Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey There! I'm home, and have had my Lunch. (@ 3p. Gonna be a late dinner again tonite. :)
    My poor chiro...I gave her a work out! Adjusted my lower back, adjusted my right hip, released my psoas muscle, 'thumped' the muscles at about C6 (what that thing is called I do not remember, but it is a trigger release thing, that give just a slight thump to a muscle to stop the muscle spasm) and she adjusted C3 or 4 couldn't tell. So there wasn't much she didn't have to do!!! But she said I was good for 2-3 weeks, my choice. I opted for 2. Keep everything in alignment and after a bit it tends to STAY in alignment!

    I trouped thru Whole Foods...needed their little bottle of 365 Lemon Juice, saw a little pouch thingy of concentrated Veg. broth...makes 2 quarts, or less, nice for days when I just need a couple tablespoons of broth and not open a whole big box of it. Of course I also picked up my chicken fried tofu, enough for todays lunch protein, and for tomorrow too!!
    I'm just curious Roger...do you ever figure out how many grams of protein you are getting per day? No matter what Mens Health, your fav. trainer, etc says....this is a case where you need to find out how much you actually NEED, and stick close to that number. More is not always good...be kind to your kidneys, they have enough work to do without the extra portions of protein. :)

    Thunder and dark here...does not of course, equate to rain til the weather rock gets wet!!!

    Roger that squirrel down in the feeder really made me laugh! I have a squirrel lovin' friend in Detroit...must share! :)

    Ok, so there is a problem with the weather rock.....It was wet, I saw it, but by the time I fed the cats, and came back here to finish up my post, the rock was dry. That must have been one hot rock!!!


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    The holes where they fill the tanks during a gas delivery are two or three feet deep, with heavy (but not totally watertight) metal covers. They are called spill buckets because sometimes a little gas will spill into them during the process of filling the tanks from the big truck. A heavy rain will inevitably get some water into some of them as the water flows across the pavement. Morning shift is supposed to check and clean them every morning to keep them clear of spills, water, and debris. If they have fuel in them, we have to soak that up with pads, treat the pads with a fuel neutralizing solution, and then dispose of them. If it's just water, like after a storm, we can siphon most of it out and soak up whatever is left.

    This morning had some water, and one had some spillage from the overnight delivery. Took care of that, no problem.

    Loved the pictures, especially the squirrel in the bird feeder.————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! We got some nice rain yesterday. Today is supposed to be 94 with 20% chance, as usual.

    Off to the salt races!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Friday Morning!
    I was thrilled with the beautiful rain yesterday. It was 'real rain'...not a downpour! My rain gauge showed an INCH of rain!!! WooooHoo!! Happy Dance! There was a 20+ degree drop in temperature! Rain rock stayed wet! LOL!! And the result of all that lovely rain, is a somewhat foggy morning! No complaints here. Everything looks refreshed and healthy when I look outside, lack of storm means there aren't any branches, twigs laying around!

    Maybe coffee later today. Will depend on Marietta's charges, and their degree of 'neediness'.
    Remind me to take really good care of my brain. And to have the dignity to at least be open to the idea of 'Assisted Living'. (her MIL won't hear of it!) That when I can no longer follow a recipes directions or cook my own food, don't remember how to work an ATM machine, can no longer drive, (and that debilitative state is her MIL. The old guy with Alzh. is content with whatever. ) That I have the willingness to sell my house and make other living arrangements. Geez. Marietta has now been 'robbed' of 2 years of HER life because of the stubbornness of her MIL.

    I think I'm about ready for breakfast! I have a lovely container of falafel that Whole Foods carefully prepared for my enjoyment! Think I'll add some tomato, cuke, and onion salad, add a banana and enjoy the beautiful morning. Ok, so I may do some laundry, empty the dishwasher, etc along the way! I also NEED to get to Costco....keep putting that off! Bad Idea!
    Roger I do not think your $160ish checkout is unreasonable. You've obviously stocked your home with the items that one has to buy to 'function', and usually its a good buy. My DIL swears she can't leave Costco for less than $150! And like you she goes infrequently...it all 'comes out in the wash' so to speak.

    Ed...thanks for the explanation of 'spill buckets'...I had several 'ideas'...none of which were correct!! LOL!

    I need coffee and breakfast...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I got out somewhat late for my walk + 8100 steps, Happily no pain today so I went further :)
    It was 74 degrees out the door and for the overnight low temperature. I did work up a light sweat on the inbound leg.

    Here are a couple of versions of this song. I like both of them.

    Here is a clue to the Singer of the second version.

    Have a great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I am just sitting here listening to Paul Robeson singing, currently He is singing Loch Lomond

    FWIW They come up to select when the first video link in the previous post ends.
    Hey There! I'm home, and have had my Lunch. (@ 3p. Gonna be a late dinner again tonite. :)
    My poor chiro...I gave her a work out! Adjusted my lower back, adjusted my right hip, released my psoas muscle, 'thumped' the muscles at about C6 (what that thing is called I do not remember, but it is a trigger release thing, that give just a slight thump to a muscle to stop the muscle spasm) and she adjusted C3 or 4 couldn't tell. So there wasn't much she didn't have to do!!! But she said I was good for 2-3 weeks, my choice. I opted for 2. Keep everything in alignment and after a bit it tends to STAY in alignment!

    I trouped thru Whole Foods...needed their little bottle of 365 Lemon Juice, saw a little pouch thingy of concentrated Veg. broth...makes 2 quarts, or less, nice for days when I just need a couple tablespoons of broth and not open a whole big box of it. Of course I also picked up my chicken fried tofu, enough for todays lunch protein, and for tomorrow too!!
    I'm just curious Roger...do you ever figure out how many grams of protein you are getting per day? No matter what Mens Health, your fav. trainer, etc says....this is a case where you need to find out how much you actually NEED, and stick close to that number. More is not always good...be kind to your kidneys, they have enough work to do without the extra portions of protein. :)

    Thunder and dark here...does not of course, equate to rain til the weather rock gets wet!!!

    Roger that squirrel down in the feeder really made me laugh! I have a squirrel lovin' friend in Detroit...must share! :)

    Ok, so there is a problem with the weather rock.....It was wet, I saw it, but by the time I fed the cats, and came back here to finish up my post, the rock was dry. That must have been one hot rock!!!
    Hi Valerie
    I never worked it out however the amount does fit the NS 1800 calorie plan, That would be One serving for the breakfast entree and lunch Entree and two in the Dinner entree along with the Protein shake per plan with breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and morning snack. So that would be 8 servings of protein and 7 SmartCarbs.

    FWIW You can just use the URL from my post as I have them online at a image serve site. Easy way just click quote and copy the URL and then Cancel the edit.

    Weather Rocks are so passe :)

    Congratulations on Your successful Chiro visit and the shopping
    Good Friday Morning!
    I was thrilled with the beautiful rain yesterday. It was 'real rain'...not a downpour! My rain gauge showed an INCH of rain!!! WooooHoo!! Happy Dance! There was a 20+ degree drop in temperature! Rain rock stayed wet! LOL!! And the result of all that lovely rain, is a somewhat foggy morning! No complaints here. Everything looks refreshed and healthy when I look outside, lack of storm means there aren't any branches, twigs laying around!

    Maybe coffee later today. Will depend on Marietta's charges, and their degree of 'neediness'.
    Remind me to take really good care of my brain. And to have the dignity to at least be open to the idea of 'Assisted Living'. (her MIL won't hear of it!) That when I can no longer follow a recipes directions or cook my own food, don't remember how to work an ATM machine, can no longer drive, (and that debilitative state is her MIL. The old guy with Alzh. is content with whatever. ) That I have the willingness to sell my house and make other living arrangements. Geez. Marietta has now been 'robbed' of 2 years of HER life because of the stubbornness of her MIL.

    I think I'm about ready for breakfast! I have a lovely container of falafel that Whole Foods carefully prepared for my enjoyment! Think I'll add some tomato, cuke, and onion salad, add a banana and enjoy the beautiful morning. Ok, so I may do some laundry, empty the dishwasher, etc along the way! I also NEED to get to Costco....keep putting that off! Bad Idea!
    Roger I do not think your $160ish checkout is unreasonable. You've obviously stocked your home with the items that one has to buy to 'function', and usually its a good buy. My DIL swears she can't leave Costco for less than $150! And like you she goes infrequently...it all 'comes out in the wash' so to speak.

    Ed...thanks for the explanation of 'spill buckets'...I had several 'ideas'...none of which were correct!! LOL!

    I need coffee and breakfast...

    Hi Again
    I hope I can do that too and not end up on the floor waiting to be discovered as had happened in the family. They did survive but they were both there a couple of days before being discovered :(

    My Brother has been eating Zucchini from the garden and I have been eating Cherry tomatoes from there too. Yesterday we finally got some large tomatoes, They have been prolific but not ripening :(
    MY Brother cut one into his lunch salad and commented it tastes like a tomato unlike the ones in the store :)

    Lucky You getting rain, I turned on the drip hose on my return from the walk to water the garden.

    Have a nice Day
    The holes where they fill the tanks during a gas delivery are two or three feet deep, with heavy (but not totally watertight) metal covers. They are called spill buckets because sometimes a little gas will spill into them during the process of filling the tanks from the big truck. A heavy rain will inevitably get some water into some of them as the water flows across the pavement. Morning shift is supposed to check and clean them every morning to keep them clear of spills, water, and debris. If they have fuel in them, we have to soak that up with pads, treat the pads with a fuel neutralizing solution, and then dispose of them. If it's just water, like after a storm, we can siphon most of it out and soak up whatever is left.

    This morning had some water, and one had some spillage from the overnight delivery. Took care of that, no problem.

    Loved the pictures, especially the squirrel in the bird feeder.
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! We got some nice rain yesterday. Today is supposed to be 94 with 20% chance, as usual.
    Hi Ed
    Thank You for that explanation, I just assumed they were some sort of actual bucket :)
    Your explanation makes sense. When I worked a gas station back in the 60s we did not even worry about spills.

    Our weather is supposed to be a copy of Yours. Tomorrow warmer and more humid :(

    Have a Good Last work day for the week
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Back from Costco....Honest Roger I did not set out to shatter your last Costco trip...but...
    $206. ARG. Had to renew my membership, and bought Frontline for the cats, to last for 3 months, I did get cereal for me, and 2 bottles of my Turmeric, a bottle of Aleve for the next time I make a mess of my body!!! (LOL) The Turmeric keeps my knees in check, as an anti inflammatory, but on occasion the body hiccups and I need to get it back on the program!!
    Ok, off to Marietta's.... We're having afternoon Shaken Tea... nice cold refreshing BIG drinks!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    edited July 2016
    Howdy again y'all. We had hoped to have dinner out tonight, but J was really worn out so we decided to stay home. J is having Noodles Eduardo, using some of the Kluski noodles made for the rest of us. Since cousin D is still here, and roommate D is home too, I made chicken Marsala for the rest of us, served over Kluski noodles with organic, steamed, lightly buttered, green beans on the side.

    Opened a bottle of Tempranillo to complete the meal.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    edited July 2016
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Pool party again, so I need to get my baked beans going shortly. Not about to bring cousin D to that affair, way too many scantily clad men (some young enough to be of interest to her, but she's ONLY 15 and this party is always all adults) but she can do well enough for herself at our house. There is bread and plenty of sandwich fixings available, as well as chips.

    We would probably have skipped it ourselves, but had already committed before the dates for her trip changed. So, on to the baked beans!


    Beans are in the oven. I made a much larger "recipe" than ever before. The sauce tasted OK to me. A little bit sweet, little bit spicy, little bit tangy. Just what I was hoping for. Didn't really have time or inclination to soak that many beans so I bought and used 8 cans of beans for this time, 7 different kinds. As always, the beans are vegan.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I managed to get to 8700 steps for the morning despite the weather being on the warm side. It was 79 to 80 degrees depending on whether You believe my Remote readout of 79.4 or the local Cable news channel display of 80 degrees :) Either way it was OK until part way into the walk. I wonder if the Coffee contributes to feeling warm?
    They say that today will be the hottest of the year so far :( Well above the average for us. Not as bad as further south or west, still slightly under 100 degrees.

    I managed to hit 10.3K steps by Bedtime yesterday, It has been a while since I managed that. I suspect I will match or exceed that today :)

    Both my Brother and I have noticed that Sugars make us feel warmer too. Therefore The only Sugar before my Morning walk is the 1/2 Banana I eat before I leave the house. In the Winter I eat the entire thing.

    Have a Really Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Back from Costco....Honest Roger I did not set out to shatter your last Costco trip...but...
    $206. ARG. Had to renew my membership, and bought Frontline for the cats, to last for 3 months, I did get cereal for me, and 2 bottles of my Turmeric, a bottle of Aleve for the next time I make a mess of my body!!! (LOL) The Turmeric keeps my knees in check, as an anti inflammatory, but on occasion the body hiccups and I need to get it back on the program!!
    Ok, off to Marietta's.... We're having afternoon Shaken Tea... nice cold refreshing BIG drinks!

    Hi Valerie
    You indeed shattered my latest shopping trip there and I suspect You beat my all time high too. October I need to renew, However the bill has not even arrived yet. When It does I will pay by mail to avoid the longish line at that counter.

    I went cheap and bought Ibuprofen and it seems to help, I chew one along with a Asprin & a Acetaminophen right before I eat my Banana and go walking, That simple cocktail of OTC pain relievers seems to be helping as I am now Going further.

    I hope You Had a Great Day
    Howdy again y'all. We had hoped to have dinner out tonight, but J was really worn out so we decided to stay home. J is having Noodles Eduardo, using some of the Kluski noodles made for the rest of us. Since cousin D is still here, and roommate D is home too, I made chicken Marsala for the rest of us, served over Kluski noodles with organic, steamed, lightly buttered, green beans on the side.

    Opened a bottle of Tempranillo to complete the meal.
    Hi Ed
    I had to Google as Kluski Noodles did not ring a bell :)
    That sounds like A nice Dinner, Sometimes the best made plans..........
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Pool party again, so I need to get my baked beans going shortly. Not about to bring cousin D to that affair, way too many scantily clad men (some young enough to be of interest to her, but she's ONLY 15 and this party is always all adults) but she can do well enough for herself at our house. There is bread and plenty of sandwich fixings available, as well as chips.

    We would probably have skipped it ourselves, but had already committed before the dates for her trip changed. So, on to the baked beans!


    Beans are in the oven. I made a much larger "recipe" than ever before. The sauce tasted OK to me. A little bit sweet, little bit spicy, little bit tangy. Just what I was hoping for. Didn't really have time or inclination to soak that many beans so I bought and used 8 cans of beans for this time, 7 different kinds. As always, the beans are vegan.

    Just curious, 7 different kinds of beans, Interesting. My Brother just soaks one kind of dried bean, OTOH he is more than a little frugal when he can save money without compromising the quality or taste.

    I would have though all beans are vegan, unless You mean no meat for flavor in the baked beans.

    Have a Good Party
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    :) Roger....all beans ARE vegan, unless seasoned with meat!!!
    I'm posting this before I forget... its just me, but it works..
    I never pay them when its due...I don't know how you check out, I use the self serve, as its usually the quickest...and if (like mine was) your membership is up, it will ask you if you want to pay your annual now, hit yes, card charged, groceries bought...no lines to stand around in!!. IF you're going thru a checker, they will ask if you want the fee charged to your card...again, same action, they charge, ring up groceries, you go home!! :)
    I've never had a 'late fee' or extra charge FWIW.
    Ok, now I'll post and start a Good Morning? post
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning, she said at 2:30 in the afternoon! :) Eating my lunch and typing. Any errors, lost thoughts, etc are the salad's fault. OK?

    Ed, hope you all enjoy the Pool Party... cousin probably enjoyed some down time by herself.

    I had updates for my Mac, and both of my 'i' devices...No real work involved there, just time. And the clothes in the dryer finished just about when I was ready to sit down and eat....they'll get a good fluff before exiting the dryer.

    I may actually get dressed later today....LOL!!! Puttering around in my midi length sleeveless nightie...very comfy... and who the heck cares!?!?
    Meanwhile, I need to do at least one of the 3 remaining videos for my class...completed and passed quiz due Sunday night. I think there are 20 questions this time. 25 last quiz...
    I haven't even looked to see what the next module is.....I would like an 'easy' one please!

    Ms Raccoon made a stop by the porch...I think to see if I was home. There is no food out, as she could clearly see from the cat window...but she came onto porch anyhow...so we did the 'dance'....she came for the door, I pounded on the door, she ran, hesitated at the cat window ledge til I clicked the door opener, then she ran...and stopped. My turn... slid the door open, and she rounded the fence and into the woods from whence she came. Crazy animal! LOL!


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    :) Roger....all beans ARE vegan, unless seasoned with meat!!!
    I'm posting this before I forget... its just me, but it works..
    I never pay them when its due...I don't know how you check out, I use the self serve, as its usually the quickest...and if (like mine was) your membership is up, it will ask you if you want to pay your annual now, hit yes, card charged, groceries bought...no lines to stand around in!!. IF you're going thru a checker, they will ask if you want the fee charged to your card...again, same action, they charge, ring up groceries, you go home!! :)
    I've never had a 'late fee' or extra charge FWIW.
    Ok, now I'll post and start a Good Morning? post

    Hi Valerie
    I must be deprived in this area or maybe Yours is a test location? I have never seen a self check out except at the Acme and Home Depot.
    My Thoughts on those are when You start giving me a discount I will start doing Your work as well as why deprive someone of a job.

    Credit card? I do not even carry one with me unless I plan to use it, otherwise it stays safely at home. If I can not pay for it with cash it does not get bought :)

    That eliminates a lot of higher cost impulse purchases. If I did see something I felt I needed I would have to go home and then go back and that extra time to reflect usually kills any desire for that item. When I went to CostCo I had a couple of dollars over $200 on me and I kept a running total to be sure I would be under that amount too.

    I was a little surprised that I could not find Iceberg lettuce either in head form or prepared in a bag. Whats with that?

    I just send them a check from the one account that I write checks on and when they clear I get a email updating what balance they think I have and telling me check for that amount cleared so I can tell if anything went astray. I also get a email for any deposits.

    That lets me keep track two ways. The check register and the emails. Plus if I see any amounts showing up as cleared that I did not write a check for I will be headed there ASAP :) I look at that as a extra layer of security. I do not even have a Debit card for that account. They sent one and after over a year of no use I got a letter they were canceling it, No Loss to me as I planned to never use it and did not even take it to be activated and set a Pin code on.
    Good Morning, she said at 2:30 in the afternoon! :) Eating my lunch and typing. Any errors, lost thoughts, etc are the salad's fault. OK?

    Ed, hope you all enjoy the Pool Party... cousin probably enjoyed some down time by herself.

    I had updates for my Mac, and both of my 'i' devices...No real work involved there, just time. And the clothes in the dryer finished just about when I was ready to sit down and eat....they'll get a good fluff before exiting the dryer.

    I may actually get dressed later today....LOL!!! Puttering around in my midi length sleeveless nightie...very comfy... and who the heck cares!?!?
    Meanwhile, I need to do at least one of the 3 remaining videos for my class...completed and passed quiz due Sunday night. I think there are 20 questions this time. 25 last quiz...
    I haven't even looked to see what the next module is.....I would like an 'easy' one please!

    Ms Raccoon made a stop by the porch...I think to see if I was home. There is no food out, as she could clearly see from the cat window...but she came onto porch anyhow...so we did the 'dance'....she came for the door, I pounded on the door, she ran, hesitated at the cat window ledge til I clicked the door opener, then she ran...and stopped. My turn... slid the door open, and she rounded the fence and into the woods from whence she came. Crazy animal! LOL!

    Hi Again
    Your Racoon is just looking for free easy food :)
    Come to think of it I did get an update for iTunes when I started it earlier this week, It did not have an update for the iPod of course. After All it is not as if the iPod can even get on the internet :)

    I also did have a Norton Security Update that required I restart the computer. My Crazy brother said I just shut it down when I was done with it and I did not restart it yet. SO I patiently explained that works as the restart it wanted.

    I did have to shut down the one I do a lot of my forums work on as I usually just Hibernate it for speed and ease of being able to leave things open and resume where I left off when I apply the power again. I have my computer set to power on automatically when the power returns and when I suspend that one or power down this one which never has hibernated successfully I flip the power strip off and then when I want the computer I turn the power strip on which applies power to the computer, printer and external drives.

    Have a Nice Cool Evening
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger, the self check lines are much quicker to go thru, as the peeps with huge, over flowing buggies or the flat carts go thru the checker lines. And they keep a 'roving' helper there who can scan with his remote the heavy things, or correct any problems you might incur....
    As for using my debit card to pay my annual while checking out....I get a print out for the purchases.
    We do a lot of things down here, like pump our own gas, ring our own purchases at most supermarkets, (even Walmart), and Home Depot, etc. :)

    I got 50 drops rain today...and forgot to tell you I found a penny on the Costco parking lot. I picked it up....it was HOT! Played Hot Potato between my two hands for a bit!!!
    Just watched a vid on fb of a guy who rigged a 'smart phone alias' to taze if someone tried to use it, as well as it had the ability to taze remote. He'd set it down and walk off, or pretend to be passed out on a park bench, etc all with the phone in clear sight. It really was funny....sad that people seem to think they can just pick up anybody's stuff. I think the funniest one, was a couple, he picked up the phone, they walked a fairly short distance away to some picnic tables...and the phone owner came by, said he was looking for his phone, had they seen anyone pick up his phone...NOPE!.........> Taze..>..end of story!!!
    Have a good evening....hope its not too hot in Jersey! My 50 drops lowered the temp here to the mid 70's.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! I have to open today as my regular weekend opener wanted a day off. I'm just dong 4 hours though and having someone else come in earlier. Then later in the week, I can drop the extra 4 hours.

    The pool party got some light rain over part of it but it was still a good one. Most of the baked beans were consumed, so I guess I've found the mark on that. The beans included: black beans, canellini beans, great northern beans, red beans, pinto beans, chili beans (OK, those might have been the same kind as one of the others...), and vegetarian beans with tomato sauce. My mother usually made baked beans starting with pork and beans, and only pork and beans. The vegetarian beans with tomato sauce are pretty much the same, jus without the pork.

    Supposed to be 95 today with the usual chance of rain.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Ed, you really surprised me with your early, early post!! Glad the pool party went well...I got my usual 50 drops, and hoped that where ever the party was, that was all they got too!!

    Not sure what I'm going to get into today. I SHOULD do several things...and you know how I feel about 'shoulding' on myself! But, I just may.

    I woke a bit before 5...maybe Ed slammed the door on his way out for work?, and I heard it all these miles away? Whatever....first time I've been up when its still dark outside in quite awhile. Even the cats are still asleep! hmmmm.

    My DS1 and family are at Hilton Head this week....color me jealous! Not really. They sleep late, drag a months worth of 'stuff' to the beach, sit in the hot sun all afternoon, and then stay up late. I'd be fried, tired, and bored and crabby. I love the beach...at sunrise. So quite, and peaceful. And full of wild life. One year I almost got mowed down by a pair of low flying pelicans who were flying about shoulder height, together...I wasn't aware of them til they split and one flew on each side of me, so close I could feel the breeze from their wings. Scared the should outta me!!!! Goofy birds. If birds can laugh, you can bet they were just howling! Ok, so that experience wasn't very 'peaceful' for a few seconds anyhow!

    Weird breakfast gonna happen today. I have 2.5 left over falafels and some sauce, so heating them up, steaming some broccoli, and finishing it all with pineapple chunks. I love to ripen a pineapple at home, but eating only 6 ounces once or twice a day....takes forever to use it all up!

    No doubt Roger you're out walking. It bothers me just a bit that you have to take 3 pain killing NSAIDS before your walk. Did nothing come of the x-rays? Do you know someone who uses a Chiro they'd recommend? (believe it or not, Medicare pays for Chiro visits!) Or, there are D.O.'s..as opposed to MD's, who specialize in chiropractic. I had a D.O. in Jersey that I loved! He was primarily a pedi, but he also helped me out a time or three. He was one of the things I have missed about Jersey. And, here, years ago I got my back in terrible shape, and went to a Doc in a Box for pain meds. He clued me into the D.O's that specialize in Osteo.

    Finished my 3rd week of Vital Signs last night. Yea! No staying up late watching vid's and taking quizzes! Last week was Blood Pressure, and coming up is Metabolism. This could be interesting! And its a short unit too. Like only 40 minutes of vid's and 4 quizzes. :) and then, 2 weeks and I'll be hunting for a new course to study. :)


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    For those of You with a Shoprite nearby the Circular that starts today and runs through Saturday had some Super Coupons in it. Example with a $25 dollar purchase, Butter at 2 for $3, 5 pound bag of Potatoes for $1, SR Brand canned Chicken or Solid White Tuna as a Buy 10 and pay 77 cents per can any over 10 will be $1 each, a Good price and Chicken legs and Thighs for $0.29 a pound. It doesn't get cheaper. As always with their Circular You also need their key tag.

    I managed to be at 10.1K steps by bedtime yesterday. So far today I am at 7900 steps, I would have gone further except for my Grocery Store stop where I picked up a refrigerated food that I wanted to get in the Refrigerator despite that I wrapped in in a hand towel. I also Picked up two green pears, Five Bananas, a Apple, and a Nectarine to bring my on hand fruit in balance with the Banana quantity. I eat an apple a day at lunch, Keeps the Doctor Away :) The other fruit joins orange I had and the Apples I had on hand.

    Today the weather was 74 degrees out the door at 6:20, a bit more humid so more less the morning felt the same as yesterday. Later today the Humidity is supposed to arrive and go high along with a forecast temperature of 97 for Monday. Saturday highs were in the 97 to 98 degree range here in NJ.

    Have a Nice Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Tonight we will be watching a old episode of Hee Haw on RFD-TV. Tonight's show is Hee Haw with Loretta Lynn, Ernest Ray, Sons of the Pioneers. Season #8, Ep. 21
    We also watch the Tractor Pulls and some of their other programming. My Brother watches this. US Farm Report Season #2016, Ep. 30 U.S. Farm Report provides America with a compelling mix of news, weather, markets and country lifestyle stories.
    Roger, the self check lines are much quicker to go thru, as the peeps with huge, over flowing buggies or the flat carts go thru the checker lines. And they keep a 'roving' helper there who can scan with his remote the heavy things, or correct any problems you might incur....
    As for using my debit card to pay my annual while checking out....I get a print out for the purchases.
    We do a lot of things down here, like pump our own gas, ring our own purchases at most supermarkets, (even Walmart), and Home Depot, etc. :)

    I got 50 drops rain today...and forgot to tell you I found a penny on the Costco parking lot. I picked it up....it was HOT! Played Hot Potato between my two hands for a bit!!!
    Just watched a vid on fb of a guy who rigged a 'smart phone alias' to taze if someone tried to use it, as well as it had the ability to taze remote. He'd set it down and walk off, or pretend to be passed out on a park bench, etc all with the phone in clear sight. It really was funny....sad that people seem to think they can just pick up anybody's stuff. I think the funniest one, was a couple, he picked up the phone, they walked a fairly short distance away to some picnic tables...and the phone owner came by, said he was looking for his phone, had they seen anyone pick up his phone...NOPE!.........> Taze..>..end of story!!!
    Have a good evening....hope its not too hot in Jersey! My 50 drops lowered the temp here to the mid 70's.
    Hi Valerie
    I hope you did not get flooded out with all the rain :)

    I Only use a Credit card for purchases if I use one at all. A credit card has better fraud protection for the user than a Debit card FWIW.

    It may have been only a penny but as a wise man once said a penny saved is a penny earned.

    I know what You mean, There is no respect for others anymore. The news showed how easy it is to steal a smartphone too. The owner was eating a sandwich at a table with the phone laying their. The crooks walked past and came back with their hands full of circulars, set them down on the phone, gave the phones owner one one and when they picked up the other circulars they picked up the phone too. This was all seen on surveillance footage, the poor guy was looking all over for that phone when he finished eating.

    I do wonder who buys the hot phones and how do they use them. According to the news clip 2 million a year are stolen. They also showed snatch and grabs of phones from people walking.
    Good Morning!
    Ed, you really surprised me with your early, early post!! Glad the pool party went well...I got my usual 50 drops, and hoped that where ever the party was, that was all they got too!!

    Not sure what I'm going to get into today. I SHOULD do several things...and you know how I feel about 'shoulding' on myself! But, I just may.

    I woke a bit before 5...maybe Ed slammed the door on his way out for work?, and I heard it all these miles away? Whatever....first time I've been up when its still dark outside in quite awhile. Even the cats are still asleep! hmmmm.

    My DS1 and family are at Hilton Head this week....color me jealous! Not really. They sleep late, drag a months worth of 'stuff' to the beach, sit in the hot sun all afternoon, and then stay up late. I'd be fried, tired, and bored and crabby. I love the beach...at sunrise. So quite, and peaceful. And full of wild life. One year I almost got mowed down by a pair of low flying pelicans who were flying about shoulder height, together...I wasn't aware of them til they split and one flew on each side of me, so close I could feel the breeze from their wings. Scared the should outta me!!!! Goofy birds. If birds can laugh, you can bet they were just howling! Ok, so that experience wasn't very 'peaceful' for a few seconds anyhow!

    Weird breakfast gonna happen today. I have 2.5 left over falafels and some sauce, so heating them up, steaming some broccoli, and finishing it all with pineapple chunks. I love to ripen a pineapple at home, but eating only 6 ounces once or twice a day....takes forever to use it all up!

    No doubt Roger you're out walking. It bothers me just a bit that you have to take 3 pain killing NSAIDS before your walk. Did nothing come of the x-rays? Do you know someone who uses a Chiro they'd recommend? (believe it or not, Medicare pays for Chiro visits!) Or, there are D.O.'s..as opposed to MD's, who specialize in chiropractic. I had a D.O. in Jersey that I loved! He was primarily a pedi, but he also helped me out a time or three. He was one of the things I have missed about Jersey. And, here, years ago I got my back in terrible shape, and went to a Doc in a Box for pain meds. He clued me into the D.O's that specialize in Osteo.

    Finished my 3rd week of Vital Signs last night. Yea! No staying up late watching vid's and taking quizzes! Last week was Blood Pressure, and coming up is Metabolism. This could be interesting! And its a short unit too. Like only 40 minutes of vid's and 4 quizzes. :) and then, 2 weeks and I'll be hunting for a new course to study. :)

    Hi Again
    You will have to explain further what D.O.'s..as opposed to MD's are as I have no clue.
    BTW, the earliest Appointment to see if the x-ray showed anything is this upcoming Thursday :)
    I worry about them too, that is why I make sure to eat a Banana right afterwards to prevent stomach problems.

    I was down at Disney World one year when I Seagull AKA Flying Rat, Bombed my shoulder with droppings, I swear that had to be deliberate.

    At least Your Pelicans missed You.

    I like it early before the heat of the day in the summer too. In the Winter I do wait for the day to warm up before walking.

    Have a Nice Relaxing Day
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! I have to open today as my regular weekend opener wanted a day off. I'm just dong 4 hours though and having someone else come in earlier. Then later in the week, I can drop the extra 4 hours.

    The pool party got some light rain over part of it but it was still a good one. Most of the baked beans were consumed, so I guess I've found the mark on that. The beans included: black beans, canellini beans, great northern beans, red beans, pinto beans, chili beans (OK, those might have been the same kind as one of the others...), and vegetarian beans with tomato sauce. My mother usually made baked beans starting with pork and beans, and only pork and beans. The vegetarian beans with tomato sauce are pretty much the same, jus without the pork.

    Supposed to be 95 today with the usual chance of rain.
    Hi Ed
    I'm sorry to hear that You had to work.

    My brother puts lots of Thick Cut bacon in the ones he makes, only one kind of bean however. Usually he uses bacon he picks up out in the Pennsylvania Dutch Area. Dietrich's Meat market
    Their Shoofly Pie is pretty tasty too.
    Today, more than fifty years after beginning to tend that small table at Renninger's Farmers Market, Dietrich's is known far and wide as the place to buy delicious Pennsylvania Dutch specialties,as well as those hard-to-find favorites that we have all come to love.
    They do their own smoking too.

    Congratulations on a successful dish