Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.
    Marcie, I had one of those days yesterday too. Swimming against the "John current". He had a very bad morning and therefore, so did I. I went on outside to mow the lawn and thought he'd come on out to help. When he never showed...I went in to check and he had gone back to bed. Slept most of the day. I don't know when he came to bed last night, but it must have been very late, he's still sleeping now.

    I browsed through Facebook this morning and, Marcie, Courtney Werner wants to join the NM Family group. I was able to figure out how to invite her to be my friend here, but I can't figure out how to invite her into the group. Maybe only you can do that? as owner of the group?

    John is doing all he can to convince me that he can see extremely well. All I can say is, "it's going to be even better after the procedure". He keeps asking me when this "eye thing" is going to happen. May 14th, that's a long way away when he continually asks all day, every day.

    I'll probably mow more lawn today and pull some weeds. It's going to take quite a bit of work to get this place back into shape.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Sheryl, I just sent Courtney that invite. Yeah, only the group leader can do that...but, there. an be more than one leader. Once I figure it out, I'll make you a leader (MFP prefers groups have more tham one leader anyway)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I also told Courtney that under COMMUNITY, click on GROUPS, and if NM Family appears, I think she can join there.

    John and I are having a do-nothing day. Both of us seem pretty lazy. I'm going to send an email update out to my cousins and play on the computer the rest of the day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Looks like Courtney has joined the group. I hope she comes and chit chats with us!

    I took the day off today and am having a lazy day too. Just made myself a BLTA sandwich and having some yummy fresh cherries! It's already getting hot here, so I think today will be the first day this year that we turn the AC on in the house.

    The house smells like bacon right now and Cisco is drooling. Ha! I saved him half a piece, but he doesn't get it until after I eat.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Yummy, John and I had ham sandwiches and strawberries. John finished the little bit of potato salad from the other day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    It has been a busy week - not too much time to just sit around.
    Wednesday I walked first thing - we just went at a slower pace. Then from 9-2 I watched Alan's girls. Clark got some cavities filled and Owen had an EKG done. After the girls left, I headed to Famous Footwear (looked, didn't buy), picked up a Subway sandwich and went to watch Emily. Along with watching her, I did all the dishes, washed 2 loads and folded 5 loads. Emily was quiet all evening cause she wasn't feeling well.

    Thursday Ralph had a checkup at the cardiologist. Then we ate at McDonalds, went to a restaurant supply store and found the containers he wanted for his project and then to the DAV Bookstore - bought 3 big boxes. They are staying in the trunk of the car until Monday and then Ralph can spread them out and get them packed up - we went to take them the shipping place the third week if all works out. When we got home, I walked with Leslie, did the havetos and then got to go to Bible study. It was a nice evening.

    Today I ran my errands. I had left a plate of food for Ralph so I didn't have to hurry. I bought a couple of flowers and delivered "May baskets". That was fun. When I got home, I unloaded. I did two sacks at a time (since my foot still hurts some) but everything I carried in is put away. I left some things for the party in the trunk. I bought food for us, food for the Good News Club party, stuff for refreshments at Willing Workers and whatever else I needed. I've been gone enough that my Tivo is basically full so I'm have the TV on as I work (which I do a lot anyway). We'll see how much I can take care of. I don't have to go anywhere else today that I know of.

    Sheryl, what a fun day you and John had on Tuesday. Sometimes our goof-ups turn into blessings. I love the picture of the ducks. Cool that your pulley contraption works well.

    Anewstart, glad to hear you're not in a drought now. Packing always takes time. Ten days will be a nice trip. Glad the dress turned out okay. Fun that the doves come back each year. A trip is a big expense. I've had a fitbit since January and do like it. This one is a surprise for a friend. I know several place had them on sale last Christmas so you can look around if you decide you want one. So glad you've been getting some good sleep.

    Marcie, I've never tried cold oatmeal before but you made it sound good. I'll have to try it. When the granddaughters were here, I finally made the muffins Ralph had found a recipe for. They turned out very tasty - just more ingredients than I usually work with. When I get around to it, I'll post the recipe. Smart of you to figure out what was needed to get Cisco to sleep on his pallet. I've not done anything with Fitbit on Facebook. I just log into fitbit from my computer. Thanks for becoming my fitbit friend.

    Sheryl, glad the oncologist appointment went as you expected. I'm glad you are doing so well. Hang in there with John trying to get out of the procedure. Stay tough. After all the work you did yesterday, a do-nothing day sounds like a good plan.

    Marcie, I enjoy the fun pictures you post. I wouldn't know how to start finding them. So I'm glad you share with us. It's Friday - hope you have a good weekend. You make your plates of food look so yummy. That's a skill in itself. I finished off the potato soup and the bacon since the box of crackers I opened are no good - after I smelled them I looked at the date - no wonder. Tonight is pizza and salads.

    Slowly but surely things are getting done. My fitbit says it's time to charge it but I'm working on getting to the next 1000 before I do that. With longer days, Ralph often comes in later. Alan was able to finish the last field of corn yesterday so we're happy to have that done. Enjoy your evening and the weekend.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Sorry these posted so big (at least on my end they did) -- these are my 2 new doors. Tomorrow my ugly paneling in the family room is gone and I get drywall! YEAH!!!!!!! I hate the paneling, it's thin like veneer and scratches easily. I'll try to get a pic of that. Once all of this is done, it only leaves the actual kitchen remodel. All of this work is building up to that. I know I'll be so happy to have it done. It might not happen soon but it will happen this year.

    Hope everyone is well and has a great weekend! :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Cool. They look like good solid doors. I like the windows they have. Every step is added excitement.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Moving right along Jannie! I like the doors too. Looking forward to seeing more progress pic.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi everyone.

    I didn't do a whole lot today. Dad and I both stayed home all day and just piddled around the house. I did go through and shred a bunch of paperwork/mail I let build up too long. I need to start doing that daily so I don't have stacks to go through.

    I wrote out a $15 check to send to the county for Simon's yearly license renewal...then I proceeded to throw it away. I guess it got mixed in with the trash I was taking out to the trash can. I searched all over the place for it before I started sifting through the trash and finally found it. Yet another senior moment!

    I did some dusting around the house today, then spent the rest of the day sneezing my head off! Ugh.

    Cisco and and I took a long 2 hour nap this afternoon. I had only planned to lay down and close my eyes for a few minutes, but I conked out instead.

    For dinner tonight I zoodled some yellow squash and tossed it with sautéed spinach, asparagus, fresh green beans, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, and garlic, and then added some vodka sauce, chicken and grated Romano cheese. Soooo good. I'm getting to where I enjoy zoodled squash about as much as regular pasta. With this and my lunch today, no one can say I didn't eat my veggies today. Ha!


    It got up to 94 degrees here today. The AC has been chugging away all day. I'm going to turn it off now and open some windows. I couldnt figure out why my bedroom was not cooling down today when the AC was on. Finally it dawned on me that I had the vent turned off in my room. I always shut the vent in the winter because I dont like the hot air from the heater, and then I open it back up when we stop using the heater. Senior moment number 2 of the day!

    Yesterday after work I took Debora's package to the box store to mail it off, and since there is a Chinese restaurant next to that store, I called and asked Dad if he wanted to meet me there for dinner. Worst restaurant experience I've ever had! I ordered almond chicken, and it wasn't prepared as they described it in their menu. When I very politely questioned the waitress about this, she was really rude and confrontational with me, and told me I was wrong. I told her to look at her menu, but she just kept telling me I was wrong. Her English wasn't very good, so that played into too. I finally just threw up my hands and said whatever, and that I wasnt coming back to that place again. That's when the manager came over. He agreed that I was right, but he did nothing to resolve it, nor did he take it off the bill. So much for that place!

    Tomorrow I need to run over to the bank, and go grocery shopping, get the laundry done, and my weekly cooking. I think our pot of something this week will be pink beans.

    I should get the laundry going, but I think I'll be lazy and save it for tomorrow. Have a nice weekend everyone!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Ran across this in the closet today. From the top clockwise...Dad (around 30), Grandpa (Dad's Dad), Me (around 20), Grandma and Grandpa (Mom's parents), Mom (around 35), Mom fav. aunt, Dad's sister and her family (at a fam reunion in 1974), and Grandma (Dad's Mom).

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good Morning, it's starting out to be one of those days. I put the water and grounds in the coffee pot and was wondering why I wasn't hearing the familiar gurgling and getting the smell of the fresh coffee in the morning. DUH! Gotta turn the coffee pot to the ON Position. Marcie, I'm having those senior moments too. I still get to blame it on chemo brain. I'm going to use that excuse for the full year that the doctor said it would possibly last.

    Great family photos and what a clever way to display them. I had some framed photos of my grandparents, their wedding and then 50th anniversary. I gave them to Nancy, she wanted them and had a great place to display them. She is huge on family and the history of the family. I don't have anyone else to pass them down to.

    Late yesterday afternoon, John went outside and weeded my strawberry patch. I was very impressed and very grateful. We'll probably do more outside today.

    Hung around the computer yesterday and started back in on the IHC inventory. Got a phone message and a note in the mail from the guy in Eastern Oregon asking how we are and if we're still interested in selling some parts. Time to get busy and get this project done and over with.

    Coffee's done, where's my mug??
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I am just hanging out today. I'll get caught up here, do a little cleaning, some reading, some cooking. Good R & R. :) I'm trying to figure out how to cut down my grocery budget so we can fit in 3 "eating out" events this month. We have the get together with anew (which I am REALLY looking forward to), Dan's birthday, and our anniversary. Any suggestions for some VERY cheap and easy meals?

    I have been having foot problems all week. My bunion is really acting up. I've been wearing loose shoes and sandals and trying to pay attention to the way I step with that foot. It will seem better then flare up again. I'll have to go to the store and buy some different bunion pads, etc. Ibuprofen works but I don't want to keep taking it. I also dug up this "sock device" that I bought a few years ago that puts "spacers" between your toes to realign the big toe. It seems to be helping.

    Debora, glad you got the rest of the corn planted. It's always a relief to get tasks completed. I never heard of "Call the Midwife". What is it about? Yes, the eggs are wonderful. I'll have to dig out one of my casserole recipes. I have a really good one with eggs, quinoa, feta cheese and artichoke hearts. Very tasty. I'm always happy when I get my hair colored. I don't necessarily feel younger but I do feel better about myself. More feminine perhaps?

    Anew, you were definitely missed here! So glad the dress is perfect! I'd love to see it. Also happy to hear that the water didn't get inside and do damage and that the drought is resolved in your area. Great that you've found something that enables you to sleep. that is HUGE!! I alternate between a few things to I don't get a resistance to any of them. I use melatonin, calm forte, lavender oil (my favorite), and always take calcium and magnesium and vitamin D before going to bed. It's nice that you have a dove in an area that works for her to continue to nest. We used to have one that would build her nest right by the front door which didn't work for us and they always return so we had to put up a screen to prevent her from building a nest there. It always cracks me up the way you can get very close to them and they just stare straight ahead and sit perfectly still as if they don't look at you then you can't see them! :) We used to have a humming bird that would nest in our magnolia but something happened to her last year and she did not return to the nest and the babies didn't survive. No nest this year. :(

    Sheryl, thanks for the cute duck pic! Those little babies are so sweet! Sounds like you and John had a fabulous day out! It is extra special when totally unexpected. Your pulley looks amazing! You are so handy! So glad your Dr visit went well. Please keep us posted on your dad's situation. So nice that John weeded the strawberry patch for you. I can't imagine what it is like when he keeps asking you several times a day every day about the eye procedure. You handle it so wisely. I'll continue to pray that he goes thru with it.

    Marcie, your food pics are always so beautiful! that sandwich, salad and CHERRIES look fabulous! I am so jealous of those cherries. I am an addict! ;) We watched Mad Men for a while. Very stylized. We got tired of it though. Especially when the "nice girl" in the office gave in to the wild side. Too funny about your senior moments. I've been catching myself on a few of those as well. I absolutely LOVE the clock pictures you found. What great pics and such a lovely clever way to display them. I'm right along with you on bad restaurant experiences. There are too many good restaurants out there to waste money on one that is so rude and unsatisfying. It's pretty bad when the manager doesn't even care enough to make it right. At the very least he should have offered you another dish.

    Jannie, get of you to check in and show us your progress. Wow, you are really doing some major work! Yay that the paneling is getting done and the kitchen is next!

    Okay, I can't sit at this computer any longer! A beautiful sun shiny day is streaming in through the window and I MUST go out and sit for a bit! It has been high 80's to low 90's all week and today promises to be a bit cooler! Have a fabulous weekend everyone and I'll check in again soon.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Okay, now that I've read through my post and noticed the typos - ie: Jannie it is "great" of you to check in not "get"!

    Marcie, our site expert ;) - is there a way to edit or remove our posts after we've posted them?
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2015
    Just popping in to comment on a couple things I just read. Isabella, in the upper right corner of your post, while hovering, you'll see an icon that is for edit up to an hour after posting.

    Nancy raves about "Call the Midwife" and after getting hooked on Downton Abbey, I decided to record this season of that show and get the dvd's for the previous seasons to get caught up.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi everyone, I am so excited because I received an email from Susanno and Lynn(Country Tart) for their new blog and forum group. There will be weekly Food Challenges and Weekly Green Challenges. They have a forum we can all join in also. I am so excited, the page looks great you just have to sign up for it. Where it asked for my full name I just gave it anewstart22 so we all know it is me there. Here is the signup link

    Isyvanek-I am excited to meet you and have lunch too. :) As far as meals go you can make a tuna salad stuffed tomato or avocado on top of a good sized salad for dinner. I find the meal to be quite satisfying and doesn't require me to turn on the stove.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hmmmm, I havent recieved the email from Lynn and Susano yet and I gave them my contact info when NM was closing.

    Isabella, in addition to being able to edit your post up to an hour after you posted it, you also can request the post be deleted in it's entirety. MFP administrators have to do that though, and it can take some time before they delete it. To do that, at the bottom of the post you want deleted, click on "Flag" then "Report" and then select "This is my post and I want to delete it.".
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Here's the wall with the blue jean insulationxjws1a07jnsh.jpg