Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    What he said....Chinese food in American restaurant...the Chinese don't eat that stuff. Rice, yes, and lots of vegetables...not much meat. They've made stuff that they think will (and it does) make the Americans like it. Oh well...

    Biohacking...seems as though everything's a 'hack' of some sort these days... There's quite a bit of information out there on either intermittent fasting or longer term fasting. I don't think I'd make it!!!! I've experienced ketosis of the non-diabetic ilk. it def. gives you a high, and a lot of energy, and you do lose weight. I'm just not convinced that its a healthy thing to do. This was eons ago in the 60's and my Adkins days...

    Did have a good time at the grocery today! Spent (sit down Roger, take a deep breath), I spent 2 hours at Kroger!!! Yes I did! Spent $58 for the next weeks groceries. Can't complain about that!

    Ok, time to head to the kitchen for some dinner!!! Finally hungry. (I don't get hungry when I spend time at the gym...at least not for a couple hours)...

    Hi Valerie
    I agree the Chinese foods sold here are way different than in China. Not to mention the Italian food sold here is Amercanized too.

    I can not believe that fasting like that is anything but hard on Your body. I tried Atkins too, I lost weight, OTOH it came right back too.

    $58 is a good shopping for a weeks groceries.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,127 Member
    The Four O'Clocks (Mirabilis jalapa) are a muticolored, rather aggressive (some would say invasive) Peruvian flower variety that I have growing in the flower bed next to the sidewalk. It LOVES the soil here and gets a lot taller than it is supposed to get, then bending over the sidewalk to engulf it. I periodically have to go out there and bend it all back into the flower bed so that the sidewalk doesn't look like the Peruvian jungle.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi! This morning has been, is being consumed by???? The Great Time Monster?? Some of it email, some here in internet, though I haven't even looked at fb, nor totally cleared all my email..I did start a load of laundry...she said lamely, knowing that took all of 5 minutes....

    Sorry my 2 hour sojourn thru Kroger gave you guys the creeps!! That included maybe 20 minutes drive time, and another 10-15 chat with a really nice guy who is a former gym member. It was kinda fun to reconnect! He remembered my name, yet was surprised that I remembered his...lol!! The rest of the time was actual pushing my cart up and down isles...
    If I only had 20 minutes or even just 30 minutes to get my groceries for the week...I'd hate it too! Sorry...its a sport. I don't watch golf or baseball...y'all don't like shopping! LOL!!!!! giggle giggle, giggle

    Ed, so glad you were able to give your friends from Fla a safe haven. I'd love to see the pet interactions! 3 cats and 2 dogs....that alone should be fun!

    Roger those were really great cartoons/pix. Loved especially the two foxes on the snowy roof, the ducklings on the cat, (wonder if he was picking out his dinner?), and the cat petting the sheep is priceless...I will probably thief that and send it to my brother in MO. who has sheep. He'd appreciate it too.

    Ok, laundry is about to leave the dryer, and I especially need to pay attention to the kitchen, specifically the sink which is full of dishes. Lots of excuses there...including the old sorry one about I'll get that later.....well, its 'later'!!! Its also trash day...so there's that too...

    As I've sat here gmail has let me know I have two emails from Jack...the first about a hockey game cancellation, and I didn't look quickly enough to catch what the second one was all about.

    Need to check on those, and get myself in 'Productive' mode!!!!

    Did I tell you guys that Ted has a battery powered compressor that he uses for his car tires when that little sensor in the valve stem says the PSI is low? Its an annoying innovation, but I guess also a good one too... anyhow, he really likes his little compressor...just for your knowledge base should you want/need a new one down the road.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,127 Member
    Well, our friends from Ft. Lauderdale made it in safely, with four dogs and a cat! The driver immediately went to sleep (he was driving the WHOLE WAY) and the other one had some warmed up pizza and is now taking a shower, after which he will go to bed too. He stayed awake most of the trip making sure the driver stayed awake!

    Great Northern beans with a ham bone are going in a slow cooker, with some plain beans (vegetarian) going in another for J.

    And there will still be some leftover pizza and leftover mac and cheese to go along with it.

    Dinner will be rather eclectic this evening. I'll probably make some cornbread and some fried potatoes to go along with the rest. Greens would be nice, but I think there's enough food already in the works here. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,127 Member
    Our cats have not met (officially) any of the guest pets, but Kiara took one sniff of T's hand and her tail puffed out, she hissed, and then she dashed up her kitty tree in the master bedroom. Maybe she doesn't like dogs?

    Lilo didn't seem to object to T at all. H, as mentioned, was already asleep. Now I think I'll take a nap myself. Lilo got me up early, as usual, and I was up until midnight last night keeping tabs on how far our friends were getting and how fast.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,127 Member
    edited September 2017
    Dinner was a success!

    Just in case y'all didn't know...masa (corn flour) makes a FANTASTIC cornbread. I used that for tonight's corn muffins because I happened to be out of corn meal, but had some masa in the freezer.

    These muffins might just be the best corn muffins I ever made.

    Leftover beans and ham, and just a little bit of pizza yet, a small serving of fried potatoes, some mac and cheese, some vegetarian beans for J, and some delicious corn muffins.

    I have some pre-boiled eggs in the fridge so I think lunch tomorrow will be the remaining leftovers along with some freshly made deviled eggs. Dinner tomorrow is anyone's guess.

    One of the guests is in the kitchen responding to all his friends asking if they made it safely, and the other is back in bed. Their nap this afternoon wasn't all that long and I'm sure they'll both be asleep before too long, and can get a good, safe night's sleep here in Peachtree Corners.

    J is in the living room playing the piano.

    H likes his beans and ham the same way I do. On top of crumbled cornbread. :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,127 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    53 out there now with an expected high of 80 and 0 chance of rain. I've been up for a while but distracted by the usual. Leftover mac and cheese for breakfast with a small corn muffin.

    Just fed the cats as Lilo was enjoying a lot of lap time and I waited until she voluntarily moved before feeding them, despite Kiara giving me the eye and wondering why the food was late in coming. Both were ready for it when served.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking this Morning + 1 Cent. The temperature this morning was 57 on the news channel and 56 degrees on the front porch and back yard.
    I did wear a Long Sleeve Shirt and wore lightly insulated gloves due to the temperature :)

    Not to much on my agenda for today.

    I guess by now everybody has heard about the Equifax Data breach ?

    Some Interesting ? Links
    11-Year-Old Saving Money for College by Flipping Houses
    An 11-year-old girl from western Wisconsin is saving for college by flipping houses.
    Sept. 2, 2017, at 5:17 p.m.

    Here is a older one
    Hackers are able to command Siri, Alexa in a frequency too high for you to hear
    September 7, 2017

    Your doctor could be searching for you online, but is it as bad as it sounds?

    IF YOU think your visit to the doctor stops once you leave, you could be surprised, as one in six doctors admits to searching you online.

    Matthew Dunn@mattydunn11 news.com.auSeptember 8, 2017

    Home Depot customer attacked in plywood dispute during Hurricane Irma preps[/b[
    Bloodied customer Joshua Shempko says man 'lunged' at him in North Miami
    By Peter Burke - Local10.com Managing Editor , Christian De La Rosa - Reporter Posted: 3:45 AM, September 06, 2017

    ISIS Urges Supporters To Poison Food At US Grocery Stores
    by Tyler Durden Sep 5, 2017 11:05 PM

    People Over 60 More Content In Life Than All Other Adults, Survey Finds
    6 Sep - by Daniel Steingold - In Happiness Studies Health Studies Longer Life Studies

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The Four O'Clocks (Mirabilis jalapa) are a muticolored, rather aggressive (some would say invasive) Peruvian flower variety that I have growing in the flower bed next to the sidewalk. It LOVES the soil here and gets a lot taller than it is supposed to get, then bending over the sidewalk to engulf it. I periodically have to go out there and bend it all back into the flower bed so that the sidewalk doesn't look like the Peruvian jungle.
    Hi Ed
    This post by You reminded me of my Aunt who had Planted Peruvian Daffodils in the spring and pulled them for storage for the winter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ismene_(plant)
    Thanks for reminding me of her doing that.
    Well, our friends from Ft. Lauderdale made it in safely, with four dogs and a cat! The driver immediately went to sleep (he was driving the WHOLE WAY) and the other one had some warmed up pizza and is now taking a shower, after which he will go to bed too. He stayed awake most of the trip making sure the driver stayed awake!

    Great Northern beans with a ham bone are going in a slow cooker, with some plain beans (vegetarian) going in another for J.

    And there will still be some leftover pizza and leftover mac and cheese to go along with it.

    Dinner will be rather eclectic this evening. I'll probably make some cornbread and some fried potatoes to go along with the rest. Greens would be nice, but I think there's enough food already in the works here. :)

    My brother made Boiled Lima Beans with ham Hocks from the Pennsylvania Dutch country that he pulled from the freezer section. I shouldn't have had any since I had already had Dinner when they were done but I took a smallish dish, 176g, and since he uses no salt in most cooking I tasted and added some to improve the taste. So delicious too.

    Hopefully they did not jump out of the frying pan into the fire, Yesterdays evening weather forecast showed Irma has a chance of going right over Atlanta :(

    Metro Atlanta in Hurricane Irma's direct path
    Lauren Foreman The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 7:56 a.m. Friday, Sept. 8, 2017 Weather

    It might be time to be sure Things are stocked up ahead of time just in case, Hopefully not to late already.
    Dinner was a success!

    Just in case y'all didn't know...masa (corn flour) makes a FANTASTIC cornbread. I used that for tonight's corn muffins because I happened to be out of corn meal, but had some masa in the freezer.

    These muffins might just be the best corn muffins I ever made.

    Leftover beans and ham, and just a little bit of pizza yet, a small serving of fried potatoes, some mac and cheese, some vegetarian beans for J, and some delicious corn muffins.

    I have some pre-boiled eggs in the fridge so I think lunch tomorrow will be the remaining leftovers along with some freshly made deviled eggs. Dinner tomorrow is anyone's guess.

    One of the guests is in the kitchen responding to all his friends asking if they made it safely, and the other is back in bed. Their nap this afternoon wasn't all that long and I'm sure they'll both be asleep before too long, and can get a good, safe night's sleep here in Peachtree Corners.

    J is in the living room playing the piano.

    H likes his beans and ham the same way I do. On top of crumbled cornbread. :)
    You're right, I would never have thought of using Masa to make Cornbread :)
    Of course part of that would be that We do not have the key ingredient in Masa in the house, only Corn Meal.

    I was thinking of Hard Boiling some eggs ahead, however I need to see how many are in the house as I might have to buy some to do that with.

    In the 10 day extended forecast the overnight lows are all in the 50s to low 60s with highs in the 70s.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi! This morning has been, is being consumed by???? The Great Time Monster?? Some of it email, some here in internet, though I haven't even looked at fb, nor totally cleared all my email..I did start a load of laundry...she said lamely, knowing that took all of 5 minutes....

    Sorry my 2 hour sojourn thru Kroger gave you guys the creeps!! That included maybe 20 minutes drive time, and another 10-15 chat with a really nice guy who is a former gym member. It was kinda fun to reconnect! He remembered my name, yet was surprised that I remembered his...lol!! The rest of the time was actual pushing my cart up and down isles...
    If I only had 20 minutes or even just 30 minutes to get my groceries for the week...I'd hate it too! Sorry...its a sport. I don't watch golf or baseball...y'all don't like shopping! LOL!!!!! giggle giggle, giggle

    Ed, so glad you were able to give your friends from Fla a safe haven. I'd love to see the pet interactions! 3 cats and 2 dogs....that alone should be fun!
    Hi Valerie
    The Internet eats a lot of time in this house too. I will likely spend over an hour reading news from the links my brother emails me.

    Ah, I would never think of including the drive time in the grocery shopping time total as it is what it is and not really under my control.
    Roger those were really great cartoons/pix. Loved especially the two foxes on the snowy roof, the ducklings on the cat, (wonder if he was picking out his dinner?), and the cat petting the sheep is priceless...I will probably thief that and send it to my brother in MO. who has sheep. He'd appreciate it too.

    Ok, laundry is about to leave the dryer, and I especially need to pay attention to the kitchen, specifically the sink which is full of dishes. Lots of excuses there...including the old sorry one about I'll get that later.....well, its 'later'!!! Its also trash day...so there's that too...

    As I've sat here gmail has let me know I have two emails from Jack...the first about a hockey game cancellation, and I didn't look quickly enough to catch what the second one was all about.

    Need to check on those, and get myself in 'Productive' mode!!!!

    Did I tell you guys that Ted has a battery powered compressor that he uses for his car tires when that little sensor in the valve stem says the PSI is low? Its an annoying innovation, but I guess also a good one too... anyhow, he really likes his little compressor...just for your knowledge base should you want/need a new one down the road.


    I'm glad You liked them, I wondered how they got up on the roof....Tunnel through the snow ?

    Would You believe that there is a Gas Station here in town that still has a hose outside with free air to fill tires. Every other one has gone to coin operated air for many years.

    According the the manual on the Buick Century the low tire warning system uses a rotational speed difference to determine if a tire is low as a low tire will rotate at a different speed that the others. It ignores short term changes as they could be caused by turning. I think of that as a smart use of the Already existing Brake Antilock system and sensors.

    I have seen Valve stem systems on truck tires in the past to warn the driver of a low or flat tire. They are a lot less of a problem with the Tubeless tires now as they leak down slowly compared to the old Tube tires. Way back when they tires were Tubed I owned a Tractor, 10 wheels and I carried a Jack, Tire wrench, Patch Kit, the tool to dismount the bead with the really big special hammer needed and a hose that connected to the Tractors air supply that is used to operate the air brakes. :)

    Stay Safe if Irma arrives in town

    P.S. I found this interesting
    For people evacuating with animals, the Georgia Department of Agriculture has temporarily suspended Animal Interstate Movement Health Requirements for those entering Georgia from Florida.

    I would not have thought You would need health requirements in the first place
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,127 Member
    edited September 2017
    We figure even if Irma does try to whack Atlanta, it will be a lot less dangerous by the time it gets here than when it whacks Florida. Maybe Cat 1 if it gets here at all.

    At this point, with landfall and all, it's really anyone's guess where it will move and I think the meteorologists are mostly just spinning their wheels and speculating on worst case scenarios. I rather expect the Atlanta area is full of refugees right now, and a lot of them really have nowhere else to flee and no resources to do so.

    We'll hang tight and see what happens. Que será será.

    The health requirements for animal transport are more for stock animals than pets, in general. I know some people were moving horses, and there are a lot of exotic animals sheltered in Florida that people might be trying to move to safety as well. The health requirements may apply to some of those as well.

    I'm pretty sure not a lot of people are moving pet chickens, though some may be doing so. Dogs and cats are not a problem at any time.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,127 Member
    A meal straight out of the 50's.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,127 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    We figure even if Irma does try to whack Atlanta, it will be a lot less dangerous by the time it gets here than when it whacks Florida. Maybe Cat 1 if it gets here at all.

    At this point, with landfall and all, it's really anyone's guess where it will move and I think the meteorologists are mostly just spinning their wheels and speculating on worst case scenarios. I rather expect the Atlanta area is full of refugees right now, and a lot of them really have nowhere else to flee and no resources to do so.

    We'll hang tight and see what happens. Que será será.

    The health requirements for animal transport are more for stock animals than pets, in general. I know some people were moving horses, and there are a lot of exotic animals sheltered in Florida that people might be trying to move to safety as well. The health requirements may apply to some of those as well.

    I'm pretty sure not a lot of people are moving pet chickens, though some may be doing so. Dogs and cats are not a problem at any time.
    Hi Ed
    I did read the page I linked and it will be a lot less severe if it hits You, OTOH it could still do some damage. OTOH as the saying goes. It's a ill wind that blows no good. In this case the attendant rain is probably beneficial ?

    Thanks for the clarification on the animals item.
    If I said that looks like something from a computer, likely a Laptop or Tablet.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,127 Member
    I think I would skip the snack with the receiving line...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey, its me...the tag end of the morning posts!
    I can't even claim I came close to being an 'Early Riser' this morning! I woke about 6:30, made my potty trip, got a drink of water, decided to do my morning guided meditation, I vaguely recall hearing what I assume was the trash haulers, and was shocked when it was 10:15!!! OMG!

    So, I had my coffee, fed Tom E., peeled myself a banana and made a run to the gym. Saw one of my fav. gym members, we chatted for about 10 minutes...I finished my walk, and decided I'd pump some gas into my car, as I was down to half tank, then go to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. Well, I had some 20% off coupons, but they were at home...so added my extra mile to get home, while here looked into my refrigerator, decided against eating lunch out....and knowing what I was likely getting into, left for Costco....ha, ha, ha, ho ho! Traffic was about 6 cars deep in the turn lane just trying to get into the Costco parking lot...and so began the waiting. I got into the lot, and some smart ash had gone around the lot, and was trying to break into line. If there weren't people sitting on the street I might have let him and his HUGE SUV into the line..but nope...this old gray haired lady in her little bitty Honda Fit snuggled up to the pickup in front of me, and you couldn't have walked between us...and still that SUV was coming, and now blocking the lane leaving. I did NOT let him in, ever. Long story short..I had about a 20 - 25 minute time, waiting and pumping gas!
    I'm pretty sure Irma will be draggin' by the time she gets to Atlanta, but our gas is 'iffy' here, as the main pipe line for gas delivery is still down from Harvey, and we do have quite an influx of peeps who will want to go home, etc...so I filled up....the attendant had seen me waiting, ever so patiently, I'd smiled at him at one point when he walked by...as I was capping my tank, he came by and thanked me for being so cheerful and polite while I waited. Guess he didn't see me resist being bullied by a big SUV before I got into his lot!!!

    While I still lived in ATL, there was a hurricane make it to ATL at cat 1, it went west of Atlanta and hit Marietta. It caused quite a stir...several of my neighbors in the building drove up to Marietta to take pictures. I slept. Sooo, I guess it 'could' make it here, but I wouldn't put any money on the table of that happening. Wind, yes, and 'tropical rains' most likely. Hopefully the pine trees hold and don't come get into bed with me.......

    News is on, besides overhead shots of our clogged Interstates, and 92% of our motel, hotel rooms are already full... They opened Atlanta Motor Speedway (Nascar) camping grounds, and the grounds showers and restrooms...I was glad to see that yesterday morning.

    Those poor people in Mexico..that was quite an earthquake. Imagine being sound asleep and THAT happening! I've never felt an earthquake, and it is not on my bucket list to do so!! I'd fall over faster than the wine on the store shelves. :)

    Ok, surely there is a job or two to do around this house.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,127 Member
    We finished off the beans and ham for lunch. Tonight's dinner for the evacuees and me is in the oven now. I made a shepherd's pie with a cheesy mashed potato topping. It smells divine. We'll eat sometime shortly after they return from Walgreens.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,127 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Orchid judging photography today. Regular monthly orchid society meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday night but may be cancelled, depending on the weather forecast for Monday night. That will be decided this afternoon.

    I finished off the shepherd's pie for breakfast. The cats will get their meal shortly.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking this Morning + 0 Cents, Oh well. The temperature this morning was 55 on the news channel and 54 degrees on the front porch and back yard.
    Once again I did wear a Long Sleeve Shirt and wore lightly insulated gloves due to the temperature :)

    Not Very much on my agenda for today. Maybe I'll kill some time on that there Internet Thingy :)

    Some Interesting ? Links
    PENPOINTING CANCER New handheld ‘pen’ allows surgeons to detect cancer in 10 SECONDS – making sure they remove all trace of disease
    Tests found the tool took just 10 seconds to provide a diagnosis and was more than 96 per cent accurate
    By Andrea Downey, Digital Health Reporter, 7th September 2017, 10:13 am
    Updated: 8th September 2017, 5:16 am

    Hartford Warns It Could File for Bankruptcy
    Connecticut’s capital city, its deficit nearing $50 million, says it won’t be able pay its bills within 60 days
    By Joseph De Avila, Updated Sept. 7, 2017 5:07 p.m.

    This one makes me sad to read :(
    This would be Wilmington, Delaware the state to my South and the Trenton is Trenton, NJ in the state where I live :(
    Wilmington: most dangerous place in America for youth
    Brittany Horn, Jessica Masulli Reyes, Esteban Parra and Christina Jedra and Larry Fenn, The News Journal and Associated Press
    Wilmington has the highest rate in America, by far, of young people being shot. The rate is more than twice that of Trenton, the No. 2 city of similar size.

    Sixty-four children have been shot in Wilmington shootings between January 2015 and Labor Day. Five have died.

    Wilmington also has a 2-to-1 lead over Trenton, its closest peer in the mid-sized city group, according to the data analysis. In descending order, other cities facing extraordinarily high teen shootings are Savannah, Georgia; Syracuse, New York; and Flint, Michigan.

    Have a Great Weekend