Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 22,083 Member
    edited December 2016
    Dinner tonight:

    Eduardo made cabbage, onion, garlic, and ham sautéd in ghee with soy sauce and black pepper. Crash Hot Potatoes (extra hot, used cayenne infused olive oil instead of plain) on the side. Dessert was one of the Double Chocolate (or triple, if you count the M&Ms and the chocolate chips separately) pecan Christmas cookies I made earlier today.

    Wine of choice: Château Franc-Cardinal, Bordeaux, 2011.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 22,083 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Been up about an hour, but awake a bit before that. Just couldn't get back to sleep.

    It's Christmas Eve. The forecast calls for 70 degrees for the high tomorrow, Christmas day. That's just bizarre.

    Eddie needs to get to Kroger to get a few things. They open n 15 minutes so now might be a great time to head that way! I'm sure they'll be busy as all get out later today. Just need to get some clothes on as it's a bit chilly for gym pants and a tee shirt. LOL.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 22,083 Member
    Lilo is helping me to internet and stuff...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Great Pix of your helper!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 22,083 Member
    Great Pix of your helper!

    Note the mug on the shelf behind her.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...
    Christmas Eve. And yes, it is supposed to be 70 tomorrow. And I LOVE it! Hang around, we have these warm wonderful Christmas' some years. I can't of the top of my head remember a cold snowy one, though I'm sure that has happened, sometime.

    Hope you got out to Kroger...I've seen the masses...and it being a Saturday...oh my!! When I worked at the StarBucks in Kroger, they were still telling stories about trying to close the store Christmas Eve at 9, I think it was, and people wouldn't leave. They had to call the cops to get every last shopper out of the store!!! I was very glad I didn't work that shift!

    I had Crash Hot Potatoes again the other day! I didn't spice them up, but did put FYH cheese on top. I love the crispy outside and soft almost creamy insides. Wish they'd stay that way, but trying to keep them for another meal, they just aren't the same.

    I am thinking I might like to roast some veggies in the oven today. For some reason I'm sorta craving roasted onions. Hmmm. Maybe, maybe not!

    Lee-Ann, I know you're busy today getting everything ready for your family and your Hanukah dinner. Enjoy your family, and the time spent together. Wishing you the very best for this holiday season.

    Roger! How was your walk today? and are you and your brother both cooking today, or does he get to be the Chef? (Or as a friend of mine calls himself...the best Sous-Chef in town.)
    Which ever, I hope you have a great day, and that all the activity in the kitchen today makes for a wonderful Christmas Dinner tomorrow!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did not go out walking Today, maybe later for a little ways if/when the rain stops, I walked twice yesterday for a total of 21,390 steps. I decided to go out twice so I could skip today's walk if the forecast for rain by the time I would be heading out the door was correct. Outdoors it is a gray looking day and raining. I am at 78,590 steps since Sunday :) That means I am past my goal if 70K steps for the 7 day period.

    There is baking in the interior forecast, 2 Pies, More Fruit Cakes since we had all of the ingredients and no sense wasting all the different expensive dried fruits. We have Foodsaver bag material that can be used to vacuum seal a 10 inch pie or larger so I'm sure that will happen.

    Have a Great Christmas Eve
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member




    Train wreck at Montparnasse 1895, Oops

    Last but not least
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    Making a pork loin into sausage does sound "wrong" but on the other hand it should make some really great, and tender, sausage! The last time I made sausage I used generic, store brand, lean ground pork. It was so lean that it really could have used a bit of larding to give a bit more fat to carry flavor! But the sausage tasted OK, and at least it was low fat.
    Hi Ed
    I have broken Your post up to make it easier to reply :)
    It does sound wrong, OTOH that was the purpose the Pork Loins were bought for. My brother would rather turn them into Breakfast Sauages and Italian Sausage Patties than have it sliced into chops. Since it is a lower fat cut he usually has the Butcher department package up some fat to use when he grinds them.
    Kringle is an oval ring of pastry, with various fillings, and usually frosted, but not always, made year round now but especially at the end of the year. I sent my mother THREE of them, with different fillings and toppings.
    That sounds delicious, I'm semi happy they are not within reach or I might sit and do a eat em up on one.
    I'm sure You Mother was happy to get those.
    The family that was there in Paducah had a bit of an early Christmas for me. I received a "pound of bacon" Christmas ornament, as they know how much I love bacon, and a mug that says "BACON gives me a reason to get out of bed" along with a collectible beer mug from Dad's collection that Mom is distributing, a cake (from Mom), some sugar free candy from a sister, J was sent an amaryllis and some maple fudge bars. In addition I got a ceramic spoon rest looking like a small pan of bacon and an egg, and some felt penguin ornaments, because I like penguins.
    Bacon, Yum, So may different flavors to savor.
    When I got back, the BEST present was ready. New wedding bands. My old band (20+ years old) had been ruined in a disastrous resizing years ago, and the mate was lost over a year ago when placed in a pocket for safekeeping once and, presumably, fell out in a public place while removing something else from that pocket. After selling the house in Memphis, the money was available for replacement. Design was carefully specified to be as close to the original as possible. Duplication was not possible, but it's close. The original was sold back to offset a bit of the cost, and will be smelted and re-used for some new piece by the jeweler. The new ring is 14K and designed to be a bit more comfortable than the old one, and thicker. The old set was what I could afford at the time and looked nice when new, but was quite thin and sometimes felt like it was somewhat cutting in, though it was not really cutting. The edge tended to catch easily on things as well, partly because of that thinness. The new one, being thicker, and with a slightly rounded edge, could still catch but not as easily.

    Interestingly, the jeweler's mark is a star of David with what looks like the letter I (for Izzy? The jeweler's first name?) in the center of the star.

    Which reminds me, Happy Hanukkah, Lee! (however you spell that...I've seen so many alternates)

    Since we designed it special, and they were hand etched, it's a unique set that no one else in the world will have, though they may have something somewhat similar. The jeweler says that after making them, the mold was destroyed. They liked them so much they said they intended to use a picture of them on their revamped web page as a sample of their work!

    So here's the best Christmas present ever:
    I am sure that is what happened to the money I found, I have even seen Key Rings laying on the ground while walking. I made the decision to leave them there so that they could retrace their steps and hopefully find them.

    Congratulations on the new rings. Custom Design too.
    Eduardo's plan for Christmas dinner is somewhat laid back.

    A spiral slice, glazed ham. The glaze packet that comes with the ham will be jazzed up with a bit of ginger, some black pepper, and perhaps some mustard.

    Scalloped or Au Gratin potatoes.

    Steamed broccoli OR steamed green beans, lightly buttered.

    Possibly the remaining cranberry relish from Thanksgiving, which is in the deep freeze.

    A rather expensive bottle of Cabernet Franc, from the Montaluce winery in Dahlonega. I have had some of their Malbec and it was excellent. This Cabernet Franc was nearly twice what I paid for the Malbec when I bought that, and the Malbec was a bit on the expensive side by my pricing standards...so yes, this is a rather expensive bottle. It better be good or I will NEVER buy or recommend their wine again.

    Dessert will either be some kind of purchased sweet bite sized things or Eduardo might be persuaded to make some cookies with reduced sugar but not really "low" sugar...including chocolate chips and red and green M&Ms in a chocolate dough with pecan pieces...so eating ONE or maybe even TWO cookies won't be TOO much of a calorie/carb hit...
    Hi Again
    I would not mind a Spiral ham, however in deference to my brother who would not touch one we have a regular ham. He is aggravated that the hams these days do not come with skin on them like they used too. He loved slicing off the skin and crisping it in the skillet.

    Your menu sounds delicious. My Brother is planning to bake some Brussels sprouts to go with the Baked Potato and Mashed Potato, beyond that I am not sure what else.

    Dessert will be Christmas cookies. First batch (minus one) cooling now...

    Oh delicious orbs of chocolateness!!!!!!

    Hershey's "Special Dark" cocoa used to make them! And stevia baking mix. They're just a tad crumbly, but at least that little bit of sugar was saved...I'm afraid the chocolate chips and the M&Ms and the whole stick of butter are all too real! At least the pecan chips are low carb. Still, with cookies one can easily control how much dessert one eats. Of course I had to try one as soon as Eduardo put the first batch on the rack to cool.

    J had one too and said they are good.

    Whee, Home Made Christmas Cookies :)
    Is that Red and Green Marshmallows in them?

    Christmas only comes once a year, Enjoy Your Cookies
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Friday Morning!
    Got stuff working for me this morning..clothes in washer & dryer, and dishwasher running! Few hand washing things to do, and make myself a bowl of oatmeal with ground flax seed and blueberries with cinnamon. While that happens I'll do those dishes. (sounds like a good plan..we'll see!) I get into the kitchen, and I think of all sorts of things I can do.
    Found a recipe this morning that sounded interesting...tomato soup (which is dairy free) with garbanzo beans. Sounds good...curious about the dairy free tomato soup. Recipe has directions for the Instant Pot, so that may be what goes with lunch salad!

    Lee-Ann, you sound awfully busy for a day off from school! How long will you have for 'winter vacation' this year? Our kids got out yesterday...a thing I'd forgotten, and there was extra confusion in the grocery store...teach me not to shop on my appointed Wednesday!! :)
    Glad your Mom can still get all her grands together to celebrate Hanukah dinner. I'm sure she enjoys that. Hope your weather stays 'nice', and not slippery. Grocery stores will be busy today, and I'd rather go without eating than have to go on Saturday!!! (and fasting is not my 'thing', believe me!)

    Roger, sounds like you had a good walk, and I'm betting that unless I miss my math facts, that @ + 1 + 1 = 3 ???? LOL! Roger you don't do many typo's, (I on the other hand ....), so when I saw that you'd walked XX steps and @ cents I did have to giggle!

    Ed, what does Eduardo's Christmas Day menu look like this year? You make everything look and sound so good. Also I sent you a photo of some extremely blue orchids...what's up with those? Did they breed in a new color, or is there some hocus-pocus going on with them? They are way over the top with color... I figured you or J would know about them???

    Ok, tummy growling, fabric softener in washer, I think I need a breakfast break!

    Hi Valerie
    I missed this post yesterday somehow :(
    Oh well, I must have had the shift key down when I typed the 2 part of that post, It was 2 cents one day and 1 cent the day before.
    Glad I came back!
    I had to google Kringles the other day when you mentioned them! Sounds delicious!
    I love your new rings! They are awesome! Glad they came for Christmas!
    Cookies sound good...maybe too good? Keep those tempting gems on YOUR side of the county! :wink:
    Ok, I've eaten, need to fold laundry, move laundry to dryer, etc.

    Have a great day everyone!!

    I see You have been posting pictures from Your Porch :)
    Just Kidding, See the image below.
    Fresh, Warm from the Oven cookies, how do You resist something like that :(

    Enjoy the Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Lee-Ann
    Have a Great Holiday and enjoy Your time off from work vacation.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Yep Roger the picture did look somewhat familiar. Not any more. All cat food is now consumed INDOORS. Makes for a bit more work, but ......

    Oh, and the red and green you saw in Ed's cookies are the M&M's! And how do you resist cookies warm from the oven? I do not know! They are way too good at that stage to not enjoy....so I don't bake them anymore. And the littles have plenty, as their Mom bakes tins of them. :)

    Ok, breakfast over...I cooked a double batch of greens with onion, garlic, and mushrooms. I had left over boiled red potatoes so that went with my greens today...and the portion for tomorrow will have sweet potato that I baked this morning...

    On with my day!...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 22,083 Member
    Update on Christmas dinner. Eduardo forgot that there were some WHITE sweet potatoes coming in this week's CSA box, so white sweet potato will be added to the Christmas menu.

    Looking forward to that, as I've never eaten white sweet potato. I expect it will taste pretty much like the orange colored ones though.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Dinner tonight:

    Eduardo made cabbage, onion, garlic, and ham sautéd in ghee with soy sauce and black pepper. Crash Hot Potatoes (extra hot, used cayenne infused olive oil instead of plain) on the side. Dessert was one of the Double Chocolate (or triple, if you count the M&Ms and the chocolate chips separately) pecan Christmas cookies I made earlier today.

    Wine of choice: Château Franc-Cardinal, Bordeaux, 2011.
    Snipped Images out

    Hi Ed
    I like the look of that Plate, It would be to hot for my mellow taste buds however.
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Been up about an hour, but awake a bit before that. Just couldn't get back to sleep.

    It's Christmas Eve. The forecast calls for 70 degrees for the high tomorrow, Christmas day. That's just bizarre.

    Eddie needs to get to Kroger to get a few things. They open n 15 minutes so now might be a great time to head that way! I'm sure they'll be busy as all get out later today. Just need to get some clothes on as it's a bit chilly for gym pants and a tee shirt. LOL.
    If Kroger's is like the Grocery store my brother visited yesterday they had all the registers open and People were circling in the parking lot looking for a spot to park :)
    Good Luck with the shopping.
    Great Pix of your helper!

    Note the mug on the shelf behind her.
    Hi I did notice it :) I would think it would be hard to type however. Nice Picture though.

    Have a Nice Christmas Eve
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good Morning...
    Christmas Eve. And yes, it is supposed to be 70 tomorrow. And I LOVE it! Hang around, we have these warm wonderful Christmas' some years. I can't of the top of my head remember a cold snowy one, though I'm sure that has happened, sometime.

    Hope you got out to Kroger...I've seen the masses...and it being a Saturday...oh my!! When I worked at the StarBucks in Kroger, they were still telling stories about trying to close the store Christmas Eve at 9, I think it was, and people wouldn't leave. They had to call the cops to get every last shopper out of the store!!! I was very glad I didn't work that shift!

    I had Crash Hot Potatoes again the other day! I didn't spice them up, but did put FYH cheese on top. I love the crispy outside and soft almost creamy insides. Wish they'd stay that way, but trying to keep them for another meal, they just aren't the same.

    I am thinking I might like to roast some veggies in the oven today. For some reason I'm sorta craving roasted onions. Hmmm. Maybe, maybe not!

    Lee-Ann, I know you're busy today getting everything ready for your family and your Hanukah dinner. Enjoy your family, and the time spent together. Wishing you the very best for this holiday season.

    Roger! How was your walk today? and are you and your brother both cooking today, or does he get to be the Chef? (Or as a friend of mine calls himself...the best Sous-Chef in town.)
    Which ever, I hope you have a great day, and that all the activity in the kitchen today makes for a wonderful Christmas Dinner tomorrow!


    HI Valerie
    As You may have noticed I posted after You did and skipped walking today for two reasons :)
    Weather & the Weeks Stop count.

    When You roast the Onions do You bread them? I would think some of the Cheese Substitute and breading might be tasty.

    I leave the Chef'ing to him and do the Mise En Place.
    Just in case :)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mise_en_place
    Lots to do today in the Kitchen
    Make & Bake the Sweet potato pie
    Make & Bake the Bacardi Rum Cake
    Finish making the Third batch of Fruit Cakes and Bake
    Finish making the Cranberry Sauce

    Tomorrow The Ham gets baked along with a baked Potato for me & Baked Sprouts for my brother and peeling Potatoes for Mashed Potatoes for him etc.

    Amazing how the last minute ninnies do not take a hint or a flat out we are closing announcement.

    Fixed the Link :)

    Enjoy Your Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 22,083 Member
    Eddie got to Kroger at 6:05 this morning. I think they may have stayed open all night for holiday shopping, as their normal opening time is 6:00 but a lady came out just as Eddie got there with a cart FULL of groceries. I doubt she gathered, scanned (u-scan only) and bagged all that in just 5 minutes.

    The place had only a handful of shoppers. I think I may have seen as many as 4 or 5 others, and the stock people were still busy loading shelves. There was no difficulty getting the few items needed and getting on out. I imagine by now it's a madhouse so I'm very glad I got there early.

    J left for Kentucky just before lunch. He'll pick up something on the way when he gets hungry. Hope his trip to central Kentucky is as uneventful as mine was to Western Kentucky.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Yeah, a little odd Ed about the store hours....mine is usually open 24/7, but I noticed their web site said they would be open 9a-10p? So, mine 'may' have closed last night?? Makes no sense...but. I'm not going there. Glad you got there early
    White Sweet Potatoes....red skinned? Let me know what you thought of them. I got one about a month ago....and some mashed ones came to the Turkey Day table.......you review, and I'll agree or explain! :)
    Hope J has a safe trip to Kentucky also.

    Roger, the onions were sautéed, before they went into the oven. No need to bread them...just adding more calories, and 'wheat' or 'Flour'...either name a no go at my house.
    They are good though!! If I didn't post the recipe, but I will if your interested. I really should anyhow, they make a great little snack, and also are 'party' food.
    I checked your link...mise en place...is pretty much like sous chef, only Wiki says Sous Chef is more 'industrial/commercial/restaurant' kitchen person.... Which ever, somebody cooks, somebody cleans, and somebody is the 3rd hand...:) as long as the food is good, right????

    Need to think about lunch for a few minutes.


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 22,083 Member
    My white sweet potatoes are white on the outside. Don't know yet what on the inside but think white again.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh, then we have/had different sweet potatoes! Hope yours are good/better than.... Can't say I'd buy the red skinned ones again. kinda dry, and not very sweet....
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016
    Eddie got to Kroger at 6:05 this morning. I think they may have stayed open all night for holiday shopping, as their normal opening time is 6:00 but a lady came out just as Eddie got there with a cart FULL of groceries. I doubt she gathered, scanned (u-scan only) and bagged all that in just 5 minutes.

    The place had only a handful of shoppers. I think I may have seen as many as 4 or 5 others, and the stock people were still busy loading shelves. There was no difficulty getting the few items needed and getting on out. I imagine by now it's a madhouse so I'm very glad I got there early.

    J left for Kentucky just before lunch. He'll pick up something on the way when he gets hungry. Hope his trip to central Kentucky is as uneventful as mine was to Western Kentucky.
    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if You were Lucky at the store. When I went to CostCo the other day they must have been open early Too. I had the same experience seeing someone heading out with a full cart and I was there early :)

    Yeah, a little odd Ed about the store hours....mine is usually open 24/7, but I noticed their web site said they would be open 9a-10p? So, mine 'may' have closed last night?? Makes no sense...but. I'm not going there. Glad you got there early
    White Sweet Potatoes....red skinned? Let me know what you thought of them. I got one about a month ago....and some mashed ones came to the Turkey Day table.......you review, and I'll agree or explain! :)
    Hope J has a safe trip to Kentucky also.

    Roger, the onions were sautéed, before they went into the oven. No need to bread them...just adding more calories, and 'wheat' or 'Flour'...either name a no go at my house.
    They are good though!! If I didn't post the recipe, but I will if your interested. I really should anyhow, they make a great little snack, and also are 'party' food.
    I checked your link...mise en place...is pretty much like sous chef, only Wiki says Sous Chef is more 'industrial/commercial/restaurant' kitchen person.... Which ever, somebody cooks, somebody cleans, and somebody is the 3rd hand...:) as long as the food is good, right????

    Need to think about lunch for a few minutes.

    Hi Valerie
    That is me, I measure out ingredients, Wash up etc. Today I greased the loaf pans and filled them while my Brother did the rest.

    The Make & Bake the Sweet potato pie part is is half done, It is in the oven.
    Make & Bake the Bacardi Rum Cake, I did that while my Brother was busy doing something else. It smelled delicious baking too. He Picked up some of the needed items today such as the Bundt Cake Pan and Rum.
    Finished making the Third batch of Fruit Cakes and Baking them, now cooling on the cooling rack.
    Finished making the Cranberry Sauce and it is chilling in the refrigerator.

    A good Friend sent this to us as belated Birthday gifts and mentioned I hope it doesn't ruin Your diets :)
    This is from their website. aalvwifn1yim.jpg

    Contents:Yves Thuries: Dark Chocolate Ganache Truffle (2pc)
    Dark Chocolate Caramel Truffle (1pc)
    Milk Chocolate Hazelnut Truffle (1pc)
    Dolcetto Chocolate Wafer Bites (0.7oz)
    Godiva Truffle: Caramel Nut Brownie (1pc)
    Chocolate Lava Cake (1pc)
    Creme Brulee (1pc)
    Pecan Caramel Sundae (1pc)
    Dark Chocolate (1pc)
    Milk Chocolate (1pc)
    Lindt Lindor Truffle Balls: Milk Chocolate (1pc)
    Dark Chocolate (1pc)
    60% Extra Dark Chocolate (1pc)
    Butterscotch Candy (5oz)
    Peanut Crunch (3oz)
    Chocolate Hazelnut Wafer Cookies (3.25oz)
    Candy Apple Caramels (2.5oz)
    Caramel Popcorn (5oz)
    Shortbread Raspberry Cookies (8oz)

    Hmmm... :):(

    If You post the recipe I can then save it in My Documents folder :) OTOH I do not want to be a nuisance.

    Have a Good Evening
    540.jpg 24.3K
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Oh, then we have/had different sweet potatoes! Hope yours are good/better than.... Can't say I'd buy the red skinned ones again. kinda dry, and not very sweet....

    Hi Again
    Sweet Potatoes should be somewhat sweet :)
  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi Folks,

    Merry Christmas to everyone! It looks like Santa will have some snow to fly over out west - so he shouldn't be bothered by the warm southern temps.

    Thank you for the Hanukah wishes. We had the family gathering today - I skipped the potato latkes (potato pancakes deep fried) and the doughnuts (also deep fried). Do you see a there here? Fried foods are part of Hanukah because of the symbolism of the oil. I guess I am happy that oil and I get along like...oil and water!

    Skipping outdoor walks for now - until temps are over about 65 degrees - but I am back on the elliptical walker - for now. At least I am doing some kind of moving.

    Roger, that dessert tower looks delicious! Is there any left by now?

    Going to finish up and let all of you enjoy the holiday with family and friends. I wish you a peaceful Christmas filled with joy,
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 22,083 Member
    For dinner tonight Eduardo made cornbread dressing casserole with about a pound of Andouille, half pound of white meat turkey (the very last of the frozen Thanksgiving turkey), bell peppers, onion, jalapeños, herbs and spices.

    Wine of choice: Gosford Reserve, Shiraz, 2015, Australia.

    Needless to say, a great deal (like 3/4) of the casserole is left and since Eduardo went so nutso on the dinner casserole tonight, some of the remaining casserole will probably replace the originally planned potato casserole for tomorrow's Christmas dinner. Some may be breakfast as well...it can be difficult to rein Eduardo in when he gets going! I usually just give up and let him do whatever. LOL.

    Hope everyone has a great WHATEVER year end holiday (if any) they celebrate. J seems to have made it safely to central Kentucky.

    I'm sitting here watching still more holiday videos and counting my blessings.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 22,083 Member
    Merry Christmas y'all! High of 71 predicted for today, with 10% chance of rain.

    Been up for an hour or so and now Lilo is jonesing for breakfast so I guess I better take care of that.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did go out walking Today for a total of 9,129 steps. I went to Dunkin Donuts for my Coffee, Closed :( so I went to my alternate that never closes, 7-Eleven for the coffee. I swung by the local grocery store to see if they were opem or closed, They were Closed no surprise :)

    The baking is done. That would be the Sweet Potato Pie using a recipe where it uses Plain Yogurt and is topped with chopped Pecans, More Fruit Cakes since we had all of the ingredients and a Bacardi Rum Cake using this recipe to see how it tastes as it is something new to us.
    I had to do a few changes to the recipe as the Yellow Cake Mix weighed less than the Recipe calls for. I added a little flour to bring the weight up and I used French Vanilla Pudding mix as that was what we had. Probably the largest change was when I went to make it I realized we did not have cooking oil so I substituted Olive Oil. The Batter tasted good, Hopefully when we slice into it today it tastes good too.

    Have a Great Christmas Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Hi Folks,

    Merry Christmas to everyone! It looks like Santa will have some snow to fly over out west - so he shouldn't be bothered by the warm southern temps.

    Thank you for the Hanukah wishes. We had the family gathering today - I skipped the potato latkes (potato pancakes deep fried) and the doughnuts (also deep fried). Do you see a there here? Fried foods are part of Hanukah because of the symbolism of the oil. I guess I am happy that oil and I get along like...oil and water!

    Skipping outdoor walks for now - until temps are over about 65 degrees - but I am back on the elliptical walker - for now. At least I am doing some kind of moving.

    Roger, that dessert tower looks delicious! Is there any left by now?

    Going to finish up and let all of you enjoy the holiday with family and friends. I wish you a peaceful Christmas filled with joy,

    Hi Lee-Ann
    I am guessing that You mean the 8 days of light. I suspect that since I like both of those I would have had a small one anyway. OTOH Oils as such do not bother me, I worry more about sugars (Empty Calories). I do believe that the human body needs some fats in the diet too. One Candle down and 7 to go I believe.

    I suspect You know the Season Brand of foods? As a bit of possibly interesting trivia the company where I worked back in the 80s (Not Season BTW), Season hired trucks and drivers to do setup deliveries for Passover.

    I got an addition to help me walk in this weather, Heated Mittens. The nice thing is that being mittens I can also add a Electric Hand warmer into the mitten for really cold weather if the high heat setting is not enough or I plan to be out beyond the 2.5 hours battery life when set to high. If I had been thinking ahead better I would have gotten these instead of trying the heated Gloves :(

    OK, The Chocolate Tower is untouched and as far as I go will remain that way until today's food is worked off. I do not know if my brother will be getting into it however. He is so helpful with diets, As part of my gifts there was a smallish box of Macadamia Shortbread Cookies that are 75 calories per biscuit and 12 in the box. A Dollar store box of Dipped Peanut Brittle120 calories per ounce serving, Two Russell Stover Truffle Santas 1.25 ounce and 180 calories, I had one last night in place of the NS dessert so Tasty too. And last but definitely not least Box of Christmas Dots candies where11 dots = 130 calories. on the good side as long as I am careful I can use them, I just need to be Strong and not overeat them once they are opened :)

    Thank You for the Holiday Wishes
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    For dinner tonight Eduardo made cornbread dressing casserole with about a pound of Andouille, half pound of white meat turkey (the very last of the frozen Thanksgiving turkey), bell peppers, onion, jalapeños, herbs and spices.

    Wine of choice: Gosford Reserve, Shiraz, 2015, Australia.

    Needless to say, a great deal (like 3/4) of the casserole is left and since Eduardo went so nutso on the dinner casserole tonight, some of the remaining casserole will probably replace the originally planned potato casserole for tomorrow's Christmas dinner. Some may be breakfast as well...it can be difficult to rein Eduardo in when he gets going! I usually just give up and let him do whatever. LOL.

    Hope everyone has a great WHATEVER year end holiday (if any) they celebrate. J seems to have made it safely to central Kentucky.

    I'm sitting here watching still more holiday videos and counting my blessings.
    Hi Ed
    I have been listening to Christmas Radio shows from 1944 while walking as part of my Christmas. Names like Bob Hope, Fred Allen, Jack Benny, Eddie Cantor and many more including dramas such as "The Whistler".

    I would say that sounds good to me. Today's menu here Lower Sodium Ham since two years ago the Regular Ham was a salt bomb to my brothers and my taste buds. Something to do with not using added salt these days I suspect.
    Baked Sprouts, I'm not sure how he plans to season them. Baked Potato for me and I peeled the 5 Pound bag of potatoes for my brother to Mash since he likes Mashed (Smashed) potatoes and adds a 1/4 pound of butter and some milk. I suspect he will reserve some of them once they are cooked without mashing as he also likes chunks of potatoes in his skillet with meat & eggs for breakfast sometimes.

    We only have a Bottle of Sparkling Grape Juice in the refrigerator left from last year unopened instead of the wine from the wine rack.
    Merry Christmas y'all! High of 71 predicted for today, with 10% chance of rain.

    Been up for an hour or so and now Lilo is jonesing for breakfast so I guess I better take care of that.
    Hi Again
    I wish my weather was that warm OTOH I suspect You pay for it with heat and humidity in the summer :)

    My Breakfast today was simple, A Banana before walking, coffee and on the return a NS Coffee Protein Shake and a NS Cinnamon Roll. The NS Protein shakes are almost used up and discontinued, They have been replaced with Vanilla and Chocolate Turbo Shakes making me a unhappy camper. I liked having four flavors, Strawberry, Coffee, Vanilla and Chocolate protein shakes for variety.

    Have a Great Holiday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 22,083 Member
    That chocolate tower looked incredibly decadent. I'd have trouble holding back with that.

    And that rum cake sounds like it's about the same cake that Jo always used to give J every Christmas, which was, of course, shared with me.

    I've decided that the potato casserole will be made anyway, but just a small one. It can bake while the ham is warming.

    And here's what the white sweet potatoes look like right now...we'll see how they look when cut and cooked. :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 22,083 Member
    OK. Eduardo gets a day or two off...for sure!

    Christmas Dinner:

    Tamarind Ginger glazed ham
    Potatoes Au Gratin Romanoff
    Lightly maple glazed white sweet potatoes
    Somewhat Cajun style cornbread dressing with andouille, turkey, bell peppers, jalapeño
    Steamed, lightly buttered broccoli
    Gingered cranberry & kumquat relish

    Wine of choice: Montaluce Cabernet Franc, 2013, Montaluce Vineyard, Dahlonega, GA

    Dessert was one of the triple chocolate pecan cookies made the other day.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    That chocolate tower looked incredibly decadent. I'd have trouble holding back with that.

    And that rum cake sounds like it's about the same cake that Jo always used to give J every Christmas, which was, of course, shared with me.

    I've decided that the potato casserole will be made anyway, but just a small one. It can bake while the ham is warming.

    And here's what the white sweet potatoes look like right now...we'll see how they look when cut and cooked. :)

    Hi Ed
    I am resisting the Chocolate Tower for now, We ended up eating early as the Ham was ready, I just glazed it with crushed Pineapple :) I had a Baked Potato, Sauteed Brussels Sprouts, Some Left over from Thanksgiving Bread Stuffing that had been vacuum packed and frozen, Homemade Ham Based Gravy, and Some Sweet Potato Pie :) Not as elaborate as Your meal, Oh well :(

    The Dishes and Pans are washed and put away now, The leftovers have been put in bowls and Saran Wrapped. Tonight's dinner will be a smaller version of the Main meal with changes, Some Mixed vegetables and no Potatoes or Stuffing and the Rum Cake instead of the Sweet Potato Pie to see how it tastes. Maybe on Monday or Tuesday much of the Pie and Cake can be handed off elsewhere to remove temptation, I'll let my brother make the final decision as once I have tasted them I'll be happy. Hmm... I almost forgot we also have Homemade Cranberry Sauce I want to have a taste of :)
    OK. Eduardo gets a day or two off...for sure!

    Christmas Dinner:

    Tamarind Ginger glazed ham
    Potatoes Au Gratin Romanoff
    Lightly maple glazed white sweet potatoes
    Somewhat Cajun style cornbread dressing with andouille, turkey, bell peppers, jalapeño
    Steamed, lightly buttered broccoli
    Gingered cranberry & kumquat relish

    Wine of choice: Montaluce Cabernet Franc, 2013, Montaluce Vineyard, Dahlonega, GA

    Dessert was one of the triple chocolate pecan cookies made the other day.

    That plate looks fantastic, I wish I had those skills, However...

    Enjoy the rest of Christmas Day
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