Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I am currently at 8K Steps and I finished up yesterday at 10.8K steps.
    I forgot to mention that Yesterday I managed to find 11 Cents.
    The weather today is much more humid and 75 degrees out the door too. That is pretty much ten degrees warmer than Yesterday. The only saving thing when walking is that there was no Sun beating down on me and the forecast rain so far is south of me in the Trenton area AKA the state capitol. I have the NJ 101.5 FM radio station on and they are talking about a Stormy Saturday. So far a mostly cloudy sky and Thunderstorms this afternoon with high winds in places. Despite that it is supposed to get up to 85 -90 degrees as a high today :(

    I do not have anything planned for today beyond having a NS Frozen Breakfast later on sometime after 9AM, So far I have eaten 1/2 a Banana before walking and the other 1/2 with a NS Coffee Protein Shake, So I have spread out my breakfast from 6AM to 7:50 so far and the Breakfast Entree still to come. Then at Noon my Midmorning Snack followed by a Lunch of a NS Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Vegetables, Light & Fit Greek Yogurt and one of yesterdays purchased Apples. Afternoon snack at 5PM and Dinner at 7:30, A NS Dinner Entree, Vegetables, Light & Fit Greek Yogurt and one of yesterdays purchased Oranges.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning! Pretty overcast, which maybe will keep the temp down a bit for the morning. All hope is lost for afternoon....our weather is stuck in a groove...we need to wash the record!

    Everyone fed here..first load laundry just finishing its last spin...couple pans to scrub in the kitchen sink...and then time to hit the books again. Over half done...want this out of the way so I can watch the Olympics!

    ED.....when is Coleen's event? Distance? Sprint? Relay....INFO please! :) I do hope she does well, and comes home just glowing!

    Not much else on my agenda...so

    Ok, I just finished listening to the interview...will try to catch the race tomorrow. I'd never heard of Steeplechase Running. One more thing I learned today. The other?
    Finished my Course on Vital Signs!!! HA! no more lectures and quizzes or unit quizzes on my schedule...or at least til I find the next class I want to investigate.

    Hi Valerie
    It is overcast here too :) And Supposed to be stormy rain this afternoon too.

    Enjoy the Olympics and Congratulations on finishing the Course
    Well, egg and olive salad IS egg salad, just with added olive...I don't want it often, but do love it occasionally. J and I finished it off for lunch today.

    Coleen is in the steeplechase event.

    Here's a radio interview with the parents.


    Hi Ed
    Thank You that explanation of the Egg & Olive Salad....
    And the Interview link. I will listen to it later, I find that anything beyond mindless music disrupts my Posting :(
    Colleen's dad went to high school with me, a year behind, and his first year of college too. Then I moved to a different college. Oh, and his mother was den mother to my cub scout group as a kid.

    We've been fairly connected all our lives, really.
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! 93 and 20%. Sounds familiar! 50% tonight though.

    Another batch of baked beans going in the oven for another pool party. It's not (to me anyway) a difficult dish to do and people like it so I'll stick with it until I get tired of it. Since I'm not having it myself EVERY week it's not a problem. I do have other party dishes I can make and perhaps if/when we get into Autumn and Winter parties I will go with them instead of baked beans, but the baked beans do well with summer parties.

    Lilo and I have been fed. Most of the dishes have been washed. When those have dried somewhat in the drainer, I'll put them away and finish the job.

    We're supposed to close on the sale of our Memphis house at the end of the month. Knock on wood and cross your fingers! Our agent is trying to get the requested repairs/refurbishing completed and we're scrounging for the money. Where's that damn Nigerian prince when you need him?

    And let's see if it changed anything in that last sentence to kitten...
    Hi Again
    If You could serve the Baked beans still hot I would think they would be popular in the colder weather.

    Good Luck getting the house repairs done and sold. I though You knew the Nigerian Prince only contacts those that not need the money :)
    Oh, and I won the Mega Millions last night! Four whole dollars! Woohoo!

    You do better than I, I have not one single solitary dollar in the Mega Millions, I have modest dreams, a couple of Million would be enough for me :)

    Have a Great Weekend and Enjoy the Pool Party
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi, I think this is my first post of the day....at 2:10p!! Oh La La...hardly an Early Riser she!!
    The Olympics being broadcast have been on all morning...I cannot find Steeplechase? I hope she did well. So far I've been aware of bicycles, sculling, and some swimming.. I Did sleep in til 8a ... enjoyed a quiet cup of coffee, and later decided I'd continue the loafing with another cup. Eventually got around to 'breakfast' at 11:30 this morning...Lunch will happen about 3:30, with my cereal dinner 7:30ish. And tonite there WILL NOT be any eating while I watch the Olympics. 41 days of not eating between meals, 7 lbs lost in 6 weeks...and then I pigged out on cashews and Cheerios! I love dry Cheerios...I'd forgotten how good those toasty little 'O's' are! Ah, well. Right back at it today. (it being no eating between meals)..
    Funny happened this morning...as I started my cup of coffee I remembered I had an order to be delivered in the next few days, and thinking it might have come yesterday, I went to open the door and look at the porch...and up the street came Fed-X...so I waited and took the package from the guy directly. We wished each other a good weekend. Talk about timing!

    I've cleaned the 'accumulated' off the table here in the dining room, (which happens to be where the little TV sits....and I actually cut off the too long 'summer' table cloth and hemmed it on the sewing machine. It wasn't all as easy as it sounds...I had to move quite a bit of 'crap' to get to the sewing machine in the front room....anyhow..,.done, check, signed sealed and delivered! The tablecloth is about "mumble mumble" years old. Just one of those things that got put off for a long, long time!

    Going to quick cook some lentils for lunch. Found a new recipe from a new to me web site, I'll let you know if its 'share' worthy!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    I plum forgot to set any timers for the Olympics :(
    I hope I did not miss anything important. Then This afternoon the power went out three times. The computer is on a UPS however the screen isn't so I had to hit the power button to trigger a shutdown and as luck would have the power came back on briefly as it would shut down without feedback on whether to save an open programs data or continue the shutdown :)
    I need to move the TV, I use the 42 inch HDTV as the display to the UPS to avoid that happening again.

    Is it hard to hem something? I need to shorten the pants legs on the long pants I use for cold weather.

    I have had a similar experience except I saw the FedEx truck pulling up so I opened the screen door to the porch for him. With the Mailman a couple of times this year I opened the door to see if the mail had arrived and there he was heading across the yard :)

    That is what I do if I fall off the diet wagon, I get right back on it ASAP and usually all is well in a day or two.

    I had noticed on the home page where You have been doing well losing weight, Congratulations.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Thought I'd say hello before I return to the kitchen. (unloaded the dishwasher earlier). Need to get my tofu draining, so that I can make a breakfast tofu scramble.
    Roger, no, it is not hard to hem pants, but it does take some hands on instruction IMO.
    Check with a dry cleaner, or shop that does Alterations. Pair of pants to simply be hemmed is pretty cheap. Its worth the $2 or so to avoid the angst! Hemming my table cloth was easy...long straight seam. Getting to the sewing machine took more time than the actual hemming part. Pants can be hemmed by hand with needle and thread...still worth the $ to have it done. :)

    Thanks for the congrats, but its a major 'see-saw' effect going on right now. Frustrating. But, it will happen. Only a few (20) pounds to escape from. Problem is I happen to love cooking new things, and EATING THEM! :) And I can totally wreck any diet, and not break the diet rules. I won't tell you how I wrecked NS!! Though you may have found the trick to that. Best to lose all your weight with the NS, before you start subbing in 'other outside' foods. (thats my opinion) Yes, it may cost a few extra $$ but its quicker in the long run.
    My days with NS started with loving the convenience, but after awhile fell into bad habits, some of which came from reading the old NS boards, some from friends who were doing NS too, etc. And then started the subbing...and weight gain!!! Just a word of caution......

    We have rain predicted for the next 3 or 4 days, with predicted % around 50 or better. My driveway might actually get wet??? WooHoo!!!

    Thats about all I know, cats fed...now its my turn :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I managed to crawl past 10K steps yesterday by 20 steps :)
    Today so far I am at 8.8K steps, While I was out since my Brother asked for a head of lettuce I switched my planned route and stopped at the grocery store, since I was there a day before I had planned to be I also picked up a head of lettuce for myself, 2 Bananas, 2 Apples and 2 Bartlett Pears so that my next stop there will be Senior 10% discount day on Wednesday. I try and be flexible.... I also passed on the free Donut at Dunkin Donuts, Which broke my heart passing up free :)

    Today's weather it was 68 degrees out the door and lower humidity, Whee! Much better weather than yesterdays 75 degrees for the same time of day and higher humidity. We did have a Thunderstorm go through yesterday that dropped a little over 3/10 of a inch so no watering needed for a couple more days.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good Morning!
    Thought I'd say hello before I return to the kitchen. (unloaded the dishwasher earlier). Need to get my tofu draining, so that I can make a breakfast tofu scramble.
    Roger, no, it is not hard to hem pants, but it does take some hands on instruction IMO.
    Check with a dry cleaner, or shop that does Alterations. Pair of pants to simply be hemmed is pretty cheap. Its worth the $2 or so to avoid the angst! Hemming my table cloth was easy...long straight seam. Getting to the sewing machine took more time than the actual hemming part. Pants can be hemmed by hand with needle and thread...still worth the $ to have it done. :)

    Thanks for the congrats, but its a major 'see-saw' effect going on right now. Frustrating. But, it will happen. Only a few (20) pounds to escape from. Problem is I happen to love cooking new things, and EATING THEM! :) And I can totally wreck any diet, and not break the diet rules. I won't tell you how I wrecked NS!! Though you may have found the trick to that. Best to lose all your weight with the NS, before you start subbing in 'other outside' foods. (thats my opinion) Yes, it may cost a few extra $$ but its quicker in the long run.
    My days with NS started with loving the convenience, but after awhile fell into bad habits, some of which came from reading the old NS boards, some from friends who were doing NS too, etc. And then started the subbing...and weight gain!!! Just a word of caution......

    We have rain predicted for the next 3 or 4 days, with predicted % around 50 or better. My driveway might actually get wet??? WooHoo!!!

    Thats about all I know, cats fed...now its my turn :)


    Hi Valerie
    When I asked about the pants the quoted prices were magnitudes higher each. Since I have at least three that need to be done and I have the Singer treadle machine and lots of attachments I figure I can do it. I figure I need to load two bobbins with matching colors? I suspect I can find a YouTube how to do it with any luck, most likely more than one. I changed the leather belt on the Singer and Lubricated and a test sew on scrap indicates to me that it is working. I just need to read the Attachments manual and A book on how to sew with any luck. I also have scrap pants I can test on first :)

    For Reference if You are interested, Also I put the two original manuals in sheet protectors as they were falling apart from age. BTW the Background is a Home made quilt. Sorry that I forgot to rotate them, Oops!


    I also like NS for the convenience. So easy, just stick to the plan. So far by watching the calories, Sugars, fats and sodium I have been able to sub in grocery store frozen Entrees for variety. Yup I Still like convenience :)

    I have found that grocery Stores can be diet killers IMO. It is so easy to buy junk food and then it takes a couple of days to recover from a little junk food. I also found that sugary foods create a craving for more almost instantly the same day :(

    I will admit that as of this morning I am back to my lowest weight, Now to stay on plan for a few days to give some margin just in case and It may even be coming up on the time to push on to lose the final pounds a I have held this weight per my own plan for months with some ups and downs.

    Some Humor for those that get out walking :)

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. Happy Sunday! First load of laundry is in the washer. I've had fresh baby lima beans going all night in a slow cooker and just added the fresh corn. I think this will be the main feature for lunch today.

    I do need to get the sink cleared, but that shouldn't take long. Not too many dishes.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Second load of laundry is now in the DRYER. First load all hung and folded.

    Lunch turned out to be sliced avocados, sliced tomatoes, sufferin' succotash. J grumbled about the tomatoes but ate them reluctantly. He likes them in salad, or on a veggie burger, but isn't really fond of them just sliced on a plate. Every now and then I put some in front of him anyway, because I have too many tomatoes or just because they're good for him.

    I love sliced tomatoes. In summer, growing up, we ALWAYS had sliced tomatoes on the dinner table, because the home garden kept producing them. :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! High of 87 today, 80% chance of rain. Orchid Society meeting tonight.

    Off to the salt races.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I am currently at 9.6K Steps & 12 cents, I finished up yesterday at 10.8K steps.
    Today's weather is slightly warmer at 70.1 degrees out the door and still a decent humidity, I am currently showing 72 degrees on the Front porch and it is supposed to go up around 90 later on today. I have nothing much planned today, some cleaning with shredding in the basement and getting the last box to go to the recycle center later this week :)

    From the MFP staff here:
    We have some planned maintenance scheduled starting the evening of Wednesday, 8/9/16 (PST) and will last 24 hours. This maintenance will affect the functionality of new likes and comments on the newsfeed.

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. Happy Sunday! First load of laundry is in the washer. I've had fresh baby lima beans going all night in a slow cooker and just added the fresh corn. I think this will be the main feature for lunch today.

    I do need to get the sink cleared, but that shouldn't take long. Not too many dishes.
    Second load of laundry is now in the DRYER. First load all hung and folded.

    Lunch turned out to be sliced avocados, sliced tomatoes, sufferin' succotash. J grumbled about the tomatoes but ate them reluctantly. He likes them in salad, or on a veggie burger, but isn't really fond of them just sliced on a plate. Every now and then I put some in front of him anyway, because I have too many tomatoes or just because they're good for him.

    I love sliced tomatoes. In summer, growing up, we ALWAYS had sliced tomatoes on the dinner table, because the home garden kept producing them. :)
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! High of 87 today, 80% chance of rain. Orchid Society meeting tonight.

    Off to the salt races.
    Hi Ed
    My brother has been grumbling about not finding either frozen or canned Lima beans in the Grocery Store and that if he does, there is only one choice. I guess they are out of fashion in this area :) FWIW I like them too.

    The home grown Tomatoes that are vine ripened are so much better than the Produce store or Supermarket ones. I have been slicing one into a Ham & Cheese on a low calorie wrap and very tasty too.

    Stay Dry and enjoy the Orchid Society meeting
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    Some time while I was asleep, an inch and a half of rain fell into my gauge!!! Happy Dancing right along with all the things in my yard! WOW!! (ED...hope you got some rain too)
    Cats have eaten, and Tom E is up on the roof. I'm just about finished with my breakfast, with no plans for sitting, napping, or neighborhood watching from the roof! :)

    I like Lima Beans, the little frozen FordHook ones, haven't looked for or bought any lately though,,,will check it out on Wednesday.

    Planning a busy day today, doing just little 'stuff' that frequently gets neglected around here. And I may go out and pick up sticks, as they seem to appear after rains lately.


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    1.5" of rain is a goodly amount.

    I see small bits of trees on my walks, usually after some wind or heavy rain. I think we have weak trees here in town :)

    Have a Good Evening
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday!

    Predicted high of 86 today with 50% chance of thundershowers.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I am currently at 8.7K Steps & 1 cent found 3 blocks from home as I was on the homeward leg. I finished up yesterday at 11.5K steps. Tomorrow is the Grocery Store stop while walking day, I might as well get that 10% Senior Discount given on Wednesday.

    While walking The last of the Bulldog Drummond OTR (Old Time Radio) shows finished so I decided to go to some humor and put on Fibber McGee & Molly and as it happened the first two shows are both Christmas shows :)

    Today's weather is slightly cooler at 67.8 degrees out the door and still a relative humidity of 93%, It is supposed to go up around 90 later on today. The Lawn is getting shaggy loooking and therefore I will need to mow in the next couple of days as it is my turn to mow. I have nothing else planned and am ambivalent as to whether or not to do it today or tomorrow and shorten my walking yesterday to compensate for the mowing.

    Have a Great Week
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...Tuesday..and the cats and I are pretty 'short' on food! Soooo. Quick run into Publix, Check my BP, pickup 2-3 cans cat food, and get cash back for later today.
    Then hit the gym...our manager is also a notary, and I need to have two documents notarized, so that's reason one for needing some cash :) then do some time on the bike, and a ST (strength machine) or 3 or 4, home to get my tofu in the oven with BBQ sauce.
    Lunch anticipated @ 2ish this afternoon! :) Trying to keep my meals in the 4-6 hours post last meal range.
    One quick afternoon chore from my list, and I'll be free for the afternoon and evening. :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy again y'all. A much more strenuous Tuesday than anticipated. Last night the closer apparently called in (at least I hope he did) as someone else closed. Trash wasn't picked up, as the closer is suppose to do that and the person the store sent out wasn't out there until late, and the middle shift person needed to get out to his full time job. So guess who got to collect the garbage first thing this morning? I rolled it in to the compacter when middle shift guy got in today. Meanwhile, they decided to reset the tobacco racks today, which meant it was getting really cramped in the kiosk with both of us in the same end, as that is where all the tobacco products are, for convenience.

    And now we all get to learn all over again where the tobacco products are as the guy was rearranging EVERYTHING. 2 1/2 years and it's all been in pretty much in the same spot...this will be fun.

    But, tonight's closer is starting the training for the newest new guy. We'll finish training him later in the week, and get him into the regular schedule next week. He's supposedly worked for Kroger before so should know at least part of the drill, if not all the fuel center stuff.

    After my nap I finally folded the second load of the weekend laundry, after a refresher run in the dryer. Dinner was a frozen meatloaf and mashed potato, from Boston Market. Not bad, but I definitely could have made better...

    Finishing off my wine now and waiting for J to get home. He's got some Asian restaurant leftovers from his dinner last night to eat.

    Val, your mention of tofu in barbecue sauce reminded me that I do have a box of tofu in there to play with and J loves it dry fried and then baked with my home made spicy barbecue sauce. Maybe an idea for later in the week.

    Friday I am supposed to drive to Memphis, stay overnight, close out my Memphis credit union account and get all the money I've been stashing there (adding some automatically every month) so we can use it to cover some of the repairs to the Memphis house that we are supposed to be GETTING RID OF at the end of the month. Since that is my only major tie back to Memphis, won't need that account any more. I was occasionally using it when making trips, to cover the trip expenses, but shouldn't NEED to make trips to Memphis after we lose the house.



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 86 predicted for the high today, with 50% chance of showers, mostly in the morning.

    Tag day, so I hope the rain is light and/or there isn't much outdoor tagging to do.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I am currently at 7.8K Steps & 1 cent found as I was on the outbound leg of my walk. I finished up yesterday at 13,022 steps. Today is the Grocery Store stop while walking day.

    I had put on Fibber McGee & Molly and then I am switching to something else. Tomorrow I have selected Fred Allen to listen to while walking.

    Today's weather is 78 degrees out the door and high humidity, It is supposed to go up around 90 later on today. The Lawn was getting shaggy looking and therefore I decided to mow Yesterday morning as it was my turn to mow. I have nothing else planned for today.

    I had a indication that the Living Room TV was going south on us yesterday :( so I ordered a inexpensive 40 Inch at $219 + tax, a Avera 40AER10 40-Inch 1080p LED TV (2015 Model) as it had more connectivity compared to cheaper models of the same size. If curious here is the link:
    So of course it died last night when I sat down to watch the news and I had to pull a small 24" HDTV off of the wall mount in the bedroom, find the stand and hook it up/ Luckily I had enough HDMI cables to do that for the best picture which also eliminates the need for separate audio cables. I was planning to change the cables anyway as the old Sony Triniton was a SD with no HDMI or Component connections.

    Have a Great Wednesday