Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • ahrengirl
    ahrengirl Posts: 34 Member
    Hey group! To Chicago on Thursday and back to Georgia this morning. These Monday morning commutes are rough. Up at 4:45 am to the airport by 7 am and to my desk in by 1 pm. Stopped by Vegreen for dinner. I think tomorrow night I will venture away from the hotel a little further.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Forgot to say that the cartoons and video's were all entertaining, funny, and some informative! I'm really tired..off to bed with these old tired bones. Annnndddd Tom E has returned. Good Night!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 65 out there now with an expected high of 76 and 80% chance of rain. I think I'll do my best to stay in today. And if it is a rainy day, that would be perfect for a nap!

    I included some Fiery Red Beets as part of my breakfast and they aren't fooling around! Cleared my sinuses. Very tasty though.

    When I finish off the beets, I'll probably be dropping a peeled, boiled egg in there to make a super spicy pink pickled egg.

    I already have two eggs pickling in the leftover brine from some pickled jalapeño slices that one of J's uncles (I think) made. As J took the last of the slices from the jar the question arose as to whether I wanted to save the brine for anything and I suddenly realized that I already had peeled, boiled eggs in the refrigerator so I decided to drop a couple in there and out it all back in the refrigerator for two to four weeks. I feel like they'll probably be good.

    I think there will only be room for one in the pink brine from the beets, as it's a rather small jar, but we'll see. I still have to finish off the beets. J and I both ate some yesterday and I had some this morning. Maybe by tomorrow we can finish those off and I can get another egg pickling.

    I've eaten. The cats will be fed soon. Lilo has had her pill and her Tuesday shot.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    Another "satisfying" video.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    11/06/2017 100%

    I did some more walking this Morning. The temperature this morning was 37 on the porch and 42 on the cable channel. I wore a Sweat shirt, and Hoodie and used heated gloves.
    I voted on the way to pick up my morning coffee, I was the second voter at the section that covers my area and name.

    State’s border security planes fly over San Antonio neighborhoods
    By Allie Morris, Austin Bureau, November 4, 2017
    Updated: November 4, 2017 7:36pm

    Berks County Man Kills Woman After Failed Marriage Proposal
    November 3, 2017 11:59 PM By Alicia Nieves

    Man crawls through baggage carousel, sneaks onto tarmac at Miami airport
    By Monique O. Madan, November 05, 2017 8:01 PM

    How Many Robots Does It Take to Fill a Grocery Order?
    By Jing Cao, November 6, 2017, 5:00 AM EST

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I would love to order a Extra Cheese and Extra Pepperoni thin crust Pizza, OTOH I am sure it would not have leftovers so I have so far resisted the temptation :)

    J had just Extra Cheese and I had Pepperoni and Sausage, which otherwise used to be known as "combination" pizza when seen in the frozen food section. We did not have frozen, but ordered in. I know I ate two slices of my large, thin crust combination pizza. Not sure how many slices of the Extra Cheese pizza were eaten, but I think maybe half the pizza, which would have been four slices, and would not be unusual.

    My breakfast this morning was, of course easy to prepare, as it was just two slices of pizza, leaving me with four more slices left.

    I expect lunch and dinner will probably be the same.
    Hi Ed
    I will admit that in the past my Brother and I have been known to polish off a large Pizza Between us, And depending on where it is from a Extra Large AKA 24 Inch Pizza.
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 65 out there now with an expected high of 76 and 80% chance of rain. I think I'll do my best to stay in today. And if it is a rainy day, that would be perfect for a nap!

    I included some Fiery Red Beets as part of my breakfast and they aren't fooling around! Cleared my sinuses. Very tasty though.

    When I finish off the beets, I'll probably be dropping a peeled, boiled egg in there to make a super spicy pink pickled egg.

    I already have two eggs pickling in the leftover brine from some pickled jalapeño slices that one of J's uncles (I think) made. As J took the last of the slices from the jar the question arose as to whether I wanted to save the brine for anything and I suddenly realized that I already had peeled, boiled eggs in the refrigerator so I decided to drop a couple in there and out it all back in the refrigerator for two to four weeks. I feel like they'll probably be good.

    I think there will only be room for one in the pink brine from the beets, as it's a rather small jar, but we'll see. I still have to finish off the beets. J and I both ate some yesterday and I had some this morning. Maybe by tomorrow we can finish those off and I can get another egg pickling.

    I've eaten. The cats will be fed soon. Lilo has had her pill and her Tuesday shot.
    The backyard was 50 degrees when I arrived back home. This room was 61 degrees so I have turned on the heat.
    Although the Sun is shining there is Rain in the forecast for this afternoon.

    My Brother did make pickled eggs recently and Put beets in to pickle and to color the eggs :)

    Stay Dry
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Late I know...
    I hit the ground running this morning...I've done 4 loads of laundry, cooked beets, lentils, and rice (individually) in the IP while doing kp, and later cleared the sink and counters...I managed to squeeze in a quick nap, watch an hour and a half video, ate something I'd been looking at for awhile...WF carries these, maybe other places too...Beyond Meat is the brand, and it looks like 2 hamburger patties. But its apparently Vegan. It was reasonably good...but made with way to much cr@p stuff to make it resemble food. Anyhow, now I know!

    What else did I do today??? I don't remember. Its dark out for awhile now, and I think its bedtime...and I'd go to bed right now if I could find my cat. I opened the screen door earlier, and he must have gone out when I wasn't looking...Best start calling him. I put him out last night and it took him nearly forever to come back...I don't want to wait up that long for him tonite. Its supposed to only be 64 degrees tonite...he for sure won't freeze will he?

    Hi Valerie
    You have been busy :)

    As You say, Now You know and I have a suspicion that You will not be buying them again.

    64 degrees, I should be so lucky.
    Forgot to say that the cartoons and video's were all entertaining, funny, and some informative! I'm really tired..off to bed with these old tired bones. Annnndddd Tom E has returned. Good Night!
    Thank You for that feedback and Your Cat was back in time...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    ahrengirl wrote: »
    Hey group! To Chicago on Thursday and back to Georgia this morning. These Monday morning commutes are rough. Up at 4:45 am to the airport by 7 am and to my desk in by 1 pm. Stopped by Vegreen for dinner. I think tomorrow night I will venture away from the hotel a little further.

    if I said Your Monday sounds tiring...

    Good Luck finding different foods You like, Eating in just one place has benefits and drawbacks.
  • ahrengirl
    ahrengirl Posts: 34 Member
    I decided to stick close to the hotel for dinner. Feeling tired. Love all the sign postings... so funny. Now I am debating between a nice glass of wine with my feet up or some cardio back at the hotel. I think that the wine will win followed by an early bedtime. I’ve been in meetings all day. It’s part of the deal with not being in this office everyday. I won’t be back here until after Thanksgiving. Next week I head to San Diego!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Ahren!
    Good to see you this week..Your Monday trips to ATL are surely arduous!
    San Diego for work?, rest? fun?...etc. hopefully the trip does not begin at 4:45! That's just too early for anything!
    I love Ed and Rogers cartoons and vid's. Always entertaining!
    Hope you had a good dinner, and a lovely glass of wine, and are now asleep! I'm waiting on Cat! This is a new thing with him. Not sure what's up.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey, I don't see my morning post??? Don't tell me the internet trolls stole it again?!?!??!
    Not a busy day today.... Folded that last load of clothes from yesterday, made my breakfast, hit the gym, got home just after the rains started, fixed either a very late lunch or something, and about 3hours later decided I needed to eat again.
    So, well fed, waiting on Tom E. Wonder what he does during this late evening adventure? Not a girl friend...so then if not that, what?
    Gonna call him, go get into my jammies and stand in the doorway tapping my toes after that. LOL!
    See you in the morning....shopping will be high on my list, as big rain day on Thursday, and no real interest in shopping on Friday....
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!

    58 out there now with an expected high of 62 and 40% chance of rain.

    I need to get some breakfast together for me and for the cats.

    Maybe some laundry and maybe just a teensy bit of shopping.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    edited November 2017
    We had one of these, and liked it well enough. But the blades tended to bend if you weren't really careful in using it. Let's see how Emmy does with it! I see hers only slices and dices, but does not wedge. That was also true of ours. We did not have the wedger blade.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    For all the inquiring minds who wanted to know how paper cups are made.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    OK. I've had breakfast and the cats will shortly get theirs. I've emptied the dishwasher and cleared the sink. Now I'm working on my first mug of hot tea for the day.

    Oh, I also finished off the Flaming Red Beets and put one boiled egg into the brine to pickle. I finished off the rest of the pre-boiled eggs for breakfast so time for more I guess, but not necessarily right away. I don't have all that many fresh eggs in there anyway.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some more walking this Morning + 1 Cent. The temperature this morning was 38 on the porch and 39 on the cable channel. I wore a Sweat shirt, and Hoodie and used heated gloves. It is now 48 degrees in the backyard.

    Mumps Makes a Comeback, Even Among the Vaccinated
    By PERRI KLASS, M.D. NOV. 6, 2017

    Unhealthy Decisions: 4 In 10 Healthcare Professionals Still Work When Sick
    6Nov - by Calum Mckinney

    Alcohol is a direct cause of seven ​​forms of cancer, finds study
    This article is 1 year old
    Denis Campbell Health policy editor, Thursday 21 July 2016 19.15 EDT

    Drugstore pain pills as effective as opioids in ER patients
    By LINDSEY TANNER, Yesterday

    Ditching Smartphones: ‘Dumbphones’ With Basic Functions Appealing To Some
    November 6, 2017 11:48 PM By Nicole Brewer

    Dementia now Britain’s biggest killer, overtaking heart disease for first time
    By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor, 7 November 2017 • 5:56pm

    For 128 years, bug stuck in Van Gogh’s painting went unnoticed
    By Matt Campbell, November 06, 2017 3:58 PM

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    ahrengirl wrote: »
    I decided to stick close to the hotel for dinner. Feeling tired. Love all the sign postings... so funny. Now I am debating between a nice glass of wine with my feet up or some cardio back at the hotel. I think that the wine will win followed by an early bedtime. I’ve been in meetings all day. It’s part of the deal with not being in this office everyday. I won’t be back here until after Thanksgiving. Next week I head to San Diego!
    I can understand feeling tired. I'm glad to hear You are enjoying the humor :)

    Your job seems to send You all over, Troubleshooter ?

    Enjoy Diego
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hey Ahren!
    Good to see you this week..Your Monday trips to ATL are surely arduous!
    San Diego for work?, rest? fun?...etc. hopefully the trip does not begin at 4:45! That's just too early for anything!
    I love Ed and Rogers cartoons and vid's. Always entertaining!
    Hope you had a good dinner, and a lovely glass of wine, and are now asleep! I'm waiting on Cat! This is a new thing with him. Not sure what's up.

    Hi Valerie
    As I understand it Cats will do what they feel like.
    Hey, I don't see my morning post??? Don't tell me the internet trolls stole it again?!?!??!
    Not a busy day today.... Folded that last load of clothes from yesterday, made my breakfast, hit the gym, got home just after the rains started, fixed either a very late lunch or something, and about 3hours later decided I needed to eat again.
    So, well fed, waiting on Tom E. Wonder what he does during this late evening adventure? Not a girl friend...so then if not that, what?
    Gonna call him, go get into my jammies and stand in the doorway tapping my toes after that. LOL!
    See you in the morning....shopping will be high on my list, as big rain day on Thursday, and no real interest in shopping on Friday....
    I do not recall seeing one either, I did see an afternoon post OTOH.

    Nothing wrong with having an easy day IMO.

    I do not think that standing there tapping Your toes will do anything beyond having You feel chilled.

    The latest forecast I saw last night shows Friday's Overnight lows at 25 degrees which is colder than what they were showing Monday :(

    Have a Nice Day