Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hmmm, I'm not sure why but MFP says five new posts and I have found four :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Medium boiled eggs was my breakfast protein today. OK, I meant them to be hard boiled but actually like medium boiled and that's how they turned out, which was fine by me. I can even eat them "coddled" and very runny, but then need to mix them with crumbled toast.

    Charlie came back after a couple more hours of sleep, but at least I DID get the additional sleep. Hot shower seemed to help.

    Off to orchid photography!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Three Recipes below in three posts

    Baked Beans
    This is Our preferred recipe
    * 2 cups navy beans
    * 1/2 pound bacon *
    * 1 onion, finely diced
    * 3 tablespoons molasses
    * 2 teaspoons salt
    * 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
    * 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
    * 1/2 cup ketchup
    * 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
    * 1/4 cup brown sugar

    1. Soak beans overnight in cold water. Simmer the beans in the same water until tender, approximately 1 to 2 hours. Drain and reserve the liquid.
    2. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
    3. Arrange the beans in a 2 quart bean pot or casserole dish by placing a portion of the beans in the bottom of dish, and layering them with bacon and onion.
    4. In a saucepan, combine molasses, salt, pepper, dry mustard, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and brown sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and pour over beans. Pour in just enough of the reserved bean water to cover the beans. Cover the dish with a lid or aluminum foil.
    5. Bake for 3 to 4 hours in the preheated oven, until beans are tender. Remove the lid about halfway through cooking, and add more liquid if necessary to prevent the beans from getting too dry.

    * bacon can be reduced if desired, just use proper old fashioned smoked bacon, have it sliced 3/8 to 1/2 inch thick, easier to get a nice even dice.

    *if you don't have a beanpot, use a tall ovenproof vessel with a cover.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Pastrami Recipe One
    Simply cut open the package of corned beef, rinsed it off, dried it a bit, and then coated it with a mixture of ground black pepper, ground coriander seed, some paprika, and some dry mustard. Wrapped in plastic tightly and let it sit in the fridge overnight.

    Smoked the next day for about 4 1/2 hours in the 220-250 range using peach wood...fat cap up, .no basting. Internal temp was about 150 when I pulled it. Went on the gas for about 4 minutes a side over medium low heat.

    Pastrami Recipe two
    Take the corned beef and rub with spice mix equal amounts to cover and crust
    Amounts needed will vary based on the size of the meat so the below are a starting point.
    1 Tablespoon Coriander ground more if needed
    1 teaspoon Black Pepper ground more if needed
    1 Tablespoon Paprika optional

    Bake in the oven at 250* till the internal temp reaches 165-175*
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Easy Beer Bread Recipe
    This recipe should only take 10 minutes to prepare. The longest part is greasing the bread pan. The beer you use will determine how much the bread will rise and the density of the bread.

    Note: ( a teaspoon of baking powder will help lighten texture, I often do this.)

    Mix Sugar and flour in a large bowl, add beer. Mix with a wooden spoon until nice and sticky. Grease (butter) bread pan. pour in batter and use back of spoon to smooth out batter. Bake for 40-50 minutes or till a butter knife inserted into center comes out clean. Let cool at least 10 minutes before removing from pan.

    I used Becks dark beer, comes out good
    also black and tan
    and harp dark
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Medium boiled eggs was my breakfast protein today. OK, I meant them to be hard boiled but actually like medium boiled and that's how they turned out, which was fine by me. I can even eat them "coddled" and very runny, but then need to mix them with crumbled toast.

    Charlie came back after a couple more hours of sleep, but at least I DID get the additional sleep. Hot shower seemed to help.

    Off to orchid photography!
    Hi Ed
    I used to Fry Eggs with semi runny Yolks and then dip my Toast in them.

    I am sorry to hear that You had a re-occurrence

    Enjoy the Orchid Show
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger, thanks for the explanation of how the low tire pressure feature works! Here's the weird...All 4 tires needed air....so how did it know? :) Don't need explanation...just kinda made me say....danged little sensors are smarter than I am!
    Anyhow, the folks at the tire store were very nice, and got the tires up to pressure. (sometimes being a little 'senior' gray headed woman pays off!!!) LOL!

    I took a long afternoon nap...felt good. Still hacking up gunk, not nearly as bad as earlier in the week. So today was day 7....can I expect to be well in 3 more days??? LOL! I'm going to be upset if this is one of those colds that the cough lingers. I did enough coughing back in my smoking days. Over that. :)


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! High of 89 expected here with 20% chance of rain. That's normal.

    Laundry and nap in the plans for today. Not a lot else really, if I can help it. Maybe make some hamburger hash later...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 80 degrees out the door slightly warmer than yesterday for the same time of day. It was not comfortable as the humidity is still high, I did work up somewhat of a sweat walking 7,682 steps :(

    According to the weather forecast today's high should be a fair bit lower than yesterday. Not currently as the predicted Cold front moves across the state later today lowering temperatures and the Humidity :)

    Today's Old Time radio shows while walking was the Continuing Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, Hopalong Cassidy and Gunsmoke. Tomorrow I start with You bet Your Life :)

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger, thanks for the explanation of how the low tire pressure feature works! Here's the weird...All 4 tires needed air....so how did it know? :) Don't need explanation...just kinda made me say....danged little sensors are smarter than I am!
    Anyhow, the folks at the tire store were very nice, and got the tires up to pressure. (sometimes being a little 'senior' gray headed woman pays off!!!) LOL!

    I took a long afternoon nap...felt good. Still hacking up gunk, not nearly as bad as earlier in the week. So today was day 7....can I expect to be well in 3 more days??? LOL! I'm going to be upset if this is one of those colds that the cough lingers. I did enough coughing back in my smoking days. Over that. :)

    Hi Valerie
    I suspect that what triggered the low air warning was not the fact that they were all low. I believe that most likely one was lower than the rest so it was rotating at a different speed. If they were all equally low I would bet that the warning would not trigger, I could also be wrong. The Dealer might be able to clarify.

    I grew up hearing the Match sound followed by a coughing fit from my father after he took a drag on the first cigarette of the day before he stopped smoking. He just stopped cold turkey one day.

    I also hate those lingering coughs. I have been lucky the last few years as far as catching something.

    Have a Enjoyable Sunday
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! High of 89 expected here with 20% chance of rain. That's normal.

    Laundry and nap in the plans for today. Not a lot else really, if I can help it. Maybe make some hamburger hash later...
    Hi Ed
    Lucky us, if the predicted cold front comes through on schedule the days temperatures shopuld only be in the low to mid 80s, Considering that it was close enough to 80 at 79.7 that I called it 80 that cold front better get here soon to keep the temperatures that low since Yesterday we had a lot of record highs around the area :)

    Enjoy Your Day Off
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Guys!
    Thanks for the weather forecast Ed, hadn't been up long enough to check it out for myself!! I slept late, and woke just in time to get my coffee, swallow my Synthroid, and watch church! So, here I am! Late, but here none the less!
    I have 6 of the most stubborn pounds to lose that I have encountered in a very long, long time. ARG! And that will not get me where I'm eventually going, but breaks my 'difficulty' barrier. Once I lose that 6th pound all falls into place, and nothing much ever gets in my way! Because its at that point that I can 'see' the weight loss, and that I 'want' the results. Too much for a Sunday morning? Yeah...

    Today for me...not much just a few odds and ends to complete, and some catching up of the presentations at the Plant Pure Nation Summit. I think one of the presenters answered my questions yesterday about WHY, and HOW can my blood pressure 'dare' to flare up, with me following the way of eating, that supposedly will not support high blood pressure. Ok, partly because you don't wait to start eating this way until you're 68 to clean up your act....I don't like that , but I get it. And, its not 100%. BUT, he did make his argument for eating Plant Based Whole Food with 3 points...its Healthy, its good for the Environment, and its the most Humanitarian way of living. .... So, Ok, Check, Got It!! :)

    Hope Ed, your day is as uneventful and restful and pleasant as you foresee it to be! Love days that actually come to fruition!

    Roger, I don't remember HopAlong Cassidy or Gunsmoke before they were TV stories, but I'll bet they're interesting! :) BTW, lF I ate bread, I'd be in the kitchen right now making that beer bread. I recall it being soooo good! mmmmmm....just 6 pounds..maybe a slice of beer bread can become the carrot at the end of my stick!!!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's magnificent Monday! High of 87 predicted today with 30% chance of rain.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 58 Degrees This morning a nice change from yesterdays 80 degrees for the same time of day. It was comfortable a with a large drop in humidity too, I wlakes 8k steps.

    I see more Raspberries that still need to ripen. Hopefully The weather cooperates and they ripen.

    I need to get out to Walmart, Not until after I get to the bank and refill my on hand money which will most likely happen Thursday, Then Friday I am thinking of going to get a haircut so Maybe Saturday. I want to get a few Long sleeve shirts now that cooler weather is approaching. I could probably get by using the Sweatshirts I used last Winter, However They would be handy as we transition between Summer and Winter when I get out walking.

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning Guys!
    Thanks for the weather forecast Ed, hadn't been up long enough to check it out for myself!! I slept late, and woke just in time to get my coffee, swallow my Synthroid, and watch church! So, here I am! Late, but here none the less!
    I have 6 of the most stubborn pounds to lose that I have encountered in a very long, long time. ARG! And that will not get me where I'm eventually going, but breaks my 'difficulty' barrier. Once I lose that 6th pound all falls into place, and nothing much ever gets in my way! Because its at that point that I can 'see' the weight loss, and that I 'want' the results. Too much for a Sunday morning? Yeah...

    Today for me...not much just a few odds and ends to complete, and some catching up of the presentations at the Plant Pure Nation Summit. I think one of the presenters answered my questions yesterday about WHY, and HOW can my blood pressure 'dare' to flare up, with me following the way of eating, that supposedly will not support high blood pressure. Ok, partly because you don't wait to start eating this way until you're 68 to clean up your act....I don't like that , but I get it. And, its not 100%. BUT, he did make his argument for eating Plant Based Whole Food with 3 points...its Healthy, its good for the Environment, and its the most Humanitarian way of living. .... So, Ok, Check, Got It!! :)

    Hope Ed, your day is as uneventful and restful and pleasant as you foresee it to be! Love days that actually come to fruition!

    Roger, I don't remember HopAlong Cassidy or Gunsmoke before they were TV stories, but I'll bet they're interesting! :) BTW, lF I ate bread, I'd be in the kitchen right now making that beer bread. I recall it being soooo good! mmmmmm....just 6 pounds..maybe a slice of beer bread can become the carrot at the end of my stick!!!!

    Hi Valerie
    I never listened to them on Radio either and only remembered them from the TV Shows too. However they were entertaining.

    I could be wrong but I believe that a lot of health problems can be improved by eating properly and losing weight. I know in my case the Blood chemistry and pressure are so much better. I have a little battery powered BP gizmo I bought at Harbor Freight last year that straps onto the wrist that I can use to get a BP reading while walking when I bother to take it along.

    The scale looked kindly on me this morning and I know a whopping 1/4 pound below my previous lowest weight :)

    When My Brother makes the beer bread I do have a whole slice that I slice off while it is still warm and let a little butter melt into.

    Link to a discussion here is You are interested

    Good Luck
    Howdy y'all. It's magnificent Monday! High of 87 predicted today with 30% chance of rain.
    Hi Ed
    We are on track to have a pair of back to back nice days. The forecast high for today is in the 70s, a big change from last week.

    Stay Dry
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Just finishing breakfast, want to make some Almond Milk this morning. Nuts have soaked overnight so all is ready. Also saw a recipe for Curried Carrot Soup that sounded interesting, and I may play with that too. Love curry spices, and carrots, so it should be a win.
    The elephant on the couch today is my return trip to see Little Doc. And not until 3:30 this afternoon, so I have all day to think about it. Not good.

    Roger summer of 2015 I was looking for something fairly light weight, with long sleeves to wear outside because of the mosquitoes, and I picked up an oxford cloth button down mans shirt for cheap..I mean less that $15 cheap....got it nice and big so I could work in it...discovered it made a great work shirt over what ever t-shirt I was wearing, and it was nice for in the house, when I wanted just a little something on my arms, so I went back and got 2 more. This spring they were my 'berry picking' shirt of choice! 2 are striped, and one is chambray blue. (So there is always a clean one) You know, one to wear, on for laundry, and one hanging in the closet! Hope you find the same shirts. They are great.
    I will be looking for a couple replacement sweat shirts, since I live in them all winter. And soon will be the time of pick them up.

    Hope Monday is going well for you Ed. I'd guess you have extra chores because of the weekend? Your dinner last night looked really good!, and I have no reason to believe it WAS delicious. :) I need to check my gas tank level....make sure I have my tank topped off, as Thurs, Friday, and Sat. are going to require taking me a few miles farther than my usual local wanderings. :)

    Ok, guys, that's it for this Monday morning...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member




  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    LOL!! Roger!
    Nice cartoons.
    Sadly I think that the responses to the GMO question are proof that people are ill informed as to what GMO's actually are. I just want to know which of my fruits and veggies are GMO...put a label on it. IF they are so 'harmless' as the poison pushers declare why spend millions and millions refusing to just tell the truth?

    Love your take on the beer bread "I do have a whole slice that I slice off while it is still warm and let a little butter melt into it." LOL!! Sneaky little butter....


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Just finishing breakfast, want to make some Almond Milk this morning. Nuts have soaked overnight so all is ready. Also saw a recipe for Curried Carrot Soup that sounded interesting, and I may play with that too. Love curry spices, and carrots, so it should be a win.
    The elephant on the couch today is my return trip to see Little Doc. And not until 3:30 this afternoon, so I have all day to think about it. Not good.

    Roger summer of 2015 I was looking for something fairly light weight, with long sleeves to wear outside because of the mosquitoes, and I picked up an oxford cloth button down mans shirt for cheap..I mean less that $15 cheap....got it nice and big so I could work in it...discovered it made a great work shirt over what ever t-shirt I was wearing, and it was nice for in the house, when I wanted just a little something on my arms, so I went back and got 2 more. This spring they were my 'berry picking' shirt of choice! 2 are striped, and one is chambray blue. (So there is always a clean one) You know, one to wear, on for laundry, and one hanging in the closet! Hope you find the same shirts. They are great.
    I will be looking for a couple replacement sweat shirts, since I live in them all winter. And soon will be the time of pick them up.

    Hope Monday is going well for you Ed. I'd guess you have extra chores because of the weekend? Your dinner last night looked really good!, and I have no reason to believe it WAS delicious. :) I need to check my gas tank level....make sure I have my tank topped off, as Thurs, Friday, and Sat. are going to require taking me a few miles farther than my usual local wanderings. :)

    OK, guys, that's it for this Monday morning...

    Hi Valerie
    I just saw this came in while I was posting the other and I missed it, Oops.

    I had a couple of spoons, Yup that much, of the Potato & Leek Soup me brother made the other day it was pretty good too, The rest that was left after he had his fill of it, a Quart container went to a neighbor along with 1/4 of the latest Eggplant Parm. That helped get rid of temptation.

    I pulled what I though was some home roasted Turkey Breast out of the freezer, Nope it turned out to be some Commercial slice Turkey Breast, I hope it did not have to much Sodium. TBH it was So So in taste too.

    I do have a thin Under Armor long sleeve shirt that I wear in the back Yard when Mowing or doing yard work to help keep the itchies away, I also have to wear long pants for the same reason. Something back there makes me start itching shortly after I go out. Since it is not present in spring or winter I suspect it is one of the things he plants. I can't complain however he has a good heart.

    The Neighbors have been getting tomatoes, Zucchini, And some Onions and even some of this years beets that were of a decent size.
    LOL!! Roger!
    Nice cartoons.
    Sadly I think that the responses to the GMO question are proof that people are ill informed as to what GMO's actually are. I just want to know which of my fruits and veggies are GMO...put a label on it. IF they are so 'harmless' as the poison pushers declare why spend millions and millions refusing to just tell the truth?

    Love your take on the beer bread "I do have a whole slice that I slice off while it is still warm and let a little butter melt into it." LOL!! Sneaky little butter....

    Hi Again
    I take a neutral stance regarding GMOs. The way I look at it I would like to know and decide for myself, not just say they are all evil. Most of the plants we grow and eat have been changed from their wild state. Corn and Apples for instance. Just that they are done differently over years with selective breeding. Likewise for Dogs and Cats.

    That bread is just so good when fresh and still warm with the butter melted into it. When I tried microwaving some it just was not the same. I have some Ezekiel bread in the freezer I want to try too, I just want to be in shape as far as weight before I do, especially with the Cinnamon Raisin at 80 calories a slice.

    I love Butter on things, Potatoes, Rice, Bread, Home Made Salmon Patties etc.

    Have a Good Day and Good Luck especially that trip to the Doctor that is done already
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,234 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! High of 87 predicted for today, with 20% chance of rain.

    I ended up doing inventory most of yesterday because somehow a lot of things got off kilter. I suspect computer problems.

    Maybe today I can actually get to some of the OTHER stuff that needs to be done out there.

    Off to the rat mines!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Not very bright out there this morning! Ok, so its gonna be cloudy, only if we actually get some rain, please! I did manage to get ¼ inch in the gauge yesterday...far cry from the 6 or so inches we are short for the year, but its a start, and it was welcomed!

    Yesterday at Little Doc's was in the end very funny! I proved once again that I have a major case of 'white coat syndrome'....(I wonder if there is help out there somewhere for this?) After faithfully taking those little football shaped BP med for two weeks, BP first reading by the technician was 170+.....like I about short circuited! Now damn way could that be! So of course she did it again, other arm, and it remained same, (which is a good thing, show's no blockages etc), but still WAY high. So, Little Doc comes in and we chat, and talk about my cold, and exchange other physician/patient pleasantries...(I really like this woman)....so about 10-15 minutes into our visit, she says I'm going to take your BP again, whips out the cuff, and POOF!! 140 mm/Hg. How about that!!!! She went on to explain (again) about white coat syndrome, and how she wasn't at all worried about my BP, etc. 30 point reduction...must be a record?? LOL!!! All in all it was a great visit..she always sets aside about 45 minutes for me, and we just chat and talk about what I'm doing with my diet, etc... Other visits, like the one that will happen in January will the the short 15 minutes or so variety, which is fine. She had blood drawy to recheck my electrolytes to ensure that my sodium levels have improved. So, I'll have to watch my labs online to see that result.

    IMO, Roger, the dangers of GMO's go far beyond what you and I stuff in our faces.... its the damage that this herbicide does to the soil, the congressional ok to sue if my GMO's pollen blows into your yard...cuz, now my friend you are growing GMO plants that 'The Company' did not receive profit from....and yes, it is what we eat....Ok, so I'm old...what I eat really doesn't even cause a bump on the frogs butt, however, its the food my Grandchildren are eating, and the damage it is doing that really does hit my 'Hot Spot Button'....As the saying goes, we did not 'inherit the earth, we borrowed it from our grandchildren'....and that's the God's truth.
    Ok, soap box put away, temporarily at least! :)

    I do seem to recall enjoying the taste of butter.... last time I tried something buttered it not only didn't smell good, it left a greasy film all over my mouth...yuck! But, enjoy...just my belief in saturated animal fats, not yours!!! :)

    Ed, hope your day goes smoothly and you can get to the point you feel 'caught up' at work. I so used to hate returning to work after vacations etc...one day could ruin the positive effects of many days R & R!!!

    Need to feed me, and feed a cat.
