Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Its 7:22p. and I want a cup of coffee!!! No, No, No, Nope and NO!!!
    Aren't sudden and totally inappropriate cravings weird? (so is talking to myself I suppose. :))
    Have a great evening...
    Hi Valerie
    I feel Your pain with the sudden cravings, I have been craving a Slice of Carrot cake from the Local Diner and I know it would not be that good for me. All that sugar would have a couple of effects on me, I would feel warmer and I know I would be retaining water too. Even is the Calories were OK those side effects would be bad for me and toss in that the calories would not be OK as they do a Large Slice to go or eat in. The Only small slice is if it comes as part of one of the daily dinner specials which come with a choice of Pudding, Cake or that Jack Benny advertiser, J E L L O :)

    Have a Nice Day
    Howdy again y'all. It was busy today, but nothing like yesterday. I did hear news that the weekend was pretty insane too, but we didn't run out of anything until yesterday, when we ran out for a while and, this morning, were still out of Premium, and, consequently, Mid-Grade, since it's a blend of premium and regular. Even though we had signs on the pumps stating that we were out of premium and mid-grade, some customers were still pressing those buttons and then wondering why they couldn't pump any gas. People just don't pay attention to what's right in front of them! I'd swear too that some of the looked RIGHT AT THE SIGN saying there wasn't any premium and still pushed the button. I ended up cutting some strips of yellow paper and taping them over the buttons for mid-grade and premium.

    Around 9:00 a.m. we got a delivery that about half filled us on regular (which was pretty low by then) and half on premium, too and just as I was heading in to the store to get chips and candy, another delivery to give us more! It was looking pretty good when I left, at about 3/4 full for all tanks.

    We never did have any issues with diesel running short.

    According to an email from Pizza Hut, it's National Pepperoni Pizza day! So my dinner was...
    Home assembled and home baked pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and ham. OK it wasn't JUST a pepperoni pizza, but there was pepperoni on it! Wine of choice: Místico Tempranillo, 2015, Spain.

    And of course I'll be having leftover pizza for breakfast.
    Hi Ed
    it's funny that You should say that people do not look, I have seen that myself. When I was working retail they would look right at the price sticker and ask how much is it, My answer was let me look at the Price on it and see, I may have been a little sarcastic when I said it that way, however is was amazing how many people passed the item over for me to see :)

    I watch Match game and Family Feud on the TV and yesterday on match game two of the three contestants called letters that were already up there. On The other one I am amazed how many of the answers given are already up on the board too. I have no clue why they do not see what is in front of them.

    I would have hated having to explain the same thing over and over and Your solution of paper over the buttons was a good one.

    Shame, Shame, You were supposed to run out and Buy a Pizza Hut Pizza, not make Your own :)

    Did You create the pizza using dough from the store or did You also do that from scratch?
    It sounds delicious too.
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!

    89 predicted for the high today with 0% chance of rain. Hopefully some of the other gas stations in the area will have gas by now and that will ease up the strain on mine! I'll see how it is when I get there, of course.
    Good Luck today, Hopefully The rush will be over and it will be a light easy Tag Day too.

    Enjoy Your Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning Guys!
    Ed, sounds like things were a bit better. You're right about the signs...people don't read..sometimes I'm guilty of that myself, sorry to say. Hope today is good, and that soon we get gasoline in ATL. The stuff I see on the news is not generally good...but then that seems to be the mindset of the local stations.

    Grocery shopping day here...Publix for BP check, and probably not much else. Their flyer did have one thing, not sure I remember what that was good...other than that...looks like a Kroger day, and if I have the time and energy a quick trip to the gym, and the Mex market. That will leave Costco for another day. (thinking Friday)

    Weather station here in Duluth did show 90 degrees yesterday, not sure that was the case in ATL itself. Bet we make 90 again today. Tomorrow maybe not, it the rain thats predicted actually gets here. :)

    Going to check up on breakfast. I need a stay at home cooking day...my soup is finished (eaten), and I need to make more nut milk, and another batch of salad dressing...I have beets to cook, and a batch of lentils...etc. Having all that on hand makes for some really quick meals for the next 5-7 days. I'm thinking Friday... which I just realized will be a busy day! So cooking may happen on Saturday, as I don't see a game scheduled for the entire weekend? I'd better check that out with the coach tonite when we chat. :)

    Hi again
    I see You posted as I was doing the other reply :)

    When I see Duluth I think of This one:
    And of course Duluth, Minnesota

    If You can why not look at the flyer on paper or online since You will be there anyway.

    Stay Cool and have a nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Whoopsi! Sun is shining on the sliding glass door to the porch, and I see my next chore!! OMG...how..ok, partly from the cats...and since its next to a light fixture, I assume some of it is bug stuff...throw in a bit of pollen, etc, and yep! I see a chore :)

    True Roger, since I am at the grocery, why not look at the paper flyer? Cuz, since I shop multiple grocers its nice to know what produce is on sale, and at which store. I think its worth the effort..which is practically 'nil' :)

    Temp has risen to 72 degrees, sun is shining...I'd best get a move on!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    I am constantly amazed how many bugs fly right into the Living Room Window and only since it was replaced with a energy saving type. Some of them repeatedly bump into it. I postulate that possibly the coating between the glass layers bounces out some weird light that either attracts them or confuses them.

    Have a Nice Evening
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    I CAN make a pizza crust, but the crust I used last night was pre-made (StoneGround, I think, is the company name) and it's nice and thin, bakes up nice and crisp and makes the whole "chore" of making pizza very easy. I can make ALL the pizza from scratch, of course, and have done so in the past, but that does take a while and a bit more work.

    J has found a new Indian restaurant near his work. It has taken over the place where a friend of ours used to have a Thai restaurant. She moved to Florida and we missed her good food, but what can you do? In the interval it was a mediocre Chinese restaurant, so it's nice to see that someplace with GOOD food has come back to the spot. J really enjoyed his lunch (which covered his dinner too) today. We'll probably buy from there as often as reasonable, as we like to support small shops like that and know (from our friend that moved) that it's difficult to keep them going, especially in this area with so much diversity and competition. There is a fairly large Indian restaurant in the other direction from his work, that has much easier access and a nice lunch buffet so this little place will have to work hard to keep up and stay open. We wish them all the best. The little one that was all vegan that was near our home lasted less than a year, which was really a shame.

    Today felt like a vacation at work, compared to Monday and Tuesday. Tagging was light, we had plenty of gas, and most of the "panic" customers seem to be done so business was lighter than a normal Wednesday too. I guess some of those who would have come on Wednesday already got what they needed earlier in the week during the panic.

    I consider it to have been a pretty good day! Lilo and I have had my patty melt (sans onion) and I've had my large glass of wine. Bed time in an hour and a half or so.

    G'nite all!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday!

    High of 88 predicted today with 10% chance of rain. Hopefully the gas crisis will continue to abate.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Thursday Morning!
    Chiro today, and while I'm intown a trip to the Midtown Whole Foods, for 2 entree's...meaning quick dinners for 2 days!! Will look for my Chicken Fried Tofu, and will stick my neck out and get a seitan dish or second option is their vegan Mac & Cheeze. That I have to taste before I buy, sometimes they get a little too 'happy' with the 'heat' back there in the kitchen. I just figure those are the days that Ed sneaks in and makes the Mac & Cheese! :smiley: Other than that, I really don't need anything.
    Sure glad I have my appointment today...I was putting groceries in my car's trunk yesterday at Kroger, and Whoa! lower back pain?? Where did this come from? Rest of the day I didn't notice it, but I was going to unload the dishwasher this morning, top rack easy peasy...not so for the bottom 'bend over' rack...ARG! Time to talk exercises with Dr. Pat, again!
    And then tonite is gymnastics....and trash to the curb night...
    Other than that, I don't have much to do! LOL!!

    Ed, I looked at the Kroger on Steve Reynolds and Old Norcross (Reynolds Crossroads Shopping center), and they were pumping gas, continuously! Also when I talked to Jack he said that with the exception on one, all stations out there never ran out of gas.... I find that interesting. Makes very little sense...as all the ATL gas comes from the same broken pipeline? So, why shortages in only some areas? and not in others? I'm sure there's an answer, don't need to know, just found it interesting.

    Coursera just sent me 55 available classes to sign up for....and you know I had to look at one or two. :) Found one for designing your own diet plan that would probably be very interesting, free, 5 weeks. But stuck to my guns and didn't sign up. For one thing the class had already started Tuesday...so I was already 2 days behind.... wimpy excuse, but no classes til after the holidays...period!

    Off to the shower, and then a later than usual breakfast so I'm not 'starving' mode when I hit Whole Foods about noon thirty! :)


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    It was 65 Degrees This morning a small change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking with a decrease in the humidity. I have walked 9,870 steps so far and once again no Cents.

    I Got Lucky today, fate saved me from myself :) Since my plan for the day was to stop at the dollar store for a quart or two of 1% Milk, Good until August 15, 2017 and 50 calories for the 4 ounces I put on my cold cereal I ended up buying two quarts as the one they run out of is the 1% and not the 2% or Whole Milk. I also bought 4 assorted flavors of Hot Pockets that I will use for lunches. Then I walked over to the Bank and deposited a small check. Since the opening times were 8AM and 8:30 AM I walked up to the Diner for breakfast to kill time which explains the step count and the Lucky part as I asked for a slice of Carrot Cake to go when I finished my Two Eggs and Fruit bowl that I selected in place of the Home Fries and part of the Whole Wheat Toast with a smear of butter. The lucky part is that they were out of Carrot Cake, Saved from myself :)

    Have a Good Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I CAN make a pizza crust, but the crust I used last night was pre-made (StoneGround, I think, is the company name) and it's nice and thin, bakes up nice and crisp and makes the whole "chore" of making pizza very easy. I can make ALL the pizza from scratch, of course, and have done so in the past, but that does take a while and a bit more work.

    J has found a new Indian restaurant near his work. It has taken over the place where a friend of ours used to have a Thai restaurant. She moved to Florida and we missed her good food, but what can you do? In the interval it was a mediocre Chinese restaurant, so it's nice to see that someplace with GOOD food has come back to the spot. J really enjoyed his lunch (which covered his dinner too) today. We'll probably buy from there as often as reasonable, as we like to support small shops like that and know (from our friend that moved) that it's difficult to keep them going, especially in this area with so much diversity and competition. There is a fairly large Indian restaurant in the other direction from his work, that has much easier access and a nice lunch buffet so this little place will have to work hard to keep up and stay open. We wish them all the best. The little one that was all vegan that was near our home lasted less than a year, which was really a shame.

    Today felt like a vacation at work, compared to Monday and Tuesday. Tagging was light, we had plenty of gas, and most of the "panic" customers seem to be done so business was lighter than a normal Wednesday too. I guess some of those who would have come on Wednesday already got what they needed earlier in the week during the panic.

    I consider it to have been a pretty good day! Lilo and I have had my patty melt (sans onion) and I've had my large glass of wine. Bed time in an hour and a half or so.

    G'nite all!
    Hi Ed
    I had a feeling that You were Pizza Crust capable....
    My Brother only like thin crust Pizzas FWIW and so many places anymore seem to be doing thinker crust pizzas including using the same amount of dough in all the sizes so the smaller pizzas have a thicker crust :(

    I suspect that the failure rate is high for individually owned eateries. One near me has been a Sub Shop, Chinese/American and something else in-between, Currently it is Mexican food. I have to wonder if it is the same owner trying to find something that works as the food has never been that good when I tried it.

    How nice for You to have an easy day finally.
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday!

    High of 88 predicted today with 10% chance of rain. Hopefully the gas crisis will continue to abate.

    I hope You are right about the gas problem abating. I remember the Toilet paper shortage here in NJ in 1990 as people cleaned out the stores ahead a sales tax on TP that was scheduled to start in July. I suspect that part of the gas shortage was people panicking and filling up before they normally would have :)

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Thursday Morning!
    Chiro today, and while I'm intown a trip to the Midtown Whole Foods, for 2 entree's...meaning quick dinners for 2 days!! Will look for my Chicken Fried Tofu, and will stick my neck out and get a seitan dish or second option is their vegan Mac & Cheeze. That I have to taste before I buy, sometimes they get a little too 'happy' with the 'heat' back there in the kitchen. I just figure those are the days that Ed sneaks in and makes the Mac & Cheese! :smiley: Other than that, I really don't need anything.
    Sure glad I have my appointment today...I was putting groceries in my car's trunk yesterday at Kroger, and Whoa! lower back pain?? Where did this come from? Rest of the day I didn't notice it, but I was going to unload the dishwasher this morning, top rack easy peasy...not so for the bottom 'bend over' rack...ARG! Time to talk exercises with Dr. Pat, again!
    And then tonite is gymnastics....and trash to the curb night...
    Other than that, I don't have much to do! LOL!!

    Ed, I looked at the Kroger on Steve Reynolds and Old Norcross (Reynolds Crossroads Shopping center), and they were pumping gas, continuously! Also when I talked to Jack he said that with the exception on one, all stations out there never ran out of gas.... I find that interesting. Makes very little sense...as all the ATL gas comes from the same broken pipeline? So, why shortages in only some areas? and not in others? I'm sure there's an answer, don't need to know, just found it interesting.

    Coursera just sent me 55 available classes to sign up for....and you know I had to look at one or two. :) Found one for designing your own diet plan that would probably be very interesting, free, 5 weeks. But stuck to my guns and didn't sign up. For one thing the class had already started Tuesday...so I was already 2 days behind.... wimpy excuse, but no classes til after the holidays...period!

    Off to the shower, and then a later than usual breakfast so I'm not 'starving' mode when I hit Whole Foods about noon thirty! :)

    Hi Valerie
    They let You taste the food? I had guessed that it was in sealed packages.

    I threw my back out one time just by twisting at a Deli Buffet where I selecting things to bring home. I was in agony for a few days, Hopefully You will do better.

    That is a interesting question regarding the Gas BTW.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I Just Ran Across this post, Vegan Salmon :)
    hgycta wrote: »
    Went to David's natural market and noticed quite a bit of "interesting" things... Didn't get any of them, but I was wondering if anyone here has tried them? The cashewtopia ice cream especially caught my attention, but I'm curious if the peanut butter is any good or not? Didn't want to spend a bunch of money and be disappointed!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi Roger!
    Whole Foods has a salad bar, 2 hot bars, an olive bar, they'll give you a taste of any of their imported pricy cheeses, oh, and there's a granola build your own bar, a BBQ bar, mmm I"m sure I'm leaving something out. One day I asked a guy stocking citrus is that particular fruit was good, he picked on up, broke it in half (seriously, I know my eyes bulged) and gave me half the tangerine/clementine something, for a taste!
    Yes, there are little cups for salad dressing, and you can get a taste of something. I hate to see people abuse the privilage...and some do, by picking up a container from the soup bar (see I knew I'd forget one), and put food in them, and eat the food while they're walking around looking like their shopping....in other words, they pretty much eat their lunch. That's just wrong!
    Peanut butter...would naturally be vegan. No animal in peanuts...I looked!! LOL!!
    Haven't seen that particular brand of Ice Cream but there are a couple good tasting ones made with either rice milk, or cashew milk..etc. They are lower in calories most of the time, come in popular flavors, and are much healthier in the 'fat' area. I have NO CLUE about Vegan Salmon..????? Like really?

    I have to run, but the cartoons were all great this morning!! Thanks!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    I am not surprised that somebody would take samples like that with them shopping. I understand there are people that go to places that have free samples to sell foods and they pretty much fill up for free. To me if You never planned to buy something that the store is sampling that You are wrong to go for the free lunch.

    I lump them with the people that take a bunch of grapes from the produce section and feed the grapes to their kids as they walk around shopping. Stealing IMO as there is no way to weigh them first and they are always sold by weight so even if the buy the rest of the bag they stole what they fed the children.
    FWIW a couple of posts after the one I pasted in stated that the Peanut Butter was nasty :)

    I know, Vegan Salmon, Why? That is why I Posted it.

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Welcome Fall???? Temp dropped one whole degree. I'd say Summer still has us in her grips! LOL!
    Roger, the folks that do that sort of thing, are not only stealing...but they're making the prices at the store higher for everybody else. Some people could stand to go back to childhood and be raised all over again! :)

    Off to see "O" do her gymnastics stuff. Hope the traffic isn't bad.
    I did buy gas at Costco today on my way home....it was 30 cents more per gallon. Hopefully next week prices will come back down. News tonite reported that the Gov. of Ga extended the 'gasoline price gouging decree' thru coming Monday... wait? WHAT? you mean its not ALWAYS illegal to engage in price gouging at the pumps? Some things just make me shake my head....

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    I can not disagree about that being stealing nor that it raises prices for all, sadly it happens.

    Wow. 30 cents per gallon higher? That is some jump.

    I had a different take on the Gov. of Ga. and his 'gasoline price gouging decree', My take was when did it become rule by decree and not the lawmakers?

    Many things make me shake my head anymore. Not the least is the way they mealy mouth excuses for no SSI raise.

    Have a Fun Evening
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Overslept my nap a bit this afternoon. Really didn't intend to cook, per se, though assembling and baking a cheese pizza was on the agenda for J. For myself I was just going to nuke some dogs or something.

    D found out last night his mother has stage 4 colon cancer that has metastasized to the lungs. 4 to 6 months without treatment, maybe 3 to 4 years with chemo...but she can't afford chemo unless the state (Arizona) pays for it so it will be a month or two before that can even be determined.

    So...when D asked if I had any dinner plans (I thought he would have already eaten when I got up, but no) I decided to cook something anyway, even though I didn't feel like it, as having some wholesome, non-fast, food would be better than him spending his little money on greasy fast food.

    Tonight’s dinner: Spaghetti. Wine of choice is Tapaculo Merlot, 2014, Chile.

    G'nite all!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ed, that was a really nice thing you did feeding D tonite. Chances he wasn't in the best frame of mind, so having dinner with someone, and good food at that was really great.

    Roger, Several years ago, when ATL went thru another gas crisis, and those who did have gas to sell were charging outrageous prices...guidelines were set up as to how much about actual cost of gas the stations could charge, and complaints were investigated etc....

    Just finishing my bowl of cereal, and will eat my apple and go to bed. I B Tired! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    High today predicted to be 89 with 0% chance of rain.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 60 Degrees This morning a 5 degree change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking, I did wear a light long sleeve shirt and light gloves. I have walked 8,686 steps so far and once again no Cents. Now that I am back I am having a Chocolate NS Protein Shake, later I will have the remaining 1/3 of the Banana I ate before going out to walk. I will follow that up with either the NS Frozen Baked Blueberry Oatmeal or 2 of the Dollar Store Blueberry Waffles. I do have one more Delicious NS Frozen Cinnamon Roll that I plan to have on Sunday Morning and then I will most likely switch back to assorted Cold Cereals for Breakfast until I use up that Quart of Dollar Store milk which takes a few days at 4 ounces per day for the cereal :)

    Yesterday eating what I did at the Diner seems to have worked as my weight this morning was the same. I am still getting Raspberries from the late season plants which means that planting two types one earlier and one late fruiting type worked :) After picking the ripe ones this morning and some Climbing Green Beans I turned on the Soaker Hoses in the garden as it looked as if it were due to be watered.

    Have a Good Friday