Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone
Well I did make it to Publix today, and did get my discount but I tend to forget to ask anyway. Maybe because I'm old? LOL.
I am not going to give up on all my stores because of lost discounts, as I'd have nowhere left to shop for some items! Aldi doesn't carry everything I need, and they never had a senior discount to lose anyway. There are still a few items that I can't even find at Ingles so that leaves me with Publix or Kroger for those.
We had some excitement tonight when, as I was trying to get a spicy western potato and cheese casserole into the oven, Dinah came bouncing into the kitchen playing with a live bluetailed (well no-tailed by that time) skink and J and I had a time catching her, catching the skink and releasing it into the greenhouse to, hopefully, recover. I disposed of the twitching tail and the spot of blood on the floor. J went to clean up his Dinah scratches and I finally got the casserole into the oven.
At Publix I forgot paper towels so there may be an Aldi run tomorrow. I did remember cat food, and stopped for that just before Publix, then around the corner to the other "wing" of the shopping center to Publix. It was raining very lightly when I left home but had stopped by the time I exited Publix so it was a decent trip.
0 -
I'm back from walking and 1 cent found 1 block from the house on the return to home leg of my walk. The temperature out the door was 63 degrees under a clear sky. The forecast is for nice if somewhat warm weather through Saturday.
Dangerous Side Effects Reported From Popular Fitness Trackers
Strong grip may predict longer life at all ages
Gas hits $5 a gallon in New York City
Judge Orders 30-Year-Old Man To Move Out Of His Parents’ House In Upstate N.Y.
The US is running out of bombs — and it may soon struggle to make more
An actual sinkhole has opened on the White House lawn. It’s growing
Bone trove in Denmark tells story of 'Barbarian' battle
Tired Of Complaints, Toms River, N.J. Decides To Get Tough On ‘Zombie Home’ Owners
Have a Great Thursday
Roger0 -
parityanimal wrote: »Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 69 with an expected high of 82 and 90% ... make that 100% chance of precipitation.
I do need to try to get out to a store today. Perhaps I can find a time between rain showers. I also probably need to get some laundry done.
That meal looks so tasty, I wish I could eat it, Rice does seem to trigger me to binge eat other carbs and retain water
If I recall You have Publix where You are ? If so have You seen this one ?
Publix supermarket in South Carolina censors high school graduate's 'Summa Cum Laude' cake
The story starts with a proud mom ordering a cake online for her son’s graduation party. On it she wanted the words “Congrats Jacob! Summa Cum Laude Class of 2018.”
Have a Nice Day
The meal was quite tasty, and there was no danger of eating other carbs as I didn't prepare anything else but the beans and rice. I try not to keep much in the way of "ready to eat" carbs on hand.
I saw that story about the Publix the other day and laughed out loud.
For some reason, it suddenly reminded me of some posters that went up all over the workplace once, about a certain date that was coming up fast, and people had to be sure certain types of tax cases were taken care of and input to the computer before that date or we would be past the date when we could legally assess any additional taxes on that particular tax account, type, and filing date.
We called these "statute cases" because, by statute, we had to be all finished assessing by a certain date, usually three years after the filing of the return.
As that date approached, the "statute unit" had to take care of all such assessments to make sure they were done properly. They made up some posters one year, a couple of weeks before the statute date, with Tweety Bird saying, what someone apparently thought was the correct spelling of the phrase, "I tawt I taw a Statute Case!" rather than "I tawt I taw a Puddy Tat." These posters were placed at various places around the center, to remind people to watch out for those kind of cases and to quickly hand carry them to the statute unit for processing.
Well...every poster was identical and had the word "tawt" spelled with the "a" and the "w" reversed, making the second word a rather vulgar appellation. Surprisingly, the signs actually stayed up several days before someone had them taken down. I suspect people were too busy laughing about it to bother mentioning it to anyone in charge. Once someone in charge, who either knew, or was informed of, the vulgar meaning of the misspelled word, was aware, they had them removed. They were not replaced.
I do not need to stay home waiting for my wine delivery as the crate was damaged in transit and my notice says that they disposed of the damaged merchandise and are returning the remainder to the shipper. So my crate will have to be re-assembled and re-shipped. Rather annoyingly, it had made it almost all the way here, and was apparently damaged at the local facility. One wonders if all of the merchandise disposed of was actually damaged and whether some UPS employee(s) may have copped a bottle or two of wine in the process.
Wouldn't matter to me if they did, and if they did I hope they enjoy it. I've noticed in the past that the shipping company doesn't always seem to put what I consider enough tape to securely hold the bottom of the crate shut, unless it's very delicately handled, and UPS really doesn't tend to handle their packages all that delicately.
This one, having 18 bottles of wine in it, would be VERY HEAVY and would be difficult to move anyway. At any rate, I'm sure between them they'll work it out and get me my wine. It's not as though I needed it by any specific date for a big party or anything. If I did I'd be complaining and expecting some recompense, but under the existing circumstances I'll just wait and see what happens.
As the apparent fault lies with UPS (though, as stated, I suspect the originator may not have wrapped the package as securely as they should have) I don't really expect anything other than receiving my shipment, albeit a bit later than expected. I have every reason to expect that I'll still be around to accept the shipment when it does get here.
I suspect I would have had a hearty chuckle about the poster too.
I have seen UPS Drivers sneak damaged items as a delivery and they tend to put those in a more obscure location which I suspect may be done so that they can blame the damage on the recipient. Yours they could not do that as it needed a signature. I had two UPS types deliver something I had ordered to be delivered at work that had been damaged. I made them wait while I inspected it, It was a SSD drive and the drive and drives packaging were OK.
My Brother sent a Custom Neon sign he had made as a gift to my Aunt and Uncle. They spotted the driver running up and leaving it on the porch and running off. It was as You can guess Jingling and had been packaged by a UPS store and they never did make good on it, He has had no use for UPS since.parityanimal wrote: »Well I did make it to Publix today, and did get my discount but I tend to forget to ask anyway. Maybe because I'm old? LOL.
I am not going to give up on all my stores because of lost discounts, as I'd have nowhere left to shop for some items! Aldi doesn't carry everything I need, and they never had a senior discount to lose anyway. There are still a few items that I can't even find at Ingles so that leaves me with Publix or Kroger for those.
We had some excitement tonight when, as I was trying to get a spicy western potato and cheese casserole into the oven, Dinah came bouncing into the kitchen playing with a live bluetailed (well no-tailed by that time) skink and J and I had a time catching her, catching the skink and releasing it into the greenhouse to, hopefully, recover. I disposed of the twitching tail and the spot of blood on the floor. J went to clean up his Dinah scratches and I finally got the casserole into the oven.
At Publix I forgot paper towels so there may be an Aldi run tomorrow. I did remember cat food, and stopped for that just before Publix, then around the corner to the other "wing" of the shopping center to Publix. It was raining very lightly when I left home but had stopped by the time I exited Publix so it was a decent trip.
I have been buying my paper goods at CostCo. Currently I have unopened cases of Paper Towels, TP and Kleenex. I am OTOH down to one roll of paper towels and a box of Kleenex. A partial 9 pack of TP which is why I stocked up on them when I was shopping at CostCo. The TP is Charmin and comes in a 36 roll package. I like the Charmin as it at least is full width unlike many brands that have been becoming narrower
I always pull out the Key Tag at the ShopRite since it might get a discount.
Have a Nice Day
Roger0 -
GardenKatGardens wrote: »Hi...rainy Wednesday, proceeded by rainy Tuesday, to be followed by rainy Thurs, Fri, Sat, and most likely Sunday...
I'm over it.
My rain gauge is full and over flowed ........
I've read thru Ed's post..will pick up the rest of today's offerings later today. For now, I'm hoping that the rain stays in the clouds for a few hours so I can get to the grocery store. I wouldn't 'starve' if I didn't go, but I'd have some pretty 'silly' meals.
I read the goof ball story about Publix and the graduation cake...Publix doesn't always hire the brightest candle in the shop...I went in one day to the deli, needing 4 oz. of shaved turkey breast for some recipe or another, and asked for 4 ounces ....and waited, and waited, and waited some more. I saw her chat with a couple people, use the phone, and finally 'some guy', turned out to be the Deli Manager who'd been on his lunch break...came out and helped her deal with 4 oz......instead of 'quarter pound'...
ALSO, while its on my mind, Ed, if you've been in Publix lately, there is a sign up...seems as though our Senior Discount is going away in a couple of weeks. I forgot the actual date...I'm also going to forget that Publix exists a mile from my house. I don't go there very often anymore anyhow, so no big loss to me.
Ok, not only has the rain stopped, the sky has brightened a bit. My weather app had showed a break in the rain, beginning at 11 thru 3...hopefully the whole front has been delayed for two hours and I have a nice clear window of time for Kroger..
Hi Valerie
Weights and Measures as well as common sense do not seem to be taught in schools anymore. That was really sad that several people did not know that 4 oz = 1/4 pound. I also suspect that 99+% of cashiers could not make change if the register did not tell them what it was.
Loosing a discount would not trump convenience for me, Your Mileage may vary.
There has been a stream of Decorated in grocery store cake oops done in Grocery Stores over the past few years.
FWIW my brother would have said "Not the brightest bulb in the Chandelier"
Have a Good Day
Roger0 -
Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 70 with an expected high of 84 and 20% chance of precipitation.
Need to get out for paper towels today, and may see what else looks good, while out. The second (and last) load of laundry from yesterday needs folding, when it finishes in the dryer. I cleared the dishwasher of clean dishes and then cleared the sink into the dishwasher. Still need to clean yesterday's cat bowls and feed the cats.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
0 -
Poor Skink... Twitching tail does not sound hopeful TBH.
Actually, blue tailed skinks have detachable tails to help them get away from birds and other predators. They have evolved such that the tails detach and wiggle around for some time, I guess to distract the attacker into going for the detached tail while the lizard gets away to, slowly, grow a new tail and fight another day.
J said the skink seemed OK, and was moving around, when he let it go in the greenhouse so we have high hopes that it will be smart enough to stay in there while it grows a new tail, safe from birds or other predatory critters.
Dinah was doing what cats usually do when they catch a lizard. Tossing it around and then pouncing on it to toss it some more. We found a much smaller one, dead, in the kitchen a couple of days ago. No clue where its tail had gone but it was so small a cat may well have eaten the tail.
Given a chance, the cats will play with the lizard so much that eventually all the tossing around and light biting/clawing damages the poor thing so much that it dies, or is doomed to die shortly. We think we got this one away in time to probably recover.
0 -
faithfornsKathie wrote: »Good morning
Hi Kathie
Are You able to or Did You pick up any of the NS $100 Gift cards for $59.95 from CostCo. As I recall the extra $20 off ends on the 20th. I did pick up the limit of 5 so I saveSlightly over $200 on the 5 of them.
RogerGardenKatGardens wrote: »Hi Kathie, Ed & Roger!!
Slow start this morning. I tried to sleep in late but it didn't work.
O's concert tonite isn't over til 9:15, and then I have at least half hour drive...probably more as the rain is supposed to happen tonite, not during 'afternoon hours'!
Roger your rainy 'season' sounds a lot like ours. Sprinkles this morning early, and the real stuff is scheduled for around 7p...and then Weather Channel is showing either rain, or thunderstorms every day thru this weekend, and next week, followed by next weekend of still more rain/storms. YIKES we will get moldy!
Not much else happening...I'd really like a nap...and I may just do that!
Hi Valerie
Better a slow start than a no start
If I said motivation was lacking yesterday and is still AWOL today
Today's weather is forecast to be mostly dry with showers later. Lots of rain in the forecast for Saturday, Thunderstorms Sunday so color me unhappy. The rainy weather is making the grass grow too fast.
I hope You enjoyed the concert.
Yes Roger I did get two of the cards. I have a few from the last time still too.0 -
Good evening to all. Haven't been here the last several days. Was busy with work and some yard work.
Hope everyone has a good holiday weekend. I cant believe it is almost Memorial Day. This year is going way to fast.0 -
2 -
Tonight's pork stew with pinto beans and potato. Buttermilk corn bread on the side. And a nice red wine.
0 -
I'm back from walking and I went out running around with my brother and as a reward I found a folded dollar bill in a parking lot. The temperature out the door was 62 degrees under a clear sky. The forecast is for nice if somewhat warm weather through Saturday.
Illinoisans Fleeing State by Tens of Thousands over Taxes and Financial Loss
Scam Alert: If Your Own Phone Number Calls You, Don’t Pick Up
'Holy Grail Of Shipwrecks' Found Near Colombian Coast, Woods Hole Says
Scientists plan DNA hunt for Loch Ness monster next month
Cops: "Coupon Conundrum" Over Whoppers Leads To Bust Of Burger King Patron
DA’s office: Man hit dog with baseball bat because he ate his Whopper
Valedictorian Claims High School Censored Graduation Speech
Former mayor of New York City
Left-Wing Billionaire Michael Bloomberg: Raising Taxes on Poor People Is a “good thing.”
Have a Great Friday
Roger0 -
parityanimal wrote: »Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 70 with an expected high of 84 and 20% chance of precipitation.
Need to get out for paper towels today, and may see what else looks good, while out. The second (and last) load of laundry from yesterday needs folding, when it finishes in the dryer. I cleared the dishwasher of clean dishes and then cleared the sink into the dishwasher. Still need to clean yesterday's cat bowls and feed the cats.
Good Luck with the running around, From what I could see on last nights weather forecast Your area is in for a streak of rain.parityanimal wrote: »Chickpea flour omelet.parityanimal wrote: »Poor Skink... Twitching tail does not sound hopeful TBH.
J said the skink seemed OK, and was moving around, when he let it go in the greenhouse so we have high hopes that it will be smart enough to stay in there while it grows a new tail, safe from birds or other predatory critters.
Dinah was doing what cats usually do when they catch a lizard. Tossing it around and then pouncing on it to toss it some more. We found a much smaller one, dead, in the kitchen a couple of days ago. No clue where its tail had gone but it was so small a cat may well have eaten the tail.
Given a chance, the cats will play with the lizard so much that eventually all the tossing around and light biting/clawing damages the poor thing so much that it dies, or is doomed to die shortly. We think we got this one away in time to probably recover.
Have a Nice Day
Roger0 -
faithfornsKathie wrote: »faithfornsKathie wrote: »Good morning
Yes Roger I did get two of the cards. I have a few from the last time still too.
Hi Kathie
I love saving MoneyfaithfornsKathie wrote: »Good evening to all. Haven't been here the last several days. Was busy with work and some yard work.
Hope everyone has a good holiday weekend. I cant believe it is almost Memorial Day. This year is going way to fast.
I hope I have a good holiday too.faithfornsKathie wrote: »
Nice Image, As I remember Your normal days off are Sunday and Monday, Do You get another day off as a result.
Have a Good Day
Hi Valerie1 -
Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 71 with an expected high of 80 and 80% chance of precipitation. Still got that load of laundry to freshen and fold and need to feed the cats. Dishwasher is running now. Last night's pork and pinto bean soup, along with some warmed up Southern buttermilk cornbread, made a tasty breakfast. I think I have probably two more meals out of that.
I love this simple cornbread recipe. NO SUGAR ADDED. If one wants sweetness, one can drizzle honey on the cornbread later or use use honey butter (with or without cinnamon) as a spread.
Southern Buttermilk Cornbread
1 cup self rising cornmeal, white or yellow, doesn't matter. I just usually have white because it seems to be more available here.
1 egg.
1 cup buttermilk. Can substitute one cup of milk and a good splash or two of lemon juice or vinegar.
2 Tablespoons butter*. (You may, optionally, omit the butter from the batter but you will still need a small amount of butter or some other fat to grease the baking pan.)
For baking:
An 8 inch, well seasoned, cast iron skillet. Or an 8 inch cake pan but for real Southern cornbread, a skillet...
Put the skillet in the oven. Preheat the oven to 450 with the skillet in the oven. You can bake at a lower temperature, but a good, hot oven, along with the hot cast iron skillet, produces a very nice, crisp crust.
Combine the egg and milk, and whisk together until well blended. Add the cornmeal and whisk until the thin batter is smooth.
Put the BUTTER (not the batter yet!) into the hot skillet and place back in the oven for just a moment or two to get the butter partly melted, then swirl the butter around in the skillet to cover the bottom thoroughly and maybe up the sides just a bit. It should finish melting as you swirl it. If the butter gets a little brown, it doesn't matter and can even enhance the flavor of the cornbread but you don't want it burned too badly, so do this quickly.
Pour the melted butter into the batter and wipe any drips off the outside of the skillet. Do not scrape the skillet, as you need the butter that remains to keep the cornbread from sticking.
Quickly whisk the butter into the batter until blended and pour the batter into the hot skillet. Hopefully you will hear a nice sizzle when you do this and the outer edges will immediately, and fairly obviously, start to cook.
Place the skillet back in the oven and cook for 15 to 30 minutes, watching for the center to completely rise and the top to get golden brown. Insert a toothpick near the center and if it comes out clean, the cornbread is done.
Remove from oven. If desired, brush the top with more melted butter immediately. Cool slightly. If needed, run a table knife around the edge of the cornbread. Turn out to cool further on a rack. If desired, turn out first onto a plate and then flip onto the rack so the cornbread is right side up on the rack. Cool as desired, but best served piping hot or at least fairly warm. If you used a plate to flip the cornbread, you can slide the cornbread off the rack, onto the plate for serving. If you didn't flip the cornbread onto the rack, you can flip it onto a plate for serving. Either way, you get a nicer presentation if it's served right side up.
Cut into wedges and serve with butter for spreading. I usually cut 8 wedges, for 8 small servings.
It's best not to leave the cornbread in the skillet very long after baking, as cornbread is somewhat acidic and, left in the skillet too long, may damage the seasoning on the skillet.
The recipe may be doubled and baked in a 10 1/4 or 10 1/2 inch cast iron skillet if you need a larger cornbread to feed more people.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
1 -
Some of these are not things we should be eating (much of anyway) but we can dream, can't we?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT_9bGTbNho0 -
What's the best way to arrange coals on a charcoal grill?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb-CB0ZSo_g0 -
Good morning0
Hi, Happy Friday to the guys...Kathie can celebrate tomorrow.
Rain to start soon if the gloomy leaden skies are any indication. Expecting another round of rain for Today, Saturday, and Sunday....then MORE for Monday and at least Tuesday. This has to be the longest rainy streak I can remember in GA. This rain started at least a week ago already, and probably more...I remember one non-rain day Wednesday before last. We are going to either melt or mildew!!!
I've got the dishwasher going, and a load in the washer, and I'm soon to be heading back to bed. Just took an Aleve and hoping that resting my back will help. Lower back pain is not common for me, so this is mostly an aggravation. My left hip complained the past couple days, and I tried 'walking it out' at the gym..and back stretches at home..but today it is worse, not better so I decided R & R instead of pushing thru. Sitting up at my desk is flat out uncomfortable.
My oldest and DIL are in Florida...weather not looking too great for them either!
Friend of mine in MO posted pix of his newborn lamb twins!! Soooo, cute. I miss the baby animals in the spring.. I do not miss the winters!
Ok, this is as long as I can sit...
Later...1 -
GardenKatGardens wrote: »Hi, Happy Friday to the guys...Kathie can celebrate tomorrow.
Rain to start soon if the gloomy leaden skies are any indication. Expecting another round of rain for Today, Saturday, and Sunday....then MORE for Monday and at least Tuesday. This has to be the longest rainy streak I can remember in GA. This rain started at least a week ago already, and probably more...I remember one non-rain day Wednesday before last. We are going to either melt or mildew!!!
I've got the dishwasher going, and a load in the washer, and I'm soon to be heading back to bed. Just took an Aleve and hoping that resting my back will help. Lower back pain is not common for me, so this is mostly an aggravation. My left hip complained the past couple days, and I tried 'walking it out' at the gym..and back stretches at home..but today it is worse, not better so I decided R & R instead of pushing thru. Sitting up at my desk is flat out uncomfortable.
My oldest and DIL are in Florida...weather not looking too great for them either!
Friend of mine in MO posted pix of his newborn lamb twins!! Soooo, cute. I miss the baby animals in the spring.. I do not miss the winters!
Ok, this is as long as I can sit...
Sorry your back is bothering you. Have a good weekend despite the rain.1 -
Watched the Chickpea 'eggless omelet' twice. The Besan (chick pea flour) reminds me of Teff flour 'bread' enjera from Ethiopia . Which I have been saying I was going to make for a long time, yet never have done it. Maybe sometime I'll make both...not necessarily the same day, and compare taste, etc. (I will have to buy some Teff as what I had was so old I tossed it about 3 years ago.)
The Sweet Potato chickpea salad...that would be tasty! As a general rule while I like many kinds of beans in my salad chickpeas are not among my favorites. Too hard, with a tendency to fall off my fork! LOL...
Ok, bed time....Tonite's dinner was grilled portabella mushroom on whole wheat buns with cilantro, red onion, tomato slices, & FYH cheese, and fresh lightly steamed corn on the cob...MMMM!
Later...0 -
I'm back from walking and found 15 cents in two locations. The other day I saw three deer walking up the brook in the water and this morning I had one deer cross the street ahead of me.
No amount of alcohol, sausage or bacon is safe according to cancer experts
Woman says her Amazon device recorded private conversation, sent it out to random contact
[bDog deemed ‘unadoptable' to become first-ever deaf K-9 in Washington[/b]
Not a Surprise to me FWIW
Report: Popular items sold by Amazon, Walmart, others are counterfeit
DEA acknowledges it raided wrong family's house in Tennessee
WWII bomb defused in Dresden after mass evacuation, fire
Mr. President, please send the troops to Chicago
They ditched pricey home ownership for a small house on wheels — and they love it
Have a Great Saturday
Roger1 -
parityanimal wrote: »Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 71 with an expected high of 80 and 80% chance of precipitation. Still got that load of laundry to freshen and fold and need to feed the cats. Dishwasher is running now. Last night's pork and pinto bean soup, along with some warmed up Southern buttermilk cornbread, made a tasty breakfast. I think I have probably two more meals out of that.
I love this simple cornbread recipe. NO SUGAR ADDED. If one wants sweetness, one can drizzle honey on the cornbread later or use use honey butter (with or without cinnamon) as a spread.
Southern Buttermilk Cornbread
1 cup self rising cornmeal, white or yellow, doesn't matter. I just usually have white because it seems to be more available here.
1 egg.
1 cup buttermilk. Can substitute one cup of milk and a good splash or two of lemon juice or vinegar.
2 Tablespoons butter*. (You may, optionally, omit the butter from the batter but you will still need a small amount of butter or some other fat to grease the baking pan.)
For baking:
An 8 inch, well seasoned, cast iron skillet. Or an 8 inch cake pan but for real Southern cornbread, a skillet...
Put the skillet in the oven. Preheat the oven to 450 with the skillet in the oven. You can bake at a lower temperature, but a good, hot oven, along with the hot cast iron skillet, produces a very nice, crisp crust.
Combine the egg and milk, and whisk together until well blended. Add the cornmeal and whisk until the thin batter is smooth.
Put the BUTTER (not the batter yet!) into the hot skillet and place back in the oven for just a moment or two to get the butter partly melted, then swirl the butter around in the skillet to cover the bottom thoroughly and maybe up the sides just a bit. It should finish melting as you swirl it. If the butter gets a little brown, it doesn't matter and can even enhance the flavor of the cornbread but you don't want it burned too badly, so do this quickly.
Pour the melted butter into the batter and wipe any drips off the outside of the skillet. Do not scrape the skillet, as you need the butter that remains to keep the cornbread from sticking.
Quickly whisk the butter into the batter until blended and pour the batter into the hot skillet. Hopefully you will hear a nice sizzle when you do this and the outer edges will immediately, and fairly obviously, start to cook.
Place the skillet back in the oven and cook for 15 to 30 minutes, watching for the center to completely rise and the top to get golden brown. Insert a toothpick near the center and if it comes out clean, the cornbread is done.
Remove from oven. If desired, brush the top with more melted butter immediately. Cool slightly. If needed, run a table knife around the edge of the cornbread. Turn out to cool further on a rack. If desired, turn out first onto a plate and then flip onto the rack so the cornbread is right side up on the rack. Cool as desired, but best served piping hot or at least fairly warm. If you used a plate to flip the cornbread, you can slide the cornbread off the rack, onto the plate for serving. If you didn't flip the cornbread onto the rack, you can flip it onto a plate for serving. Either way, you get a nicer presentation if it's served right side up.
Cut into wedges and serve with butter for spreading. I usually cut 8 wedges, for 8 small servings.
It's best not to leave the cornbread in the skillet very long after baking, as cornbread is somewhat acidic and, left in the skillet too long, may damage the seasoning on the skillet.
The recipe may be doubled and baked in a 10 1/4 or 10 1/2 inch cast iron skillet if you need a larger cornbread to feed more people.
I love Cornbread, being a lazy cook and not having some of the ingredients I ended up buying the last piece I had at Whole Foods.
I ended up heating the Country Style Ribs from Bishops as my Dinner yesterday. Today I have a tray of their Meatloaf in the refrigerator defrosting for use today as I threw it into the freezer when I bought it. When that is used up I have a tray of Pulled Rotisserie Chicken from the ShopRite in the freezer to use once the meatloaf is gone.parityanimal wrote: »What's the best way to arrange coals on a charcoal grill?
Have a Good Holiday Weekend
Roger1 -
faithfornsKathie wrote: »Good morningGardenKatGardens wrote: »Hi, Happy Friday to the guys...Kathie can celebrate tomorrow.
Rain to start soon if the gloomy leaden skies are any indication. Expecting another round of rain for Today, Saturday, and Sunday....then MORE for Monday and at least Tuesday. This has to be the longest rainy streak I can remember in GA. This rain started at least a week ago already, and probably more...I remember one non-rain day Wednesday before last. We are going to either melt or mildew!!!
I've got the dishwasher going, and a load in the washer, and I'm soon to be heading back to bed. Just took an Aleve and hoping that resting my back will help. Lower back pain is not common for me, so this is mostly an aggravation. My left hip complained the past couple days, and I tried 'walking it out' at the gym..and back stretches at home..but today it is worse, not better so I decided R & R instead of pushing thru. Sitting up at my desk is flat out uncomfortable.
My oldest and DIL are in Florida...weather not looking too great for them either!
Friend of mine in MO posted pix of his newborn lamb twins!! Soooo, cute. I miss the baby animals in the spring.. I do not miss the winters!
Ok, this is as long as I can sit...
From what I could see Miss. through Ga. and Fla. will be having days of rain
Stormy weather is starting early IMO.
When we have periods of rain during the warm weather I see Mushrooms popping up in lawns
I agree, Pain is Your body telling You, Slow Down and let me heal or rest.
Have a Nice Day
This discussion has been closed.