Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, just a quickie, busy with John.

    Escrow is set to close by the end of this week. So glad that it's one more thing Norma doesn't have to deal with anymore. She had a terrible day yesterday, it was Dad's birthday and very emotional for her. I also called Mom, but she didn't mention Dad, so I didn't either. I'll talk to her again today and see how she's doing.

    Rain is now my enemy...John stayed inside all day yesterday and I didn't know what to do with him. It's getting harder and harder to keep him occupied.

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow to go to lunch with Carol and a few other ladies. I need a few hours out of the house. Will get some shopping done on my way home. Bread and Milk are on the top of the list. The biscuits turned out well, but we need a loaf of bread on hand for sandwiches.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday was a much better day. Sunshine. We went outside.

    Plus, I talked to Mom and Norma and both of them were having a better day too.

    Looking forward to getting out today and going to visit with friends over a good lunch.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good morning.

    I'm a little behind on the posts here! I'll have to catch up again. Just been really busy at work lately and not feeling like getting on the computer much when I get home. Work is really ramping up now with year-end stuff and it's will most likely be like this until the new year.

    I'm getting really tired of taking those antibiotics. I have 5 more days to go. My stomach has been real queasy and haven't had much of an appetite this week and I suspect it's the antibiotics. I was only able to choke down about 600 calories worth of food yesterday (though I'll take that any day over all that pain I had with that stupid tooth!). I woke up feeling a lot better this morning and was VERY hungry, so I'm enjoying a yummy chorizo, egg, potato and cheese breakfast burrito with tomatillo salsa right now. Best thing I've eaten all week. Hopefully I won't regret eating it.

    It looks like our hot summer weather has finally taken a hike. I was starting to think we weren't going to have a Fall! Our highs right now are around upper 70s to low 80s and lows are mid-50s. Perfect.

    Last weekend we got some severe thunder and lightening and a good amount of rain. It was so nice seeing rain finally. I could almost hear the lawns in the neighborhood sigh with relief. The thunder stayed on top of us for near an hour Saturday night. Of course, poor Cisco was a nervous wreck and buried himself inside his blanket in his dog bed until it was over.

    Dad turned the heater on in the house for the first time this season last weekend. I immediately shut the vent in my bedroom and covered it with a magnetic sheet (no heat gets through that thing!). I can't stand that hot air in my bedroom. Dad, of course, thinks I'm weird. It's gotten cold enough in the morning now that when Dad and Cisco get back from their walk at dawn, Cisco races into my room, jumps in bed with me, get's as close to me as he can and just shivers. I've woken up each day this week with a shivering ball of dog pressed against my back.

    I need to make another appointment with that Endodontist I saw a couple weeks ago. He wants to go over the test results of the scan he did on that one tooth he thinks may be a problem. When he talked to me about that day, his initial thoughts were it will either need to be pulled, or possibly surgery to try to fix. It's not bothering me at all.

    Well, I better get back to work. Have a wonderful day everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi everyone, I've had a lot of sleep since this morning at 1:00 am. I went to bed with ice packs on my feet and my shoulder and didn't wake up until 10:30 am and back into bed around 1:00 and up at 3:00. It's been nice getting sleep. I received my coffee bar rack for under counter and it's perfect. I tried all 6 coffee cup saucers and they all fit in one of the storage areas so that frees up space in the small drawer we'll add to the cabinet when we build it. The four coffee cup holders are perfect for the cups and I think it will work great to hang the other two cups if we add two cup hooks. The shelf we need to make for it will be the perfect size for the larger cups I was going to turn upside down on the shelf. One thing for sure, it is much deeper than I thought it was making it harder to reach the planned shelf that would sit above this one. I'll figure it out though.

    I figured out on the Say mmm website to add to the menu it's another step than just clicking on the date and adding a recipe like Gathered Table. In this case you have to look at your recipes and find the one you want. When you click on it there is a little box on the left that says PLAN, you click on that and it will add it by choosing the day on the menu. Gathered Table only requires to open the weekly menu and click within the day to add a recipe and all recipes come up available to add. You choose your own recipes or theirs so this is definitely more user friendly than Say mmm. I'm deleting all recipes I added to Say mmm and closing the account because it isn't worth it for even just $3.00 to continue, Gathered table is worth the $10.00 per month and they are working on it to make it even better. You get what you pay for in this case.

    Free day for rubbish is this Saturday so we will take the old carpet we just pulled and the old toilet sitting out there and some wood we don't need to get it out of the yard. Free day only comes twice per year otherwise it's expensive at $8.00 per cubic yard to dump those things. Yikes.

    Sannferris-I'm glad you are having better days now.

    Mygnsac-I sure am glad your mouth is feeling better, now to get those antibiotics over with.

    Have a good day all.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good Morning, once again, this will be quick, John is up already, but I have to tell you that I had a wonderful time yesterday at lunch. All 5 five ladies came, so the table for 6 was perfect. (I wasn't sure about 2 of them because they didn't reply to my email, but they had put it on their calendar). Good food and so great to visit with them all. I had some personal details to tell Carol and I wasn't seated next to her, so I'll have to call her, didn't want to shout stuff about my Mom and sister across the table. Anyway, I sure needed that time out and enjoyed every second of it. I stopped to pick up Rx's and groceries on my way home and brought home a Subway sandwich for John. We had a nice evening, John apparently did OK while I was gone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2015
    Argh! My Fitbit won't sinch! I just started up again my nightly walk around the neighborhood last night, and now I can't get it to sinch. It must be in shock from all the walking yesterday. I'm going to be mighty unhappy if I've killed another Fitbit. Guess I'm going to have to troubleshoot. :s

    Sheryl, I'm glad you were able to spend sone time with your friends. You need to get away now and then. Sounds like a fun visit.

    Here's a pic of my very splurgy dinner tonight. Went to a local pub and grille tonight. Had an Old Fashioned (my first, pretty good, doubt I'd order one again though), a burger and fries (plowed through about half of that), and a super yummy blueberry peach cobbler ala mode (ashamed to say, plowed through all of that!). Obviously, my appetite has returned.



    I feel old. Just got my first AARP card in the mail today!

    Nighty-night everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning, just a quick pop in this morning. Mexico is in my thoughts this morning as Hurricane Patricia barrels down up them. I hope everyone is ok when this storm is over. We will be getting a total of about 10" of rain by the time the weekend is over. I need to make a store run today because tomorrow will be a no go because we will be getting around 5" rain in just a 24 hour period beginning tonight. I don't think we will make free rubbish day tomorrow and am hoping they actually close that to keep people off the roads.

    Have a great day everyone, I'll come back later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good Morning. Anew, I hope they do postpone free rubbish day, so you can take advantage of it, but in safer circumstances. I meant to say, long time ago, thanks for the King Pin Press link, I checked John's Snap-on catalog so I'd know for sure what I was looking for and the photo you included looked very much the same. Still haven't come across that press yet, but yesterday, John lost his tool box keys and we did find those after about a 45 minute search.

    Marcie, that hamburger sure looks good. We have occasionally gone to the Prairie Bar and Grill for lunch, just 3 miles down the road, they have great hamburgers there. I have not tried any of their drinks, but must be good, they are packed every night. ha ha We always just get water with lunch or dinner (coffee with breakfast). John drinks some wine at home, but won't spend the extra money if we go out. I buy "two buck chuck" at TJ's.

    Woke up to 38 degrees this morning, turned the furnace on. Autumn is HERE, brrrrrr, but beautiful, the leaves are turning.

    Escrow closed and we are all done with the Pasadena house. My sister sent me copies of the final papers. One more thing behind us.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi again, I just got back from the grocery store and I didn't go to the store in the next town that I prefer because it's bigger than mine. The rain was coming down pretty good. Mine is like a glorified convenience store and I can't get a lot of what I need but I just figure I'll make it point to go to the larger one later in the week. I only need a few things and some of those Pyrex 4 cup bowls with the polka dots on them, the new 100 year anniversary ones. They are on sale from $4.99 each to $2.49 each this week but my glorified convenience store doesn't carry them, they are too small, lol. They didn't even have the green onions I needed this week. Eek!

    The wind must have been really blowing with the rain last night because truck seats are wet on the sides of them and the door panels too. I checked and my windows were fully up and closed, the doors were fully closed and locked too. Hmm, it's going to need some time to dry out to keep the mildew from taking hold. I wiped them down and put some towels in there in the hopes of stopping anymore of that problem from occurring but tonight is when the storm is going to hit hard. 6:00 pm is the time they have set for the heavy rain to start and that Cat 5 hurricane's remnants to hit our area tomorrow. I am praying hard for those people in Mexico.

    A guy at the stoplight motioned for me to unroll my window and he told me I had a belt squeaking. I asked hubby and he said it's the idler pulley.

    Yay! I just checked the city website and they have rescheduled free rubbish day for November 7th due to inclement weather. I am sure glad they are keeping everyone off the roads tomorrow. :)

    Sannferris-How would something like this work for John? He could clip it to his pants and never have to remove the keys from his person.


    I'm glad the link helped for the missing tool, is there a possibility he loaned the tool out to someone?

    Mygnsac-Your dinner does look really good and I'm not much for burgers and fries. There is a place in big town we like to go because the burgers are really good. They are so big stuffed with mushrooms and mozzarella cheese we order a plate and share it, I eat my half of the burger and hubby eats his and some of the curly fries, then we buy a big salad and share that too. Don't even get me started on that dessert you had there I want one, lol.

    Hmm, I think it's time we schedule a meal out since I have been doing so well on planning meals and we haven't been forced to stop somewhere when we were running late. This week (today) was $30.00 cheaper because I have so many of the things I need already due to buying with sales. It's a good thing too because there isn't much on the sales this week which makes it nice I could plan with what I have here in the house.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Wednesday I took Molly to the dentist - twice since she pulled the spacer out. Thursday I took Ava to speech and watched her till noon, went with Ralph to his last appointment for the research drug and then babysat for E in the evening. Today I walked this morning, did my errands, put things away. The upstairs is straightened plus mostly ready for doing a parliamentarian talk tomorrow afternoon. Fixing a salad for DH a and a little more and then headed it to look at stoves at Home Depot and then babysit for DGDs E and M. So staying busy. I do read but...
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hello all! I've been MIA because my hip has become a major problem :( To quickly summarize my story, on Oct. 9th, I came home from work and was in tears from the pain. I took off on Mon the 12th then worked the 13,14,15th. On Friday the 16th, I woke up and couldn't bear any weight on my leg. I couldn't lift my leg or move it without immense pain! I spent almost 11 hours in the ER and got both a CT scan and MRI. The only thing they discovered is that I have an effusion (abnormal fluid around the socket) and that my hip is bone on bone. They figure that the pain is from the effusion (which I know the shot must have caused) and the inflammation caused by the shot.

    I've been off work since the 16th and am using a walker to get around and am icing my hip frequently. I will be off work until the 9th of November :( I started PT and am hopeful that it will help. Luckily, I have been getting better each and every day :)

    So that's pretty much my life--I haven't been hungry because of all the medicine they gave me to help alleviate the pain. Tylenol seems to work as good as anything else so I'm sticking with that! I've lost about 9 pounds so I guess not being able to WALK to the kitchen really does make a difference!!! That's me trying to have a good attitude :)

    I miss you all and am going to read all the posts that I missed this weekend. Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Oh my gosh I am so sorry about all the pain your going through. I hope your day is better today. :(
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. John was up before I was this morning, but I have him watching a football game right now so I could get on the computer. We'll see how long this lasts.

    Jannie, OUCH! I pray that you get more relief very soon. Congratulations on the pounds lost, however, not the way you would have wanted it. I like your attitude, I felt that way too, when I lost 30 pounds due to chemo. One benefits of cancer, ha ha ha But, I gained it all back, now, I have to do it the right way...more exercise. Walking, but not always into the kitchen.

    Anew, thank you again for your concern and the time you take to find links, but that particular key chain is not going to work in this case. John's regular keys, house, garage, etc. are safely kept in his pocket. These were his tool box keys that he keeps in a coffee can and carries them out to the garage and then after everything is locked up, carries the can back into the house at night so no one can open his tool boxes. Way too many keys to hang on a chain, he has 4 big roll-aways with top chests and end cabinets and also a wall cabinet. There's a total of 13 keys. He used to hide the can in the garage, but kept forgetting where his great hiding places were, so now we bring it into the house and leave it on the washing machine. Then, like the other day, he locks up and before coming into the house, gets side tracked by something in the pasture and sets the can down...who knows where. Different place every time. Two weeks ago, I found it setting on the llama work station. Just in case we don't find the can in a timely manner, I do have another set of keys stashed in the kitchen utility drawer.

    I see my neighbors coming over for a visit, be back later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm back, had coffee and a nice visit, fixing all the problems of the world, or, at least the neighborhood, ha ha

    I was going to call my Mom about 10:30, but visited with our neighbors instead. Now is not a good time, she'll be getting ready to go downstairs for lunch. I'll call later this afternoon. She is going to have some company at 2 pm, that's why I was going to call her this morning. Friends, 2 couples, from Pasadena are driving out to see her. That will be so nice, see some old familiar faces.
    After talking to my sister last night, Mom is doing much worse and I decided that I need to call her more often. Norma calls her everyday and sees her often. I've been calling at least twice a week, but since I can't see her, I think I'll try to call everyday also.

    We have a gray day today, still overcast, but dry. It's suppose to rain tomorrow, so there are some things I need to do today, before the rain. Since the weather is changing, I think I'll bring in some firewood and have it ready for the colder days. Big trial period to see if John can leave the wood stove alone after it's stoked up and let it burn without too much smoke in the house. We didn't burn at all last winter, just used electric heaters.

    I guess that's it for now. Will clean up the kitchen and start deciding what's for dinner. I thawed chicken breasts, but also have left over roast beef for sandwiches if I choose not to cook.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Just got back from my usual Saturday morning shopping. I needed some more pants, so I went to the dress shop, got gas, got my car washed, went out for breakfast, and got groceries. Tha's all my getting for weekend!

    While I was at the grocery store, I noticed the pharmacy was offering flu shots, so checked that out. They acted like I was really inconviencing them. I told them since you don't seem to want to do this, I'll go get it elsewhere. Also, the woman could barely speak English and it was hard understanding what she was saying. Sheesh. I'll pop in at the usual place I get it (pharmacy at another store).

    While I was at the store I bought a pot roast. It's been a long time since I cooked a pot roast. Just sounds good. I'll cook it in the crockpot over night. Will be adding carrots, onions, and little potatoes to it. Should be a good Sunday dinner (or lunch).

    My Fitbit is working again. I had to update the Fitbit App on my PC, then restarted the Fitbit. Then, of course, when I left the house this morning I forgot to clip it on! I need to get my act together!

    I was planning to take Cisco over to the dog park when I got back today, but I was gone longer than I thought I would be. Maybe we'll go tomorrow. He's due a trip to the park.

    Dad and I are going out for dinner tonight. We're not sure where yet, but will probably be Italian. Out for breakfast and dinner! This must stop!

    Yesterday at work was brutal. They are making the managers and analytical staff (that one is me) tale an online defensive driving course (we have to do that every four years). I got it out of the way yesterday and it took 3 hours. At least that's done.

    Sheryl, too bad you can't attach one of those key finders to that coffee can.

    Jannie, I'm sorry you've been in so much pain. Sending you lots of get well wishes!

    Anew, it's nice how you always send helpful suggestions our way.

    I'd better go put those groceries away. Seems like I needed to restock everything! I'll be chipping away at that until we leave for dinner. Have a nice night all.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi everyone, It has been a very nice Saturday so far except for the fact that the temperature is back up today - it is 91 degrees. Tomorrow should be very hot also then mid 80's for the rest of the week. Crazy weather!!! I went to the farmer's market today and got local honey, green beans, Japanese cucumbers, and chard. The guy selling the chard also gave me 2 big beautiful bunches of beet greens for free that another customer didn't want. The funny thing is that I was going to ask a couple of the vendors today if they had any beet greens that were not wanted but I decided it was silly and decided not to ask. Then this guy offered! God is SO good! After the market I went to Costco for a couple of things, then to Trader Joe's. The parking lot for trader Joe's which is usually hectic was much more hectic today because a new pizza place called Flippin' Pizza opened a few doors down and they were giving away a free slice of pizza to everyone between 11 and 2 today. I couldn't believe how many people would stand in line in the heat for a free slice of pizza!! After that I went to Ralphs to get a couple of items and to get a movie for tonight at the red box called "Tomorrowland" with George Clooney. I'll let you know how it is. Last on the list was a trip to Sprouts for veggies and supplements. They were having a "health and beauty extravaganza (they have this every few months) so all vitamins and health and beauty items are 25% off this week. If you spend over $100 you get an additional 10% off for a total of 35% off. A great deal! We are going to Jami's tonight for pulled pork sandwiches, to watch the movie and to dye my hair. The funny part of this is that we've had pulled pork sandwiches twice this week already since I brought it home from the retreat. That's ok with us though. :)

    Sheryl, so glad to hear that the escrow closed and that is off your plate for you and Norma. Calling mom everyday is probably a good idea. I call my brother every day now since my mom passed away. Glad to hear you had such a nice lunch with the girls. It was definitely needed.

    Anew, the laminate sounds like a good choice. Look forward to seeing it when you are finished. Very strange how your truck was wet even with the windows closed. Hope the rain isn't causing flooding in your area. As for Mexico the preliminary reports sound like they were pretty well prepared for the storm. We'll have to see how the more rural areas fare. Very happy to hear that they postponed the free trash day. I wish we had a free trash day here. Loads at the dump are really expensive.

    Marcie, sounds like you are going to be crazy busy at work till next year! Glad your fitbit is cooperating again. Dan and I really enjoy pub grub every now and then. That blueberry peach cobbler looks to die for amazing!! Can't wait to hear how your pot roast turns out. I have been wanting to make one too. What cut of meat did you get? I was thinking a chuck roast would do just fine. What pants did you end up getting?

    Debora, Good to hear that Ralph had his final research study appt. Will they tell you what the results were?

    Jannie, so sorry to hear about all the pain you have been in with your hip. Sounds like the shot definitely was not worth it! Hope you're feeling better soon. I'll keep you in my prayers.

    I washed the sheets today so we will be having clean sheet night tonight. I love clean sheet night! :) We'll be leaving for Jami's soon so I better go make the bed so we don't have to deal with it when we come home.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sanferris-Can you attach something like this to the coffee can with a nut and bolt through the attached key ring?

    Well I started with Chipolo and you'll find it all below but I have now come across another one that's waterproof. It's called Lapa2 and it's a campaign on Indiogogo. You can get one Lapa2 and one silicone bracelet for $35.00 to put it in, so essentially you could have something on John to locate him if you are out in a crowd and you get separated. Of course it's designed for children but I guess just using one on Johns keys he keeps with him would work too. You can also buy more than one of course.

    If you are interested I would go in with you on it because the more you buy the more you save.



    Hmm, I really like this one the Lapa2, it keeps a GPS record location of where things have been.


    The Chipolo design is small like a quarter.


    The Chipolo seems to work on Bluetooth so if you have a cell phone you can use it and the link below lays out what it works on.


    You can order it here


  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi all, got stuff done for tomorrow, decided I've walked enough so now waiting for Thomas to call for me to go get him. He came out for Officer's Training and then home with me. I did the parliamentarian training - made trail mix by motions - the group I had chose all the sweet stuff. Last night I got to watch Emily and Maggie - kept me hoping a bit more but I got smiles from Maggie and she took her bottle okay. Their dryer is broken so I brought home some of the laundry and did it today and sent it home with Jim when he brought Thomas out. He didn't bring me more though.

    I did go and look at the stoves at Home Depot. We've decided we won't try and fix this one. 40 years is a good long life. I don't want a smooth top and just a basic so looking for the best price. I'd even busy used so need to do some hunting.

    Tomorrow I'm doing hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner and I found out Alans' need to leave right after we eat so trying to think through streamlining it. I told Ralph we need to hurry home after church. Then there's a women's event Sunday afternoon that I'd like to go to.

    Anew, yay for getting going on the craft room. You are going a great job of your house projects. Are you working on them this weekend with all the rain and not going anywhere.? Thanks for figuring out which menu site is better. I love how it's helping you.

    Sheryl, we'd be glad to take some of the rain. We've gotten a few sprinkles but that's it. Wonderful that the house is taken care of. Calling your mom more often is a good idea. And if you call more often, you don't have to talk a long time. Always glad to see a post from you - know it's a better day for John then.
    So glad you had a good lunch out - nice group. Do this as much as you can. It's good for you.

    Isabella, I'm so glad you got to go to the women's retreat and meals for later.

    Anew, I'm so glad you found your foot ice packs. Smart to get another set. Interesting on what you've learned on your feet. Glad the free rubbish day was postponed and hope you can get your stuff out when it happens.

    Carla, certainly not garden season here. Hope all you plant grows well.

    Marcie, almost done with the antibiotics and your appetite back. Yay. Sorry it's so busy at work but I guess that's keeps you out of mischief. We've used our furnace - gone back and forth some. I'll be curious to see what your endodontist tells you. My dental office called to go over billing for a crown and I argued that I wasn't to have a crown cause I have no pain. She called while I was babysitting so since then, I did remember that he said there is decay down there and I should get a root canal before I have problems. But I may put it off till after Christmas. I did finally make an appointment with the periodonist but it's not till Feb. (first opening) and my eye appointment (in December cause my sister wanted to wait till her possible time for getting called for jury duty was done). So now they will happened.
    Very glad your fitbit synched. And now for the habit of putting it on. I'm kind of back to where I was last week when I didn't have mine for a couple of days.

    Jannie, so sorry for all the pain you're having. I'm glad it's getting better bone on bone. Bummer on the shot in some ways making things worse for you. I have a friend who has (had) a knee bone on bone a year ago and started taking a tablespoon of gelatin once or twice a day and her knee is better. Don't know if it would help a hip or not. Hope you can take the time to heal before you have to push it hard.

    Marcie, seems like you can get a flu shot almost everywhere. So going where you liked it good. I signed up at the research place to get mine along with an RSV shot. I'll get it sometime in November I think. You got a lot done today while you were out. Yum on the pot roast. I thought it was on sale this week so was going to get a couple for the third Sunday in November. It was another beef cut on sale and since I don't know if I'll have an oven yet, I bought nothing. That's one meal I prefer to do in the oven.
    Since you don't do any driving at work, why do you have to do the class. It's a good thing. I guess they want you to get to work okay. Three hours seems like a long time.

    Isabella, you got a lot done today too. Good that you could take advantage of a good sale. Clean sheet night and a moved and time with friends - super evening.

    Told Ralph we would drop the chips from tomorrow's meal to help speed things up. We'll still have the hamburgers/hot dogs, BBQ green beans, applesauce and dessert - the leftover trail mix for the kids and a Edwards turtle pie for the adults (a thank you from a guy we loaned our cages to when he was taking chickens in to get butchered). Enjoy your weekend.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sannferris-I also wanted to say that the key ring I linked to will hold up to 15 keys but I think you could put a second key ring on it to hold more keys if needed. I remember the janitor always carrying a huge amount of keys on one those things when I worked at a factory and he had numerous buildings to manage. That's why they came to mind.

    There's a whole new way to find that can too. Once you do locate it I'd paint it with some Neon Yellow paint and wait for daylight to shine a flashlight outside, I bet you'd find it real good then. Low tech and very low priced too.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2015
    Isabella, you did more shopping than me today. Ha! What do you do with the beet greens? When I have some, I'll toss them in a smoothie. I haven't been to Sprouts in a long time. I used to go every weekend. The pot roast is chuck. It was 4 pounds, more than we need, so I halved it and will use 2 lbs in the crockpot. The rest I cubed and froze and will use in a beef stew later. Enjoy the movie. Let us know what you think. I just picked up a couple more pair of slacks for work and a couple pairs of yoga pants for around the house. They had a buy one get one half off sale today, so saved a little money.

    Debora, 40 years is a good run for a stove. I hope you find a new one you like soon. They make us take the defensive driving training because they want to be covered in the event we need to drive somewhere on behalf of the office. Personally, I've only had to do that a couple times in the last decade, but some of the managers, attorneys and other analysts do it fairly regularly.

    You should have seen Cisco when I was cutting up that roast. I don't think I've cooked raw beef since we got in in 2013. We're not big red meat eaters. His little eyes were huge and his nose kept twitching up at me. I told him to give it up. No raw meat for him. Ha!

    Dad and I had a nice meal at the Italian restaurant. I just had salad and spaghetti with pomodoro sauce. He tried something new and had a personal sized pizza with pesto, veggies, cheese and aragula. He said it was good, but he wouldnt order it again. I tasted it and it was a really good pizza. That's my kind of a pizza. He's more of a pepperoni and cheese person.

    I think I'm going to go get the laundry started, and then start my weekly cooking now. I need to get that roast browned and ready for the crockpot and get the veggies cut up for it, hard boil some eggs, maybe cook up a pot of lentils, and I want to bake up a batch of oatmeal protein bars. I havent made any of those all summer and I think I'm ready to put them in the rotation again. We still have a few hardboiled eggs left from last week, so I think I'll make up some egg salad too. Last night I was in the mood to clean and re-organize the kitchen (poor Dad woke up this morning and had to figure out where I moved everything...he just muttered that I'm just like my mother...he'd come home from work often to find she'd rearraned the furniture again, ha!), and tonight I'm in the mood to cook.

    Night everyone.

    P.s., here's a pic I found earlier. Pretty much sums up my dog. Lol


    Also, here's something I'm trying tonight. Supposed to make your garbage disposal smell good. I got the vinegar and lemon cubes feezing right now and will give it a try in the garbage disposal tomorrow.
