Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good morning!
    Short to the point,,,the yard guy is on his way over to help with some yard work, and I'm still in my pj's.
    PS...just don't eat the cake...OMG! in a bad way...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    Now I wish Kroger made a Hummingbird cake and would sell it by the slice...LOL.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ed, not to corrupt your blood sugars & heart health, but Whole Foods makes hummingbird cake, and they make a small one..6 inch cake. Not sure If I've seen it by the time slice. :)

    My yard now looks fantastic. Sam does such a good job. He'll be back in Nov and we're going to trim shrubs, and other clean-up.

    I'm listening to a broadcast about the just approved closed loop artificial pancreas! This is exciting. Unfortunately for O, FDA approval is for 14 year olds and older. There's been a Mom who's kid was part of the clinical trials.... his A1c improved dramatically, from the continuous blood testing the device does.

    TGIF folks!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! High today supposed to be 80 with 0% chance of rain. I do hope Summer is not making a comeback.

    Been up for a bit over an hour. Lilo has been fed (though she was more interested in the stew I was warming up for myself) and I've been fed. After my stew I had one quarter of a honeydew melon. Laundry may be lurking.

    D made it back to Tucson to be with his mother for whatever time she has left. Took him nearly three days, with two overnight stops. So...I guess I'll be eating the whole pot roast I have thawing in the fridge. I need to go through the rest of the freezer to eliminate any leftover freezer burnt things that he forgot about.

    As his mother may not last more than a few months, he's hoping to come back and we've left that option open to him. Some of his stuff is locked in a closet and can be retrieved if he comes back or shipped if he decides not to.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! It is a great Saturday as Ed said.
    I was sure I'd get first post, forgot about indoor animals, and their built in time schedules!
    Glad to know that D is safely in AZ. It will be a tough few months for both of them, but sure his Mother is glad he is with her.

    I have scheduled a trip to the gym, and cooking for the day.
    Gym won't happen til about 10ish or later. Couple of early morning gym crud I'd just as soon not run into. I don't have enough brain left to give them a piece of mine anymore. :) So, I'll go a little later and invest in my heart health and save my brain cells for another day!!

    I have a salad dressing recipe I'd like to try out, and I want another batch of lentils, and another round of cheeze sauce for my broccoli and baked potato. I also have 3 ears of corn to Grill, and use in recipe's, like black bean and grilled corn with cilantro, etc. I may roam around in my newly manicured lawn, just to enjoy it...instead of seeing a mountain of work to be done!
    Maybe even with a cup of decaf in hand...(already drank my cup of the real stuff)

    Right now, I'd better be handing a plate of food out to Tom E. cat, if I know what's good for me!
    That cat rules the roost around here. Sam, the yard guy caught a glimpse of him yesterday. Now he truly believes I have a wild cat living here. :)

    Enjoy your day whatever you have on your agenda!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 58 Degrees this morning no real change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking however. I have walked 9.6K steps so far and 0 Cents. I took a folding umbrella along as there is a chance of rain in the weather forecast. However everything is drying up nicely despite the weather forecast. The day is still dreary looking and forecast to stay that way until into tomorrow.

    I looked at my email and I see tracking number for my upcoming NS order.
    No tracking or indication that it has shipped would indicate to me that I should not expect to see it today which is fine by me :)

    Have a Good Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good morning!
    Short to the point,,,the yard guy is on his way over to help with some yard work, and I'm still in my pj's.
    PS...just don't eat the cake...OMG! in a bad way...

    Hi Valerie
    I just forwarded that recipe to my Brother since he was muttering about making either a Cheesecake or Banana Chocolate Cake :) Many of the same ingredients. FWIW We each only eat a slice off of one of the small cakes and freeze or pass out the rest of the sliced one and it goes over very well with the recipients.

    Did I mention that I have a sweet tooth, I bet I have mentioned it :)
    Now I wish Kroger made a Hummingbird cake and would sell it by the slice...LOL.
    Hi Ed
    It does sound Tasty :)
    Ed, not to corrupt your blood sugars & heart health, but Whole Foods makes hummingbird cake, and they make a small one..6 inch cake. Not sure If I've seen it by the time slice. :)

    My yard now looks fantastic. Sam does such a good job. He'll be back in Nov and we're going to trim shrubs, and other clean-up.

    I'm listening to a broadcast about the just approved closed loop artificial pancreas! This is exciting. Unfortunately for O, FDA approval is for 14 year olds and older. There's been a Mom who's kid was part of the clinical trials.... his A1c improved dramatically, from the continuous blood testing the device does.

    TGIF folks!
    I am not sure we have a WF all that close to use, They do a locations in NJ, Just none all that close 1/2 hour or more drive away from me.

    Good News on the yard, it is always nice to look out the window at a neat yard. I am thinking we may not need to mow until next year the way ours looks. slightly shaggy but with winter coming...

    I had heard that they developed an artificial pancreas, Good news for many.
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! High today supposed to be 80 with 0% chance of rain. I do hope Summer is not making a comeback.

    Been up for a bit over an hour. Lilo has been fed (though she was more interested in the stew I was warming up for myself) and I've been fed. After my stew I had one quarter of a honeydew melon. Laundry may be lurking.

    D made it back to Tucson to be with his mother for whatever time she has left. Took him nearly three days, with two overnight stops. So...I guess I'll be eating the whole pot roast I have thawing in the fridge. I need to go through the rest of the freezer to eliminate any leftover freezer burnt things that he forgot about.

    As his mother may not last more than a few months, he's hoping to come back and we've left that option open to him. Some of his stuff is locked in a closet and can be retrieved if he comes back or shipped if he decides not to.
    Hi Again
    If I said I would love to see 80 again, as it is sort of cold lately outside and inside the house. I do not want to start using the Heat already as we just finished with the AC for the summer. I would love to see a couple of light Energy Bills before the heating season.

    Enjoy the Weekend
    Good Morning! It is a great Saturday as Ed said.
    I was sure I'd get first post, forgot about indoor animals, and their built in time schedules!
    Glad to know that D is safely in AZ. It will be a tough few months for both of them, but sure his Mother is glad he is with her.

    I have scheduled a trip to the gym, and cooking for the day.
    Gym won't happen til about 10ish or later. Couple of early morning gym crud I'd just as soon not run into. I don't have enough brain left to give them a piece of mine anymore. :) So, I'll go a little later and invest in my heart health and save my brain cells for another day!!

    I have a salad dressing recipe I'd like to try out, and I want another batch of lentils, and another round of cheeze sauce for my broccoli and baked potato. I also have 3 ears of corn to Grill, and use in recipe's, like black bean and grilled corn with cilantro, etc. I may roam around in my newly manicured lawn, just to enjoy it...instead of seeing a mountain of work to be done!
    Maybe even with a cup of decaf in hand...(already drank my cup of the real stuff)

    Right now, I'd better be handing a plate of food out to Tom E. cat, if I know what's good for me!
    That cat rules the roost around here. Sam, the yard guy caught a glimpse of him yesterday. Now he truly believes I have a wild cat living here. :)

    Enjoy your day whatever you have on your agenda!


    Hi Again
    Here I am the late comer for the day, whereas usually Ed is ahead of me and I am ahead of You :)

    Gym Crud, Interesting way to put it. As You sort of say, It is not worth getting worked up over something You can not control and can sidestep while still accomplishing Your goals.

    Sam did not believe You, Now that is funny in a way. Grilled Corn sounds delicious too.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    Grilled corn is delicious! It's my favorite way of having corn prepared. Since I don't have a grill, I usually just fry it instead and come up with something of a similar flavor...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    I bought some food at the hardware store. They had carving pumpkins AND pie pumpkins, so I bought a pie pumpkin. Yes, I'm going to make a pie with it. It's been years since I made a pumpkin pie completely from scratch, so this should be fun and tasty.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited October 2016
    If I type fast....... :) (if I type fast, it will look like a foreign language!) You should have seen my very first attempt to type a text message on my first mobile device. It was to my oldest son, who already had one. His reply was "Mother that is not even English". I laughed so hard. The darn thing had some form of 'smart' to it, and had changed most of what I had been trying to type! It really was hilarious.

    Got part of what I wanted done accomplished...will make the salad dressing this morning, and some nut milk. Also a potato leek soup. That just sounds so good to me. I've only once made it from scratch, so given my SOS resolve it could get interesting. ;)

    I did get to the gym....not til 6p, but I went! The grilled corn was delicious. I had actually had? 5 ears of corn, so I just grilled them all...ate two and called it dinner with a helping of the newly grilled Corn and Black Bean entrée. So good! I also grilled a poblano pepper! OMG, how easy was that!!! I've tried to blacken them over the gas burner in the house, but what came off the grill I plopped into a brown lunch sized paper bag, and about 10 minutes later it all but jumped out of its skin!!! Not sure what dish I'll dress up with the pepper, quite possibly will sauté some onions, and make a nice creamy 'white sauce' with cashews. I made this years ago, in my oil and salt days and it is so good.

    However, first I need to do some kp work in my kitchen. I left well rinsed dishes in my sink last night, and the lentil cooking pot (which does not go into the dishwasher) in the sink also. Need to also do some floor cleaning. Needs a good mopping, and not just another 'area' wipe with paper towel and cleaner.

    And in all the excitement over my grilling, and gym run, and recipe making, I forgot to feed Tom E. his dinner. Mind you, he was not exactly deprived of food, as his dish of dry food was still on the porch....but he cussed me out none the less, and showed his 'displeasure' with the break in 'kitty law' around here that states, Cat Eats First...human later... LOL!

    Have a great day...I think it will be another great day here. Though we are desperate for rain, you know its bad when the weeds droop and the shrubs as well. I also noticed some browning spots in my moss lawn...so I'm guessing I know who will be watering today. Not sure but I think the water rates have gone back to 'normal' as of yesterday. Summer time they raise the rates because we have gotten so good at conserving water they lost revenue. Yes, when the big drought happened that was really a 'thing', and they never changed the 'summer usage' increase rate changes. Anything to make a buck, right?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! I see Val beat me to the punch but I HAVE been up since about 5, distracted by feeding Lilo, feeding me, clearing the sink, and getting the suffering succotash started. The fresh lima beans, onion, bell pepper, and spices are now in the slow cooker, the corn has been nuked to make it easy to strip and will be stripped, removed from the cobs, and added in a while, after it cools enough to handle.

    By about ten I need to get the roast into the slow cooker with mushroom and onion soup mixes, potatoes, and carrots. I'd love to add a whole onion as I often do but I have only two onions available this morning, both rather too huge to comfortably tuck in there, so no whole onion this time. Oh well, the onions in the soup mix will still give it a nice flavor, I just won't have any nice big chunks of gravy braised onion to consume. I suppose I could half, or quarter that large yellow onion and tuck it in anyway...I'll ponder that.

    Dinner last night was a Indian carryout leftovers, from the lunch we ate at a new Indian restaurant near J's work. Very good food! They are not in the best of locations, but we hope they do well. We had a friend who ran a nice Thai restaurant in that spot, but she really didn't have good business sense and ended up giving it up and moving to Florida. After that it was a mediocre Chinese restaurant for a while but that didn't make it either. Maybe Indian will be the charm.

    Laundry never did happen yesterday, so I guess it needs to happen today!

    And a nap with Lilo, and probably Ariel, later.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 58 Degrees this morning no change from yesterday. It was comfortable walking however. I only walked 5617 steps so far and One Shiny Quarter that was laying there. I took a folding umbrella along as there a chance of drizzle in the weather forecast. The day is dreary looking once again and it was misting. My Step count is low today as I gad a Bad Night, Yesterday I was well over my goal of 10K steps and the average for these two days will be over my goal so that is OK.

    Despite not eating or drinking anything in common beyond Bottles of water Both my brother and I had rough nights with some of sort of stomach flux :( Quite likely we caught what I hope is a 24 hour stomach bug. We were both in the same places Yesterday, a close by sporting goods store is having a closing sale and it was jammed with cars circling the parking lot looking for a place to park, we got lucky as we turned in a car pulled out and we grabbed that spot. The checkout line was over a hour in length. Then on to the produce store for a couple of things my brother needed. I ended up with a lifetime guarantee Backpack at 20% off as my cheapo $10 one is going bad, rip in the bottom and and I had to repair the shoulder straps twice. Since it was by way of being a experiment to see if I would use one I think I got my moneys worth out of it.

    I looked at my email and I see no tracking number for my upcoming NS order this morning.

    Have a Good Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Grilled corn is delicious! It's my favorite way of having corn prepared. Since I don't have a grill, I usually just fry it instead and come up with something of a similar flavor...
    Hi Ed
    I have fried corn, however being lazy and given that it was off season for fresh corn on the cob I opened a can and fried it in the skillet with Butter in the past. The way I look at it the corn available in the produce aisle off season is most likely far enough away in time from the plant to be well past its peak.
    I bought some food at the hardware store. They had carving pumpkins AND pie pumpkins, so I bought a pie pumpkin. Yes, I'm going to make a pie with it. It's been years since I made a pumpkin pie completely from scratch, so this should be fun and tasty.
    Hi Again
    Yes it will most likely be very tasty, A lot of work of course and some people no doubt take the Pie Pumpkin and Bake it or fry it like a squash which should also be tasty :)

    My Brother is talking about growing squash next year. We seem to get Borers into the Zucchini plants so I would expect that Squash plants would have the same problem as would Pumpkin Plants :(

    Enjoy the Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    If I type fast....... :) (if I type fast, it will look like a foreign language!) You should have seen my very first attempt to type a text message on my first mobile device. It was to my oldest son, who already had one. His reply was "Mother that is not even English". I laughed so hard. The darn thing had some form of 'smart' to it, and had changed most of what I had been trying to type! It really was hilarious.

    Got part of what I wanted done accomplished...will make the salad dressing this morning, and some nut milk. Also a potato leek soup. That just sounds so good to me. I've only once made it from scratch, so given my SOS resolve it could get interesting. ;)

    I did get to the gym....not til 6p, but I went! The grilled corn was delicious. I had actually had? 5 ears of corn, so I just grilled them all...ate two and called it dinner with a helping of the newly grilled Corn and Black Bean entrée. So good! I also grilled a poblano pepper! OMG, how easy was that!!! I've tried to blacken them over the gas burner in the house, but what came off the grill I plopped into a brown lunch sized paper bag, and about 10 minutes later it all but jumped out of its skin!!! Not sure what dish I'll dress up with the pepper, quite possibly will sauté some onions, and make a nice creamy 'white sauce' with cashews. I made this years ago, in my oil and salt days and it is so good.

    However, first I need to do some kp work in my kitchen. I left well rinsed dishes in my sink last night, and the lentil cooking pot (which does not go into the dishwasher) in the sink also. Need to also do some floor cleaning. Needs a good mopping, and not just another 'area' wipe with paper towel and cleaner.

    And in all the excitement over my grilling, and gym run, and recipe making, I forgot to feed Tom E. his dinner. Mind you, he was not exactly deprived of food, as his dish of dry food was still on the porch....but he cussed me out none the less, and showed his 'displeasure' with the break in 'kitty law' around here that states, Cat Eats First...human later... LOL!

    Have a great day...I think it will be another great day here. Though we are desperate for rain, you know its bad when the weeds droop and the shrubs as well. I also noticed some browning spots in my moss lawn...so I'm guessing I know who will be watering today. Not sure but I think the water rates have gone back to 'normal' as of yesterday. Summer time they raise the rates because we have gotten so good at conserving water they lost revenue. Yes, when the big drought happened that was really a 'thing', and they never changed the 'summer usage' increase rate changes. Anything to make a buck, right?


    Hi Valerie
    I have seen some of what Auto-correct does to text messages posted on the Internet, Hilarious.

    I am as always impressed by how much creative cooking You and Ed both do. I'm a lazy sort of cook, Although I can make a Decent Grilled Cheese and scramble eggs. I Can also fry Hot Dogs, My Preferred method compared to Boiling or Microwaving :) And cook a nice Hamburger too. Holiday meals I let my Brother do most of the cooking and flavoring while I assist.

    We need to get down and scrub the kitchen floor, which is a bit of a problem as both of us are not happy getting down like that. I also would like to remove the rest of the time from the floor and put down a Nice wood or the times that look like wood on the floor. One reason for removing the current floor is popped times and secure the sub floor better, which I suspect is the reason the tiles started popping. It creaks and squeaks a lot.

    My Brother and I are always happier when we can avoid watering the garden. We both also feel that the lawn turning brown is not a problem as we know it will come back when it starts raining again. Last Year the neighbor across the street was complaining about $100 Plus water bills each month, He waters every day however and does have a beautiful lawn as a result.

    I believe they do likewise with water, I would have to investigate to be sure. In the summer they raise electric rates and in the winter Gas rates ostensibly to encourage conservation, I think of it as price gouging :)

    FWIW It appears that the New Motor fuel tax increase will pass this time taking up from one of the lowest taxes to one of the highest :(

    Have a good Sunday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member

    The pot roast is going, and I did add the quartered onion, so I will have some big chunks of tender braised onion as part of it. :)

    The succotash is making the kitchen smell tasty already. Plants are watered. Laundry still lurking, but I'm waiting for J to get up so I can make sure everything is in the laundry.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I read the link on squash borers. Those nasty little devils are mostly impossible. Roger, make sure you and your brother read the part about the pests wintering over in the soil. The moth is bad enough, but that just makes it nearly impossible. Squash was this summer cheap enough that I was glad I wasn't putting up row cover, etc. (See I didn't know they pupated in the soil over winter...so no wonder my row cover didn't do much good!)

    Not sure what prompted Ed to take a liking to cooking, that's his story....mine goes like this...I had 2 kids and a hub to feed, so meals were planned, and cooked by me. It became a creative outlet, and I was always searching for a new twist on fav. foods, etc. Still do look for different veggies, or different prep methods, etc.

    I'm contemplating a gym run today....we'll see. I just finished lunch, so again a bit of kitchen clean-up to do. Not, very much though!
    Its sunny and bright outside, I may have to go out and warm up!


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    I started cooking when I was 10 years old. I am one of ten children, so I was ALWAYS hungry, but, to be fair, I was also growing like a weed, though there weren't even 10 of us yet at that time.

    I started off with simple stuff like eggs, hamburgers, that sort of thing, then corn meal dredged fried fish, then got heavily into baking for a long time, specializing in dessert cakes. After moving out and growing up some (yes, in that order...) I expanded to baking bread, and learned to make VERY GOOD bread, and continued with the desserts, having, by that time, created some really nice cake recipes bases on other recipes found. I had a piña colada rum cake that could get you drunk, a pistachio pudding pound cake that was to die for (or maybe from?) and an orange pineapple delight that could make you fat just thinking of it.

    After doing cakes and breads I segued into REAL FOOD. OK, I could already do hamburgers, fish, mashed potatoes...fairly simple food, but started learning steak, roast beef, whole turkey, lasagna, spaghetti sauce, macaroni and cheese, fried rice and then just kept going. I'd try things in restaurants and then attempt duplication (or improvement) at home. Eventually I got to where I didn't really need measuring any more (except for baking, of course) and when I STOP wanting to learn new cooking ideas, dig my grave please.


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    Tonight's pot roast was delicious. Without D here to help me eat it I've easily got at least three more meals from it. And plenty of suffering succotash left over too. I made J some fried potatoes to go with his serving of suffering succotash.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Leftover pot roast for breakfast.

    High today supposed to be 84 with 0% chance of rain.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...