Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I actually already went to town and back again and John didn't wake up. I left notes in case he did wake up and wonder where I was, but he's still in bed. The farm supply store had a special discount on everything in the store, but I especially wanted the good price on feed. I got llama pellets and layer pellets for the hens. Since I've been shearing, I'm going through the llama pellets, I use them as a treat since I have the girls in stalls and it's a confined space. They deserve a treat. Last time they had this special, the store was extremely crowded and I had to wait in line forever, so, today, I got there when they opened and got in and out in 15 minutes.

    Debora, I use a converter box for my VCR/DVD recorder and it works well on most channels, there are a couple that I no longer even try to record because I know they won't come through.

    We were in and out of the ER Sunday morning very quickly. No one else there so we got full attention from everybody on duty. It was unbelievable. The stitches came out easy and John's thumb looks pretty good, healing nicely. Very tender, but that's expected. We are very happy that he has full feeling in his thumb. I put anti-bacterial ointment on it during the day, but started using coconut oil with lavender oil at night. I think that will help with the scar tissue. At least all the essential oils "experts" say that.

    Marcie, love the selfies.

    Anew, hope your headaches go away and stay away. Glad that you got the AC back in working order, I imagine you really NEED it. We are back into our normal temps, high 70's. Had a hot weekend though, 98 degrees, but our heat waves pass through quickly. As does our snow days in the winter, just a couple days and back to normal.

    I also got an email from Granny, pretty much the same info as Isabella. I also got an email from Kel and she told me to say "Hi to all the gang". She said that CVS has bought out Target Pharmacy, so she is expecting to be a part of the big lay-off. She will get a nice severance package and take about a month off to decide what to do next. Her dream is to bake goodies for a café. She also got her yoga training certification, but I don't know if she want to do that full time. Sounds like she is doing very well. Her youngest son will be visiting for his summer vacation, her 6'2", 200+ pound "baby", that made me laugh.

    I think I'll scramble some eggs for myself. I'm hungry and John's sleeping in.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I won't stay long cause I'm on my daughter's computer and it's slow moving this morning, but wanted to tell you that our 15th grandchild and 9th granddaughter arrived yesterday afternoon at 5:30. She weighed almost 8 lbs. I'll take the kids up to see her this morning since we couldn't do it last night. I went back and told the girls that the baby was here - meaning born. And Paige who is five said come on Lucy, let's go see her, thinking here meant in the other room. Then she acted so surprised when I said she was born in a hospital. I'll probably be here till tomorrow. Oh yeah, Jannie, they liked the ravioli recipe and no one balked at the spinach. Have a great day. It will be more relaxing for me cause I got most of the cleaning I wanted to do done yesterday.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Congratulations Debora.

    Good Morning. Today I go in for a blood test for the blood thinners. Still monitoring that every two to three weeks. I have a list of errands to run, so I'll be gone a few hours. Don't know yet if John will go with me. I always like to get him away from his regular routine, but he sure does slow me down. Oh well, I've got lots of time so maybe we'll make a day of it.

    Last night, my sister was meeting several friends at the Pasadena house to see if they want any of the furniture and kitchen stuff. I can hardly wait to talk to her this morning and see how much of that stuff is gone. She also got special boxes from U-Haul to pack up Mom's china and crystal goblets. I hope someone can use that stuff, I don't want it and Norma already has her own set of china, plus her mother-in-law's china as well. I remember when we'd use all the fancy table settings for company on Sundays, that was a big deal when I was a kid, but no more.

    I got lax in logging again, it's so easy to put it off, and then, all of a sudden, I realize days have passed. Since I didn't write it down as I was eating it, I don't remember everything I ate. I used to jot it down on paper when I couldn't get to the computer right away. Now, I don't even do that. I know that logging here is easy, what's wrong with me that I don't look forward to it like I used to on NM.

    My nephew is getting married in January and they are talking about it being a very "formal" affair, meaning that they want all the guests in "black-tie" as well. I had a cousin that did that years ago (I didn't attend) and my dad and nephews rented tuxes and fussed and fumed about it. I do want to go to this wedding, so I guess I better start looking for a long fancy dress. I know John won't go, even if he could wear his overalls, he wouldn't go.

    I better clean up the kitchen before I take off for the day, once again, I have a sink full of dirty dishes.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi everyone, it's been another day of headaches but I think I am on the healing side today. Hubby has business in Galveston tomorrow so I won't see him until Friday evening sometime after he leaves from here this morning. It sure is lonely and boring when he isn't here, lol. Ah well, he told me we'll make a date for a trip to Galveston for both of us since I have never been there.

    Sannferris, Sorry to hear about your mother, but I am glad you are getting things taken care of with your sister and happy to read that John's thumb is healing.

    Arobed-Congratulations on the new family member

    Mygnsac-Watermelon and blueberry popsicles sound good.

    Isabelle-Glad your brick wall is getting fixed!

    Jilhawki, sounds like your kitchen is coming along well.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Norma said almost everything is gone. Someone even loaded up my rocking chair and Norma had to say, "sorry, that isn't mine to give away" so they put it back. I wish I had told her that if they really wanted it, they could have taken it. It's a cane seat/cane back small rocker that I bought back in the 1978 for my own apartment and when I moved with John into a travel trailer in 1981, I took the chair to Mom and Dad's for "storage". Dad used it for years and when I was down there to move Mom, she didn't want it for her apartment, so I mentioned that I'd take it back now. Norma took me literally. When we go down to clean out the garage, I'll meet up with that friend and see if they would really like to have it, I don't need it here, I inherited John's Mom's rocker when she moved here and have that one in the bedroom. One thing Norma did that I didn't even think of doing is splitting up the sets. One friend is taking the dining room table with chairs, and someone else is taking the buffet and hutch. One person took the two night stands, but didn't want the big dresser or headboard. We don't care, we just wanted the furniture out of there, but I never thought of each piece individually, I kept thinking someone would want the whole set. My cousin is taking the piano. It's up to her to figure out how to get it out of the living room. It's a baby grand, I say, "good luck"!!
    I think the only furniture left is two bedroom dressers, king size headboards and one night stand and the living room sofa and loveseat.

    John stayed home yesterday, so I got my errands done very quickly. I guess today is back to shearing a little and working on the automatic waterers and spigots.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Sanferris-Sounds like things are moving along for you. Do you have any cast iron deep fry skillets you want to sell?
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2015
    Sorry, no, no cast iron. My mom never had any cast iron, it wasn't until I met John that I used his cast iron frying pan and learned about cast iron.

    There is a big aluminum covered pot roast pan that brings back fond memories of Sunday dinner...I think my sister confiscated that.

    My mom has a bazillion pieces of Tupperware that I told my sister should be trashed, all yellowed with age and the lids are warped, ha ha I think the latest "disposable" Rubbermaid stuff in the stores have put Tupperware out of business. I think the stuff left in the kitchen are mainly serving dishes, I know all the plates and bowls are gone already.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Morning everyone.

    I was afraid our air would be really smoky this morning, but so far so good. There's a large fire to the north of us in the Lake Berryessa area and last night when the sun was setting we could already see smoke heading our way, but the wind is keeping it at bay so far. I can smell it, but it's not overwhelming yet. The fire has burned 6000 acres so far and is only 5 percent contained. I'm afraid that once the winds die down, the smoke will descend quickly in the Sacramento valley where I live. The land is so dry right now. I'm surprised more fires haven't started. This fire apparently was accidentally started by a motorist who was having car trouble. Here's a pic of the lake. Yesterday they had to round up all the campers out there and get them out of there. Some hikers nearly got overtaken by the fire, but just managed to get out.


    Aside from the smoke, the weather is really nice right now. Two days ago it was really muggy and hot, but yesterday it cooled down to the mid 80s and the mugginess lifted. It was in the 50s when I woke up and Dad had all the windows in the house opened and the whole house fan running. Brrr! To warm up I blew the hot hair dryer on myself. Being the brat he is, he was chuckling at me. He said he wanted to air out the house early just incase the smoke got bad and he had to close up the house.

    Been real busy at work this week. Lots of projects right now. One thing about it, it sure makes the days fly by. I can't believe it's already Thursday.

    Sheryl, that's great that so much of your parent's stuff is finding good homes to go to. My Mom had a bazillion pieces of old yellowed Tupperware with warped lids too. I got rid of most of it, but kept a few pieces that reminded me of my childhood when she used them so much. I've also kept her cast iron skillets that she got when she got married in 1964. I don't use them often, but I'll most likely hang on to them. Memories again. How is you Mom doing at her new home by now? I have a rocking chair in my storage unit that I indent to get rid of when I finally get around to clearing out that unit. I keep putting it off.

    Debora, congratulations on your new grandbaby! That was cute how she thought the baby was in the next room when you said she was "here."

    Anew, it's nice seeing you pop in again. I hope the headache lifts real soon. At least hubby trip is a short one and he'll be back tomorrow.

    Back to the grind. Have a nice day everyone.
    fire.jpg 106.9K
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    This is pretty. Saw it on another post...

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning everyone, this isn't a fun post but one to post a photo of our friends race car that was stolen this morning along with all the tools and the trailer it was in. They got everything, racing suits, racing fuel, extra tires, tools, everything. The trailer is a White Hallmark Tall about 28' long, Enclosed trailer with this limited late model inside. Trailer plate 85445n, vin 16hg52226cto24632. If anyone here races please spread the word. Kevin can be reached at 361-777-0277.


    Thanks everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, waiting for Ralph to get home from getting a load of soybean meal. The week has whirled by. Monday I went grocery shopping at Aldi's with Lori. She hadn't been for awhile and we left with $350 worth. I carried it in and we both worked at putting it away. I finally headed home about 7 and was back 12 hours later. While they were at the hospital, I cleaned their house. The nurse was watching Emily, two of the kids went to summer activities and the ones that stayed helped as asked. We mopped the bathrooms, vacuumed, washed, folded and put away laundry and waited on the phone call.

    I took the kids up the next morning to see Maggie. I held her for a minute first and then went to get the oil changed and power steering fluid added while they had some family time. When done, we ate lunch at McDonald's and then back to the house. Jim came home for the night so I came home and didn't go back until 1. After Thomas chose his recipes, I made a trip to the store for eggs and other things needed and then he got his two fair things baked. I got Lucy to do more on her counted cross stitch, and fixed macaroni goulash and angel biscuits for supper. I also got 5 lbs of carrots peeled and cut up and cut up the watermelon. So I kept busy. The parents and Maggie got home about 6:30 and I held Maggie while they ate and then headed home - just in time to heat up Ralph's pizza and make him a salad.

    Today I went to Fair set-up. Thomas then had to run some errands with me. We came home and I got things put away, we ate. I dropped him off with the Youth Group and headed it to help at Lori's. I supervised Lucy making and getting her cookies ready to bake. They have lots of sweets in the house right now. Lucy was going to a birthday sleepover at Taryn's so I took her. I stayed and visited for awhile and got to have some pizza and cake. And now I'm still waiting on Ralph.

    Tomorrow is the official start of the fair and I'll be there a good part of the time. Hopefully the house will stay picked up.

    Anewstart, glad your ac is fixed. I got mine fixed last week (mouse was the culprit) and it was sure nice today when it was 102 outside. And then the house AC. Glad your husband is so handy. It's nice to have you dropping in again too.

    Sheryl, glad you could stock up on feed at a good sale price. Question on your VCR - can you watch one channel while recording on another? If so, can you tell me how it's hooked up. So far he's having me record certain shows which is okay but then I can't watch mine when he's watching his. Glad John's thumb is doing well. How nice that you heard from Kel. I heard from Granny too. Neat that people wanted things from your parent's house. You and Norma are doing a good job of getting things taken care of quickly. Moving a baby grand doesn't sound easy. You've got other things to think about besides logging. I haven't missed any days logging but didn't get on the Tuesday Maggie was born so now MFP gave me a fresh start - oh well. Starting to dress hunt now sounds smart. Glad you'll be able to go to the wedding.

    Anewstart, glad your headaches are better. Sorry you get such bad ones.

    Marcie, what a fire. Glad it didn't bother you too much. Glad the week is flying by for you. You do a great job of keeping lots of projects going on at one time. The picture with the clouds moving is pretty.

    Anewstart, so sorry about the racing car being stolen. Hope it gets found.

    Have not been doing as much walking this week and will probably not get as much in next week but I'll do what I can. I did enjoy getting out to walk with my friend this morning after a week of not being able to between hers and mine schedules. I will probably check in on you guys every day so keep things up-to-date.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good Morning.

    Anew, what a devastating feeling when something is stolen, and something so big and valuable. I pray when they find it, that it's still intact and not destroyed. I imagine it would be difficult to hide something like that, sure hope that they didn't chop it up already.

    Marcie, the fire near you sounds devastating as well, as most fires are. We are also having such dry weather that they forecast lots of fires up our way too. Sounds like the smoke didn't get too bad at your house, I'm glad.
    I agree, that photo is gorgeous.

    Got another spigot fixed at the corner of the house. Sure makes filling duck and geese water in the backyard easier. Less hose strung out across the yard.

    Another email from Kel, usually they are not so frequent, but she is asking for prayer and good thoughts...her sister Peggy just got a breast cancer diagnosis. She's having a lumpectomy on August 3rd and then, radiation. A year and a half before my diagnosis, my cousin had the same thing. Very minor surgery to remove the lump and then radiation and she is cancer free. No chemo was needed. I hope the same result for Peggy.

    Debora, have a good day at the fair. Ours will be in a few weeks, but we will probably skip it again this year. We have gone in the past, primarily to see the llamas, but last year I was sick and this year, we'll be getting ready to go to California, so much to do to get ready. If John didn't want to go to the Rural Heritage Fair, I don't think he'll care about the County Fair either.

    We had some rain over night, not hard enough to hear it and wake me up, but everything is wet this morning. I love the smell of the new rain. We haven't had any rain since June 3rd, a very, very long time for us to go without any measurable rain.

    My sister is traveling to Arizona for the weekend. A six hour drive for a 50th wedding anniversary celebration tomorrow for a good friend of hers. Then, six hours back home. She'll be tired for work Monday morning, but she said it's worth it to her to see these friends. She's also traveling with a friend, so she won't be alone in the car.

    My mug needs refilling and it's almost time for my Saturday morning tv shows. Oh, that reminds me, Debora, yes I can record one show while watching another. The converter box is connected to the VCR, so once I use the tv (monitor screen) to set it up, I can then change the channel on the tv for just watching. I'll draw out a diagram of the cables and email them to you.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi everyone!

    Anew, so good to see you visiting again. I too have 2 sets of pambra's now. They are especially nice in the humidity. Sorry to hear about the headaches. Hope they are gone for now. I know they can be debilitating. Major bummer about your friend's car. What the heck is wrong with people! Hope they are caught and the car is returned very soon. Please keep us posted.

    Debora, congrats on the new grand baby. I see that you are staying extra busy! You are handling it well. Let us know if you try the VCR converter. Our county fair already came and went. We did not go again this year. Such a hassle to deal with the traffic. I used to take a day off of work and go with some lady friends but we haven't done that in a while budgets being what they are and everything.

    Marcie, glad the fire isn't affecting you too badly. We've had a couple of small ones around here but nothing close to us and they've been contained fairly quickly.

    Sheryl, thanks very much for the update from Kel. I miss her and it is great to hear how things are going with her. Let us know if she gets laid off and starts a new chapter. Also happy to hear that John's stitches removal went well and he is healing nicely. It was very wise of you and Norma to have friends over to see if anyone wanted anything. What a great way to share your family's stuff and make it easier for you to deal with. A lot of people around here have estate sales. I always find them kinda sad considering the circumstances and the items are usually over priced since the estate sale company needs to take a slice of the pie. Also, Let us know how the dress hunting goes.

    Dan and I got together this morning/early afternoon with my friend Roxanne whose husband passed away suddenly of a heart attack a couple of years ago. She is just recently coming back to being more her old self and getting past the grief. For years she has raved about this sauerkraut pizza that she discovered and loves. It is at a little beachy pizza place in Cardiff called The besta wan pizza (I know crazy name!). Sauerkraut pizza sounds really strange but I love sauerkraut so I wanted to try it. We finally got to do that today. It comes with sausage, pepperoni and sauerkraut. We opted to leave off the pepperoni since it gives me major indigestion. Well I am here to tell you that I am a convert! This pizza was absolutely delicious! It was served Chicago style which means that the cheese is on top of all the other toppings and it is cut crisscross in about 16 mostly square pieces which is nice because it somehow makes you eat less because you can take smaller pieces. It is thin crust by the way. We had some great conversation and a really nice time.

    I have had a toothache and or jaw ache this week. I don't know if it is the night guard causing it or if there is something wrong with my tooth (I hope not!) or what. I tried sleeping without the night guard last night and the tooth is better but my jaw really hurts today. I have a dentist appt Monday at 7am so hopefully I'll find out then what is going on. Until then ibuprofen is my friend!

    Okay, I'm going to read the 5 letter game then go outside and read for a while while I still can. Have a great rest of your weekend everyone!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi everyone, things are good here, just had a bone density test with the Rheumy and she said my bones are like a teenager for the first time in 10 years, but don't be doing any summer salts, lol. I think there is a direct correlation between being on med drugs and not, because while on them I had numerous problems but now I don't have near as many problems. I have gained weight but I vow to get moving on that all over again. My blood pressure is continuing to go down and today it was 140 over 80, if I can get it down to 120 over 80 I will be back to my blood pressures I had before meds. Here is is again, no more meds and now my blood pressure is slowly returning to it's original. A direct correlation in my mind. When I told my husband my blood pressure he said and look, you haven't been taking any meds.

    Arobed-How did the fair go?

    Sannferris-Thanks for the info on Kel and her sister, prayers coming their way.

    Isyvanek-I hope your dental problems are better, how is your brick wall coming along?

    We have been chasing down leads for the car but haven't found it. I am pretty sure it is gone and won't be found but we are hoping the trailer is found soon.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. The fair week is going well but busy and not at home very much. Today our club works in the concession stand for 3 hours and then I head home to get Ralph and go to an appointment. Grandkids have done well. Foods were judged Saturday morning. Crafts on Sunday afternoon and the pigs were last night. Reds, blues and purples all around. Maggie has handled everything well. She doesn't do real well with her nights but she is going a lot for a newborn. Ready to head for the fairgrounds. Have a great day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good Morning. Looks like I wasn't the only one who took Sunday off. I also didn't make it over here yesterday, got a fit of fatigue and curled up in my LaZBoy for most of the day. Weird how tired I got for not doing any work again. I can only chalk it up to being worn out by helping John all weekend. Seemed he was full of questions and I answered and explained until I was blue in the face and still couldn't make myself clear. Whatever I say, he hears something completely different, frustrating for both of us.

    Good news, Christina finally heard from Social Security and she is going to get her disability benefits. I know it has weighed heavily on her mind and emotions that she was not contributing to their finances, and with her mom living with them and also not contributing like she was suppose to, it's a real strain on Jason. Also, Christina started a blog about Life with Chiari to spread awareness. She is using all her experiences and what she has gone through to be a beacon for others. She's going to be a terrific spokesperson, she also has an interview scheduled with a tv station.

    Anew, wonderful to hear that you can leave some of those meds behind and get better results in your health. When I went through the frustration of being misdiagnosed, my blood pressure went up and the cardiologist put me on meds. I think I should get off of them now, but the doctors keep saying my BP is good because of the meds. I wish they'd let me at least try it on my own for awhile and prove them wrong, but I'm not gutsy enough to just stop taking the meds without their approval.

    Debora, glad to hear that Maggie is thriving in all the activity. Good for her, and it's nice for all the rest of the family too. Hope the concession stand that you are tending is "healthy" ha ha ha ha Don't stuff yourself with elephant ears or cotton candy (my favorite).

    Isabella, hope the visit to the dentist yesterday gave you some relief. Scary when the pain moves into your jaw, that's more than just a toothache.

    Marcie, hope you had a nice weekend. It's Tuesday already, only 3 days til Friday!!!
    I want to thank you for posting "Worst Day Ever" on Facebook. I loved it and copied it and also printed it out. It is wonderful. I shared it with my sister and John and will send the hard copy to my mom. Attitude is Everything!!!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning everyone,

    Sannferris-Good news for Christina, I'm glad she can relax some now, I'll check out her new blog too.

    I left all meds behind a couple of years ago because I was having so many problems with them. I still have my arthiritis pain but it is much more manageable without the highs and lows from the the drugs. The pain is a constant instead of a low pain and then high pain. Blood pressure meds didn't do anything for me either so I gave those up two years ago as well. I always had perfect blood pressure up until about 6 years ago when it suddenly shot up really high and I know it was a direct result of meds because I am not doing anything different since then. Call me gutsy, but refusing meds is why the doctor fired me and it has done wonders for me, lol. My Rhuemy who didn't fire me agrees with my good results without the meds. I still have pain and I still have problems with the arthritis but I can enjoy life better.

    I have been busy getting the house in order again so I spent yesterday using the vacuum and mop on all the floors. I vacuumed all the furniture of the cat hair(I so dislike cat hair) and covered all the furniture up with blankets and towels. It seems to be much easier to keep the hair under control if I keep it all covered, I will wash the blankets and towels once per week and remove them when I have guests over, lol.

    I worked on the kitchen Friday last week reorganizing some more and getting rid of things I haven't used in the last year allowing more space. I am sure I will be culling more things as time goes by from my makeshift pantry in the dining room that holds crystal and small kitchen appliances. All of this work makes me unable to move when I am done but it has also required me to lay down and rest which has happened to be late evening to early morning so I am happy to report decent sleep the last couple of nights with some pain mixed in, lol. From Friday to Sunday I was in bunches of pain from cleaning the kitchen(the lifting of things) but I vow to keep going to get my house back and I will appreciate the breaks in between to heal.

    I am working on a couple of boards with pipe clamps attached we painted bright red(paints still sticky) to hang on the inside of the pantry door, this will hold the cooking utensils taking up space on my small 12" wide counter. If I move them to the pantry it opens up the space I can use when I am cooking. I don't care for my cooking utensils to be near the stove when I am cooking since I have this fear they all get dirty when something splashes on them, or dust getting on them so I always wash them before I use them. I would leave them in a drawer but I don't have a free one. I have been trying to find large hooks so I can hang the measuring cups, measuring spoons, strainers and larger cooking utensils that won't fit into the pipe clamps. I can install these hooks on the inside of the pantry door as well. It's a small door and my husband laughed because he told me I would be taking up the entire 17" of space up and down the whole door to put things in there. I laughed too, but told him it would be much easier than digging each time I need something from the cupboard that is overfull. I sure won't miss having the sifter or the cheese grater fall out of the cupboard at me, lol.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi everyone.

    Another busy work week. I can't believe it's already Wednesday. It won't be too long before I'm doing my happy Friday dance.

    Yesterday we had people come out and trim our palm trees (we have 5 on the property). It was getting so all you had to do was look at them and they'd drop one of their spiky fronds down on us. They are nice and neat once again. Those guys always do such a good job, and when they are done they clean up the yard and even the pool (lots of dirt and palm tree fronds wind up in the pool during the trimming process). Cisco, of course, wasn't happy with them messing with his trees. At least he didn't bark as much as he does when the Clark pest control guy comes. He is anti-pest control guy!

    Those of you on Facebook probably already know about this, but if not...last weekend I forgot to unclip my Fitbit from my bra and it took a ride in the washing machine when I was doing a load of laundry. It was in there through the whole washing and spinning cycles. It seemed to working ok when I took it out, but the next morning it wouldn't come on. I put it in a bowl of dry rice (an online tip) and left it there for 24 hours. That seemed to do the trick. It was working fine after that, but the battery isn't holding the charge now for more than a few hours. I've sent an email to Fitbit to see if they have any other tips for me, but I suspect I will just have to get a new one. Ugh.

    I took my cat Simon to the vet on Saturday for his annual checkup and vaccines. She says he's a healthy 13 year old cat, but of course, can stand to lose a couple pounds. He is a pound lighter (18 lbs) than he was last year (19 lbs), but needs to be around 16 lbs. I stopped giving him cat treats last fall, so I think that is helping him slowly drop some weight. As usual, Dad and I joined forces and managed to get him in his cat carrier (we made sure he didn't see it this time!). He cried loudly the whole way to the vet. Once he's there, he chills out, but getting him there is always so stressful for him.

    We've had several forest fires to the north and east over the last week, but so far the smoke hasn't been too bad here. I've seen it a lot worst. This state is such a tinderbox right now.

    We've had a couple triple digit weather days this week. Today it's supposed to get up to about 108 degrees. I just walked around the building once here at work and that was enough for me! I think when I get home and the sun sets a bit, I'm going to jump in that pool, cause I'm not getting many steps in (not that I can count them now that my Fitbit is caput!). I just left the AC on all night last night. By the time I went to bed around midnight it was still 85 degrees outside.

    Anew, that's too bad about your friend's race car and trailer. I hope you don't get too sore with all that cleaning!

    Sheryl, I thought that Worst Day poem was clever too. Someone here on MFP posted it in a thread out in the main forum. Thanks for keeping us updated on Kel. That's so sad about her sister. I hope it turns out well. I saw Christina's post on Facebook. It's about time she got those benefits!

    Debora, I hope you are having good "fair" weather. Sounds like your days are filled to the brim right now. We have the CA State Fair going on here, but Dad and I rarely go. If you don't ride rides, eat junky food, view the farm animals, or participate in contests, all that's really left is a lot of walking and looking at stuff. Not enough of a draw for us. I think the last time we went was in 2012.

    Isabella, toothaches are the worst. I hope you are feeling better real soon!

    Well, I guess I'd better wind up this work day and then go join all the other lovely commuters on the freeway. Good thing I have AC. Otherwise I would look like a cooked turkey by the time I get home!

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, I have been working hard on the house and today I will vacuum my bedroom, clean my bathroom and do some laundry. I hope I can get all that done but I'm really sore, lol. Yesterday I cleaned the hall bathroom top to bottom and washed the rugs. All this hard work is giving me some sleep at night so I think I am going to try to make sure I wear myself out everyday like a baby so that I can get that sleep I need.

    Mygnsac-I hope those fires are put out soon and you aren't overcome by the smoke coming your way. A dip in the pool sounds like a great way to cool off and get some exercise. Our heat index has been up to 110 with the humidity so I know what you are going through. Out nighttime temp went down from the usual 90's to 79 degrees last night but today is back to high temps and high index. Walking to the truck from the door is hard enough out here, lol. My kitty hates traveling as well and we always close her in the bedroom while putting the kennel in the truck so she doesn't know she is going there, lol.

    I hope everyone has a great day.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Another hot one today, forecast to reach 103, hottest day of the year for us. I can hardly imagine some of you, in the parts of the country, where this is normal for your whole summer.

    I'm having a very hard time keeping John out of the sun. I will try again to take him someplace where it is cooler, but last time, he didn't want to go.

    My mind is a blank this morning, I'll try to come back later, but once John is up...I'll probably see you tomorrow morning.