

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    :sad: Snoozie sadly waves goodbye to the man bearing the margarita tray :drinker: .... deflates her rubber ducky flotation device :sad: slips out of the pool and prepares to head home... because she just cannot give up camel hunting......:cry:

    yes, and I must leave also, as my entire wardrobe is made up of pants... giggles...

    in New Jersey we're not allowed to pump our own gas nor make a left turn..... we have so many circles / jughandles it's ridiculous...

    Tonya - good luck with the meds
    Sue - you always seem to have the most awesome time
    Gail - have never been to any of my class reunions - need to get intel on them...
    Snoozie - you always make me giggle - glad your sister is ok..
    Janet - you continue to amaze me... there is no way I would be able to pass up those fresh donuts - hence I don't go to Dunkin
    Harley - welcome aboard - you will find this group so much fun
    Leslye - hope your feeling better
    Tammy - bittersweet is right - 18 year old male is "giving attitude" but this too shall pass -
    And of course he criticized my lawnwork ... hmm.... wonder what he'll do when he runs out of clean undies - giggles...
    Kobie - glas you weathered the storm ok...

    See you all soon...sorry if I missed anyone...

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    :sad: Snoozie sadly waves goodbye to the man bearing the margarita tray :drinker: .... deflates her rubber ducky flotation device :sad: slips out of the pool and prepares to head home... because she just cannot give up camel hunting......:cry:

    ROFL Snoozie you keep me in stitches
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    :sad: Snoozie sadly waves goodbye to the man bearing the margarita tray :drinker: .... deflates her rubber ducky flotation device :sad: slips out of the pool and prepares to head home... because she just cannot give up camel hunting......:cry:

    Snoozie, I love you so much for this!! It makes my day, I have something to giggle about when the going gets tough!
    Susan, thanks for the material for her to work from!
    Tonya, Mem50, - I have high bnlood pressure to , but mine is leveling out with the meds and bike riding regularly...speaking of riding regular, I better get back to it this week , I took a week off....
    Have a fantasticday everyone!!

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, BP is still elevated but I see a lower number on the horizon. DD and her DH are signing papers on a house this morning. That means they may be MOVING out of mine in the near future. Please keep them and me in your prayers....I need them. I am so excited about this move ...more than they even know. I can't wait to eat what I want when I want. DSIL is such a junk food junkie that it makes it hard to prepare meals for 4.

    Last night for instance we grilled Tilapia. We loved it but DSIL was not happy that we didn't fry it. (That is the way he prefers it so we had leftovers today) Not a problem really since DH will eat anything but sad that DSIL won't make an effort to support his MIL or Wife in their healthy eating habits.

    DH and I can and want to eat more healthy but it does make it hard when you are cooking for more than yourselves.

    My flotation devices have not got anywhere on this weight loss journey, however if I can ever get to a lower weight, my BP and Boobs may go by the wayside.

    We are still trying to determine if we are taking the whole family on a vacation this year. I am hoping for just Rick and I as we haven't had one alone since 2001. Does that make me a bad person or just a normal one? He seems to think its not a big deal, however I hate to disappoint the grandsons.

    I hope all of you have a great day and and a better tomorrow!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    [My flotation devices have not got anywhere on this weight loss journey, however if I can ever get to a lower weight, my BP and Boobs may go by the wayside.

    We are still trying to determine if we are taking the whole family on a vacation this year. I am hoping for just Rick and I as we haven't had one alone since 2001. Does that make me a bad person or just a normal one? He seems to think its not a big deal, however I hate to disappoint the grandsons.

    Tonya - I'm down 45 and my flotation devices haven't gone anywhere - giggles - hubs doesn't mind....:blushing:
    As far as vacation - hubby and I have gone away a few times for a few days for "romantic times"... giggles... but am trying to convince him to go to the Jersey shore with the 3 of us... bringing Jr along...
    mixing it up can be fun....

    See you all soon....
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I know what you mean Carol, we have taken the whole family on vacation for the last 5 years. I was hoping we could just take this year and go ourselves but I have huge guilt feelings about the grandsons.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Carol I think its normal. We do the family vacations but try and get away for a few days alone at least once a year. That has run into an extend time without the little one this year since She has been gone with my married daughter since last Thursday. They come home tomorrow but we leave at lunch tomorrow for New Orleans. We have been to New Orleans several times but always with the children, so this time it will be just the husband and I to explore. Going to get plenty of walking in for sure.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Everyone - my note was a reply to Tonya.....

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    But it's a dry heat.......lol

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Susan....where do you find these things????? lol
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Susan....where do you find these things????? lol

    This is actually a picture I took of a display at Dillard's when I was shopping yesterday lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    opened up the thread this morning and saw that skeleton and just started howling!!!:laugh:
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Hi lovely fellow menopausal mad hatters...I still feel somewhat of a "newbie" here...but really enjoying reading all your posts. Remind me one day to tell you ALLLL about my "personal trainer"..she is ever so cute :-)

    Love the fact that you are all in different parts of North America...anyone else here living in the UK or Europe??...note I dont say "British"...even tho I love being "English"...still a Canadian at heart......enjoy all your lovely "jackpot" moments xx
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Tell us now, Chatogal, we need something to read. ~~~giggles~~~ : )
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Farewell to June today... Ill post a July topic in the morning before heading in to work just back from a Canada day BBQ after work and had a fab time but need a bit of sleep lol!! We all rocked it this month ladies!! IPOU's all around !!