Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    I have a suspicion there is 0 fibers too :)

    BTW Did I ever mention that the Local ShopRite had their Club Soda shelf marked as a sugar free 0 calorie beverage?

    So far so good for the day if You exclude getting stuck in the quicksand :) Said quicksand being the Internet, I'm sure You have been there in the past.

    Have a Great Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,692 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day again already.

    I think I've read that water is boneless and skinless too, if that matters to people.

    Supposed to be a hot one at 96 today, 20% chance of rain.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    5400 steps today - So far :)
    The weather is warmer than yesterday as it was 71 degrees as a low reading overnight on the front porch. The Living room was already at 77 degrees on my return from walking. I will say it was not to bad out there walking until the last few blocks. The saving factor was the breeze.

    Have a Good Wednesday
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day again already.

    I think I've read that water is boneless and skinless too, if that matters to people.

    Supposed to be a hot one at 96 today, 20% chance of rain.
    Hi Ed
    I think that does help, it is also vegan once You strain out the fish.

    Have a Good Tag Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ok, in summary. Dihydrogen monoxide is: SF, FF, GF, Fiber Free, Boneless, and skinless! By golly I think we found the perfect diet food!!! It even comes in liquid form, which makes it easy to swallow, and to carry around in various containers. Whee! We'll be rich!!! Call the press, the diet guru's, but not the FDA...those sour pusses would find SOMETHING wrong with it! :)
    Yep, in a goof mood this morning.

    Quick hello, then out the door. Going to Kroger for most of my vegetables, and then home, back out the door and Publix will finish off my shopping pretty much for the week. If I decide I need an avocado or an extra banana I will go to the mexican market, and that will necessitate a stop at the gym.... maybe Friday???

    Its not terrible out right now, a bit overcast, and 73 degrees. Hope Ed, that you can or have gotten all your outdoor tagging done by now.

    Roger, still laughing at the house purchased with Powerball money! I guess its better than a tent. maybe. :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi Valerie
    The FDA would allow it, they even allow GMA foods :(

    Also You left out no animal in any way shape or form in Dihydrogen monoxide.

    All serious and no humorous makes for a very dull life :)

    A Little Humor...

    Since You have cats


    And Last but not least

    I did think the house was classic.

    Have a quick & successful Shopping trip
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger! Those are funny. So glad I've got the 'OK' button. Will sit right next to the Staples button. The first one, is that an old 'Shoe' cartoon?

    Watering the front yard and beds. No rain in the forecast...everything drooping, some crisp.

    In the morning!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger! Those are funny. So glad I've got the 'OK' button. Will sit right next to the Staples button. The first one, is that an old 'Shoe' cartoon?

    Watering the front yard and beds. No rain in the forecast...everything drooping, some crisp.

    In the morning!



    Hi Valerie
    Indeed it is a Shoe cartoon my brother finds them somewhere. Actually they are all Via his finds :)

    I was out watering the garden, less involved than it sounds as it means I turned on the Soaker Hoses at 9:30 and turned them off at Noon :)

    Then we had a really light rain this afternoon, just enough to wet the street.

    Have a Good Evening
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,692 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Another hot one predicted, 96 and 20% chance of rain. Typical for the time of year...

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Warm enough to be uncomfortable walking today, 6800 steps due to humidity. It was 74.5 at Midnight and 75.4 at 5:30 this morning, High Humidity too, Not all that comfortable despite getting out the door early. It appears that there was a little rain overnight too from what I could see.

    On my ToDo list for today, clean the Living Room AC Filter, the Clean Filter light turned on at some point yesterday. I am not that worried as it appears to be a running time indicator rather than detecting a dirty filter :) The other thing on my list beyond being here posting is try and decide if I need to put the Window unit in a window in this small bedroom where I have this computer.

    Also I see that Yesterday was patch Tuesday for Windows users. Here is a link that explains what they are and why. I will be installing them on this computer as much of the time I Hibernate it when I finish so I can resume where I left off. If They are not manually installed they usually install at shut down and I have not shut down this one this week only Hibernated it.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Comfy out right this minute...73 degrees....add 20 degrees for this afternoon! Ick. BUT, still better than snow, sleet, or any of those 'other' words. :)

    Roger thanks for the 'Shoe' confirmation. Its been a long time since I'd seen one of his cartoons. I lived in VA, in the country, real country, when Shoe began running in the Knoxville news paper...and for sure one day 'Short Pump' was mentioned...now I went thru Short Pump VA on my way to 'the city'..Knoxville...so that made me curious. Jeff MacNelly was the Richmond News Leader's illustrator and satirist. So, Short Pump was actually a real place!

    Chiro today, and I need to track down one of those little round flat titanium batteries...the one in my digital scale 'croaked' this morning. (not that it didn't warn me yesterday, or the day before)... I can always go to Batteries Plus, or sometimes they're at WalMart, usually not at the grocery battery display. Just one more ✓ for what was to be a 'list-less' day. )@#03(L:D:)

    Thought of Ed yesterday...about noon I saw a Fuel Center guy carrying two 'to go' clam shells from the store to the Fuel kiosk. I'm trying to think what they could have bought to eat for lunch, unless it was a salad. At least this Kroger does not have a food bar. Sandwiches in the Deli are pre-made, etc. Oh well, at least if if was hot food, it didn't get cold going across the parking lot!

    Ok, breakfast, shower, drive to Decatur.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Comfy out right this minute...73 degrees....add 20 degrees for this afternoon! Ick. BUT, still better than snow, sleet, or any of those 'other' words. :)

    Roger thanks for the 'Shoe' confirmation. Its been a long time since I'd seen one of his cartoons. I lived in VA, in the country, real country, when Shoe began running in the Knoxville news paper...and for sure one day 'Short Pump' was mentioned...now I went thru Short Pump VA on my way to 'the city'..Knoxville...so that made me curious. Jeff MacNelly was the Richmond News Leader's illustrator and satirist. So, Short Pump was actually a real place!

    Chiro today, and I need to track down one of those little round flat titanium batteries...the one in my digital scale 'croaked' this morning. (not that it didn't warn me yesterday, or the day before)... I can always go to Batteries Plus, or sometimes they're at WalMart, usually not at the grocery battery display. Just one more ✓ for what was to be a 'list-less' day. )@#03(L:D:)

    Thought of Ed yesterday...about noon I saw a Fuel Center guy carrying two 'to go' clam shells from the store to the Fuel kiosk. I'm trying to think what they could have bought to eat for lunch, unless it was a salad. At least this Kroger does not have a food bar. Sandwiches in the Deli are pre-made, etc. Oh well, at least if if was hot food, it didn't get cold going across the parking lot!

    Ok, breakfast, shower, drive to Decatur.


    Hi Valerie
    Titanium battery or the other type, the 3 volt Lithium Coin Battery?

    I keep a CR 2032 on hand for the Computer and a CR 2015 spare for the FitBit Zip. I can usually get them at the ShopRite Grocery Store or pay more and have a quicker shopping experience at The CVS Pharmacy.

    Oooo The Gourmet Pre made Sandwiches, Not!
    My Brother Picks them up when they go on sale at 1/2 price at the ShopRite. I have noticed that they carefully arrange the meat to make it look like a really full sandwich, it isn't BTW once You spread the filling out evenly.

    Those Hot Food bars have been my downfall in the past FWIW.
    Our Local ShopRite used to have a really great one. When I was working I would go there on a Sunday and stock up for lunches during the week with Rib Eye Steaks and Cooked Bacon to go with them, Spare Ribs, Fried Chicken, Chicken Marsala or Chicken Francaise and once in a while Lemon Chicken, Sausage & Peppers and Pork Chops. Then they evidently changed cooks as everything changed in taste followed by cheaper selections. That Seems to be the way of the world :) It worked great while it lasted as I could get 6 different meals for the 6 day weeks I worked.

    I see Jack (rabbit) out on the lawn along with a bunch of birds eating something. Not a real jack Rabbit as it is a Eastern cottontail :)

    I like the Shoe cartoons with the Bulbous nosed senator too, I don't use anything political online as some people are touchy.

    The Closest I will come is that the latest AARP magazine has arrived with a article that is trumpeted as Clinton & Trump: Where they stand on Social Security.

    I wonder if I will get a Raise this year from them, last year not one cent of increase :(

    Have a Good Day, I would say enjoy the shopping however Probably not. I know I hate spending Money.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2016



    Computer Bug
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger, great cartoons. The hot bars are like a restaurant menu....you maybe made a few 'less than great' choices! :)?? Like me at Wendy's.

    I did find the 3 volt LITHIUM batteries...(oops! sorry) WalMart on the way home from Chiro, even had a choice...packgs of 1 or 2 or 4. (I got 4 because I know SOMETHING else in this house uses them) I just cant remember what it is!!! (I would have robbed the battery)
    My little food scale has a place for a spare battery...and I distinctly remember 'robbing' it. Put in in__________? No idea what! :)

    Just did a good thing...I had a small laundry basket of toys for little people that the Grands played with when they came over....well, stuff for 2 & 3 y.o's not needed. And there is a fairly new family couple houses away. Saw the parents outside, and 'donated' the toys to the kids. The little boy is 2, and his eyes just lit up when he saw the red airplane! So, a basket of 'stuff' out of my over stuffed house! :)
    And I had a great nap this afternoon. Now, it the kitchen would just clean itself......LOL!

    Oh, and I've been that patient on a gurney....pilling cats can be ummm, a new form of exercise with instant feed back!!


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2016
    This item was spotted by my brother on the water shelf at the Local ShopRite This morning while we were shopping. :) That shopping trip is why I am up to 9500 steps so far for the day.

    It is a what the heck type of item.

    We had a very light rain in the 3PM hour at sometime, almost enough to wet the ground :)

    I did not do any Kitchen cleaning that I had planned to do today, beyond cleaning the screen in the sink drain today. Between my brother & I we cleaned the Living Room wall mounted AC & Filter and then I vacuumed the living room to finish the job. My Brother took the filter and cover out and cleaned them and I used a old Toothbrush to clean the metal fins behind the filter.

    Roger, great cartoons. The hot bars are like a restaurant menu....you maybe made a few 'less than great' choices! :)?? Like me at Wendy's.

    I did find the 3 volt LITHIUM batteries...(oops! sorry) WalMart on the way home from Chiro, even had a choice...packgs of 1 or 2 or 4. (I got 4 because I know SOMETHING else in this house uses them) I just cant remember what it is!!! (I would have robbed the battery)
    My little food scale has a place for a spare battery...and I distinctly remember 'robbing' it. Put in in__________? No idea what! :)

    Just did a good thing...I had a small laundry basket of toys for little people that the Grands played with when they came over....well, stuff for 2 & 3 y.o's not needed. And there is a fairly new family couple houses away. Saw the parents outside, and 'donated' the toys to the kids. The little boy is 2, and his eyes just lit up when he saw the red airplane! So, a basket of 'stuff' out of my over stuffed house! :)
    And I had a great nap this afternoon. Now, it the kitchen would just clean itself......LOL!

    Oh, and I've been that patient on a gurney....pilling cats can be ummm, a new form of exercise with instant feed back!!

    Hi Valerie
    Well what can I say, at least those choices were in the past well before I went on a serious Diet AKA the NS plan.

    I Would also most likely have gotten the four pack, however only after being sure that two 2 packs or four 1 pack were not cheaper per battery. I have seen Multiple packs that were not a bargain, actually they were the exact opposite :)

    I did think of You when I saw that picture.

    That was a nice thing to do with the toys.

    I did not do any Kitchen cleaning that I had planned to do today, beyond cleaning the screen in the sink drain today. Between my brother & I we cleaned the Living Room wall mounted AC & Filter and then I vacuumed the living room to finish the job. My Brother took the filter and cover out and cleaned them and I used a old Toothbrush to clean the metal fins behind the filter.

    Have a Great Evening
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,692 Member
    So...I get up at 3:00 a.m. because it takes me a while to get fully awake and actually physically AND mentally able to work and I have to be there by 4:45 a.m. to start.
    Today, as I was finishing up my PERSONAL grocery shopping, OFF THE CLOCK, one of the co-managers told me that the person closing tonight had called in. I told her that I didn't have anyone (which meant that they, since they are MANAGEMENT, and I'm technically just a LEAD, not receiving management level pay, would have to find someone though I didn't state it that way.) Trust me, they KNOW how this works.
    Nonetheless, I did call (and leave a text for) the ONE person, of my team, who could conceivably have filled in, and asked that person to contact said co-manager at the store, if they could come in to cover the shift, letting the team member know that I had promised nothing.
    As far as I was concerned that was the end of the matter for me and my team, as I'd done what I reasonably could, and it was up to MANAGEMENT to find a replacement.
    Came home, had a light lunch, went to bed for my usual, and necessary, power nap as I normally would like to have a LITTLE BIT of evening time to be awake to do things like...I dunno...maybe HAVE DINNER/SUPPER, FEED THE CATS, FEED THE SUGER GLIDERS, have a little wine with dinner...get the mail, wash the dishes...nothing TERRIBLY IMPORTANT YOU KNOW, just stuff...and when I take my power nap, I turn my phone to DO NOT DISTURB mode, which can only be disturbed by two people, my mother and my spouse.
    Woke to find that there was a missed call/voicemail about an hour and 15 minutes after I'd left work, from ANOTHER, different, co-manager, letting me know about our "little problem" and stating that they had just found out about it (about ah hour after I'd ALREADY DISCUSSED IT with the first co-manager) and they needed me to come in to close tonight"...and to call them at the store. Well, it had been several hours since they called, as they called RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING of my power nap. I didn't call back. Don't even know if that second co-manager was still there by that time.
    Apparently the co-managers aren't talking to each other? I had already done what I could. Not my problem.
    They can "need me to come in" all they want but:
    1) I have already worked 8 hours today. They cannot, by company policy, REQUIRE me or NEED me to come back to work another 4, 5, or 6 hours tonight.
    2) Requiring me to close tonight, even if I hadn't already worked 8 hours today, would be against company policy as I am opening tomorrow, at 4:45 a.m., which is considerably less than six hours after closing shift ends tonight at 11:30 p.m. Company policy.
    I have no idea who is closing tonight but it isn't me.
    Didn't call back as it had been several hours, and I figured they had had time to maybe...I dunno...TALK TO EACH OTHER and figure out that it was NOT MY PROBLEM, and come up with someone else to cover if my one possible person couldn't.
    If they have a problem with this, they can get over it. After a few more hours of sleep tonight, I WILL be there in the morning to open.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,692 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Heading off to the fuel center to see who closed, and to do my opening.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking, 6500 steps. Inside the Living room and outside were both the same temperature when I got going this morning, 79 Degrees and a Humidity reading in the Upper 80s. I turned on the Living Room AC before I left to cool down the house. Today it is supposed to be in the 90s, tomorrow which will be shopping day for Bananas and other fruit while walking should be a little cooler and lower humidity. That is a good thing as I will be wearing the backpack and carrying several pounds of fruit in it. The Bananas from my last trip are coming out of the refrigerator the night before and are good. I know if I had left them on the counter in the fruit dish they would be well over ripe by today, forget how the last one would be tomorrow morning.

    Some Pictures of the worst sidewalks in a older neighborhood :)


    Notice the Bright Sun in the upper corner

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    So...I get up at 3:00 a.m. because it takes me a while to get fully awake and actually physically AND mentally able to work and I have to be there by 4:45 a.m. to start.
    Today, as I was finishing up my PERSONAL grocery shopping, OFF THE CLOCK, one of the co-managers told me that the person closing tonight had called in. I told her that I didn't have anyone (which meant that they, since they are MANAGEMENT, and I'm technically just a LEAD, not receiving management level pay, would have to find someone though I didn't state it that way.) Trust me, they KNOW how this works.
    Nonetheless, I did call (and leave a text for) the ONE person, of my team, who could conceivably have filled in, and asked that person to contact said co-manager at the store, if they could come in to cover the shift, letting the team member know that I had promised nothing.
    As far as I was concerned that was the end of the matter for me and my team, as I'd done what I reasonably could, and it was up to MANAGEMENT to find a replacement.
    Came home, had a light lunch, went to bed for my usual, and necessary, power nap as I normally would like to have a LITTLE BIT of evening time to be awake to do things like...I dunno...maybe HAVE DINNER/SUPPER, FEED THE CATS, FEED THE SUGER GLIDERS, have a little wine with dinner...get the mail, wash the dishes...nothing TERRIBLY IMPORTANT YOU KNOW, just stuff...and when I take my power nap, I turn my phone to DO NOT DISTURB mode, which can only be disturbed by two people, my mother and my spouse.
    Woke to find that there was a missed call/voicemail about an hour and 15 minutes after I'd left work, from ANOTHER, different, co-manager, letting me know about our "little problem" and stating that they had just found out about it (about ah hour after I'd ALREADY DISCUSSED IT with the first co-manager) and they needed me to come in to close tonight"...and to call them at the store. Well, it had been several hours since they called, as they called RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING of my power nap. I didn't call back. Don't even know if that second co-manager was still there by that time.
    Apparently the co-managers aren't talking to each other? I had already done what I could. Not my problem.
    They can "need me to come in" all they want but:
    1) I have already worked 8 hours today. They cannot, by company policy, REQUIRE me or NEED me to come back to work another 4, 5, or 6 hours tonight.
    2) Requiring me to close tonight, even if I hadn't already worked 8 hours today, would be against company policy as I am opening tomorrow, at 4:45 a.m., which is considerably less than six hours after closing shift ends tonight at 11:30 p.m. Company policy.
    I have no idea who is closing tonight but it isn't me.
    Didn't call back as it had been several hours, and I figured they had had time to maybe...I dunno...TALK TO EACH OTHER and figure out that it was NOT MY PROBLEM, and come up with someone else to cover if my one possible person couldn't.
    If they have a problem with this, they can get over it. After a few more hours of sleep tonight, I WILL be there in the morning to open.
    Hi Ed
    I hear You, when You need Your sleep, You need Your Sleep!

    Phones have a "Do Not Disturb Mode" ? News to me :)

    As I see it if they want You to have management responsibilities then You should be getting management Pay.
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Heading off to the fuel center to see who closed, and to do my opening.
    Hi Again
    I guess we will hear how that went. I do wonder if anyone closed.
    On my last job I opened and closed every day. Five 9 hour days and one 8 hour day. When I could not come in the owner did have someone there to open the door, lock up and do sales, However when I was able to come in I had to close the register that had not been closed out for days since I had last worked :(

    Good Luck
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning TGIF!!!
    Fitbit is charging, coffee is ¾ consumed, cats fed, and are in their fav. napping spots in the backyard. Dumb House Wren on the back porch...must be its first visit. Its trying to find its way OUT..glad the cats are old, or else there would be carnage on the screened porch!
    My day had begun!
    36 days this year 90+. Already Over the Annual 'Average'... Today I LOVE my A/C!!
    Coffee this afternoon with Marietta at a sb in, I guess Norcross. its not in my county, and not in DeKalb. Must be Norcross? County and town lines here are really weird!! LOL!
    Off to the kitchen to make a Breakfast Tofu Scramble! I'll use the entire 14 oz block, which will give me 'leftovers' YEA!!! Means at least one meal will already be cooked for tomorrow!

    Ed don't you just love how communications between managers 'doesnt' occur?
    Glad you let them do their jobs!! :) Your post later today, or tomorrow morning should be 'interesting'! Glad you stood your ground and allowed them to do their jobs!

    Roger is that Boxed Water really legit? Or, are you doing a 'gullibility' check here? LOL! That has to be one of the most outrageous things I've seen on grocery shelves in quite awhile. Maybe ShopRite is setting a trend?
    Your sidewalk looks like some that were in the area my DS2 lives. This is true story... so the city of ATL decided finally, to repair the sidewalks...and they were being replaced with concrete sidewalk or the traditional kind..as opposed to the really once nice octagon blocks that had held up for decades...so this bunch was ripping up blocks, grading and pouring concrete and doing a really good job. City fired them. Replaced them with new contractor, who dug up blocks of the broken and tilted blocks, and left the bare dirt for MONTHS. Talk about a muddy mess. You had to walk in the street, and avoid the places where the run rain runoff didn't muddy the street as well...street access was only at private driveways or walk thru the dirt/mud. Eventually, traditional sidewalks were poured, and already (less than 5 years) the concrete is falling apart, buckling, etc. Just makes you shake your head in disgust. (The sidewalk laid by the first crew still looks great BTW). Wonder who got paid under the fat cat dinner table? Also, probably not anymore, but when I was a kid, my Dad's parents owned property in St. Louis MO with a 4 family flat. And as land owners it was THEIR responsibility to keep the side walks in good repair etc.
    (they owned a corner lot so lots of sidewalk) On the other hand, I loved the great sidewalks, lots and lots of roller skating!!! I loved that building. Brick 2 story, big apartment homes, and the basement!!! OH wow! the basement! Clothes lines for the ladies to use on rainy 'wash' days, the big furnace boiler that was coal fired, big round pipes that I now know were structure supports, were fantastic for grabbing and spinning round and round on your skates. Yep, wasn't just laundry down there!!!!
    Such memories from 2 of Rogers sidewalk pictures!!

    Ok time to say,

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hey....as I was scrolling I noticed I now only have 649 posts!!! HA-Ha-ha! Wonder where the other 3,000 went??? Computers can be really stupid sometimes. Actually I'm guessing its the web site, not my computer! Oh, now I see Ed's suddenly at post 679...like really? Roger must be 'special' he's still got 3566 posts... What the heck????
    My LOL for the day.