Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I think I would skip the snack with the receiving line...
    Hi Ed
    I'll pass on those too, What ever happened to proof reading ?
    We finished off the beans and ham for lunch. Tonight's dinner for the evacuees and me is in the oven now. I made a shepherd's pie with a cheesy mashed potato topping. It smells divine. We'll eat sometime shortly after they return from Walgreens.
    That sounds tasty to me.

    I did have a Nathan's Hot Dog on a 40 calorie slice of 647 bread yesterday for my mid morning snack and the scale was kind to me this morning anyway.

    Today I think I will use two slice of the 647 Wheat bread and slightly under a 1/4 pound cooked weight hamburger with a touch of ketchup and a nice big juicy slice of Vine Ripened Tomato from our garden. They are so sweet and juicy this time of year, Much better than the ones from the store. I know the weight of the Hamburger as I vacuum sealed 6+ ounce portions of the hamburger after cooking shortly after I returned home from the store with it the week it was on sale.
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Orchid judging photography today. Regular monthly orchid society meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday night but may be cancelled, depending on the weather forecast for Monday night. That will be decided this afternoon.

    I finished off the shepherd's pie for breakfast. The cats will get their meal shortly.
    I also noticed before I posted that we are on page 199 of this message thread :)

    Enjoy the Judging and Good Luck with the weather
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hey, its me...the tag end of the morning posts!
    I can't even claim I came close to being an 'Early Riser' this morning! I woke about 6:30, made my potty trip, got a drink of water, decided to do my morning guided meditation, I vaguely recall hearing what I assume was the trash haulers, and was shocked when it was 10:15!!! OMG!

    So, I had my coffee, fed Tom E., peeled myself a banana and made a run to the gym. Saw one of my fav. gym members, we chatted for about 10 minutes...I finished my walk, and decided I'd pump some gas into my car, as I was down to half tank, then go to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. Well, I had some 20% off coupons, but they were at home...so added my extra mile to get home, while here looked into my refrigerator, decided against eating lunch out....and knowing what I was likely getting into, left for Costco....ha, ha, ha, ho ho! Traffic was about 6 cars deep in the turn lane just trying to get into the Costco parking lot...and so began the waiting. I got into the lot, and some smart ash had gone around the lot, and was trying to break into line. If there weren't people sitting on the street I might have let him and his HUGE SUV into the line..but nope...this old gray haired lady in her little bitty Honda Fit snuggled up to the pickup in front of me, and you couldn't have walked between us...and still that SUV was coming, and now blocking the lane leaving. I did NOT let him in, ever. Long story short..I had about a 20 - 25 minute time, waiting and pumping gas!
    Hi Valerie
    If I said I'm not surprised by that, People have seen the weather forecast and I suspect that just as happens everywhere they were panic buying. Was the line only for the Gas Station section? If so and I only wanted the other stuff there I'd have left.

    The CostCo by me is in a Big shopping mall that has CostCo in its own building. Likewise for Home Depot and another for Target. Then there is a large strip mall portion that has Bed Bath and Beyond, Michael's Crafts, Kids R us and others in it.

    After You turn in from the Highway You Pass freestanding McDonalds and Chuck E Cheeses on the road to the mall section. On the far side of the malls on the other side of that road is a Minor League Ball park, Where the Somerset Patriots play.
    I'm pretty sure Irma will be draggin' by the time she gets to Atlanta, but our gas is 'iffy' here, as the main pipe line for gas delivery is still down from Harvey, and we do have quite an influx of peeps who will want to go home, etc...so I filled up....the attendant had seen me waiting, ever so patiently, I'd smiled at him at one point when he walked by...as I was capping my tank, he came by and thanked me for being so cheerful and polite while I waited. Guess he didn't see me resist being bullied by a big SUV before I got into his lot!!!

    While I still lived in ATL, there was a hurricane make it to ATL at cat 1, it went west of Atlanta and hit Marietta. It caused quite a stir...several of my neighbors in the building drove up to Marietta to take pictures. I slept. Sooo, I guess it 'could' make it here, but I wouldn't put any money on the table of that happening. Wind, yes, and 'tropical rains' most likely. Hopefully the pine trees hold and don't come get into bed with me.......

    News is on, besides overhead shots of our clogged Interstates, and 92% of our motel, hotel rooms are already full... They opened Atlanta Motor Speedway (Nascar) camping grounds, and the grounds showers and restrooms...I was glad to see that yesterday morning.

    Those poor people in Mexico..that was quite an earthquake. Imagine being sound asleep and THAT happening! I've never felt an earthquake, and it is not on my bucket list to do so!! I'd fall over faster than the wine on the store shelves. :)

    Ok, surely there is a job or two to do around this house.

    TBH if I was a attendant I'd have enough to do watching the pumps as I'm sure there or more than a couple of aisles :)

    I have seen enough storm damage over the years that I never felt to need to go gawk.

    The weather forecasts here were showing Irma as a Tropical Storm by the time it gets to Atlanta.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    While I haven't been to any grocery store as yet, I suspect it's probably about as crazy as it would be around here if someone said they saw a snowflake...

    Might find out this afternoon as I do need a few things from Kroger or Aldi and will try to get J to stop at one or the other on the way home from the photography.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    While I haven't been to any grocery store as yet, I suspect it's probably about as crazy as it would be around here if someone said they saw a snowflake...

    Might find out this afternoon as I do need a few things from Kroger or Aldi and will try to get J to stop at one or the other on the way home from the photography.
    Hi Again
    I suspect You are 110% correct in Your assumption.

    Good Luck at the store
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Guys!
    Roger, when I saw your post it reminded me of something Ted related to me yesterday evening while we chatted on the phone....after the last event in Piedmont Park ended Ted and his dog Maya were able to access the part of the park that had been fenced off for the event...and Ted said he saw what looked like a couple $20 bills on the ground. He left it there, thinking somebody might come back for it...and after the walk the money was still there, so he picked it up...still thinking there was something 'fishy' about it laying out in the open like that...but no, real $20 bills...3 of them! He was laughing that it made my $5.00 bill find while walking with him and Maya around the block a year or so ago look a bit 'anemic'...I guess it did!!! YIKES!

    Morning off to a good start...my chores will be all done when the Fitbit finishes charging, and the clothes are dry in the dryer. So, up next will be to 'destroy' the kitchen.....need to cook some rice, bake a block of Tofu, make mushroom gravy, and another sauce...a garlic and herb sauce said to be delicious on corn on the cob, (and potato, and vegetables, even pasta). Sounds like its good on everything except cold breakfast cereal!!! I'll let you know about how it tastes on my next ear of corn. :)

    I've not watched the news yet, but did see online a bit of whats happening. Barbuda is in a mess...everything flattened by Irma, and Jose, now a Cat 5 is taking aim at it??? Those poor people.

    I saw the wedding snacks...I think I'd pass too. Trying new foods is nice, but it would be one time I'd be HAPPY to say 'no thanks'!!

    Ok, time to face the 26 emails in my inbox....argggg. Hopefully most are trash and I can cut that number to something manageable, before I head for the kitchen...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hope its a good weather weekend for Roger! Ed and I are going to get wet...probably Sun night?
    Cooking up a storm, and cleaning as I go...tried a new recipe the Garlic and Herb one....I may not live. Followed the directions..it said 6 cloves garlic...I think I'll have halitosis til at least Tuesday!! OMG...just way too much garlic...and I love garlic, but this stuff is insane!

    Take care...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    We did get to Kroger after the orchid judging. I had no difficulty getting what I needed, but if I had needed bottled water I'd have been SOL. LOL!

    I did not look in the bread aisle as I didn't need bread. I did need bath soap bars, some sodas, milk (got the last two half gallons of Lactose free Kroger brand milk) and some canned beans. Some of the canned aisle looked a bit depleted but overall the store didn't look TOO bad. The "WooHoo" sections were kind of barren but I didn't really NEED anything from them. I just always look at them.

    I did get more onions, including a bag of Vidalia onions for our guests who wanted some to take with them, as they have trouble sometimes getting them in Florida. And I got a bag for us as well, as I was down to only a few regular sweet yellow onions. I also got a couple of bell peppers, one of which went with an onion and tonight's bratwurst, which was served with roasted garlic mashed potatoes. I have a nice plate of that left over for breakfast or lunch tomorrow too.

    Tomorrow the guests are going to head up to Memphis to visit family there, and then from there will likely head back directly to Ft. Lauderdale to see what's left of it. T isn't sure yet whether the courthouse will be open by Tuesday but if it is then he wants to be back to get to work. He needs the money.

    It's been great having them here to visit. I told them to come back sometime when they are NOT fleeing from a hurricane and don't have to crowd all their pets in with them.

    Right now their dogs are out in the main house and our cats are laying near each other on the bed in the master bedroom, which is closed off from the rest of the house. The cats get a bit nervous about that many dogs and one of them keeps looking at them like they are dinner. Or dessert...and that one has, in the past, killed a cat, so even though he seems like a sweet little dog to humans, we aren't trusting him to not mess with our cats.

    Their cat is currently hiding under the bed in the guest room. She seems to be able, at least so far, to handle herself with all their dogs, including the caticidal dog.

    So early in the morning they'll be taking off to Memphis and it will likely be some time before we see them again.

    It's been a lot of fun cooking for company, but I've been using a LOT more dishes than usual. LOL.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 60 out there now with an expected high of only 73 and 0% chance of rain.

    Tomorrow is another story. Still looking like the dregs of Irma should be arriving sometime tomorrow. We cancelled the Orchid Society meeting for tomorrow night as we don't expect people to be driving to it in severe weather.

    Guess I need to go find some breakfast in the kitchen. Might eat that last plate of bratwurst, but maybe not. I do have some boiled eggs.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    These pants seem to want to lick your bugaboos!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Quick Good Morning..
    Need to feed Tom E. and get in the shower. HOCKEY !!!! Go Nate!
    I'll just about bet I'm as excited about today as Nate is. I miss hockey, though by about May I'll be glad its over for awhile. :)
    Ed, sounds like your household was an interesting place these past few days, what with a possible killer licking its chops, and lots of extra dishes, etc. But glad to know you've enjoyed their visit, and I know they were glad to have a place to 'land' while Irma roars thru FL. Hope all is well when they return home.

    Roger...out walking, hope your weather is as good as ours this morning. Its a long sleeve, light glove morning because of the breezes even though its 60 degrees!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    edited September 2017
    Emmy tastes varieties of Spam. Yes, I know we already saw the Irish people try Spam. Let's see Emmy's take on it.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    Emmy makes ... potato dogs?

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking this Morning + 0 Cents, Oh well. The temperature this morning was 56 on the news channel and 55 degrees on the front porch and back yard. Once again I wore a Long Sleeve Shirt and wore lightly insulated gloves due to the temperature :)

    I did a short run to the ShopRite and Picked up some Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Sausage and a few chunks of Potatoes from their hot food section. I have portioned them into breakfast, Lunch etc. I also Picked up a nice looking Cooked Turkey Breast half to use as a protein starting tomorrow.

    Once again not much on my agenda for today. Maybe I'll kill time on that there Internet Thingy once again :)

    Some Interesting ? Links, Well interesting to me anyway.
    Leominster Man Kills Brother In Fight Over Internet Bandwidth, Police Say
    September 6, 2017 5:39 PM

    College Activists March on the Cafeteria: What Do We Want? Hydroponic Cilantro!

    Troublesome :(
    Korea Nuclear Test Furthers EMP Bomb
    Pyongyang reports 'EMP might' of nuclear arms
    BY: Bill Gertz Follow @BillGertz, September 6, 2017 5:00 am

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hey Guys!
    Roger, when I saw your post it reminded me of something Ted related to me yesterday evening while we chatted on the phone....after the last event in Piedmont Park ended Ted and his dog Maya were able to access the part of the park that had been fenced off for the event...and Ted said he saw what looked like a couple $20 bills on the ground. He left it there, thinking somebody might come back for it...and after the walk the money was still there, so he picked it up...still thinking there was something 'fishy' about it laying out in the open like that...but no, real $20 bills...3 of them! He was laughing that it made my $5.00 bill find while walking with him and Maya around the block a year or so ago look a bit 'anemic'...I guess it did!!! YIKES!
    Hi Valerie
    Wow, What a find, I suspect someone has ended up unhappy however, That is a nice score. I suspect I haven't picked that much all year to date :(
    Morning off to a good start...my chores will be all done when the Fitbit finishes charging, and the clothes are dry in the dryer. So, up next will be to 'destroy' the kitchen.....need to cook some rice, bake a block of Tofu, make mushroom gravy, and another sauce...a garlic and herb sauce said to be delicious on corn on the cob, (and potato, and vegetables, even pasta). Sounds like its good on everything except cold breakfast cereal!!! I'll let you know about how it tastes on my next ear of corn. :)

    I've not watched the news yet, but did see online a bit of whats happening. Barbuda is in a mess...everything flattened by Irma, and Jose, now a Cat 5 is taking aim at it??? Those poor people.

    I saw the wedding snacks...I think I'd pass too. Trying new foods is nice, but it would be one time I'd be HAPPY to say 'no thanks'!!

    Ok, time to face the 26 emails in my inbox....argggg. Hopefully most are trash and I can cut that number to something manageable, before I head for the kitchen...

    FWIW that is one advantage of using the cheapo FitBit, When I get the alert email from FitBit that the battery is low I just pull the old one a CR-2025 and replace it. I got Duracells cheap on Amazon :) I get around three months. The fewer battery powered devices I have that I need to remember to charge the better. It is tough enough between the Flip Phone, and the iPod needing to be charged weekly and the Electrically heated Gloves and Mittens that is enough for me.

    I just heard a few minutes ago that they have already had deaths in Florida.
    Update says three now.
    Irma blamed for 3 deaths in Florida
    Posted: Sunday, September 10, 2017 7:52 AM EDT
    Updated: Sunday, September 10, 2017 8:40 AM EDT

    What a Piker :) Only 26 emails, I should be so lucky.
    Hope its a good weather weekend for Roger! Ed and I are going to get wet...probably Sun night?
    Cooking up a storm, and cleaning as I go...tried a new recipe the Garlic and Herb one....I may not live. Followed the directions..it said 6 cloves garlic...I think I'll have halitosis til at least Tuesday!! OMG...just way too much garlic...and I love garlic, but this stuff is insane!

    Take care...
    It appears that You will get wet, Not nearly as wet as parts of Florida.

    Not a huge fan of more than a touch of Garlic. For example a Few cloves in a large pot of Tomato Gravy along with lots of meat to go on Sphagetti.
    Quick Good Morning..
    Need to feed Tom E. and get in the shower. HOCKEY !!!! Go Nate!
    I'll just about bet I'm as excited about today as Nate is. I miss hockey, though by about May I'll be glad its over for awhile. :)
    Ed, sounds like your household was an interesting place these past few days, what with a possible killer licking its chops, and lots of extra dishes, etc. But glad to know you've enjoyed their visit, and I know they were glad to have a place to 'land' while Irma roars thru FL. Hope all is well when they return home.

    Roger...out walking, hope your weather is as good as ours this morning. Its a long sleeve, light glove morning because of the breezes even though its 60 degrees!


    You are dressed the same as I am while walking lately. Long Sleeve light shirt, Walking Shorts, and Light Gloves. Where I feel the cold is in the fingers. When I take the gloves off to clear my nose the fingers do not warm up well unless I put them on a warm part of my body.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    We did get to Kroger after the orchid judging. I had no difficulty getting what I needed, but if I had needed bottled water I'd have been SOL. LOL!

    I did not look in the bread aisle as I didn't need bread. I did need bath soap bars, some sodas, milk (got the last two half gallons of Lactose free Kroger brand milk) and some canned beans. Some of the canned aisle looked a bit depleted but overall the store didn't look TOO bad. The "WooHoo" sections were kind of barren but I didn't really NEED anything from them. I just always look at them.

    I did get more onions, including a bag of Vidalia onions for our guests who wanted some to take with them, as they have trouble sometimes getting them in Florida. And I got a bag for us as well, as I was down to only a few regular sweet yellow onions. I also got a couple of bell peppers, one of which went with an onion and tonight's bratwurst, which was served with roasted garlic mashed potatoes. I have a nice plate of that left over for breakfast or lunch tomorrow too.

    Tomorrow the guests are going to head up to Memphis to visit family there, and then from there will likely head back directly to Ft. Lauderdale to see what's left of it. T isn't sure yet whether the courthouse will be open by Tuesday but if it is then he wants to be back to get to work. He needs the money.

    It's been great having them here to visit. I told them to come back sometime when they are NOT fleeing from a hurricane and don't have to crowd all their pets in with them.

    Right now their dogs are out in the main house and our cats are laying near each other on the bed in the master bedroom, which is closed off from the rest of the house. The cats get a bit nervous about that many dogs and one of them keeps looking at them like they are dinner. Or dessert...and that one has, in the past, killed a cat, so even though he seems like a sweet little dog to humans, we aren't trusting him to not mess with our cats.

    Their cat is currently hiding under the bed in the guest room. She seems to be able, at least so far, to handle herself with all their dogs, including the caticidal dog.

    So early in the morning they'll be taking off to Memphis and it will likely be some time before we see them again.

    It's been a lot of fun cooking for company, but I've been using a LOT more dishes than usual. LOL.
    Hi Ed
    I'm not surprised by the items that were out of stock or low stock. Around here when they say a snowstorm is coming the Bread, Eggs, Milk and Water disappear off of the shelves.

    Your mention of Vidalia Onions reminded me that Vidalia Onion Pie is tasty. This is a recipe for one.
    Vidalia Onion Pie
    "A light dinner of Vidalia onion pie, a nice salad on the side, and a ice cold glass of homemade lemonade is perfect for hot summer nights! Optional additions can be sweet red pepper to the onions as they cook and/or crumbled bacon or fresh ham bits may be added to the mixture prior to baking. All versions are great! If desired, a couple Vidalia onion rings look great on the top of the pie for decoration!"

    new term to me, Caticidal Dog.
    I hope things come out OK when they get home.
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 60 out there now with an expected high of only 73 and 0% chance of rain.

    Tomorrow is another story. Still looking like the dregs of Irma should be arriving sometime tomorrow. We cancelled the Orchid Society meeting for tomorrow night as we don't expect people to be driving to it in severe weather.

    Guess I need to go find some breakfast in the kitchen. Might eat that last plate of bratwurst, but maybe not. I do have some boiled eggs.
    I hope that wet is all Your area gets from Irma.

    If I said that to me the Potato Dogs sound tasty. OTOH I like Jimmy Buffs Italian Hot Dogs that are a Italian Round bread, Fried Onion, Potatoes, Peppers and 1 or two Hot Dogs depending if a Single or Double is ordered. Mustard is used on the bread unless You ask for none. Very Tasty if Greasy due to everything except the bread being Cooked in a fryer.

    Stay Dry
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,183 Member
    The potato dog sounds quite tasty to me too, but I definitely don't need to be eating that.