Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi all. I had a nice long post typed out yesterday, then accidentally lost it. Didn't have the will to type it up again. Lol

    I guess I'm starting to feel a little (very little) better. The Aleve seems to be doing a good job of tackling the sore throat. I'm still waking up coughing and gasping for air though. That's getting really old now. I went home early from work yesterday, gathered Cisco, and he and I took a nap for almost 90 minutes before I woke up coughing. That was a nice long stretch of sleeping. Didn't have the same luck last night. I kept waking every 15-30 minutes all night long. I'll be glad when the work week is over and I don't have to worry about getting up and going to work for a couple days.

    Jannie, yeah, I've been gargling with warm salt water like mad. I can't stand that stuff, but my Dad keeps telling me to stop being a baby and just do it. Do you ever let your boys do any of the cooking? I'll bet if they did, they would be jumping for joy at the new kitchen. Ha!

    Anew, I found those pics of the 40s stepford wives fun. I'm pretty sure neither of my grandmothers fell into that category, especially my maternal grandmother who worked out in the fields during the day and took care of her hubby and 7 kids during the night.

    Sheryl, that's great that your parent's house is getting offers. I hope a good deal shows up really soon! I used to go to One Kind Planet every day, but the members over there just weren't participating regularly or at all (kind of like the members on NM during that last year). Started feeling like I was talking to myself. Also, when I try to go to OKP on my Ipad, it keeps crashing my browser. And, one thing I was disappointed in was the Recipe section. I was really hoping they would include a feature that categorizes and makes searchable member contributed recipes (something I always wished NM had done), but it seems it will only be recipes by Susan and Lynn. I may pop in and check this current round of activity. Hopefully more people are chiming in now and creating posts/conversations more often.

    Sheryl (and anyone else), in the future if you are ever looking for a particular Group on MFP, rather than searching on the Message Boards, search in Groups. Look at the bread crumbs at the top of this page (see Message Boards › Groups › NM Family ) and click on "Groups". From there there is a group search feature available. For the most part, most groups I've joined have been duds. People create them, but the members don't participate enough to make them successful. I was all excited when I found a Pets group where people share pics and stories about their animals, but quickly found it also was a dud. :(


    Well, I'm going to get back to work and finish out the never-ending day. Have a great day.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi everyone, I've been doing the oh so not wanted sleeping during the day as you can tell by my up all night posting of history, lol. Ah well, at least it's something I can do to keep my mind off of things.

    Sanferris-LOL, I thought you'd get a kick out of the Downton Abbey dresses, lol again. Wouldn't it be fun to have a costume party and wear time period clothes to it? It would be a whole lot of work though.

    It's good to hear the buzzing about your parents house and will be neat to hear how it all finalizes.

    Cjdigsindirt-Good to see you, I'll take a look into the weigh in group. I love the silver plate pattern and the design is inspired by Garden Rose of China. They (General Mills) used a focus group on 5 designs they were thinking about bringing to the new catalog and this one won out as the best liked. It also ran the longest and sold the most of all silver plate designs in the catalogs too.

    Mygnsac-I'm glad you got some rest and hope you kick that virus to the moon and back again.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2015
    This recipe sounds so good and the pic takes it over the top but I don't have a spiralizer.


    I know I can't use a handheld one because of my arthritis and the big machines seem to take up a lot of storage space and have lots of parts to clean, then I saw this one.

    Check out this spiral slicer it has the parts contained without switching out blades, you just turn the knob for the size of spiraled veggies you want.


    I'm not sure I have the strength to hold this one closed either. It looks like it takes up less storage space than the really large cumbersome ones but the requirement to push down and turn is what causes me to pause on making a purchase. I have too much injury and arthritis so pushing down on things is pretty hard for me.

    I can only do so much when it comes to peeling potatoes or carrots so I think I have to avoid this altogether even though the recipe above looks so good to me. I wonder if my husband would do the job if I bought this, I hate to ask him though because he is already so busy working and doing house stuff.

    Does anyone have this thing?

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    A quick Good Afternoon.

    Slept in this morning and then got swept away trying to sort through offers and counter offers via email. The realtor put a deadline of 5:00 pm, Sunday 9/20/15, for all best and final offers. Including a 15 day escrow, so, this deal will be complete very soon, I know we will accept one of these offers.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi everyone, hope all is well. A friend came from up north so several friends met for breakfast this morning. We had some good conversation and enjoyed catching up. The food was good too. I haven't been to this restaurant called Kountry Café (that's how they spell it!) in years. I had an avocado breakfast burrito. It was yummy. Afterward I went to the farmer's market. I kept it light and got green and yellow beans, zucchini, pickling cukes, and a grapefruit all for $7. I stopped at Trader Joe's next and got my weekly stuff there then came home just as hubby was leaving to run to Ace Hardware so I unloaded my groceries then jumped in the car and took the ride with him to get some hose nozzles. We stopped for a bite to eat afterward. He was very hungry, I was not, :) so I got a fish taco and he got a tamale plate.

    I finally finished getting caught up on all the posts and spent quite a bit of time on Amazon after anew's post about spiralizers, checking out all the different types and brands. Ever since Marcie mentioned her veggetti I have been wanting to try one. I don't think I'd get the one Anew mentioned. Although it looks good I don't think I'd use it enough. I saw one that seems very similar to the veggetti but a bit sturdier perhaps. It is called the iperfect Kitchen Envy Spiral Slicer. It comes with e-books, a peeler, a "guide" to stick on the end of the veggies, a little brush to clean it with, and a cloth bag to keep it all in. All for $14.95. The blades are Japanese and sound like good quality. I am considering getting one for myself and one to give away at our bible study white elephant exchange at Christmas time. We'll see if I actually do or not...

    Marcie, Hope you are pretty much over your virus. Last time I had a terrible cough that was keeping me (and hubby) up at night I went to the pharmacy to get a cough suppressant and stared at the gazillion products trying to decide what to purchase for what seemed like forever. I finally went to the pharmacist and told him I just wanted something that would stop the cough and help me sleep thru the night. He told me to get original benadryl. It worked like a charm!!! Sorry to hear you are still having fires up there. Hope they are resolved soon. Good as it Gets is one of my favorites also. Are you still using your veggetti? Do you have any wasted left over veggie with it? Do you still like it?

    Debora, I'm looking forward to some of the new shows coming up too. Grandfathered sounds like it might be cute. It is about a playboy (played by John Stamos) who didn't even know he had a son much less a granddaughter. There is another one called Life in Pieces which is also a family comedy.

    Anew, you got me cruising Amazon for a long time looking at spiralizers. On line shopping is addicting! :) I'd really like to get one soon. The site with the Hoosiers was really interesting too. And the silverware is beautiful. All fun stuff.

    Jannie, Yay on the cabinets! They look fantastic!!! I can only imagine how excited you were to be able to cook "normally" again. :)

    Carla, great to see you! Hope all is well!

    Sheryl, we want to see a picture of your hair. I know it looks strange when you have a hair color you aren't used to but you may come to like it. :) How was your lunch with Carol? How is she doing? Hopefully John will leave the stove door closed longer this year so it won't get so smoky in the house. We are still running the AC. It was 89 degrees today. It is amazing all the offers on the house. You must be selling it for a pretty great price to go along with the good location. Great that you should have it in the sale process by Monday. I can't believe the gardener couldn't cut the grass because his mower is broken. If that is your livelihood you go and buy another one for pete's sake! I haven't been to One Kind Planet for a few weeks. I'll have to go and visit. I really do like the site. We will be starting season 3 of Downton Abbey tonight. We continuously marvel at how much we are enjoying this show - the acting, the writing, the photography - all top notch! We are binging - just can't get enough of it. We haven't watched much of anything else since we started. Of course it helps that the summer shows we watch have ended for the season and the others we watch and the new fall season shows haven't quite started yet.

    OK, I'll close for now. Talk to you all later or tomorrow perhaps!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I am determined to chat with you guys and try to keep it short. (Don't hold your breath on that.) Last Sunday was good. SS went well with the class. The nursery wasn't too busy. Dinner was fun. I got a nap after everyone left and the concert on the church lawn in the evening was nice. I was very glad I took my jacket.

    Monday I worked on getting ready for 4-H. I did get done but spread it out over the day. The meeting went well. We got elections taken care of which was the big part of the evening. Didn't get too many record books in but not too surprised. Now I need to get through them this week. (still working with my grandkids to get theirs done).

    Tuesday I had a call from sister at 7. I thought it was going to be her saying Happy Birthday but wondered why she was calling so early. No, she wanted to know what my day was like cause Alan and Katie had taken Ava to ER at midnight with a seizure and unresponsive. She had slept on the couch but it was her day to go to the store. I had planned to be home all day so no problem. I went over and fed them breakfast, cleaned up Ava's bed and floor and then brought the kids over here. We had Sunday leftovers for dinner. There were here until about 7:30. They brought Ava home about 5 but then Katie took a nap. I learned we had come close to losing Ava but she is bouncing right along again.

    Wednesday I went to Lindsey's to watch her kids while she ran errands. I was there from 10-2 and then I went to get a haircut. I ended up having the same guy as last time but he had a more normal haircut this time. Then I went to Lori's house and did a little while I waited on her. I brought some Little Caesar's pizza for supper. Then Lori, Maggie and I came out for the women's event at church. They talked about all the different things women could get involved in. Refreshments was several kinds of pies. It was good to visit. I brought Lori out and then she drove her van home. Ralph had brought it home and checked some things out on it.

    Thursday morning at 6:30 we headed for KC (3 hours drive). We took 16 boxes (mostly with books) to the place that ships to Kenya. Then we had fun going to some bookstores and a few other errands. Ralph was tired so I did most of the drive home and we were home by 7:30.

    Friday was my usual errands in town. My list wasn't long but I had the college girl to bring back here so went to the Salvation Army thrift store. I didn't find any books but I got a really nice stadium seat. I had time to visit with Julie a bit and no hurry in the grocery store. I was supposed to watch Alan's kids in the afternoon but we got a good rain so couldn't combine so they decided to go see Katie's family. So I got the house straightened up. Then we went to the Valley Center football game for the first quarter (expensive for the time spent) but Taryn was cheering with the kiddie camp. We couldn't see her much at all but she liked that we were there. Then we drove over to Sunrise and let Ralph off at that football game to watch Thomas play and my sister and I went to the house so I could watch Emily and she helped me fold laundry. So we didn't get home until 11.

    That brings us to today (and I haven't stayed very short have I?). I worked on stuff for Sunday - made the salad and dessert and other stuff. At noon, my sister and I went to town to meet another sister and ate at a nice restaurant to celebrate two of our birthdays. Then we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and my younger sister found some things she was looking for. We brought home the oldest grandson and I got him off to the Youth Group party. He'll call when the party is done and I'll get him and he'll spend the night here. I'm not next week will be much less busy but we sure keep things interesting.

    Sheryl, your swiss steak sounds wonderful and Ralph would probably like it. Hope using the woodstove works out. Glad your breathing is so much better. I'm watching Doc Martin these weeks. I don't know that it's new but it is shows that come after the ones I watched last year. Ralph and I are still sharing the Tivo. Now that the new season is starting, we have to keep the TV on when we're home to stay ahead (ha).
    Are you getting used to your hair color?

    Anew, I have a flylady friend who fixes up Hoosier cabinets and is starting to use one she has. My mother-in-law had one but unfortunately, on a move, it fell out of the vehicle and was not fixable. These days you don't necessarily get more steps on the farm but I know they all used too. Good idea to thinking about the moving you do.

    Janie, loving the kitchen and so fun for you to cook now when you can do more than one thing at a time. Won't it be fun to have the project done.

    Wow, Sheryl, good for getting to the dentist and getting the other appointments made. I'm still procrastinating.

    Marcie, sorry your virus is hanging on so long. Glad you saw the doctor - funny (but not funny) on the hunt for his new place. I hope you sleep good this weekend and being able to take it easy gets you on the mend. Your dad still doing okay. Wow, what a fire season.

    Sheryl, so exciting that the house is moving so quickly. Hope that all goes smoothly with whoever is chosen.

    Jannie, even with things put away, you may change spots as you do things. Have fun cooking. Did I every tell you I made your dish wit the cheese something, spaghetti sauce, cheese, and spinach and it went over well.

    Anew, you find so many interesting things. Wish I had more to time to do more than glance at the stuff. We used to save the Betty Crocker Points. I think some of my silverware came with it as gifts.
    The recipe does look good. I've never asked my sister if she's used the one I got her. The spiralizer you found looks easy to use but the price tag would be too high for me. I don't think I'd use it enough. If you could use it, you'd have fun with it.

    Hi Carla. Glad things are going well. Congrats on the loss.

    Okay, I've blubbered on long enough so I'll send this on. I've got dishes to do and some emails I should get answered. And closer to bedtime, I'll get the tenderloin going in the crockpot. Have a good Sunday and thanks for hanging in with me if you're still reading.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi everyone, I came across this meal planning program and was interested enough to take a look at it which required a 10 day free trial signup. The plans start at $7 per month and after taking a look at it I can see where it would help a very busy family plan their meals with an ability to check things off their grocery list while at the store and using the app on their phones. I don't think I would be interested in it enough to pay for something like it because it seems so easy to do my own planning. But again I can see how it would help someone who didn't have the first clue about making a plan or would just like something they can put everything into in one place for all meal plans they have or want to add to. This could very possibly save me a lot of time writing out that grocery list though so it might be worth it just for that time spent. The grocery list can be emailed or accessed on your phone to it's quite useful in that way. It also changes the list as you edit ingredients in your recipe on your weekly menu plan. It also removes the ingredients if you take a recipe off your weekly menu.

    If you are a member you can add online recipes to your recipe book using the recipe clipper on our bookmark toolbar but I am having some trouble making that work. I know that would work great for someone who uses a few of the online resources like me to get dinner on the table each night if you can figure out how to use the clipper, lol.

    You can make your pantry list for all the things you keep on hand and even make a list of things you need to replenish for your pantry. The shopping list tells you what is in your pantry as long as you maintain it on your account. I don't know how extensive the free trial is at this time but I will keep playing with it and see if I decide it's worth it to me to use or not. I might just like it and keep right on trudging through! :smiley:

    Check it out here it's called "Gathered Table".


    We ordered the tires to my truck today and should receive them on Wednesday and the price was lower than the last time we looked at them plus there is a rebate for $70 for the purchase of four tires. This means a savings of over $300 for four tires, what a score I got by needing to wait. I'll need to make an appointment to have them installed on my truck this coming week so I can get my truck safety inspected and get the tags by the end of the month. I will have to get the alignment done on it as well. The other work it needs will have to wait, I just won't be taking any trips in my truck anytime soon.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2015
    Okay, so I figured out how to send a text via my email using this information here at the link below. I used the Gathered Table shopping list option of emailing it to myself and then I texted that same list to my phone via my carrier. It came with nothing missing so now I would not have to have a phone online while shopping (which is a problem here) and could just look at my text message to follow my list. On my phone I can save a text message to a memo and edit from there so I would do that to make sure I could delete what I have put into the basket so I won't get confused on what I still needed to purchase. I think I might just be liking this Gathered Table a lot more than I thought I would because the planning and time savings will be awesome.

    Check out the link below to to find your carrier and know how to send a text via your email address to the phone of your choice. It was so easy to do.


    Now if I can just figure out how to use the recipe clipper on there, lol.

    Update: Here is the link explaining how to use the recipe clipper, I can see now if I can add a recipe to my menu. It just worked. :smile:


    Okay, so I had received an email from Container Store telling me about this Gathered Table and it says the plans start at $7.00 per month but it isn't what I am finding out about this program. I am finding out that after the 10 day free trial you can get one month for .99 cents and $10.00 per month thereafter. You also have the choice to pay a yearly fee all at once of $86.00. I am not sure I want to pay $10.00 per month for it so I might (maybe) pay the .99 cent fee for one month and see how much I would really use the plan to decide the worth of a monthly charge. I do see that if you divide the $86.00 per year fee paid all at once the price would then come out to just barely over $7.00 per month.

    Here is the article I received in my email from Container Store, of course they are advertising their fridgebinz in it.


    Okay, so more info here about Gathered Table.

    I see when I remove a recipe from the weekly menu and add another the items that are needed for it are in the grocery list but it won't let me change it to pantry if I already have the item. It doesn't even let me put it in the store list either. This is really strange, for example a recipe requires carrots and you already have them in the refrigerator but it says next to them, "add on" and the only thing you can do is add more to the amounts needed but it won't let me put it in pantry to remove it from the shopping list. I don't like this since it would definitely cause some confusion on what is needed at the store or not. I will keep playing with it though and if I can't figure it out I will contact them and ask how to change that and make it more user friendly.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I got it! Okay, so if I add an item to my grocery list it is listed as "Add On" so I can't put it in my pantry but I can check mark it and delete it. I have practiced a few times sending my husband a grocery list by emailing to myself first and then copying the list text from within the email and sending it via an email to his phone. This works pretty well. I won't need to be contacting them to see how to make if more user friendly than it already is because I see it works very well all around. I think this is the most complete meal planning site I have ever seen but still might not be something I really truly need.

    I wonder though if I used it and followed a meal plan if I could save money by not buying too much and then winding up tossing fruits and veggies because we didn't eat all of it in time. Hmm, food for thought!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Never made it over here yesterday...beautiful day and we spent most of it doing yard work. Mowed for a couple hours. I need to over-seed and fertilize before the rains come, both the lawn and the pasture. Things are shaping up.
    Light rain in the forecast for today, late. So, maybe this afternoon, I can get the seed and fertilizer spread.

    I bought an extremely light, light blonde hair color, after seeing the dentist Thursday, and put it on my hair yesterday. It lightened it up some, but not too much. Time to leave it alone, let it grow out, and continue to buy the medium blonde color from now on. I'll try to take a selfie, but my camera apparently doesn't do what cell phones do...I can't get my arm far enough away from my head. My sister cut my hair again, really short, and now, ALL the curls are finally gone. With a little more growth, it's starting to look like it did before I got sick.

    I got a sink full of dirty dishes again, and pots still sitting on the stove. I tell you...I am the WORST housekeeper. That's on my list today, clean up the kitchen and just warm up left-overs for dinner and clean that up too, before going to bed. I won't know what to do with myself if I wake up to a clean kitchen tomorrow morning. It will probably not get totally done, I'll wash the dishes now, but I can't promise what will happen after dinner.

    No new emails regarding the house yesterday, but tonight, Norma and I should have another conference call with the realtor. I'm excited...get this deal done and over with.

    I hear John getting up, so I'll close for now.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Just a quick drop in before I go to bed.

    Debora, love your post as always. Of course we stayed with you to the end! :)

    Anew, your new site sounds interesting. Let us know how it works for you and if it saves money.

    Sheryl, Sounds like you had a nice day. We were back to record breaking temps today. It was 100 degrees here and very humid. At 9:30pm it is still in the 80s. Should cool down to the high 80s by the end of the week. Look forward to hearing about which offer you end up with.

    I actually posted a discussion about spiralizers out in the main community in the recipes discussion and am actually getting some replies. It's kinda nice.

    My friend Jami dyed my hair today. Yay! We had a nice little visit, watched the Chopped cooking show then I went and finished my grocery shopping at Sprouts. They had mini watermelons for $1.88. They are SO good!

    OK, off to bed. I have to work tomorrow. Good night all!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. John's up early again and I'm just popping in here to say Hi. Gotta go, will come back later when I have more time.

    Narrowed down to 2 offers, I trust today we'll make a decision.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning.

    I'm feeling some better, but still have that cough when I try to sleep. Last night I got in the recliner in the living room and dozed off. Woke up soon after when Cisco jumped up there with me. He and I just rocked in the chair for about and hour and then gave the bed another go.

    Our weather has been a little schitzo this last week. It was chilly last week, but got into the 100s over the weekend. I think we're supposed to cool down again this week.

    Go here if you want to looks at some pretty sunset pictures MFPer's have been posting on that thread.

    Isabella, I saw your post out in the main forum. It's great seeing fellow NMers out there! Great price on those mini watermelons! The little bits I have left over when I spiralize I just cut up and put in whatever it is I'm making. No waste. I like to use those mini zucchinis. They fit perfectly in the hand held Veggetti. I also love using yellow summer squash, but you have to trim those a little first. I haven't come close to cutting my nails or hands when using it.

    Debora, good to have you back, and your post was just fine. Glad to hear Ava is ok. How scary.

    Anew, good luck with your meal planning program.

    Back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Afternoon, I'm feeling great...we accepted a counter-offer on the house and Norma will have Mom sign escrow papers tomorrow. The young couple who showed an interest, which Norma and I were trying to shy away from because we didn't want to saddle them with all the problems the house has, countered with $610,000. They want the house so badly and they know all the problems and they still wanted it, so their final and best offer was $5,000. over the highest bidder. I figured that if they want it that much, they can have it and I don't feel bad about handing it over. They are both PhD's and the woman got a job at USC, so she gets $200,000. in housing allowance. Now, I'm thinking that they have enough money to hire all the work done and hire a lawyer if needed to fight the City of Pasadena, so I don't feel guilty at all.

    I can't even wrap my mind around these prices.

    While I was typing, Norma called..."The couple are elated that we accepted and are over the moon".

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. My planned day has changed, but it's better this way. Carol called me last night and postponed our lunch because she's been sick and still doesn't feel up to going out. We'll get together next Monday. My car gets serviced at 3:30 this afternoon and I will still be going out for that. I was going to be gone all day, lunch with Carol, kill some time and then go to the Toyota dealer later. I didn't think it was wise to come home in between, waste gas, but at the same time, it's not wise to leave John home alone all day either. So, this works out best, I'll just be gone a couple hours this afternoon.

    I forgot to tell you that last Thursday, when I came home from the dentist, the big ladder was up against the house. John had decided to clean out the gutters while I was gone. It scares me that he doesn't realize the risk and something might happen while I'm gone. I plan to have John go with me tomorrow to my doctor's appointment and then we can do something fun together while we're in town.

    More later, John is calling...
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning all, I am getting the plans together to take my truck in and I was going to take it to someone here in town but only one place does the alignment and the other wants to see my truck before he will give me a quote on his charge to mount and balance four tires. I told him the size and everything with his response I have to make sure they will fit my equipment and his response was "I have to see them", so I won't be gracing his doorway anytime soon. :wink: I would also have to take it to a third place for the safety inspection so decided I am going back to the place I took it to in April or so, he can do it all there and I got a quote, lol.

    Life's been boring but I have enjoyed using the Gathered Table program and being able to add to my diary. It's been nice to have a set menu so that my husband has a meal on the table at a decent hour even if I have a sleep issue. It was nice taking a grocery list to the store and only buying what I knew I would be using in the coming week too. I think I will save a lot of money this way with a lot less produce waste.

    Arobed53- How scary to find out about Ava like that. I'm glad to hear she is ok. I love Hoosiers but I don't have the space for one.

    Isyvnek- I cruise amazon far too much, lol. I saw your post about the veggetti and was able to learn a lot of good stuff there. I would probably go with the Inspiralizer because it locks onto the table but it looks like it needs a lot of storage so I'll have to think about that one. Glad you got your hair done.

    Mygnsac-It's good to hear you are feeling better and I hope your weather gets better. I sometimes wonder if all those fires out there are causing the temps to fluctuate so much.

    Sannferris=-Great news on the house contract. I'll be taking my truck in at the end of the week if I get my new tires by tomorrow as it said I would on the delivery schedule. It's hard to do things like that without spending the entire day because they are in no hurry to get to your vehicle since they have so many ahead of you already, lol.

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good Morning. Car servicing went as well as can be expected, but since I forgot to clear out the back, they couldn't get to the spare tire to check it, they didn't want to be responsible for all my junk back there and possibly lose something. It was a more extensive check and took almost 2 hours. Next chance I get, I'll leave all my stuff at home and run by the dealership to have the spare checked, and, to get the car washed. I skipped having it washed because it was so late in the day and I needed to get back to John and fix dinner. Next time, I'll make the appointment earlier in the day, I function better then.

    Today is the oncologist appointment. John is still undecided if he's going with me. Now, I hope he doesn't want to go to Portland. then I can see the doctor and stop at TJ's and shop and come home. If he goes, we'll be gone all day.

    Christina is bringing Jason home today. I don't know how she does it, in pain and totally exhausted, but still pulls it together to take care of him too. They will have to help each other, but at least he's home and she won't have to make trips to the hospital to see him.

    I guess that's it for now, my mind just went blank. It's going to be one of those days...
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited September 2015

    We finally have smoke-free clean smelling air around here. Such a treat. I hope it lasts!

    Our temps are on the way down again, at least for the moment. Day before yesterday it was nearly 100 degrees, and yesterday it didn't even make it out of the 80s. I don't think we'll have too many more really hot days, or at least I hope not. I'm over it now.

    I'm starting to sleep a little better now. Last night I actually slept for 3 hours straight before I woke up coughing. I'll be glad to get this behind me!

    Last night as I was web-surfing I ran across a 2-week free trial offer for Ancestry.com. I went ahead and signed up and started building my family tree. So far I've only gotten as far as my great grandparents. I'll play around with that site for a couple weeks, and then will cancel my membership. Beyond the free trial period, they charge $20 a month to use their site. I don't think so. In the meantime, it's pretty interesting. I found a census report that showed my paternal great grandfather in the 20s listing him, his wife, and their kids, including my 13 year old grandfather, who were all living in Creek, Oklahoma at the time.

    Dad's walking group seems to be peetering out lately. It seems to be hit or miss now when they get out there and walk with him. The one regular guy that joins him is out this week too because he had surgery on his wrist yesterday. Dad grumbled that he doesn't get how wrist surgery would prevent you from walking all week. I reminded him that the guy is probably on meds, and also reminded him that when Mom had carpol tunnel surgery, she was off work for several weeks and was in lots of pain. Dad has one of those "just suck it up and get it done" attitudes sometimes.

    Dad has already way more yearly steps on his Fitbit that I do. He just hit his 1,000,000th step the other day. I haven't quite reached 800,000 steps. With the cooler weather on the horizon, I plan to get back to my daily walks during my breaks at work and get those steps up again.

    Sheryl, that happened to me to (spare tire not checked because of the stuff I had in the back). It didn't even occur to me to remove all that stuff. That was the third time I brought that car in for service, and the first time they mentioned they didn't check the spare tire. It appears I went 2 years without the spare tire being checked at all! When I got home, my dad checked the tire and added air to it for me. That's great news that Christina is bringing Jason home. I've been following on facebook, but did she ever mention what was wrong with Jason. I may have just missed it.

    Back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi all, I'm home early, John did not go with me and I skipped the shopping at TJ's. I had a very routine two month check-up and go back in three months. I still remain on medication and will for several more years. This is a 5 year regimen and this month marks my first year down, 4 to go.

    Marcie, I usually empty the entire car, just on principle, not leaving any personal property in there that may lead to any kind of dispute. I didn't realize they check the spare either.

    Apparently, they still don't know absolutely, for sure, what is wrong with Jason, here's what Christina wrote...
    been in the hospital the past two weeks. he was in a lot of pain short of breath, couldn't pee, so we took him to the hospital twice, and twice they sent him home. We had to wait 3 days to see his family dr. and they sent him straight from the office in an ambulance to the hospital. If he would have had to wait any longer, he would be on dialysis or dead.

    They had him on iv fluids and morphine for a week, ran hundreds of tests, and couldn't figure it out. best they can tell, he had a virus that mimicked his muscle tissue, and his immune system was attacking all his muscle tissue heart, kidneys, diaphragm and every other muscle system every time he would try to move, he would get short of breath, his heart rate and BP would soar, he literally couldn't get out of bed and it just came out of no where He was in the regular hospital for a week, and in the rehab hospital almost a week and I am just done.

    She is totally exhausted and her mom is not being any help at all, in fact, her mom is adding to her problems, very demanding.

    What a beautiful Fall day. John is outside, I better go check on him.

  • cjdigsindirt
    cjdigsindirt Posts: 23 Member
    I decided not to join the group weigh in wednesday. I am posting on Facebook instead and will just post a new photo of me once a month showing my progress that way. Logging food keeps me busy enough since I make all of our food from scratch. It takes time to enter in all of those recipes.