Daily check in



  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    Have any of you missed a workout and doubled up the next day? I have cake orders to get done for pickup tomorrow and it is doubtful I'll get Lower Fix in tonight
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @bevsargent66 I know what having had 3 children does to a woman's body all too well! In fact, I know what having fraternal twins does to a woman's body. I was "lucky" because my boys were born late and weighed 7lbs 11 ozs and 7lbs 3 ozs.

    You can imagine what that does to a woman's body!

    When I took my before pics, I wore a unitard. It covered my belly but didn't hide any lumps or bumps. I had to throw it away after my after pics, however, because it was falling apart at the seams and deserved a proper burial, as it were. I plan on wearing leggings and a tank top for my next set of after pics.

    On April 27th I'll have three sets of pics--1 before, 2 after--and my second set of after pics will be my Round 3 before pics. I'm just going to keep riding the 21DF train until the end of June.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Day 11 Round 2

    I am definitely seeing a difference in my effort with Pilates. I still find the "side" series painful. (I've been calling it the leg series but I noticed today it says "side" so I'm self-correcting here.) My reps are lower intentionally so I can build up my stamina over time. More importantly, I'm not giving up. I'm holding planks a wee bit longer. I'm even able to get the abs series (C series?) done without modifying. Definitely an improvement.

    Still struggling through PiYo. I shifted yesterday's core workout to today and will not take the rest day tomorrow, moving today's workout to tomorrow. I am often falling back into child's pose to rest or simply holding a modified plank while the others are doing so much more. But again, I'm there doing something. By the end of the eight weeks, maybe I'll be able to do it all.

    And feeling GREAT! It's amazing what not having a pain in my neck can do for my ability to exercise.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Day 18 here - I have been doubling all week - I actually mixed them up a little so yesterday I did Lower fix and cardio fix.

    Today I have pilates and total body cardio, I will just do them back to back. I had some terrible calf craps during the night so I didn't want to get up and do Pilates. An Excuse, probably? but I will be getting it done this afternoon.

    Tonight I also have to cook and prep for the 3DQF - Question for you guys, how do you steam your veggies? I have a pampered chef bowl thing that goes in the microwave that I usually use - but I am thinking of steaming 3 days worth tonight. Maybe its not the best idea? But that will take me forever to do in the microwave. LOL

    Overall I feel great - the scale isn't down (its actually up a little today) and my measurements haven't really moved either, but I feel great - that has to count right?
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @dkwi04 Feeling great absolutely counts!

    I steam mine in a steamer like this one: http://amzn.to/1Hxjen3

    It couldn't handle large volume though. Still, I steamed the sweet potatoes in advance. I then steamed broccoli and cauliflower in batches. I reheated everything in the steamer as well. Made for fewer pots and pans over all.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Yeah, I guess I will just do batches while I work on browning/grilling the meats.

    I use something like this, but a bit bigger http://www.amazon.com/Pampered-Chef-Micro-Cooker-Small/dp/B000WIQJ9Q/ref=sr_1_1?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1429196949&sr=1-1&keywords=pampered+chef+steamer
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    I steamed a bunch of veggies ahead of time and they were fine. I didn't do the yams tho- for that, at breakfast time, I cut them up in tiny cubes and put them in the yellow container. Then I microwaved them for 3 minutes maybe? Sorry don't remember timing. Came out fine. It's a really small amount :(
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    So I did Lower Fix today since I missed it yesterday. I didn't modify anything this time and used only the heavier weights. My legs are like jello lol! Depending on my schedule tonight I might just move along and do cardio tomorrow then use pilates as my active recovery on Sunday in place of Yoga. We went out to eat late last night and I did the best I could to estimate. I got a chicken wrap with lettuce and tomato. No dressing. I had already used up 2 green containers for my lunch so figuring out dinner out was a challenge. The scale has been the same TO THE OUNCE since Tuesday.So I have gained .1 this week and haven't budged. I laugh about it because I've never seen anything like it. I tend to stick at a single number like that all the time but in the past I've given up. I'm not going to do that. The number has to drop sometime, right? It's aggravating but I try to make light of it because I'm eating healthy. Now I know why they say not to weigh every day but I can't help it. It's just something I've always done.
  • wrightchoices
    wrightchoices Posts: 34 Member
    I did the Pilates Fix this morning and it felt good to stretch. My muscles feel so much better...
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @cupcake570 I am a daily weigher too. I have to laugh sometimes as well. This week has been a bit weird for me on the scale but, overall, I'm losing. Yesterday my son and daughter-in-law came over after I hadn't seen them in nearly 2 weeks. I was certain they would both immediately notice the weight loss. Nope. Not a comment. Oh well. I just have to keep plugging away.

    @wrightchoices The first few times I did the Pilates workout, it was downright painful for me at times because some of the muscles in my legs, after last year's knee injury, had become unbearably tight. Even the stretches afterwards had me close to tears. But yesterday, it wasn't as painful as it had been. I was even a little surprised. Who knows, maybe by the end of June, it won't be hurting me at all.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member

    Starting the 3DQF. And have doubles to do later, Cardio Fix and Upper Fix.

    Haven't noticed a whole lot with the scale or measurements but I was quite pleased looking in the mirror today.

    So my question is...for those who have done the 3DQF - what are exactly the benefits. My calories are almost at 1,200 for the day today and I weighted all the food to double check. Its not a lot less then what I have been eating - so I am wondering what benefit I am going to have
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    I definitely saw the scale go down quickly during the quick fix. The problem is, I went on vacation the next day so wasn't able to see if the loss was sustainable since I ate too much on vacation :(. The Quick Fix is very low carb and very low sodium, so I suspect that's why I dropped a couple of pounds. Will be interested to hear if you lose also, and if you are able to sustain that loss.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    If I have a loss....I hope I can sustain it, I plan to go right into round 2 Monday. If not I might never do it again.

    What calorie bracket are you in? I am just so confused, it is suppose to be more of a calorie deficit but it doesn't seem to be in my case.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Ok, so I guess the point isn't really lower calorie, but a carb depletion. Although I knew it had something to do with carbs, I had no idea that that was actually a thing. A little of reading on carb depletion and I get it!
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Just shy of a week in, weighed myself this morning, down 3 lbs!!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Awesome job @michellemybell!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @dkwi04 I'm pretty sure it's all about the simple carbs since you only have the 1Y for the day. And no dairy.

    @michellemybelll Woohoo!

    Today was a rouhgh one for me. My knee would't allow me to even do the modified version of the burpees. I sometimes feel a pain but, with a few repetitions, I can manage to get through the pain and keep moving. Unfortunately, today's pain did not subside. I ended up just reaching up and then down, in a high squat. I kept moving. That's all that matters.

    After I sent my husband off to work, I used the bike because Holly (one of our huskies) hates it when I use the bike and it was still very early so I was relying on her still being too sleepy to fuss while I tried to exercise.

    PiYo: Define: Upper Body was tough for me but I pushed through as before. And I'm trying out a new Leslie Sansone DVD before I pass it on to my daughter-in-law. We share our exercise library, swapping out DVDs.

    In the meantime, my husband has started doing P90 and is doing well with it. The first day, he didn't test his levels before exercising and made himself sick. He's done better since then and is keeping up with the schedule. Not sure he will do so today, He will be working and that may keep him from doing more. But he does seem to be more committed to exercising than I've seen him in a while. I'll let you know what he does tomorrow. Or doesn't do, as the case may be.
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey guys! So I'm a little over a week into insanity. I'm still trying to do 21DF food, but I've also been traveling, so I'm just eyeing things. But I had a HUGE NSV last night and I had to share.

    I had bought an "aspiration dress" a few months ago way before 21DF, and my venture into beach body programs. It was way too tight, and i was hoping it would be motivation for me to keep going on my journey.

    I've been discouraged lately because I haven't been doing well With food lately, and the scale hasn't budged since my day 21.

    But i brought it to my conference with me just in case and put it on for our awards dinner just to see - AND IT FIT LIKE A GLOVE! no unsightly bumps, and i FINALLY don't look like I'm pregnant anymore.

    KEEP GOING - the scale is a dirty liar!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    KEEP GOING - the scale is a dirty liar! ♥ ♥ ♥
  • wrightchoices
    wrightchoices Posts: 34 Member
    :) Round 1 Day 6...I'm following the program, eating clean and doing the workouts! I have lost a pound but I'm losing inches. I feel great.