Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday.

    Moving slow this morning, but must be off to the rat mines...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    It was 50 Degrees This morning 5 degrees cooler than yesterday. I did wear a somewhat heavier long sleeve shirt over a light long sleeve shirt and light gloves. I have walked 8,090 steps so far and still no Cents. I have had a NS Chocolate flavor Shake. Breakfast will be either the NS Baked Blueberry Oatmeal or the $Store Blueberry waffles or to a Cold Cereal Breakfast.

    The weather looks like rain overnight into Tuesday morning, I will have to decide what I am doing for walking then if at all. Also it is supposed to be warmer which may play into my decision.

    Have a Good Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just use my Windows 10 virtual box as a sandbox, mostly just to keep up with what's going on in the Windows world. I do play a couple of games on it now and then. My particular virtual box software though doesn't allow easy resizing of a disk, at least not on a Macbook, though it's supposed to...so I had to create a whole new disk in the virtual box software, attach that disk in the virtual box software, then boot Windows, format for system, clone the existing system disk to the larger disk, shut down Windows, swap disks in the virtual box software, boot Windows again, get to the disk management tools, extend the partition on the new disk, as all it partitioned for was the same size as the original disk (well, it WAS a clone) and then rebooted again just to be sure. After napping, windows update is running and as always it's SLOW.
    Hi Ed
    I wonder why Your Your windows update runs slow. Possibly the Virtual Box is the cause? Does all of windows run slow, Or Internet only or only the windows updates. On the Windows 10 computers here it downloads in the background and when I go to shut down it asks Install updates and restart or Install and shut down as well as the usual other options such as Hibernate.

    That is a good idea using a Virtual machine as a sandbox. I know others that do that running it within Windows and I suppose I could do that or I could run something like Sandboxie. I have been thinking about it although between Norton and Malwarebytes Anti-malware I feel fairly well protected.

    Have a Nice day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Simon's Cat was very well behaved at the vet. I pity the vet that tries to do that exam on Tom E. Cat...he'll be bitten, scratched, and who knows what all.
    The guy from animal control yesterday was as interested in talking to me, as I was to him. There is a subdivision that backs up to the western side of the school property, and I can see some of it in the winter when the leaves are gone. Seems as though someone over there has been feeding a 'herd' of feral cats, and they're helping catch them, and take them to this vet clinic...Planned Pet Hood, for neutering, shots etc. So, his questions to me were along the lines of had I been seeing any/many stray cats lately? (not really...saw a big black cat one afternoon but not since)..
    Tomorrow I am going to check out first, my issues with my doc, and then go to a vet in Lilburn, that is quite close to me, and see if they'll just give Tom his shot without having to take him out of the carrier. Cuz trust me, if that door is opened, they had better first put the cat in the sleepy box!!!!

    OMG what a feast you had! MMMMM! I'd have been too full of food to drive home!!! Hope your BS was not toooo high this morning! WOW! What an experience. Bet you now have a whole new set of ideas of what you can duplicate in your kitchen!

    I have no idea what you were doing with/to your computer. I read things like that and just go hug my Mac!!! LOL!!

    Ok, I'm fed, cat's fed, dishwasher running, dryer still spinning clothes round and round, but I think I'll get ready for bed and then unload the dryer. :)

    I'm tired for some reason. Early to bed sounds good tonite.

    Tomorrow I'll have to have a nap, as I think I will at least attempt to watch the debate...not sure for how long though!


    Hi Valerie
    I can see where someone has been feeding/watering cats at a location outside of the one park I sometimes walk through. At this time of year I only get there on weekends as I do not feel like working my walking through students heading for school on the same sidewalks I would be on. Right now I would be OK on the outbound and I might be OK on the return leg, I'm not sure. What I am sure of is that later on in the season as I start heading out later to beat the early morning cold weather the students would be in the way.

    I can not decide, Watch the Debate, don't watch the debate or DVR the debate for later viewing, Nothing indecisive there :)

    Good Luck at the Vets
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Boy, have I been up for 'awhile'! I still trying to sip my coffee this morning at 6 a.m. decided to put the new Mac OS 'Sierra' on my computer....dear heavens, that was one slow process!!! Then my One Word secure app for remembering my passwords, etc. needed updating so I did that too. All the while doing 'other chores' like moving into my new wallet, unloading dishwasher, texting Ted, till I bored him and he sent me a sleeping emoji!!! Called the Doc's office and left a message about returning their call from Saturday, and mentioned I would NOT be taking morning meds until I heard from them...so far, no return call. Will wait a bit longer and just direct call again...grrrr. I hate 'leave a message and we'll get back to you'...it usually should be prefaced with 'maybe'!

    70 this morning, and I saw on the local news 50's by Thursday for overnite lows??? Wait! What???? I think we skipped fall this year, at least for night time temps. Wonder how long before I cave and turn on the heat? Hopefully not before mid October!! YIKES!
    They also said that yesterday was day 88 of 90 degree weather, but with this cold front they doubted we'd see the 90th day, which would tie the all time record. I hope they repeat that, with a year. Its always fun to see how many years a record stood.

    Ok, lots to do this morning so, I'll chat later...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Now that I have my wits about me again....

    It is indeed a Marvelous Monday!!! Hope you have a great day!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I did call little doc's office back....and...I was right to discontinue the BP meds, and she'd sent a new script in to be filled. Am so glad I waited to fill that script...otherwise I'd have 90 days of pills that I couldn't take!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy again y'all. My birthday isn't until the 28th but thanks anyway, Val! I'll be 39 of course...

    I rebooted my macbook and the virtual windows machine, and the virtual machine speeded up considerably.

    Last night I really didn't feel all that well and don't think anyone else in the house did either. I didn't feel like cooking so ordered in Indian, even though I didn't really feel all that much like eating either. I knew I needed to eat SOMETHING so I ordered.

    This morning wasn't feeling that great either but after nap today (when I got home from work, after lunch), I thought maybe a really NICE dinner might make me feel better and, as I had the energy to cook, I made potatoes and onions, fried in ghee, lamb sirloin chops, baked to tender yumminess, seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic, and rosemary, steamed, lightly buttered broccoli, seasoned with salt and pepper. That took care of D and me. J had some of the potatoes, some of the broccoli, and three lace fried, over broken, eggs, along with some fake bacon.

    Everyone in the house had a nice dinner. Might be D's last here as he's packing up to go back to Arizona to be with his mother for however long she has left. Hopefully he won't end up in jail for murdering his step-father...

    Off to bed soon!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! The last couple of weeks the tagging has been split between Tuesday and Wednesday. We'll see what we see this morning...

    High of 85 with 30 percent chance of rain.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Wow, 5 posts!

    It was 66 Degrees This morning a large change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking despite a increase in the humidity. I have walked 8,361 steps so far and once again no Cents. I did see a penny however it was stuck into the driveway and did not pick up when I tried :(
    It rained overnight and the rain was finished earlier than the originally forecast time so it was OK to walk although I did take a small folding umbrella along in my back pocket, just in case.

    Tomorrow is Grocery Store day for Bananas and Apples or Apples and Nectarines or Plums or all three to last until Sunday morning ainxe it is 10% senior discount day. With the advertised price per pound the bananas will be 26 cents a pound, Hard to beat that price unless they look really poor :)

    I ended up unhappy yesterday, It appears that the Walking Appetites AKA Deer have discovered the Three Columnar Apple Trees in the back Yard. The first two pictures show the damage and the third picture shows the wire cages I ended up putting around them to protect them. Hopefully :)

    Have a Good Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Boy, have I been up for 'awhile'! I still trying to sip my coffee this morning at 6 a.m. decided to put the new Mac OS 'Sierra' on my computer....dear heavens, that was one slow process!!! Then my One Word secure app for remembering my passwords, etc. needed updating so I did that too. All the while doing 'other chores' like moving into my new wallet, unloading dishwasher, texting Ted, till I bored him and he sent me a sleeping emoji!!! Called the Doc's office and left a message about returning their call from Saturday, and mentioned I would NOT be taking morning meds until I heard from them...so far, no return call. Will wait a bit longer and just direct call again...grrrr. I hate 'leave a message and we'll get back to you'...it usually should be prefaced with 'maybe'!

    70 this morning, and I saw on the local news 50's by Thursday for overnite lows??? Wait! What???? I think we skipped fall this year, at least for night time temps. Wonder how long before I cave and turn on the heat? Hopefully not before mid October!! YIKES!
    They also said that yesterday was day 88 of 90 degree weather, but with this cold front they doubted we'd see the 90th day, which would tie the all time record. I hope they repeat that, with a year. Its always fun to see how many years a record stood.

    Ok, lots to do this morning so, I'll chat later...
    I did call little doc's office back....and...I was right to discontinue the BP meds, and she'd sent a new script in to be filled. Am so glad I waited to fill that script...otherwise I'd have 90 days of pills that I couldn't take!
    Hi Valerie
    I'm old school I just use a small notebook for usernames and passwords.

    Just curious, define slow upgrading the OS? I think it took a couple of hours+ to go from Windows 7 & 8 to Windows 10 on the two computers I did it too. Strangely the laptop that said it was ready for the free upgrade then said not compatible?

    Our temperatures are all over the place from day to day even.

    I have the heat turned off at the wall switch, The red one that says Gas Burner Emergency Switch :)

    Good Decision to save Your money
    Enjoy the Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy again y'all. My birthday isn't until the 28th but thanks anyway, Val! I'll be 39 of course...

    I rebooted my macbook and the virtual windows machine, and the virtual machine speeded up considerably.

    Last night I really didn't feel all that well and don't think anyone else in the house did either. I didn't feel like cooking so ordered in Indian, even though I didn't really feel all that much like eating either. I knew I needed to eat SOMETHING so I ordered.

    This morning wasn't feeling that great either but after nap today (when I got home from work, after lunch), I thought maybe a really NICE dinner might make me feel better and, as I had the energy to cook, I made potatoes and onions, fried in ghee, lamb sirloin chops, baked to tender yumminess, seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic, and rosemary, steamed, lightly buttered broccoli, seasoned with salt and pepper. That took care of D and me. J had some of the potatoes, some of the broccoli, and three lace fried, over broken, eggs, along with some fake bacon.

    Everyone in the house had a nice dinner. Might be D's last here as he's packing up to go back to Arizona to be with his mother for however long she has left. Hopefully he won't end up in jail for murdering his step-father...
    Hi Ed
    Happy Upcoming Birthday.
    39, You and Jack Benny.

    I found in the past that the older windows would run better with restarts daily. The current one not really. However I am not surprised that things sped up afterwards. I see I have a Firefox update and some not all of the Norton updates do need a windows restart.

    I have had days when I felt Meh :) And those were days in the past when I definitely went the Fast Food route.

    I do like sliced Boiled or Baked Potatoes cooked with Eggs scrambled into them as they heat in the skillet.

    I hope D's visit goes as well as it can
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! The last couple of weeks the tagging has been split between Tuesday and Wednesday. We'll see what we see this morning...

    High of 85 with 30 percent chance of rain.
    I would think that splitting the tag day would be handy TBH.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member




  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Apologies to ED! So sorry I apparently put the date in wrong on my calendar. Soooo, the good news is, you will not feel badly (I think you said 'not quite right), on your 'real birthday', and you're still 38 for today! LOL!!! I have to laugh at myself, otherwise I might question where my mind is...or was..

    I think I really screwed up yesterday, when doing the install of Sierra. I was running very low on available 'space' so I agreed to pay the 0.99 cents a month for 50 G cloud space, and I thought I was only backing up my photo's, calendar, documents, and maybe email....WELL, Ted seems to think I backed my whole system into the cloud...as it took over 12 hours... He'll have to look at it over the weekend or sometime. I do know I had to restart my computer this morning...and that it had about 15G's to go when I went to bed at 11:30 last night. AND, I'd started it around 8 that morning....
    I know you two 'geeks' are very comfy with computers, clouds, and how/why stuff works...to me its a huge mystery, and I should NEVER be allowed to 'do' anything with the system.
    But, it works, it seems to be quicker, and I'm not going to worry myself over it.

    Yesterday (day two with no BP meds) my BP was 118 over 74......today I will go take a reading and if its still this low, I am not going to take these new meds. They supposedly 'relax' my blood vessels...or in my opinion, how to die by well meaning Doc.

    Wonder why Ed, they are splitting the tagging days? Seems kinda weird, as you seemed to have had a perfectly good system going. I hate change just for the heck of it. I do not mind change, its a good thing, unless its just being done 'because it can be done'. Ain't broke? Don't fix it!!! :)

    Ha! Roger! I copied my post above, and went back to reload the page, and there was your post!
    So 'Good Morning'... :) I'm sorry about the deer eating your trees...whatever they had been eating has either all been eaten, or otherwise became unavailable. I tell you, the thing they drove home in my Master Gardener's class was that DEER will eat anything, including roses, thorns and all. They do not however seem to care for plastic flowers or garden hoses. Sadly really tall fence or electric fence is really about the only defense options you have. Or, it you don't mind spending some time in the pokey, I guess you could shoot them. (bad joke).
    The damage to the trees really isn't that bad, as in just a few weeks the leaves would have fallen off the fruit tress anyhow. 26 cents for banana's is one BIG good deal!! Whoa. If you like them in your NS shakes, etc, I'd buy a bunch just to freeze in one banana size packages. Kroger has had organic banana's here for like 64 - 69 cents a pound, which compared to my other options is cheap! I did buy an avocado yesterday, and even at the Mex. Market which has good prices on veg things, it was $1.79, and it is a nice size. I've seen them for 99 cents other places, but they're small and usually black as night and way over ripe, so 'not my food'. My guess is that even avocado's have a 'season' of availability, and a season of 'pricey'! I don't eat them often, so this may be the last one for a few weeks.
    'Fession time while belaboring food prices. I picked up a 'Red Japanese Potato' at Whole Foods. I'm really much stronger than I thought, it rang up at $2.47! and I didn't faint. Its now in the microwave steaming itself. All I can say is it had better be really, really good! :) I'd seen them at the Hmart the day I went with Ted, 'Mr Impatient' when in any retail store... What I'm really wanting to find is the Japanese? Purple Sweet Potato. Supposed to be super healthy. THe surprise as when I cut the thiner stem end off the Red Yam, was that it is white as snow on the inside!

    Back later with my assessment of over priced Red Yam! Also pondering Rogers statement that maybe I should switch to soy sauce instead of salt??? I think I remembered that correctly...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Apologies to ED! So sorry I apparently put the date in wrong on my calendar. Soooo, the good news is, you will not feel badly (I think you said 'not quite right), on your 'real birthday', and you're still 38 for today! LOL!!! I have to laugh at myself, otherwise I might question where my mind is...or was..

    I think I really screwed up yesterday, when doing the install of Sierra. I was running very low on available 'space' so I agreed to pay the 0.99 cents a month for 50 G cloud space, and I thought I was only backing up my photo's, calendar, documents, and maybe email....WELL, Ted seems to think I backed my whole system into the cloud...as it took over 12 hours... He'll have to look at it over the weekend or sometime. I do know I had to restart my computer this morning...and that it had about 15G's to go when I went to bed at 11:30 last night. AND, I'd started it around 8 that morning....
    I know you two 'geeks' are very comfy with computers, clouds, and how/why stuff works...to me its a huge mystery, and I should NEVER be allowed to 'do' anything with the system.
    But, it works, it seems to be quicker, and I'm not going to worry myself over it.

    Yesterday (day two with no BP meds) my BP was 118 over 74......today I will go take a reading and if its still this low, I am not going to take these new meds. They supposedly 'relax' my blood vessels...or in my opinion, how to die by well meaning Doc.

    Wonder why Ed, they are splitting the tagging days? Seems kinda weird, as you seemed to have had a perfectly good system going. I hate change just for the heck of it. I do not mind change, its a good thing, unless its just being done 'because it can be done'. Ain't broke? Don't fix it!!! :)

    Ha! Roger! I copied my post above, and went back to reload the page, and there was your post!
    So 'Good Morning'... :) I'm sorry about the deer eating your trees...whatever they had been eating has either all been eaten, or otherwise became unavailable. I tell you, the thing they drove home in my Master Gardener's class was that DEER will eat anything, including roses, thorns and all. They do not however seem to care for plastic flowers or garden hoses. Sadly really tall fence or electric fence is really about the only defense options you have. Or, it you don't mind spending some time in the pokey, I guess you could shoot them. (bad joke).
    The damage to the trees really isn't that bad, as in just a few weeks the leaves would have fallen off the fruit tress anyhow. 26 cents for banana's is one BIG good deal!! Whoa. If you like them in your NS shakes, etc, I'd buy a bunch just to freeze in one banana size packages. Kroger has had organic banana's here for like 64 - 69 cents a pound, which compared to my other options is cheap! I did buy an avocado yesterday, and even at the Mex. Market which has good prices on veg things, it was $1.79, and it is a nice size. I've seen them for 99 cents other places, but they're small and usually black as night and way over ripe, so 'not my food'. My guess is that even avocado's have a 'season' of availability, and a season of 'pricey'! I don't eat them often, so this may be the last one for a few weeks.
    'Fession time while belaboring food prices. I picked up a 'Red Japanese Potato' at Whole Foods. I'm really much stronger than I thought, it rang up at $2.47! and I didn't faint. Its now in the microwave steaming itself. All I can say is it had better be really, really good! :) I'd seen them at the Hmart the day I went with Ted, 'Mr Impatient' when in any retail store... What I'm really wanting to find is the Japanese? Purple Sweet Potato. Supposed to be super healthy. THe surprise as when I cut the thiner stem end off the Red Yam, was that it is white as snow on the inside!

    Back later with my assessment of over priced Red Yam! Also pondering Rogers statement that maybe I should switch to soy sauce instead of salt??? I think I remembered that correctly...
    Hi Valerie
    What I had said was I wonder if it is time to switch to soy sauce, meaning regular vs the low sodium version.

    I guess the question is, was the 'Red Japanese Potato' tastier than the regular ones and is it worth the extra money?

    There was a reason I called them walking appetites :) He noticed today that they or something had also eaten many of the leaves off of the Beet Plants and some of the Sweet potato Vine leaves too. Since He had not thought to check them Yesterday when He saw the Apple Trees we do not know if it was damage from before or new damage. Also we pulled the memory chip from the trail camera and it showed nothing, it would have caught something eating at the Sweet potato vines or the Apple trees if it happened last night as I hung it where it saw them Yesterday after I made and installed the cages. I do not know if I mentioned it yesterday, I did see some when I was out walking coming out a side street some blocks from home and heading towards the brook.

    Normally Regular Bananas are 49cents by me and the Organic are 20 to 40 cents higher and the most expensive are the miniature bananas.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    edited September 2016
    No tags today! I guess that couple of weeks of split tags may have been a fluke.

    D has not left for Arizona yet, but plans to go tomorrow. I had not actually made any dinner plans so it was a "wander and wonder" night again.

    I ended up with beefy, cheesy, macaroni. OK. There was a little onion in there too, and some tomato sauce, and Italian seasoning. Wine of choice: Empyrean Draco Claret (Bordeaux style blend) 2005, Washington State. Very dry, fruity, quite nice!

    This is one of 4 that I have purchased that have been cellared for 11 years. I was quite happy with all three reds (still have a bottle of each left too) but sort of so-so with the one white.

    The one I wasn't so thrilled with was a white blend from California. Over the years it did develop a lovely golden color, and the taste was quite nice to begin with, but the finish was VERY acid. Not dis-satisfied, on the whole, as that is sometimes an issue with me for many white wines that have NOT been cellared for 11 years. Probably part of why I generally prefer dry reds...but sometimes a white is just a better pairing with dinner.

    But why bother drinking one cellared for 11 years if it won't improve? To be fair, I never tasted that blend as a younger wine so have no point of comparison. I probably won't buy that particular white wine blend again unless it happens to be a single bottle in a 15 bottle crate from my wine club that otherwise looks great to me. And, considering the acidity, now that I have experienced it...probably serve with fish, seafood or some REALLY nice Asian or East Indian food.

    The second half of the bottle was quaffed, ice cold, rather than sipped, which helped with the acidity, though it was still definitely there at the finish. No, I don't get drunk from quaffing half a bottle of wine...as long as I have eaten recently anyway. Heck, I don't get drunk from a WHOLE bottle of wine, come to that, as long as there has been sufficient food with carbs to offset the alcohol.

    Finishing off the claret now. Wish I had ordered more than two bottles of each of these reds now. But maybe they will show up in another special. When I bought them it was a special deal for 6 bottles, 2 of each, all from the same winery, which I felt was a good bet since I was buying that blind, never having tasted ANYTHING from that particular winery before. When that is the case, 2 or 3 bottles is usually my limit on mail order as I might not be all that crazy about it.

    There were two other reds (a dry California blend and a lovely 2011 Bordeaux blend) that I ended up buying a whole case (12 bottles) each of after trying them. Frankly, if they offer a 12 bottle case of any of the three reds I mentioned above, I'll probably jump on that too. I've given away two bottles of the Bordeaux blend as gifts and one bottle of the California blend.

    The prices from my wine club fit nicely into my range for buying wine (up to $15 a bottle for generally "good" wine) and some are beyond good to EXCELLENT, in my opinion. Most end up in the $6 to $10 range, though the $6 only hits when I have special sales AND coupons to use at the same time, and some of the pricer (and very good wines) come in at $14 or $15 and then they have some higher end ones that cost even more but I haven't gone there...yet. I may, as I don't object to paying more for an excellent bottle, just can't always afford that!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Finished off last night's macaroni dish for breakfast. 85 is the predicted high for today with 0% chance of rain. Sounds like a nice day for my 39th birthday.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Birthday Morning ED!
    Looks like mother nature has a beautiful day in store for you today, as it should!
    39 is such a great age. But you should know that by now! :)
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good morning,
    thermometer says 65! Not bad. We may have fall after all!
    Shopping day. Have looked at the adverts for both stores..and nothing exciting either place. Kroger has the best price on Mandarin oranges, so I may get one or two to see if they're sweet this year. If really great, I can always go back for more.

    Roger, hope you're having a good walk. I'm guessing on the homeward bound leg by now. I got my steps in yesterday, and crossing the parking lot at Publix, gained a penny. First coin I've found in awhile.

    I think I'm in the mood to rip out the pretty ugly geraniums in a pot in the driveway, and put a mum in its place. Could use a bit of color. The backdrop to that plant will eventually have red berries, but its too early for them to turn. So the pot needs to have a bit of color. Thinking a nice bright yellow would be just ducky! lol!!

    Oh, Roger I do use reduced sodium soy...have for years. At first I didn't like the taste, but I have gotten used to it. And even then I use it very sparingly.

    Did I mention this new operating system has Siri on my desktop? I love it. Have used it several times already.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Forgot to mention that the red Japanese sweet potato was good...but not worth the price, but that was from Whole Foods, and I suspect I can find them cheaper at H-Mart! Maybe even happen on the purple variety. I haven't looked to see if I can find the nutritional stats for it, as opposed to a regular sweet potato, ....which come to think of it is on sale at Kroger for 98 cents a pound. I will remember to pick up a couple of them for the coming week. Chunks of sweet potato with spinach, onion, garlic, and sometimes beans also are a tasty and filling, very nutritious lunch. (not to mention quick and easy!)