Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    edited August 2016
    zOMG. We tasted the cherimoya. I cut it open to give the sugar gliders some of it for their fruit tonight. I can taste and feel CRYSTALIZED FRUCTOSE around the outside, near the skin. (Don't eat the skin or seeds). This is SO SWEET, but very tasty, I don't mind at all paying a small fortune for one fruit. There is half left in the fridge for J to eat tonight if he wants, as there is a large mango that needs to be cut up for tomorrow.

    The apples were New Zealand Rose, from my CSA box of a couple of weeks ago, and there is one left in the fridge. I have had the ones beginning with a K and liked them pretty well too. The Rose are quite nice, and not mealy at all, so I'm thinking they are not wintered over.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy again y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 90 is the predicted high for today, with 0% chance of rain.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was in the 72 today, a couple of degrees cooler than Yesterday, Today I have done 7,785 Steps so far. Tomorrow is predicted to be warmer and then later on this week the weather is supposed to be better :)

    Tomorrow is Market Day at the local Grocery Store to take advantage of the 10% Wednesday Senior Discount day. I will need some Fruits and I finished off a box of cereal Monday and need to decide if I want another Multi-Grain Cheerios or something different to put into the 6 different cereals I use. I use a different one every day when I am having cold cereal. When I start with the cereals for breakfast I eat them until I use up the quart of Dollar Store milk I pulled off of the Pantry shelf as once I open it I have to refrigerate and use it before it spoils.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Monday Morning, barely!
    Been up for at least 3 hours...computer clean up. :)
    Yes, that is a lot of fructose, but nicely tempered with the 7 grams of fiber. If eaten with a lower carb meal it should not spike BS. (statement a little out of my 'for sure', but I do know fiber tamps down the immediate release of sugar..)
    My tofu Eggless Egg Salad is so Egg Salad...I'm gonna go tell Mom you're picking on me!!!! LOL! Looks like egg salad...tastes like I remember egg salad... yep, its egg salad...who needs egg? :)
    Now, my turn to 'pick'.:) ..Roger on a daily basis, what is your total Protein intake?? And what is recommended for our age group???? I know mine is 48g per day average. There are a ton of formula's based on ideal weight, and charts based on age, etc. I looked it up, but I'll allow you the fun of figuring it out....also keep in mind that this is Daily Recommended...and I remember those NS meals are protein packed...

    Mind shift: Has anybody seen 'new/ this years crop' apples yet? I'm guessing in upstate NY and 'norther', apples are being picked. Not quite time here except for one or two oddball varieties. I'm jonesing for some good fall apples....

    Today's list is long, so I'd best get going.
    Hi Val
    I think my Protein is OK. I have not added it up however. Yesterdays Protein shake as 20g protein and 2 ounces of turkey later in the day as well as whatever was in the cereal w/milk, NS lunch, dinner and two snacks. I suspect that the Apple and the Bartlett pear are not high protein :)

    Ok, From the interactive calculator Here:
    Body Mass Index (BMI) is 27.2 Estimated Daily Caloric Needs: 2477 kcal/day
    • About BMI

    Each reference value refers to average daily nutrient intake; day-to-day nutrient intakes may vary.
    Macronutrient Recommended Intake per day
    Carbohydrate 279 - 403 grams 1
    Total Fiber 30 grams
    Protein 65 grams
    Fat 55 - 96 grams 2
    Saturated fatty acids As low as possible while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet.
    Trans fatty acids As low as possible while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet.
    α-Linolenic Acid 1.6 grams 3
    Linoleic Acid 14 grams 3
    Dietary Cholesterol As low as possible while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet.
    Total Water* 3.7 Liters (about 16 cups)
    *Total water includes all water contained in food, beverages, and drinking water.
    Click on numbered footnote for more information.

    Each reference value refers to average daily nutrient intake; day-to-day nutrient intakes may vary.
    Vitamin Recommended Intake per day Tolerable UL Intake per day
    Vitamin A 900 mcg 3,000 mcg4
    Vitamin C 90 mg 2,000 mg
    Vitamin D 15 mcg 100 mcg
    Vitamin B6 2 mg 100 mg
    Vitamin E 15 mg 1,000 mg5
    Vitamin K 120 mcg ND
    Thiamin 1 mg ND
    Vitamin B12 2 mcg ND
    Riboflavin 1 mg ND
    Folate 400 mcg 1,000 mcg6
    Niacin 16 mg 35 mg7
    Choline 550 mg 3,500 mg
    Pantothenic Acid 5 mg ND
    Biotin 30 mcg ND
    Carotenoids NA ND8
    Click individual vitamin for fact sheet.
    Click on numbered footnote for more information.

    Minerals (Elements)
    Each reference value refers to average daily nutrient intake; day-to-day nutrient intakes may vary.
    Mineral Recommended Intake per day Tolerable UL Intake per day
    Calcium 1,000 mg 2,000 mg
    Chloride 2 g 3.6 g
    Chromium 30 mcg ND
    Copper 900 mcg 10,000 mcg
    Fluoride 4 mg 10 mg
    Iodine 150 mcg 1,100 mcg
    Iron 8 mg 45 mg
    Magnesium 420 mg 350 mg 9
    Manganese 2.3 mg 11 mg
    Molybdenum 45 mcg 2,000 mcg
    Phosphorus 700 mg 4,000 mg
    Potassium 4.7 g ND
    Selenium 55 mcg 400 mcg
    Sodium 1.3 g 2.3 g
    Zinc 11 mg 40 mg
    Arsenic NA ND 10
    Boron NA 20 mg
    Nickel NA 1 mg
    Silicon NA ND 11
    Sulfate NA ND
    Vanadium NA 1.8 mg 12


    Hopefully the USDA.GOV website is a good source of information. Also using the Protein per pound information from other sites shows 64.44g of protein so that seems a close match to me. Now I need to remember to track the protein for a couple of days :)

    I Can not wait to get fresh apples. The ones that are available currently are variable in quality when I hand Pick them.
    Ok, I think we're shopping at the same grocery...New Zealand apple variety starts with a K?
    So far, best I could find also.

    I love the whole concept of fluffy tasting wine!!!???

    Heading for my bed, and a couple games, and sleep.

    You'll see this in the morning Ed, so, 'Hope your day goes well'
    See Ya!!!

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Tonight’s dinner was sautéed potato, onion, and broccoli, topped with cheese.

    Wine of choice: LaGranja Verdejo Viura, 70% Verdejo, 30% Viura, 2015, Spain. Very fruit forward, not a lot of acid, sort of light and fluffy. Yes, that’s a good word. Fluffy. Good pairing with the sauté.

    The best apples I've had recently were some oddball variety I'd never heard of from New Zealand...pretty good, I must say.
    Hi Ed
    I wish I could find something like that. My suspicion is that since those apples come from down under where the seasons are reversed they are a lot fresher that the ones that were gown here last year and stored for sale throughout the winter and summer :)
    zOMG. We tasted the cherimoya. I cut it open to give the sugar gliders some of it for their fruit tonight. I can taste and feel CRYSTALIZED FRUCTOSE around the outside, near the skin. (Don't eat the skin or seeds). This is SO SWEET, but very tasty, I don't mind at all paying a small fortune for one fruit. There is half left in the fridge for J to eat tonight if he wants, as there is a large mango that needs to be cut up for tomorrow.

    The apples were New Zealand Rose, from my CSA box of a couple of weeks ago, and there is one left in the fridge. I have had the ones beginning with a K and liked them pretty well too. The Rose are quite nice, and not mealy at all, so I'm thinking they are not wintered over.

    Thank You for the feedback on that fruit, from curiousity how much of a small fortune for one was it? If I'm not being nosey of course.
    Howdy again y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 90 is the predicted high for today, with 0% chance of rain.
    We are lucky today with a forecast high of 84.

    Have a Nice day at work
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Ok, Roger, I hope I haven't created a 'nutra-freak' :) Yep, thats a large chunk of dietary info, but useful. Just don't get too hung up on it. As a general figure, there are 7 g protein per ounce of meat. The rest is easy to get from the NS boxes, etc. I was just concerned that you were going to fall into the 'Me Big Body Builder Protein Trap' .... :) LOL!!

    The cherimoyas Ed found was ...
    "1.23 lb @ 10.49/lb Cherimoyas - 12.90 (reputed to be the sweetest fruit in the world?)"
    Making it great for a taste...not so much for a daily fruit! :) Unless, of course you win the lottery, or happen to live where they grow... Google them..there are some interesting vid's about how to select one, how to eat one, as in seeds and skin are toxic....etc. I'm going to first look at the H-mart, as Ted and I will be going there on Sunday...his idea, not mine, he's coming out to grill veg's with me. He knows zilch about grilling, which is just one ladder rung below what I know...should be a most interesting experience........
    If I don't find cherimoyas there, I will go to the Assi International Market just 'up the street' on Pleasant Hill they have a world wide selection of darn near everything edible.....

    If our 90 degrees is as dry as yesterday, and with a little luck a bit of breeze...it will not feel bad at all. If we start getting heavy humid air from these multitudes of storms in the Atlantic, we'll wilt like neglected plants! Our days of mid 80's is only a couple weeks from now, she said with her fingers crossed.

    I need to get moving...just cuz I slept in very late, doesn't mean I can dally! I think that should be my 'mantra' for the day!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Ok, Roger, I hope I haven't created a 'nutra-freak' :) Yep, thats a large chunk of dietary info, but useful. Just don't get too hung up on it. As a general figure, there are 7 g protein per ounce of meat. The rest is easy to get from the NS boxes, etc. I was just concerned that you were going to fall into the 'Me Big Body Builder Protein Trap' .... :) LOL!!

    The cherimoyas Ed found was ...
    "1.23 lb @ 10.49/lb Cherimoyas - 12.90 (reputed to be the sweetest fruit in the world?)"
    Making it great for a taste...not so much for a daily fruit! :) Unless, of course you win the lottery, or happen to live where they grow... Google them..there are some interesting vid's about how to select one, how to eat one, as in seeds and skin are toxic....etc. I'm going to first look at the H-mart, as Ted and I will be going there on Sunday...his idea, not mine, he's coming out to grill veg's with me. He knows zilch about grilling, which is just one ladder rung below what I know...should be a most interesting experience........
    If I don't find cherimoyas there, I will go to the Assi International Market just 'up the street' on Pleasant Hill they have a world wide selection of darn near everything edible.....

    If our 90 degrees is as dry as yesterday, and with a little luck a bit of breeze...it will not feel bad at all. If we start getting heavy humid air from these multitudes of storms in the Atlantic, we'll wilt like neglected plants! Our days of mid 80's is only a couple weeks from now, she said with her fingers crossed.

    I need to get moving...just cuz I slept in very late, doesn't mean I can dally! I think that should be my 'mantra' for the day!


    Hi Valerie
    No Need to worry about me that way, I just use a Protein shake at breakfast, Currently I am using up the Ones I picked up at CostCo and will probably not restock as the NS ones are cheaper and Taste better IMO. Usually I use the NS ones as the Extra Protein from the NS Mens 1800 Calorie Plan just as for breakfast, And the Banana for the SC part. The same reason I use some fruit as the Lunch & Dinner SCs.

    Yesterday and Today I had some extra fruit as I had some more Raspberries right off of the Plant. When I say right off of the plant I mean Plant to mouth :)
    So Tasty and Fresh.

    At $10.49 a pound they sure are not going to be my Go To fruit either :)

    Have a Fun time Grilling with Ted This Holiday Weekend

    Good Luck with the Humidity
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    edited August 2016
    Howdy y'all. At work the fun never ends. Today the person who was supposed to work middle shift called in and was in Tennessee due to a sudden death in the family, and will have to be off for at least a week. WHY THE HELL CAN'T THEY HIRE ME SOME PEOPLE WHO CAN ACTUALLY *KITTEN* BE THERE TO WORK? One quit, rudely, by just not showing up...one called in sick for several shifts in a row, now this one suddenly has to be gone for a week (conveniently covering labor day weekend, and including the two days that we needed her to open so I could have MY mini vacation that I really, really need over labor day weekend.

    Management in the store has that problem. I already, truthfully, intimated to them that I cannot change my plans as we've already paid for event tickets, already paid for some of the hotel, and none of this is transferrable or refundable. If we don't go, we just lose a good bit of money already paid out. If they try to say I HAVE to change my plans...well, then they may be looking for new fuel lead/manager a lot sooner than they expected as well, and I really don't think they are going to go there.

    I AM taking this badly needed mini-vacation. That's all there is to it.

    Dinner tonight was a small, boneless pork chop, dredged in seasoned flour, pan fried, served with steamed, lightly buttered green beans, mashed potatoes, and some home made country (milk) gravy. I deserved it.

    And there are two plates of leftovers in the fridge. I made three pretty much identical meals of it, since there were three chops.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! High today supposed to be 91 with a 20% chance of rain.

    Tag day. Wheee!

    Leftover pork chop meal for breakfast.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Early Morning!
    Tag Day and Grocery Shopping Day! Roger do you have a day specific chore to add to that? :)
    I'm guessing you're getting pretty good at 'grocery Wednesday' for the 10% discount! BTW, thats TWICE as much discount as we get here! Hmmmm. My list at the moment is kinda loosey goosey...14 fruits, 10 veggies, 7 servings of dark green leafy for salads, 3 cans of mixed beans, and 4 of the little 6 ounce cans from Publix. (those really come in handy), and a couple sweet potatoes, and salad raw things like cukes, tomatoes, carrot to shred, parsley, etc. I looked at the weekly ad for Kroger, and its understandably geared towards the holiday weekend, and bbq meats, sandwich buns, and junk food. No a lot of help there.
    So, will now check the Publix ad. If I find no enticing veg. there, I may just be forced to make a Whole Foods run.

    Will be keeping the littles again today. As the valve replacement and by-pass surgery is happening today for Jenns step dad. One of Jenn's friends brought them dinner. It was good to see her again. This lady and 2 of her teaching friends were week day morning regulars when I worked at the gym. And for the longest time, none of us realized we were friends in common! LOL!

    Ed, sorry you're having staff issues...that has to be maddening. Too bad you can't do a 'group hire/train, and surprise the ones who are ducking work with lay-offs.

    Time to check the ad at Publix, and get a move on...
    I'd really like another cup of coffee...


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 75 degrees, Today I did 7,400 Steps. The Humidity is up once again, Starting tomorrow the weather is supposed to be better :)

    The following list is what I have added to my iPod to sample and decide which radio shows I want to add all of to it. I have more different shows than these, However they are more than enough to do today.

    Have a Great Wednesday

    The World beyond Tomorrow 52-01-03 Crystal Smugglers of Titan_64kb.mp3
    And Nothing But The Truth-(KIXI-News).mp3
    AnyoneAnymore MagnificentMontague 501110 01 Starring Role In Radio.mp3
    Blondie Dagwood Buys A New Suit.mp3
    Broadway Is My Beat Jimmy Dorn Case.mp3
    Baby Snooks afrs Hanging Wallpaper.mp3
    CBS Radio Mystery Theatre Much Too Much_64kb.mp3
    Dr Kildare 50-02-01 (01) Angela And Steven Kester.mp3
    Ed Wynn The Fire Chief 1932-01-10 Home Sweet Home.mp3
    The Fat Man Murder_squares_the_triangle_64kb.mp3
    Gunsmoke 52-04-26 (001) Billy the Kid.mp3
    Hopalong Cassidy 41-08-11 (xxx) Forecast.mp3
    Imagination Theatre #689, 05-31-2009, KINCAID, THE STRANGESEEKER - THE AVATAR.mp3
    Inner_Sanctum_-_410107 Amazing Death of Mrs Putnam.mp3
    Lights Out.1941.02.17_Special_to_Hollywood.mp3
    Mr Moto ep01 A Force Called X07.mp3
    Mr Keen 40-06-05 The Case Of The Woman Who Wasn't Needed.mp3
    Philo Vance 43-04-29 (xxx) The Case of the Cellini Cup.mp3
    Quiet Please 3000 Words Aug 23, 1948.mp3
    Richard Diamond 49-05-01 (002) The Barton Case.mp3
    12SKY_King The Black Circle.mp3
    The Crime Club 46-12-02 (01) Death Blew out the Match.mp3
    The Fat Man_ Murder Wears A False Face-SD.mp4
    Richard Diamond Buried Treasure Map.mp3
    Richard Diamond Private Detective Intro.mp3
    Death Valley Days - Dear Teacher.mp3
    BatMan Mystery Club The Monster Of Dumphreys Hal.mp3
    Mr District Atty Death By Adoption_64kb.mp3
    Ford Theater ep01-Connecticut_Yankee_in_King_Arthurs_Court.mp3
    Murder At Midnight 01 The Dead Hand.mp3
    Mystery In The Air ep06 The Great Barastro.mp3
    Your Army Air Force 1945.09.06 Doolittle Flier.mp3
    You Bet Your Life lUnedited-Rec1949.01.27ForBroadcast1949.02.0
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. At work the fun never ends. Today the person who was supposed to work middle shift called in and was in Tennessee due to a sudden death in the family, and will have to be off for at least a week. WHY THE HELL CAN'T THEY HIRE ME SOME PEOPLE WHO CAN ACTUALLY *KITTEN* BE THERE TO WORK? One quit, rudely, by just not showing up...one called in sick for several shifts in a row, now this one suddenly has to be gone for a week (conveniently covering labor day weekend, and including the two days that we needed her to open so I could have MY mini vacation that I really, really need over labor day weekend.

    Management in the store has that problem. I already, truthfully, intimated to them that I cannot change my plans as we've already paid for event tickets, already paid for some of the hotel, and none of this is transferable or refundable. If we don't go, we just lose a good bit of money already paid out. If they try to say I HAVE to change my plans...well, then they may be looking for new fuel lead/manager a lot sooner than they expected as well, and I really don't think they are going to go there.

    I AM taking this badly needed mini-vacation. That's all there is to it.

    Dinner tonight was a small, boneless pork chop, dredged in seasoned flour, pan fried, served with steamed, lightly buttered green beans, mashed potatoes, and some home made country (milk) gravy. I deserved it.

    And there are two plates of leftovers in the fridge. I made three pretty much identical meals of it, since there were three chops.
    Hi Ed
    if I were suspicious of the timing I would tell that person they need to supply a copy of the Death Certificate or the newspaper page with the obituary :) Does that make me a suspicious curmudgeon type of person to suggest that?

    I'm sorry to hear that one just dropped out of sight, Courtesy is a dying or dead art anymore.

    Just from curiosity did You make Your own Seasoned Flour or did You buy it Already to use ? I have seen it available, I just do not know how good it is beyond being a little faster and if a person did not have seasoning :)
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! High today supposed to be 91 with a 20% chance of rain.

    Tag day. Wheee!

    Leftover pork chop meal for breakfast.
    Hi Again
    TBH a left over Pork Chop Meal for Breakfast sounds really tasty. I have been know to reverse the order of my meals and have Breakfast at Dinner time or even to have a Bowl of cereal for Breakfast and Dinner :)

    Good Luck With Tag Day
    Rain in our forecast for later on today
    Good Early Morning!
    Tag Day and Grocery Shopping Day! Roger do you have a day specific chore to add to that? :)
    I'm guessing you're getting pretty good at 'grocery Wednesday' for the 10% discount! BTW, thats TWICE as much discount as we get here! Hmmmm. My list at the moment is kinda loosey goosey...14 fruits, 10 veggies, 7 servings of dark green leafy for salads, 3 cans of mixed beans, and 4 of the little 6 ounce cans from Publix. (those really come in handy), and a couple sweet potatoes, and salad raw things like cukes, tomatoes, carrot to shred, parsley, etc. I looked at the weekly ad for Kroger, and its understandably geared towards the holiday weekend, and bbq meats, sandwich buns, and junk food. No a lot of help there.
    So, will now check the Publix ad. If I find no enticing veg. there, I may just be forced to make a Whole Foods run.

    Will be keeping the littles again today. As the valve replacement and by-pass surgery is happening today for Jenns step dad. One of Jenn's friends brought them dinner. It was good to see her again. This lady and 2 of her teaching friends were week day morning regulars when I worked at the gym. And for the longest time, none of us realized we were friends in common! LOL!

    Ed, sorry you're having staff issues...that has to be maddening. Too bad you can't do a 'group hire/train, and surprise the ones who are ducking work with lay-offs.

    Time to check the ad at Publix, and get a move on...
    I'd really like another cup of coffee...

    Hi Valerie
    I Bought Some Assorted Apples just in case one of them has a poor texture. I already have one in the refrigerator where I know I will be chopping off some of it, OTOH at least it was only 99 cents a pound if that is a plus?

    On to my shopping
    4 tangerines
    4 Black Plums
    2 Bartlett Pears
    1 Granny Smith Apple
    1 Red Delicious Apple
    1 Honey Crisp Apple
    2 Bananas straight into the Refrigerator as they are fairly ripe already.

    So at 2 of the large fruits or 2 of the smaller and 1 large fruit per day that should hold me for a few days 4+ to be exact. I do not want to buy to far ahead. My brother will be looking at the prices a bag of Clementine or tangerines at the Shoprite and I may have him pick up of a bag of those to supplement as they should last at least a week or two. I bought the 4 Tangerines as a Just in case they were high at the Shoprite. I have seen then sell for between $3 and $6+ for a 3 pound bag there.

    I have finished my other chore for today, that was select from my archive of Old Time Radio Shows and put Sample on Mr. iPod to audition them. What with everything that killed 2+ Hours of the day.

    My Brother has been slicing Fresh Picked Tomatoes and Zucchini into his salads this summer.

    I tend to steer clear of canned vegetables as they taste salty to my taste buds these days and the Sodium listing in the Nutrition tends to confirm that FWIW.

    I hope the valve replacement and by-pass surgery that is happening today is 110% successful and that a speedy recovery ensues.

    I like Your thinking regarding Eds Staffing issues. You can see what I thought of in my reply to him :)

    Then You should have a Coffee :)
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger your comment about needing a obit or certif. When I was managing an overnite crew at ARC...a lazy young lady, who called in more than most, called me to tell that she was at 'X' hospital with her sick MIL..and couldn't come to work...in fact she shared that the MIL was in ICU....so when I got everything under control, I called the hospital.... There wasn't a MIL in the whole hospital......and next day, Human Resources came down on my head because I had 'checked up' on my employee. WHAT???? Yeah, no joke. I was soooo mad I couldn't see straight. And rather than let the little liar go, they just moved her to another department. Well, at least she was out of my hair...but it shows how wimpy management can be sometimes!

    All my shopping is done, Jack stayed home today to get the kids off to school, so he's working from home....and I don't have to go up there today... Iv's surgery, if it was on time, started at 8:30, and was anticipated to take 5 hours. Hoping everything is going well.

    And I did have that second cup of coffee Roger, decaf :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Store people said they would "figure out something" for Friday and Monday. I'll leave them to that, and leave copious notes on what has to be done on opening. I think they (without me having to bring it up at all) have figured out that I NEED THIS BREAK and they better not *kitten* with it.

    Our out of town friends have arrived and are asleep in the guest room. I have to go in and work today and then I'm NOT AVAILABLE until Tuesday.

    Roger, I make my own seasoned flour. I have all sorts of things to season with and it's simple enough to put a few spoonfuls of flour in a ziplock bag, add seasoning, shake it up, and toss the item(s) to be seasoned into the bag to shake with it. Shake off excess and cook. I don't even use Shake 'n Bake.

    Well, off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 71 degrees out the door, And it was drizzling for most of the walk, I did take a folding umbrella in my pocket that I used for part of the walk. Today I did 8,752 Steps. The Humidity is up once again, Starting tomorrow the weather is supposed to be better, Cooler :)

    So far one hit and two misses from the radio shows I listened too. Tom Corbett Space Cadet, Miss, Inspector Thorne, Hit, Hallmark, Unsure.

    I picked some Raspberries to go in my cereal for Breakfast on my return home too.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger your comment about needing a obit or certif. When I was managing an overnite crew at ARC...a lazy young lady, who called in more than most, called me to tell that she was at 'X' hospital with her sick MIL..and couldn't come to work...in fact she shared that the MIL was in ICU....so when I got everything under control, I called the hospital.... There wasn't a MIL in the whole hospital......and next day, Human Resources came down on my head because I had 'checked up' on my employee. WHAT???? Yeah, no joke. I was soooo mad I couldn't see straight. And rather than let the little liar go, they just moved her to another department. Well, at least she was out of my hair...but it shows how wimpy management can be sometimes!

    All my shopping is done, Jack stayed home today to get the kids off to school, so he's working from home....and I don't have to go up there today... Iv's surgery, if it was on time, started at 8:30, and was anticipated to take 5 hours. Hoping everything is going well.

    And I did have that second cup of coffee Roger, decaf :)

    Hi Valerie
    When I was working as a Dispatcher I quickly learned who was doing just enough to get by and who was a good worker. Would You like to guess who got the Runs that paid better and who got the lemons?

    I have heard that many employers now will not give a bad reply when a prospective employer calls up checking on how someone is. So I agree that many employers are wimpy, OTOH with people being so willing to run to a lawyer rather than take responsibility for their actions and the consequences, Sadly I have to say I would not want to be a Boss anymore.

    Strange You should mention Decaf as I was thinking about boiling a pot of water and putting a couple of DeCaf Coffee bags in to steep as I walking back on the return leg of my walk :)

    I hope All was well with the surgery, 5 hours sounds like a long involved one.

    Good Luck
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Store people said they would "figure out something" for Friday and Monday. I'll leave them to that, and leave copious notes on what has to be done on opening. I think they (without me having to bring it up at all) have figured out that I NEED THIS BREAK and they better not *kitten* with it.

    Our out of town friends have arrived and are asleep in the guest room. I have to go in and work today and then I'm NOT AVAILABLE until Tuesday.

    Roger, I make my own seasoned flour. I have all sorts of things to season with and it's simple enough to put a few spoonfuls of flour in a ziplock bag, add seasoning, shake it up, and toss the item(s) to be seasoned into the bag to shake with it. Shake off excess and cook. I don't even use Shake 'n Bake.
    Hi Ed
    I am appalled You do not use that Gourmet item, Shake and Bake :) Next You will be telling me no Ramen either :)
    I bet You also pass on Hamburger Helper :) When I was working I did use the latter two on occasion to save time.

    There are so many pluses to making Your own seasoned flour that I was pretty sure You did make Your own.

    Good News that they will handle it.

    Have a Great Holiday Weekend
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning its a beautiful morning in GA!
    Roger I hope your walking morning is a cool and 'unhumid' (is that even a word!?) as our morning! Back porch drama...2 cardinal ladies, one brave the other not so much...the brave one cautiously one hop at a time coming across the porch floor toward the cat (dry) food....the other, vacillating between the cat window, and the handle of my composter....continuous chirps between the two... so, in a bit, say 50 or so chirps, Betty Brave gets to the food dish, and is happily pecking away, when the stupid human moved....bye, bye, birdie!!!
    And such is the excitement in my life today!!! LOL!! And for that I am grateful, and it is 'enough'!!!!

    Just texted DS1 about gym tonite.... Papa came thru the surgery and was in recovery last I heard yesterday afternoon... Not sure if DIL will be home for the kids after school...

    Ed, glad you're sticking to your guns about your time off this weekend... Leave them a big fat fancy list! I did that for my replacement when I knew I'd be out for 6 weeks after surgery. Sadly, I don't think they even looked at it,.......... I came back to chaos.

    I picked up Ambrosia apples yesterday. The one I had last night was delicious...but it was also $2+change a pound! Good thing I like little apples! :)

    Ok, breakfast, gym for Grammie, and then I think I'll tackle this carpet cleaner and see why its not putting out 'steam'......arg. Always something, right?


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning its a beautiful morning in GA!
    Roger I hope your walking morning is a cool and 'unhumid' (is that even a word!?) as our morning! Back porch drama...2 cardinal ladies, one brave the other not so much...the brave one cautiously one hop at a time coming across the porch floor toward the cat (dry) food....the other, vacillating between the cat window, and the handle of my composter....continuous chirps between the two... so, in a bit, say 50 or so chirps, Betty Brave gets to the food dish, and is happily pecking away, when the stupid human moved....bye, bye, birdie!!!
    And such is the excitement in my life today!!! LOL!! And for that I am grateful, and it is 'enough'!!!!

    Just texted DS1 about gym tonite.... Papa came thru the surgery and was in recovery last I heard yesterday afternoon... Not sure if DIL will be home for the kids after school...

    Ed, glad you're sticking to your guns about your time off this weekend... Leave them a big fat fancy list! I did that for my replacement when I knew I'd be out for 6 weeks after surgery. Sadly, I don't think they even looked at it,.......... I came back to chaos.

    I picked up Ambrosia apples yesterday. The one I had last night was delicious...but it was also $2+change a pound! Good thing I like little apples! :)

    Ok, breakfast, gym for Grammie, and then I think I'll tackle this carpet cleaner and see why its not putting out 'steam'......arg. Always something, right?

    Hi Again
    As I was walking Yesterday I cam across a gentleman throwing some type of bird-food from a cup and he seemed to be attracting Bluebirds.

    We don't see many birds beyond the common Sparrows by the house.

    I was not to happy with the price per pound for some of yesterdays apples either :) However it is what it is at this time of year. The Apple tree I walk past did not look like it had any apples growing this year, I wonder if Jack Frost Ate the Blooms.

    I figured it out, Your Carpet Cleaner is Broken :):)

    I am happy to hear that Your Papa came through the surgery Well.

    Enjoy Your Thursday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Bird feeder would bring a wider variety of winged fowl :) May also entice more squirrels and sometimes deer, rats, raccoons, and/or possums! At one time years ago...pre cats era, I used suet cakes in heavy wire cages for the woodpeckers....the varmits STOLE the entire thing...cage and all. Never did find the cage... :) Strongly suspect raccoons. That was before I knew there was an abundance of them in the woods behind my house. Blue birds?, I'd be curious to know what the was feeding them....Real Eastern Bluebirds??

    The Steam Cleaner, Bissell...is not releasing fluid thru the floor part...the hand held for stairs and or upholstery works fine. There's a piece under the fluid tank that I need to remove and clean, I hope. Read the booklet on line...seems to be the issue.

    The Papa, is Nate and Livy's last living grandfather. Jenn's step dad...but the father figure in her life most all of her years... These kids LOVE their PaPa and MeMe! Nate bonded with PaPa from day one...and if Ivan's around none of the rest of us 'count' for anything!!! In truth, we all love PaPa!!! So there is a sigh of relief that he should have a smooth recovery and be returned to his grands in good health. Their biological granddad died 2 years ago in August, as did his wife. It was a bad month. So glad August is over and we still have Papa! I was holding my breath!

    Waiting now for the washer to finish its rinse and spin cycle, then off to the gym to deal with a much different 'cycle'...aka the recumbent bike. Seems to be helping my psoas, making it easier to get around with less pain. 73 has not so far been a 'kind' year to me! Hope it gets its act together so I can replace it with 74! Holding out hope!

    Just noticed the outdoor temp is 87. Started at 71 this morning..so fast warm up on this sunny day! Humidity seems to be staying low...watching to see if that Tropical storm stays south of us, as predicted this morning. Rain would be nice, but...not like that!

    My DS1 pointed out the other day that he hadn't seen a squirrel in nearly 2 weeks...Wait WHAT?, and he attributed it to having 3 screech owls and a big horned owl that he is seeing. I don't think I have owls,...but you know, I'm not up very long after sunset, and god knows I wouldn't hear one unless it LANDED on my shoulder and 'whooo-ed' in my ear! LOL!!!

    Ok, washer sounds quiet....time to go.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Fixing to leave. Just need to finish the last of the sugar glider food for D to serve them.

    Roger, I have, in the distant past, used Hamburger Helper. Too salty, and I can make the same type dishes in one pan without needing the box. And mine taste far better.

    It was even MORE in the distant past that I tried Shake 'n Bake and was not impressed. Again, I can make a similar coating, much tastier, and I know exactly what I put in it.

    I left additional instructions for the fill in person tomorrow (and whoever does it Monday) with the department head. The person tomorrow is turning out to be one of the better fill in people, so that reduced my anxiety somewhat. Hopefully they can get him to fill in Monday as well. In any case, I intend to enjoy our hotel room and Dragon Con as much as I can and not answer any calls from Kroger...unless I'm in a really good mood.

    No one even suggested I give up my holiday. I think they all realize if I don't get one I may go bat*kitten* crazy...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...