Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi Isabella, nice to have things to do and this week, some r&r. I cannot imagine triple digits. Today we made it up to 41 but it's moving back down (although we may have a day in the 70s later this week). Keeps us guessing.

    Glad your files are back and you'll make sure that won't be a problem again.

    The two couples celebrating were married about a month apart. The husband of one couple was a brother to the wife of the other couple. They served yummy cake - nice and high. I didn't know a lot of people but enjoyed seeing a set of triplets (almost 1) and visiting with a friend I have not seen for some time.

    The BBQ meatballs were one dish and the hashbrown casserole was another and I made way too much of it but Lori didn't mind taking a pan of it home. I sent some dinner rolls with them too. I have two weeks now that I won't have anyone here due to other activities. Hopefully, I keep the house picked.

    Sunday evening we went to a fellowship meal. We each bought a part of the meal. The hostess had fresh out of the oven dinner rolls and Greek spaghetti. I'm going to get the recipe for that so I can make it some Sunday. We had a good time visiting too.

    Monday I had the whole day at home. That seem to often be my one day. So I got another set of shelves in the office sorted through - so little by little. I also got the goodie sacks for the kids pretty much done and decided I had enough to also do sacks for Good News Club kiddos.

    Today I babysat for the Bible study. Headed for Good News Club and almost to town realized my purse (and key) were still at home. Glad I was only about 5 miles away cause I came back and got it. We did have less kids but it was still a good meeting. No trick=or-treaters but there aren't any kids in the neighborhood.
    Got the stuff out to cut Ralph's hair - don't enjoy doing it but it needs to be done.

    Sheryl, have been praying for you and John. We know you get to us when you can but that also says something is keeping you from us.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. As I said long ago, I had so much to say, but no time to write, and now, so much time has passed by, I doubt I'll remember everything. I guess I'll start with recent and work backwards. Yesterday, I got John to shower again (Yay, I hope he continues to cooperate) and we went to meet his new doctor. Really great impression, a "young" man, (probably early thirties, but looked like a kid to me), and hit it off with John. Terrific bedside manner. First thing he asked is what can I do for you? Of course, John looked at me and said "ask her". The doctor said "no, you tell me what you want from this meeting". John said "I want you to look me in the eye and tell me I'm OK". So, the doctor looked him in the eye and said "you're OK, but you didn't tell me not to lie". We all laughed and got down to business. Naturally, by the time we finally got to see the doctor, John's back wasn't nearly so bad. This past week John's been back outside and raking and picking up pine cones and barely complaining about pain at all. I haven't given him any pain meds since the 25th. So, it was more of just getting established with a PCP and starting a medical history. The doctor was happy to hear that John is so active outside, with the exception of a slight heart murmur, John's in excellent health. The doctor asked if John has any chest pains or dizziness or fainting, all no, so he said that the murmur is nothing to worry about. If any of those symptoms appear, then we'll deal with them. John refused both the flu and pneumonia vaccines and we all agreed that that is fine, he's rarely exposed to the public anyway. The doctor did say that John needs to take vitamin D. I take it already so I have it right here and will now give John a pill when I take mine. Then, we went on to the dementia part of our problem and the doctor and I got John to consent to see a specialist to assess him. That's a big step. We don't have an appointment yet, but got the referral put in. This doctor said that the specialist is so good and in great demand and he predicted that we would probably have to wait a few months to get in to see her, but we should get a call this week to set up the appointment. I am so thankful that John said yes, now, I can tell him we're going (no matter what) because he said he would. And, I'm extremely thankful that I have not had any problems giving John pills, he took the pain pills with no complaint and if I have him used to taking the vitamin D everyday, then if the specialist prescribes anything for dementia, I think I can slip it in with the vitamin fairly easily. We'll see.

    Isabella, thanks for the suggestion about checking the kidneys, that's another thing on my list...get John to drink more water. I hope Joe is doing better too. Wow, kidney problems and a hernia, he must be in pain. Will keep him in my prayers.
    Catch your breath, you mentioned that I got you on "pins and needles" but there's really no big BIG news, just everyday stuff that accumulated since I didn't get here every morning. And, like I said before, some things will go by the wayside because I've forgotten previous comments that I was going to expand on.
    Glad that your record heat has calmed down, I also thought of Marcie when I heard of your triple digits. So funny, my Mom mentioned how hot it was every time I called and I thought, how does she even know? She's hold up in her apartment with the A/C on all day every day. Oh well, I guess she's repeating what she heard at lunch.
    I'm with Dan, recording too much tv and I doubt that I'll ever get the chance to watch all these programs. Maybe someday, I'll binge watch a whole season. I'm recording Poldark and The Durrells in Corfu on Masterpiece and This is Us and The Good Doctor. I plan to watch The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon. My fear about Young Shelton is that so much of what he goes through is bullying and I hope that doesn't glorify bullying. On Big Bang, we all laugh when they refer back to their school days with wedgies and swirlies, but I don't want to see it happening to this little kid, that won't be funny.

    Debora, I saw your comment about not being able to see my comments, I thought about emailing you my comments, but I guess you got that straightened out. "Enjoy" your mammogram tomorrow. I had mine in September, a 6 month after surgery follow-up and I suppose I'll be having one next March, marking one year after surgery. Then, it should calm down to a longer period in between.
    Glad your tooth isn't bothering you too much. John is having teeth problems and every so often, another bit of tooth will break off during a meal. He refuses to go to the dentist. His last experience with the dentist (about 15 years ago) was a disaster and he won't go back.

    I don't know if anyone else has purchased the My Pillow, I know that Marcie did and I have and really like them. Anyway, John had a nose bleed during the night a few weeks ago and I washed his pillow. It came out great, all the stain came right out and it's still pliable and even, did not bunch up or anything. Thought I'd share. I've washed poly fiber pillows in the past and ended up throwing them out, they were never the same after that.

    Jannie, I have heard of the Llamas in Pajamas series, in fact there's a huge series of llama books, but you saying that it being used by a rapper is news to me. That would be interesting, and hilarious.

    Anew, hope your fence replacement goes smoothly. It's difficult when you have to coordinate with neighbors, Good Luck.

    We lost another chicken the other night. I woke up Monday morning to find her dead and took care of her before John got up. That leaves us with only 2 hens now. Robin and CeeCee, both Rhode Island Reds. They are both very old and soon, we'll be without chickens. Even if they survive the winter, I doubt we'll have any more chicken eggs, they are so old. The ducks are even older and no longer lay eggs, so come Spring, we'll just have goose eggs.

    I better submit this before something happens and I lose this long post. You know me and this computer, love/hate relationship.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Today, we're going to the eye doctor. John's been complaining about his glasses, they're always dirty and he can't see out of them. Well, they're all scratched up and will never be "clean enough". It's been over 2 years since his cataract surgery and new glasses, so it's certainly time to have a check up. We're going this afternoon and since his doctor/Vision Works is in the mall, we'll go shopping for new pants too. When we went to the doctor on Tuesday, he wore jeans (he always wears overalls here at home) and they were falling off of him, even with his belt tightened to the tightest notch. He's lost a lot of weight. It should be an interesting day.

    Well, the rat saga continues, really getting me down. I have bought more new and different traps and he outsmarts me at every turn. Either avoids them altogether or is able to maneuver them out of his way and/or get the treats out without tripping them and getting caught. He's a wizard. One morning I went out to find the glue traps at the door gone and could hear the thrashing about under my lawn mower and other equipment. I did not want to confront him while he was still alive, so I left and hoped he would die quickly and I could just pull out my equipment, find the trap and dispose of him. John got up about 1/2 hour later and I told him about it and he wanted to go out and see. I said there's nothing to see, I only heard him. Oh, by the way, I brought in the surveillance video which records until 6 am and the traps were still in position on the video, so he came into the barn after 6 am and I had gone out about 6:30 so he must have just encountered the glue traps and was still strong and fighting and that's why he was making so much noise. When I went out with John, it was silent, I thought he'd be dead. NO!!!! We found the glue trap with gobs and gobs of hair in it but no rat. He managed to free himself and now there's a bald rat out there somewhere.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Wow, I bring you up and there you are Sheryl. Good to hear from you. So very thankful that John's back got better and he was still willing to see the doctor. Sounds like a positive visit and that you made the next step with a specialist. Wonderful.
    I tape most of the shows you do but pretty much am current in watching them.
    Nice to know that the mypillow handled a washing well. We talked about it but never made the step.
    Sorry to lose the chicken. Nice that you found out before John.

    Yesterday we worked on the Echoes in the morning, ate quickly and went to watch Derek's boys. I was happy to put them down for their nap cause I got a little nap in too. I took them their treat sacks and dropped off Lori's on the way home. Got home and did a few little jobs and then went to church. Easy night - we only had 2 little ones to watch.

    Today I had the morning at home and pretty much kept up with my list. I'm proving to myself that if I clean I don't get to other stuff and vice versus so today was the other stuff. Went to town this afternoon and got my mamogram done. The lady knew how to do it - no pain at all and done in 15 minutes. We did a couple other errands and then home. I just got done making an appointment for a root canal - dental work is expensive but at least when I see my dentist next week, I can tell him I finally made the first step. Still have my physical to set up - in time. in time.

    Lori got an extra ticket to White Christmas so am going to go to it with her tomorrow night. That should be fun.

    I have 4-H Council meeting tonight. We'll have tuna sandwiches here or if Ralph wants to go along I think we're going to McDonalds for our annual McRib. Kind of misty today so the 50 degrees has felt cool to me.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    We got our McRibs (not as good as deal as last year but still good tasting). The place was really full. Found out a local grade school was having a fundraiser. It was much quieter when I went to pick Ralph up. :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good Morning. Yesterday went fairly well. John's appointment went smoothly and his eyes are good. With correction, he's 20/20 and the prescription changed very slightly. Vision works had a big sign promoting their special, 2 pair for $89.00, but when we talked to them, John's glasses did not fall into that category and his would cost over $200.00, so we left and will check the vision place at Walmart. Last night, I realized that I should have asked how much it would cost for just the one pair and put the lenses into John's old frames. That would be cheaper, but I don't know by how much. So, I'll be pricing before buying. While at the mall, we stopped at Penny's and Sears, they both carried the Dickies brand of overalls and they were both outrageously expensive, $64.00 and $68.00. They were not made any better than the Keys, so I told John he'll just have to deal with what we already have. I get Keys for $29.00. When we started buying Keys Brand, 30+ years ago, they were made in the factory in Fort Scott, Kansas, and we got them at the farm supply store in Nevada, Missouri, on our annual visit to his parents. Extremely well made and good material. Now, they sell nationwide and are made in Mexico, like every thing else, the material is lighter duty and they are sewn very poorly, but so are all the other brands we've looked at. After walking the mall, we just didn't feel like going to Walmart, so will go another time. I didn't even feel like going out to eat, that's surprising since I love to go out to eat, but we came home, ate here and sat in our big comfy chairs and dosed off. What a day, I'm Old People!!!

    I am still following quite a few web sites that put on seminar/webinar series and I received emails from 3 of them regarding their new series and they all started last night. The Sacred Plant (cannabis) was re-airing their "re-mastered" series, so I figured that I had already seen it even though they said there was some new additions. The Chris Beat Cancer one was an "advanced protocol" series and would have cost money to join in, so I ruled that one out. The last one was new to me, on nutrition, and free, so that's the one I chose to watch. HA, I fell asleep and missed it. I narrowed down my choices for nothing.

    I think today will be a day at home, unless later, we decide to venture out to Walmart. I just don't know what to expect yet. I'm still feeling like doing nothing, but I've done plenty of that for quite awhile now. I looked at my list of summer chores/projects and hardly anything got completed this past year. Oh well, another day, another season.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Forgot to tell you about my interesting experience the other morning. I opened the basement door to go downstairs and saw a shadow. Flipped on the light and there was a little mouse scampering down the step. Hopefully, he has no friends. We've set a mousetrap - no luck so far but hopefully in time.

    Did my shopping along this morning - Ralph needed to grind some feed. I told him my shopping list wasn't very long but just made it home before noon. Checked on leftover Halloween candy that I could use for verse candy at Good News Club. Got a little bit. Picked up a bag of candy corn taffy in town we were at Wednesday that I took to a friend this morning. She was very happy cause when she went to buy some, they were out.

    This afternoon I'm doing things like the dishes, putting what I bought away, getting started on getting 4-H activity sheets ready, cutting the verses I had run off, wrapping more soap in washcloths for OCC shoeboxes and matching sox for Lori. Tonight Lori and I are going to see the play of White Christmas. That should be fun.

    Nice, Sheryl, that John did the eye check-up fine and doesn't need much correction. Shopping around for glasses is a good idea. If he has bifocals or trifocals, those always cost more. I can never get those cheap deals. Yep, things aren't made like they used to be. A day at home is always nice. Well, if nothing got completed this year, the nice thing is you already have your list made for next year. Now it looks like you're thinking ahead.

    Weather is right around 40 today and it sure feels cold. Haven't broken out the long johns yet (except for the football game) but their day is coming.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    White Christmas was so good. It was done by CYT - actors were between 8 and 18. Great job.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I like your thinking Debora, thanks, I'm not behind, I'm just looking way forward with my to-do list for next summer. Although, some of those projects would have made this coming winter a little easier. I guess I can look forward to next winter being better. ha ha ha
    Nice that the play was good, glad you enjoyed your evening out.
    John's glasses are progressive, plus, last time he got the light weight lenses which he likes very much. The deal at Visionworks was 2 pair for $49.00 for single Rx and 2 pair for $89,00 for bifocals, but does not include the special light weight lenses. And, she said that the frames have to be the same, so we could not use one of John's old frames (even though it still looks brand new). We got the 2 pair deal last time (for the over $200.00 price) because the Rx was due to the cataract removal and Medicare covered it. Now that we have to pay the whole thing, John is not willing to pay so much.

    Yesterday was a lazy day for us. Drizzly outside, but we kept toasty warm inside with the woodstove going. John rearranged all the wood again, he goes through it constantly as it gets burned and the crates get emptier, he'll change all the wood around to put all the same size logs together. When I bring it in, I deliberately put all different sizes in the crate so I have choices when I'm stoking the fire. Sometimes you need a little piece and sometimes a big log. John also strips all the bark off the logs and makes a separate pile. While I think that's unnecessary, it sure does keep him busy, so I let it go. I clean up the mess later.

    The outside colors are gorgeous right now and John was enthralled when we drove to the doctor's. He's ready to take a drive up into the hills again. I don't feel like going in the rain or drizzle, so I'll wait for a good weather day and we'll take off again. I'm always happy to get John out of the house.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning ladies, this week has been MUCH cooler, in the high 60's and next week is supposed to be in the mid 70's. Maybe fall is finally here. Another morning at home today. I don't really feel like having eggs for breakfast this Saturday like we usually do. I have some amaranth in the cupboard that I'm trying to use up. I made some a few weeks ago kinda like rice pilaf style. It was just OK. I think today I will cook it for breakfast with some maple syrup and apple chunks in it and see how that goes. We have our library concert this afternoon. They are having it a week early this month since next week is a holiday. Then our usual lunch/dinner and grocery shopping afterward.

    Sheryl, SO very glad to hear from you! Good that John's back isn't bothering him too much now. His new doctor sounds great! Thank you Lord! Also very happy to hear that he agreed to see the dementia doctor. Information is always a good thing. Getting him to take the vitamin D is also great. What dosage are you taking? Do you have a Costco card? Costco usually has great deals on glasses also. Let us know what you end up with. Too bad he won't see a dentist. Gum disease can be a real problem. Are you going to be OK with not being able to walk outside and get fresh eggs? Are you going to start getting them from a local farmer or maybe from the place where you get your honey? I've been getting mine at Trader Joe's lately. They have "dark yolk" eggs that are higher in omegas that are really good. My co-worker that used to sell eggs got rid of her chickens and they are too expensive at the farmer's market $7.00 a dozen!!! I can't believe the continuing saga with the rat - we're going to start calling him Mighty Rat!! Man, I bet that makes you mad! Are you going to put out a fresh glue trap? Have you received your highlights subscription yet?

    Debora, You are having some good "home time" and getting things done. Slow but sure is a good thing. What will you do with 2 whole weeks of no one coming for dinner?! :) Sounds restful. I keep saying I'm going to try one of those McRibs one of these days but I just can't bring myself to go to McDonalds. I saw an ad that Carl's Junior offers some sort of rib sandwich that I might try some day. White Christmas sounds like it was great. I often think about attending a play at the high school and our Church's school puts on a couple of plays every year. They are performing "Aladdin Jr" this month. I won't go to that one though. Dan isn't really interested in going to plays so I'll have to find someone to go with if I ever find one that grabs me.

    Well, I think it's finally time for breakfast so I'll close for now. Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hello everyone, thought it was time to come in and update. I see everyone has been busy with their lives as usual. We are having some 90 degree weather right now which is very strange. We went ahead and did a new bed bug treatment throughout the house so we can open that room up and start going through some things while we have nicer weather. It will be nice to have a room to use again. I made chili for dinner and set it up on the patio. Then hubby sprayed and and opened the house up and we had dinner with some 70's music and just had some nice chatting.

    Sadly we had to let our cat go to cat heaven last week. I miss her very much but it was time to let her go. I have been deep cleaning the house to get all of her hair out of it, lol. I always did my best to keep the house clean but her hair was always around, and I could never get away from it. I did notice I took the laundry from the dryer and set it on the bed without worry of cat hair. I always had to stand there in the laundry room and fold it. It is very strange not having any animals. My husband said to me the other night, "do you realize this is the first time since we've been married that we haven't had any pets, or people living with us?" I said yeah, I thought about that as well.

    We still have no fence, the neighbors can't seem to get things together so we can move forward. We have had issues with people cutting through our yard before and on Halloween night a woman thought our yard was her personal pass through. She told her daughter "let's go this way". I said to her "no, what do you think you are doing?" I said, "just because there are no fences does not make this your personal pass through. Sheesh, people are so self absorbed and think this whole world is all about them and what they want to do, never mind that our house is ours, and so is our yard. Shake my head everytime I have to deal with people like that. What a way to teach her young daughter about boundries. "Here hon, go through anyone's yard, just because you want to".

    The bank also needs to sign the check to cash it and give us our money, but without a scope of damages from the insurance company they won't. Just issues everywhere still and I forgot to call the insurance company today to ask them for one. They should have sent one to us but have not.

    I don't want to be a downer so I am going to get off here for now, not much good to talk about.

    Have a great night everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I'll try this again...I had a post and when I submitted it, I got a message (in red font) that said there is no longer a message board to submit to. My first thought was that since Marcie starting this group and she is gone now, they took it off, but after some clicking and searching, I found you again, but my post is gone. So here goes, but I know it won't be the same as before, it never is.

    I received an email from Jim regarding Marcie:

    Hi Sheryl,

    Thank you for your note. Marcie would be glad to know that so many people cared about her. I am doing fine I think. Just the dog and I rattling around this big old 4 bedroom house now. I used to complain about the noise that Marcie would make in the middle of the night (she was very much a night person) but I wish I had some of it back now.

    I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to you but I was waiting on the coroner's office to contact me so I would have something to report. Since the cause of death was not been obvious they had to do an autopsy and toxicology testing. They said it would take about 8 weeks and that turned out to be just about what it was. It turns out that she died from chronic peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal wall and organs) and liver cirrhosis. Both of these could probably have been treated if she had just gone to a doctor. That was something she hated to do although she had very good medical insurance from the State of California where she worked.

    Anyway, thank you again for caring and your prayers.


    Isabella, I'm giving John vitamin D3, 2000iu, as the doctor recommended. I have purchased Turmeric 3D with vitamin D3, 5000iu, from Organixx, (The Truth About Cancer). Their product is fermented which is supppose to get absorbed into the system quicker and more completely. I'll start using it once my other turmeric is gone. I'm not sure if I'll try to give it to John because he is now taking one pill daily with no problem and the Organixx is 2 capsules daily, he may balk at that. One thing that I did not know before, the doctor said always take vitamin D with food for better absorption. I put the pill on John's lunch plate.

    Carol had also recommended Costco for John glasses, but I am not a member of Costco and I think the savings I may get would be offset by the membership fee. I'll still see what Walmart prices are.

    According to the tv weatherman, today will be the last good weather day, then the rains come, even storms in the forecast. So, I'll see if John is willing to go out today for the glasses and for a scenic drive. He's been commenting on all the colors in the trees, so it should be a very nice scenic.

    I can't remember what else was in my previous post, so I'll close for now before I lose this again.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    sannferris wrote: »
    Carol had also recommended Costco for John glasses, but I am not a member of Costco and I think the savings I may get would be offset by the membership fee. I'll still see what Walmart prices are.

    I worked at Costco(in the Optical Dept) umpteen years ago and anyone could get glasses at Costco, member or not. I don't know if that has changed but you could take a look into it.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I remembered something I had in my first post this morning. Right after the copy of Jim's email, I wrote how sad it is that it sounds like Marcie's death may have been prevented. But, I know how difficult it is to get to the doctor's. Unless the symptoms are horrible, we can so easily put those things off.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Sad to hear about Marcie's reason for passing. I thought she had been to the doctor recently? I could be wrong though.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Anew, I agree with you, I thought Marcie had seen a doctor not long ago also, but maybe for a specific reason and not a thorough physical, etc., something that would turn up the internal problems that she had. Also, maybe whatever symptoms she had turned the doctor to a different direction. I know from my personal experience, several doctors misdiagnosed my problem because my symptoms lead them elsewhere.

    Yesterday, we stayed at home, nothing new or different. Tuesday, we did get out and ran errands and took a scenic drive. Really nice day. Today is rain and I have to go out in it for a massage therapy session. Still working on my arm. I'll stop at the store and buy more veggies. We're going through them a lot. I have meat in the freezer, but fresh stuff, I need to go out for more often.

    I shared my last comment with Nancy and this was her email response:

    You misunderstand Costco. You don’t go there looking for what you need. You go and look around, buy at least $200 worth of great stuff at good prices that you didn’t know you needed.


    I'm still laughing, this really clinches it for me...I CAN'T afford to save at Costco.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Just popping in to say "hi". Turned into a busier week than originally planned. Can you believe that.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    sannferris wrote: »

    You misunderstand Costco. You don’t go there looking for what you need. You go and look around, buy at least $200 worth of great stuff at good prices that you didn’t know you needed.


    I'm still laughing, this really clinches it for me...I CAN'T afford to save at Costco.

    Hahahahaha, yep Costco, the $200 dollar club, lol. I'd still call them about the glasses and the public purchasing with a current RX. Their prices were usually very good and they had a specific lab they used.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good early am to everyone, my computer went kaput so I ordered a restore cd because I can't find mine which I believe is in that room that has been locked up for so long because of the bedbugs. We opened the closet in the guest room and started looking around in there, don't see any bugs. I hope it stays that way, so we opened that room up. It was so weird seeing it again after at least a year and a half. Good thing it's just my crafting room, lol. We have a lot of hard work ahead of us but have decided that 90% of what is in there, is going out of this house. I want that room clean and the guest bedroom closet clean too. I'm pulling a Marcie on my house.

    Not much more going on here so I will close. Weather has been cold and rainy which I enjoy so not bad for me, hubby doesn't like being cold though. Goodnight everyone and have a great weekend.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi all, had a really great day today! My friend Jackie and I had a girl's day. We went to a large farmer's market in a town called Temecula about 40 miles north. We got some great produce and some honey. It is also wine country there and Jackie has a membership at a winery called Lorimar so we did some wine tasting after the farmer's market. The wines were excellent but too pricey for my budget. The "member" price was around $35 a bottle. So I didn't purchase any. We went to a really good Italian restaurant afterward. I had rigatoni a la Norma (with eggplant). the eggplant was cooked to perfection. It was a huge portion so I took half of it home to have for lunch another day. We talked A LOT! Had a very enjoyable day and made it home by 2:30pm. Dan and I did our usual Saturday shopping a while later. I made herbed chicken breasts for dinner and now he's waiting for me to come watch TV so I'll try to hurry. :)

    Anew, great to hear from you as always. I have been wondering about the rooms that were still closed up. I agree if you haven't needed anything in that room for over a year it is wise to do a Marcie (I like that phrase!) and do some major decluttering. It is a shame that the neighbors are being difficult about the fence. I don't understand why people think it is OK to walk thru your private property. There are areas where people are starting to do that around here too. Why do they think that is OK?! I want to make sure that you know that we are happy when you come and post. We don't care what you want to talk about. We are all here for each other thru the good, the bad, and the ugly. :)

    Sheryl, Thanks so much for sharing Jim's email about Marcie. I can't believe she had those internal issues. So sad. I thought the same thing you guys did - that she'd been to the doctor recently and that is when they started treating her for diabetes. I think you nailed it when you said they came to that single diagnosis and didn't look any further. I'm surprised they didn't do a full battery of tests since she apparently hadn't been in for a while. So sad. Jim's comment about how he'd like to have her making noise in the middle of the night now almost made me cry. You're right that D3 should be taken with food or at least some sort of "fat" since it is fat soluble and that makes it more readily absorbable. I think Anew is correct that you might not need to have a Costco membership to get glasses there. I know for sure that you can use their pharmacy without a membership.

    Debora, you are busy as usual even without everyone coming to dinner. Hope you get some relaxation.

    Well, gotta go. Talk to you all soon. Have a great rest of your weekend! I took Monday off so maybe I'll check back in then.