Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    Back and about to join Lilo for an after work nap.

    Usually even when I make baked beans from soaking the beans, I mix them up and put several kinds in there. I think it just gives a nice, varied appearance to the dish and with all the spices in the sauce that get cooked into the beans, I don't know how much of the individual flavors come through from the beans anyway. I do put in plenty of chopped onion and bell pepper, some minced garlic or garlic powder, some chopped jalapeño, a good splash of apple cider vinegar, a few blobs of brown sugar, some tomato sauce or catchup/catsup, ketchup...however one wants to spell that, some hot sauce (I use sriracha), and some ground ginger and black pepper. Salt, of course, if made from beans that weren't canned. If using canned beans it doesn't generally need any salt, unless, of course, most of the canned beans were "no salt added" canned beans.

    OK. I hear the bed calling me...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    And I copy....googled Md vs DO
    "In the United States, physicians (medical doctors) who practice medicine hold either the Doctor of Medicine degree (MD) or the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree (DO). Other than DO medical students learning osteopathic manipulative medicine, the medical training for MDs and DOs is virtually indistinguishable.
    Comparison of MD and DO in the United States - Wikipedia, the free ...

    Lets see what your x-rays show... then you'll know where to go next, hopefully.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! High 94, 20% chance. Normal summer day here...

    Did manage to get all the laundry taken care of yesterday.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm at 7982 steps currently, Yesterday when I checked before retiring I was over 10K steps, 10,003 to be exact o:)
    The weather today is predicted to be the highest Humidity of the heat wave. It was 80 degrees at 6AM :( There is a forecast for Thunderstorms around the state later in the afternoon. South of me in the Trenton / South Jersey the weather report was showing rain at 6AM too, They said mainly south of I-195. When I left the sky was dark and threatening looking by the time I returned home it was clearing and the sun was breaking through and it was feeling uncomfortable and the breeze had died. When I left out the door at 6:25 despite the temperature and humidity it was comfortable with a nice cooling breeze.

    A simple I hope question. Does anybody know what the flower in the picture is? You can get a idea of scale by looking at the Electric meter I left in the picture at the top.

    In a humorous vein as well as it is so true.

    Have a Good upcoming week

    Back later, I want to get the other computer started converting a video capture.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Back and about to join Lilo for an after work nap.

    Usually even when I make baked beans from soaking the beans, I mix them up and put several kinds in there. I think it just gives a nice, varied appearance to the dish and with all the spices in the sauce that get cooked into the beans, I don't know how much of the individual flavors come through from the beans anyway. I do put in plenty of chopped onion and bell pepper, some minced garlic or garlic powder, some chopped jalapeño, a good splash of apple cider vinegar, a few blobs of brown sugar, some tomato sauce or catchup/catsup, ketchup...however one wants to spell that, some hot sauce (I use sriracha), and some ground ginger and black pepper. Salt, of course, if made from beans that weren't canned. If using canned beans it doesn't generally need any salt, unless, of course, most of the canned beans were "no salt added" canned beans.

    OK. I hear the bed calling me...
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! High 94, 20% chance. Normal summer day here...

    Did manage to get all the laundry taken care of yesterday.
    Hi Ed
    I was wondering if all those canned beans would make it salty :)

    Normal Summer day forecast here too, now that the Humidity is up.

    Have a Good Day Working
    And I copy....googled Md vs DO
    "In the United States, physicians (medical doctors) who practice medicine hold either the Doctor of Medicine degree (MD) or the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree (DO). Other than DO medical students learning osteopathic manipulative medicine, the medical training for MDs and DOs is virtually indistinguishable.
    Comparison of MD and DO in the United States - Wikipedia, the free ...

    Lets see what your x-rays show... then you'll know where to go next, hopefully.
    Hi Valerie
    I am awaiting Thursdays report, I should also get a report on the blood work too.

    Thank You for the explanation

    BTW My brother asked me what happened to the Sunflowers? I said huh? It seems that one is knocked over against the middle one of the three and the the other end one is broken and bent over at 1/2 way up the stem :(
    Even worse to me of course is that yesterday we noticed that one of the Raspberry plants that was growing great is suddenly all wilted looking and I have no clue why. The same as happened last year one of the Zucchini plants is in a state of collapse. I suspect a Borer in the stem causes that.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Update: I was out back looking at the Sunflowers and My Brother & I disagree, I said Deer and he thinks Squirrel :)
    On one the entire flower is gone and on the middle one all the petals have been eaten off of it and the Other end one that is broken over has a lot of petals eaten off of it too. The Blooms that are left have also been eaten into the Seed area.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Zucchini is a squash, and it indeed has a borer. Moth deposits eggs in stem...they hatch and the borer literally grows til it strangles the plant from the inside out.
    I would dig up that raspberry and have a really good look at the roots. Could be something eating them, or a hole when planting was in the root zone, and its not getting water, I don't know if raspberries are subject to nematodes, I do know tomatoes are! If the roots look alive, but have random swollen blobs on them, it may very well be nematodes. They are tiny, you cn'at see them without a microscope...little wormy thing....and you need to get that plant GONE, like off your property. Then I'd dig up a goodly amount of the surrounding dirt, and get rid of that too. You can maybe get away with planting there again, or maybe not...if 'not' the same thing will happen to the bush you plant next spring...in that case..3 years before you can plant another raspberry there....or at least that is the deal with tomatoes...which is why the encourage gardeners to rotate crops in the garden...
    The pix.... the pinky purple with the darker purple center is definitely Althea (Hibiscus syriacus), also known as Rose of Sharon, is a hardy hibiscus shrub that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8. I can't really make out the leaves, but I suspect the white one is also Althea but not positive. Is this in your yard? If yes, I have some ideas, if its what you see on your walk...enjoy the flowers, don't get tooo close they seem to attract wasps! :)
    That's all the gardener knows,....oh, no its not! If you're still in question about the raspberry plant, you can always take it to your COUNTY EXTENSION office. Those people get PAID by the state to help you with your lawn and gardens, and lots more. You should be able to find them in a google search...I started to type in the phone book....but we don't have those anymore do we? I know I haven't gotten one in years. :) Part of my Master Gardener class was after graduating you had to give back 40 hours service. There were lots and lots of places to pick from...I chose to be in the summer months in the air conditioning...so I worked the phones, and answered questions when folks called in.. :) It was kinda fun...and we got questions like yours about the raspberry all the time...and people would walk in with bugs in baggies, sod chunks, all sorts of stuff for us to I.D.....some of which we sent to the state lab cuz we didn't now either! (and we had 6 sets of eyes in the building most of the time)...

    Now, I'm sure that is all this old gardener knows! :)

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning..
    I got out this morning and got the weeds mowed....trimming still needs to be done. And its time to prune back the hydrangeas, the Burfordii Holly, and my one remaining Knock Out Rose. I think I have 'the virus'...these were billed as disease resistant, and really are great rose bushes for folks like me that don't want to be a slave to Tea Roses....and they have been planted I'd guess by the millions....and now, we have a virus. Kinda like the Red Tip Photinia that hit Atlanta in the 80's as a fast growing spring blooming shrub....it to got pretty much wiped out by a virus. Oh, well. Now to decide what I want to plant there, as there were 3, and each year another one dies. So, the seemingly thriving one, may bite the dust next summer.
    Need to go tackle laundry. Have a 'light' load to do...and I think that and 'school' may be the bulk of my day. Oh, I'd better show up at the gym....they called last week! :)
    And I need some tomatoes from the grocery next door, and a couple banana's, etc.

    Ed, hope you are able to get home before its too god awful hot. Yes, it definitely is typical summer, just hotter that normal. Today is day 45 of 90+ temps. Normal this date is 37. So, by my reckoning ole Ma Nature owe us a week's worth of temps in the 80's!!!! LOL! (I'm sure not gonna go tell her! I'm sure I'd get struck by lightening!) :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Zucchini is a squash, and it indeed has a borer. Moth deposits eggs in stem...they hatch and the borer literally grows til it strangles the plant from the inside out.
    I would dig up that raspberry and have a really good look at the roots. Could be something eating them, or a hole when planting was in the root zone, and its not getting water, I don't know if raspberries are subject to nematodes, I do know tomatoes are! If the roots look alive, but have random swollen blobs on them, it may very well be nematodes. They are tiny, you cn'at see them without a microscope...little wormy thing....and you need to get that plant GONE, like off your property. Then I'd dig up a goodly amount of the surrounding dirt, and get rid of that too. You can maybe get away with planting there again, or maybe not...if 'not' the same thing will happen to the bush you plant next spring...in that case..3 years before you can plant another raspberry there....or at least that is the deal with tomatoes...which is why the encourage gardeners to rotate crops in the garden...
    The pix.... the pinky purple with the darker purple center is definitely Althea (Hibiscus syriacus), also known as Rose of Sharon, is a hardy hibiscus shrub that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8. I can't really make out the leaves, but I suspect the white one is also Althea but not positive. Is this in your yard? If yes, I have some ideas, if its what you see on your walk...enjoy the flowers, don't get tooo close they seem to attract wasps! :)
    That's all the gardener knows,....oh, no its not! If you're still in question about the raspberry plant, you can always take it to your COUNTY EXTENSION office. Those people get PAID by the state to help you with your lawn and gardens, and lots more. You should be able to find them in a google search...I started to type in the phone book....but we don't have those anymore do we? I know I haven't gotten one in years. :) Part of my Master Gardener class was after graduating you had to give back 40 hours service. There were lots and lots of places to pick from...I chose to be in the summer months in the air conditioning...so I worked the phones, and answered questions when folks called in.. :) It was kinda fun...and we got questions like yours about the raspberry all the time...and people would walk in with bugs in baggies, sod chunks, all sorts of stuff for us to I.D.....some of which we sent to the state lab cuz we didn't now either! (and we had 6 sets of eyes in the building most of the time)...

    Now, I'm sure that is all this old gardener knows! :)
    Hi Valerie
    FWIW I have Rose of Sharon in the back yard and the flowers are not nearly as large as those I photo'd on my walk. plus the Rose of Sharons I see are much larger. I agree the purple colored one looks like a giant Rose of Sharon. I would not feel comfortable walking up someones driveway to get a close look, especially between 6 & 7AM :)

    I believe the Zuke has a borer too, My brother is not convinced. Maybe once it is completely gone I can get him to cut the stem open and look.

    I was thinking of giving the Raspberry a couple of more days of intensive watering as that happened overnight and it is possible that the drip hose is not watering it. We had one of the Three Sunflowers that collapsed like that overnight and then perked back up with intensive watering and was in bloom until the critter ate the entire blossom off of it. I just suspect that Nematodes would be a slower more gradual collapse of the plant. After something ate off the young Sunflowers and then The blooms off the few that survived last year I was not going to plant any. I am not into growing food for unseen critters :) My Brother thought they would be safe in the back Yard vs last years front yard.

    Thank You
    Good Morning..
    I got out this morning and got the weeds mowed....trimming still needs to be done. And its time to prune back the hydrangeas, the Burfordii Holly, and my one remaining Knock Out Rose. I think I have 'the virus'...these were billed as disease resistant, and really are great rose bushes for folks like me that don't want to be a slave to Tea Roses....and they have been planted I'd guess by the millions....and now, we have a virus. Kinda like the Red Tip Photinia that hit Atlanta in the 80's as a fast growing spring blooming shrub....it to got pretty much wiped out by a virus. Oh, well. Now to decide what I want to plant there, as there were 3, and each year another one dies. So, the seemingly thriving one, may bite the dust next summer.
    Need to go tackle laundry. Have a 'light' load to do...and I think that and 'school' may be the bulk of my day. Oh, I'd better show up at the gym....they called last week! :)
    And I need some tomatoes from the grocery next door, and a couple banana's, etc.

    Ed, hope you are able to get home before its too god awful hot. Yes, it definitely is typical summer, just hotter that normal. Today is day 45 of 90+ temps. Normal this date is 37. So, by my reckoning ole Ma Nature owe us a week's worth of temps in the 80's!!!! LOL! (I'm sure not gonna go tell her! I'm sure I'd get struck by lightening!) :)

    Hi Again
    I thing something is affecting the one Rose Bush as it has black spots on many of the leaves, the other one which is a small flower that blooms in clusters is OK.

    Currently we have no need to buy Tomatoes as the plants are finally producing ripe tomatoes. Red and Yellow Cherry which I like and large types and some really big plum tomatoes for my brother.
    At present lots of zucchini, 5 from this mornings picking off of the remaining healthy looking ones. My Brother has been giving some away and a eggplant too. Right now counting todays picked eggplant there are three on the counter. Lots of onions as the ones that got bent over slowly died off so he pulled them up. Three different ones, large white, Yellow and Red onions.

    We are in the midst of a heat wave here, it is shorter than You get. This one will most likely be 7 or 8 days long.

    Have a Good Evening
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    Howdy again y'all. Met the new guy today. He's excited about working! I think it's his first job...and I'm so sorry that he's starting at Kroger in a fuel center. I'm trying to make it as easy as possible, but this is not the easiest job in the world. I didn't do any of his training today, but I met him coming in as I was going out. I left him in the capable hands of my BEST PERSON. She'll do an evening training with him too, and then on Friday I'll do an "opening" training for him and clarify the closing items as well. Seems like a nice young man. If I wanted to stereotype, I'd say he'll be a hard worker, being Asian, but I would never stereotype...

    Got some succotash going on the stove that's BEEN going for hours though the packages of fresh Lima bean from my CSA box said to cook 40 minutes or "until tender" and I suspect their definition of tender doesn't match mine...as my definition of tender for beans means soft, not crunchy at all...not MUSH, but not crunchy...I'm also making some fried potatoes for J and family, which now also includes my mother in law, who arrived yesterday. If people want more protein than the beans and corn in the succotash provide, J has some tofu fried rice leftover in the fridge too.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    A simple I hope question. Does anybody know what the flower in the picture is? You can get a idea of scale by looking at the Electric meter I left in the picture at the top.

    Have a Good upcoming week

    Back later, I want to get the other computer started converting a video capture.

    Looks like hibiscus to me.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited July 2016
    Agree Ed...it is some kind of hibiscus...of which there are probably about 4 dozen different varieties. Just not sure if they've come up with a rose of sharon alba! And no Roger, I would suggest you stay on the sidewalk when taking pictures. I has a little Asian lady chase me away because I thought she had the most beautiful camillia, and I was standing IN THE STREET taking pix. Go figure.

    Roger, I suspect deer on the sunflowers. I don't think the squirrel would be chomping the petals, if there was anything else around to eat. Deer on the other hand would think the petals were delicious! You've got deer, and I've got raccoons. (though I haven't seen them since the mean ole vacuum threatened them last week! Maybe, just maybe........

    Zucchini. Mind you I haven't done this myself, but I understand that the stem can be slit lengthwise with a clean razor blade, and the worm extracted, and the stem wrapped with tape.... then you could prove to your brother it was a borer.

    Good idea about the raspberry.

    Black spot is a common issue down here because of our long hot very humid summers. Its a virus, lives in the ground and leaf litter under the bush, then rain splashes it up on the rose bush next year...neat trick, huh? Damn smart virus. There are sprays for black spot. It looks ugly, and can, can kill a bush, but mine didn't have black spot, or anything else that I could see. And we do have a virus going around killing our Knock Out Roses.....maybe..maybe not.

    See you guys in the morning...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Hot again today, with no (supposedly) chance for rain.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Tuesday is terrific...its the day I clean out all the left overs in the refrigerator, and plan for all the great food I'm going to buy, and what I will do with it! (its also the day I catch up the list of 'to-dos' that I didn't do! hmmmmmmm.
    Summer is really upon us.... I do feels sorry for all the little creatures that are living inside a fur coat. That has to be totally miserable!
    Roger, hope you're having a great walk.
    I'm going to turn the news off now, and get on with my day. If all this political stuff wasn't so amusing I'd quit watching news altogether. But, then I wouldn't know that this was day # 46 of over 90 degrees, so how would I know how miserable I'm supposed to be???? LOL!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/25/2016 100%

    Shortly after I posted here in the afternoon we lost power, It came back and I microwaved my Veges and Dinner Entree, Moments after the MW beeped the power went out for another 2 hours :( The skys opened up and the wind blew pretty good. The power did not go off until after the rain was nearly finished.

    I got out walking around the usual time 8,100+ steps, The outside temperature was better than Yesterday at 74 degrees. Multitudinous small branches down all over, One bigger branch that blocked the sidewalk on the inbound leg of my walk. I heard from another walker I talked to that a nearby street had lots of tree damage too.

    If You refer back to the flower picture I was asking about previously shown here with a electric meter for size reference.
    and for comparison a picture showing a Rose of Sharon against a fence for a size comparison

    Have a Nice Tuesday
    Agree Ed...it is some kind of hibiscus...of which there are probably about 4 dozen different varieties. Just not sure if they've come up with a rose of sharon alba! And no Roger, I would suggest you stay on the sidewalk when taking pictures. I has a little Asian lady chase me away because I thought she had the most beautiful camillia, and I was standing IN THE STREET taking pix. Go figure.

    Roger, I suspect deer on the sunflowers. I don't think the squirrel would be chomping the petals, if there was anything else around to eat. Deer on the other hand would think the petals were delicious! You've got deer, and I've got raccoons. (though I haven't seen them since the mean ole vacuum threatened them last week! Maybe, just maybe........

    Zucchini. Mind you I haven't done this myself, but I understand that the stem can be slit lengthwise with a clean razor blade, and the worm extracted, and the stem wrapped with tape.... then you could prove to your brother it was a borer.

    Good idea about the raspberry.

    Black spot is a common issue down here because of our long hot very humid summers. Its a virus, lives in the ground and leaf litter under the bush, then rain splashes it up on the rose bush next year...neat trick, huh? Damn smart virus. There are sprays for black spot. It looks ugly, and can, can kill a bush, but mine didn't have black spot, or anything else that I could see. And we do have a virus going around killing our Knock Out Roses.....maybe..maybe not.

    See you guys in the morning...
    Hi Valerie
    I have to agree that it is some sort of Hibiscus as it turns out so is the Rose Of Sharon :)

    I had heard that about slicing the stems before. I suggested it to my brother, He Decided to feed the two plants, One from earlier and a new one looking wilted yesterday. Since he plants them and is the one eats them, Sliced into his salad :)

    I should take a leaf off of the Rose bush to the local garden center and get a spray for it. Hopefully it does not spread to the other one too.

    I looked out my Living room window one morning this spring and their was a Asian looking woman taking pictures of the Bleeding Heart, I talked to her and her comment was nice flower.
    Tuesday is terrific...its the day I clean out all the left overs in the refrigerator, and plan for all the great food I'm going to buy, and what I will do with it! (its also the day I catch up the list of 'to-dos' that I didn't do! hmmmmmmm.
    Summer is really upon us.... I do feels sorry for all the little creatures that are living inside a fur coat. That has to be totally miserable!
    Roger, hope you're having a great walk.
    I'm going to turn the news off now, and get on with my day. If all this political stuff wasn't so amusing I'd quit watching news altogether. But, then I wouldn't know that this was day # 46 of over 90 degrees, so how would I know how miserable I'm supposed to be???? LOL!

    Hi Again
    I'll be taking inventory later today to see what I need to buy at the Grocery Store when walking tomorrow which is 10% off Senior Day.

    Bananas for sure, Probably Apples, Green Pears and oranges. I think I will be down to one Red Delicious Apple, No Pears or Oranges. I eat three fruits a day and I want them all to be different from each other. The only constant is the Banana as the daily addition of one has kept me leg cramp free for well over a year, Whee!

    Have You seem how poorly Hilary looks sometimes and I suspect they try and show her with flattering angles too. I watched her climb a few steps recently for a rally and she needed the railing and still was not that fast or smooth looking. I wonder if she has lingering issues from her fall a while back.

    I have to agree watching the news coverage can be humorous. I had not thought about the news giving the weather to let You know you should be miserable :)

    Have a Nice Day
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Hot again today, with no (supposedly) chance for rain.
    Hi Ed
    If You had rain like I had yesterday You don't need more :)

    Stay Cool & Dry
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2016
    Some Humor




    You may need to look carefully at this one :)
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Laundry started ✓, Breakfast cooked and devoured ✓,kitchen a mess✓,clothes need folding✓! BUT! This is more fun!

    I think I mentioned there are dozens upon dozens of hibiscus varieties... One of my fav's that we have in the south is a perennial. It blooms every summer, with blooms as big as an 8 inch dinner plate. I've seen a variety of colors. One of my gym members had them in his yard, and every summer he would surprise me with a big perfect red one. :) Made me happy!
    Years and years ago, my son spotted some of them in an office park landscape, and called me just raving! So much so, that I drove over to see what he heck he was raving about!!! Hibiscus! :)

    Roger, take a clipping to the garden center...you'll get a better diagnosis. Also, the folks at your garden center may, or may not have a lot of plant disease knowledge. Their job is to sell you something. Which is why I suggested the county extension office. They have no leverage in the game, except service. I also distinctly remember in class them saying there are 3 types of spray that fight the black spot virus, with the suggestion that if you use only one kind the virus will mutate, and be back again next year, and not respond to the spray....that said I do NOT remember what the 3 were. :( They would have different chemicals in them, that I know for sure. The best you can do right now, is to get a black spot spray, and hope the virus doesn't defoliate your rose bushes....then this fall, without fail, remove every bit of the mulch around them after they drop their leaves for the fall. AND put down new, clean mulch. Get rid of that old mulch.....it has the virus spores in it, and black spot can reek havoc with many plants, not just roses, some of which you have in your garden, and you do not want to spread the vile stuff. THEN with mulch bagged and on the way to the landfill, put down a nice deep layer of NEW mulch. Then when it rains, the rain will not splash the virus up on your plant in the spring, yielding black spot, round two!!! It does spread rose bush to rose bush...partly from human fingers picking off leaves, and then touching the other non-infected bushes, same for garden tools. Dip clippers etc in either rubbing alcohol, or a bleach solution.

    I loved the pedal car!!!! That is one hot car! (can you see I love sports cars?). I'd drive a Lamborghini if I had the money! Not overly impressed with the 'sporty' Tesla, though I love the brand... and the concept. Not financially suited to own a Tesla either....drats!!


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Today is tag day, which is always fun. I do need to see if I can save a few though that are non-critical, so I can show new guy how to do tags on Friday when we open together.

    92 for today's predicted high, with 20% chance of rain. Back to fairly normal...

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I am currently at 8,343 steps + One cent for the morning. Yesterday I reached 10,3xx steps total for the day. The weather this morning was slightly warmer than yesterday and it does not feel a if the predicted humidity drop has happened yet.

    I stopped and mailed three bill payments and at the Grocery Store. Today I Picked up nicely green Bananas to use once I use up the one left in the refrigerator. If they had been less green I would have only picked up one of the loose ones. I also bought two varieties of Apple, Bartlet Pears, a head of Lettuce, All safely in the refrigerator except for the Bananas. I stocked up today as it is 10% Senior Discount Day :) All that stuff made the Backpack a little heavy but being a frugal type I take advantage of discounts :)

    My brother is a somewhat unhappy as he chased a rabbit all over the yard until I got away. He Caught it nipping off his Dill plants. Leaving a short stub sticking up.

    Have a Really Great Wednesday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! Sunny already, not necessarily a good thing! :) Meaning its gonna get hot quicker!
    Lentils cooked and ready to pop into the refrigerator for my salad protein at lunch. Nearly finished my breakfast...a tofu scramble with peppers, onion and mushroom and Kale...just kale and peas to finish. Takes forever for me to chew kale.
    Need to finish off my shopping list and get out the door. Will be in several stores, and anxious to get it all done. DS1 is on vacation, so there will not be a phone call today. (meaning I can nap if I want) :) But before that nap, I hope to make a pot of quinoa. Only takes a few minutes and it sounds good again. When I first discovered that seed, I ate it way to often, til I just couldn't eat another bite, no matter How Good it was for me!! :)

    Ed hope your outside tagging is already done, except what you're saving for the new guy's training. Its decently comfy right now.
    Has all of your company gone home? Back to cooking for 2-3 again I hope? I used to not mind cooking for a crowd, but now its a hassle. (so that explains my comment)

    Roger no doubt home from his walk, and having he breakfast...maybe counting his found coins? Or looking thru his pictures, or looking for funny cartoons to make us laugh!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Laundry started ✓, Breakfast cooked and devoured ✓,kitchen a mess✓,clothes need folding✓! BUT! This is more fun!

    I think I mentioned there are dozens upon dozens of hibiscus varieties... One of my fav's that we have in the south is a perennial. It blooms every summer, with blooms as big as an 8 inch dinner plate. I've seen a variety of colors. One of my gym members had them in his yard, and every summer he would surprise me with a big perfect red one. :) Made me happy!
    Years and years ago, my son spotted some of them in an office park landscape, and called me just raving! So much so, that I drove over to see what he heck he was raving about!!! Hibiscus! :)

    Roger, take a clipping to the garden center...you'll get a better diagnosis. Also, the folks at your garden center may, or may not have a lot of plant disease knowledge. Their job is to sell you something. Which is why I suggested the county extension office. They have no leverage in the game, except service. I also distinctly remember in class them saying there are 3 types of spray that fight the black spot virus, with the suggestion that if you use only one kind the virus will mutate, and be back again next year, and not respond to the spray....that said I do NOT remember what the 3 were. :( They would have different chemicals in them, that I know for sure. The best you can do right now, is to get a black spot spray, and hope the virus doesn't defoliate your rose bushes....then this fall, without fail, remove every bit of the mulch around them after they drop their leaves for the fall. AND put down new, clean mulch. Get rid of that old mulch.....it has the virus spores in it, and black spot can reek havoc with many plants, not just roses, some of which you have in your garden, and you do not want to spread the vile stuff. THEN with mulch bagged and on the way to the landfill, put down a nice deep layer of NEW mulch. Then when it rains, the rain will not splash the virus up on your plant in the spring, yielding black spot, round two!!! It does spread rose bush to rose bush...partly from human fingers picking off leaves, and then touching the other non-infected bushes, same for garden tools. Dip clippers etc in either rubbing alcohol, or a bleach solution.

    I loved the pedal car!!!! That is one hot car! (can you see I love sports cars?). I'd drive a Lamborghini if I had the money! Not overly impressed with the 'sporty' Tesla, though I love the brand... and the concept. Not financially suited to own a Tesla either....drats!!


    Hi Valerie
    Thank You for the information on what to do with the Rose Bush(s).
    MY Brother Took a Picture of the Raspberry and wants to contact the seller, Jungs, regarding what.

    8" Dinner plate more or less describes the size of the Blooms I see in a couple of yards.

    I'm not enamored with the concept of Electric cars or Hybrids for one reason :)
    I tend to run a car until the wheels and doors fall off. I ran my 1988 until the rust underneath became to advanced in 2014. I just have a suspicion that the Hybrids and Electric cars will be expensive to maintain and use once the batteries wear out, and that would be if you can even get replacements at that point. I have a feeling a lot of them will be heading to the Junk yards for recycling when that happens. And that will more than cancel out the savings in fuel.

    I have a suspicion there is some sort of Pedicab in front of the car in that moving image.

    Enjoy Your Wednesday
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Today is tag day, which is always fun. I do need to see if I can save a few though that are non-critical, so I can show new guy how to do tags on Friday when we open together.

    92 for today's predicted high, with 20% chance of rain. Back to fairly normal...
    Hi Ed
    Today is either day 6 or 7 of our current heat wave according to the forecast.

    Have a Good Tag Day