New members - tell us about yourself



  • chamblisk
    chamblisk Posts: 296 Member

    First, welcome! As a fellow active person, I think I understand where you're coming from. (Friend me if you like. I'm in my rowing off-season now, so a bit less active than in summer, but I'm happy to support a fellow active person.)

    But, that said: Dang it, man, you've hit one of my hot-buttons (bolded above)! Why, oh, why are people so quick to go to "I'm not an athlete"? You're planning 12 half marathons! You may be a slow athlete (the two-hour thing), you may be an overweight athlete (not sure what "find it difficult to keep trim" means), you may be an older athlete at 53 (we call them "masters" athletes, right?), but it sure sounds like you're an athlete.

    One of my rowing coaches had us do an exercise once, one I recommend to other newly active (or persistently self-deprecating) people. She had each of us take a piece of paper, and write down 3-5 things that would have to be true in order for us to "believe we were an athlete".

    A couple of years later, when I found that piece of paper, I had to admit it: I was an athlete. An obese (then, not now), slow, masters athlete.

    Claim it.

    Wow....I like that, Ann. I'm not an athlete either....but I think I will write down some things that will need to be true for me to "beleive". You are right, we often use that self-depreciating talk to downplay our accomplishments (I do!) So, I too want to be a formerly obese, slow, master athlete. Someday soon.

  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    It's exciting to see some new faces here !!!! Welcome !!!!
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    I have commented a time or two in this group, and am finally doing this.

    Was a competitive athlete all through my teens, and then when I quit actively competing the weight started packing on as nutrition and watching what I ate had never been a concern. I have not been at a healthy weight since my early 20's and now, I want to change that. I miss seeing me in the mirror and that general feeling of feeling healthy.

    In late August of 2015 I stepped on the scale and gasped when it read 259.5 and said, no...this is not who I am. And it started there. In early September I found MFP and was down to 255 and it has just continued from there. I have met lots of great and supportive people here and had lots of my personal myths about weight loss get debunked until really I am left with CICO. Which is much less intimidating and is something I know I will do for life, not just to get the weight off.

    Starting Weight: 259.5
    Current Weight: 221.5
    Goal Weight:125-130
    Height: 5'6"

    Always happy to add new friends who are committed and supportive.
  • telynau
    telynau Posts: 16 Member
    @AnnPT77 Thank You! You made a profound observation; one many of us need to remember. This is worth a separate thread.

    @EatSleepRideRun hat's off to you. That's an intense race schedule for 2016. Noticed you're estimating 2-plus hours for the HMs O_O... you be booking... not plodding by any stretch of the imagination. HaHa, plodding is 5K, 90-plus minutes ;)
  • EatSleepRideRun
    EatSleepRideRun Posts: 52 Member
    edited January 2016
    Thanks everyone, maybe I am an athlete just never thought of it lol

  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I have commented a time or two in this group, and am finally doing this.

    Was a competitive athlete all through my teens, and then when I quit actively competing the weight started packing on as nutrition and watching what I ate had never been a concern. I have not been at a healthy weight since my early 20's and now, I want to change that. I miss seeing me in the mirror and that general feeling of feeling healthy.

    In late August of 2015 I stepped on the scale and gasped when it read 259.5 and said, no...this is not who I am. And it started there. In early September I found MFP and was down to 255 and it has just continued from there. I have met lots of great and supportive people here and had lots of my personal myths about weight loss get debunked until really I am left with CICO. Which is much less intimidating and is something I know I will do for life, not just to get the weight off.

    Starting Weight: 259.5
    Current Weight: 221.5
    Goal Weight:125-130
    Height: 5'6"

    Always happy to add new friends who are committed and supportive.

    Glad to have you on board!!! This is a great and motivating group to be a part of!!!
  • kyedo
    kyedo Posts: 83 Member
    @Montepulciano and @EatSleepRideRun you have found one of the most supportive groups on MFP. I constantly notice that folks I meet on this group, continue to be the most active and most supportive of all the people I have meet on MFP. Welcome and good luck with the rest of your journey.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,223 Member
    Wow! I miss a few days and we have lots of new people! Most excellent! Welcome everyone, this a great group with people in all different stages of this process. You will get good advice without the snarkiness of the main forums. I was a lazy fat girl. Now I am a not so lazy, not fat girl. This can be done.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    kyedo wrote: »
    Okay, I have not been very active in the group during the second half of 2015, and thought I would start the new year off by re-introducing myself. It also gets this thread back to the top so all the new members can easily find it ;).

    My name is Ed, I am a 51 year old guy living in Louisville KY. I live with my wife and 15 year old son. I find that I have much better success at keeping my weight moving in the right direction (which is down), if I am on here tracking my intake every day. I also find that I get a lot of inspiration by seeing the success that all of you are having. It also keeps me motivated when I see all of the activity updates, whether it is walking, running, or lifting weights.

    My MFP goals for this year:
    Keep the scale moving in the right direction each month
    Be a more vocal supporter/contributor

    Please feel free to add me

    nice to have you back :)
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    great to see so many new faces in our group
    Welcome :)
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,398 Member
    Welcome to anyone I've missed greeting. I've been slacking on checking the group (old age getting to me?) and get behind on what's going on it here sometimes.
  • mccoyt85
    mccoyt85 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm Tory,

    While I'm looking to lose around 40 lbs, my main motivation is to feel better. I have never made good food choices and yes I'm a picky eater. Truth-I don't care about food. I've never really been especially active. Lack of nutrition and exercise has left me exhausted and in poor health. Those are the reasons I'm in this condition.

    I've been on this site for 2 weeks now. Logging my food has been such an eye opener. While I literally would go 2 or 3 days without eating anything substantial I discovered how many empty calories I was filling my body with by only eating saltines and drinking Coke. Coke is a real problem for me. It is much easier to grab a Coke than peel an orange. I have managed in the past 2 weeks to reduce my Coke from 5 or 6 or more cans of Coke a day to no more than one and a couple of times none a day. That is Huge for me. I have been drinking water. I carry a 22 oz bottle around all the time and refill it often. I am up to 74 oz a day. Yay! Small victory, I'll take it.

    Going forward I'm hoping to connect with people who are like me or have been there. I appreciate an "atta girl" once in a while and am more than happy to return encouragement.

    A little about me. I live in NC, am married (almost 32 years) and have 2 children and 3 cats ( yes, I'm the crazy cat lady). I work as an office associate for Walmart, which doesn't keep me moving physically as I need. This March I'll be 56. I am very involved in my community volunteering for the American Society's Relay For Life. I'm also interested in holistic healing. I am a Reiki Master Teacher and working on my certification for aromatherapy. I enjoy yoga and am looking to get back into it. I hope I can be a good fit for this group.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    Congrats on cutting back on Coke, I know how hard that can be. Welcome. ;)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Welcome, Tory. At two weeks of logging, you have a good start for success. :)
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I used to drink Coke's difficult to give it up so good job!!! Welcome to the group and I'm wishing you great success!!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,223 Member
    Welcome Tory! Stopping anything to which we have become so accustomed is so hard. Mine is sugar and haven't kicked it yet.
  • kayakerandbiker
    kayakerandbiker Posts: 26 Member
    I've been on MFP for awhile, but I just added this group. I want to lose 20lbs and reduce my BF%. I am also looking for a cycling buddy. I cycle about 25-30 miles daily, except in thunderstorms. I am not a performance biker, although I've improved my endurance and speed over the past two months. I have crappy knees so my better miles are on flat terrain and my slow mo miles are in the hills. I would appreciate a friend add by other bikers and also anyone who seriously lifts weights (I'd appreciate guidance and inspiration). Oh, I'm 63, retired and my husband and I split our time between SC (flat) and Maine (hilly)
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,088 Member
    Welcome. I'm on the edge of the Canadian wilderness, so no good for a bike or kayak buddy, but I do make my own boats,, and try to get out on my bike when I can avoid the draw of my motorcycle.
  • kayakerandbiker
    kayakerandbiker Posts: 26 Member
    Farback wrote: »
    Welcome. I'm on the edge of the Canadian wilderness, so no good for a bike or kayak buddy, but I do make my own boats,, and try to get out on my bike when I can avoid the draw of my motorcycle.

  • kayakerandbiker
    kayakerandbiker Posts: 26 Member
    Farback wrote: »
    Welcome. I'm on the edge of the Canadian wilderness, so no good for a bike or kayak buddy, but I do make my own boats,, and try to get out on my bike when I can avoid the draw of my motorcycle.
    When we are in Maine we live about 15 minutes from The Wooden Boat School. I have visited several times and know a couple of people from work who had built a boat. I'd love to try a project like that, like a dingy or punt. That's about my speed! Thanks for the welcome!