Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Overslept my nap a bit this afternoon. Really didn't intend to cook, per se, though assembling and baking a cheese pizza was on the agenda for J. For myself I was just going to nuke some dogs or something.

    D found out last night his mother has stage 4 colon cancer that has metastasized to the lungs. 4 to 6 months without treatment, maybe 3 to 4 years with chemo...but she can't afford chemo unless the state (Arizona) pays for it so it will be a month or two before that can even be determined.

    So...when D asked if I had any dinner plans (I thought he would have already eaten when I got up, but no) I decided to cook something anyway, even though I didn't feel like it, as having some wholesome, non-fast, food would be better than him spending his little money on greasy fast food.

    Tonight’s dinner: Spaghetti. Wine of choice is Tapaculo Merlot, 2014, Chile.

    G'nite all!
    Hi Ed
    I am sorry to hear that there was bad news.
    You did a nice thing cooking despite that You had not planned on cooking.

    Nothing wrong with Fast Food if You make judicious choices as I see it. An example would be to me what I have done once this year. I went to Burger King, used a BOGO coupon to get two Whoppers for the Price of one, Ate the Vegetables off of them as a salad, Threw away all but one top of the buns since that was the part with the condiments and combined the two Flame grilled meat patties and ate it as a open face sandwich :) The way the cook their Burger meat from the Internet postings is:
    Burger Kings use an appliance called a chain broiler to cook their beef patties. The patties are fed into the top, and a chain conveyor moves the patties across a gas fired flame to cook them. They are then stored and reheated in a microwave before serving.
    As I see it that should reduce the fat content nicely as well as it seems to give them a decent flavor :)
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    High today predicted to be 89 with 0% chance of rain.

    Hi Today in the 80s with the weathermen all saying the highest of the three days in a row of 80+ temperatures. Then later today a cold front move through and the next 6 to 9 days all show highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s and 60s. I say 6 to 9 days as the Local NBC station, WNBC, gives a 10 day forecast vs a 7 day for the other stations.

    Stay cool
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Ed, FWIW McDonalds uses what they call a clam shell grill that cooks both sides at one on a flat surface and White Castle does this:
    small, frozen square patties (originally supplied by Swift & Company) which are cooked atop a bed of rehydrated onions laid out on a grill. The heat and steam rise up from the grill, through the onions. In 1951, five holes in the patty were added to facilitate quick and thorough cooking. The very thin patties are not flipped throughout this process.

    Ed, that was a really nice thing you did feeding D tonite. Chances he wasn't in the best frame of mind, so having dinner with someone, and good food at that was really great.

    Roger, Several years ago, when ATL went thru another gas crisis, and those who did have gas to sell were charging outrageous prices...guidelines were set up as to how much about actual cost of gas the stations could charge, and complaints were investigated etc....

    Just finishing my bowl of cereal, and will eat my apple and go to bed. I B Tired! :)


    Hi Valerie
    From a NY Times article
    October 8, 2005, Saturday An article on Sept. 27 about lawsuits alleging that 20 gasoline stations in New Jersey had violated a state law barring them from raising their prices more than once a day included an erroneous reference to that law, provided by oil industry trade groups and a national association of state legislators. New Jersey is not the only state with such a law; Wisconsin has one as well

    Would that Gas Crisis have been from hurricane Katrina?

    Have a Nice Friday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning from Sunny GA! (With apologies to Roger)

    Roger...I'm about to ruin your day...sorry. But, I don't want you to continue thinking that your Burger King Whopper is a healthy deal...
    ONE Whopper...that would include the bun, and the 'salad' you're eating, so you would have a bit of a deduction, but there are 630 Calories in each whopper. And from there it gets worse.
    You google Burger King Whopper and see for your self. I've checked 2 apps on my phone that we use for Olivia's carb counts, and all 3 are same. Just remember that you are only eliminating the buns... which in this case is not a huge amount...look at the fat...the saturated fat, the transfat, and the salt..yikes...PER BURGER, and you're eating two of them right?
    Financially a deal...yeah, I can see that...so the choice is get a deal now, and pay for it later in medical costs, disability, chronic disease...or just not eat it now and have more healthy, active years later. :)

    Ok little Miss Bad News is going away for awhile...breakfast has yet to be eaten in this house. (except for the cat of course who ate 2 hours ago! )

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    Actually I appreciate Your concern. I neglected to mention that I order with no Mayo which I consider to be a source of some of the fats as they are cooking the fats out of the burger, and You can request not to be salted. And I order with no pickles.

    I do not know how all the changes the nutrition statistics :) I also suspect that by eliminating 3/4 of the two buns I eliminate some more calories to go with the reduction from the minus mayo as well as some Sodium. I know from someone that worked in a Fast Food Bakery where they did the buns that the preservative used was, TaDa, Salt.

    I have only done this once in the last two years FWIW, I only mentioned to show that IMO not all fast food has to be greasy. I could have been wrong. Also from what I understand the Whopper burger is only 1/4 pound in weight. From Wikipedia
    Product description. The Whopper is a hamburger, consisting of a flame grilled quarter-pound (113.4 g) beef patty, sesame seed bun, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, pickles, ketchup, and sliced onion
    My understanding of the reason for it weighing 1/4 pound is that was because historically they would have one flame broiling apparatus and making it that weight and thickness just like the regular size burger meant they could run any needed mix of burgers through at the same time.

    In the past pre going on NS I also bought them on a BOGO and threw away the buns and ate them as a ersatz Chopped steak meal with the Lettuce and tomato on the said plain :)

    I would rather be forewarned that warned too late. So no little Miss Bad News effect from You.

    Have a Great Evening
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Orchid society board meeting today, and then a dinner party at a friend's tonight, which will run late.

    High of 92 predicted, zero percent chance of rain.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! Hockey Day! (hence a 6 a.m. alarm this morning.)
    Been messing with the computer...changed my Yahoo account password as was advised, confirmed also that I did not win the Lotterys...well, OK got a free ticket from Fantasy Five...but somebody won the jackpot of 1.6 million. Ummm, free ticket vs 1.6M...I picked the wrong numbers! Somebody in Union City if you're interested Ed....no relatives there for me!

    Roger glad you're not upset with me. Sometimes knowing too much gets 'sticky'... my very, very overweight brother who has already had a stent(s), let me explain some weight loss ideas and nutritional thoughts...then said he just wouldn't give up his nightly bag of potato chips. And I guess that's his choice to make, though it makes me really sad.
    Look up mayo and I'd guesstimate that a burger would have about a tablespoon of Mayo per, so see what 2 T will take off from the total fat count. You could also walk to the refrigerator and check :) chances are you or your brother have some on hand. Mayonnaise is basically eggs and oil. So, no mayo is a great option. I have trouble believing that the burgers are low fat even cooked the way they are. My guess would be that they and all the other fast food places buy the cheapest hamburger they can get... anyhow, I'll leave that for you to figure out.
    I would be interested in what you figure the total calorie, fat, saturated fat, content would be....and ever so glad you only did this ONCE! :smiley:
    You're obviously doing well, as I think you're doing maintenance at this point, right?! That is a HUGE milestone. And you've worked hard to get there. Ever wonder how many miles you're walking a year or even a month? Bet its a jaw dropping number. I'll even bet, had you headed south, and kept going, you'd be having lunch with Ed and myself!!! LOL!!!

    Ed, I hope D's mom can find out if she can have chemo paid for via the state. There must be options out there. Some may be drastic. I had a friend with reoccurring breast cancer that metastasized in her bones. To qualify she had to divorce her husband, and quit deed her house to him, so that her income fell within GA or Medicaid limits.

    Ok, computer back up done for the week, and I need to go visit the shower...probably would help if I also got into it. LOL!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 65 Degrees This morning a 5 degree warmer change from yesterday. It was drizzling on me on the return leg of my walk and it was otherwise comfortable walking. I did wear a light long sleeve shirt and light gloves. I have walked 8,900 steps so far and once again no Cents. Now that I am back I am have had a NS Vanilla Protein Shake that I blended in the remaining 1/3 of this mornings Banana that I ate before going out to walk. I will follow that up with either the NS Frozen Baked Blueberry Oatmeal. Tomorrows breakfast will be the Delicious NS Frozen Cinnamon Roll and then I may finish off the $Store Blueberry waffles on Monday & Tuesday and then switch back to assorted Cold Cereals for Breakfast until I use up that Quart of Dollar Store milk which takes a few days at 4 ounces per day for the cereal :)
    It is time I clean out a bit more space in the Freezer and freezer section as my upcoming delivery is scheduled to ship on Friday the 30th of September which means it could come as soon as Saturday October 1st :)

    Have a Good Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Orchid society board meeting today, and then a dinner party at a friend's tonight, which will run late.

    High of 92 predicted, zero percent chance of rain.
    Hi Ed
    You do lead a busy and interesting life. Today is not supposed to be very warm, Seasonal finally in fact.

    Have a Good Weekend
    Good Morning! Hockey Day! (hence a 6 a.m. alarm this morning.)
    Been messing with the computer...changed my Yahoo account password as was advised, confirmed also that I did not win the Lotterys...well, OK got a free ticket from Fantasy Five...but somebody won the jackpot of 1.6 million. Ummm, free ticket vs 1.6M...I picked the wrong numbers! Somebody in Union City if you're interested Ed....no relatives there for me!

    Roger glad you're not upset with me. Sometimes knowing too much gets 'sticky'... my very, very overweight brother who has already had a stent(s), let me explain some weight loss ideas and nutritional thoughts...then said he just wouldn't give up his nightly bag of potato chips. And I guess that's his choice to make, though it makes me really sad.
    Look up mayo and I'd guesstimate that a burger would have about a tablespoon of Mayo per, so see what 2 T will take off from the total fat count. You could also walk to the refrigerator and check :) chances are you or your brother have some on hand. Mayonnaise is basically eggs and oil. So, no mayo is a great option. I have trouble believing that the burgers are low fat even cooked the way they are. My guess would be that they and all the other fast food places buy the cheapest hamburger they can get... anyhow, I'll leave that for you to figure out.
    I would be interested in what you figure the total calorie, fat, saturated fat, content would be....and ever so glad you only did this ONCE! :smiley:
    You're obviously doing well, as I think you're doing maintenance at this point, right?! That is a HUGE milestone. And you've worked hard to get there. Ever wonder how many miles you're walking a year or even a month? Bet its a jaw dropping number. I'll even bet, had you headed south, and kept going, you'd be having lunch with Ed and myself!!! LOL!!!

    Ed, I hope D's mom can find out if she can have chemo paid for via the state. There must be options out there. Some may be drastic. I had a friend with reoccurring breast cancer that metastasized in her bones. To qualify she had to divorce her husband, and quit deed her house to him, so that her income fell within GA or Medicaid limits.

    Ok, computer back up done for the week, and I need to go visit the shower...probably would help if I also got into it. LOL!!


    Hi Valerie
    Wow someone in Union City, NJ won :) Actually that was the first thing that popped into my head when I read that then sanity set in.

    Actually I would have to look online and even then it would be a guess as I suspect that not all Mayo is equal.... I use a Light Mayo when I do use a Mayo which would usually be when I make a Egg Salad or Chicken/Turkey Salad.

    And my Brother has switched to Salad Dressing for his spread.

    I had a friend that did Stop Smoking seminars and he told me one experience that happened, One of the people there had one lung already removed from Smoking caused cancer and that person would go out on the breaks and light up a cigarette :( So I hear You with Your Brother, I have a similar type of problem with my Brother except that he is working on losing weight and has lost a decent amount. However I have learned not to try and say anything about his eating habits.

    For Mileage figure 3+ miles a day :)

    I Am working on Maintaining and so far so good. As of this morning I am at my lowest weight in years which matches previous lows. It is also four days in a row at this weight so Yes I fell successful so far.

    Neither my Brother or I have Yahoo accounts, My Brother's email does come through them from his AT&T account so I am guessing they have the U/N & P/W somewhere possibly. He does not see it as a problem so I will not be fussing at him about it as he can get prickly if I try and push anything before he is ready for it. I can not even get him to either unplug or power down the external drives when he does not need them :(

    Enjoy the Weekend

    P.S. Based on previous knowledge the Fast Food Places have get Hamburger meat under Contract to their specifications for Fat content, Size and weight for consistency from location to location to ensure the same eating experience anywhere in the country.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    The hockey game was fun! Ted (DS2) surprised me, and was at the rink...his second surprise was he'd gotten the Apple Watch.. Sorta an inside joke...2 years ago I had some extra money at Christmas and he always give me expensive gifts...so I thought long and hard, and was going to give him the new Apple Watch...the problem was it was not released for sale before Christmas...(what kinda marketing was that?)....so, I gave him a gift card for the amount of the watch. Which he said he did not really want, along with a list of why nots....so the joke was he finally got the watch I gave him 2 years ago! He's having a good time playing with his new toy.
    And, he has a Garmin thingy, that records heart rate, and such...so he's going to give that to me, and it will sync with my Apple Health App so that should be fun for me too!
    Game won, 5-1 or 5-2, anyhow its in the win column, Nate scored twice, and I didn't hear any grumbling about not getting ice time, and I did notice that he was doing more passing the puck instead of possessing the puck down the ice. I think him and the coach (his dad) must have had a come to Jesus meeting about being a team. And that's a good thing.

    So, I decided on the way out, that there is a shopping center that has both a Target and an Office Depot, both places I wanted/needed to go to on the way home....got that done, and my next stop was going to be Costco, but good heavens...it was 12 up noon, and not a parking space to be seen, peeps were waiting in the 'streets' waiting for other peeps to stow their shopping and leave the parking space....so I drove in, and I drove out!!! I am covered with my blood pressure meds til Tuesday, and don't have an immediate need for the few grocery items I wanted.
    Came home, and there was a raccoon stretched out on his back, sound asleep on my back porch...at first I thought he was dead....called animal control which is a pain as it goes thru the police department...and by the time animal control called back, the thing had awoke, drank some water, ate some food, as I had been afraid to open the sliding glass door to bring the food dish indoors....and I'd coaxed Tom E cat out of the back yard, around the house, and into the house with kitty crack...(catnip treats).. Cat was not happy, and after talking to a really nice guy at animal control, I let the cat back out. He dispelled my idea that raccoons only come out at night. Said they were around day and night anymore...also said since the coon wasn't walking in circles, falling over, etc..it was probably very healthy (I know it had a beautiful fur coat and clear eyes)....

    Also discovered my Doc is trying to find me....but I will have to call Monday, as the office was closed by the time I got the message. I suspect the sodium count was no better possibly worse with the second blood test. Wonder where this will lead? Maybe I should hold off going to Costco until AFTER I talk to the Doc....I may be switching blood pressure meds??? I dunno.

    Monday's gonna get busy, animal control guy told me a good place to take Tom E for his rabies shot...I used to have someone come to the house and give the wild ones their shots...but for only one cat, not worth the money. So, I need to do that, as well as the other stuff. I am hoping its NEXT Monday, not day after tomorrow that the guy is coming to do my yard clean up. I got lazy and saw Sam, asked for a clean-up. Will make leaf time a bit easier, cuz he'll cut it short, and trim, and clean up the weeds, etc.

    Ok, this has gotten way long...sorry about that!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    Not that long, I enjoyed reading it. I am thinking about taking my Backpack tomorrow and starting to pick up the Black Walnuts that are falling. OTOH Someone I know has said come over and pick them up in her back yard but that is a little ways off. And then I am somewhat afraid the by the time I am able to get the last 1/2 of them spread out to dry they will be moldy....

    It sounds as if You had a interesting as well as fun day. I would never go to CostCo on the Weekend, Unless I could be there early enough to get parked easily and be ready to go in and blitz through the store when they open.

    Interesting that the Racoon felt safe enough to sleep on Your porch, it sounds as if it has decided it found the perfect home.

    Is Your blood Pressure running high on the current medication? I also wonder why Your sodium level is high, is there much of it in some of the foods You eat,? Possibly the prepared foods from WF.

    Good Luck getting Your cat to the vet, Will it go easily?
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Roger,
    No, getting cat to vet will be 'hell'! For both of us. I have a pet carrier, but getting cat in it is not easy. I'll look like I've been to battle, and lost. Cat will look fine, just a bit wide eyed! LOL!!

    I looked up the vet clinic the guy suggested...3 year vaccine for $15, which is a VERY reasonable amount. Also had to be done with a vet exam, another $15. Will call around and see if I can get the vaccine for that or less, because its a clinic not available until Oct. 8th. (they had one today, which of course I missed...

    Sorry, sodium is low. I should have said that. From what I can read, most likely from the diuretic over this blood pressure business. That and the fact I don't eat, cook with, etc salt. And I don't buy processed food, except for my monthly or so trip to Whole Foods, and every month or less, Ted and I eat out when I'm in town...all vegan, but I can taste salt. So, that may not be helping the situation. Also I pulled lab results, and normal is 135 -144, and mine is always on the low end...for 10 years...only one other time it came up low, and that may have been again when I was on a diuretic. But, nothing was said about it at the Doc. visit, and I'm guessing it was normal later. This has gone from 135 in Feb '16, to l32 in August '16 to 130 2 weeks later. So, it does need to be addressed. Am sure I'm not picking up the script I ordered last Thurs until I talk to her. Not even sure if I'm going to take the last 2 pills I have either!
    Will think about that.

    Ok, enough...I'm heading to bed and going to snack on some popped corn, which does have a small amount of salt on it. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 55 Degrees This morning a 10 degree change to cooler from yesterday. I did wear a somewhat heavier long sleeve shirt and light gloves. I have walked 7,700 steps so far and still no Cents. Now that I am back I am have had a NS Vanilla Coffee flavor Shake. Breakfast will be the Delicious NS Frozen Cinnamon Roll and then I may finish off the $Store Blueberry waffles on Monday & Tuesday and then switch back to assorted Cold Cereals for Breakfast until I use up the unopened Quart of Dollar Store milk which is good until July 2017 if unopened Using it takes a few days at 4 ounces per day for the cereal :)
    I need to clean out a bit more space in the Freezer and freezer section as my upcoming delivery is scheduled to ship on Friday the 30th of September which means it could come as soon as Saturday October 1st :) OTOH I see Hot Pocket & Lean Pocket for sale where I would end up paying $1.80 for two of breakfast or lunch types and 90 cents per meal for a entree is an attractive price :)

    Have a Good Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hey Roger,
    No, getting cat to vet will be 'hell'! For both of us. I have a pet carrier, but getting cat in it is not easy. I'll look like I've been to battle, and lost. Cat will look fine, just a bit wide eyed! LOL!!

    I looked up the vet clinic the guy suggested...3 year vaccine for $15, which is a VERY reasonable amount. Also had to be done with a vet exam, another $15. Will call around and see if I can get the vaccine for that or less, because its a clinic not available until Oct. 8th. (they had one today, which of course I missed...

    Sorry, sodium is low. I should have said that. From what I can read, most likely from the diuretic over this blood pressure business. That and the fact I don't eat, cook with, etc salt. And I don't buy processed food, except for my monthly or so trip to Whole Foods, and every month or less, Ted and I eat out when I'm in town...all vegan, but I can taste salt. So, that may not be helping the situation. Also I pulled lab results, and normal is 135 -144, and mine is always on the low end...for 10 years...only one other time it came up low, and that may have been again when I was on a diuretic. But, nothing was said about it at the Doc. visit, and I'm guessing it was normal later. This has gone from 135 in Feb '16, to l32 in August '16 to 130 2 weeks later. So, it does need to be addressed. Am sure I'm not picking up the script I ordered last Thurs until I talk to her. Not even sure if I'm going to take the last 2 pills I have either!
    Will think about that.

    Ok, enough...I'm heading to bed and going to snack on some popped corn, which does have a small amount of salt on it. :)

    Hi Valerie
    I wondered if getting the Cat to the Vet would be hard and sure enough You have confirmed my fears. Do You wear long sleeves and long gloves too?

    I suppose You can not just put a tiny pinch of salt to bring up the sodium level? In Your case I suspect I would be asking the doctor if taking a salt tablet once or twice a day would do the job or maybe some type of flavored sports drink?

    I would have to say I tried a Hot Air Popper years ago and it was a fail for me for one reason, Since it was dry Popped I could not get enough salt to stick to it, Popcorn needs some salt on it :)

    Have a Nice Day

    P.S. These days since I stopped salting foods, fairly heavily in the past too, I can taste it too.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    I've been doing this and that, and now its nearly 1 o'clock! Yikes!!

    Funny you should say that Roger...it was my first reaction at the time little doc said my sodium was low, and she got a look of panic on her face and "NO! Don't eat more salt". I think she just needs to understand that if I don't cook with salt, don't use it at the table, and don't eat prepackaged foods...that about the only salt I do get is from low sodium organic beans in a can, and those I rinse before putting them in my salads at lunch....
    Several years ago, Ted, the kid with the new iWatch, was in a terrible bicycle accident, and in ICU for about 8 days, then out on the floor, where they couldn't quite understand what "DOES NOT EAT MEAT" meant, and brought it to him with every meal...was supposed to be released and he called me to say that they were keeping him a few more hours, as his last blood work showed low sodium. (in his case they were concerned about additional brain injury from the bike wreck) So, knowing he'd not really eaten well, I took him a big order of McDonalds French Fries.....which he was delighted to eat....and his sodium was fine next test.
    So, I may very well be going thru a fast food drive in today.....mmm nope, but I may just bake a potato and add some salt, broccoli, and part of the batch of 'Golden Gravy' that I made this morning to put over my rice and lentil pilaf. The gravy doesn't have any salt like shaker kind, but does have soy sauce. I keep low sodium soy sauce and tamari at the house, so that's what I used, and it tasted quite salty to me!
    I also did NOT take a blood pressure pill this morning, and will not again tomorrow until instructed to do so, because that appears to me to be the root cause of this issue. (other reasons I found on line were adrenal gland issues, kidney disease, etc....and I don't think any of that applies!)

    Did I miss Ed's post? Need to go look for it! :)

    Also lunch would be nice.............

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. Of course I've been up for hours but increasing the size of my drive in the Windows 10 virtual box has been distracting me most of the day.

    Finally got that done!

    Last night's party was nice, but awfully warm in the house there. And the fact that they kept dumping champagne in my glass didn't help with that. After snacks of hummus, pureed Baba Ganoush (made with smoked eggplant - heavenly!) olives, carrot sticks, sliced French bread, etc, all vegetarian, dinner was served. 24 people sat around in various groups after serving themselves.

    Smoked pork loins, and a smoked GOOSE! I was in heaven, as you can imagine. And ALL the side dishes were vegetarian so J had plenty to eat between the appetizers and the dinner. I had just a small bite or two of all the dishes, there was some kind of couscous salad with tiny orange mushrooms (golden chanterelle, I think), some other salad of some kind of sprouted or slightly puffed grain (something beginning with an f) and nuts, some bean and fig salad, some dilled carrots, a pasta salad with extra grated cheese to sprinkle on, and I forget what all. Needless to say, I was in my element there.

    And then they brought out desserts. Lemon squares (evil), some kind of light, powdered, crescent shaped cookies (evil), some mini-cupcakes with caramel on top, some with orange frosting, and some chocolate ones with dark chocolate frosting, a red velvet cake with lots of fruit on it (all evil), some almond brittle, and a fruit salad (melon, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) which was probably the only NON-evil dessert. Oh, and some Bailey's Cream truffles, and some chocolate macaroons. More evil...so I split the smallest lemon bar with someone, ate one small truffle, tasted everything except the macaroons (not crazy about macaroons), and had some fruit salad. Then got a slice of the cake (birthday cake, technically, since the host and hostess were celebrating their 100th birthday. 60 for him and 40 for her added up to 100. LOL.

    I ate one small bite of the cake and handed it off to J who finished it off.

    After that just sipped ice water and mingled for a while until I realized that I was REALLY tired and needed to get on home before I turned into a pumpkin.

    Anyway, laundry is started and Windows 10 is now updating. It needed the room before it could update. I doubled the disk size which was a major pain that involved creating a whole new virtual disk, cloning the old virtual disk to the new one, shutting down the virtual system, reconfiguring it to use the new disk and forget the old one, extend the partition on the new disk to actually use the additional space (all this after spending hours figuring out all the necessary steps for all this with all the actual parts being largely imaginary!) but finally got it going.

    Now it's nap time. Lilo is ready.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    I've been doing this and that, and now its nearly 1 o'clock! Yikes!!

    Funny you should say that Roger...it was my first reaction at the time little doc said my sodium was low, and she got a look of panic on her face and "NO! Don't eat more salt". I think she just needs to understand that if I don't cook with salt, don't use it at the table, and don't eat prepackaged foods...that about the only salt I do get is from low sodium organic beans in a can, and those I rinse before putting them in my salads at lunch....
    Several years ago, Ted, the kid with the new iWatch, was in a terrible bicycle accident, and in ICU for about 8 days, then out on the floor, where they couldn't quite understand what "DOES NOT EAT MEAT" meant, and brought it to him with every meal...was supposed to be released and he called me to say that they were keeping him a few more hours, as his last blood work showed low sodium. (in his case they were concerned about additional brain injury from the bike wreck) So, knowing he'd not really eaten well, I took him a big order of McDonalds French Fries.....which he was delighted to eat....and his sodium was fine next test.
    So, I may very well be going thru a fast food drive in today.....mmm nope, but I may just bake a potato and add some salt, broccoli, and part of the batch of 'Golden Gravy' that I made this morning to put over my rice and lentil pilaf. The gravy doesn't have any salt like shaker kind, but does have soy sauce. I keep low sodium soy sauce and tamari at the house, so that's what I used, and it tasted quite salty to me!
    I also did NOT take a blood pressure pill this morning, and will not again tomorrow until instructed to do so, because that appears to me to be the root cause of this issue. (other reasons I found on line were adrenal gland issues, kidney disease, etc....and I don't think any of that applies!)

    Did I miss Ed's post? Need to go look for it! :)

    Also lunch would be nice.............


    Hi Valerie
    It will be interesting to see what the Doctor says this time. They have my brother on water pills too for something or other. From my reading some of them can be somewhat dangerous too in that they could cause nutrient issues if I understood what I read properly. I suspect that You are much more up on this than I am. I am happy that I have only one medication, Allopurinol in my daily regimen. I am guessing that You are monitoring Your Blood Presure however?

    I wonder if it is time to switch to regular Soy Sauce?

    I think if they had listened and believed they would not have kept pushing meat to ted. And Yup, McDs salts all the fries before serving them which TBH does make them taste better :)

    I am sure we must have salt somewhere in the house, left over from a couple of years ago truthfully, OTOH it doesn't go bad from age, the worst would be having it cake up a bit. I am not using salt the last couple of years and my brother does not use it either. Last New Years day we got a Low Sodium Ham and it was fine. The year before we had a regular ham and it was so salty neither of us cred for it. It got used however as we had gone to the trouble of getting it and baking it.

    Anyway, Have a Nice Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. Of course I've been up for hours but increasing the size of my drive in the Windows 10 virtual box has been distracting me most of the day.

    Finally got that done!

    Last night's party was nice, but awfully warm in the house there. And the fact that they kept dumping champagne in my glass didn't help with that. After snacks of hummus, pureed Baba Ganoush (made with smoked eggplant - heavenly!) olives, carrot sticks, sliced French bread, etc, all vegetarian, dinner was served. 24 people sat around in various groups after serving themselves.

    Smoked pork loins, and a smoked GOOSE! I was in heaven, as you can imagine. And ALL the side dishes were vegetarian so J had plenty to eat between the appetizers and the dinner. I had just a small bite or two of all the dishes, there was some kind of couscous salad with tiny orange mushrooms (golden chanterelle, I think), some other salad of some kind of sprouted or slightly puffed grain (something beginning with an f) and nuts, some bean and fig salad, some dilled carrots, a pasta salad with extra grated cheese to sprinkle on, and I forget what all. Needless to say, I was in my element there.

    And then they brought out desserts. Lemon squares (evil), some kind of light, powdered, crescent shaped cookies (evil), some mini-cupcakes with caramel on top, some with orange frosting, and some chocolate ones with dark chocolate frosting, a red velvet cake with lots of fruit on it (all evil), some almond brittle, and a fruit salad (melon, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) which was probably the only NON-evil dessert. Oh, and some Bailey's Cream truffles, and some chocolate macaroons. More evil...so I split the smallest lemon bar with someone, ate one small truffle, tasted everything except the macaroons (not crazy about macaroons), and had some fruit salad. Then got a slice of the cake (birthday cake, technically, since the host and hostess were celebrating their 100th birthday. 60 for him and 40 for her added up to 100. LOL.

    I ate one small bite of the cake and handed it off to J who finished it off.

    After that just sipped ice water and mingled for a while until I realized that I was REALLY tired and needed to get on home before I turned into a pumpkin.

    Anyway, laundry is started and Windows 10 is now updating. It needed the room before it could update. I doubled the disk size which was a major pain that involved creating a whole new virtual disk, cloning the old virtual disk to the new one, shutting down the virtual system, reconfiguring it to use the new disk and forget the old one, extend the partition on the new disk to actually use the additional space (all this after spending hours figuring out all the necessary steps for all this with all the actual parts being largely imaginary!) but finally got it going.

    Now it's nap time. Lilo is ready.
    Hi Ed
    I did not realize a Virtual Disk size expansion was that much work. In my Windows computers I just Clone the disk to a bigger disk and done. Just curious what is it that You use Windows for? I do know that Windows has a larger variety of software available for some things however.

    That sounds like some feast. They went all out from the sound of it and spared no expense.

    The Desserts were evil because, Sugar?

    Have a Nice Night
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    I just use my Windows 10 virtual box as a sandbox, mostly just to keep up with what's going on in the Windows world. I do play a couple of games on it now and then. My particular virtual box software though doesn't allow easy resizing of a disk, at least not on a Macbook, though it's supposed to...so I had to create a whole new disk in the virtual box software, attach that disk in the virtual box software, then boot Windows, format for system, clone the existing system disk to the larger disk, shut down Windows, swap disks in the virtual box software, boot Windows again, get to the disk management tools, extend the partition on the new disk, as all it partitioned for was the same size as the original disk (well, it WAS a clone) and then rebooted again just to be sure. After napping, windows update is running and as always it's SLOW.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Simon's Cat was very well behaved at the vet. I pity the vet that tries to do that exam on Tom E. Cat...he'll be bitten, scratched, and who knows what all.
    The guy from animal control yesterday was as interested in talking to me, as I was to him. There is a subdivision that backs up to the western side of the school property, and I can see some of it in the winter when the leaves are gone. Seems as though someone over there has been feeding a 'herd' of feral cats, and they're helping catch them, and take them to this vet clinic...Planned Pet Hood, for neutering, shots etc. So, his questions to me were along the lines of had I been seeing any/many stray cats lately? (not really...saw a big black cat one afternoon but not since)..
    Tomorrow I am going to check out first, my issues with my doc, and then go to a vet in Lilburn, that is quite close to me, and see if they'll just give Tom his shot without having to take him out of the carrier. Cuz trust me, if that door is opened, they had better first put the cat in the sleepy box!!!!

    OMG what a feast you had! MMMMM! I'd have been too full of food to drive home!!! Hope your BS was not toooo high this morning! WOW! What an experience. Bet you now have a whole new set of ideas of what you can duplicate in your kitchen!

    I have no idea what you were doing with/to your computer. I read things like that and just go hug my Mac!!! LOL!!

    Ok, I'm fed, cat's fed, dishwasher running, dryer still spinning clothes round and round, but I think I'll get ready for bed and then unload the dryer. :)

    I'm tired for some reason. Early to bed sounds good tonite.

    Tomorrow I'll have to have a nap, as I think I will at least attempt to watch the debate...not sure for how long though!
