Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Vintage prints from the 1800's Paris, France. Beautiful color drawings of old varieties of vegetables, and each has a fruit or two in the mix. Really pretty. They're framed in flat black frames and look great where we hung them. These prints were 'rescued' from a pile that was destined for the trash dumpster. I also have old prints of flowers, but I really liked the veggie ones. :)

    Those vegetables and fruits are going to taste soooo good! I know about the rain, and drivers...you just have to pop a piece of gum in your mouth, and find something on the radio, remind yourself that the object of the adventure it to 'arrive alive'. :). No point in being upset, cuz its not going to make the situation any better. Or he could have pulled off the road at the first diner or fast food place and spent some time off road till he 'cooled down' himself!
    Maybe the cantaloupe he has for breakfast or the corn for dinner will help!
    Hi Valerie
    Vintage prints....
    He says to himself I wonder if they are valuable as well a beautiful?

    I have a large box of prints for the 80s or 90s that were sold in bulk to people that framed them and then sold them. No longer available as far as I know. They were done in a antique style.

    I am afraid my brother does not have anything near the patience of a saint anymore. He had a slice of one of the Melons last night, says it is delicious. Despite working on losing weight he bought three of them and a Bunch of the corn. The scale will tell the tale.

    Enjoy Your Sunday
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 92 predicted today with the usual 20%. Heading back to home this morning/afternoon. Would love to be able to stay longer but home, cats, gliders, and work beckon. Le sigh...
    Hi Ed
    When I was away on vacation I was conflicted, I wanted to get back home and see how things were going and at the same time I hated for the Vacation to end :)

    Have a Great Day despite that
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Sunny here. I got about a quarter inch of rain yesterday...must have sent the rest of my rain to Roger!!! You're welcome!

    2 ears of corn as his starchy veg a day 'some' days a week shouldn't be a problem...but it is a starchy veg...so I'd back off the rice or potatoes or whatever those 'corn' days....Melons shouldn't be an issue either. Do you have a kitchen scale that's digital? 6-10 oz of melon fruit one meal a day, with the other fruit of the day something else should do no harm. If it does....time to cut the corn off the cob, blanch and freeze. Plenty of directions on the internet. Besides all of that, both corn and melons are very healthful and can be included in almost any diet...(except ones like NS, because they include your starch in the entree's usually)
    Make 'brothers diet' a CAN have, not a limiting CAN'T have. He'll be more apt to stick to it.
    Its all about quantities. :)

    I am about to head out of the house, and prune back the long done hydrangea's, and my last Pink Knock Out Rose...and the Bufordi Holly, which is out there trying to become a huge bush again....I think not!!!

    Have some catching up to do on the internet, but happy to say my Vital Signs class module is done for the week...so no staying up late to get my module quiz done before bed.

    I'd like another cup of coffee, but no time. Maybe with lunch?

    I doubt the prints are original prints knowing the source...on the other hand one never knows.
    I just know I like them. :)

    Off to the wilderness. Meaning, if you look outside from within my house you see trees, vegetation, shrubs, flowers, and I'd be hard put to convince you I lived in a subdivision, in Metro ATL!!! Different story out the front windows...still trees, shrubs, flowers, but also street and other houses. So, off to the wilderness I go......turning my back to the street....


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,717 Member
    Howdy y'all. Been home for maybe half an hour, but got all hot and bothered unpacking J's car. We did, sensibly, stop for lunch on the way home. I'm sitting at my computer now, in front of a fan, to cool off and then nap time with Lilo. J was in the bedroom last I saw. May be nap time for him too, but I really kind of hope not. His cat is being really lovey dovey but in a bit she'll remember that he was gone for the whole weekend and it was awful, just awful and then she'll be standoffish. Lilo tends to be clingy right away and not get standoffish.

    OK. I think I hear the bed calling. I'll figure out later exactly where to store the leftover shelf stable foods I bought for the trip. The remaining boiled eggs are already moved from the electric cooler to the fridge and the cooler is put away until next time we need it.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,717 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 90 is the predicted high today, with 60% chance of rain, but mostly not until afternoon so I might get home before it hits.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...So far sunny Monday. Hope Ed and I get a decent share of that 60% chance of rain. This whole state needs it, badly.
    Chores today, or the usual Monday sort.
    My psoas was killing me yesterday. Seriously killing me. I didn't even make 2500 steps just doing essentials around the house. Hope today is much better. Yesterday if somebody had shown up on my door step selling pain meds I'd have bought some...it was that bad.
    So far today seems to be considerably better.

    Ed, I got a tickle out of the personalities of the two 'abandoned' cats! Sounds like J's kitty holds/remembers a grudge!!! I strongly suspect that animals communicate in ways we've yet to understand...don't you wonder what those two had to say about you and J the last two days!!! LOL!!!

    How much rain at your house Roger? I am sorry I missed the news last night, but from what I could guess/see NJ got its 'overly fair share' of rain and consequence flooding. Hope you're walking today and not swimming.

    Ok, my coffee cup is empty, so it must be time to begin the 'Chore Game'....If I'm granted a 'half time' break, I'll be back! :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did 7200 steps, well 7178 to be accurate :) + 1cent. I was out the door A little earlier than usual. It is humid and was showing 72 degrees out the door, now I see it is showing 71 degrees. Slight chance of rain later, more north & south of me. Rainfall for Friday through Sunday ranged from just under 2" to 8" in a few areas. There was some flooding with the usual drowned cars due to trying to drive through the water.

    My area as usual stayed flood free. Even when parts of town by the Brooks flood up over the road closing all but one way in and out of town this development stays flood free. The rain was not heavy enough to close any of the usual flooding suspects. We usually see severe flooding in this area from bad storms like Sandy,

    Have a Nice Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Sunny here. I got about a quarter inch of rain yesterday...must have sent the rest of my rain to Roger!!! You're welcome!

    2 ears of corn as his starchy veg a day 'some' days a week shouldn't be a problem...but it is a starchy veg...so I'd back off the rice or potatoes or whatever those 'corn' days....Melons shouldn't be an issue either. Do you have a kitchen scale that's digital? 6-10 oz of melon fruit one meal a day, with the other fruit of the day something else should do no harm. If it does....time to cut the corn off the cob, blanch and freeze. Plenty of directions on the internet. Besides all of that, both corn and melons are very healthful and can be included in almost any diet...(except ones like NS, because they include your starch in the entree's usually)
    Make 'brothers diet' a CAN have, not a limiting CAN'T have. He'll be more apt to stick to it.
    Its all about quantities. :)

    I am about to head out of the house, and prune back the long done hydrangea's, and my last Pink Knock Out Rose...and the Bufordi Holly, which is out there trying to become a huge bush again....I think not!!!

    Have some catching up to do on the internet, but happy to say my Vital Signs class module is done for the week...so no staying up late to get my module quiz done before bed.

    I'd like another cup of coffee, but no time. Maybe with lunch?

    I doubt the prints are original prints knowing the source...on the other hand one never knows.
    I just know I like them. :)

    Off to the wilderness. Meaning, if you look outside from within my house you see trees, vegetation, shrubs, flowers, and I'd be hard put to convince you I lived in a subdivision, in Metro ATL!!! Different story out the front windows...still trees, shrubs, flowers, but also street and other houses. So, off to the wilderness I go......turning my back to the street....

    Hi Valerie
    We have a nice Cuisinart Digital scale. I figure that since my Meals all include a Smart Carb and a Power Fuel per the NS plan I could use the corn too. The harder part is weighing it before eating. The easiest is to weigh the Corn on the Cob, Eat it and weigh the Cob and do the math. I plan on having a wedge of Melon as one of My SCs today or tomorrow. I need to save him from himself by eating some of both of those foods :)

    The problem is he slices a small potato into his breakfast with a couple of slices of bacon too and often Oatmeal. Serving sizes aggravate him. He figures a Egg is a serving so a whole English Muffin would also be a serving. I am not sure where his Nutritionists head is, she said he could eat a English Muffin a day. Use Whole Wheat or Multi Grain Muffins or breads.

    I do need to go dead Head the Geraniums and Roses, I just did not feel like doing it with all the rain lately.
    Good Morning...So far sunny Monday. Hope Ed and I get a decent share of that 60% chance of rain. This whole state needs it, badly.
    Chores today, or the usual Monday sort.
    My psoas was killing me yesterday. Seriously killing me. I didn't even make 2500 steps just doing essentials around the house. Hope today is much better. Yesterday if somebody had shown up on my door step selling pain meds I'd have bought some...it was that bad.
    So far today seems to be considerably better.

    Ed, I got a tickle out of the personalities of the two 'abandoned' cats! Sounds like J's kitty holds/remembers a grudge!!! I strongly suspect that animals communicate in ways we've yet to understand...don't you wonder what those two had to say about you and J the last two days!!! LOL!!!

    How much rain at your house Roger? I am sorry I missed the news last night, but from what I could guess/see NJ got its 'overly fair share' of rain and consequence flooding. Hope you're walking today and not swimming.

    Ok, my coffee cup is empty, so it must be time to begin the 'Chore Game'....If I'm granted a 'half time' break, I'll be back! :)


    Hi Again
    I hope Your pain is much better too, it must have been horrible if You were thinking of buying if a door to door salesman came by.

    If You read my daily news post You will see my area by the house stays flood free and usually the entire town does too. That is despite their being more than one brook flowing through it.

    Have a Great Day
    Howdy y'all. Been home for maybe half an hour, but got all hot and bothered unpacking J's car. We did, sensibly, stop for lunch on the way home. I'm sitting at my computer now, in front of a fan, to cool off and then nap time with Lilo. J was in the bedroom last I saw. May be nap time for him too, but I really kind of hope not. His cat is being really lovey dovey but in a bit she'll remember that he was gone for the whole weekend and it was awful, just awful and then she'll be standoffish. Lilo tends to be clingy right away and not get standoffish.

    OK. I think I hear the bed calling. I'll figure out later exactly where to store the leftover shelf stable foods I bought for the trip. The remaining boiled eggs are already moved from the electric cooler to the fridge and the cooler is put away until next time we need it.
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 90 is the predicted high today, with 60% chance of rain, but mostly not until afternoon so I might get home before it hits.

    Hi Ed
    If Your Humidity was anything like ours I can understand Your feeling hot.
    Was the Electric Cooler expensive?

    Have a Good Day
    Stay Dry and Cool
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Roger! It's probably not half time yet....I just called 'time out'!
    Not as sore as yesterday...not overly comfortable though either.
    Got the hydrangea trimmed back, my almond milk made, and the lamp in the living room switched over. Its all a start......
    Glad to know you went walking.
    Although I am allowed 6 oz veg's both lunch and dinner, they just flat out say 2 ears corn. SO, one day I did just what you suggested, weigh corn, eat, weigh cob, do the math....it was just slightly under 6 oz..:) So, after that I don't weigh my corn. I do limit it to once a week though.

    News is on....Air Force One just brought us a POTUS!!! He's here to dedicate a building or new program for out Vets. I'd be happier if he came to knock some heads together....I feel very sorry for the Vets here. This is a lousy Vet Hospital.

    Bread really isn't the 'bad guy'...but that is a pretty heavy breakfast. I'm guessing lunch and dinner are pretty carb light? I am surprised about the Bacon. Since its been recognized by the WHO as a carcinogen, I'd think it along with hot dogs, and some sausages would not be on their approved foods list. Maybe she needs to update her CEU's! (continuing education units).
    Oh, well we can second guess till....whenever, he will eat what he eats. (one egg is a serving BTW)

    I think its time to go to the kitchen and make a blender of Sweet Onion Salad Dressing. I'm coming close, but still not quite 'there'....mine's good, their's is better! Maybe today!?!?!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,717 Member
    edited August 2016
    The model we got was about $100 at the time I think, but a bit more now for a similar model. It can keep food cold OR hot, which was why we got it but honestly can't remember the last time (if ever) we actually used it to keep anything hot.

    Looks a lot like this one:


    We also bought the optional wall adapter sold separately, which has to be used WITH the car adapter. It works fine as a camping refrigerator as long as we have an outlet we can use.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hey Roger! It's probably not half time yet....I just called 'time out'!
    Not as sore as yesterday...not overly comfortable though either.
    Got the hydrangea trimmed back, my almond milk made, and the lamp in the living room switched over. Its all a start......
    Glad to know you went walking.
    Although I am allowed 6 oz veg's both lunch and dinner, they just flat out say 2 ears corn. SO, one day I did just what you suggested, weigh corn, eat, weigh cob, do the math....it was just slightly under 6 oz..:) So, after that I don't weigh my corn. I do limit it to once a week though.

    News is on....Air Force One just brought us a POTUS!!! He's here to dedicate a building or new program for out Vets. I'd be happier if he came to knock some heads together....I feel very sorry for the Vets here. This is a lousy Vet Hospital.

    Bread really isn't the 'bad guy'...but that is a pretty heavy breakfast. I'm guessing lunch and dinner are pretty carb light? I am surprised about the Bacon. Since its been recognized by the WHO as a carcinogen, I'd think it along with hot dogs, and some sausages would not be on their approved foods list. Maybe she needs to update her CEU's! (continuing education units).
    Oh, well we can second guess till....whenever, he will eat what he eats. (one egg is a serving BTW)

    I think its time to go to the kitchen and make a blender of Sweet Onion Salad Dressing. I'm coming close, but still not quite 'there'....mine's good, their's is better! Maybe today!?!?!


    Hi Valerie
    Nope, his diet is Protein heavy IMO. Bread isn't exactly a bad guy, I use a 60 calorie Wrap with Home Made Egg Salad or Chicken Salad for example. The Egg uses 1 Hard Boiled Egg, Lite Mayo and No Sugar added Mount Olive brand Sweet Relish and The Chicken Salad is the same except I get two servings out of a 5Oz Water Pack can. I also use the CostCo Large Cans of Chicken or Turkey and weigh out a serving. However with the sale price on the ShopRite Canned Chicken of 77 cents for a 5ounce can it was pretty cheap and a handy size too.
    If my Math is not rusty the CostCo works out to be 13.3 cents a ounce ($9.99 for Six 12.5 Ounce package) vs the SR 15.4 so I am paying a little premium for convenience.

    I eat 12 ounces of Veges a day FWIW, 6 ounces with each Lunch and Dinner. I like my Veges, I often eat 1/3 to 1/2 head of Iceberg Lettuce too. Currently I am also eating some vine ripe from the garden Cherry Tomatoes.

    I'm not sure what You mean by "the lamp in the living room switched over", Did You mean moved?

    He came back from Pennsylvania with locally Made German HotDogs, Beef Sticks, a Whole Pork Roll which is going to friends BTW and a couple of locally made other things such as Lebanon Bologna.

    He makes his own lean Breakfast and Italian Sausages using a Whole Pork Loin when they go on sale at $1.49 a pound.

    Good Luck with the Salad Dressing
    The model we got was about $100 at the time I think, but a bit more now for a similar model. It can keep food cold OR hot, which was why we got it but honestly can't remember the last time (if ever) we actually used it to keep anything hot.

    Looks a lot like this one:


    We also bought the optional wall adapter sold separately, which has to be used WITH the car adapter. It works fine as a camping refrigerator as long as we have an outlet we can use.
    Hi Ed
    OK, I Looked at the Amazon page You linked and I see it is a interesting device. I suspect it is done this way :)
    From Wikipedia
    "Thermoelectric cooling uses the Peltier effect to create a heat flux between the junction of two different types of materials. A Peltier cooler, heater, or thermoelectric heat pump is a solid-state active heat pump which transfers heat from one side of the device to the other, with consumption of electrical energy, depending on the direction of the current. Such an instrument is also called a Peltier device, Peltier heat pump, solid state refrigerator, or thermoelectric cooler (TEC). It can be used either for heating or for cooling"

    Thank You for the Information.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,717 Member
    If I went to Pennsylvania, I'd probably come back with 40 pounds of Landjaeger...I used to really love that stuff. Very portable, very tasty. I'd take it with me on long walks.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,717 Member
    Tonight's dinner: Turkey and cheese sandwich. Potato salad.

    Wine of choice: Muscadry, 2015, Chateau Élan, Braselton, GA.

    Finishing off some leftovers from in law visit mostly. Still have some deli sliced turkey left to consume.

    J is having some small samosa appetizers with tamarind sauce, followed by a black bean lasagna.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,717 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 91 is the expected high today, with 20% chance of showers.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I am sitting here posting while drinking my Protein Shake after doing 7400 Steps walking and Some Grocery Shopping during the walk. I Picked up Three Bananas, Three Gala Apples, and Three Nicely green Bartlett Pears. Later on I shall be going to to a nearby Kings to see if the Halo Top Website is accurate in that they carry their frozen products :) With Any Luck I'll be able to acquire several flavors to try and post a Mini-Review regarding them.
    It was 72 degrees when I went out the door. Yesterday was overcast the entire day, today it is supposed to burn off later. The walk was OK due to no direct Sun and a light breeze.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    If I went to Pennsylvania, I'd probably come back with 40 pounds of Landjaeger...I used to really love that stuff. Very portable, very tasty. I'd take it with me on long walks.
    Tonight's dinner: Turkey and cheese sandwich. Potato salad.

    Wine of choice: Muscadry, 2015, Chateau Élan, Braselton, GA.

    Finishing off some leftovers from in law visit mostly. Still have some deli sliced turkey left to consume.

    J is having some small samosa appetizers with tamarind sauce, followed by a black bean lasagna.
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 91 is the expected high today, with 20% chance of showers.

    Hi Ed
    That was a new one to me, I had to look it up via Google, Instant gratification of my curiosity. My Brother did come home with Th Dietrichs Beef Sticks, A Whole Pork Roll that will going to friends today and a Smallish Lebanon Bologna, Sweet Bologna and German Hot Dogs, which looked more like a Miniature Kielbasa and smelled similar when sliced into the skillet cooking. One of the three Melons goes out Wednesday to a friend and the Sweet Corn is due to be eaten.

    Interesting, Turkey & Cheese sandwich, that sounds like something my brother would do. I prefer Mayo with my Turkey Sandwich :) Home Made Potato Salad?

    You are having warmer weather that I today, I think the forecast is for a high of 80 and a chance of Thunderstorms.

    Have a Great Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning, says the party late comer!
    Roger, sorry about my lamp musings...I only needed to take the lamp plug from the outlet and plug it back into the timer. I switched it over while Ted was framing my veggie posters. During the day, I'd not notice it on...it is always on when I go to bed...so that didn't trigger my brain either:) Anyhow, chore accomplished. Its a LED bulb, so it's really not a big deal as far as my elec. bill goes. (Its still cheaper to cool my house (electric bill), than it is to pay my water bill)

    Ok, I'm eating 6 oz of veg at lunch and dinner...AND 8 ounces of salad. (2-3 oz romaine or bagged chop salad...and the other 5-6 oz raw veggies, mostly) Also 2 fruits..avg size fruit pieces, 2 pieces of some, like Clementines, plums, and 6 oz berries, or watermelon....etc)

    BTW Tomorrow, July 3rd is National Watermelon Day! I don't know who makes up these days, but this is one I can 'chew on'!!!

    Need to make a Walmart run, and a pharm pick-up at Costco. Never did get the laundry going yesterday...so there is a load swishing around right now. And then there is my class to get started on...its about Temperature, and it is a long one??? Really?

    My quote for the day is from Thomas Edison..."I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." That's me and 50 years of dieting and nutrition classes, etc... And I think I may have just hit on one that does work! (for me) :)

    Time to go find some 'work'.


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning, says the party late comer!
    Roger, sorry about my lamp musings...I only needed to take the lamp plug from the outlet and plug it back into the timer. I switched it over while Ted was framing my veggie posters. During the day, I'd not notice it on...it is always on when I go to bed...so that didn't trigger my brain either:) Anyhow, chore accomplished. Its a LED bulb, so it's really not a big deal as far as my elec. bill goes. (Its still cheaper to cool my house (electric bill), than it is to pay my water bill)

    Ok, I'm eating 6 oz of veg at lunch and dinner...AND 8 ounces of salad. (2-3 oz romaine or bagged chop salad...and the other 5-6 oz raw veggies, mostly) Also 2 fruits..avg size fruit pieces, 2 pieces of some, like Clementines, plums, and 6 oz berries, or watermelon....etc)

    BTW Tomorrow, July 3rd is National Watermelon Day! I don't know who makes up these days, but this is one I can 'chew on'!!!

    Need to make a Walmart run, and a pharm pick-up at Costco. Never did get the laundry going yesterday...so there is a load swishing around right now. And then there is my class to get started on...its about Temperature, and it is a long one??? Really?

    My quote for the day is from Thomas Edison..."I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." That's me and 50 years of dieting and nutrition classes, etc... And I think I may have just hit on one that does work! (for me) :)

    Time to go find some 'work'.

    Hi Valerie
    I was wondering what that meant, Thank You for the explanation.

    I eat 340 grams AKA 12 Ounces of vegetables a day so I was wondering what You considered too much.

    I am now at 9300+ steps so far as I went out and ended up with 5 stops, Post Office being two of them as the first time I went there They had not opened up the counter, It seems that it now opens at 9:30. I mailed the Family vacation DVDs to my Sister, It was $6.40 for a flat rate or $2.60 for media mail or $2.64 for first class :) So I went first class. I had two packages with identical contents that I could seal up, one small flat rate box and one Media Box to simplify the process. The unused one will be going on the shelf so no loss there.

    I like the Edison Quote
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Well, I hope this isn't what they considered rain for today. Lotsa wind, very little rumbly from a distance thunder, and mist. Meanwhile my brother in MO is looking for a good ARK. He sent pix of his lake....its past full, and I don't think for one minute it can come up any farther, but if it did his house would become a houseboat! It seems to work that way...one of us is bone dry, and the other floating.

    Roger! a Sister has appeared! Does she live far, or just someplace in PA/NJ?? (if you don't mind me asking...

    Got my phone calls made, the load of laundry that had accumulated washed and put away, had a great, and super simple Mid Day meal...Some thick sliced slabs of tofu that I'd roasted with Korean BBQ sauce, and then frozen. So that was heat only, and 2 baby bok choy made my 6 oz of green veg's. Salad of romaine, chopped cabbage, ruby red radishes, cucumber, and grated carrot. With my dressing from yesterday...Took all of 20 minutes to fix my plate. Kitchen now cleaned, and tonite I'll have one bowl from my cereal to put into the dishwasher....how easy is that?!?!?

    Time to start looking into that Module on Temperature. :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,717 Member
    Howdy again y'all. It's nearly dinner time!

    I am sipping a glass of Château Franc-Cardinal (Bordeaux) and waiting for the shepherd's pie in the oven to get done to my satisfaction. I also have a small slow cooker of fresh speckled butter beans for a side dish, though I usually don't bother with a side when I make shepherd's pie. But the beans came in last week's CSA box and I felt they needed to be cooked, so there they are.

    Disclaimer: No actual shepherds were harmed in the making of this pie.

    Dinner shortly.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,717 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! High of 92 predicted, 20% chance of rain. Sound familiar?

    Tag day again. Whee!

    Off to the salt races.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...