Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning...Tuesday..and the cats and I are pretty 'short' on food! Soooo. Quick run into Publix, Check my BP, pickup 2-3 cans cat food, and get cash back for later today.
    Then hit the gym...our manager is also a notary, and I need to have two documents notarized, so that's reason one for needing some cash :) then do some time on the bike, and a ST (strength machine) or 3 or 4, home to get my tofu in the oven with BBQ sauce.
    Lunch anticipated @ 2ish this afternoon! :) Trying to keep my meals in the 4-6 hours post last meal range.
    One quick afternoon chore from my list, and I'll be free for the afternoon and evening. :)

    Hi Valerie
    It sounds as if I am lucky that I can go to the bank and get things Notarized for free :)

    I Hope Your Day went well
    Howdy again y'all. A much more strenuous Tuesday than anticipated. Last night the closer apparently called in (at least I hope he did) as someone else closed. Trash wasn't picked up, as the closer is suppose to do that and the person the store sent out wasn't out there until late, and the middle shift person needed to get out to his full time job. So guess who got to collect the garbage first thing this morning? I rolled it in to the compacter when middle shift guy got in today. Meanwhile, they decided to reset the tobacco racks today, which meant it was getting really cramped in the kiosk with both of us in the same end, as that is where all the tobacco products are, for convenience.

    And now we all get to learn all over again where the tobacco products are as the guy was rearranging EVERYTHING. 2 1/2 years and it's all been in pretty much in the same spot...this will be fun.

    But, tonight's closer is starting the training for the newest new guy. We'll finish training him later in the week, and get him into the regular schedule next week. He's supposedly worked for Kroger before so should know at least part of the drill, if not all the fuel center stuff.

    After my nap I finally folded the second load of the weekend laundry, after a refresher run in the dryer. Dinner was a frozen meatloaf and mashed potato, from Boston Market. Not bad, but I definitely could have made better...

    Finishing off my wine now and waiting for J to get home. He's got some Asian restaurant leftovers from his dinner last night to eat.

    Val, your mention of tofu in barbecue sauce reminded me that I do have a box of tofu in there to play with and J loves it dry fried and then baked with my home made spicy barbecue sauce. Maybe an idea for later in the week.

    Friday I am supposed to drive to Memphis, stay overnight, close out my Memphis credit union account and get all the money I've been stashing there (adding some automatically every month) so we can use it to cover some of the repairs to the Memphis house that we are supposed to be GETTING RID OF at the end of the month. Since that is my only major tie back to Memphis, won't need that account any more. I was occasionally using it when making trips, to cover the trip expenses, but shouldn't NEED to make trips to Memphis after we lose the house.
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 86 predicted for the high today, with 50% chance of showers, mostly in the morning.

    Tag day, so I hope the rain is light and/or there isn't much outdoor tagging to do.
    Hi Ed
    It seems You had a rough Tuesday.

    I tried a couple of Boston Market frozen dinners, The Beef one I tried was too salty and not that tasty. The other one is still in the Freezer from 2 months ago :) I was so impressed with the first one I ate.

    Good Luck learning the locations quickly and I hope You have a light Tag day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member




  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...Wednesday...grocery day!!
    Ed, glad I bumped your memory about the Tofu in your freezer for J! I did not dry fry mine, just used my little contraption to drain the tofu, and I would have been happier if I HAD done the dry fry as well. Also, how do you freeze your tofu? Unopened container, or drained and then frozen. I have frozen tofu, and I liked the results, but I had already cooked mine and then froze it. I think freezing improves the texture! OK, I went back to your post, and it did NOT say you had a block frozen...oops! Oh, well. BBQ'd Tofu is tasty.

    Roger thanks for the Shoe cartoon. Made me laugh already today!
    Yes, I could have gone to the bank...its about 10 miles from here, or I could go to the gym, work out, get notarized docs, and shop next door for the tomatoes, apple, and radishes..a mile away!!! ) She said she didn't want a fee, but, I told her to put it in an account for baby when it will be needed. (I think this will be a spring baby, and her first...excited for her)

    Cats and I fed....time to take off for groceries...ummm I may want to get dressed first!!!! I love my nighty but maybe not everyone would!! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Good Morning...Wednesday...grocery day!!
    Ed, glad I bumped your memory about the Tofu in your freezer for J! I did not dry fry mine, just used my little contraption to drain the tofu, and I would have been happier if I HAD done the dry fry as well. Also, how do you freeze your tofu? Unopened container, or drained and then frozen. I have frozen tofu, and I liked the results, but I had already cooked mine and then froze it. I think freezing improves the texture! OK, I went back to your post, and it did NOT say you had a block frozen...oops! Oh, well. BBQ'd Tofu is tasty.

    Roger thanks for the Shoe cartoon. Made me laugh already today!
    Yes, I could have gone to the bank...its about 10 miles from here, or I could go to the gym, work out, get notarized docs, and shop next door for the tomatoes, apple, and radishes..a mile away!!! ) She said she didn't want a fee, but, I told her to put it in an account for baby when it will be needed. (I think this will be a spring baby, and her first...excited for her)

    Cats and I fed....time to take off for groceries...ummm I may want to get dressed first!!!! I love my nighty but maybe not everyone would!! :)


    Actually we HAVE done the frozen tofu thing by just freezing the whole package and then thawing when needed. It tends to give the tofu more texture, and J isn't always too thrilled by that as it makes it seem too meat-like sometimes.

    But the package currently on hand is in the refrigerator.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! According to last night's forecast (which hasn't been updated on the weather page yet) 90 today with 30% chance of precipitation.

    Next new guy is supposed to be coming in today for his second bout of training, and his fourth will be on Saturday.

    Still need to finish up with the tobacco reset. I have a lot of discontinued items to charge back to the store for return, and hope to be able to get that finished off this morning.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I am currently at 8.4K Steps, I finished up yesterday at 9.3K steps.

    I have selected Fred Allen to listen to while walking.It turned out to be the December 22,1937 Christmas show :) all 59 minutes of it add in the 12 minutes I talked to my brother on the way out to get my Coffee and Two songs on the way back and that concluded my walking. I Suspect I was walking a little faster than usual to get back home under the Fan & AC. I stopped in the back Yard, picked and ate some Raspberries that had ripened on the late variety plants too.

    Today's weather it was 80 degrees out the door and high humidity, Well 79.9 Degrees is close enough to 80 for me, It is supposed to go up around 90+ later on today. I am happy I mowed the lawn Tuesday as The humidity and Temperature have beem high enough that it was uncomfortable out the Door For Wednesday & Today. Today's reported Humidity is somewhat higher than Yesterday and the

    The Avera 40AER10 40-Inch 1080p LED TV shows, Bound Brook, NJ, United States 08/11/2016, 3:34 A.M., Out For Delivery. And the Cable I ordered with it shows arrived at the local post office last night. So I should be busy later today Pulling the 24" TV and putting the wall mount back on it and installing it back in the bedroom and hooking up the New larger TV :)

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning...Wednesday...grocery day!!
    Ed, glad I bumped your memory about the Tofu in your freezer for J! I did not dry fry mine, just used my little contraption to drain the tofu, and I would have been happier if I HAD done the dry fry as well. Also, how do you freeze your tofu? Unopened container, or drained and then frozen. I have frozen tofu, and I liked the results, but I had already cooked mine and then froze it. I think freezing improves the texture! OK, I went back to your post, and it did NOT say you had a block frozen...oops! Oh, well. BBQ'd Tofu is tasty.

    Roger thanks for the Shoe cartoon. Made me laugh already today!
    Yes, I could have gone to the bank...its about 10 miles from here, or I could go to the gym, work out, get notarized docs, and shop next door for the tomatoes, apple, and radishes..a mile away!!! ) She said she didn't want a fee, but, I told her to put it in an account for baby when it will be needed. (I think this will be a spring baby, and her first...excited for her)

    Cats and I fed....time to take off for groceries...ummm I may want to get dressed first!!!! I love my nighty but maybe not everyone would!! :)

    Hi Valerie
    I thought that might get a laugh.

    Have a Good Day
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! According to last night's forecast (which hasn't been updated on the weather page yet) 90 today with 30% chance of precipitation.

    Next new guy is supposed to be coming in today for his second bout of training, and his fourth will be on Saturday.

    Still need to finish up with the tobacco reset. I have a lot of discontinued items to charge back to the store for return, and hope to be able to get that finished off this morning.
    Hi Ed
    We had a light rain a couple of times yesterday, Today's weather forecast is for rain to be moving in later on. As well as enough days forecast over 90 to qualify as a Heat Wave.

    I'm off to research where I can get rid of the dearly departed TV set. Our town recycle center has had a sign that they no longer take them there and when I talked to the GT truck driver while waling the yesterda (GT = Garbage Truck) he had no idea where to go with it. They use the same trucks for garbage and Yard Waste and Bulk Garbage Pickup. IMO a decent use of the twons resources. The County handles recycling for the entire county.

    Have a Nice Day, Stay Cool
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Guys!
    Still overcast, but no doubt the sun will burn it off soon. Need to get out and at least weed-eat. But, its gonna be hot...and right now everything is dewy wet! ARGGGGG!
    Ed, hope you got those cigarettes relocated. Wonder why they decided it needed to be changed. Its like when they move the isles around in a store..any store from Walmart to Costco...and yes Roger, my Costco stuff 'moves' around a lot! Irritates me!
    I can only imagine Ed's angst. Reaching for a particular cigarette item, and having to first hunt to find it. Grrrr!

    I got tickled that at the end of your walk Roger, you picked raspberries out of the garden before you went into the 'fans and A/C'....good move. Good luck getting the TV's all up and running!

    O's gymnastics is now on Thursday evenings...so I was informed last night on my chat with her dad...so, I guess this evening I will be in evening rush hour traffic! Will be glad to see her bouncing around on the gym floor again. I understand hockey is also about to start, but it will be practice for a couple weeks before Sat/Sun game time. I also believe I was told that his new level will play an hour later than usual. I 'think' that may be nice, especially for an extra hours sleep...but I'm guessing the traffic load will increase, so maybe not so nice after all...?

    Time to fix my breakfast, and get this day going! Two lazy cats couldn't be bothered to come eat this morning. I know Hoot is somewhere in the backyard, but I couldn't actually spot him, Tom E. on the other hand, is on the chicken coop, and raised his head to look at me, but couldn't be bothered to actually get up!!! Bums!!! LOL!!! The birds are enjoying a few stolen tidbits though!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    My Review of the Tiramisu Snack
    From NS This classic dessert has everything you love—creamy mascarpone cheese, delicious coffee and rich chocolate flavors—and it's a good source of protein and fiber, so you can feel good about indulging!
    Link here to the review with images of the snack and Nutrition.

    I just had one, It was tasty and a decent portion. It comes in a round tray about 3 inches across and the entree is about 1/2 inch deep inside of that tray, I just defrosted and ate. As I say it was Tasty, however it has been a long time since I had Tiramisu and despite that I do not think it tastes like Tiramisu, OTOH I liked it and am happy I Bought Five.

    Tomorrow I will be reporting on the Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie Snack 140 calories 2.1 Ounce
    and the
    Baked Blueberry Oatmeal Breakfast 130 Calories 3.5 Ounces

    I ordered a A La Carte frozen order to fill in some shorts in my on hand food as I have delayed the next order so I added these three Frozen items. I could have held off but I did want to try them too :)

    So Tonight the Brownie and tomorrow for breakfast the Baked Blueberry Oatmeal.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning Guys!
    Still overcast, but no doubt the sun will burn it off soon. Need to get out and at least weed-eat. But, its gonna be hot...and right now everything is dewy wet! ARGGGGG!
    Ed, hope you got those cigarettes relocated. Wonder why they decided it needed to be changed. Its like when they move the isles around in a store..any store from Walmart to Costco...and yes Roger, my Costco stuff 'moves' around a lot! Irritates me!
    I can only imagine Ed's angst. Reaching for a particular cigarette item, and having to first hunt to find it. Grrrr!

    I got tickled that at the end of your walk Roger, you picked raspberries out of the garden before you went into the 'fans and A/C'....good move. Good luck getting the TV's all up and running!

    O's gymnastics is now on Thursday evenings...so I was informed last night on my chat with her dad...so, I guess this evening I will be in evening rush hour traffic! Will be glad to see her bouncing around on the gym floor again. I understand hockey is also about to start, but it will be practice for a couple weeks before Sat/Sun game time. I also believe I was told that his new level will play an hour later than usual. I 'think' that may be nice, especially for an extra hours sleep...but I'm guessing the traffic load will increase, so maybe not so nice after all...?

    Time to fix my breakfast, and get this day going! Two lazy cats couldn't be bothered to come eat this morning. I know Hoot is somewhere in the backyard, but I couldn't actually spot him, Tom E. on the other hand, is on the chicken coop, and raised his head to look at me, but couldn't be bothered to actually get up!!! Bums!!! LOL!!! The birds are enjoying a few stolen tidbits though!


    Hi Valerie
    The TV arrived by 2PM and I had it hooked up to be sure it was OK as the box took a bit of a beating from the UPS handling :) I wanted to be sure that the screen was not cracked. I also took pictures of the box before opening it. To show how damaged it was I used a yard stick so show the bends and dents better.

    It works fine. My brother brought down the Dolly and after I verified it was OK we moved it to the side and put the dead Sony on the dolly and wheeled it out of the living room. Wow, what a lot of dust had built up under the old TV too. The old one was a 27" Triniton SD TV and this is a 40" HDTV what a improvement in size and picture. I need one more HDMI cable to hook up the DVD Player and it will be done. Currently that is hooked up with the Old style Red/White/Yellow RCA Plugs. The Satellite TV Box and the Cable Box were already HD models so no problem there.

    My Brother is so frustrated that they relocated most items at the ShopRite he goes to and he had to ask where things were and that was after he walked every aisle. The only things they left were refrigerated and freezer cases and even then they reorganized the frozen :)

    I probably would not notice if the moved a few things at CostCo as I get there approx. once a month and bulk buy. And I do keep in mind that some things are subject to change there anyway as They change what they carry.

    Good Luck with the traffic
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    edited August 2016
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! I noticed on my phone that I "missed" a call from Kroger at 3 minutes after 11 last night. But to be honest, I didn't miss it much. No message.

    I guess the guy at work had some minor crisis and didn't think it through to realize that if I have to be there at 4:45 the next morning, I am NOT taking calls at 3 minutes after 11 at night. He's expected to deal with it and leave details in the log book. That's what it is there for, and whatever it is, even if the fuel center has exploded, there isn't really anything I can do to help as I'm not there.

    The lotto machine won't print the daily report? I can print that in the morning, assuming it's working then, and if not, then we have until Saturday night to work on that and we can still go back and get any day of the week. The tank controller won't print its final of the day, or the gas delivery truck is there and you have to leave before he finishes? Log book.

    Thank goodness my phone has the "do not disturb" feature that only J and my mother can punch through.

    89 predicted for the high today with 20% chance of rain.

    Off to the rat mines!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! I noticed on my phone that I "missed" a call from Kroger at 3 minutes after 11 last night. But to be honest, I didn't miss it much. No message.

    I guess the guy at work had some minor crisis and didn't think it through to realize that if I have to be there at 4:45 the next morning, I am NOT taking calls at 3 minutes after 11 at night. He's expected to deal with it and leave details in the log book. That's what it is there for, and whatever it is, even if the fuel center has exploded, there isn't really anything I can do to help as I'm not there.

    The lotto machine won't print the daily report? I can print that in the morning, assuming it's working then, and if not, then we have until Saturday night to work on that and we can still go back and get any day of the week. The tank controller won't print its final of the day, or the gas delivery truck is there and you have to leave before he finishes? Log book.

    Thank goodness my phone has the "do not disturb" feature that only J and my mother can punch through.

    89 predicted for the high today with 20% chance of rain.
    Hi Ed
    What a Useful feature. I bet You have not even mentioned it to them at work :) Nor the brand of phone, just in case.

    High Temperature for today was showing as a forecast 96 degrees today and tomorrow and a 96% relative humidity. It rained overnight, I know that as the street was wet and there were puddles when I went out walking. I had to detour into the street in one place to avoid a large puddle where a driveway comes out of a business :)

    Have a Great Day and Hopefully it was not a big problem at work.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    08/11/2016 100%

    Today I am currently at 8K+ Steps, I finished up yesterday at 11K+ steps.
    Today's weather it was 77 degrees out the door and high humidity, It is supposed to go up around 96 degrees later on today.

    I have selected a radio show called Escape from 1947 to listen to while walking. I think I will listen to more of them.

    Some Mini Reviews with links to the review page with images and Nutrition information below.

    Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie Snack
    I liked this one too, It was a decent size and density, slightly crumbly and I should have had it on a plate to avoid making a mess :) I will be reordering it.
    Product Details from NS
    Get your chocolate and peanut butter fix in this delicious snack! These brownies are chocolately, chewy and guilt free: high in fiber and a good source of protein, with no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners.


    Baked Blueberry Oatmeal Breakfast
    I just had this for breakfast and it is round, 3" across with tapering sides and 1" high. It is more or less a already prepared slight Cinnamon Oatmeal with plenty of Blueberries that is ready to eat once heated. I liked it, and a easy to get ready meal too. Just open and remove the package to heat and eat. I will most likely reorder it in the future, OTOH I should be able to use the Lower Sugar version Quaker Instant oats and add Blueberries. Doing that OTOH would be more work and more calories, the added calories coming form the Blueberries :)
    From the NS description
    Product Details
    With just 11 simple, whole food ingredients and no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners, the real stars of this breakfast shine through: whole grain rolled oats, wild blueberries and a touch of honey. Baked to golden perfection!


    Have a Great Friday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Slept late as I watched the Olympics til very late, so late I didn't even do my Scrabble word...best do that before Ted calls out the dogs to find his Mom! Then, I spent some time in the yard with the weed eater. Forgot to recharge the battery, so there is a couple other places to do tomorrow. And some 'mower' time as well.
    Then I want to make a run to 'the far North'...20 miles? to try to help out Jack for a few minutes with some painting issue, then HOME...and maybe coffee with M for a little bit.
    All that said, I think I'm tired already! jk!!

    Roger, if the isle at the back of the store where the tissues, paper towels, TP, etc was now Chips and Popped Corn, and other NMF (Not My Food) believe me you'd notice! :):)
    Glad your TV set up went so well. I'd still be sitting with a diagram and a bunch of wires, and probably saying nasty words....I don't like even hooking up DVD players etc. Makes me crazy!

    Ed, hope your day goes well...its Friday after all!! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Early on Sat. Morning we should be seeing a meteor shower....This is the shower the kids and I used to watched when we lived in TN...lots of oooohs and aaahs!..Also curious neighbors who would stay and watch with us! :) If I wake in time, and we aren't under some cloud cover I'll enjoy seeing it.

    I think it may be time to go find some lunch! Thinking some thick sliced portabellas seasoned with fajita mix I make, and then of course peppers and onions. A salad, and either apple or grapes...(which ever seems easiest at the moment!)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Slept late as I watched the Olympics til very late, so late I didn't even do my Scrabble word...best do that before Ted calls out the dogs to find his Mom! Then, I spent some time in the yard with the weed eater. Forgot to recharge the battery, so there is a couple other places to do tomorrow. And some 'mower' time as well.
    Then I want to make a run to 'the far North'...20 miles? to try to help out Jack for a few minutes with some painting issue, then HOME...and maybe coffee with M for a little bit.
    All that said, I think I'm tired already! jk!!

    Roger, if the isle at the back of the store where the tissues, paper towels, TP, etc was now Chips and Popped Corn, and other NMF (Not My Food) believe me you'd notice! :):)
    Glad your TV set up went so well. I'd still be sitting with a diagram and a bunch of wires, and probably saying nasty words....I don't like even hooking up DVD players etc. Makes me crazy!

    Ed, hope your day goes well...its Friday after all!! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Early on Sat. Morning we should be seeing a meteor shower....This is the shower the kids and I used to watched when we lived in TN...lots of oooohs and aaahs!..Also curious neighbors who would stay and watch with us! :) If I wake in time, and we aren't under some cloud cover I'll enjoy seeing it.

    I think it may be time to go find some lunch! Thinking some thick sliced portabellas seasoned with fajita mix I make, and then of course peppers and onions. A salad, and either apple or grapes...(which ever seems easiest at the moment!)


    Hi Valerie
    I have been watching the Olympics late too, Then the next day I hate myself for it as I am so tired.

    I believe that running a rechargeable battery down before charging it lengthens the life before it wears out. As I understand it they only have so many charge cycles and if You leave them in a charger that tends to wear them too. What happens that way is that hey slowly discharge as they sit idle and then when they get somewhat low they charge and that cycle repeats.

    There are so many lights all around us that we don't see many of the stars let alone meteor showers.

    The wiring is not a problem for me, I studied Electronics way, way, way back when when Transistors were coming into use. I have always wired the Audio and Video in the house too.

    As I expected from the reviews the TV audio is poor quality. First I tried a a set of older computer speakers that had Bass and Treble controls, Sound was better but still not where I liked it. Then I remembered I had a set of Computer speakers with a Sub Woofer and they sound pretty good :)

    I hope Your day went well
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I am at 7K Steps, I will be higher as I need to load the car for a trip to the recycle yard.

    I have been listening to the Old Time Radio show called Escape.
    Today's weather it was 80 degrees out the door and high humidity, Well 79.7 Degrees is close enough to 80 for me, It is supposed to go up to 95+ later on today.

    Have a Great Saturday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday here in Memphis. I am here to code out my credit union account because we need the money and after we close (hopefully) at the end of this month, I will have no reason to return to Memphis as we will not have property here any more!

    Right now I am eating this free (haha haha, really?) breakfast at the motel. At least there is a banana.

    Then off to the credit union to be there at, or shortly before they open. And then back home to Georgia. J will be heading to Kentucky this afternoon to get some money there. We have had some stashed away in places where we might need ready cash but right now we need it to finish the repairs we promised the buyer. I just sent a check for a large sum to our agent to cover a portion but we are having to clean pretty much everything out. We should be able to put it back after closing, we hope. My Memphis money will go back into a different account that I already took most of, since I won't have or need the account in Memphis any more.

    Well, off to the credit union!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!
    Eating my breakfast, and then going to dash out the door and do a bit of mowing. After that a shower, and SCHOOL..no excuses! Meeting Marietta in Tucker this after, at a neat little coffee place we found for a bit of chatting, and then home and more SCHOOL, if necessary.

    Oh, Roger, I looked again at Kroger and found the ice cream you were talking about. I looked at the ingredients and just chuckled as I put it back....Milk, Eggs, Cream are the first 3 ingredients...whoops! NMF!!! :) Bet its good though, and it has some great sounding names.... I was looking at a Chocolate Mint flavor....I'll leave it there for you so they don't run out of stock!!
    And the house we rented in NJ must have been your house....it was wired for sound throughout the entire house. Was kinda nice, when I was there alone, not so nice if somebody wanted to watch TV, and I wanted to listen to music!! :) That was a neat house, way ahead of its time....the counter tops were Stainless Steel...and the range was a gas and electric combo which I would buy if I could find one. At first I thought it was dumb, but I grew to love the electric oven and didn't have to give up my gas burners to have it!

    Ed, hope all goes well with your banking, and J has a safe trip to KY, and you back to GA.

    I hear that ratty lawn mower calling me, all the way from the garage!!


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    1st things first, I'm now home from the Recycle center, bank, Produce store, Dollar Store, & Post Office and up to 8500 steps. I did not go as far as usual this morning on my walk due to the heat & humidity and the plan to go do the running too
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday here in Memphis. I am here to code out my credit union account because we need the money and after we close (hopefully) at the end of this month, I will have no reason to return to Memphis as we will not have property here any more!

    Right now I am eating this free (haha haha, really?) breakfast at the motel. At least there is a banana.

    Then off to the credit union to be there at, or shortly before they open. And then back home to Georgia. J will be heading to Kentucky this afternoon to get some money there. We have had some stashed away in places where we might need ready cash but right now we need it to finish the repairs we promised the buyer. I just sent a check for a large sum to our agent to cover a portion but we are having to clean pretty much everything out. We should be able to put it back after closing, we hope. My Memphis money will go back into a different account that I already took most of, since I won't have or need the account in Memphis any more.

    Well, off to the credit union!
    Hi Ed
    I hope Your weather is better than ours, It was 80 degrees inside and outside at 6AM :(
    I did turn on the AC before I left for my daily walk :)

    I noticed that the "So Called" Free breakfast is not too good, often burnt coffee, Coffee mate type creamer and a stale Donut. I think You are ahead of the game since You got a Banana!

    Have a Great Day
    Good Saturday Morning!
    Eating my breakfast, and then going to dash out the door and do a bit of mowing. After that a shower, and SCHOOL..no excuses! Meeting Marietta in Tucker this after, at a neat little coffee place we found for a bit of chatting, and then home and more SCHOOL, if necessary.

    Oh, Roger, I looked again at Kroger and found the ice cream you were talking about. I looked at the ingredients and just chuckled as I put it back....Milk, Eggs, Cream are the first 3 ingredients...whoops! NMF!!! :) Bet its good though, and it has some great sounding names.... I was looking at a Chocolate Mint flavor....I'll leave it there for you so they don't run out of stock!!
    And the house we rented in NJ must have been your house....it was wired for sound throughout the entire house. Was kinda nice, when I was there alone, not so nice if somebody wanted to watch TV, and I wanted to listen to music!! :) That was a neat house, way ahead of its time....the counter tops were Stainless Steel...and the range was a gas and electric combo which I would buy if I could find one. At first I thought it was dumb, but I grew to love the electric oven and didn't have to give up my gas burners to have it!

    Ed, hope all goes well with your banking, and J has a safe trip to KY, and you back to GA.

    I hear that ratty lawn mower calling me, all the way from the garage!!

    Hi Valerie
    Nope it was not this house :) Stainless steel counters sound Nice and easy to keep clean too. We have a Gas Stove top in the Counter and a Electric Wall oven so I know what You mean. When Sandy Hit and ate the Electric we were able to light the stove with matches and heat water for coffee and cooking. I was so glad we were not all electric. And with a Electric oven is something disrupted the Gas flow we would still have the Microwave and Oven so IMO Win/Win.

    I was glad I mowed Tuesday as Wednesday the heat and Humidity moved in and lucky me it my brothers turn next :) And the grass is starting to look ragged too.

    Have a Nice Weekend
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,731 Member
    Howdy y'all, from Peachtree Corners, GA!

    No real trouble getting my money out. The only minor snag was one I sort of expected, but it was easily resolved.

    On Saturday, the credit union lobby is not open, only the drive through. There are three lanes. Lane 1 is at the building itself, with the big window, and ALSO, right after the window, has the ATM.

    Lane 1 is generally not open for business as anyone doing business there blocks drive up access to the ATM, which I think they really should have put on the other side of the building, but no one asked me for my opinion on that.

    Lanes 2 and 3 were open, so I got in line and finally to the front, where I said I needed to close my account. Response? "You can't close an account through the window."

    Not really unexpected, but then I explained why I had to do that, since I couldn't possibly be there on a weekday to come in and take care of that in the lobby, as I live 400 miles away and work Monday through Friday. And mentioned that I had made a special trip, 400 miles, just to take care of that.

    Rather than standing on policy, the teller told me to drive around to Lane 1, took my ID and my bank card, ran me a cashier's check for the full amount in the account, and I signed that I had received the money and then I was on my merry way back home to Georgia! Thank goodness for hiring people with sense enough to work things out and find a way to take care of things.

    Been something of a rough two days, what with driving over 800 miles in two days, and spending the night in a cheap, but not sleazy, motel.

    I'm ordering in tonight. Should feed me for three or four meals.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...