phones and tablets as long as they are supported by it. Just have to check system requirements. Anyway, here is the link to the deal I found at Fry's in case anyone is interested in updating theirs.

    McAfee Plus, Unlimited Devices, 2016-$54.99 with $30 mail in rebate which will usually be a $30 prepaid visa debit card. Be sure to print the rebate form, print your receipt and follow all instructions for the rebate. I can't guarantee anything but I have never had a problem getting my rebate when I send them in. Just make sure you purchase by 11/7/15 and mail in the rebate, postmarked by 12/7/15. You also need to wait until you get the product to make a copy of the purchase receipt included in your box for your record and mail in the original to them with the product code from the bottom of the box.


    Here is the rebate form link.


    You can start your rebate by submitting online to let them know you are sending the papers in and I do that each year as well. You still need to get those things sent in according to the rebate form, unless they have changed the rules this year. I won't know for sure because I will run out of time to update this here. Here is the link to start your rebate submission online. I just know you have to work fast about getting all that paperwork in. And, of course, wait for a few weeks to see that prepaid visa card. :smiley:


    Isyvanek-I am so glad you were able to help your brother with that scam. People get freaked out, maybe they do owe some back taxes they are working on, and then those that think somehow they messed up the previous years tax returns are now being collected on. If we could educate each other on as many scams as we know about going around ,it would help us all. Sadly not everyone is subjected to the scams and don't know what you are talking about when it happens. Glad you enjoyed your day in the great weather, we need more of those days in our lives and thanks for the update on Granny.

    Sannferris, I got so confused on turning the clocks back last night. I asked hubby if he changed them back yet and he said yes he had. The only problem was the 10:00 news was on and all the clocks said 10:10 pm and I said how could that be? He said it's already done and the news makes their changes too. Dummy Dummy ME. Duh, he had already changed the clocks back before he went to bed the night before. Me, well dummy me was working in the kitchen and on the computer so I never paid any attention to the clocks, lol. In my defense, I have always helped change the clocks back or forward, this time he didn't say anything about doing it, lol.

    That sounds like a fantastic deal for meat to me. I don't buy roasts because they cost too much and I gave away my crock pot, lol. Really, it is just too much meat for us to handle when I cook it all, I guess if I used the leftovers for stews and such it would be used up faster. It's so neat that John gets joy out of Cisco pictures. Cisco is one heck of a cute doggy and his smile will brighten anybody's day.

    I hope you all have a great day tomorrow, I know I will be.


    Came back to add more info on the McAfee and see I missed your post Arobed53.

    I am confused. Do who to what??? Why did you have the police come out for a report? Did I miss something somewhere? And the appraiser? I hope your car is ok.

    I agree on the coupons, I only use what I will use and if I have to purchase two of something it better be a darn good coupon for it, lol. I don't use too many but I get a lot of good digital coupons from my store for fruits and veggies as well as meat and dairy products so it's perfect for me. I only buy what I use normally and I am going to take advantage of the P&G catalina deal again too. Hubby always gets the flu and we don't have any Nyquil or Dayquil for him so that is on my list to get. I have two coupons for $3.00 off the purchase of two items. So, I'll buy two for night and two for day. Two will be non drowsy for day and the other two will knock his but out at night, lol. In the end I will get all four for $32.40 -minus the $6.00 for the two coupons for a final price at the register of $26.40 and I will get a $10 catalina coupon printed which is good toward my next shopping basket of $30 or more. Anything I need to by grocery wise will apply to the $10 discount. Another win win, hubby will be happy about having needed nyquil and I am happy to save some money, lol.

    Have a great night everyone!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited November 2015

    Just save yourself the hassle if you are updating your Antivirus Software with McAfee I outlined above. I just came across Staples.com offering the same thing with an automatic discount until 11/07/15 "While Supplies Last" and the price would be $14.99 plus tax and $9.99 shipping. All without filling out a rebate form and sending all that in. This offer was not available the other day so hop on it if you want to. I'd call them first verify though but I added it to my cart and it showed an automatic discount. I didn't finish the purchase though.

    Here's the link, the product would come as a download code from McAfee, it's in the box. How easy is that? Mine is also a download, there is no CD in my box, just a very thick card with a code on it. I can't believe they actually ship that stuff, what a waste of money, fuel, time, etc, lol.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good morning everyone, I have been so bored through the night that I went looking for more trouble, lol. I found good trouble though, so that's a benefit. o:)

    So, I have been looking into more meal planning programs and I found a free one for Excel and it includes a shopping list populated by the recipes on the menu. It will take some time to get everything set up to use it because I will need to bring out my old computer to download the program to it. So, that means making sure I have everything off the computer that is important enough to save it, and returning the computer to it's factory settings. It's an old computer (at least 10 years if not more, lol) and has Microsoft Office on it.

    It kept crashing, so we bought me a new computer, but it doesn't have MS Office and I don't want to pay hundreds for the program, I want the whole shebang, not just parts of the program. So, I just use my husbands computer if I need something which is very rare anymore. I used to write a newsletter so it came in very handy for that. I'll be working on getting that setup so I can get started. I can download to hubby's computer and then add it to mine, it shouldn't crash because it won't be going online.

    I discovered this same person who designed the menu planning program also has a lot of other free Excel worksheet programs to use and another I will be using is called, "Free debt reduction calculator". I showed it to my husband and told him I wanted all of our debts so I could put everything in and we could work on a plan to pay down our debt. I'd like to try it without squeezing ourselves too hard, he agreed, Yay! This will be interesting having two computers to work from, lol.

    Here is the link to that debt reduction program, and he has a video to show how it works and it looks very simple to use. Oh yeah, his name is John Witwer.


    Here is the link that tells about him. What a nice guy, he's giving away a lot of budget planning for free, but you have to know how to use Excel to benefit from it.


    And finally, here is the link to his menu planning, all for free.


    And, drum roll please!

    There is this, yep this! The archaic way of doing things, but I don't write well, and it's kind of (no, really) very painful. I think this would be the easiest way to do menus. Use free printables with a grocery list included on it. If I can find one I can actually type into and print each week would be far better, my writing is terrible with all my injury and surgeries to try fixing it, lol.

    Update: removed the link to free printables because they required a person to do a survey and answer at least one question before printing. I don't like those kinds of things and I don't like to push them on others either. I will be looking for another menu and shopping list program out there.

    Update two; I found it, Yay, a printable menu planner I can fill out online and print, it even has has a shopping list or you can choose to use the regular menu without shopping list. I am stoked.

    Oops! Only the version with a shopping list is fillable online.


    I could print one each week, write my menu and just attach my recipes to it by some sort of code, then file it away for rotation. I could build a recipe binder by printing the recipes I am putting into the meal planning program I am using now, which I am paying for. After 1 year I could have some great weekly menus and plenty of recipes with all my notations on how we liked something. I would only put those things we really want and I could do holiday planning too.

    See this blog post on building a recipe binder


    Well, I am going to head to the bed with some ice packs for my feet. I'll come back later. Have a great day all!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi everybody, today has been a slow one. I made pork chops again for dinner with a spinach casserole and a big green salad. When hubby sat down to eat he stated, "tonight's green plate night". I thought that was kind of funny but he was right, lot's of green there, lol.

    I am stumped, I am usually very good at finding info online but have run out of luck regarding the Kerrville Texas area. A friend called me and said she wants to move back to Texas, but not here on the coast, she wants Kerrville or Fredericksburg, and said she was having a hard time finding info on 55+ communities. Boy so am I, lol. It looks like there are lots of communities but they are on income sliding scales, not mobile home parks where they would purchase a home on a lot. Wow, I am really stumped, lol. Does anyone have any info on those things up there? They are really active in the communities they live in so want something with a club house and lots of activities.

    My dishwasher is leaving a white film on my dishes, I have tried everything from cleaning the dishwasher, using those rinse agents and swapping out the soap but it's only getting worse. Now I am hand washing everything because I use only glass and stainless and it's left looking horrible with that white film on it. Let's see if my water bill goes down and my electric too. I don't use much water when I wash dishes because I only fill a mixing bowl or a sauce pot I have used for the meal. I use the water from that to wash, then run a short hot water rinse to get the soap off. The dishwasher runs for three hours and I have to rinse the dishes before they go in or food will be left on them in the dish washing cycle. I really think my bills will go down with this change.

    I hope you all are doing o.k. I have kept you all busy with my crazy posting, lol. Have a great day tomorrow.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.
    Anew, I was getting that white filmy crud too. Nancy told me to add vinegar. With my dishwasher, as soon as I turn it on, there's a bit of draining (less than a minute), and then it stops. I open the door back up and add a cup of white vinegar and shut the door. It goes through it's cycle and the glasses come out sparkling. Hope this helps, it helped me.

    Today, I go in for a finger prick for blood test. (for the blood thinner). I will swing by TJ's on my way home. I don't need too many groceries, but I want to see if they are stocking Christmas goodies yet. Once the peppermint stuff hits the shelves, they are gone, so you have to be there and stock up early.

    I don't know yet if John will go with me and we can do something special after my lab appointment. He's been more depressed because of the weather and he can't be outside as much as summertime. I need to come up with inside activities, but he doesn't do well with those anymore either. Poor guy. If he doesn't want to go, at least I won't be gone very long this time.

    Debora, I must have missed a comment also. But, calling insurance and the sheriff, sounds like you were in an accident, I hope everyone involved is alright.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello again, got some good sleep today.

    Thanks Sannferris, I was reading about that trick with the vinegar. I have tried everything, including the vinegar trick and there is no solution that has helped me. I think my water is so hard here that nothing seems to blast through it or keep it off my dishes. Since I began hand washing I have noticed the ones I am using daily and hand washing are looking better each time, so I am going to empty my dishes out of the cupboard and put all the ones that are shiny and clean again back in and start washing the ones that look so horrible. For now I am using the dishwasher to air dry my dishes while I am towel drying them. I'll be doing a few just vinegar washes in the dishwasher to see if maybe it's crud in the pipes and sprayers or something. One thing I've noticed with hand washing is I tend to have less dishes to put away. I used to rinse them and fill the dishwasher before I ran it. Now I am washing them daily and have no used dishes build up in the dishwasher, lol. I only wash glassware and eating utensils in the dishwasher so I tended to get everything dirty before I ran the machine.

    My dishwasher was installed in 1998 according to my neighbor, they have the same one and the houses were built in 1998. It's probably time for a new dishwasher, but that is way down on the list for me and it won't take care of the horrid water we have here. The hardness, the chlorine smells and everything else that comes with it. I really just don't like city water here, and I buy it at the store because I haven't found one filter that does it better than Ozarka. I don't like any other water from the store, they all taste like tap water but Ozarka tastes good and clean and doesn't have any smells coming from it. This water is also the only one that hasn't messed up the Keurig coffee machine, we haven't had to replace it or use a paper clip to clear out the machine in about 4 years. I just do the normal washing, use their filters in the water bin and it's been great.

    Just finished dinner and I'm going to relax with hubby and watch the CMA awards tonight. I've missed about an hour. Everyone have a great night.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Peppermint has hit the Trader Joe's shelves. I stocked up on some stuff, especially the goodies that I bought before and liked them and when I went back to the store, they were out of stock already. I guess that was two years ago, last year I was not able to go shopping at all. Boy, how the time flies, whether you're having fun or not. ha ha So, I now have goodies for John and myself, plus for some gift giving.

    Got home yesterday and was so hungry, I wanted something quick so I fixed BLT's. Haven't had that in a long time. Really hit the spot. Have a little bacon left for a breakfast, but probably not this morning, I'll save it for later. I need to get back to oatmeal and eating better again. I fall off that wagon so easily...I have a slide built in, right off the back of that wagon. Weeeeeeeeee, right into something nice and fatty.

    My sister leaves for a vacation this morning. A very well deserved get-away. She has been plowing through all that paperwork for Mom and Dad and finally has all the legal stuff taken care off and can kick-back and relax. This weekend, she is meeting Simon's kids and grandkids. Big move in their relationship. They are both totally family oriented, that if their kids don't approve of the partnership, I would bet they would call it off, no matter how strong their feelings are. Norma's boys have already gotten to know Simon and like him a lot. John and I like him a lot too. I am so happy to see my sister so happy.

    My Mom had a dentist appointment yesterday, I'll call her later today to see how it went. When I talked to her Tuesday, she was so worried about it, seeing another new doctor, she really worked herself up over it. I wish I could impart some of my "don't care" attitude to her, she gets so upset over nothing. Makes the whole situation harder. It seems that she HAS to find something to worry about and fret over. Once the hurdle is over, she finds something else. She is also upsetting herself over Joel's upcoming wedding. That's Norma's younger son who is getting married at the end of January. It's going to be a formal affair and the bride, as sweet as she normally is, has turned into "Bridezilla". Mom doesn't know if she can physically handle the entire two days of activities, (rehearsal dinner, staying at a hotel, wedding and reception), plus, she doesn't know what she can wear that would be dressy enough. My solution is that she doesn't attend. Mom really doesn't want to go, but "what would people think" if she's not there. I don't care what "people think", we can't live our lives for everyone else. If she is not up to it physically or mentally, then, Don't Go!
    I know Norma will have a better time, mother of the groom, if she's not caring for Mom. We'll see what happens, still a few months to dwell on it.

    Well, I got that off my chest. Thanks for listening.

    Time to refill my mug...

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning, and then I am going to bed, lol. I have my menu for next week and I don't have to buy one single package of meat because I have everything I need in the freezer, Yay! I printed one of those printable menu sheets with a shopping list and went about getting that done. I still looked at my recipes I have saved to Gathered Table but knowing what I have in stock already just looking at the recipes individually made it far easier to get my shopping list made. I decided to mark each day from Sunday through Friday with a different kind of meat or soup, found the recipes for those, and then worked on the sides I would serve with them.

    Worked out well too, I held back Saturday for dinner out with some friends. It's their wedding anniversary and we are taking them out. It will be a nice treat for all of us, we haven't been out for dinner in well over 8 weeks or so. I already left a message for them to choose dinner or breakfast so we'll see how that plays out. I'll pull something from the leftover meals in the freezer if breakfast is what is on the menu for Saturday.

    Got another great deal coming along from my grocery chain. It's another one of those pie plates for just $3.48, plus the fixings for pumpkin pie free. So, one more treat for a friend somewhere. Looks like I'll be doing a whole lot of baking this year.

    Sannferris-That's funny, I have the exact same slide on my wagon, lol. I had oatmeal about an hour ago so we are both on track this morning. :smiley:

    I'm happy to listen, weddings are hard enough to handle especially when you are close family. I don't blame her for not wanting to go and she shouldn't go if she isn't comfortable about it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I'm glad your sister planned some relaxation time for herself, I hope things go as they hope they will.

    I hope you all have a great day today!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning - guess I started writing in the middle of my thoughts. Sunday evening we hit a deer on the way to pick up Thomas. It was a big buck so the damage is not bad but damage is damage. And when we drove back by the area, the deer was mostly off the road but not dead so when we got home, we called it in so the sheriff could make sure it was taken care of. And all the rest followed. It is an old car with many miles but Ralph likes it. Insurance won't give us much so debating what to do. So hope that explains what happens. A funny - while doing the report, the sheriff guy asked Ralph for his birthdate, later he asked for mine. When Ralph told him - he said "my, you got a young one" - not so young anymore. :)

    Good News Club went okay and then I babysat. Brought home laundry to do as now their washing machine is broken. I'll take what's done with me this afternoon. Thomas' team lost their game last night so he is done with football. (24 hours and I'm back) I worked hard on their laundry - washed, folded and filled the baskets - got all but 1/2 load done and I brought home enough last night to finish them up - will trade out again on Friday. Lori stayed home. I took care of Emily and Maggie was ready for bed so we worked on stuff for Operation Shoebox stuff - doing a packing party Saturday evening. We got quite a bit done and got the laundry room straightened up to but the bad part was when Lori went downstairs to get stuff and found out the sewer had backed up - fortunately in just a small area and not where anything was but it smelled bad and look horrible cause you could see the contents. Hopefully, that's being worked on today and it's just roots or something like that.

    I took Ava to speech this morning, dropped off some diapers to a friend and am back here till evening. when I have 4-H Council - am taking a 4-Her that has to be there earlier so I'll eat supper with Julie which will be fun. I'm doing my "Thanksgiving/Christmas " cleaning so went through stuff behind one chair. Found some candy from Valentine's day & stuff from SS for mother's day and some kitchen towels so cleaned out that drawer and got rid of some and put the new ones in. That was a good feeling. I took off the living room screen the other day and set them in the shower and forgot about them till I went to take my shower so washed them while we were both in there. Now to get them back in the windows but they do look better. Have a couple more to do tonight from another room.

    Anew, glad you got your macafee back on. We have our coverage with what we pay to have our internet so I don't have to think about it. Hope you get your menu planning thing all figure out. I'm sure there are alot of ideas out there. Interesting that you having trouble finding out about an area in Texas - that's usually easy to do. No ideas to help you. You're the whiz.
    I don't have a dishwasher so always do mine by hand and with just two of us - often just do them once a day. One person I know washes by hand and uses the dishwasher like a dish drainer and then they are out of sight while they dry.
    Sheryl, glad you got your peppermint. That blood prick was worth getting you out. So nice that Norma is getting away for a vacation. Hope meeting his family goes well. That's right - your mother should do what's best for her - you can't read people's minds anyway. I love how we can share so much here - better.

    Granny is back in her own apartment now. A neighbor is helping her with things plus G-ma comes by. She's taking things slow which is good.

    Off to see what all I can take care of this afternoon. The sun is shining beautifully here - very pretty looking out. We've had our freezing frost but one friend didn't have some of her tomato plants freeze so she's still picking tomatoes. Amazing to be doing that in November here. Have a great day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Got the hood on the car up today - more things than we thought - looked at cars online - plan is to go look at one tomorrow - 3 hours away. It's the color wanted.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I spent yesterday cooking and cleaning. Felt good and the house smells good. Even still this morning, I can smell the onions and peppers from the stew that simmered. We had linguini and sauce for dinner last night and I made Isabella's Chicken Hunter's stew for today. Got laundry done and washed dishes, pots and pans, but the after dinner dishes are in the sink waiting for me again.

    Debora, I'll be praying that this is the right car for you and Ralph. That is quite a drive to go look at it. I hope it's a nice enjoyable drive.

    My Mom cracks me up, I called her and asked about her dentist appointment. You have to bear in mind that she and my Dad had been going to the same dentist for close to 50 years.

    Me: How'd it go?
    Mom: It was all so new and different, I didn't know where to spit, there wasn't a bowl by the chair!!!!!
    Me: Oh, you don't spit, they suck it out. You just sit there and they will do everything for you.
    Mom: WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME???????
    Me: Ha ha ha ha, how am I suppose to know that I need to tell you that? Do you mean that Dr. Maloof has never updated his equipment? In all these years?
    Mom: I guess not, I always lean over and spit.
    Me: WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME???????

    I'm starting to feel like Sylvia with her Mom, only my Mom won't laugh at herself. Too serious.

    She was impressed and actually said that it wasn't the scary experience that she expected. I told her that she has to stop worrying and working herself up over things that end up nothing like she imagined. She's her own worst enemy. Also, no cavities and the dentist said she has great teeth. She still has all her own teeth at 93.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Left at 6 this morning. I did the driving. Bought the car and we, of course, both drove home. Since they hadn't had it long, we probably paid a little more than other place might have had it but it's done now.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, getting rain today, thank goodness for college football on tv, it will keep John occupied on and off for most of the day.

    Congratulations on the car, Debora. Interesting that it's the color that was so appealing to Ralph, what color is it?

    I guess that I don't have anything new to say this morning. I'll go browse fb for a little bit and be back later.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Here's the long version of the story. We traveled the three hours Friday morning (left at 5:45). We stopped for breakfast on the way and lunch (McRibb) on the way home. We test drove the car, looked it over and said yes so headed home as soon as the paperwork was done. The car is red (burgandy) and same kind but three years newer. I drove my car both ways - putting up with the shaking when it happens cause they've looked it over and can't find a problem. DH drove the new car. When we got home, he took a tire off the wrecked car and went and had one of mine changed and then they knew what the shaking was - the tire was in very bad shape so it should ride better now. Very thankful I didn't have a blowout. We went to Wycliffe Associates dinner in the evening so I got my first ride - so quiet and smooth - our other car was wearing out. :) Today we have a 4-H thing and then getting together with ODD and doing the Samaritan Purse shoeboxes. Tomorrow is Youth Group Sunday and they feed us after the service so no one will be here. Monday I'll do 4-H stuff and we'll work on getting the license transferred, etc. Got most of the bathroom cleaned today so a little more progress on my list and started on 4-H stuff.

    Sheryl, glad your mother's dental trip so much better than she envisioned. Yesterday was a beautiful day so we did have a nice drive. Glad football will be a help for John since it's raining. Pretty day here.

    About time to get ready to head out.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Debora, I googled Wycliffe Associates to see if they are the same as Wycliffe Bible Translators, I'm still not positive, but looks like they may be affiliated. My sister went to Papua New Guinea a few years ago with that group. She taught the missionary kids while the parents were at a two week missionary conference. She said it was so rewarding.
    So good to hear the new car is nice and your car is better with the new tire. Scary experience, being in a shaky car and the fear of getting stranded somewhere.

    We have the woodstove burning today. It's in the 40's, high to be only 52 degrees. I'm having quite a time getting John to leave the door shut...my new mantra, "Stoke it up, choke it down and LEAVE IT ALONE". I don't see any smoke, but I can smell it every time he opens the door. We turned on the fans to spread the warmth throughout the house. I also turned on the air purifier to see if that does any good with the smoky smell. Not bad right now.

    Talked to my Mom this morning, she got the wedding invitation and started in about how tiresome this experience will be for her. I said to just RSVP a decline and that will be the end of it. No more fretting or wondering, peace for all of us. Her response was "how can I face your sister?" I said, "No Problem, Norma can handle that decision easily". I didn't dare tell her that that decision is what Norma and I both want her to make and it will make the event more enjoyable for us. That would be a bit cruel. Truthful, but harsh.

    Ha, I just noticed that John opened a window in the living room. He must have gotten too warm. No wonder it smells so good and fresh right now.