Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I say this as a 'vampire' as you call us. She had no business, none, giving you medical or dietary advice. Period. That should get her fired. (I'm not saying rat her out mind you, but that was wrong by all ASCP standards)
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...its 'crazy Wednesday'...Ed tags at Kroger, and I go shop at Kroger! And probably at Publix for their bagged spinach, and my lottery tickets. (prefer the spinach, and customer service line is always very short at Publix...compared to LONG at the Kroger I shop)
    And then there's the 5p. phone call from DS1.
    "O"'s A1C was 9.? Jack only said over 9....not good. Lets hope that no lasting damage is done from hormonal issues that plague her blood sugar.
    I expect my grandson will beg not to ever have to stay with Grammie again!!! First we did homework together...he did his work, and I worked on my class got 2 more units done. Then we argued over snacks...he immediately went for some kind of frozen thing...and I didn't say anything, until I saw him going for another.....he assured me he could have 2 after school snacks...and I told him that though I was not his Mother, while I was watching him he could have a HEALTHY second snack....he was so mad at me! But then he fixed himself apple and berry mix of fruit...nice big cereal bowl full. I felt better...not so sure about him. AND they're still on device restrictions, which includes TV and he tried to convince me that he was 'allowed' to watch Olympics....but he couldn't find them, and next thing I knew searching ended up on some kid TV show...which I quickly remedied by taking away the remote! They truly do push their limits with me. Little rug rats!!!

    So, I did well on steps for the past couple days, going to now go ride the hateful recumbent bike and then get myself to the grocery portion of my day.

    Yeah Roger, I've never experienced rush hour in NY or LA, but I know it took me 50 minutes to go 18.2 miles yesterday and that was at 2:30 in the afternoon. Somehow I was just not impressed! :). I dunno. And tomorrow I get to do half that distance at 5:30 (gymnastics)....thats the killer trip, 10 miles in 45 minutes or more, never less....ACK!!! Its a good thing Grammie loves those little hooligans! :)
    OH, and I hope you really have killed off the ivy. That ivy bed next door also has Japanese honeysuckle and fruiting Jerusalem Cherry all thru it. Those are MEAN weeds. They even have nasty thorns on the undersides of the leaves! I may go back and off those too this week, or they also will be in my yard. Anyhow, English Ivy is one hard plant to kill...those thick leaves have a waxy coating on them that defies even RoundUp...though the new growth probably is easier to kill.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today is 7.8K Steps + 36 cents found in two locations, It was 77 degrees out the door and a reported lower humidity. .

    While I was walking I stopped at the grocery Store and bought 4 Bananas and 2 Plums and saved 10% for the Senior Discount :)
    Next Item on my Agenda is Breakfast around 9AM then....

    In a while around 9:30 I will head back out the door to CostCo for several bags of Frozen Vegetables and a tray of whatever Apples look best. The Ones I got at the Produce Store recently looked OK when I bought them, the next day the bruising showed up :( and the texture is somewhat mealy, Darn it.

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I think he does try to reason with her, but on the other hand....she's 12. And the next few years til she gets thru puberty are going to be extra challenging. Still..her sloppiness in remembering to dose herself after meals just goes thru me. I've told her about the patients I used to have to stick (draw blood from) in the feet...and the ones with no feet really became a challenge...and the blindness, and a whole host of other things....
    So, yep, I DO KNOW! And I am frightened for her. Hopefully there will be some good testing results for the artificial pancreas, soon. Or the beta testing of stem cells...etc.
    Hi Valerie
    12 is a difficult age, that is the point where they know it all and nothing at the same time. I remember feeling indestructible at that age z:)

    Hopefully medical science will catch up.
    Howdy again y'all. Didn't get as much nap as I'd have liked because I had to go and, reluctantly, give blood to the vampire at the doctor's office.

    The vampire...er, technician, suggested I go home and hydrate and eat protein to rebuild blood.

    Tonight's home made, Middle Eastern spiced, butternut squash soup with chicken was a good start. Jalapeño garlic toast on the side. The chicken in the soup was left over from yesterday's kabob lunch plate.

    Since I made a rather special soup, I opened one of my TREASURE bottles of wine: Empyrean Cygnus Syrah, 2005, Yakima Valley. Very NICE. I drank half the bottle, and will finish it tomorrow (with the leftover soup!) and have one bottle left of this one. I may have to see if my pusher...er, supplier has some more.

    Also drank a liter of water with dinner. I think we're good...

    But I also think I am feeding the sugar gliders and cats and heading to bed.

    G'night all!
    Hi Ed
    One of my least favorite things that happen at a doctors office :)
    How Much blood did they draw? I seem to recollect that the Human Body stores at least a Pint of blood.
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day. 91 degrees for the expected high with 40% chance of scattered thunderstorms.

    I heard some rumblings during the night but haven't peeked out yet to see if there was any rain.
    Hi Again
    There was A Loud Thunderstorm rolled through around 12:45 last night, I know that since it made so much noise it woke me up. I Thought I heard rain too and I can see that we did have some overnight.

    Have a Good Tag Day
    I say this as a 'vampire' as you call us. She had no business, none, giving you medical or dietary advice. Period. That should get her fired. (I'm not saying rat her out mind you, but that was wrong by all ASCP standards)

    Hi Again
    Good Morning...its 'crazy Wednesday'...Ed tags at Kroger, and I go shop at Kroger! And probably at Publix for their bagged spinach, and my lottery tickets. (prefer the spinach, and customer service line is always very short at Publix...compared to LONG at the Kroger I shop)
    And then there's the 5p. phone call from DS1.
    "O"'s A1C was 9.? Jack only said over 9....not good. Lets hope that no lasting damage is done from hormonal issues that plague her blood sugar.
    I expect my grandson will beg not to ever have to stay with Grammie again!!! First we did homework together...he did his work, and I worked on my class got 2 more units done. Then we argued over snacks...he immediately went for some kind of frozen thing...and I didn't say anything, until I saw him going for another.....he assured me he could have 2 after school snacks...and I told him that though I was not his Mother, while I was watching him he could have a HEALTHY second snack....he was so mad at me! But then he fixed himself apple and berry mix of fruit...nice big cereal bowl full. I felt better...not so sure about him. AND they're still on device restrictions, which includes TV and he tried to convince me that he was 'allowed' to watch Olympics....but he couldn't find them, and next thing I knew searching ended up on some kid TV show...which I quickly remedied by taking away the remote! They truly do push their limits with me. Little rug rats!!!

    So, I did well on steps for the past couple days, going to now go ride the hateful recumbent bike and then get myself to the grocery portion of my day.

    Yeah Roger, I've never experienced rush hour in NY or LA, but I know it took me 50 minutes to go 18.2 miles yesterday and that was at 2:30 in the afternoon. Somehow I was just not impressed! :). I dunno. And tomorrow I get to do half that distance at 5:30 (gymnastics)....thats the killer trip, 10 miles in 45 minutes or more, never less....ACK!!! Its a good thing Grammie loves those little hooligans! :)
    OH, and I hope you really have killed off the ivy. That ivy bed next door also has Japanese honeysuckle and fruiting Jerusalem Cherry all thru it. Those are MEAN weeds. They even have nasty thorns on the undersides of the leaves! I may go back and off those too this week, or they also will be in my yard. Anyhow, English Ivy is one hard plant to kill...those thick leaves have a waxy coating on them that defies even RoundUp...though the new growth probably is easier to kill.


    I found that Keeping after it that what I was spraying with the Round-Up it did work.

    Evidently there is a Weed Killer that kills Ivy really quickly, however it is only legal in two stated and of course NJ is not one of them :)

    A A1C of 9.x is not good. Especially as that means it is not just a one day aberration.

    Good Job seeing through the tricks of Your Grandson.... I think they pick some of that up from TV shows and Movies.

    I guess I would use Leather Gloves to handle those thorny issues.

    Good Luck with You travels. Wow tomorrow a High 13MPH, more or less.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi Again.
    I made some killer Baba ganoush today! Be glad you're far far away...fresh garlic~~~ It is soooo good though! Eggplant cooked on the grill at Jacks house Sunday.

    Not quite close Roger...Human body depending on your weight, is 1.2 to 1.5 gallons. give or take a little bit. (gallons, not pints, ok so you were almost close!! :) )

    Have any idea what the weed killer is that is only legal in 2 states. I'd be curious to know.
    I enjoyed the funnies today Roger! The turtles....how great! And I'd not mess with that big yellow cat! If he says that's his piece of equipment..I'd believe him!! LOL!!!

    About time for DS1 to call.


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Howdy again y'all. Finished off my soup and wine for dinner. I'm sure they drew no more than about half a cup, but it always looks like more. OK, maybe it WAS a little bit more, but only enough to clone me several times over. I know why they take that much, but it's still annoying.

    I didn't really watch to see, I was distracted by something.

    The REAL vampire was the attendant at the parking garage, but he was just doing his job. LOL.

    There was a significant amount of outdoor tagging today, and it was nearly 3 hours before I felt all caught up on everything I needed to do out there for "first thing in the morning" stuff...all of it's supposed to be done FIRST THING, but of course one person can't possibly do ALL of it FIRST THING so it gets done as I can, and I try to prioritize to get the most awkward, time consuming things done before it gets very busy.

    Enough rambling. Lilo wants some attention.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 91 with 50% chance of (probably) evening showers.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I did 9.2k Steps + 25cents found at the three block location on the outbound, It was 75 degrees out the door and a reported lower humidity. There were signs of a light rain overnight. Before I had gone 5 blocks it started to drizzle then just after the turnaround point on the route back to the house I needed to put up the umbrella :(
    Luckily I had it with me having watched the early morning weather report before heading out so I put the small folding one in my pocket just in case :)

    Next Item on my Agenda is Breakfast around the 9AM to 9:30 point then take the laundry out of the washer that I started before I came here and put it into the dryer. Some dummy forgot to turn on the AC in the Living room to cool off the Main Floor AKA the Ground Floor ;) So here I am in the basement using the Video Work computer until later when it cools off up there.

    I did go to CostCo and buy 3 bags of Frozen Vegetables, a 18 pack of the Light & Fit Greek Yogurt and a tray of Link Lady Apples as they are tasty and were reasonably priced.

    My Brother has started a frenzy of cooking to take to a friends house Friday (Tomorrow) so far his Home made baked beans, loaded with thick cut Bacon yesterday. Today he plans to make a Cheesecake and Probably cook the Corned Beef turned into a Pastrami. It actually comes out pretty good too. The Corned beef was bought on sale for St. Patty's day and the conversion was done then it was frozen uncooked. He can either do it here or put it in their smoker for 6 hours.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Again.
    I made some killer Baba ganoush today! Be glad you're far far away...fresh garlic~~~ It is soooo good though! Eggplant cooked on the grill at Jacks house Sunday.

    Not quite close Roger...Human body depending on your weight, is 1.2 to 1.5 gallons. give or take a little bit. (gallons, not pints, ok so you were almost close!! :) )

    Have any idea what the weed killer is that is only legal in 2 states. I'd be curious to know.
    I enjoyed the funnies today Roger! The turtles....how great! And I'd not mess with that big yellow cat! If he says that's his piece of equipment..I'd believe him!! LOL!!!

    About time for DS1 to call.

    Hi Valerie
    I almost forgot a Tray of Eggplant Parm to take along too that was cooked Yesterday using Eggplants picked earlier the same day from our garden.

    I can try and find the email my sister sent about it. Nope No Luck, As I remember, it was banned in all but two states.

    I was not clear I thought that the Body had a spare pint or two of blood beyond what normally circulates or that it could spare that much?

    Glad You enjoyed the humor, FWIW that Cat looks like the one that comes out the back of the yard through the fence somehow, I've seen it do that. Then it goes down the driveway to the street.

    Enjoy Your Day
    Howdy again y'all. Finished off my soup and wine for dinner. I'm sure they drew no more than about half a cup, but it always looks like more. OK, maybe it WAS a little bit more, but only enough to clone me several times over. I know why they take that much, but it's still annoying.

    I didn't really watch to see, I was distracted by something.

    The REAL vampire was the attendant at the parking garage, but he was just doing his job. LOL.

    There was a significant amount of outdoor tagging today, and it was nearly 3 hours before I felt all caught up on everything I needed to do out there for "first thing in the morning" stuff...all of it's supposed to be done FIRST THING, but of course one person can't possibly do ALL of it FIRST THING so it gets done as I can, and I try to prioritize to get the most awkward, time consuming things done before it gets very busy.

    Enough rambling. Lilo wants some attention.
    Hi Ed
    Wow, Three Hours :) That sounds like a pain in the neck morning. Smart thinking to do the difficult first too.

    I am unhappy with having blood drawn, even more so when money is extracted from me. The Blood is more easily made up than the money in my case.

    I think I usually have two or three vials of blood drawn FWIW.
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 91 with 50% chance of (probably) evening showers.
    Hi Again
    Well we had light rain overnight and already this morning too. At least with the cloud cover the sun was not beating down on me and overall it was OK walking. It was nice enough out the door until I stopped for coffee. They keep it so cool that when You leave again it feels warmer for a short period :(

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!...
    gymnastics this evening, if I make it... :)
    Need to make a WalMart run...wet cat food all gone. Treats need to be replenished. Had to really laugh over the treats. I'd run out about 2 weeks ago, and had picked up a small bag at the grocery...and when that was gone, I picked up another of the 'Mixed Medley' yesterday...and that's when I started laughing...up at the very top, it said contains catnip! I thought Tom E and Hoot had just become spoiled, cuz they were coming begging treats after breakfast, and more than once after dinner.... I had my fussy old men Cats hooked on KITTY CRACK!!!
    This morning I finished my class on Vital Signs!!!!! Passed with good grades too! :)

    Great breakfast...I had along with my banana and protein burger more of the baba g. Soooo good!

    About your blood draining...this is funny. Everybody thinks 3 or 4 tubes are 'draining them dry'.. consider if you give blood we take a pint...(2 cups)...ARC now also does double donations, meaning if you are within the parameters (weight/height) and choose to you can donate a quart. Now, how much can you lose? I honestly don't know....but its obviously more than a quart. And about those tubes just for your info....the red top tubes, green top tubes and the GI Joe (beige, green & orange) tops hold 7 ml at most. Takes 3 tubes (without serum separators) to fill the vacuum in the tubes to equal a tablespoon and a half! The blue tops, and purple tops require less...and I don't happen to remember the volumes. But...we could draw a whole bunch of tubes before we 'drained ya dry'!!! :):):)

    Ok, I need to get down the road before half day students from the high school, and kindergarten kids on buses and mommy SUV's clog the street...and the Walmart!!!!!

    Roger, sounds like you had a bunch of eggplant plants. I usually only get 3 or 4 small ones per plant!!! WTG!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    We DID get some thunder and rain this evening, right as I was preparing dinner, with lights flickering and the whole shebang! I was afraid I'd have half cooked dinner, but no problems.

    Tonight was one of those "wander and wonder" nights. Wander into the kitchen and wonder what the heck you're gonna make since you didn't really plan anything or set anything out to thaw.

    I dug through the freezer and found a nice package of thin sliced, boneless pork chops, so put them in the microwave to thaw. Then I pulled that half bottle of Marsala wine out of the bar area, and grabbed a couple of ears of corn, some garlic, and some mushrooms.

    Ended up with a nice dinner of pork Marsala, over mashed potatoes, with steamed, lightly buttered, bicolor sweet corn, and sliced tomato on the side. Opened a bottle of wine from the winery up the highway a bit, and dug in. And there are plenty of leftovers too!

    D had a small plate of it, but declined any seconds, but at least he ate one thin sliced chop, some potatoes, and some of the corn. He ate around the mushrooms as he really doesn't care for large chunks or slices of mushroom. I think he's insane in that way, as I love mushrooms, but that's OK. At least he doesn't turn down food with mushrooms any more, as he used to. I've made it clear that I am NOT altering any of my preparations to omit mushrooms or have them only on the side. He can eat it the way I make it, eating around them, or just get something on his own. He has sensibly decided to, usually, eat what I make if it's otherwise not offensive to him. :)


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! High of only 87 predicted for today with 60% chance of showers. And did I mention it's FRIDAY?

    Off to the rat mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I did 7.4K Steps during my walking, It was 75 degrees out the door and a reported Higher humidity.

    Next Item on my Agenda is Breakfast around the 9AM. Then my brother and I will be off to visit a friend south of us for the day. Once again some dummy forgot to turn on the AC in the Living room to cool off the Main Floor AKA the Ground Floor ;) So here I am in the basement using the Video Work computer until it cools off and I have Breakfast.

    While My Brother was cooking to take to a friends house He also made Pesto with Basil from the garden, And We sliced two different Bolognas from Dietrichs, I am calling them that although the cloth said one was Lebanon Bologna and the Other was a Sweet Bologna. They are going with us along with the Pastrami, Cheesecake, Ritz style crackers for the Bologna, Home made baked Beans and The Eggplant Parm.

    There goes the On NS Plan for today I suspect :) or is it :(

    I also noticed a advertisement for the Buzzr Channel

    BUZZR is a digital multicast television network owned by FremantleMedia North America, a unit of the FremantleMedia subsidiary of RTL Group. This vintage game show television network has unprecedented access to the vast portfolio of more than 40,000 iconic game show episodes, which air around the clock on the digi-net channel. Featured titles include Family Feud, Let’s Make a Deal, What’s My Line, To Tell the Truth, Match Game, Super Password, Tattletales, Blockbusters, and Card Sharks.

    BUZZR launched June 1st; in 35% of the country across 12 FOX owned and operated stations whose markets include New York City, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Dallas. This television network is available over-the-air and on selected cable and Telco providers.

    I have to take a look at it as I liked some of the old game shows. If I like what I see it will be a reason to pull out the DVR that can record off of Basic Cable or Over the Air and does tune the Digital channels. I see it is available here in the NYC broadcast area as channel 9.2

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!...
    gymnastics this evening, if I make it... :)
    Need to make a WalMart run...wet cat food all gone. Treats need to be replenished. Had to really laugh over the treats. I'd run out about 2 weeks ago, and had picked up a small bag at the grocery...and when that was gone, I picked up another of the 'Mixed Medley' yesterday...and that's when I started laughing...up at the very top, it said contains catnip! I thought Tom E and Hoot had just become spoiled, cuz they were coming begging treats after breakfast, and more than once after dinner.... I had my fussy old men Cats hooked on KITTY CRACK!!!
    This morning I finished my class on Vital Signs!!!!! Passed with good grades too! :)

    Great breakfast...I had along with my banana and protein burger more of the baba g. Soooo good!

    About your blood draining...this is funny. Everybody thinks 3 or 4 tubes are 'draining them dry'.. consider if you give blood we take a pint...(2 cups)...ARC now also does double donations, meaning if you are within the parameters (weight/height) and choose to you can donate a quart. Now, how much can you lose? I honestly don't know....but its obviously more than a quart. And about those tubes just for your info....the red top tubes, green top tubes and the GI Joe (beige, green & orange) tops hold 7 ml at most. Takes 3 tubes (without serum separators) to fill the vacuum in the tubes to equal a tablespoon and a half! The blue tops, and purple tops require less...and I don't happen to remember the volumes. But...we could draw a whole bunch of tubes before we 'drained ya dry'!!! :):):)

    Ok, I need to get down the road before half day students from the high school, and kindergarten kids on buses and mommy SUV's clog the street...and the Walmart!!!!!

    Roger, sounds like you had a bunch of eggplant plants. I usually only get 3 or 4 small ones per plant!!! WTG!

    Hi Valerie
    That was funny, You got Your cats hooked on Catnip :)

    I think My brother planted two or three only. They do seem to be producing for him however. He has had enough that he has been giving some of them away. Yesterday he went out and found two more of a decent size and they were what he used. One pan to go and the rest for here.

    My Freezer is getting full with all the fresh made then frozen Pesto. And that is despite handing a lot out to he friends.

    Thank You for the Information on the color coding, I knew that they had to mean something :)
    We DID get some thunder and rain this evening, right as I was preparing dinner, with lights flickering and the whole shebang! I was afraid I'd have half cooked dinner, but no problems.

    Tonight was one of those "wander and wonder" nights. Wander into the kitchen and wonder what the heck you're gonna make since you didn't really plan anything or set anything out to thaw.

    I dug through the freezer and found a nice package of thin sliced, boneless pork chops, so put them in the microwave to thaw. Then I pulled that half bottle of Marsala wine out of the bar area, and grabbed a couple of ears of corn, some garlic, and some mushrooms.

    Ended up with a nice dinner of pork Marsala, over mashed potatoes, with steamed, lightly buttered, bicolor sweet corn, and sliced tomato on the side. Opened a bottle of wine from the winery up the highway a bit, and dug in. And there are plenty of leftovers too!

    D had a small plate of it, but declined any seconds, but at least he ate one thin sliced chop, some potatoes, and some of the corn. He ate around the mushrooms as he really doesn't care for large chunks or slices of mushroom. I think he's insane in that way, as I love mushrooms, but that's OK. At least he doesn't turn down food with mushrooms any more, as he used to. I've made it clear that I am NOT altering any of my preparations to omit mushrooms or have them only on the side. He can eat it the way I make it, eating around them, or just get something on his own. He has sensibly decided to, usually, eat what I make if it's otherwise not offensive to him. :)

    Hi Ed
    That sounds like a easy fast and tasty dinner. You are a creative cook IMO.

    We have plenty of fresh ripe Tomatoes from the Garden including Plum and Slicing types, red and yellow, Red Cherrie And Yellow Cherry tomatoes, the latter looking like miniature plum tomatoes :)

    When I was growing up a picky eater would have starved, You ate what was on the table or went hungry.
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! High of only 87 predicted for today with 60% chance of showers. And did I mention it's FRIDAY?
    Hi Again
    I believe You Did mention that :)

    Have a Nice weekend off from work.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...I think Ed already joyfully told us it was Friday!!! :)

    I did go to gymnastics, it took an hour to go 12 miles. That's disgusting. But, I noticed a little hole in the wall appearing Chinese restaurant about a quarter mile from O's gym...hmmm. I'll try it hopefully next week, and if it doesn't appear to make me sick or kill me, I may just become their 'Thurs. nite regular'! It would beat sitting endlessly in long lines of traffic waiting for stop lights to go green. Sitting thru a light twice is not so horrible, but when it becomes 3 or more...I tend to want to become homicidal! :) Especially after about the 3rd such light. :) And Ted wonders why I chew gum when I drive... Trip home at 7:30 took only half hour.

    I got a quarter inch of Ed's rain yesterday evening. It poured over in Suwanee while we were in the gym. Nice storm, complete with bolts of lightening and deafening thunder! :)

    My agenda is pretty open today....we'll see what I end up doing!


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! There is some event this morning that J wants to attend, fairly early, and then FROM THERE head on to Braselton for pool party. I'd rather sleep, to be honest. I would love a weekend where we don't have anything on the calendar and can just veg around the house! Since we're doing the morning thing first, I can't even make baked beans and bring them along for the pool party so they'll just have to get by as if I weren't there.

    I need to find my earplugs...the hostess for the morning event is a yak and gives me a headache.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Ed, really sorry you had to get up and go so early. I used to hate that. (and few and far between, I loved calendar free weekends.) So, go to calendar, and block out the very first weekend that's free....kinda like scheduling exercise time....plan for it! :)

    Roger, I'm guessing you're out and probably headed on the in bound leg of your route this morning. Its 74 on my back porch. BUT...the upper 60's are coming! So says the weather folks. Open house time! As is leaf fall...that's depressing. I may have to go back to bed! LOL!

    Tomorrow Nate has a hockey game! And its not until 11a.m.!! Double WOW! After I will stop at Whole Foods, there are a couple items there that I can't find other places. Its time!

    I looked at cheap grills...gonna look a little more. I have really liked the grilled veg's on Jack's grill. Don't need anything fancy or big, just something a little more 'solid' than what I have seen. Going to try Home Depot maybe Lowe's too. Jack was real quick to offer to set mine up for me! (he's grilled for me twice...do you suppose I wore out my welcome already?!?!) Lets see, how many meals did I cook for him between say 2yrs and 19yrs old? Hmmmmmm! LOL!

    Ok, gonna go do something...don't know what...but leaving this computer!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    Today I have done 9.1K Steps + 1 cent, It was 74 degrees out the door and a tus the coolest overnight for a while. Cooler weather is forecast for next week too.

    Today feels like Sunday as Yesterday kept feeling like Saturday as usually we do not go visit that friend on weekdays :)

    I did overeat unfortunately, I managed not to go way overboard, however I did eat two of the Peter Luger Burgers he supplies and grilled, tasty too. As well as a bit of Potato Salad and Coleslaw and my Brothers Homemade Baked Beans, Cheesecake, and last but not least Pastrami. Not huge amounts of any however. I suspect that the Pastrami is why I seem to be retaining water as it starts out with Corned Beef which is of course a Brined Beef Brisket.

    OTOH that was my Lunch and Dinner, Midmorning and Midafternoon snacks for the day excluding the Apple I ate last night.

    Have a Great Weekend

    P.S. I noticed that a pair of fresh figs appeared on the counter while I was out. They came off of this years planting of two fig trees and from what my brother said there are a couple more small ones that were not ready.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good Morning...I think Ed already joyfully told us it was Friday!!! :)

    I did go to gymnastics, it took an hour to go 12 miles. That's disgusting. But, I noticed a little hole in the wall appearing Chinese restaurant about a quarter mile from O's gym...hmmm. I'll try it hopefully next week, and if it doesn't appear to make me sick or kill me, I may just become their 'Thurs. nite regular'! It would beat sitting endlessly in long lines of traffic waiting for stop lights to go green. Sitting thru a light twice is not so horrible, but when it becomes 3 or more...I tend to want to become homicidal! :) Especially after about the 3rd such light. :) And Ted wonders why I chew gum when I drive... Trip home at 7:30 took only half hour.

    I got a quarter inch of Ed's rain yesterday evening. It poured over in Suwanee while we were in the gym. Nice storm, complete with bolts of lightening and deafening thunder! :)

    My agenda is pretty open today....we'll see what I end up doing!

    Hi Valerie
    Wow You got a Blazing 12 MPH on that trip, Could You stand the thrill? :)

    From what my brother has said some of the best meals he has had on vacations with the family were in little hole in the wall looking eateries that they found when all the better looking ones had long lines and I'm sure You know how kids are about standing in line waiting when they hungry.

    I do something similar with a Diner when I walk over for my haircut. I have a light breakfast and comfort stop with a Decaf to drink on the return trip after having my haircut. since the outbound walk to the barbershop is 2/3 of my regular walk distance (steps) I sort of need the rest stop and nutrients as otherwise I would be late on my breakfast :)

    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! There is some event this morning that J wants to attend, fairly early, and then FROM THERE head on to Braselton for pool party. I'd rather sleep, to be honest. I would love a weekend where we don't have anything on the calendar and can just veg around the house! Since we're doing the morning thing first, I can't even make baked beans and bring them along for the pool party so they'll just have to get by as if I weren't there.

    I need to find my earplugs...the hostess for the morning event is a yak and gives me a headache.

    Hi Ed
    I Know what You mean about just wanting a restful weekend, When I was working that was all I wanted too.

    Good Luck
    Good Morning!
    Ed, really sorry you had to get up and go so early. I used to hate that. (and few and far between, I loved calendar free weekends.) So, go to calendar, and block out the very first weekend that's free....kinda like scheduling exercise time....plan for it! :)

    Roger, I'm guessing you're out and probably headed on the in bound leg of your route this morning. Its 74 on my back porch. BUT...the upper 60's are coming! So says the weather folks. Open house time! As is leaf fall...that's depressing. I may have to go back to bed! LOL!

    Tomorrow Nate has a hockey game! And its not until 11a.m.!! Double WOW! After I will stop at Whole Foods, there are a couple items there that I can't find other places. Its time!

    I looked at cheap grills...gonna look a little more. I have really liked the grilled veg's on Jack's grill. Don't need anything fancy or big, just something a little more 'solid' than what I have seen. Going to try Home Depot maybe Lowe's too. Jack was real quick to offer to set mine up for me! (he's grilled for me twice...do you suppose I wore out my welcome already?!?!) Lets see, how many meals did I cook for him between say 2yrs and 19yrs old? Hmmmmmm! LOL!

    Ok, gonna go do something...don't know what...but leaving this computer!


    Hi Again
    Looking at the time I was indeed on the inbound leg of my walk I think I got home at 7:55 AM and Your post is time stamped at August 20, 2016 7:33AM :)

    While we were out we actually passed a Whole Foods, and it was only 35 minutes and $1.50 tolls from home :) First one I have really seen too. We see more Kings for fancier foods.

    We passed the Peterpank Diner and it was closed.
    SAYREVILLE – A community landmark, which recently celebrated its 58th anniversary, is slated to close at 3 p.m. Dec. 30, 2015.

    Peterpank Diner, a popular restaurant on Route 9, has been sold to a developer, who is planning on replacing the diner with a new business.

    From another webpage
    RIP the Peterpank Diner. Another Jersey Diner bites the dust

    Last year for the 4th of July we picked up a cheap portable gas grill from Walmarts that uses screw on bottles of propane and not that large one that sits on the ground. Similar to this one that shows out of stock

    It worked for me and the Grill part cleaned pretty easy too.

    Have a Nice Weekend