Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, when I went to take my shower last night, there was no water. Ralph went down and turned it on, I showered and went to bed. Guess what. This morning there was no water. I left to go walking and when I got home, he had already called the guy we use. They came out and checked things out and we needed and they changed it out. So the water was back on but then we have to run it for awhile and clean out the sediment and Ralph had to go up on the hill and make sure the hogs had water. And by the time he's done, it's time that we're supposed to head to town.

    So lunch was skipped, we went and got 5 chicks from a friend and went to Paige's kindergarten class and talked about being a farmer. They enjoyed the chicks. He could have taken some of his toy tractors too but too much going on. When we got done, I said that with all he had done, he probably wouldn't want to look at stoves. Well, he was wondering if we could take off the back of the stove and just change out the wire. If we were going to try that, why didn't we check it out two weeks ago. They he thought of the Sears Outlet store we have, so we went there to look and ended up buying one - new in box but a good sale plus this week you take off an extra 13%. So we ended up just spending a little over $300. Here's what we got.


    But we didn't get it at home depot - just how I could bring it up. The drawer at the bottom is not near as nice as the one I have now but that's how they are. I'll adjust. I'll have to find somewhere to keep what I have on a the back ledge too cause those are different now. Our son, who is making trips out here for a house he's building is bringing it out in the next few days. And hopefully, he'll help get it into place. I'll empty the old one and make room to move things tomorrow.

    I also got a call about getting a flu and RSV shot (research thing) and will get it mid-November and get paid for doing it. They want to see if the RSV is helpful for adults. So, I'll be a guinea pig this time. It's a year long study but only 7 visits.

    Sheryl, nice to have the firewood in and ready. Hope you don't need for awhile. We finally had a killing frost but the days still get up into the 50-60s. Your summer did go a whole lot different that you planned. Did you get your phone calls made. Those would be two big projects to get out of the way.

    Carla, how does the microphone work. That would be a great way for my husband. He talks plenty but doesn't type.

    Anew, fawns are so cute.

    Need to get my list done so I'll leave you all for now. Sleep tight.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Arobed53-I love that stove, it must be the new one because the one I was looking at before in that brand and style was discontinued. Please let us know how it works out for you and I wanted to let you know you have to be prepared when you use the self clean system. Only use it once or twice per year while keeping the inside as clean as you can until you cant do it anymore. Also, when you use the self clean you have to open windows because the smell is enough to provide a whopping headache, and the cleaning takes at least two hours or more but you will get a nice ash that's easily wiped out of the oven. I don't know about that model and how long it takes for the self clean to work but I am sure looking forward to hearing how the baking works for you.

    I also don't understand the 28" depth they are talking about and how it should be counter depth. My current stove is 26" deep and sticks out about 1" from the counter top. I'd sure like to know how that works out for you too.

    I'm glad you got that taken care of, it's really nice and the price can't be beat anywhere.

    Sannferris-We need this in the US

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good morning all, I got one of those fake calls telling me that the IRS was filing suit against me. They actually left a message and a telephone number to call. Those calls are phishing scams and just waiting to bait and hook someone who doesn't know that the IRS would never call you and tell you that you owe money and they are filing lawsuit. They won't email you and ask for information or money either. If I were to return the call I would be threatened with jail time if I don't pay up, it's happening to a lot of people around here. So, no call to them, but I will report the call itself.

  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hi all! Well, I chickened out on going to water aerobics on Monday. I went to see "the intern' at the movies and had to walk a long way and was so tired trying to use the cane. The movie was really a 'feel good' movie and I laughed at some parts a lot :) Anyway, I went to PT today and she worked my poor hip out! I am having to ice it right now because it hurts a lot! She really feels that a lot of the pain I'm having is from my hip flexor. It either got damaged or at least inflamed from the shot (according to the therapist). SO, we have to manually stretch it out and try to get it back to normal. UGH, I just want to get back to my normal.

    Marcie-- Your pot roast makes me want to make one but I haven't got the right ingredients!

    Carla-- the little 'flower dolls' are adorable! Glad to hear you are busy still with your gardens!

    Anew--thanks for the info, I don't think I'm even going to try the steam cleaning, I'll just use Easy off when it gets too bad! I really appreciate your dedication to checking it all out. Is the rain done by you? We've had rain all day today and it's suppose to be that way tomorrow too!

    Aero-- Glad you got the water fixed and that you found a oven! I bet the kids loved the baby chicks. My son watched the incubator intently when he was in kindergarten and the chicks were suppose to hatch. lt took forever for those chicks to hatch! :) He was so excited to come home and tell us all about the chicks and how the eggs looked once they hatched! That is a memory I hope I don't forget--his little face was so cute and intense about the chicks!!

    If I forgot anyone, sorry, but trying to get this done and get in bed. Have a feeling I'm going to need my extra dose of Tylenol tonight! Have a good Wednesday :)
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Jlhawki, I still don't want to scare you but maybe using a paste of water and baking soda would be the best direction if you are going to hand clean your oven. I would truly do some research on your particular stove to find out what is the best way to go about cleaning it.

    See this about Easy off and the damage it causes to new ovens and stainless steel surfaces, another thing I have come across in my research is the problems people are having with damage to their new oven surfaces by using chemicals instead of steam. I'm not trying to scare you, just inform you for safety's sake. Apparently it's the new, lighter metals with coatings on them that are rusting out from self clean (some brands/models and not all of them) from the heat generated because they are concealed and problems when using chemicals on them.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello again everyone, I went to the store to get the items I couldn't get on Friday at my local convenience grocery store, well some of them anyway. I missed out on the clearance $2.48 Pyrex 4 cup bowls I was going to get for holiday gifts this year. I planned to bake some things and wrap them up, but I'll just figure out another way to do that. Hubby put the new pulley on my truck last night and the extremely loud squeak is gone now, back to sounding real good.

    I received another one of the those IRS calls while shopping, and this one from a different number and from Washington state. This second call was more urgent and more threatening so I recorded that one too so I can report it. I am waiting to get a name from someone that wants me to call them directly before I make my report on these calls. This call came in around 2:58 pm while I was shopping, the first one I wrote about earlier today came in at 10:23 am this morning. I'm waiting for the one that tells me they are on the way to my house to arrest me for failure to pay. I will then inform them that if they take one step onto my property I will make sure they don't walk away on their own two feet. Let's see how they like being threatened with bodily harm, I know that call is coming because they always do with this scam. It gets worse and more threatening the longer they can't get you to give them money. We had an elderly lady give them 1800 dollars because she was so afraid.

    Mygnsac_I forgot to mention your roast makes me want one real bad, lol.

    Aerobed53-Glad you got that water fixed and have use of it again, I can't imagine what that would be like to have no water available.

    Jlhawki-I'm glad you got some therapy in and a movie, sometimes a good laugh is really great medicine.

    The rain has passed here and today was a warm day but the humidity is down because we have a norther coming in and I love these kinds of days. Tomorrow will be warmer still, then we are looking at more rain and cooler temps for Thursday and Friday, maybe into the weekend. This past storm caused a lot of pot holes in the roads I was having to avoid today while out driving to the store. I hope you stay drier than we did, I still haven't figured out how my truck got wet inside.

    I had a pretty good day and I hope you all did too, tomorrow will be even better.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday, I did practically nothing at all. Made breakfast and dinner and helped John find stuff, but didn't get my phone calls made or run errands. Just felt "Blah" and didn't want to go out. Today it's raining and I know I don't want to go out in that. I took a turkey breast and a tri tip steak out of the freezer last night for meals for today and tomorrow. Friday, I have a doctor's appointment and will do my errands then, on my way back home. I haven't been sleeping through the night and I sure feel it throughout the day.

    I've called my mom four days in a row now and I'm rethinking this daily call business. Yesterday, she said I sound awful and cut me off. She said that she had nothing new to say since I just called her the day before. I think that my voice makes me sound like I'm really sick and that bothers her.

    My sister called me last night and asked if I can help...she's trying to get Social Security to direct deposit Mom's monthly check into the new bank account set up in the family trust. It's now being deposited in the personal account set up in Mom and Dad's name. Norma got Dad's name taken off and her own name added, but since the escrow check was made out to the trust, Norma had to open a new account for that. The attorney said that having everything in the trust would be safer, but SSA needs the old routing number before they will change it over to the new account. Mind you, it's the same bank, but was Washington Mutual back when my folks started getting Social Security, and then was bought out by Chase and changed the routing numbers. I have an account at the same bank and since I keep EVERYTHING, Norma is hoping I have old records and can give her the routing number. Later today, I'll check the boxes of records I took out to the barn.

    Jannie, I don't have any details, but I have also heard never to use Easy-off on a self cleaning oven. Don't know exactly why.

    Anew, I got a bunch of those IRS scam phone calls last year and told them I knew they were a scam, but never did report them. My neighbor said that I should, but then, they didn't call back. I know how frustrating and maddening they are, but I wouldn't threaten bodily injury. Just in case they are recording you and there's some statute that would get you in trouble. It seems that good people like us reach our boiling point, but the bad people know how to turn the tables and we get the brunt end of the deal. Just a thought, I try not to threaten anybody, even though there are times that I'd love to.

    On that note, I'll go refill my mug. Drink my coffee and cool down, ha ha ha
  • cjdigsindirt
    cjdigsindirt Posts: 23 Member
    edited October 2015
    Arobed53 the microphone is on the keyboard, now this is on my tablet and cell phone, not the pc. But you could buy a microphone for a pc or laptop.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Anew and Ferris-- thanks for the warning about the Easy Off. I won't use it to clean my stove. I am trying to read about the steam cleaning but it seems like they wouldn't make that the only cleaning mode if its going to damage your stove :( Whatever, I'm really going to try and wipe the oven out more often and hopefully not have many spills! You ladies are the best!

    I went to water aerobics but didn't actually do water aerobics! I just walked around and talked to my friends :) It was tough getting into the rec plex but was great while I was in the water! I used the walker because it is rainy and chilly here and I thought if I fell it wouldn't be good. Still, I am so happy I did it! Now if I could only walk without a limp I'd be happy!

    That's all for now, I'll check in soon!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    sannferris wrote: »

    Anew, I got a bunch of those IRS scam phone calls last year and told them I knew they were a scam, but never did report them. My neighbor said that I should, but then, they didn't call back. I know how frustrating and maddening they are, but I wouldn't threaten bodily injury. Just in case they are recording you and there's some statute that would get you in trouble. It seems that good people like us reach our boiling point, but the bad people know how to turn the tables and we get the brunt end of the deal. Just a thought, I try not to threaten anybody, even though there are times that I'd love to.

    Thanks, I doubt I would ever go that far, lol. I can see how it might have alarmed you to read that so I'll be more mindful of what I post next time. But, you are right, I think we reach a boiling point and just want it to stop. I didn't receive anything yet today. However if they do show up at my door the front security screen is kept locked so they would have to do some real damage to get in and police would be here in a heartbeat. We have home invasions happening in big town and it's only a matter of time before it comes here, my neighborhood is right off of three highways which lead to many outskirts in all sorts of directions. I'm in the country with lots of farming around me.

    Oh yeah, the IRS is serious about stopping these calls and threats so we should all keep a record and report it.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello everyone, I got some good sleep today with no interruptions which makes me a happy camper. I need to get some laundry going, yes at 8:30 at night, because I need some clean pajamas, lol. Dinner is done, was faster than usual so my feet can handle a little more up and down walking tonight.

    Jlhawki-Yay on getting some relief today, and if you give me the model, color and maker of the your stove I'll do some research for you. It will give me something to do when I am bored from being up all night and hubby is sleeping, I can't make much noise while he sleeps.

    Sannferris-Any possible chance your mom and dad had any really old paperwork in a box with say some very old deposit slips? Who knows, maybe there is something in old records in a box somewhere from a checking/savings account. I had that same bank and went through all the changes, it wasn't the same after the first takeover though.

    I hope you all have a great rest of the day!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good Morning. I found the info that my sister needed. Anew, with the move and cleaning out the house, we got rid of all my parents' old stuff, and this was really old. I, on the other hand, still had all my old records and cancelled checks. Turns out when Chase bought out Washington Mutual, they did not change the routing numbers. The change dated back to 1998 when Washington Mutual bought out Great Western Bank. We've had our accounts at the same branch, but have gone through 5 different bank names. I made a photo copy of old checks showing the change over and put that in my current bank statement folder. I also took a photo copy of a current check because now I don't get cancelled checks anymore and the check is the only place the routing numbers show, not on any statements. Chase doesn't even include pictures of our checks with the monthly statements like our other banks do. Norma said that if SSA doesn't accept this information, she's giving up and will keep the old account open just for this direct deposit and then transfer the money to the new account herself. She was hoping to get all this done before she goes on vacation so she can really relax and enjoy herself.

    No big plans today, I'll just see what the day brings.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good News, we found the King Pin Press and got it back into it's tool box and labeled and in the right place. What a relief. I knew we would find it eventually, but John was bugging me constantly because he saw that empty tool box sitting here.

    After talking to my sister again, she told me that she used the routing number on the deposit slip and that was the problem. If she had told me that first, I could have told her that many banks have different numbers on the deposit slips and the true routing numbers are only on the checks. I learned that working at H&R Block. When a client wanted their refund direct deposited, we had to have a voided check, a deposit slip was not acceptable for most banks.

    I got a phone call and my appointment for tomorrow has been changed to an earlier time. I may not get here in the morning. Hope you all have a nice Friday.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good morning everyone, this looks to be a day with no sleep because we are on wind, tornado and straight line wind advisories, and there is already a bunch of bad weather hitting a couple hours north of me. They are asking people to evacuate from Wimberly, which is the same place where those flash floods came in last spring. It wiped houses off their foundations and lot's of people died. I won't be able to relax because of this, so I will lay down but I'll be on watch and keeping the weather channel on, I'm about 5 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and that bad area above me is the hill country Austin area. I'll also be checking my local news channel for new information.

    Sannferris-Is there an old bank card on file at the bank from when the account was first opened? Wouldn't the bank need to archive that? It seems to me that would be the way to go and see if you can get your hot hands on that item. You know, the original signature card that is always put on file? It should have the account number and routing information on it with a possibility of a copy of an old deposit that was made to the account with that deposit slip number.

    Isn't that the way it worked? To open the checking account, they do all the paperwork and give you temporary checks with the routing deposit number on the temp deposit slips. Then you deposit the money on that very first deposit slip. Maybe there is a way to look back into some old archived records. You might have to put in a written request for it, but your sister might have already done that, just thought it might be the way to go. I could swear they would have to keep the original account opening information with the signature cards on file. It's a long shot but sometimes those work out. Good luck.

    So glad you found the King Pin Press, I'll bet John is relieved with the worry gone. I'll bet you are happy you don't have to look anymore. :)

    I hope you all have a great day ,and if you are in the bad weather areas please stay safe.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi everyone.

    I had a funny, surreal moment on the drive to work this morning. It was still dark out and I had to stop at a cross walk to let a giant glow in the dark Snoopy cross the street. The dude wearing the suit must have been at least 6 feet tall. Made me chuckle watching a large glowy Snoopy cross the street.

    I made some deviled eggs last night to bring to the Halloween potluck at work today. I actually participated in the potluck my section had and in the potluck of the section of the office where I sit (not my section, I just live there!). So, lots of eating today. The section where I sit did snacky foods, so I brought in some glazed pumpkin spice cookies and some apple cake. I snacked mostly on veggies and dip during the morning and then had lunch in my section.

    Chili (too spicy for me), fried chicken (really good!), cornbread, sweet roll (those things are soooo good. Lightly sweetened yeast rolls), deviled eggs, and some mystery casserole (not digging the mystery casserole :s ), and tons of deserts (most of that, plus another plate of the things, goes home for my Dad!). Not pictured here, but someone brought strips of ham wrapped around a piece of dill pickle and cream cheese. I don't usually like ham, but those things were so good. I think I was just craving salt. Bringing some of those home to dad too. He'll enjoy those. It will take him a week to eat the dessert foods I'm bringing home. He will only allow himself to eat a little bit each day. For desert today I wound eating one homemade chocolate chip cookie and a small piece of a cherry coffee cake.


    When Dad took Cisco on his walk last night, Cisco didn't "do his business." But then, according to the report I got from Dad...at 3 am this morning Cisco raced into Dad's bedroom and pestered him to get up. Now I would have just taken him out to the backyard to go to the bathroom. Dad got up, got dressed, harnessed up the dog, and took him for a walk around the neighborhood. It's good to know if he has to go, he will come and get us! After they got back, they both went back to bed until 5:30 am and then got up and went on their regular walk. Dad said he doesn't want to get Cisco off schedule.

    The office had a Halloween decorating contest today, so lots of noise and people having fun. One Unit decorated their area in the Monopoly theme, one was the Wild West, one was Under the Sea, one was a prison (I'm rolling my eyes at that one!). Monopoly won the contest. Earlier this morning the little kids from our Day Care were brought up and walked through the decorated offices, and they got to go trick or treating in each office. They were so cute. Loud, but cute.

    We're thinking we may get more trick or treaters tomorrow than we've had in the past few years. Since it's falling on a Saturday this year, there may be more out and about. I've got tons of candy ready to go, and what's left will come to work with me on Monday. I've had a candy dish out for the staff for a couple weeks now and it doesn't take long at all for the candy supply to disappear.

    Anew, take care while you hunker down. The weather there sounds scary. Day before yesterday we were told to expect some rain that day. Not even close. I was out walking during my lunch break and felt a few sprinkles. That was it. Everybody but us seems to be getting rain. We haven't experienced that phone scam that you've had...yet. We screen all calls (the name and number of the person calling pops up on our computer and tv's), so if they did try to call us, we wouldn't pick up. Also, we have something in place with our cable/phone company where if the caller is unknown, it only rings once.

    I guess I should get back to work and finish out this day. Bye, and have a great week end. Don't forget to set your clocks tomorrow night. We have one clock in the garage that I took down the other day to change the batteries. I asked Dad to hang it back it up for me (his height comes in handy sometimes). Before he did he reset it for the time change. As I was leaving for work this morning at 6:30 am, that clock said it was 7:30 am. He set it wrong. It should have said it was 5:30 am. This is why I change all the clocks! I told him if it was actually going to be that dark out at 7:30 am, I won't be a happy camper. Ha!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hope to pop in again tomorrow but I just saw on Facebook that Granny fell last week and hurt her hip. It's not broken but lots of things going on to take care of her.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Going to try this again, by the time I get this posted, it will probably be afternoon. Many interruptions this morning, so,
    Good Afternoon.

    Yesterday was good and bad, in a way. John was going to go with me and we'd make a day of it, but since my appointment got changed to an earlier time, and it was raining, John changed his mind. Naturally, as most doctor's appointments, I had to wait a long time and was glad that John wasn't with me. I primarily went in for a flu shot because they don't give them at the oncology office. My primary care physician has changed, so this was considered my first appointment with her and had to do all the paperwork all over again. Even with all the wait, it was a good appointment and I like the new doctor and the new clinic, it's closer to my home.

    I ran a few errands, but not all that I had planned because of the rain. When I got home, John had "cleaned and reorganized" again, this time around the computer. He re-routed all the cords and cables and moved lots of notebooks and papers...MY notebooks and papers. So, some time today, I'll go through all my stuff again so that I know what is what and where it is. I'm exhausted already.

    Anew, the bank does keep all the pertinent info, it was Social Security that my sister had the problem with. It is all taken care of now. Well, I guess I should wait until after December's deposit to be sure, too late for November's check to go to the new account.

    Marcie, Dad's resetting the clock cracked me up. I thought everybody knew "Spring forward" and "Fall back". I know my mom is having a fit about her clocks, all of a sudden, it seems Mom can't do anything for herself. My sister is going over later today to set all the clocks. It just struck me, in this case, maybe Mom never did do that chore, I'll bet Dad did every change. Norma thinks that she has all the legal stuff finally done. Now, it's just a matter of daily living chores to keep track of and help Mom with. Norma does Mom's laundry and will continue with all the doctor appointments, but no more attorneys or realtors, etc.

    I am ashamed that I didn't contact Granny sooner, but saw the FB post about her falling and emailed her this morning. I don't know how serious this is, so I don't know if I'll get a response very soon.

    I did get a message from Christina and the hysterectomy surgery is scheduled for December 28th. She's feeling even more depressed than ever. Knowing that with all her disabilities, having children would be so difficult, but there is still the yearning for a family. She and Jason wanted children, but now, it's final that she won't be able to give birth. She's really hurting in every aspect.

    It sure is dark outside, looks like dusk already. Another storm burst is coming through.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, this week has flown past. There is always something to do. Tuesday was Good News Club. And it was not a calm week. It was parent-teacher conferences at school so kids came and then had to leave - they should have just skipped the week. Anyway, we survived it. :)

    Derek said he would bring the new stove Wednesday morning so I got the old one emptied and cleared off. I pulled it out enough to clean the floor underneath (filthy). Mid-morning I sent a text and he said he'd be there at noon. At noon I sent a text and he said two (stuff kept coming up for him). He showed up at 2 and Alan was working in the field by us so they got the old on the porch and the out of the box, carried in, power cord attached and plugged and then it was time for us all to leave.

    I picked up a prescription for E, returned the power cord we bought as we ended up having one, bought a shower gift, got a loaf of gluten free bread, got gas, got pizza and then went to Lori's and each thing I got was at a different stop. Spent the evening at the house doing the usual. It's my chance to help out as I can and I'm getting into a routine of sorts. I did forget to take care of some papers but they'll get done next time (I hope).

    Thursday I took Ava to speech and then came back here. I played with her and mixed up raisin bread . We went outside in time so mom remembered to stop this week. I had the afternoon at home with plenty to do (bread turned out okay) and then got to go to Bible study in the evening. Our study we're doing now is on food and losing weight. Makes you think a little.

    Friday was the usual errands in the morning. At noon we finished up the hamburgers and hot dogs we fixed Sunday and Derek came down from the house he's building by us and ate with us. Then it was too the church to make sack lunches for the 2-5 year olds (did pbj sandwiches) and finished setting up. Came home, started straightening the house, and at 6 headed for the banquet (in a nice rain). Babysitters came, I got them their food and then enjoyed the banquet and holding youngest granddaughter. At the end of the banquet, I went back and helped kids get picked up, helped with clean-up and then home.

    Today I finished straightening the house, went to a funeral about an hour away with Ralph. What a joyous Christian she was - a great celebration service and then we stayed for the lunch and Ralph got to visit with people he knows from long ago and won't see often again. Since we got home I've mixed up my meat loaf, walked more, took out trash, moved the car and so on and so on.

    I sent Granny a text today and I'm not sure when she fell but she got up to use the bathroom during the night and fell. I'm so glad it wasn't when she was walking for exercise. There was a hematoma on her hip where her blood pooled so she's building her blood back up but almost had to have a transfusion. She's having trouble with her blood pressure dropping too. She spent a couple days in the hospital, is at Trisha's now and will spend time at G-ma's too. She had a lot of bruising but is slowly getting better.

    Anew, since my stove was at the outlet store, it might be the discontinued one and they are selling what was left. So far it works great. Heated water for making pasta this morning. Kind got out of the stove habit so will have to work back into it. Self-cleaning was not a feature I was looking for so doubt I'll use it much. I'll try to keep it clean but... We were happy with the price. And even better when I got to return the power cord. Bummer on getting so many calls from the IRS that you should have to get. My caller ID comes in handy for things like that.

    Jannie, I hope you are back to your normal soon. So hard when something done to help you causes more problems. Hang in there. Glad your son got to watch chicks hatch. That is fun and it does take time. So interesting that can ship chicks through the mail too.

    Anew, sorry you missed out on the pyrex bowls but maybe something else you can use will go on sale. How did your weather end up being? We got a nice slow rain last night.

    Sheryl, glad we don't have blah days too often. Turkey breast and tri tip steak sound good. If it's not good to call your mom every day, maybe you do it once or twice but let your sister know what days you'll all and she could have those days off on calling. Yay on being able to take care of what SS needed.
    Yay on finding the King Pin Press without too much time passing. Boo on having to go through your notebooks etc and getting things back to how you like them.
    Glad you like your new doctor. Closer to home is nice too. So glad it's down to regular stuff for Norma to have to deal with. Is your mom staying involved with activities the place she's at has.
    Thanks for the update on Christina - nothing seems to come easy for her.

    Carla, I'll keep the microphone idea in mind if DH shows interest. I don't want to have to share too badly (Ha). Usually he writes long hand and then I type but lately there haven't been things to write about. I bought him a mini recorder one time so her could record by talking on family history and stuff and it's still in the package.

    Marcie, what a picture a glowy Snoopy brings up. Made your drive to work interesting. Yummy potluck - not your usual beautiful plate but good stuff to me. That pickle, ham and cream cheese is a good combo - although it doesn't sound real great. On my Cisco, got a walk in the middle of the night. It is good he'll tell you but wow - your dad is either awesome or crazy. Ha. It's Let us know about the trick or treaters. None here yet and it's 6:20. I'm ready in case. Funny on your dad and the clock - I have to double-check my thinking on the change - glad you caught it.

    Guess I'll get supper taken care of and hopefully finish up the little on my list and maybe work on my craft project.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good evening everyone, it's been a busy day for me, took my weekly shopping trip and forgot to buy the bananas, lol. I hope hubby doesn't ask for them, if he does I'll take a trip to the local convenience grocery to buy them for him. so no biggie. They have redesigned the entire store, nothing is where it has been for 10 years so this will take some getting used to. They also widened the aisles, which is nice, they needed to do that, but finding things is pretty difficult and has been adding 1 hour to my shopping trip and lots of foot pain to boot. I decided I would go online last night while I couldn't sleep to find everything I was buying, then figure out where each item is listed for the aisle it's on. I thought I was in the clear, nope it's not updated, so I found myself wandering the store over and over again. My feet are killing me, aye aye. I got a great laugh though, people were everywhere all dressed up for halloween, lol. Everywhere! The store was packed, I thought I was the bad man (woman) out, lol.

    I made some rub for the pork ribs and left them to marinate in the refrigerator while I shopped, so I managed to get a good meal on the table in spite of the time and foot pain, so I am happy with it. I bought those pork riblets on sale for $1.00 per pound last week and couldn't find much about them except there is some commercial restaurant that calls them that. I did find the true name of them is pork button ribs because they have this bone that is flat and round like a button. The rub was real easy to make and I made changes because I didn't have one of the ingredients but I don't see where that caused any problems for it. It says to garnish them but I didn't, we just ate them as is with the rub on them.

    Here is the recipe-For the chili paste (I don't know what that is, but I am going to find out), I substituted 1/4 tsp garlic powder (including the fresh garlic) and 1/4 tsp chili powder. I made it the same for everything else and I used my little 4 cup food processor which worked perfect. This recipe calls for two pounds of meat but I had 4 pounds, which fit perfect into the gallon zip lock bag I used and there was plenty of rub for it. I don't think doubling the recipe would have done them any justice because they tasted great!


    There was a lot of meat on them, so I pulled the meat off the leftovers and put 1/2 in the freezer to use later, and put one in the fridge for hubby to use tomorrow morning in some egg burritos. My island was great for this, I moved the cutting board to the table, and I sat in a chair next to the stove with the ribs on the cookie sheet and my island at an L. Then I placed a plate on the island and pulled the meat off the bones easily which saved my feet, so my little island is definitely loving me back. I think I am going to be very happy with it.

    Isyvanek-We have to figure out how to set you up with a short island so that you can be more comfortable too.

    Mygnsac-How funny your dad set the clock the wrong direction, guess he secretly wanted an additional hour to sleep, lol. Even funnier is what you saw glowing on your way to work, I bet you weren't expecting that, lol.

    I wish you all could get some rain and replenish some of all that's been lost. We did well here in my area by the coast and didn't get near as much as they said and our gutters are doing well. We didn't even get the straight line winds they talked about, but the central Texas area of Austin sure did. A friend of mine said a tree fell on her daughters house but everyone was fine otherwise. It's sad the town of Wimberly had a repeat of last May and flooding there. They still haven't found one of the kids missing from a family in Corpus Christi who was up there in the cabin that washed away. Only the husband survived, his wife and all his kids perished. So sad and now there are more deaths for this storm.

    I just realized we signed papers on this house three years ago today, happy anniversary house, lol.

    Sannferris-It's good you are happy with your new doctor, it's hard to find ones you like and it's good to hear you got the bank handled. Sorry to hear about granny and Christina too, I hope things go better for both of them. It sounds like John kept himself busy while you were gone, I guess he could have left a burner on or something instead of moving all your things. I do understand the frustration of that because my husband does it to me all the time. It usually goes like this, "honey have you seen my papers I printed today?" The answer is usually something like, "no, where did you put them?" He moved them you see and set them somewhere on the desk but can't tell me where and I can't muddle through all the paperwork he has there. So, I am sure glad that huge desk is gone and we are setting up something much smaller so he can't hide my stuff, lol. My stuff would usually be grocery coupons I planned on using and a lot of the time he would find them on the top of the wall hutch where I can't reach them.

    Speaking of coupons, did you all know that the new P&G catalina has come out on 11/28/15? Buy $30 worth of participating items and get $10 catalina printed at the register. I'll link the info for it on a website I just stumbled across two days ago for my one and only grocery store chain other than Walmart I have out here called HEB. I'm amazed, I thought I knew everything there was to know about shopping at HEB. Nope, learn something new everyday and I got my $10 catalina today. What is so cool is you can get the products you need for a total of $30 and still use the manufacturer coupon on the items you are buying. You still get the $10 catalina printed to use on November 11th (well mine says the 11th). HEB also changed the coupon policy for the better back in April and I didn't know that. I'll be sure to take them up on that one, lol. The cashier's area always asking me how I save so much money when I don't have a ton of junk in the cart, lol. I say coupons and if you are interested I'd be willing to talk about it with you. Of course they are always on the clock but I'd help if they asked.

    Anyway, check out your local store and see if the catalina is active there for you. I am sure it's in a lot of the stores. I bought two Dreft 64 use laundry detergents for $15.89 each and used two $2.00 off coupons then got the $10.00 catalina to use next week on my basket of $30.00 or more groceries. There are numerous items included in the sale, I found a sheet hanging by the tide detergent showing all of the participating products so I knew I would by the Dreft and that means when all is said and done I got two 64 use bottles of Dreft for the price of one and a bit over $1.00 for the second one if I count the $10 I just got in a catalina to use on the 11th. Win Win for sure. Oh, I am allergic to different chemicals so I use baby detergent to stop from itching.

    Here's the link to the couponing website about my store HEB. Even though you all might not be in an HEB area you can probably find it in yours. At this link the gal explains catalina coupons and how to get the most out of them the legal way. I signed up with her and got an email telling me about the Deal that comes around each year but isn't advertised yet. Buy the ham and get the turkey free so I bought a 10 pound spiral cut bone in ham and got a 12 pound turkey free. The ham was only $21.00 so now I am ready for the holidays. Some families will have to do that deal a couple of times but it's only us and couple of friends so it's plenty. Here is the link.


    I'm not a crazy coupon lady, but I do use the digital coupons from HEB, and print then clip what I will use. I don't buy a bunch of junk that I have to stockpile. I would rather buy what I can use in a reasonable amount of time without using up precious space to store things.

    Kudos to anyone who does. I used to do it, I would buy tons of stuff to send to the troops, it was fun, but very time consuming and I got lots of totally free things. I think I spent about $100 per month on $800-$1000 worth of stuff to send them, so that was my charity for a while. Now I just give to the food bank at the store when I shop. Pick up a slip and tell them how much and it's so much easier, lol.

    Arobed53-So glad you like your new stove, can't wait to get one here but it will be a while. I wonder how people would feel if I baked a pie and gave it to them all wrapped up? I can get the 100 year pie plates on clearance for $2.48 so I am thinking about doing that, or I can load up a pie plate with cookies and fudge instead, that would look nice too.

    You all have a great day tomorrow, I am taking a break with some ice packs in a few minutes.

  • cjdigsindirt
    cjdigsindirt Posts: 23 Member
    Good morning from sunny California! I'm reading all of your post and trying to keep up, you all are so busy! I finished painting the garden bench yesterday and got that all put back together Tony did a lot of yard work, tree trimming, weeding and did some rose trimming and general cleanup. Today I'm being lazy while Tonys watching football and I'm going to catch up on some garden magazine reading. I heard about granny on Facebook and left a quick get well to her, I miss seeing her post on nutrimirror. Well kitties I will talk to you guys later back to reading my books you all have a wonderful day.