Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Here's the semi-finished wall. SO happy that it's almost done!fdqh02aun1d8.jpg
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I enjoyed having the day at home. I didn't leave our place unless you count the road when I moved my car from the front of the house to the back of the house. I made chocolate chip oatmeal waffle cookies today to use for dessert tomorrow. The house didn't look too bad so had time to take care of some other things.

    I feel an awkward evening coming up soon. A guy who has been dating a friend of Julie's for at least a couple of years has asked to come talk to Ralph and I. He recently broke up with the friend so you can guess where my mind jumped to. He's a nice guy but it would be way to soon if Julie was interested. But I've never been in a situation like this before. When Lori was in college she asked me to tell a guy she couldn't go out with him if he called but he never did and then it wasn't that he was dating a friend of hers. He asked about coming over through IM when I was on facebook so I quickly logged out and will talk to Ralph before I reply. I don't know if I should talk to Julie about it or not.

    I fixed my tuna noodle casserole recipe today but used up a can of chicken breast I had. I'm sure the sodium was high but the calories weren't that bad and it was really good. One of those things fun to make every once in awhile. I still need to do the last of the dishes and I'll put the ham in the crockpot when I'm ready to head for bed.

    Marcie, paperwork piles up so fast. It hard to stay ahead of it. I have those senior moments too. Nice that Cisco took a nap too. Another beautiful place. Yep, you got your vegetables. It's not hard with the way you cook. 94 - that's hot. We got up in the 80s today but didn't need the AC. I love the picture. Are you going to hang it now that you found it or did it go back in the closet?

    Sheryl, cool that John weeded the strawberries. Yea, you'll be glad when the inventory is done. Glad to hear the guy is still interested in the stuff.

    Isabella, I'd say for cheap meal to use up what's in the house but I think you've probably already done that. I always considered eggs a cheap protein but you have to like them.
    Here's a summary of "Call the Midwife". I'm not sure how many seasons there have been. I know my oldest read the book it's based on. "Based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth; the story follows twenty-two year old Jenny, who in 1957 leaves her comfortable home to become a midwife in London's East End. She is surprised to find that she will be living in a convent: Nonnatus House. Working alongside fellow nurses and the medically-trained nuns, Jenny has her eyes opened to the harsh living conditions of the slums, but she also discovers the warm hearts and the bravery of the mothers. Even after Jenny leaves Nonnatus, she continues to chronicle the lives of the midwives who have become her family."
    Sorry your bunion is acting up. I don't know if my heel is any better but I keep going. I think I'm going to have to break down and pay more for shoes. You're the third person this week who has talked about wearing different shoes. When I get a pair of tennis shoes, they are basically my one and only till I get another pair. My son-in-law said he does it cause he heard they wear better - maybe the airing out. A friend does it so they have more time to air or she gets itchy feet. And now you do it. Interesting.

    I found out we have a nest in our garage but not one to see. I kept hearing a lot of noise but couldn't see anything. Finally aw an adult bird fly to where a piece of sheet rock has come loose at the ceiling. So that means they are basically up in the attic. Not crazy about that. But I don't know what to do.

    Sheryl, as soon as you posted about how you can edit a post, I right away went to the one I had done in the recipes to find the spot. That's a good thing to know.

    I see we've had 2 more join the group but just a few of us chat. I did get an email from Lynn. They could have come and joined us and done it too. It will be fun to check it out.

    Well, the dishes are still waiting for me so guess I should go take care of them. Ralph is busy studying since he teaches Sunday School tomorrow. Good night.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    I made the image really small but it's still big! Sorry :( I got the email from Susano and Lynn too. Hope you got yours Marcie. The zoodles meal looks delicious!

    Ivanek-- I love cheap meals but I am the 5 ingredient or less girl! We have been enjoying chicken fajitas and meatball sandwiches a lot. Also, I made turkey meatloaf and the boys loved it. It was easy and I got the ground turkey on sale!

    Anew-- hope you and Ivanek share pictures of your lunch :)

    Sheryl--I thought of you while I was watching Recipe Rehab. It was eggs benedict and it reminded me of your 'farm' stories!

    Aero--I love Call the midwife, I've been watching since the first season! I always try to figure out what the disease is before they tell us. I guess that's a hospital worker's thing :)
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Nap time...on Mom's arm. I'm just a dog pillow!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. No kids sat with us so I could listen. We have a pastoral candidate coming soon. We'll learn more in the next couple of weeks so that's exciting. We brought two of Alan's kids home (had their okay). When they got here they wanted to know if we had Ava. No. So they headed back to church. Found her following another little girl and her mom around and they were having a good time. Put a frozen ham in the crockpot when I went to bed thinking it would be like a pork tenderloin. It was done this morning so put it on keep warm. It fell to pieces and was okay but Ralph reminded me that a ham is cooked so really just needs heated through. Have more left than I thought I would but we'll enjoy it this week. Since it fell apart it won't work well for sandwiches.

    I went to the bridal shower. It was nice. I wish more of the younger ones would have come. Of course I had a good time visiting. Refreshments were yummy scones served warm - they cut them small so I tried each - blueberry, apple cinnamon and cherry. They also had fruit kabobs and nuts.

    Came home and put back on a pair of shoes my sister gave from the thrift store - new but given away. They are earth shoes. My foot hurt less but when I changed to my Sunday shoes it felt funny. I can walk closer to normal in them so will try them with walking tomorrow. We'll be headed to church in a bit so guess I should change back.

    Guy that wants to come over gave us his phone number. I'll let Ralph make the call. If it's this week, it will be the end of the week. I do plan to let Julie know what's going on and get her input. If he wants to talk about her, she might as well give us her opinion. Haven't decided whether to do it by phone or in person.

    Jannie, I like 5 ingredient or less too for the most part. I'm sure you do pretty well at figuring out the diseases. They've covered a pretty wide range. I think I've seen them all.

    Marcie, how long did you have to stay still while Cisco napped? Is the laundry done?

    We turned on the AC for the day. I turned it back off and told Ralph he can decide when we need it again. Several warm days in a row make a difference.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Thanks for all the input ladies!

    So call the midwife is basically a doctor show? I assume it is an English show?

    I made an egg, quinoa, spinach, artichoke hearts and cheese casserole tonight. it was wonderful and we'll get 2 more meals from it!

    I agree Debora, eggs are always a good inexpensive meal. I can't wait to find out what this guy wants to talk to you guys about. As for the shoes, my podiatrist told me never to wear the same pair of shoes 2 days in a row. I don't remember all the reasons. I'm sure odor was one of them.

    Thanks for the info on the flag Marcie. I won't go thru the trouble of having MFP delete post just for a few typos but good to know I can if I need to for some reason.

    Anew, I love making a nice big salad on warm nights. Thanks for the suggestions. I've never made stuffed tomatoes. Not sure why.

    Jannie, cool that you are using the denim insulation. My company gets paid big bucks when we use that type of insulation. The wall is coming out great!

    Ok, I'm off to go sit with hubby. Talk to you all soon.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good Morning...where did yesterday go? I was sacked out like Cisco. Didn't sleep well Saturday night and ended up sleeping a little in my chair. Then, was sleepy all day, Sunday, and went to bed about the same time Cisco was napping. Slept good last night, so I should be raring to go today, ha ha ha, like I'm ever raring. I really move slow these days compared to years ago, but SO MUCH BETTER than six months ago.

    Interesting about the changing out of shoes. I never thought about it before. When I was working, I was like Debora, I'd wear the same shoe everyday until they wore out and buy the same kind of shoe again and wear them everyday. Now, I still wear the same shoes when we go somewhere, but don't go out every day. Summer's coming, so I'll wear sandals more than shoes. Here at home, I wear boots when it's muddy and slip-ons to just run out to the yard. I don't wear any shoes in the house.

    Jannie, love those doors. I like the windows in them, really dresses them up and lets the light in, but glad the glass is high on the front door. Don't want just anybody looking in.
    I watched the eggs benedict Recipe Rehab too. Interesting substitution = sweet potato for the English muffin. That one I may try.

    Debora, so glad that Ava was found safe and sound. What an awful feeling, realizing she wasn't with the other kids. Good thing people were still at church with her.

    I'll have to check out Lynn and Susan's site. We've been waiting for this, I hope it's what we're all wanting, more similar to NM.

    I prepared a ham last week and we're still eating off of it. Had ham sandwiches again last night, I didn't feel like cooking anything. Most likely I'll make ham and eggs again today, and then, the remainder in the pot with beans.

    Marcie, I didn't realize that we couldn't delete our own comments, but now I know what that flag is for. I assume that "Quote is how you guys insert someone else's comment into your own. I haven't tried that yet.
    Love those Cisco photos. (Missing Simon, ha ha ha )

    I have the weather automatically come up on the computer when I turn it on and have it set up with photos of cats. The photos come up first and they are so cute, then the weather info comes up over them and I get so disappointed that I can't see all the cats anymore. I should change that and just have cat pictures separate from the weather report.

    I better get going, my mug needs a refill.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's been a good night of sleep and I am ready for a long day. The rains keep coming on and off with hubby trying so hard to mow in between. He is getting a bit frustrated and our neighbor was out mowing her tall grass yesterday as well. Her yard is bigger than ours which makes me feel for her. I think she has about 1/2 acre or so and we have just under 1/4 acre, with the trouble hubby is having I wouldn't want hers.

    On the other hand my other neighbor the one who likes driving through my yard, etc had someone come over to his house and while my husband and I were in our garage this guy drove his truck right through our front yard to go into the neighbors back yard. He couldn't fit through his gate so he backed up and parked his truck on our grass. I confronted him and told him to get his truck off my grass and not to do it again. I told him I am getting quite tired of people thinking it's ok to drive through my yard. I really dream about that neighbor packing up and moving one day but alas, I think he owns the house.

    Well, onto my day so I'll try to check in later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Anew, I feel for you regarding those inconsiderate neighbors who just don't think straight. You just can't talk to or reason with those kind of people.
    I could loan you a few llamas and/or the poultry, they graze very well and helps with the mowing. I haven't had to mow the back yard at all and it's very short.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Ivanek-- 'Call the midwife' is about nurses in the late 1950's and now early 1960's. It's based on a real RN who was a midwife. She lived with nuns while she was starting out so the story has RN's and Nuns and is really good. I would go on PBS.com and watch from the beginning--that will be easier to understand all the characters. Let me know what you think, sometimes the English accents are hard to understand but I am addicted to it!

    Marcie--Cisco knows that you are the best pillow!

    Aero--so glad Ava is safe and sound! Scary :( Hope the weather doesn't get too hot, we are expecting to be in the 90's later this week. UGH! I love spring and want it to last for a couple more weeks at least!

    Sheryl--I don't like sweet potatoes so that didn't make me happy at all on Recipe Rehab. Hope you get caught up on your sleep soon :)

    Anew-- I feel for your having the bad neighbors! I hope they stop with the cars through the yard.

    Hope everyone has a great week! :)
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good evening everyone, I wanted to check in before I get busy and forget before I go to bed. I love the fact that I am now making sure to get things done because I have to sleep since before my clock was off so bad that I was posting in the middle of the night, lol. The Estroven seems to be working for me. Hubby finished the mowing today, Yay!

    For dinner I thinly sliced yellow squash, red bell peppers and onions then roasted them in the oven with some olive oil and pepper. I am making my chicken with mushrooms and tomatoes to go with it and decided to be nice and make hubby some rice instead of making him eat quinoa tonight. I haven't made him rice in at least two months so I am sure he will be quite happy with it.

    Sannferris-I would love to have some chickens but don't think I can have them in my city, I will have to check on that. My sister had a goat that she tied on a rope and it didn't eat it, lol. Once he got loose and came to the front porch and knocked on the door so he could be tied back up. Funny goat loved the Oregon wild blackberries that grew in the years.

    Well off to serve some dinner since hubby is ready to eat now. Goodnight all, I will check back in tomorrow.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I had another day mostly at home. Did laundry, made some lists to help me tomorrow get ready for the party, and a bunch of things on my list but won't bore you. I went to town this evening and ate with Julie and got her take on the guy. She doesn't have any feelings one way or the other but would not be interested in any dating for like six months so he can see if he and the girl are really done - they dated for 2 1/2 years. So now to set up a time for him to come and see if that is why he's coming. When I got home, I got the mail and guess what got here. Thanks again Marcie - I opened it right away - thank you for your generosity in doing all you did. I will see my friend on Thursday so will have it ready to give her then. Tomorrow I'll do some stuff in the morning but the focus of the day will be the party.

    Oh, the other interesting thing is I think I know who the pastoral candidate is. What are the possibilities of two pastors planning to tell their church on May 10 that they are candidating. I was telling Julie about our timeline and she knew something from my son-in- law from a parent at the school he teaches at. Next Sunday I'll find out if I'm right. In the meantime, I checked out the website of the church this guy is at and listened to part of a sermon.

    It's looking like it might rain so Ralph plans to disc till the rain comes or till midnight or so if it holds off.

    Isabella, one more person said to alternate. I googled it and it talked about airing out and compression. Something to think about. The earth shoes felt good so hope I didn't overdo it today. I plan to shoe shop more on Wednesday. I'm learning as I go.
    Stuffed tomatoes with tuna - great for a summer supper at our house.

    Jannie, I've never seen denim insulation before. Is it easier to install?

    Sheryl, you're still in recuperation mode so so glad you sleep when your body tell you too. You may be moving slow but I think you're getting a lot done. Enjoy your ham sandwiches. Ours fell apart so much it's not good for sandwiches. I'll end up freezing some I think.

    Anew, rain does make grass grow fast. I don't understand why the neighbors and their friends think they can drive on your lawn. I'm glad you talked to them. Too bad you can't put a fence up or something. Several of you have neighbors that you wouldn't mind if they move. Guess it's not all bad having neighbors a long ways apart like we do. :)
    Your supper sounds yummy. Check about the chickens. A lot of cities will allow a certain number of hens. Of course then you'd have to built a pen.

    I guess I'll go ahead and go to bed. We can use rain but wouldn't mind if it holds off a day so the party can be outside. One year we moved it to the church and that's just not quite the same. Oh guess I need to stay up till Ralph's jawbone is done charging.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Today is PT and then run errands and go grocery shopping. Not too much else happening, yesterday was a quiet day, working on the computer.

    Started to explore One Kind Planet, but got side tracked and never got back to it. I was looking for logging info and only found blogging, so I'll check it out further. Or, maybe it is just a gathering place for posting comments, it did say a social site. It will still be fun and worthwhile keeping in touch with NM friends here and there. I just need to get back to logging to keep aware of what's going in my mouth. I was just telling my sister yesterday that I have reverted to ALL my old habits from even before I joined NM. For some reason, it's easier for me to toss something in the frying pan instead of baking it in the oven. I'm not sure how much oil I'm consuming anymore.
    Which I know what you're thinking...I can log here!! Yes, I started last month again and then dropped off again. What's wrong with me. I have the tools I need right here. I'll start again today. I know it's just a matter of making it a habit, the logging here isn't any harder than logging on NM, but I still want that old format back.

    Got an email from friends who live in Colorado, originally from California like us, and they would like to come visit. It would be great to see them, but I'm not sure I'm up to it right away. John and I have lots of appointments scheduled this month and in June. Maybe they will visit late summer, I'll have to ask exactly what they have in mind.

    Anew, like Debora said, each city has certain livestock restrictions. I live in the county, an area with no restrictions, Portland allows 3 hens per household, just no roosters. But, she's also right about the fencing. You'd need to keep them on your own property.

    I better get going, got some bills to pay and mail on my way to PT.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Sheryl, One Kind Planet is not a logging site. So, now we have Facebook, MFP, and One Kind Planet (OKP) to keep in touch. Ha! I like the layout of OKP. Pretty simple to navigate.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Morning everyone.

    I had typed out a nice long post, then accidentally hit the back button, and lost it all. Ugh.

    Had a nice weekend. After hitting 95 degrees on Friday, the coastal winds kicked in and hit the valley, cooling us down back into the upper 70s to low 80s.

    Had a pretty nice weekend. I went shoe shopping on Saturday because I needed to replace the walking shoes I keep at work (they were getting so old they were starting to wheeze!). I found a pair that I liked in the store, but when I tested them out on a long walk around the neighborhood Saturday night, there is this one little spot on my little toe that bothered me. On Sunday I went to another shoe store and found another pair I like more. I was going to test them out that night, but there was a fire at a manure factory outside of town and there was too much smoke in the air. Smelled REALLY BAD! I'll test them out today on break. As I've done for the last few years, I bought my walking shoes in the men's section of the store. They just fit my wide feet better. Kind of embarrassing though to be trying on shoes in the men's section, but we do what we gotta do!

    My "pot-of-something" this week was a pot of pink beans cooked in chicken broth with a large can of crushed tomatoes. So good. And did my usual weekly cooking, hardboiled some eggs (I had meant to bring one to work with me this morning and forgot!), steamed some whole green beans, roasted some little red potatoes and some carrots, made those sunrise muffins of Debora's, and made a new batch of hummus.

    The Secretarial staff in my section of the office has made us a Cinco De Mayo luncheon. Not sure yet what it is, but I'll probably partake. We'll see. That was nice of them to do that. Pretty soon I'm sure the Mexican restaurant across the street from my office will start in on the Mariachi music. Every May 5th they have a Mariachi band playing very loud out in their open patio. It's kind of neat the first hour or so. Then I'm over it and wish they would be quiet already!

    Yay, the Farmer's Market near the office is back! I noticed them setting up their tents when I drove into work this morning. I run over there sometime today and see what they've got. I need some cherries, but I suspect they will be really expensive right now. The fruit stand guy on my drive home from work, who I buy my watermelons from during the summer, is selling cherries right now. I bought some from him last week and they were sooooo good and not too expensive. I'll probably get more from him. The Farmer's Market is usually pretty expensive.

    Simon kept getting sick yesterday. He threw up a hairball early in the day, and later he threw up his dinner. Keeping an eye on him. He seemed ok this morning and did his usual whining at me as I got ready for work.

    Isabella, sound like you are having nice weather again too. I hope it lasts awhile for us both before the hot weather returns! I've watched the first 4 episodes of Mad Men. It's pretty good, but I do find myself grinding my teeth at the treating women like they didn't have a brain in their head thing, and the cheating on the wives thing. Was the times I guess. I'll keep watching for a awhile.

    Sheryl, the One Kind Planet (OKP) site does not include a logging feature. Right now it's just a social site along with blogs by Susan and Lynn. Now we have Facebook, MFP, and OKP to keep in touch. Ha! I'm just so glad that you are feeling better and wanting to eat again, but I know you want to get back on track, and you will when you are ready. Even before NM closed, I had stopped logging regularly. I told myself that I must learn to do this without completely relying on a logging website, because who knows if they will be there forever (and in the case of NM, that sure panned out!!). Now I just log when I feel I need to get back on track or if I want to check out the stats on a meal or recipe. That's one of the reasons I don't make my diary public. Too incomplete.

    Debora, wow, you already received that package?! They told me at The Box Store it would take 5-6 days. I hope your friend enjoys it as much as I have so far. I even started reading some of the Fitbit forums, be I don't like how they have them set up. To hard to follow, and if you do reply to a comment, there doesn't appear to be anyway to go back to that post. Yes, I will be displaying that clock picture frame again. I had it on Mom's roll top desk in the living room, where we keep her urn, but put it away a couple years ago when I put something up in it's place. Had forgotten all about it. I can last about 15 minutes or so in that position with Cisco, then I have to adjust. He always groans at me when I try to move my arm. Ha!

    Anew, after you posted about using the same name on OKP as you do here on MFP, I sent you a test message on OKP, but haven't heard back. Did you receive it? At first when I tried to send it, it wasn't recognizing your name. I reported the issue to Susan and she had to make some adjustments so I could see all the other members and send messages.

    I guess I'll close and get back to work. Have a wonderful day everyone.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Just stopping in for a minute, I did a 24 hour shift and am super tired right now.

    Anew-- the blue jean insulation is super easy to put up and is suppose to help block more sounds from coming through! It isn't scratchy and doesn't have the fibers that regular insulation has.

    Haven't spent much time on OKP yet but am looking forward to checking it out tomorrow.

    Night all :)

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good Morning.
    Thanks Marcie, for the confirmation about not logging on OKP, saves me searching for something that isn't there. I will log here on MFP.

    Yesterday was good, PT didn't hurt nearly as much as it used to. Only 2-3 more sessions, I can lift my arm and they said I only need another 5 degrees for full range. I got my errands done and picked up some groceries, but still need more fresh fruit and veggies.

    I came home to a startling phone message, it was Christina and all she said was "call me". Her voice was terrible, I knew something was wrong. She had called right after I left the house in the morning, so I can imagine what she thought all day long when I didn't return her call. By the time I called, 5 pm my time, she didn't answer and I left a voice mail message. Then, I looked at my email and read what she sent, her sister-in-law (her brother's ex, but Christina is so close to her, they are more like sisters) had been shot and killed by her live-in boyfriend. Another terrible blow. She has posted on facebook regarding donations for the funeral.

    We did finally talk on the phone last night, Christina is beside herself. There are four children left without a mother, the two older kids, 6 and 7, are Christina's brother's kids and the two younger, a 1 year old and newborn, are from this boyfriend. Tragic. It has hit Christina so hard, she has experienced so much loss, most recently her grandmother and another one of her best friends died under mysterious circumstances just a few weeks ago. Christina has a hearing this morning regarding her disability benefits, this has been a long time coming also, so much waiting for answers.

    I also got an email from Judy (Elaine). She is doing so well with her new knee. She said she's been working out in the yard and so happy that she can do so much without pain. So busy that she hasn't been lurking here...she says "Hi" to everyone.

    I got emails from some cousins and also Granny who are encouraging John to have the cataract surgery. They've had it and are extremely pleased with the results. John seemed to take all that info seriously and didn't make any remarks to lead me to believe that he won't go through with it. If only he remembers.

    Not sure what today will bring, I will probably work on inventory.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning.

    My eyes are tired this morning. Coffee hasn't kicked in yet.

    The Cinco De Mayo lunch at work yesterday was really good. The secretarial staff put it all together and made stuff for us to build nachos, tacos and burritos. There was tons of yummy food. I made myself a chicken burrito (and made one to take home to dad) and a taco. Later I had a piece of Dulce De Leche cake which was decadent and super yummy. I brought dad home a piece of that too. He was having a time trying to figure out how to log that on MyNetDiary. Lots left over, so they'll be putting it out for us today. Not sure that I'll eat that today though. Two days in a row is a bit much. May throw together another burrito for dad. He enjoyed the one I brought home for him yesterday.

    I did a lot of walking yesterday (well, a lot for me). Over 12,000 steps. I took a long walk around the city during my lunch break yesterday, and again last night around the neighborhood (our neighborhood is so peaceful at night). Had my Nano Ipod going (love walking to music), a nice breeze, and everyone in the neighborhood was tucked away in their houses by then. Dad said as soon as I left to go walking, Cisco started whining at the door the whole time I was gone. I think he wanted me to take him, but you can't really take him if you are walking for exercise. He keeps stopping to smell stuff and to pee on everything. When I got back I harnessed him up and took him for a quick walk down the block. When I made him turn around to come back home, he made it clear that that isn't how it's done. He knows the path dad takes him everyday and he wanted me to follow him on the regular path. I won that battle though. It was late and I was tired!

    Been following the goings on on the One Kind Planet website, and have posted a couple recipes. As I suspected, there hasn't been a whole lot of discussions by the members in the Forums section. It was like that on NM at the end. Very few posts were made each day. Hopefully it will pick up. It's a website that needs member participation in order to succeed. I like the "Recipes" section they are developing. Will have everything categorized. Something I always wished NM did. They still need to work out some kinks on the site (like not being able to post pictures or videos when using an Ipad or smart phone...which is all I use when I'm at home), but they are getting there! I was surprised to find I can access that website from my PC at work. Usually my office blocks social websites.

    Jannismaureen (Jan1919 on NM) has joined our NM Family group now. If you want, you may want to send her a Friend Request. From what she's told me, she's struggling a little and she's giving MFP a go now. We've had several join our group recently, but none have posted anything in the group. Oh well, I guess there is only a few of us who will do that. Kind of bums me out a little, but it is what it is.

    Jannie, a 24 hour shift sounds brutal. I hope you got some rest last night.

    Sheryl, that's nice that Judy and Granny keep in touch with you. I miss both of them. Just not the same on Facebook. I saw Christina's post on Facebook yesterday and my jaw dropped. How unbelievably tragic. :'( I hope they are able to collect the money they need for the transportation and funeral.

    Debora, thanks for the encouragement on Fitbit. After seeing the weekly step averages of you, Judy and Pamela, I know I've got my work cut out for me! You guys are doing phenomenally!

    Back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Marcie-- are you getting a message in red that says something about "-30 days missing net fiber column" ? It's right above my little pie chart at the bottom of the page.
    As far as my 24 hour shift, I do feel so much better now and my hip is finally (fingers crossed) feeling a bit better! I haven't had time to check out OKP, had a meeting for work that I forgot about! Glad you are liking it so far.

    Sheryl--thanks for the update on everyone. So sad for Christina's SIL family!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Just spent a lot of time this morning exploring OKP. I'm still a bit lost. I tried to look at recipes and got no where. The only category available to click on is "Main Dishes" and when I click, there's nothing there. I'm confused in the forum because the replies are out of order. It will take some adjustment on my part and I'm resistant to change.

    Yesterday was a mix of sun and rain, back and forth, so I stayed inside and got a lot of paperwork done. I'll try to do more outside today, it's sunny and beautiful out there. Will be in the 70's and hit 80 tomorrow.

    Got an email from Christina this morning and the boyfriend confessed to avoid the death penalty. Hopefully, he'll be put away without a long drawn-out trial. All the kids are with Crista's mother right now. I hope she can care for them and keep them together. Side note, because I was confused, I want to make sure you understand the names and who I'm talking about. Christina married Jason, but also, her brother's name is Jason and he was married to Crista. One of the Facebook comments was directed to Jason and that mislead me to think that Crista was Christina's husband's sister, but she was Christina's brother's wife.

    I talked to my sister yesterday and she had to take my dad to urgent care. The Rx suppositories for the rectal bleeding led to severe diarrhea. Not only did he have numerous accidents which he and my mom cleaned up themselves (spending hours and a lot of energy, when will they learn to ask for help), but also was dehydrated. Then after getting IV's and not urinating, he got severe abdominal pains from being bloated. Turns out there was a blood clot preventing urine through the catheter. He's feeling better now and has a doctor's appointment today with a specialist and tomorrow with his primary doctor.

    My sister is a saint, dealing with all that she has on her plate. She's an amazing woman.

    I better get going so I can accomplish something today.