Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    edited July 2016
    Well, when I got there this morning, I looked in the folder to see who had closed, and it was someone from the department over the fuel center, and I know he's someone who knows well how to run the fuel center. No worries there. The only thing he hadn't done was to enter the fuel delivery into the computer. I took care of that and went out to run the fuel center. I went into the store, at the end of my shift, as usual, to clock out. NOTHING HAPPENED. But then, the co-manager who had "NEEDED" me to come back and close didn't seem to be there, and the co-manager with whom I had discussed the fact that I had no one to cover that shift was busy and didn't seem interested in stopping me. She may not even know that the other one tried to get me to come in, and I really don't care. My intention was (and will remain) to say nothing unless someone else brings it up. That co-manager who called me made a mistake. I refused to play the game, and that should be that.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning TGIF!!!
    Fitbit is charging, coffee is ¾ consumed, cats fed, and are in their fav. napping spots in the backyard. Dumb House Wren on the back porch...must be its first visit. Its trying to find its way OUT..glad the cats are old, or else there would be carnage on the screened porch!
    My day had begun!
    36 days this year 90+. Already Over the Annual 'Average'... Today I LOVE my A/C!!
    Coffee this afternoon with Marietta at a sb in, I guess Norcross. its not in my county, and not in DeKalb. Must be Norcross? County and town lines here are really weird!! LOL!
    Off to the kitchen to make a Breakfast Tofu Scramble! I'll use the entire 14 oz block, which will give me 'leftovers' YEA!!! Means at least one meal will already be cooked for tomorrow!

    Ed don't you just love how communications between managers 'doesnt' occur?
    Glad you let them do their jobs!! :) Your post later today, or tomorrow morning should be 'interesting'! Glad you stood your ground and allowed them to do their jobs!

    Roger is that Boxed Water really legit? Or, are you doing a 'gullibility' check here? LOL! That has to be one of the most outrageous things I've seen on grocery shelves in quite awhile. Maybe ShopRite is setting a trend?

    Your sidewalk looks like some that were in the area my DS2 lives. This is true story... so the city of ATL decided finally, to repair the sidewalks...and they were being replaced with concrete sidewalk or the traditional kind..as opposed to the really once nice octagon blocks that had held up for decades...so this bunch was ripping up blocks, grading and pouring concrete and doing a really good job. City fired them. Replaced them with new contractor, who dug up blocks of the broken and tilted blocks, and left the bare dirt for MONTHS. Talk about a muddy mess. You had to walk in the street, and avoid the places where the run rain runoff didn't muddy the street as well...street access was only at private driveways or walk thru the dirt/mud. Eventually, traditional sidewalks were poured, and already (less than 5 years) the concrete is falling apart, buckling, etc. Just makes you shake your head in disgust. (The sidewalk laid by the first crew still looks great BTW). Wonder who got paid under the fat cat dinner table? Also, probably not anymore, but when I was a kid, my Dad's parents owned property in St. Louis MO with a 4 family flat. And as land owners it was THEIR responsibility to keep the side walks in good repair etc.
    (they owned a corner lot so lots of sidewalk) On the other hand, I loved the great sidewalks, lots and lots of roller skating!!! I loved that building. Brick 2 story, big apartment homes, and the basement!!! OH wow! the basement! Clothes lines for the ladies to use on rainy 'wash' days, the big furnace boiler that was coal fired, big round pipes that I now know were structure supports, were fantastic for grabbing and spinning round and round on your skates. Yep, wasn't just laundry down there!!!!
    Such memories from 2 of Rogers sidewalk pictures!!

    Ok time to say,


    Hi Valerie
    It was already 87 degrees in the nearby town of Edison where the Local Cable News Channel "News12" has their studios and their temperature readings are pretty close to what I see from outr front porch so I'm calling it a HOT day today.

    The Picture and water are Legit! I was there looking at that water on the shelf when my brother took that picture for me so I could post it. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction :)
    BTW that is why I did not crop out the Water on the sides of it.

    When I was a Kid in Grade School my parents rented the top floors of a 2 family house that had coal heat.

    They did some sidewalk work in town that was funded by federal money for accessibility. I think less than 2 weeks and One of the ramps had a crack in it. I'm not surprised at what happened Atlanta with those sidewalks. The conspiracy types :) would say that the reason for the short life is to generate perpetual repair contracts. Sort of what has happened with the change from Concrete Streets and Highways to Blacktop AKA Asphalt.

    When I was a kid in grade school (again) In my grandparents town many of the streets were paved with bricks and they were in good condition and durable. Brick roads are easily maintainable and if a brick fails You can just replace the one brick not the entire road.

    At least there are sidewalks there. The street I live on has no sidewalks :(

    Form what I have seen on the recent news in NYC, NY the property owner has to take care of teh sidewalks or get fined.
    Hey....as I was scrolling I noticed I now only have 649 posts!!! HA-Ha-ha! Wonder where the other 3,000 went??? Computers can be really stupid sometimes. Actually I'm guessing its the web site, not my computer! Oh, now I see Ed's suddenly at post 679...like really? Roger must be 'special' he's still got 3566 posts... What the heck????
    My LOL for the day.

    Hi Again
    I guess MFP was hungry?

    I always Knew I was special :)

    have a Great upcoming weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well, when I got there this morning, I looked in the folder to see who had closed, and it was someone from the department over the fuel center, and I know he's someone who knows well how to run the fuel center. No worries there. The only thing he hadn't done was to enter the fuel delivery into the computer. I took care of that and went out to run the fuel center. I went into the store, at the end of my shift, as usual, to clock out. NOTHING HAPPENED. But then, the co-manager who had "NEEDED" me to come back and close didn't seem to be there, and the co-manager with whom I had discussed the fact that I had no one to cover that shift was busy and didn't seem interested in stopping me. She may not even know that the other one tried to get me to come in, and I really don't care. My intention was (and will remain) to say nothing unless someone else brings it up. That co-manager who called me made a mistake. I refused to play the game, and that should be that.
    Hi Ed
    I'm glad to hear Nothing happened.

    If I were a suspicious type I would think that the person that called You to come in and needed You was afraid of getting stuck with the closing.

    I'm with You, Let sleeping dogs lie :)

    Have a Great Weekend off from work
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    edited July 2016
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    I'm glad to hear Nothing happened.

    If I were a suspicious type I would think that the person that called You to come in and needed You was afraid of getting stuck with the closing.

    I'm with You, Let sleeping dogs lie :)

    Have a Great Weekend off from work

    Oh, lordie, if she had tried to run the fuel center I'd have come in to a disaster in the morning. LOL. I don't think she was actually worried about being stuck with it herself but was just trying to guilt or trick me into taking care of management's problem so they wouldn't have to.

    That was a big NOPE wasn't it? :wink:

    I think I found a Pokemon. How do I get it in my phone, and why does it bite so hard?


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Supposed to get to 92 today, with 50% chance of rain. Once again, we could use some rain.

    J and I are supposed to have dinner this evening with friends at a Persian restaurant. Should be fun. I haven't eaten at a Persian restaurant in years and years.

    Oh well, speaking of eating, I need to and I'm sure Lilo agrees.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was slightly better out when I left to walk despite going out the door somewhat later than the last two days + 6200 steps. I left somewhat later due to planning to stop at the Supermarket AKA Grocery Store for Fruits.

    I picked up five Bananas one of which I left out for tomorrow and the other ones went in the Refrigerator along with four Red Delicious Apples at 79 Cents a pound, 2 Green Pears, and two Navel Oranges and what they charge as Mexican Bread which can actually be large Sugared Donuts, Different Colored Sweet breads or some flakey Pastries which is what I picked with a lemon looking fruit filling to be my Afternoon Snack.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2016
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    I'm glad to hear Nothing happened.

    If I were a suspicious type I would think that the person that called You to come in and needed You was afraid of getting stuck with the closing.

    I'm with You, Let sleeping dogs lie :)

    Have a Great Weekend off from work

    Oh, lordie, if she had tried to run the fuel center I'd have come in to a disaster in the morning. LOL. I don't think she was actually worried about being stuck with it herself but was just trying to guilt or trick me into taking care of management's problem so they wouldn't have to.

    That was a big NOPE wasn't it? :wink:

    I think I found a Pokemon. How do I get it in my phone, and why does it bite so hard?


    Hi Ed
    That critter does not look happy. Did You discover it at work or home?
    You could coat the phone with food and let the phone in to attract it, Might work :)
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Supposed to get to 92 today, with 50% chance of rain. Once again, we could use some rain.

    J and I are supposed to have dinner this evening with friends at a Persian restaurant. Should be fun. I haven't eaten at a Persian restaurant in years and years.

    Oh well, speaking of eating, I need to and I'm sure Lilo agrees.

    Hi Again
    Another warm day today, the extended weather forecast shows a chance of spotty thunderstorms for most of the days and they all have overnight lows in the 70s :(
    OK I took a look and the nearest Persian eatery is a 10+ minute drive and just like the nearby Thai restaurant it is closed on Mondays. If I remember to do so I might try it. Do You have any suggestions for Non Spicy AKA Not Hot meals I should look at? I would prefer something not to starchy too.

    Thank You
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was slightly better out when I left to walk despite going out the door somewhat later than the last two days + 6200 steps. I left somewhat later due to planning to stop at the Supermarket AKA Grocery Store for Fruits.

    I picked up five Bananas one of which I left out for tomorrow and the other ones went in the Refrigerator along with four Red Delicious Apples at 79 Cents a pound, 2 Green Pears, and two Navel Oranges and what they charge as Mexican Bread which can actually be large Sugared Donuts, Different Colored Sweet breads or some flakey Pastries which is what I picked with a lemon looking fruit filling to be my Afternoon Snack.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Here! and mostly of sane mind...body is in question.
    I cannot stretch out of the hip pain. Chiro did help, and gave me stretches to do...arggggg. Waiting for the Aleve to kick in and at least dull the pain. I showed her the handy dandy Psoas exercise I had found on the web. LOL!! It was to strengthen the muscles...what I needed was a stretch exercise! Note to self...stay off the internet!!! OR always trust your Chiro!!!

    Have eaten, cats fed, oh, I saw Hoot catch something yesterday. Never could see what it was. It did not come onto the screened porch, so I guess he didn't want to gift me! I think it may have been a frog/toad, cause the capture required a good bit of hoping and pouncing! And then it was cornered against the house for the capture.

    Some chores to do today, which is why I want this danged Psoas(pronounced so-as; 'like so as I was going about my business....). I just want it to stretch and release so I can get my work done today. DS1 and kids coming tomorrow after church. Jack hand tightened the filters on my water filter, and I can't get them off so I can put the new ones on!!! Driving me nuts.

    Ok, where was that ugly possum Ed?...home, I hope not, or work, likely? I have them off and on here. Did I tell you I chased the raccoon with the Dyson stick vacuum the other day. Critter can really move! Still laughing.

    Ok, pain or no, I'm getting off this chair and going to start chores. If you hear screams, moans, and cursing, its OK, just me letting the universe know I'm very unhappy!!!!


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Actually that "Pokemon" picture was lifted off the internet, where I found it with that same caption about how to get it in the phone and the biting so hard. It gave me a good laugh so I shared it.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Again
    Another warm day today, the extended weather forecast shows a chance of spotty thunderstorms for most of the days and they all have overnight lows in the 70s :(
    OK I took a look and the nearest Persian eatery is a 10+ minute drive and just like the nearby Thai restaurant it is closed on Mondays. If I remember to do so I might try it. Do You have any suggestions for Non Spicy AKA Not Hot meals I should look at? I would prefer something not to starchy too.

    Thank You

    Actually they should let you specify the spicy heat level for most of the dishes. As for carbs...well, I'd recommend starting with a salad. I love hummus and felafel as starters too, but they are high in carbs. Mostly GOOD carbs though. The problem is they are usually eaten with bread, which kind of blows the carbs sky high. The salad probably will come with bread too, but again, you can choose how much of that you eat.

    Most main dishes are served with rice, but you can control how much of the rice you actually eat. Any of the kebabs or perhaps lamb shank if your restaurant has it. If lamb shank is done right, it can be heavenly!

    There is also a vegetable stew that is usually good. I've been trying to get J to try it for years but for some reason he is wary of the butternut squash or sweet potato often found in middle eastern stews, though I find them to be delicious.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    It was slightly better out when I left to walk despite going out the door somewhat later than the last two days + 6200 steps. I left somewhat later due to planning to stop at the Supermarket AKA Grocery Store for Fruits.

    I picked up five Bananas one of which I left out for tomorrow and the other ones went in the Refrigerator along with four Red Delicious Apples at 79 Cents a pound, 2 Green Pears, and two Navel Oranges and what they charge as Mexican Bread which can actually be large Sugared Donuts, Different Colored Sweet breads or some flakey Pastries which is what I picked with a lemon looking fruit filling to be my Afternoon Snack.

    Have a Great Weekend

    If it's a Mexican pastry, that lemon looking fruit filling is probably just as likely to be pineapple, as they really love to use that in pastries. Either way, it should be tasty and shouldn't be a problem unless you are allergic to pineapple.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Here! and mostly of sane mind...body is in question.
    I cannot stretch out of the hip pain. Chiro did help, and gave me stretches to do...arggggg. Waiting for the Aleve to kick in and at least dull the pain. I showed her the handy dandy Psoas exercise I had found on the web. LOL!! It was to strengthen the muscles...what I needed was a stretch exercise! Note to self...stay off the internet!!! OR always trust your Chiro!!!

    Have eaten, cats fed, oh, I saw Hoot catch something yesterday. Never could see what it was. It did not come onto the screened porch, so I guess he didn't want to gift me! I think it may have been a frog/toad, cause the capture required a good bit of hoping and pouncing! And then it was cornered against the house for the capture.

    Some chores to do today, which is why I want this danged Psoas(pronounced so-as; 'like so as I was going about my business....). I just want it to stretch and release so I can get my work done today. DS1 and kids coming tomorrow after church. Jack hand tightened the filters on my water filter, and I can't get them off so I can put the new ones on!!! Driving me nuts.

    Ok, where was that ugly possum Ed?...home, I hope not, or work, likely? I have them off and on here. Did I tell you I chased the raccoon with the Dyson stick vacuum the other day. Critter can really move! Still laughing.

    Ok, pain or no, I'm getting off this chair and going to start chores. If you hear screams, moans, and cursing, its OK, just me letting the universe know I'm very unhappy!!!!

    Hi Val
    The Internet can be a great resource, however You do know what You are looking for and a healthy dose of skepticism as on the Internet anybody can be a Expert :)

    I suspect that either a oil filter tool from the autoparts store or a strap wrench like Plumbers use will remove those filters. BTW Oil filters are also hand tightened on the car but You really need a tool to remove them. There is another old trick that works if You have the room for it. Drive a Sturdy Screwdriver through the filter if they are the a type that uses a thin metal shell and that gives leverage to remove them too. Like this

    Have a Good Evening

    Hi Ed
    I was planning on answering Your posts until my brother called me to join him, Tomorrow is another day :(

    Have a Nice Night
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Persian restaurant trip was a total failure, at least as far as eating any Persian food. We made it to friend's house, where we shared wine and brie and thin (VERY thin) black pepper crackers. While waiting for the last person to arrive (she was running late), the hostess tried to call the restaurant and see if being maybe 15 to 30 minutes late for the reservation would be a problem. No answer. She let it ring maybe 45 times! We finished the first bottle of wine and the hostess opened the hostess gift I had brought, which was, naturally, a bottle of wine! We drank about half of that one waiting. She'll have the other half herself, later. She really liked the wine I bought. It was one of the best wines I have on hand.

    It was storming so we thought perhaps the power was out at the restaurant, and tried again after a while. Got a message that the number wasn't currently accepting calls. Still, we hoped for the best, and just as we were going to head out anyway (J was going to wait in his car to lead latecomer there) latecomer showed up. We all headed on to the restaurant to find that the power was, indeed, out and they were turning away customers. We drove to a (not too close) Italian restaurant and found the same issue. Finally ended up going to an old standby we knew was good, and were glad to find that they, at least, had power. They also had a crowd. We suspect they got a LOT of overflow from powerless restaurants, but they did have a table available for us. Service was not up to our usual there, but considering the circumstances, we let that slide somewhat. So J had home made potato chips, pimento cheese, and parmesan toast rounds. I had chopped steak, mashed potatoes, and curly kale. Nothing Persian about any of that, but by that time we just wanted to eat and be done with it really! As we left, after a long...slow...meal, the place was still a total zoo, stuffed with people, but the restaurant staff was coping as best they could.

    We'll have to plan to try the Persian restaurant another night. Oh well...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was a little better out when I left to as I was up early for my walk + 4800 steps.
    The temperature dropped all the way to 75 degrees by 5AM :( Which is why When I woke up and looked at the Time and Temperature on the alarm clock I decided to go out earlier than yesterday.

    So far today is shaping up to be a lazy Sunday too. I Had 2/3s of my Banana on the way out the door, the other third is sitting in the measuring glass, a small Pyrex measuring glass that goes up to 5 ounces of liquid. I finished my first pass through the Hot Breakfasts from the recent NS Delivery yesterday so today I open the quart of milk I put in the refrigerator to chill and have 4 ounces on cereal with sweetener and the balance of the Banana sliced into it and I had the Protein shake that is the final component of my breakfast when I returned Home. The cereal will most likely be at 9AM and a Noon snack followed at 2:30 by a Lean Pocket Hot Melt of some kind. I am working them in as a part of my lunch plan. NS Snack at 5PM and Dinner at 7:30 and a Dessert around 9PM. That's the plan anyway :)

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Actually that "Pokemon" picture was lifted off the internet, where I found it with that same caption about how to get it in the phone and the biting so hard. It gave me a good laugh so I shared it.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Again
    Another warm day today, the extended weather forecast shows a chance of spotty thunderstorms for most of the days and they all have overnight lows in the 70s :(
    OK I took a look and the nearest Persian eatery is a 10+ minute drive and just like the nearby Thai restaurant it is closed on Mondays. If I remember to do so I might try it. Do You have any suggestions for Non Spicy AKA Not Hot meals I should look at? I would prefer something not to starchy too.

    Thank You

    Actually they should let you specify the spicy heat level for most of the dishes. As for carbs...well, I'd recommend starting with a salad. I love hummus and felafel as starters too, but they are high in carbs. Mostly GOOD carbs though. The problem is they are usually eaten with bread, which kind of blows the carbs sky high. The salad probably will come with bread too, but again, you can choose how much of that you eat.

    Most main dishes are served with rice, but you can control how much of the rice you actually eat. Any of the kebabs or perhaps lamb shank if your restaurant has it. If lamb shank is done right, it can be heavenly!

    There is also a vegetable stew that is usually good. I've been trying to get J to try it for years but for some reason he is wary of the butternut squash or sweet potato often found in middle eastern stews, though I find them to be delicious.
    Hi Ed
    Now I just need to be On Plan a couple of more days as I suspect a weight bounce if I go there for food.

    That is somewhat strange as I always loved Baked Squash and Sweet potatoes too. I can not find them here but at my grandparents they used to go down onto What was referred to as the Island, Actually it was along the River and they lived up the hill away from any flooding. They were able to get various squash we don't see here that were delicious. For example one called Turks Turban, and a Delicious melon called a Banana Melon from the shape.


    Thank You for the Food Information
    RogerToo wrote: »
    It was slightly better out when I left to walk despite going out the door somewhat later than the last two days + 6200 steps. I left somewhat later due to planning to stop at the Supermarket AKA Grocery Store for Fruits.

    I picked up five Bananas one of which I left out for tomorrow and the other ones went in the Refrigerator along with four Red Delicious Apples at 79 Cents a pound, 2 Green Pears, and two Navel Oranges and what they charge as Mexican Bread which can actually be large Sugared Donuts, Different Colored Sweet breads or some flakey Pastries which is what I picked with a lemon looking fruit filling to be my Afternoon Snack.

    Have a Great Weekend

    If it's a Mexican pastry, that lemon looking fruit filling is probably just as likely to be pineapple, as they really love to use that in pastries. Either way, it should be tasty and shouldn't be a problem unless you are allergic to pineapple.
    I am not allergic to foods, luckily. I think You are right about the filling, there was not that much of it except where it showed and TBH it was not that good. I have had other types from there that were much better. I only buy one as a occasional treat and even then it takes a day or two to get back to where I was and I do need to watch my blood sugar somewhat.

    Great Picture
    Have a Great Day Off
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning. Sun looks so pretty, cheerful, and welcoming...and will turn into a hot, burning, devil by sundown! PMS or BiPolar???? :)

    You guys had a fun conversation yesterday afternoon!

    I'm loving the 'Pokeman' pix of little animals that are popping up everywhere. Jack tried to get the kids interested, and Nate's comment was 'looks like they're just trying to get us to exercise'. Kid was right on... Considering the accidents occurring in the pursuit, I think I'm glad the kids weren't interested.

    About my issues with the copped off the internet exercise and the actual 'needed' exercise...that was entirely my fault. The web site is a group of exercises being done by a Chiropractor, a woman maybe in her 60's...not some 'Lance Armstrong' 20 year old. What I failed to realize was that I was supposed to be STRETCHING the Psoas, not Strengthening it!!!
    I had made an assumption.... and there in lay the problem!
    And FWIW, damn thing still is quite troublesome, though not as bad as it had been.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    edited July 2016
    Remember, assume makes an *kitten* out of me and u!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited July 2016
    Yep Ed, that's exactly right! :) Never assume, never made into a *kitten*...thought kitten was an interesting way to say donkey!!! LOL!!! Or should that be donkey-ish!!!
    I'm celebrating a personal victory today. Accidentally happened upon a recipe to make vegan pimento cheese sauce. It just sounded 'right' so I actually went to the store to get a little jar of pimento! And it is delicious... every good as what I get as an appetizer that I like when I'm at R Thomas...it wasn't quite as thick as his, but that's just a matter of adding less water...and because it was a sauce it was really Gr.r.rate on my steamed cauliflower! Happy Dance happened here today!

    Roger, I found a very interesting Q&A about 'critter' damage in the garden, how to I.D., and also some suggestions about what to do about the problem. The web site is: A way to Garden.com. I get Margarets news letter, so it showed up in my inbox today...I believe it is also available as a pod cast...which might keep you company on a morning walk. Hope you take a look, and that its helpful.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    edited July 2016
    Yep Ed, that's exactly right! :) Never assume, never made into a *kitten*...thought kitten was an interesting way to say donkey!!! LOL!!! Or should that be donkey-ish!!!
    I'm celebrating a personal victory today. Accidentally happened upon a recipe to make vegan pimento cheese sauce. It just sounded 'right' so I actually went to the store to get a little jar of pimento! And it is delicious... every good as what I get as an appetizer that I like when I'm at R Thomas...it wasn't quite as thick as his, but that's just a matter of adding less water...and because it was a sauce it was really Gr.r.rate on my steamed cauliflower! Happy Dance happened here today!

    Roger, I found a very interesting Q&A about 'critter' damage in the garden, how to I.D., and also some suggestions about what to do about the problem. The web site is: A way to Garden.com. I get Margarets news letter, so it showed up in my inbox today...I believe it is also available as a pod cast...which might keep you company on a morning walk. Hope you take a look, and that its helpful.


    It wouldn't let me say A** even though that's not a dirty word! Changing it to "kitten" rather than donkey though seems rather extreme...one wonders what it would change an actually "dirty" word to, as well as just what words are considered "dirty"...

    Yay for vegan pimento cheese sauce!