Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Another 12 hour sleep. This is cutting into my 'time'!!
    Sure I must need it though. Still hacking. Feeling 'decent'.
    I may or may not make it out to see O tonite at gym..., I seriously doubt it... :( Tomorrow is Grandparents lunch with kids at Nate's school. I'll be glad just to get thru that. Feel somewhat obligated to go, as Nate's "Papa" just got out of hospital from valve replacement and bypasses yesterday evening. So, I really do want to go... Today is 'resting' day. Like I've been active???? LOL!

    I"ve not been outside except to go to the mailbox all week..and the one trip to Publix for drugs! My step records are shot! Yesterday was not quite 1800 steps, total...oh my. Will have a lot of 'catching up' to do next week.

    Ed the Dragon Con pix were great. As was your double patty and chips dinner!!! So not my food! LOL!! But I recall eating that in a past life! :)

    Roger, sorry you're sharing our weather. Its going to be well into the 90's today, but humidity is low, so not 'terrible' exactly. Its 90 now, and message from Amazon that my package is in my mail box. Guess I'll find out how many steps to the mailbox! A whopping 165 steps and a coughing fit round trip to the mailbox...oh wowza..


    Hi Valerie
    The Eggplants are growing very well this year and Productive too.

    I'm sorry to be sharing Your weather too :)

    Did Either You or Ed get a lot of Pop-Unders on the Dragon Can Picture Site? I rarely get them And I had a lot when I minimized my Browser.

    Have a Good Day and I hope Tomorrow You wake feeling 100%
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Well, since the site is one of my own PhotoBucket libraries, and I use an AdBlock program, I didn't get any pop-unders, but then I didn't go through the whole set online either, as I had already seen the pictures.

    The eggplants and figs look great! Fresh figs are SO delicious too. I hope you get to eat them and not some critter.

    My trick with chips is to set out a SERVING of chips (never eat from the bag) and eat just that SERVING of chips. With this, I hope to avoid overdoing them when I do have that treat. Given time, J will consume the rest of the bag, though I may get another serving out of it before that happens. Or not. No big deal. LOL. They were great with the patty melt.

    Tonight's dinner was home made Salisbury steak, with mashed potatoes, mushroom and onion gravy, and steamed green beans. Another good old American diner classic. Finished off the bottle of wine from last night.

    D ate a plate of this food (but only like...3 green beans) and I made up two dinner plates in the fridge for future meals. I told D he can steal one if he wants but he can't just eat the steak and potatoes...he has to eat the green beans too.

    I recall (I think) rather liking a shelf stable NS Salisbury steak but think it got discontinued shortly after I started the program.

    Needless to say, my home made Salisbury steak is MUCH better than any pre-prepared version.

    Tomorrow is FRIDAY! J is on his way home from Memphis, where he signed all the closing papers for our house there, which the buyers will sign tomorrow and that will be it for the house there. I couldn't go, so he had my power of attorney for all matters regarding the sale of that house.

    Hope all goes well tomorrow and will be glad to finally get rid of that empty house!

    Need to finish up with the dinner dishes and ponder what fruit to give to the sugar gliders tonight.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    WTF? I just posted a reply and it went into the twilight zone...Oh well, no pop-unders for me but then it's my PhotoBucket library, I use an adblock program, and I didn't actually browse all of them on there, as I've already seen them.

    Dinner tonight was home made Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, mushroom and onion gravy, green beans.



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    OK...it didn't go into the twilight zone, it appears that my comments now have to be "approved" before they appear? When did this start? As far as I know I haven't broken any rules of posting on here. Oh well, we'll see.

    G'night all!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Thanks Roger....I hope that too! I looked at the pix on my laptop, and didn't see any. Maybe its just a Jersey thing! JK!!!

    Have all the trash gathered, now I just need to get it to the curb. Wearing my house coat and slippers. I am NOT getting dressed to take out the trash.......

    Need to find dinner too.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 92 for the predicted high today, with 0% chance of rain. Summer is not quite through with us yet.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 82 degrees out the door 10 degrees warmer than yesterday for the same time of day. It was not comfortable as the humidity is somewhat higher, I could smell the humidity as soon as I went out the door. I did work up somewhat of a sweat walking :(

    While Walking I listened to Blondie, Mr. Moto and Mystery in the Air with Peter Lorre

    Below are links to the two new items I tried Yesterday from Yesterdays Delivery.

    Have a Great Friday

    Penne Bolognese with Meat Sauce 200 calories 9 Ounces Review Here

    NutriCrush Bars Review link Here
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well, since the site is one of my own PhotoBucket libraries, and I use an AdBlock program, I didn't get any pop-unders, but then I didn't go through the whole set online either, as I had already seen the pictures.

    The eggplants and figs look great! Fresh figs are SO delicious too. I hope you get to eat them and not some critter.

    My trick with chips is to set out a SERVING of chips (never eat from the bag) and eat just that SERVING of chips. With this, I hope to avoid overdoing them when I do have that treat. Given time, J will consume the rest of the bag, though I may get another serving out of it before that happens. Or not. No big deal. LOL. They were great with the patty melt.

    Tonight's dinner was home made Salisbury steak, with mashed potatoes, mushroom and onion gravy, and steamed green beans. Another good old American diner classic. Finished off the bottle of wine from last night.

    D ate a plate of this food (but only like...3 green beans) and I made up two dinner plates in the fridge for future meals. I told D he can steal one if he wants but he can't just eat the steak and potatoes...he has to eat the green beans too.

    I recall (I think) rather liking a shelf stable NS Salisbury steak but think it got discontinued shortly after I started the program.

    Needless to say, my home made Salisbury steak is MUCH better than any pre-prepared version.

    Tomorrow is FRIDAY! J is on his way home from Memphis, where he signed all the closing papers for our house there, which the buyers will sign tomorrow and that will be it for the house there. I couldn't go, so he had my power of attorney for all matters regarding the sale of that house.

    Hope all goes well tomorrow and will be glad to finally get rid of that empty house!

    Need to finish up with the dinner dishes and ponder what fruit to give to the sugar gliders tonight.
    Hi Ed
    I had that happen too. I never did figure exactly why either unless it was based on size. What I ended up doing there was break it down into several posts and they went OK. I really need to remember to query a Moderator regarding that.

    We have had ripe figs so far and have not seen any critter damage so, so far so good.

    I do not use a Pop Up Blocker Per Se, I do use No Script in FireFox and that lets me stop all scripts or control what sites can run them. The Picture site just would not work with things blocked and unblocking them brought the Pop Unders :(

    I seem to remember the NS Salisbury Steak being OK and so much better than the Shelf Stable NS Meatloaf which is still disgusting despite being reformulated to using a Brown gravy from the previous Tomato Gravy. Who there thinks that having the Mashed Potatoes under the MeatLoaf and gravy is a good idea? The Frozen NS Salisbury Steak with Mac & Cheese is OK.

    Good Luck with the closing
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 92 for the predicted high today, with 0% chance of rain. Summer is not quite through with us yet.
    Hi Again
    Chance of rain today for parts of NJ
    From my First Post You may have gathered that I was not happy with the weather, if So You are 100% correct.

    Enjoy the Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    Thanks Roger....I hope that too! I looked at the pix on my laptop, and didn't see any. Maybe its just a Jersey thing! JK!!!

    Have all the trash gathered, now I just need to get it to the curb. Wearing my house coat and slippers. I am NOT getting dressed to take out the trash.......

    Need to find dinner too.

    Hi Valerie
    I wonder if my Long Post to Ed will show up. It seems to be tied to Length. I will not recreate it right away as I have had the darned Moderation thing happen before.

    I suspect that they may not pop up on Apples, which I seem to recall You use?

    hard to believe You do not want to dress to the 9s to take out the trash :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi Guys!
    Just trying to wake up and wondering why Ed needs to be approved also...maybe because if was photo's?

    Ed, I remember that NS Salisbury Steak! It was very good. One of my fav's, and yes it did go away. I used to hate January's purge and add from NS. Somehow the adds were never as good as the purged items...or at least to my tastes.
    Hope all went well for J at the closing, and that he's home safely from Memphis. You guys put on a lot of miles over the past ?what? 2 years? Glad that is all settled for you.

    Roger, enjoy those figs. It always amazed me how those little fig buds just 'popped' out of the stems. I really don't think I ever saw any kind of 'flower' before they appeared. But they sure were good. Though my bush was small because of where it was growing...(notice I didn't say were I PLANTED it)...so I never got more than one or maybe two ripe at the same time. The first fresh figs I ever ate, came from a kid selling them in his parents front yard! He had a ton of them...cute little kid, maybe 12 or so, he let me try one since I'd never eaten them before, and of course I bought a small bag of them...super ripe, super sweet. Sorry I had to kill mine. Ha! Like it tries to this day to live. Keeps sending up sprouts. Under that maple at the driveway was my fav. place to set flats of flowers, plants, etc until I planted them...then the perennial phlox took over, and the pot the fig bush was in was 'overlooked'...I swear it was 2 years before I saw fig growing...right from that pot, and I never ever encouraged it. It was in too small a space, with not nearly enough sunlight, etc...but grow it did, er, does. And several times a year I break off the sprouts from the trunk, and next thing I notice its back!!!!! Right now needing to be cut back again. I need to 'Round Up' the fig, and see if that kills it. All I can say is they must be Verrry Hardy plants!!!

    Ok, coffee cup is empty, and I need to think about hitting the shower, today is lunch with Nate at his school. (Grandparents Lunch), and since I was working and only got to go once with Olivia, and Nate...And this is his last year in elementary school, I'm really pushing myself to go....

    Ed, maybe Roger and I need to send 'My Fitness Pal' our 'permission' to view your photos! hahahaha!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Guys!
    Just trying to wake up and wondering why Ed needs to be approved also...maybe because if was photo's?

    Ed, I remember that NS Salisbury Steak! It was very good. One of my fav's, and yes it did go away. I used to hate January's purge and add from NS. Somehow the adds were never as good as the purged items...or at least to my tastes.
    Hope all went well for J at the closing, and that he's home safely from Memphis. You guys put on a lot of miles over the past ?what? 2 years? Glad that is all settled for you.

    Roger, enjoy those figs. It always amazed me how those little fig buds just 'popped' out of the stems. I really don't think I ever saw any kind of 'flower' before they appeared. But they sure were good. Though my bush was small because of where it was growing...(notice I didn't say were I PLANTED it)...so I never got more than one or maybe two ripe at the same time. The first fresh figs I ever ate, came from a kid selling them in his parents front yard! He had a ton of them...cute little kid, maybe 12 or so, he let me try one since I'd never eaten them before, and of course I bought a small bag of them...super ripe, super sweet. Sorry I had to kill mine. Ha! Like it tries to this day to live. Keeps sending up sprouts. Under that maple at the driveway was my fav. place to set flats of flowers, plants, etc until I planted them...then the perennial phlox took over, and the pot the fig bush was in was 'overlooked'...I swear it was 2 years before I saw fig growing...right from that pot, and I never ever encouraged it. It was in too small a space, with not nearly enough sunlight, etc...but grow it did, er, does. And several times a year I break off the sprouts from the trunk, and next thing I notice its back!!!!! Right now needing to be cut back again. I need to 'Round Up' the fig, and see if that kills it. All I can say is they must be Verrry Hardy plants!!!

    Ok, coffee cup is empty, and I need to think about hitting the shower, today is lunch with Nate at his school. (Grandparents Lunch), and since I was working and only got to go once with Olivia, and Nate...And this is his last year in elementary school, I'm really pushing myself to go....

    Ed, maybe Roger and I need to send 'My Fitness Pal' our 'permission' to view your photos! hahahaha!


    Hi Valerie
    I have to wonder why kill it? Anyhow they do not like Frozen roots so that is what You need to do, Wait for a Long cold snap :)

    I am still wondering if my long post will be approved and appear.

    I will say that the Frozen Salisbury steak with Mac & Cheese is good. Too late to do You any good of course.

    Have a Great Evening
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Fig cannot grow there because it is growing right at the tree trunk, it was about 6-7 ft tall before I gave up on it, (and yes this was after pruning.) and its branches were taking up driveway space!
    What the heck are you guys doing to irritate the Mods??? It really may be tied to post length. Lord knows I'm long winded, but with all the "quotes", multiple pix, etc, it could be tied to
    not so much words, but #'s of bytes per post??? You do know I have no real concept of what I'm talking about....:) But it sounds like a plausible answer.
    Yep, Roger I am Apple, thru and thru...

    "Army Corps drawing down the lakes" so now Lanier is 6 feet below full pool??? What the H3LL??? 90degree heat for as far out as the weather guessers are reporting. Predicted dry fall and winter...so they're further lowering our water supply??? I swear life gets goofier by the day down here.

    Am seriously considering cutting all ties to Wells Fargo. Not my idea of a bank, but they hold the account that lets me borrow against the house, should misfortune require that drastic a step....Thinking I may just cancel that card. And I do believe there is another cc that my SIL set up for me, 15 or more years ago. I've never used either one of them....this last fiasco is the final straw.

    Need to go to the mail box. Notice from Amazon my book has been delivered. :) Yep, another book of Plant Based Whole Food cooking ideas! :)

    Oh, oh, oh.....news going to run a story on new water restrictions in our area. See why I'm not happy with the Army Corps?


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy again y'all. Up a bit late for me but J and I have been playing some of the games bought on Labor Day weekend. We paused for a late dinner. Maybe if I promise not to post any pics of...ahem...body parts, they won't have to review my posts.

    Tonight’s dinner: Home made Shakshuka with some toasted European style artisan bread, for dipping in the sauce.

    Wine of choice: Conde San Juan Tempranillo Rosé wine, 2015, Spain. Delightfully light and fruity, very pale rosé wine

    Recipe for the Shakshuka here: http://toriavey.com/toris-kitchen/2010/07/summer-2010-travel-blog-shakshuka/




    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good early morning you two!

    Hockey game this morning. Low tire pressure light came on yesterday...tire looks ok, going to drive it out to Cumming, have it checked on the way home! :) Nobody open ? this early I doubt.

    Ed the link to Shakshuka was interesting! NMF, (not my food), and I can't think of anything reasonable to sub for the eggs, lol!! but I love recipe's like this...simple, quick, delicious, and healthy! The pix of the restaurant made me realize that I'm under utilizing my ceiling space! LOL!!! And your cabinet top pix made me smile. So glad to see someone else who cooks, AND likes cooking implements close at hand and not stuffed into drawers! :) Does my kitchen look cluttered, oh Heck yesssss! Do I care? LOL!!!

    Roger, hope your morning walk is tolerable, weather wise. I know you're having a heat wave too. I'm hoping this is summers last hurrah, and that we can get into seasonable weather in the next couple weeks.

    Not much new around here...when you don't get out, or have some do-able project its kinda bland! And that is not always a bad thing! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    edited September 2016
    Howdy y'all. I've been up for quite a while actually, as I woke up about 5:15 with Charlie visiting my left thigh just above the knee. Applied heat, and went on with breakfast for Lilo and for me.

    I have to say that the Shakshuka was DELICIOUS! I first saw the recipe some time ago (weeks or even maybe a month or so) browsing a link from FaceBook on foreign foods, and J said that it looked like something we might want to try. I agreed, but put it on the "back burner" of my brain for a while.

    At work the other day, we had a mix and match, buy 3 and get each item for $0.99. The three were: 18 count carton of Kroger large eggs, 4 pound bag of Kroger sugar, half a gallon of Kroger milk. Individually, the eggs (and I guess the other items) were $1.49 which wasn't a bad deal to start off. Well I don't use much sugar, and J is somewhat lactose intolerant. We do eat a lot of eggs sometimes...so...

    Result? I brought home 54 eggs. 3 cartons of 18 at $0.99 each, less my employee discount of 10%, came to just $0.89 per carton, for a grand total of $2.67 plus our low food sales tax rate of just 3%. For 54 large eggs. I'm not likely to match THAT deal again any time soon.

    Last night J commented that, since we have a plethora of eggs in the house, it might be a good time to try Shakshuka.

    I took the hint, checked the vegetable bins for ingredients, and proceeded to make my first batch! And since we loved it, we have another nice, vegetarian (ovo-lacto) recipe in the brain to make again. J even tried adding some Parmesan/Romano sprinkled on top of his and declared that very good. I declined on the cheese this time, but perhaps the next time.

    Val, this might give you some ideas for eggless Shatshuka, though you'd have to then find a substitute for the cheese... https://chefnathanlyon.wordpress.com/2015/03/31/drought-friendly-eggless-shakshuka/

    Now the dishes are all done and I'm feeling like maybe I can grab another hour or two of sleep...hopefully Charlie will leave me alone.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 79 degrees out the door a little cooler yesterday. It was not comfortable as the humidity is somewhat higher, I did work up somewhat of a sweat walking :( So far today 9,138 steps and 11 cents.

    While Walking today I listened to The Lux Radio Show and something fairly recent called The Strange Seeker. While walking I made a stop at the Post Office, Picked up coffee and stopped at the Grocery Store AKA Supermarket and picked up three Bananas a Green Pear, 2 Black plums, A Fuji Apple, and a Pink Lady Apple. Nothing like a variety. They are to be used with the Navel oranges I have left and will take me to next Wednesday when It will be 10% off Senior Discount day once again. My Daily usage amounts to a Banana, 2 or 3 other fruits. for example I may have a Navel Orange & a Black Plum with Dinner and a Apple with my lunch and of course the Banana before I head out the door walking so I am not walking on a empty stomach when I have my Coffee, not to mention that helps with cravings when I am in the supermarket, Convenience Stores, McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts picking up my morning coffee

    Below are links to the two new items I tried.

    Have a Great Weekend

    Penne Bolognese with Meat Sauce 200 calories 9 Ounces Review Here

    NutriCrush Bars Review link Here
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Fig cannot grow there because it is growing right at the tree trunk, it was about 6-7 ft tall before I gave up on it, (and yes this was after pruning.) and its branches were taking up driveway space!
    What the heck are you guys doing to irritate the Mods??? It really may be tied to post length. Lord knows I'm long winded, but with all the "quotes", multiple pix, etc, it could be tied to
    not so much words, but #'s of bytes per post??? You do know I have no real concept of what I'm talking about....:) But it sounds like a plausible answer.
    Yep, Roger I am Apple, thru and thru...

    "Army Corps drawing down the lakes" so now Lanier is 6 feet below full pool??? What the H3LL??? 90degree heat for as far out as the weather guessers are reporting. Predicted dry fall and winter...so they're further lowering our water supply??? I swear life gets goofier by the day down here.

    Am seriously considering cutting all ties to Wells Fargo. Not my idea of a bank, but they hold the account that lets me borrow against the house, should misfortune require that drastic a step....Thinking I may just cancel that card. And I do believe there is another cc that my SIL set up for me, 15 or more years ago. I've never used either one of them....this last fiasco is the final straw.

    Need to go to the mail box. Notice from Amazon my book has been delivered. :) Yep, another book of Plant Based Whole Food cooking ideas! :)

    Oh, oh, oh.....news going to run a story on new water restrictions in our area. See why I'm not happy with the Army Corps?

    Hi Valerie
    Just in case that is why I am now breaking up long winded replies :) I suspect it to be a automatic setting TBH.

    I did have a feeling it could be something like that with the fig tree. BTW If You like figs I understand that cuttings root easily and You could take cuttings and grow figs elsewhere.

    I ended up canceling a purchase from Amazon that the supposedly fulfilled and reordering it from a different vendor through them. The day it was suppose to arrive it had not shipped and they thought it might be available next month :)

    This way I am paying shipping but it does already have a USPS tracking number generated. Since it is a not easily available used item I did not have much hope they would be able to find and ship it. I did see a couple of them marked as new but at an exorbitant price.

    If I said my Brother had no use for the ACE, Army Corps of Engineers either....

    From what I understand Your area needs it is not lowering the water level, it is another reservoir?

    Neither I nor my Brother plan to dump Wells Fargo. I have one of two checking there, spread the risk on my part, AKA not keeping all your eggs in one basket :) and he has all his checking there and his safe deposit stuff. Since You can not find that size Safe deposit box anywhere for love nor money and It appears that banks are no longer putting them in new construction and You need to be a depositor.....

    I would check the other card first just in case as I am or try to be cautious.

    Enjoy the Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy again y'all. Up a bit late for me but J and I have been playing some of the games bought on Labor Day weekend. We paused for a late dinner. Maybe if I promise not to post any pics of...ahem...body parts, they won't have to review my posts.

    Tonight’s dinner: Home made Shakshuka with some toasted European style artisan bread, for dipping in the sauce.

    Wine of choice: Conde San Juan Tempranillo Rosé wine, 2015, Spain. Delightfully light and fruity, very pale rosé wine

    Recipe for the Shakshuka here: http://toriavey.com/toris-kitchen/2010/07/summer-2010-travel-blog-shakshuka/


    Hi Ed
    Interesting that You mention the Shakshuka as I saw mention of it on a contest type cooking show this week.

    I suspect it to be tied to length of post in my case.

    European style Artisan bread, Not a specific countries in that case? I seem to like a good Italian bread.

    I also have a can of canned brown bread on the shelf in the pantry :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good early morning you two!

    Hockey game this morning. Low tire pressure light came on yesterday...tire looks ok, going to drive it out to Cumming, have it checked on the way home! :) Nobody open ? this early I doubt.

    Ed the link to Shakshuka was interesting! NMF, (not my food), and I can't think of anything reasonable to sub for the eggs, lol!! but I love recipe's like this...simple, quick, delicious, and healthy! The pix of the restaurant made me realize that I'm under utilizing my ceiling space! LOL!!! And your cabinet top pix made me smile. So glad to see someone else who cooks, AND likes cooking implements close at hand and not stuffed into drawers! :) Does my kitchen look cluttered, oh Heck yesssss! Do I care? LOL!!!

    Roger, hope your morning walk is tolerable, weather wise. I know you're having a heat wave too. I'm hoping this is summers last hurrah, and that we can get into seasonable weather in the next couple weeks.

    Not much new around here...when you don't get out, or have some do-able project its kinda bland! And that is not always a bad thing! :)

    Hi Again
    From reading the owners manual on my Buick it seems that the low pressure warning light is tied into rotation speed sensors for the wheels. Which makes sense as that is how the Anti-Lock braking system works. The theory as I understand it is that in normal driving all the wheels rotate at the same speed and a tire that is low will be rotating faster so the on-board computer keeps tabs looking for that condition with a delay so that curves in the road do not trigger it. As always the final test is a tire pressure gauge.

    I wish I had more counter space, I would like to have a small Deep fryer and a Toaster oven in addition to the Coffee maker, Toaster and immersion blender. A lot of the counter space is tied up for Vegetables and breads and Food Prep.

    I have to say I did have some sweating going on Yesterday and today while walking. I did persevere as I seem to be able to handle heat better than cold anymore. It seems that tomorrow will be a more or less uncomfortable walk too as the lower humidity and a cold front do not move in until later in the day, too late to do me any good :(:)

    Have a Good Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. I've been up for quite a while actually, as I woke up about 5:15 with Charlie visiting my left thigh just above the knee. Applied heat, and went on with breakfast for Lilo and for me.

    I have to say that the Shakshuka was DELICIOUS! I first saw the recipe some time ago (weeks or even maybe a month or so) browsing a link from FaceBook on foreign foods, and J said that it looked like something we might want to try. I agreed, but put it on the "back burner" of my brain for a while.

    At work the other day, we had a mix and match, buy 3 and get each item for $0.99. The three were: 18 count carton of Kroger large eggs, 4 pound bag of Kroger sugar, half a gallon of Kroger milk. Individually, the eggs (and I guess the other items) were $1.49 which wasn't a bad deal to start off. Well I don't use much sugar, and J is somewhat lactose intolerant. We do eat a lot of eggs sometimes...so...

    Result? I brought home 54 eggs. 3 cartons of 18 at $0.99 each, less my employee discount of 10%, came to just $0.89 per carton, for a grand total of $2.67 plus our low food sales tax rate of just 3%. For 54 large eggs. I'm not likely to match THAT deal again any time soon.

    Last night J commented that, since we have a plethora of eggs in the house, it might be a good time to try Shakshuka.

    I took the hint, checked the vegetable bins for ingredients, and proceeded to make my first batch! And since we loved it, we have another nice, vegetarian (ovo-lacto) recipe in the brain to make again. J even tried adding some Parmesan/Romano sprinkled on top of his and declared that very good. I declined on the cheese this time, but perhaps the next time.

    Val, this might give you some ideas for eggless Shatshuka, though you'd have to then find a substitute for the cheese... https://chefnathanlyon.wordpress.com/2015/03/31/drought-friendly-eggless-shakshuka/

    Now the dishes are all done and I'm feeling like maybe I can grab another hour or two of sleep...hopefully Charlie will leave me alone.
    Hi Ed
    Those prices for eggs are pretty good. Have you considered hard boiling some too?

    I always had my charlie horses below the knee in the muscle at the back of the leg feeling as if it were tying itself in knots. Needless to day that always work me up too.

    I hope sleep found You, I hate feeling tired all day.

    Well I'm off for the rest of my breakfast. So far I have had the Banana before walking, a NS Protein Shake on my return and now over an hour later the rest of my Breakfast. I have no made a decision as to what I want to eat either. That is a typical mornings breakfast patter for me too. Spread out from 6AM to 9AM or 9:30AM.

    Have a nice day