Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I didn't know there were other cars with the engine 'going the wrong way', as the guy so patiently told me! LOL!!
    Sorry...GA Navigator is a web site that shows all the major road ways and how fast/slow the traffic is moving, where there are accidents, road construction, etc. It also has all the camera's so you can click on the camera icon on whatever part of the road map you'd like to get a real time visual on, and it shows traffic moving/or not moving. I have it on my laptop, but it also has an app...I've just never put it on my phone.

    Just checked in with the hockey family, and Jack and Nate will be at the rink...so chances are pretty good that Grammie will be making a return trip tomorrow. :) Its nuts that I do that, but .... that's what Grams do, either that or I could blame it on senility! :)

    fb posts, Hilton Head Island S. Carolina is closed. no access onto the island, and if you leave you can't come back....lots of downed trees, spotty wireless, lots of electric outages...but the causeway connecting to the mainland survived...so that's a good thing. Glad I won't have to be on island until mid March. Not heard a word about St. Simons though, and I'm scheduled to be there in about 12 days!


    Hi Valerie
    I wonder if we have something like that here in one location. I do know that We can access the traffic cameras via the Internet. For traffic I have listened to a local Trenton station that covers most of the state with a a good FM signal. From their website: NJ1015.com, the website of New Jersey 101.5, WKXW-FM Radio, with the best news, weather and traffic coverage in New Jersey.

    I am not surprised that things all along the Southern end of the Eastern seaboard are in poor shape. I guess You could call and see if Your lodgings will be open and maybe the local or state police ahead of time, Just in case.

    That's what Grandmothers do :)
    Good Morning!
    it was 56 degrees on my porch today....

    Yep, will be going back to Sandy Springs, and watching Nate play hockey, and Jack will be the solo coach, as the other coach couldn't make it today. Could get interesting.

    Time to feed Tom E. and then I'm heading for the shower...will have morning meal after.
    Don't need to leave the house til about 10:15.

    Enjoy your day....


    We were warmer than that overnight, however the forecast high is only for the mid 60s as a cold front moves in :(

    Have a Good Sunday at the Hockey Game
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    edited October 2016
    Tonight’s dinner: Pan sautéed pork chops. Acorn squash with butter, Splenda brown sugar baking mix, and cinnamon as a side/dessert.

    Wine of choice: Amancay Torrentes Reserva, 2014, Argentina. This fruity white wine paired beautifully with the food.

    For J I made a hash of potatoes O’Brien and scrambled eggs with faken on the side.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday!

    High today of 76 with 0% chance of rain. Sounds like a nice Monday!

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 50 Degrees this morning a change for the colder from yesterdays temperature. It was Somewhat comfortable walking except when the gentle breeze blew. I walked 7958 steps today. I may end up turning on the heat in the near future as the house is starting to run cold. The Living Room was at 64 degrees when I returned from my walk.

    As expected I had a decent step count Sunday due to my brother & I going to a Historical event. I reached over my minimum goal of 10K steps for the day :)

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Ed
    Hi Valerie
    The gentle rain ended Yesterday around noon, Parts of Southern NJ got up to a inch of rain, I guesstimate we got 1/2 to 1/4 of that amount. A bit of a shame as Northern NJ is where the rain shortfall for the year is the worst and the rain amounts lessened the further north You were in the state.

    Today's forecast high is a whopping 60 degrees :)

    Have a Great Monday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    No offense Roger, but I think I like our high for the day better than yours! :)
    Need to continue with getting this day 'together'....I've unloaded the dishwasher, drank my coffee, have a load of clothes waiting to be moved to the dryer, etc....'Its all about the chores, bout the chores.' LOL!!!

    My right hip/psoas/ SOMETHING hurts like all get out today...and yesterday. Aleve is probably helping, but not helping enough. Yesterday I only managed 3500 steps, and every one of them hurt! I do hope to do better today. I think it will be an at home on the hateful recumbent, as the thought of walking across the parking lot is not pretty. (I didn't even do the recumbent bike yesterday...though in retrospect I have to wonder if it might have helped?)

    Ok, ole Limpy is going to make her way to the laundry area, followed by a trip to the loo...coffee :), and rest followed by breakfast. And I haven't thought past that... :neutral:

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    I would prefer to have Your high here too, So no offense :)

    I am sorry to hear that You are in pain, that can be debilitating.

    I looked up psoas, as I was not familiar with it.
    Hmmm... I wonder if that is the source of the intermittent pain I feel when walking?
    It is a possibility based on what I saw when I looked it up. If so it could explain the sharp pain in the groin area. If that is possible for one side only of course. It has gotten better however so I am keeping an eye on it.

    I feel the pain shortly after starting out and then it abates to a sort of there pain but not crippling fortunately.

    Good Luck with it.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday!

    High of 75 predicted today with 0% chance of rain.

    Last night was Orchid Society meeting, which always keeps me up late so I'm a zombie today.

    Off to the rat mines!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 43 Degrees this morning a change for the colder from yesterdays temperature. It was So-So for comfort walking, I tried out the Electric Hand warmer today. It worked OK, It would have done a better job if I had used mittens so it could nestle down by the fingers rather than the gloves I wore. I walked 8,065 steps today. I ended up turning on the heat as the house is cold this morning, the Living Room is at 60 degrees :(

    Later today We will be going out back and bagging up plant materials from the parts of the garden that have gone by earlier and pulling some more that have reached the end of the line. What is left that is still growing are the Eggplants although what is on them is likely to be all there is. The Beets and Sweet potatoes which are most likely done growing too as the leaves are starting to turn. The Tomatoes seem to be finished too.

    I had a decent step count Monday reaching my minimum goal of 10K+ steps for the day :)

    Have a Great Tuesday

    Hi Ed
    We should be so lucky to reach those sorts of temperatures. It was a short period between the Cooling season and the heating season :( Not saving large amounts of money on the Gas and Electric bill as a result.

    Have a Good Day despite the lack of sleep

    Hi Valerie
    Enjoy the Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Beautiful sunny cool morning. I could live with about 6 weeks of this! (or more) :)
    We do need rain...badly. I've heard we are down 10+ inches for the year. That is way too much.
    Need to take stock of what I have on hand in the refrigerator/freezer/pantry as tomorrow is shopping day! So I also need to look at store ads.

    Roger, bagging all the 'died, dying, and done' refuse in the garden is a big job! You need a compost pile! :) Will you put down a layer of straw on the naked garden? or a cover crop like annual rye grass or clover? Something I've never actually done, and always wish I had in the early spring. Makes for good garden soil. Turn in under about 2-3 weeks before you plan to plant, and it is great fertilizer. Also was wondering what if any 'winterizing' your raspberries and blackberries will need in NJ. Down here not much. Grapes, fruit trees, and such get a pruning in late Jan or early Feb...sometime before they 'wake up' for the spring. (roses too)

    Ok, I'm off to start chores. (still, yet, and always it seems).

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day, but temperature only supposed to get to 77 with 0% chance of rain.

    Leftover pork cube steak and some cantaloupe for breakfast.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning,
    Last word from upcoming trip to St. Simons...conference still not confirmed due to heavy damage to facility. Hopefully they will know Friday.

    Ad's looked at, list made. Heading for shower and then Kroger. Followed by Publix, and maybe, maybe Walmart for cat food and SF Werther's candies??? Hmmm, need to work breakfast into this schedule! :)

    Phone chat with DS1 at 5.


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 49 Degrees this morning a change to the warmer from yesterdays temperature. It was comfortable walking and due to unforseen circumstances I walked 4435 steps today. Yesterday I ended up with 10.5K steps.
    I did get my shopping done at the Grocery Store, 4 Bananas, 4 Honey Crisp Apples, 3 Mineola Oranges and 2 D'Anjou Pears and a 10% discount :)

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Beautiful sunny cool morning. I could live with about 6 weeks of this! (or more) :)
    We do need rain...badly. I've heard we are down 10+ inches for the year. That is way too much.
    Need to take stock of what I have on hand in the refrigerator/freezer/pantry as tomorrow is shopping day! So I also need to look at store ads.

    Roger, bagging all the 'died, dying, and done' refuse in the garden is a big job! You need a compost pile! :) Will you put down a layer of straw on the naked garden? or a cover crop like annual rye grass or clover? Something I've never actually done, and always wish I had in the early spring. Makes for good garden soil. Turn in under about 2-3 weeks before you plan to plant, and it is great fertilizer. Also was wondering what if any 'winterizing' your raspberries and blackberries will need in NJ. Down here not much. Grapes, fruit trees, and such get a pruning in late Jan or early Feb...sometime before they 'wake up' for the spring. (roses too)

    Ok, I'm off to start chores. (still, yet, and always it seems).

    Hi Valerie
    We need rain here too. I Hope the weather does not go even colder here.

    My brother and I discussed a Compost Pile and the problem is where would it go. The Plan is to Rototill the Straw or maybe it was Hay into the soil where the plants were.

    I do not think the Blackberries or Raspberries need any protection in NJ. I know that they do fine in the wild around here, Or at least the Gooseberries and Blackberries used to when I was in High School before the area where they were was turned into Aparments and Town Houses :(
    The Raspberries that are around the Brooks do fine too as far as wintering over. What will need protection is the Fig trees.
    Good Wednesday Morning,
    Last word from upcoming trip to St. Simons...conference still not confirmed due to heavy damage to facility. Hopefully they will know Friday.

    Ad's looked at, list made. Heading for shower and then Kroger. Followed by Publix, and maybe, maybe Walmart for cat food and SF Werther's candies??? Hmmm, need to work breakfast into this schedule! :)

    Phone chat with DS1 at 5.

    Hi Again
    As You may have noticed I did get my grocery shopping done. Beyond that I need (want) to get to Costco on Friday or Saturday for Frozen vegetables.

    That is not sounding good for Your trip to St. Simons.

    Good Luck Shopping and Enjoy the Chat with DS1
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day, but temperature only supposed to get to 77 with 0% chance of rain.

    Leftover pork cube steak and some cantaloupe for breakfast.
    Hi Ed
    We should be so lucky to be that warm, if we were then I could have left the heat off and saved some money.

    I do not think I ever saw Pork Cube Steak in the store. I am guessing it is similar to the Cube Steak they sell that is Beef, I suspect it is usually a tougher cut of beef too.

    Have a Good Tag Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member



    I think I'll pass on this brand

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Answer: See Ya, Bye!!!!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Well my day just got shot in the foot.
    Got the mail a few minutes ago....one piece of mail that wasn't junk mail was from the Orthopedic Clinic that I went to when I had issues with my knees, and turned out to be a different office, but also the same folks I'd seen years ago for my Achilles tendon....they have confirmed they have been hacked...and got names, addy's scripts, treatments, Social #'s, etc. In other words the whole ball of wax.... So, guess what I'll be doing tomorrow.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,233 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Today the high is supposed to be 83! Zero percent chance of rain.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was in the 50s this morning a change to the warmer from yesterdays temperature. I won't be walking today. long story for another day so I'm siting here drinking my coffee made with a store bought blend of Decaf & Regular coffee. The rest of today's coffee is in a Thermos Bottle From my Brother. Since I had added that to the unused portion of the previous can of coffee I'm going to call it 1/4 Decaf and 3/4 Regular Coffee. For ease of use when I open a can I pour it into the Big can I use to hold it.

    Today is not all that bright out and as it approaches 8AM the front porch is only running 53 degrees.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well my day just got shot in the foot.
    Got the mail a few minutes ago....one piece of mail that wasn't junk mail was from the Orthopedic Clinic that I went to when I had issues with my knees, and turned out to be a different office, but also the same folks I'd seen years ago for my Achilles tendon....they have confirmed they have been hacked...and got names, addy's scripts, treatments, Social #'s, etc. In other words the whole ball of wax.... So, guess what I'll be doing tomorrow.

    Hi Valerie
    It sounds as if we Both had a bad day Wednesday :(
    I'm sorry to hear that happened. I'm not sure what You do regarding what they got in the hack. I do not think You can change the Social Security Number or You address. I guess You could change and Credit Card numbers they might have gotten.

    I guess we can chalk that up to fail for HIPPA protecting You. I believe that applies to most if not all doctors and health providers.

    I'm sorry to hear that happened to You. Good Luck dealing with the fallout. Are they offering free credit monitoring service, Not that I am sure that can really help. I do think that You can put some sort of lock on Your Credit Report from the Big three agencies.

    Good Luck, Hopefully today will be a better day.
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Today the high is supposed to be 83! Zero percent chance of rain.
    Hi Ed
    Once again I'm jealous of Your weather. Ours is sort of gloomy with a chance of rain later on today.

    Have a Great Day