Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Ok, not quite caught up, but close!!!
    Watched the 'hoe cakes' video...I may give those a try in my kitchen. The story behind the cakes makes sense, and heavens knows I love my corn. Hope it works with yellow corn :)
    Loved the video on Fried Green Tomatoes....Marietta always gets them when we go to Stone Mountain, and they have really good ones at Mary Mac's @ Ponce and Myrtle. He and I need to go to Mary Mac's...I'll come out sick from all the fat in the sides, but it may well be worth it. I may not live to be 115 either, but I'll be smiling none the less.
    Yesterday Jack had smoked a big brisket, and tried his best to get me to taste it....nope, but it did smell Delicious!!
    Roger I liked several of your cartoons...the cat's day that started out so well, before he woke up, and the Advice from a tree...that one could conceivably become my desk top screen!
    Just as a note...Ted got an air compressor I think at Home Depot...its cordless. And it really comes in handy for him, as he is in an apartment, and street parking...I wish I had one, not for the car, but for the wheel barrow, the hand cart, etc all needing occasional re-pressureing! So far, the car tires haven't demanded their change of temp 'two tablespoons' of air pressure. I'm sure that little sensor is a good thing...it just never comes on at a convenient time!!! :)

    I've got to get moving..., really need to be at the gym. Only 3000 steps yesterday...not good.
    Things are slowly improving, and I don't want to give up now!!! I have also been doing the exercise for balance almost daily, and that too is getting better, and that really excites me! Balance is something I do not have, and its really important for this old person to improve it!

    Maybe later???
    Hi Valerie
    I would not mind living to 115 if I am OK mentally and Physically.

    I am glad You liked the humor :)
    Oh...the ps'ssss
    Ed, The egg foo yung looks sooo good. I got that far and had to stop and fix my breakfast...no eggs, but granola, ground flax, cinnamon, a spot of maple syrup, almond milk, and RASPBERRIES....mmmmm. Thought of Roger picking them fresh from his back yard....

    Roger I've been taking my own food about 95% of the time since my NS days. Especially when I was heating up the pizza for the littles. Saved me many a night! So, putting a bowl together made sense. If it hurts Jenn's feelings she's never mentioned it.

    Jack's smoker is nice! He put the brisket in, on low at midnight (00:01) Sunday morning, and it came out at about 5 p.m. It was just done..not pink, not dry, etc. And as I mentioned it smelled just wonderfully delicious. (and at this point most meat does not smell good to me, not pork, beef, especially chicken,,,ick) Now keep in mind I used to eat all that and more...but surely don't miss it. :)

    Ok....color me gone.....again

    I do like the Little NS Pizzas, Both the Frozen and the Shelf Stable ones which have a different texture.

    Not to much to say TBH

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    My compressor uses the 12 volts from the car outlet that used to be for cigarette lighters. I keep it in the car so it's always available for use, as long as the motor can be run anyway. I wouldn't want to try using it without the motor running.

    Its drawback is that it generally can't get more than about 35 PSI into the tire, but for my vehicle that's fine.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    10 WORST things to order at a Chinese restaurant.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    We have friends who have just left Ft. Lauderdale heading up to our place to evacuate from Irma.

    On FaceBook they had seemed to be waffling about leaving or staying, at least up until yesterday, and lots of friends, including me, told them to GET THE *KITTEN* OUT OF THERE! I told them they were welcome to come here though we're likely to get the dregs of the hurricane here too.

    They finally decided after seeing that it looks like Ft. Lauderdale is likely going to be near ground zero! One of them works in the courthouse there and it didn't close until NOON today (will be closed until - or maybe through - at least Monday), and they got out as soon as they could, afterward, after securing their rental house as best they could and making sure (hopefully) that they have all their pets and food for the pets and meds for humans (and pets, if any meds for them) packed up and ready to go. They are on the road now but I know it takes about 13 to 14 hours from there in GOOD traffic and traffic is likely to be insane.

    Hoping they get here by about lunchtime tomorrow. No idea whether they'll drive through or try to find somewhere to get a few hours sleep. Not sure where we'll house their dogs and cat, but we'll figure something out. If necessary they can all stay in the guest room though that would make it an awfully occupied room! We'll probably let the cat out to play if Kiara doesn't drive her nuts...and if Lilo doesn't mind. It would perhaps give Lilo a break from Kiara, and she might like that!

    It was a long weekend. Our Labor Day night guests from Pittsburgh went home yesterday evening. Tonight's dinner was Marco's pizza, delivered, along with a two quart bottle of chilled, unsweet black tea for me. Feeling especially lazy this evening after moving some things around in the guest room to make room for pets and clearing the front walk so they can get to the front door.

    At least the pizza guy didn't have to worry about the four o'clocks eating him! LOL!

    And I have pizza left over for breakfast. And lunch. And maybe dinner, though hopefully by that time T and H will be here and we'll be making something else for dinner. Maybe I should put some beans on to soak and take that ham bone out of the freezer. Hmmmmm.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    What he said....Chinese food in American restaurant...the Chinese don't eat that stuff. Rice, yes, and lots of vegetables...not much meat. They've made stuff that they think will (and it does) make the Americans like it. Oh well...

    Biohacking...seems as though everything's a 'hack' of some sort these days... There's quite a bit of information out there on either intermittent fasting or longer term fasting. I don't think I'd make it!!!! I've experienced ketosis of the non-diabetic ilk. it def. gives you a high, and a lot of energy, and you do lose weight. I'm just not convinced that its a healthy thing to do. This was eons ago in the 60's and my Adkins days...

    Did have a good time at the grocery today! Spent (sit down Roger, take a deep breath), I spent 2 hours at Kroger!!! Yes I did! Spent $58 for the next weeks groceries. Can't complain about that!

    Ok, time to head to the kitchen for some dinner!!! Finally hungry. (I don't get hungry when I spend time at the gym...at least not for a couple hours)...


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    OMG! Two hours at Kroger would ... possibly ... make me ill by itself! Yes, I know I used to spend 8 hours there but that was not 8 hours shopping! I like to get in and out as quickly as possible, and preferably when the store isn't too crowded with customers!

    But $58 is not bad at all for groceries for the week.

    I need to get out and buy groceries. Maybe tomorrow before T and H are due.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 52 out there now with an expected high of 77 and 0% chance of rain.

    Our friends have made it to Valdosta so far and we expect they'll arrive sometime around lunch. I imagine after unpacking and walking the dogs they'll want to just nap the afternoon away!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    Beans and ham bone are going in a slow cooker. Some of the beans are also going with just some salt and water in another slow cooker, for J. I'll probably make fried potatoes and cornbread to go with this. Maybe get out to Aldi or Publix and see if there are any decent looking greens...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    edited September 2017
    Ketchup cake! I've made (and eaten) Surprise Cake, made with tomato soup, and it's really a delicious spice cake that you would never dream has tomato soup in it. So I suspect I'd actually like this. J loves ketchup so maybe I'll make one!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    Home made ice cream rolls, Thai style.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    edited September 2017
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    These sound tasty. And fattening.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2017
    I did some walking this Morning. The temperature this morning was 61 on the news channel and 60 degrees on the front porch and back yard. The rain with stormy weather in the forecast for Yesterday
    Yesterdays forecast rain was on and off all day. When I went out the door this morning I could see it had rained overnight. The Rain was gone from this area by 6AM and there was a little in the 6AM Weather report further south of where I am.

    Once Again we get to avoid having to water the garden :)
    Some clips from Hee Haw to tickle Your Fancy.



    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member




    Oh Oh

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    Loved the Hee Haw bits! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    My compressor uses the 12 volts from the car outlet that used to be for cigarette lighters. I keep it in the car so it's always available for use, as long as the motor can be run anyway. I wouldn't want to try using it without the motor running.

    Its drawback is that it generally can't get more than about 35 PSI into the tire, but for my vehicle that's fine.

    Hi Ed
    That sounds like the one from the Emergency Kit that lives in the Trunk of the Buick now that the Sunbird is gone.

    I would think even if the tires call for more pressure, 35 PSI would be enough to get You off the road to where the tire can be fixed.
    We have friends who have just left Ft. Lauderdale heading up to our place to evacuate from Irma.

    On FaceBook they had seemed to be waffling about leaving or staying, at least up until yesterday, and lots of friends, including me, told them to GET THE *KITTEN* OUT OF THERE! I told them they were welcome to come here though we're likely to get the dregs of the hurricane here too.

    They finally decided after seeing that it looks like Ft. Lauderdale is likely going to be near ground zero! One of them works in the courthouse there and it didn't close until NOON today (will be closed until - or maybe through - at least Monday), and they got out as soon as they could, afterward, after securing their rental house as best they could and making sure (hopefully) that they have all their pets and food for the pets and meds for humans (and pets, if any meds for them) packed up and ready to go. They are on the road now but I know it takes about 13 to 14 hours from there in GOOD traffic and traffic is likely to be insane.

    Hoping they get here by about lunchtime tomorrow. No idea whether they'll drive through or try to find somewhere to get a few hours sleep. Not sure where we'll house their dogs and cat, but we'll figure something out. If necessary they can all stay in the guest room though that would make it an awfully occupied room! We'll probably let the cat out to play if Kiara doesn't drive her nuts...and if Lilo doesn't mind. It would perhaps give Lilo a break from Kiara, and she might like that!

    It was a long weekend. Our Labor Day night guests from Pittsburgh went home yesterday evening. Tonight's dinner was Marco's pizza, delivered, along with a two quart bottle of chilled, unsweet black tea for me. Feeling especially lazy this evening after moving some things around in the guest room to make room for pets and clearing the front walk so they can get to the front door.

    At least the pizza guy didn't have to worry about the four o'clocks eating him! LOL!

    And I have pizza left over for breakfast. And lunch. And maybe dinner, though hopefully by that time T and H will be here and we'll be making something else for dinner. Maybe I should put some beans on to soak and take that ham bone out of the freezer. Hmmmmm.
    I think I would heed the warnings too. I suspect the traffic to be horrendous and that there will be no Lodging available on the roads anywhere between You and them. I saw where they thing it make a second landfall near or on Savannah.

    I have no clue what You mean by the Four O'Clocks eating him, Could You please explain ?
    OMG! Two hours at Kroger would ... possibly ... make me ill by itself! Yes, I know I used to spend 8 hours there but that was not 8 hours shopping! I like to get in and out as quickly as possible, and preferably when the store isn't too crowded with customers!

    But $58 is not bad at all for groceries for the week.

    I need to get out and buy groceries. Maybe tomorrow before T and H are due.
    2 Hours is way longer than I could handle. I have no patience with shopping of any type. I generally manage to get from the car into CostCo and back to the car in 15 or 20 minutes :) The Supermaket may take 5 minutes more simply because I look at the Chilled Refrigeration clearance in the front of the store and the Hot Foods in the back of the store and have to walk farther.
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 52 out there now with an expected high of 77 and 0% chance of rain.

    Our friends have made it to Valdosta so far and we expect they'll arrive sometime around lunch. I imagine after unpacking and walking the dogs they'll want to just nap the afternoon away!
    It sounds as if they are making good time considering what the traffic must be like.
    Beans and ham bone are going in a slow cooker. Some of the beans are also going with just some salt and water in another slow cooker, for J. I'll probably make fried potatoes and cornbread to go with this. Maybe get out to Aldi or Publix and see if there are any decent looking greens...
    That sounds like a delicious meal, Homemade Cornbread, Yum.
    Why? Dear, God...WHY?
    Liver Sausage Pineapple, Yuck.