Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Unlimited booze sounds fun, but not as important as HOW MUCH FOOD AND WATER do they have on the ship? Still, as long as it can stay in safe waters and keep the passengers fed and entertained, I doubt they'll get TOO many complaints because they had to change their scheduled stops...

    I've read the bit about red meat before, but have my doubts as well. Millions, perhaps billions of people eat a lot of red meat without becoming diabetic. I suspect its still more in the genes. Maybe the red meat makes it just a hair more likely if you are already genetically disposed in that direction?
    Hi Ed
    I suspect that they have enough food, The Menu may get boring but will feed them OK. First thing to go would likely be fresh Fruit & Vegetables.

    I have a feeling You may be onto something. How many centuries have people been eating Poultry for example.
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 59 out there now with an expected high of only 64 and 70% chance of rain. Where the rain does fall, it will be morning showers, supposedly, then cloudy and then late afternoon scattered showers. Haven't looked to see what it's like out there right now.

    I've eaten. The cats are eating. I need to clear the dishwasher and then clear the sink into the dishwasher. I also need to go and see if I can get a few groceries at Aldi and pick up some cat food for Kiara.

    Regular garbage is still at the curb, though the recycles got picked up yesterday.
    I saw a bottom crawl this morning on the local cable news channel before I headed out that there was a death attributed to Irma in Ga.

    Good Luck getting rid of the garbage and the Grocery run.

    P.S. Thanks for the links, I would pass on that old a MRE too.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I think, hope, wish this day is over. Wind for ever, and rain, and rain, and rain....it got weary some by about 4p. All day, electricity blinked off and back on, and I consider that fortunate, as about half a billion peeps in our area without power. Friend of mine posted 'Pop goes the Transformer'...meaning they have no electricity in the foreseeable future. Planning to have cocktails til all the ice has melted!!! Silly goofs!

    Concerned for Tom E. He's been in all day. Wanted no part of being outside, and I cannot blame him...but I also don't see where either of the 2 litter boxes has been used????? And he snacked and ate all day long...bored as I was I think.

    His straw bed on the porch swing got wet, so he got a new bed tonite. He's out there now. Can't decide ...leave well enough alone and let him sleep in his new bedding....or call him in for the night and risk a demanding Meow outside my bedroom door all night long???
    I think he'll be fine outside..

    Ok, I'm heading to bed....ate almost all of my roasted veggies this afternoon, then ate junk all evening...tummy not exactly happy. LOL!

    See you in the morning.

    Hi Valerie
    I would have left the ice in the freezer to help keep the the frozen from spoiling and hope I could lay my hands on some dry ice to do a better job keeping it well frozen.

    It does sound a if You got lucky with the power.

    I have noticed that Junk Food does that to me too... And I used to be able to eat it and loved it :)

    Good Luck with the Cat
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    edited September 2017
    Speaking of cats...cat owners taste CAT FOOD!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning,
    I just lost my post by going back to refer to the Tesla post from Roger...I was wondering if my little Fitbit has the same 'limits' ? I've been a bit concerned as the old one from 2012 would hold a charge for a week.. (they charge via USB, no removable batteries) this new one, about a year old needs charge at least 2 Xs a week.

    Ed....the shells grow on small trees or bushes much like hazel nuts, and what Annie uses for their mac & cheese are indeed the shells...the seeds are collected and we buy them packaged as Couscous. The larger Israeli seeds are from the tree form, and the small regular size from the tall bush types. :):) (You asked!!!! LOL!!)
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited September 2017
    OH the Internet gods are looking out for you both....
    There was a rather long, fact based rant about 'red meat' and diabetes that you don't have to read, because it didn't post. I went back and opened windows, undo didn't help either...
    Just know The World Health Organization predicts that by 2030 diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death. and the "CDC report from July 2017 reports that 'diabetes IS the 7th leading cause of death in the US....and further reports that one third of US adults have pre-diabetes," (which will convert to diabetes within 5 years unless diet changes are made..) parenthesis is mine, from other studies.
    Please do not blame 'red meat'...include ALL meat, and dairy, and Oil. in that category.
    Scrap the rest of the rant! Too bad as I spent a good part of my morning researching reliable sources of information.
    But I do wish I knew why it didn't post.
    Ok...heading for the gym...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    Ed....the shells grow on small trees or bushes much like hazel nuts, and what Annie uses for their mac & cheese are indeed the shells...the seeds are collected and we buy them packaged as Couscous. The larger Israeli seeds are from the tree form, and the small regular size from the tall bush types. :):) (You asked!!!! LOL!!)

    That gave me a great after lunch laugh!

    I did manage, despite my bad knee being especially bad today (thanks Irma?) to get to Walgreens for a scrip and then to Aldi for some groceries. Got home, prepared lunch for both of us, while the cats tussled on the kitchen floor. Kiara always gets so excited when either of us (or both) come home from somewhere, regardless of how long we were gone.

    She has learned that she can jump up on to the kitchen table. I won't even try to train that completely out of her, but will attempt to at least get her to NOT DO THAT while I'm eating. Her usual landing zone isn't going to be in my food or anything, but it's still rather annoying to have her prowling around on the table and possibly trying to get my food. I know it's probably useless to try to train it completely out of her because she is a cat and cats don't learn to not do things. They learn to not get CAUGHT doing things, which can lead to them trying to get away in too much of a hurry, if they think they are about to get caught, and being actually more likely to have accidents in the process.

    As a precaution, all glass and ceramic items have been removed from the table and I placed a wooden salt shaker/pepper grinder combination on the table instead. Now have to find my little jar of peppercorns as the ones in it won't last too long. I can still retrieve the ceramic shakers for temporary use, while I'm at the table, if necessary.

    I haven't seen her really trying to knock things off the table, but she has been known to knock things off of other surfaces so I would not trust that she won't!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Heading to the doc to discuss recent bloodwork.

    Maybe (probably) laundry when I return, after stopping at Kroger and PetSmart.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    Spicy Cheese Ramen challenge

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking this Morning and still + 0 Cents, Oh well. The temperature this morning was 59 on the news channel and 61 degrees on the front porch and back yard.

    Some Interesting ? Links, Well interesting to me anyway.
    Britain's biggest rocket fuelled by burned tyres blasts off in pursuit of space tourism dream
    By Victoria Ward, 11 September 2017 • 9:03pm

    130-tonne 'monster fatberg' clogs London sewer
    AFPSeptember 12, 2017

    99-year-old grandpa still works on the family farm, providing an example for his kids and grandkids
    By Blake Ursch / World-Herald staff writer Sep 12, 2017 Updated 17 hrs ago

    A $150 Billion Misfire: How Disaster Models Got Irma Wrong
    By Brian K Sullivan, September 11, 2017, 7:50 PM EDT, September 12, 2017, 1:10 PM EDT

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Into each life ...




  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning,
    I just lost my post by going back to refer to the Tesla post from Roger...I was wondering if my little Fitbit has the same 'limits' ? I've been a bit concerned as the old one from 2012 would hold a charge for a week.. (they charge via USB, no removable batteries) this new one, about a year old needs charge at least 2 Xs a week.

    Ed....the shells grow on small trees or bushes much like hazel nuts, and what Annie uses for their mac & cheese are indeed the shells...the seeds are collected and we buy them packaged as Couscous. The larger Israeli seeds are from the tree form, and the small regular size from the tall bush types. :):) (You asked!!!! LOL!!)

    Hi Valerie
    I'm sorry to hear that You lost the post, I hate it when that happens.

    I suspect that could be the reason or it could be that the new Fitbit is doing more thus using more energy. I think I would call FitBit and ask why, maybe they'll do something to help.

    I did see this when I looked, I looked since I was curious.
    Can I improve my tracker's battery life?

    The length of time your tracker can operate on a full charge depends on how frequently you use it and various settings. This article provides battery life estimates and tips for turning off features you don't need when you want to prioritize battery life. To make sure you're charging your tracker correctly, see How do I charge my tracker?

    and this one.
    There are a number of different variables that may factor into battery life, as your tracker's battery life will be determined by your settings and interaction with it. Variables to consider include:

    - The number of silent alarms you have set
    - How many call notifications you receive
    - How often you tap the device or press the button to check your daily stats
    - All-day or frequent syncing

    To maximize the battery life on your device, you can disable these more power hungry features from time-to-time

    maybe those link will help?
    OH the Internet gods are looking out for you both....
    There was a rather long, fact based rant about 'red meat' and diabetes that you don't have to read, because it didn't post. I went back and opened windows, undo didn't help either...
    Just know The World Health Organization predicts that by 2030 diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death. and the "CDC report from July 2017 reports that 'diabetes IS the 7th leading cause of death in the US....and further reports that one third of US adults have pre-diabetes," (which will convert to diabetes within 5 years unless diet changes are made..) parenthesis is mine, from other studies.
    Please do not blame 'red meat'...include ALL meat, and dairy, and Oil. in that category.
    Scrap the rest of the rant! Too bad as I spent a good part of my morning researching reliable sources of information.
    But I do wish I knew why it didn't post.
    Ok...heading for the gym...
    I can believe the part of the High Pre-Diabetes as I was in the category for a fair length of time. That changed when I went on NS, Lost weight and changed what I eat as a result. I used to eat lots of starches and Sugary foods :)

    Good Luck with the FitBit
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Ed....the shells grow on small trees or bushes much like hazel nuts, and what Annie uses for their mac & cheese are indeed the shells...the seeds are collected and we buy them packaged as Couscous. The larger Israeli seeds are from the tree form, and the small regular size from the tall bush types. :):) (You asked!!!! LOL!!)

    That gave me a great after lunch laugh!

    I did manage, despite my bad knee being especially bad today (thanks Irma?) to get to Walgreens for a scrip and then to Aldi for some groceries. Got home, prepared lunch for both of us, while the cats tussled on the kitchen floor. Kiara always gets so excited when either of us (or both) come home from somewhere, regardless of how long we were gone.

    She has learned that she can jump up on to the kitchen table. I won't even try to train that completely out of her, but will attempt to at least get her to NOT DO THAT while I'm eating. Her usual landing zone isn't going to be in my food or anything, but it's still rather annoying to have her prowling around on the table and possibly trying to get my food. I know it's probably useless to try to train it completely out of her because she is a cat and cats don't learn to not do things. They learn to not get CAUGHT doing things, which can lead to them trying to get away in too much of a hurry, if they think they are about to get caught, and being actually more likely to have accidents in the process.

    As a precaution, all glass and ceramic items have been removed from the table and I placed a wooden salt shaker/pepper grinder combination on the table instead. Now have to find my little jar of peppercorns as the ones in it won't last too long. I can still retrieve the ceramic shakers for temporary use, while I'm at the table, if necessary.

    I haven't seen her really trying to knock things off the table, but she has been known to knock things off of other surfaces so I would not trust that she won't!
    Hi Ed
    I have a bit of stiffness and soreness in the knees for the first couple of blocks then they start to feel better.

    I suspect that both of Your guesses are correct. The knees could be affected by the Weather, maybe the pressure change and the Cats learning to not get caught.
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Heading to the doc to discuss recent bloodwork.

    Maybe (probably) laundry when I return, after stopping at Kroger and PetSmart.
    I hope the discussion is not related to any problems in the blood work results.

    Good Luck
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Quick hello then off to my shower, and Kroger and the gym. and lastly, my weekly chat with Jack. I think we're going to have to change our day...as he works from home 3 days a week. So, I know he was planning to go to the office yesterday...not sure where he intends to be today!
    I'm expecting some sunshine today, Please!!!!
    Will check on my settings for Fitbit later today. It could be the answer.
    Ed, did the cats get you? Or maybe you got away for a quick morning nap to finish up your sleep from last night. Hope all is well.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    edited September 2017
    Blood work results were all looking pretty good. We have to discuss the results in the office or how can he bill my insurance for an office visit? And he also always listens to my heart, pokes here and there, and we discuss general health things and any issues. Could we do most of this over the phone? Yes, we could, but billing gets complicated then and he can't do a true physical assessment. Maybe one day when we perfect holographic technology to the point where we can do all that remotely...but I suspect I'll be long gone from this existence by then.

    Laundry is now going, as expected (see my earlier post) and pondering dishwasher as well. Cats are happy again because their food bowls are more than half full.

    Earlier, Kiara wanted to play with my little pill bottle of breakfast meds and supplements so I had to stick it in my pocket until I was ready to swallow them.

    I couldn't remember what I needed from Kroger, other than ketchup, so didn't stop there. My knee was slightly wrenched getting out of the car at the doctor's office so I was trying to give it a rest, which worked. It's still unhappy, but it has been for days, and doesn't feel any worse than "normal" for it when weather has changed drastically.

    The sun was out for my drive home, and I did stop at PetSmart to buy food for Kiara and mealworms for the sugar gliders, and then across the street to Aldi for bottled water (yes, fun with a bad knee, but I managed), milk, and some potato stick snacks for J. I might eat a handful too. I ate some of his bag of them last night and they ARE delicious.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Quick hello then off to my shower, and Kroger and the gym. and lastly, my weekly chat with Jack. I think we're going to have to change our day...as he works from home 3 days a week. So, I know he was planning to go to the office yesterday...not sure where he intends to be today!
    I'm expecting some sunshine today, Please!!!!
    Will check on my settings for Fitbit later today. It could be the answer.
    Ed, did the cats get you? Or maybe you got away for a quick morning nap to finish up your sleep from last night. Hope all is well.

    Hi Valerie
    I am going to let my Brother do The grocery store run as all I need, Want, is a Loaf of the 647 bread. While he does that I'll do my bank run :) I would walk there during my morning walk except that would put me out later than I really want. if I get started later I end up dodging traffic this time of year from mostly Mothers dropping off their children. If I said they seem somewhat oblivious to pedestrians which is strange since there are also children that walk to school...
    The Other option is stop for breakfast and hope that with lots of time to kill I do not overeat, Nope, I think I'll just drive later in the day. The 7 day forecast shows highs in the low 80s which is not the most comfortable to walk in :)

    As I look out the window it has stopped raining. We seem to have had an hours worth of rain this afternoon. There is a possibility of more later too.

    Enjoy Your chat
    Good Luck with the FitBit, Hopefully the settings are the answer.