Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all from Birmingham. 6 the predicted high with some chance for a noonish thunderstorm.

    Anything with casein in it is not vegan nor is it truly non-dairy. Leguminous proteins from beans, peas, peanuts, etc. replace that for vegan foods.

    We are in someone's home while they are out of town! I did not know, until we got here, that they had told the housekeeper to leave the key in the mailbox and not set the alarm. The house ohone rang shortly after we got in which made us fearful that a silent alarm might have been set but no police came knocking.

    Feels really weird staying in someone's house without them being here.

    Oh well, we will be leaving shortly to find breakfast and then heading to the show to set up for judging photography.

    Later, y'all!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good Morning Y'all!
    Feeling southern today! LOL!!
    Thanks Ed, for the definition of casein....you're right on! How MM and others, like non dairy cheeses found in our local grocers can claim Dairy Free leaves me frustrated. Today seems to be a day for spitting venom. I have been on fb for quite some time this morning. Yesterday my brother posted and set it off...still angry not at him, but at the CEO of several drug companies who have proudly declared that they are in the business of making money, and frankly no caring for the sick. Wait! WHAT? People like that have their priorities way out of whack!
    Ed, I know its a typo, but the temp is going to be 6 in Birmingham today? My gosh, hope you took ALL of your warm clothes! That would be brutal coming from our 90+ in ATL!!!

    It appears to be a beautiful morning here, and I am thinking I should eat my banana, take my morning pills and get outside to enjoy it! Will piddle around in the yard, probably picking up sticks, or which there seems to be a never ending supply lately, and will STOP when my hip hurts and I see myself limping. No sense in encouraging inflammation. :)

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Well, I edited my post, and can not now either cancel it OR Save it! What the heck?
    SO, I did a copy, and will now paste. Not in the mood to mess with this.

    Good Morning Y'all!
    Feeling southern today! LOL!!
    Thanks Ed, for the definition of casein....you're right on! How MM and others, like non dairy cheeses found in our local grocers can claim Dairy Free leaves me frustrated. Today seems to be a day for spitting venom. I have been on fb for quite some time this morning. Yesterday my brother posted and set it off...still angry not at him, but at the CEO's of several drug companies who have proudly declared that they are in the business of making money, and frankly no caring for the sick. Wait! WHAT? People like that have their priorities way out of whack!
    Ed, I know its a typo, but the temp is going to be 6 in Birmingham today? My gosh, hope you took ALL of your warm clothes! That would be brutal coming from our 90+ in ATL!!!

    It appears to be a beautiful morning here, and I am thinking I should eat my banana, take my morning pills and get outside to enjoy it! Will piddle around in the yard, probably picking up sticks, or which there seems to be a never ending supply lately, and will STOP when my hip hurts and I see myself limping. No sense in encouraging inflammation. :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all from Birmingham. 6 the predicted high with some chance for a noonish thunderstorm.

    Anything with casein in it is not vegan nor is it truly non-dairy. Leguminous proteins from beans, peas, peanuts, etc. replace that for vegan foods.

    We are in someone's home while they are out of town! I did not know, until we got here, that they had told the housekeeper to leave the key in the mailbox and not set the alarm. The house ohone rang shortly after we got in which made us fearful that a silent alarm might have been set but no police came knocking.

    Feels really weird staying in someone's house without them being here.

    Oh well, we will be leaving shortly to find breakfast and then heading to the show to set up for judging photography.

    Later, y'all!

    Hi Ed
    Our closest rain chance is tomorrow evening into Monday where it may disrupt my walking on Monday.

    I have run across a older article where someone was working on Plant based Casein, I never followed up to see if they succeeded or if there was much of a demand as You say there are non dairy Proteins already in use.

    I would also feel strange staying in a home without the owner being there although I gather there are people that do house exchanges so that both can have a vacation in a different locale.

    I hope You had a good Breakfast and Photo Session
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was a cool 57 Degrees This morning, a exact copy of Yesterday for weather. It was comfortable Walking, I have walked exactly 8,974 steps :) so far + No Cents found :( While Walking I did see a largish turtle in the brook I walked over it on the bridge.

    I did Stop at the Grocery Store this morning and pick up some more fruit, I also stopped at the Dollar store as I was running later than usual due to the route I walked. The only thing I ended up doing there was Saying Good Morning as they were sold out of the 1% milk I was planning on getting to go on the shelf as a backup Quart.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Muscle Milk, is a brand of protein drink sold in nearly any grocery, most gyms, etc. (not to be confused with nutritional drinks like Ensure, that are meant for folks like cancer patients, etc who cannot tolerate food) People buy it (MM) thinking its going to help them develop their muscles, especially after doing weight involved exercise. Where the Casein protein comes from I have always assumed was from dairy cows....how do they get away with it? I doubt it would be financially lucrative to try to manufacture it, and why would you? Its readily available. That, and gyms (mine included) that have tanning beds. Sorta like handing out free cigarettes in the 60's, when they (the tobacco companies) already knew they caused cancer.

    I really wasn't upset over the wrong car part. I got a free filter....and someone just made a mistake. Mistakes happen. :)

    Enjoying my day, Hope you are also!

    Right now I need to feed Tom E. Can't have a hungry 'watch cat'. LOL!!
    HI Valerie
    You are right, I had not thought about it but I looked on the remaining Muscle Milk and there it is Casein, OTOH I do not think it proclaimed non dairy either. I did Buy some Protein powder Mix that says Pea Protein, I think I will look at that to see if it shows and dairy or hidden dairy when I go out to the kitchen to slice the remainder of my banana into the cereal for Breakfast. I ended My day as a food sandwich with Cereal for Breakfast and Dinner and NS Pancakes for Lunch as the filler, I must have been in a Breakfast mood yesterday. Today I have cereal for Breakfast, I want to use a NS Lunch Bar before it expires and probably a NS Pizza for Dinner and the usual compliment of Fruits and Vegetables :)

    I have no real problem with MM if they do not proclaim Dairy Free, I did not look to see that as it did not occur to me. However it is not the best source of protein either for slightly less per case at CostCo the other protein shakes they sell have a higher protein count albeit with a higher calorie count 16o calories vs 100 calories for the ones in t he refrigerator.

    Well the price was right for the filter anyway.
    Well, I edited my post, and can not now either cancel it OR Save it! What the heck?
    SO, I did a copy, and will now paste. Not in the mood to mess with this.

    Good Morning Y'all!
    Feeling southern today! LOL!!
    Thanks Ed, for the definition of casein....you're right on! How MM and others, like non dairy cheeses found in our local grocers can claim Dairy Free leaves me frustrated. Today seems to be a day for spitting venom. I have been on fb for quite some time this morning. Yesterday my brother posted and set it off...still angry not at him, but at the CEO's of several drug companies who have proudly declared that they are in the business of making money, and frankly no caring for the sick. Wait! WHAT? People like that have their priorities way out of whack!
    Ed, I know its a typo, but the temp is going to be 6 in Birmingham today? My gosh, hope you took ALL of your warm clothes! That would be brutal coming from our 90+ in ATL!!!

    It appears to be a beautiful morning here, and I am thinking I should eat my banana, take my morning pills and get outside to enjoy it! Will piddle around in the yard, probably picking up sticks, or which there seems to be a never ending supply lately, and will STOP when my hip hurts and I see myself limping. No sense in encouraging inflammation. :)


    Hi Again
    I wonder what's up with that, I just edited a post and had no problem saving it afterwards.

    Just curious as from what I see there seem to be several levels of Vegetarians? Some of who will eat eggs and use dairy products etc. Am I wrong or are they called something else?

    I agree, Lately the drug companies greed has gotten out of hand and has made the news. The latest one being the Epi Pen prices that has attracted legislative notice as well as being all over the news broadcasts.

    I had noticed the 6 degrees but decided to ignore it :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger....GOOGLE IT. The bottled MM's either say 'Contains no Milk' OR Dairy Free' The powder crap says 'lactose free'....well, thats nice. Your Pea Protein, at least the brand I had was a vegan product....no dairy or animals involved :) But check your container...that was just my brand. Which I think was Vega.

    Yep the filter for my car was indeed was free! :)

    Vegetarians....my son Ted has been veg for over 20 years...He does eat dairy, milk rarely, he for sure eats cheese! Eggs, not so much. He just doesn't like egg things. :)
    There are Ovo (egg) Lacto Vegetarians who do not eat egg or dairy.
    And there are Pescatarians who sometimes eat fish.

    Vegans....omg..hard core ones do not wear leather anything like shoes, purses, wallets, etc, no gelatin, no honey, (did you know bees are animals?...well, me either!!)
    I'm not one of those! I do not eat dairy, eggs, meat, fish, etc. at my house bees are still insects, and though I rarely use honey, it is in my pantry. I'd rather use honey, than say HFCS, or Rice syrup, etc. But, thats just me. I think I maybe my title should be WFPB...but I find that a bit a bit cumbersome to say... :) Oh, Whole Food Plant Based :)

    I enjoyed my time outside this morning. Took about an hour, but filled the wheelbarrow with sticks from under my big trees! Came in and took an Aleve!

    I'm going to finish my lunch, (big ole salad with mixed beans for protein and some dressing I made a couple days ago.)...its good!


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    J is an ovo-lacto vegetarian. They do eat dairy and eggs.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    edited September 2016
    Almost done with the AOS award pics. Aside from that, J sent four plants for the Atlanta exhibit. J got four blue ribbons...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    ED, thanks for the correction....I typed it wrong, in a hurry. Bad on my part.
    And congrats to J and 4 blue ribbons for his orchids.
    If you're 'almost done', you've both had a long, long day!!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 68 Degrees This morning a not much of a change from yesterday. It was still comfortable with a increase in the humidity. I walked 7,500 steps so far and no Cents.

    I suppose that most of You have heard of the IED explosion at the NJ shore along the route of the Semper Five Run that luckily caused no injuries due to a delayed start so it only hurt the Garbage Can.

    Then This one
    NEW YORK — Authorities here found and on early Sunday removed an explosive device — reportedly a pressure cooker — near the site of a Saturday night blast that injured more than two dozen people in the Chelsea neighborhood.

    At a news conference before the discovery of a second device, Mayor Bill de Blasio said the explosion injured at least 29 people but that there was no specific terrorist threat.

    A device believed to be a pressure cooker was subsequently found on West 27th Street, four blocks from the initial blast on West 23rd, according to New York Police Department. The NYPD tweeted at about 2:24 a.m. ET Sunday that, "The suspicious device on West 27 Street in Chelsea has been safely removed by the NYPD Bomb Squad."

    Saying no Specific Terrorist Threat just mean to me that they had no threat it would happen not that it is not a terrorist action. The Pressure Cooker reminds me of the Boston marathon explosions sadly.

    I will be curious to see what Our Presidential candidates say about it.

    Have a Safe Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger....GOOGLE IT. The bottled MM's either say 'Contains no Milk' OR Dairy Free' The powder crap says 'lactose free'....well, thats nice. Your Pea Protein, at least the brand I had was a vegan product....no dairy or animals involved :) But check your container...that was just my brand. Which I think was Vega.

    Yep the filter for my car was indeed was free! :)

    Vegetarians....my son Ted has been veg for over 20 years...He does eat dairy, milk rarely, he for sure eats cheese! Eggs, not so much. He just doesn't like egg things. :)
    There are Ovo (egg) Lacto Vegetarians who do not eat egg or dairy.
    And there are Pescatarians who sometimes eat fish.

    Vegans....omg..hard core ones do not wear leather anything like shoes, purses, wallets, etc, no gelatin, no honey, (did you know bees are animals?...well, me either!!)
    I'm not one of those! I do not eat dairy, eggs, meat, fish, etc. at my house bees are still insects, and though I rarely use honey, it is in my pantry. I'd rather use honey, than say HFCS, or Rice syrup, etc. But, thats just me. I think I maybe my title should be WFPB...but I find that a bit a bit cumbersome to say... :) Oh, Whole Food Plant Based :)

    I enjoyed my time outside this morning. Took about an hour, but filled the wheelbarrow with sticks from under my big trees! Came in and took an Aleve!

    I'm going to finish my lunch, (big ole salad with mixed beans for protein and some dressing I made a couple days ago.)...its good!

    Hi Valerie
    I just looked at one of the last two MM Protein shakes 20g Protein & 100 calories,Proclaims on the label Dairy Free as You stated vs the Premier Protein 30g Protein 160 calories with Milk Protein Concentrate and I see no mention of Dairy Free on its label I have three of them left and when Both are gone I will not buy again as the MM was not tasty at all and the Other brand is at best OK. I like the NS Protein shakes taste much better FWIW :) The only advantage of the ready to go drink is You can Grab and Go.
    Calling them Bottled is not accurate in my mind as they come in a cardboard Tetra Pack carton that most likely has a Coating of plastic inside :) by the way possibly a foil lining would be better?

    My brother is also down on HFCS and looks at the label on things to be sure it is not a ingredient. Some things such as some Ketchup's now say right on the front of the Bottle HFCS free.

    I have heard of the no leather types, a little extreme IMO.

    Interesting You say WFPB. Nothing wrong with that as long as You get all the needed nutrients, I have a suspicion that does make it harder to lose weight?

    Enjoy The Day
    Almost done with the AOS award pics. Aside from that, J sent four plants for the Atlanta exhibit. J got four blue ribbons...

    Hi Ed
    Congratulations to J and cheers for nearing the finish line with the photos.
    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! We got back relatively late last night, but early enough to stop for dinner at one of our favorite Thai restaurants before coming home. J can have the leftovers for lunch today. I wasn't all that hungry last night, probably because it felt like my blood sugar was crashing and that (oddly enough) makes me NOT hungry and somewhat nauseated...but I did eat, as I knew I needed to, starting off with some spring rolls (vegan!) with a small cup of fairly sweet dipping sauce, to bring my sugar back up fairly quickly. I then proceeded to some Pad See Ew (vegetarian, with egg and tofu), while J ate Basil Fried Rice with egg and tofu.

    We got home and I discovered that D had used J's blue silicon spatula (designated for VEGETARIAN DISHES ONLY, and D knows this...) to make Hamburger Helper while we were gone. I pointed this out to J, of course.

    D had already gone to bed but I texted him with the link for the item on Amazon, told him the price was 10.99 plus 3.00 shipping and to please replace it ASAP. He's at work now and hasn't responded to the text from last night, but, if necessary, I'll make it clear later that I am not kidding. I am expecting him to replace it. Technically, there's nothing WRONG with the spatula and yes, it can be cleaned, but that young man has a brain like a steel sieve.

    Maybe having to replace this spatula he'll get a clue. He melted one of my spatulas last year, leaving it in the pan on the stove - it was an old one that I needed to replace anyway, so I didn't make him replace it. I DID point out that TELLING me he had melted it would have been better than telling J, and that hiding the spatula in the trash, hoping I wouldn't notice, was a bad idea as I'd be more angry about the deceit than about the cheap spatula...and he had been told REPEATEDLY before that not to leave them in the hot pans... like I said, brain like a steel sieve. I had two spatulas of that type and of course I noticed that one of them was missing. D'oh! And of course J told me where it was. J and I tell each other EVERYTHING and D also knows this.

    The melted spatula from last year is why I bought silicon spatulas, that he is not likely to damage from heat, as they can get (supposedly) to 500 without melting. And when I bought them (one blue, one green, and one grey) we designated the blue one as J's vegetarian spatula and every time since, when D asks me which spatula he should use for a given dish, my usual response has been "any spatula EXCEPT the blue one - it's for vegetarian dishes only" and his apparently forgetting this or disregarding it, only a few days after the last time I re-iterated it (less than a week ago) is really just intolerable.

    Anyway...I've been up for a while, distracted by breakfast (scrambled eggs with diced ham and a little sharp cheddar) and browsing FaceBook...Lilo, of course, has been fed. She gets fed FIRST, as is proper for the queen of the household.

    High today is supposed to be 80, with 80% chance of thunderstorms. Nice correlation of 80 and 80 there.

    Laundry is calling.

    If I didn't buy my spatulas from Amazon, I'd buy them here:



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Here was the Atlanta exhibit at the show. We had nothing to do with the exhibit other than J sending 4 plants to go in the exhibit.


    And here are J's four blue ribbon winners, in the exhibit. One has flowers that are hard to see, they are so narrow and thin, but they are there!



    Pic showing label and ribbon...followed by pic showing flower.



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    And here's a little song about my favorite vegetable:

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I've been a hockey granny this morning :) Good game. Both Jenn and I thought Nate got a hat trick, but he said no, that the first goal wasn't his. Guess he should know. BUT, he was mad at his Daddy/Coach, as Nate was on the bench for the last ONE MINUTE of the game, and that is why he didn't get his hat trick. Talk about laughing out loud. Guess the other 29 minutes couldn't contribute to that 3rd goal???? Kids are hilarious sometimes.

    I'm getting my 80% rain Ed, hope you also. The broccoli song was great!!! LOL!!
    Loved the orchid pictures. I'd say J had a great day! About the spatula...not that picky at my house, but..fact remains, if the boarder was TOLD, repeatedly, then I can understand.

    Roger, I don't think I've seen MM in tetra pacs....not that I've looked for them!! :)
    I don't understand why you'd think that PBWF would make it hard to lose wt? Its really same as Vegan, except in does not include 'Vegan Crap Food'...like Oreo's, or a big bunch of the 'health bars', etc. The point of PBWF is the avoidance of 'processed' food. Losing wt on vegetarian, vegan and PBWF is pretty easy actually! :) Its usually one of the first things that the newbies notice.

    I think lunch and a nap, or if not sleepy listen to the rest of the Plant Pure Nation's Summit while its still available. I pretty much kept up with the presenters that I wanted to hear, some I listened to a second time yesterday, and I'll thumb thru the list to make sure I didn't miss any.
    Always something new to learn.


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! We got back relatively late last night, but early enough to stop for dinner at one of our favorite Thai restaurants before coming home. J can have the leftovers for lunch today. I wasn't all that hungry last night, probably because it felt like my blood sugar was crashing and that (oddly enough) makes me NOT hungry and somewhat nauseated...but I did eat, as I knew I needed to, starting off with some spring rolls (vegan!) with a small cup of fairly sweet dipping sauce, to bring my sugar back up fairly quickly. I then proceeded to some Pad See Ew (vegetarian, with egg and tofu), while J ate Basil Fried Rice with egg and tofu.

    We got home and I discovered that D had used J's blue silicon spatula (designated for VEGETARIAN DISHES ONLY, and D knows this...) to make Hamburger Helper while we were gone. I pointed this out to J, of course.

    D had already gone to bed but I texted him with the link for the item on Amazon, told him the price was 10.99 plus 3.00 shipping and to please replace it ASAP. He's at work now and hasn't responded to the text from last night, but, if necessary, I'll make it clear later that I am not kidding. I am expecting him to replace it. Technically, there's nothing WRONG with the spatula and yes, it can be cleaned, but that young man has a brain like a steel sieve.

    Maybe having to replace this spatula he'll get a clue. He melted one of my spatulas last year, leaving it in the pan on the stove - it was an old one that I needed to replace anyway, so I didn't make him replace it. I DID point out that TELLING me he had melted it would have been better than telling J, and that hiding the spatula in the trash, hoping I wouldn't notice, was a bad idea as I'd be more angry about the deceit than about the cheap spatula...and he had been told REPEATEDLY before that not to leave them in the hot pans... like I said, brain like a steel sieve. I had two spatulas of that type and of course I noticed that one of them was missing. D'oh! And of course J told me where it was. J and I tell each other EVERYTHING and D also knows this.

    The melted spatula from last year is why I bought silicon spatulas, that he is not likely to damage from heat, as they can get (supposedly) to 500 without melting. And when I bought them (one blue, one green, and one grey) we designated the blue one as J's vegetarian spatula and every time since, when D asks me which spatula he should use for a given dish, my usual response has been "any spatula EXCEPT the blue one - it's for vegetarian dishes only" and his apparently forgetting this or disregarding it, only a few days after the last time I re-iterated it (less than a week ago) is really just intolerable.

    Anyway...I've been up for a while, distracted by breakfast (scrambled eggs with diced ham and a little sharp cheddar) and browsing FaceBook...Lilo, of course, has been fed. She gets fed FIRST, as is proper for the queen of the household.

    High today is supposed to be 80, with 80% chance of thunderstorms. Nice correlation of 80 and 80 there.

    Laundry is calling.

    If I didn't buy my spatulas from Amazon, I'd buy them here:

    Hi Ed
    I have a similar Problem with my Brother strangely enough but since he buys the cooking things.... Some things I can tell him 99 times and then need to do it again :)

    Now I'm getting the urge for Thai Food, It has been a while since I had any. Thanks I think :)

    some things I do the buying from Amazon such as the Vacuum seal bags, much cheaper there, However with the $5 off or 20% off per item coupons from Bed Bath and Beyond some things can be cheaper there.

    Rain is supposed to move in later, it has been gloomy outside all day too. Despite what the Temperature gauge said it felt warmer when I went out for my walk than yesterday. That may have been due to the increased humidity however.
    Here was the Atlanta exhibit at the show. We had nothing to do with the exhibit other than J sending 4 plants to go in the exhibit.


    And here are J's four blue ribbon winners, in the exhibit. One has flowers that are hard to see, they are so narrow and thin, but they are there!



    Pic showing label and ribbon...followed by pic showing flower.




    Hi Again
    Nice pictures and Conghratulations to J on the wins
    And here's a little song about my favorite vegetable:


    I will have to watch this tomorrow as it is getting late and I still have messages to reply to.

    Have a Good Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I've been a hockey granny this morning :) Good game. Both Jenn and I thought Nate got a hat trick, but he said no, that the first goal wasn't his. Guess he should know. BUT, he was mad at his Daddy/Coach, as Nate was on the bench for the last ONE MINUTE of the game, and that is why he didn't get his hat trick. Talk about laughing out loud. Guess the other 29 minutes couldn't contribute to that 3rd goal???? Kids are hilarious sometimes.

    I'm getting my 80% rain Ed, hope you also. The broccoli song was great!!! LOL!!
    Loved the orchid pictures. I'd say J had a great day! About the spatula...not that picky at my house, but..fact remains, if the boarder was TOLD, repeatedly, then I can understand.

    Roger, I don't think I've seen MM in tetra pacs....not that I've looked for them!! :)
    I don't understand why you'd think that PBWF would make it hard to lose wt? Its really same as Vegan, except in does not include 'Vegan Crap Food'...like Oreo's, or a big bunch of the 'health bars', etc. The point of PBWF is the avoidance of 'processed' food. Losing wt on vegetarian, vegan and PBWF is pretty easy actually! :) Its usually one of the first things that the newbies notice.

    I think lunch and a nap, or if not sleepy listen to the rest of the Plant Pure Nation's Summit while its still available. I pretty much kept up with the presenters that I wanted to hear, some I listened to a second time yesterday, and I'll thumb thru the list to make sure I didn't miss any.
    Always something new to learn.

    Hi Valerie
    I am surprised You have not see that, OTOH if I had not looked at the bottom of t he little square carton I would not have known it was Tetra pack either, Also Both the Two brands are packed in them.

    It is not that I think Whole Food would make it hard to lose, It was more that I suspect that a Vegetarian Diet means more calories of some foods to get the proper amount of Proteins and other nutrients, Am I that wrong in my supposition?

    It sounds as if You enjoyed the game too

    Have a nice Evening
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Yep! Protein not a problem....ever wonder where a cow, horse, elephant, etc get their protein? Good ole greens! And beans, and nuts, seeds, etc. Not at all hard to do. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    edited September 2016
    G'nite y'all. I'm mad at the post office now, as they claim the supplement I ordered for Lilo has been "delivered" but then say that it's "ready for pickup" at the NORCROSS (30071) post office. This is NOT even my post office...I live in Peachtree Corners (30092) and the package was, presumably, addressed to me at my home address. As far as I'm concerned, it has NOT been delivered and I shouldn't have to drive to Norcross to get it. I'm not even sure where that post office is, as I have never had a need to look for it, though Norcross is a neighboring city.

    I left a "contact us" message at Amazon letting them know that I am not pleased and that if it's not delivered to my home tomorrow I will not consider it to be "delivered" as I have no intention of driving to Norcross to find it. They can work it out with the post office or send me a replacement.

    Tonight’s dinner: Home made hash of Portabella mushrooms, potatoes, onion, bell pepper, and broccoli, topped with sharp Cheddar. Side of fried corn. Wine of choice: Casas De Herencia, 2014, Spain. A lovely red blend that I’ve had before and will hopefully have again, though this was the only bottle that was currently in the house.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...