Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Taking a quick break from blowing and mowing leaves. Maybe only 5% leaf fall, but if I wait til there seems to be a lot, then the job is too big for me to handle. Only doing the driveway and the garage side of the house..maybe 5 passes with the mower.

    Roger, to have requested a doggie bag, I would have needed to have food I couldn't eat...but...I ate it all! Too good to stop! I did take the tea from my tea pot (you know the french press thingy), and immediately in Kroger saw a big french press (6 cups big) and bought it. Have my tea setting out, and after dinner will brew a couple cups to drink while I read Face Book or something....

    I have mixed feelings about kids being banned from some eateries...yes it is the right of the owner to fix age limits...it is also up to the parents to come prepared to keep the little dears engaged while they wait for food, etc. Sooner or later they do have to learn to sit, to speak in softer quieter volumes, etc. I don't think they get taught things like that anymore, which is why restaurant are setting age limits. So, its like a dog chasing its tail...

    I really don't eat boxed cereals, and I needed this to make Emmy's granola bars! So I forked over $3.50 for chocolate rice crispies! The Granola bars are very good, though mine never did get solidly set up...but they're tasty. Kinda like that pot of fudge that just wasn't cooked quite long enough, you know the one you set in the refrigerator, pan and all, and eat it with a spoon!!!

    Ok, I've had my glass of water, and gonna have a bite of granola bar, and I'll be heading back outdoors for round two of Valerie vs The Leaves!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    edited November 2017
    The orchid auction was pretty successful, and we sold every single plant that was donated, along with a few that had been brought along in case there didn't seem enough. There was enough but we went overtime and sold all the extra ones too.

    For a change, I didn't bring ANY food. I did bring the foam plates, paper napkins, the plastic cutlery, the drinking cups, a case of bottled water (junior size bottles), 20 pounds of ice, and the ice bowl. All of that collateral stuff is under my domain as the hospitality coordinator, even though this wasn't actually a meeting, and my name was in the alphabetic range to bring "drinks" so I decided to bring the water as I figured none of the other drink bringers would bring that. I was correct and only brought home 4 junior size bottles of water so they'll be donated to the next meeting's drinks. Water was popular.

    J had to be out of town for something else, so I didn't need to make a vegetarian dish to bring. Any vegetarians who did show up would have had to basically eat macaroni salads, mac and cheese, bread, one tossed salad, and dessert.

    Vegans would have had the tossed salad and that's it. As usual, not too many people bring vegan or even vegetarian dishes. I was actually a little surprised to see mac and cheese. Were I bringing a vegetarian or vegan dish, I would have tried for something a bit more exciting than that but there's certainly nothing wrong with mac and cheese. I even ate a little and it was pretty good.

    Afterward, cleanup was pretty quick with several of us pitching in and I got home about 4:30 or so. By that time J was back home. J got warmed up leftovers from an Italian restaurant and I'm having mac and cheese for dinner. I am making it myself, but I'm tired and don't want to fool with anything much.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday!

    64 out there now with an expected high of 74 and 20% chance of rain. Yesterday's "chance" of rain came in late in the afternoon and evening, as it was sprinkling when I got home from the auction and actually poured later in the evening.

    Need to get to the store today for a few things. And need a nap as the feline fiends woke me at about 5:30. This wasn't unexpected...after all, they don't understand about the time change.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some more walking this Morning. The temperature this morning was 56 on the porch and 58 on the cable channel. I wore a light long-sleeve shirt, Hoodie and should not have worn the gloves I wore as they were to much.

    New 'Black Death' FOUND: Deadly virus WORSE than plague and with no CURE breaks out - WHO
    By Will Kirby, 09:17, Sun, Nov 5, 2017 | UPDATED: 11:07, Sun, Nov 5, 2017

    A Global Shortage of Magnetic Tape Leaves Cassette Fans Reeling
    By Ryan Dezember and Anne Steele, Updated Nov. 3, 2017 5:34 p.m. ET

    Saudi Arabia intercepts ballistic missile over capital
    By Tim Lister, Ammar Albadran, Hakim Al-Masmari, Sarah El Sirgany and Eric Levenson, CNN, Updated 12:47 AM ET, Sun November 5, 2017

    Interesting in a weird way
    Paris Opens first-ever naked restaurant
    By Sarah Young. Saturday 4 November 2017 15:55 GMT

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    You know, I can understand the neighbors being a bit annoyed by a restaurant deciding to be an "adults only" establishment, even if they aren't necessarily an "adult themed" establishment, and I also realize that it's easier to do that if it's that way from the start.

    All the same, if a restaurant wishes to limit their patronage in that way, presumably as part of a way of providing a more quiet, peaceful dining experience for patrons who would like to get away from noisy kids for a while, for whatever reason, then I'd side with the restaurant.

    Most of the time I don't mind the kids, even when they get loud, but I do have a condition where sometimes (and I never know when) certain types of noises really, really get to me and cause an actual physical reaction, and I have to literally leave the premises lest I angrily snap at the noise makers or become violently ill or both. Sometimes the types of noises children tend to make can trigger this. Needless to say, there are some adults who also make noises that can sometimes trigger this or even some natural sounds or types of music, or physical activities, such as banging a stick on a fence or the like.

    When that happens, I generally leave the place for a few minutes and then come back if/when I feel that I'm "over it" and can safely come back. It might be nice to have a restaurant that isn't so noisy to visit once in a while.

    On the other hand, if I'm the parent in question and am used to taking my whole family, kids included, to a given restaurant and suddenly it becomes adults only, that being the only change, then I might be a bit ticked off about that too. Still, there are other restaurants where I can take them and I will probably just stop patronizing that particular restaurant period.

    The restaurant management has the right to decide the age range of their patrons, and the public has the right to dine elsewhere.

    Of course not having children in there doesn't guarantee a nice, quiet ambience. There's that couple over in the corner loudly breaking up...and the drunk man being a little too friendly with his date in public...
    Hi Ed
    I wonder if they just sprung it out of the blue? The best way as I see it would be to post a notice that as of a certain date in the future no kids will be allowed. FWIW if this does not work I could see where it would be hard to recover from.

    I like a peaceful environment when I eat out. The local place where I occasionally stop for breakfast while walking has a TV set with News12 running and some of the tables/benches have noisy patrons and I find I skip it for that reason some of the time.

    If You own it I believe You can control access as long as that control has no racial or religious reasons.

    I am sorry to hear that certain noises have that effect on You.
    The orchid auction was pretty successful, and we sold every single plant that was donated, along with a few that had been brought along in case there didn't seem enough. There was enough but we went overtime and sold all the extra ones too.

    For a change, I didn't bring ANY food. I did bring the foam plates, paper napkins, the plastic cutlery, the drinking cups, a case of bottled water (junior size bottles), 20 pounds of ice, and the ice bowl. All of that collateral stuff is under my domain as the hospitality coordinator, even though this wasn't actually a meeting, and my name was in the alphabetic range to bring "drinks" so I decided to bring the water as I figured none of the other drink bringers would bring that. I was correct and only brought home 4 junior size bottles of water so they'll be donated to the next meeting's drinks. Water was popular.

    J had to be out of town for something else, so I didn't need to make a vegetarian dish to bring. Any vegetarians who did show up would have had to basically eat macaroni salads, mac and cheese, bread, one tossed salad, and dessert.

    Vegans would have had the tossed salad and that's it. As usual, not too many people bring vegan or even vegetarian dishes. I was actually a little surprised to see mac and cheese. Were I bringing a vegetarian or vegan dish, I would have tried for something a bit more exciting than that but there's certainly nothing wrong with mac and cheese. I even ate a little and it was pretty good.

    Afterward, cleanup was pretty quick with several of us pitching in and I got home about 4:30 or so. By that time J was back home. J got warmed up leftovers from an Italian restaurant and I'm having mac and cheese for dinner. I am making it myself, but I'm tired and don't want to fool with anything much.

    It sounds very successful.
    I love a good Macaroni and Cheese, TBH I even like the Kraft dinner one with the dry ingredients and not the Deluxe version for some reason.
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday!

    64 out there now with an expected high of 74 and 20% chance of rain. Yesterday's "chance" of rain came in late in the afternoon and evening, as it was sprinkling when I got home from the auction and actually poured later in the evening.

    Need to get to the store today for a few things. And need a nap as the feline fiends woke me at about 5:30. This wasn't unexpected...after all, they don't understand about the time change.
    It must have rained overnight as everything was wet outside this morning, It also felt humid, luckily no rain while I was out walking :)

    The only thing I need from the Grocery Store is a loaf of the 647 bread and My brother will be there today so he will pick that up for me.

    I was out the door an hour early due to the time change, Oh well :(

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Taking a quick break from blowing and mowing leaves. Maybe only 5% leaf fall, but if I wait til there seems to be a lot, then the job is too big for me to handle. Only doing the driveway and the garage side of the house..maybe 5 passes with the mower.

    Roger, to have requested a doggie bag, I would have needed to have food I couldn't eat...but...I ate it all! Too good to stop! I did take the tea from my tea pot (you know the french press thingy), and immediately in Kroger saw a big french press (6 cups big) and bought it. Have my tea setting out, and after dinner will brew a couple cups to drink while I read Face Book or something....

    I have mixed feelings about kids being banned from some eateries...yes it is the right of the owner to fix age limits...it is also up to the parents to come prepared to keep the little dears engaged while they wait for food, etc. Sooner or later they do have to learn to sit, to speak in softer quieter volumes, etc. I don't think they get taught things like that anymore, which is why restaurant are setting age limits. So, its like a dog chasing its tail...

    I really don't eat boxed cereals, and I needed this to make Emmy's granola bars! So I forked over $3.50 for chocolate rice crispies! The Granola bars are very good, though mine never did get solidly set up...but they're tasty. Kinda like that pot of fudge that just wasn't cooked quite long enough, you know the one you set in the refrigerator, pan and all, and eat it with a spoon!!!

    Ok, I've had my glass of water, and gonna have a bite of granola bar, and I'll be heading back outdoors for round two of Valerie vs The Leaves!


    Hi Valerie
    If I said considering that we have no trees in the yard it is somewhat annoying that the Tree across the street and the ones on both sides grace up with their leaves... The trees in the front have lost at least 80% of their leaves.
    The front yard is 50+% covered with leaves :( The Gutters need cleaning in the back yard and that is after having them cleaned in the spring, Dang!
    We saved them last year and used them to help insulate the Fig trees. The same thing is planned for this year, since they go in a paper yard waste bag first having them be dry would be a help as well as making the bags lighter.

    I do not think that parents do a good job teaching the little darlings how to behave in public. The quietest ones I have seen in the Diner were engrossed with their Phones, Not talking of course, other things. I see them walking home from Grade school and the phone is out in front and is the focus of their attention which IMO is somewhat dangerous as they are walking down the street, No sidewalks out front beyond the one from our front door to the curb.

    I wonder why they did not set up, never having made them I am not familiar with the process to be able to know why. The last ones I had some years ago came from CostCo ready to unwrap and eat, in a large quantity box, naturally.

    Enjoy The Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    edited November 2017
    Cassette tape fans are left reeling...Reely? Er, I mean really? :)

    That restaurant sounds interesting. Probably wouldn't bother me but at my age, seeing me au naturel might put some people off their food. :blush:
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    McDonald's items you cannot buy in the U.S. And this is probably a good thing.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Good hockey game, even though they lost! Nate was angry...something the ref's did. I dunno! Jack had a good laugh over my story of catching the lizard in my bathroom. Poor little lizard.

    I'm thinking a nice nap could be in order...

    I'm with you Ed...way to old and saggy to be running around clothes less! Would be more distracting than little loud kids in that other restaurant.

    I zapped a sweet potato for breakfast this morning, and topped it with Emmy's granola...THAT was tasty!!! I have no idea Roger what went wrong, but later today I'll re-watch the video to see that I got all the ingredients in the mix, and in the correct amounts. Because I'd like to make this again, just want them to set up a bit more.

    Ed,glad the orchid sale went well. I'd buy more, but my window that grows Orchids is full.
    Mac and cheese is good, always! Even my cheat Mac and Cheat is tasty. And you're not alone Roger, I never cared for the Kraft 'wet' mac and cheese...but that orange powdered stuff in a box was boss!!

    Sometime today, like after my nap I will set the clocks to Standard time. Just not quite yet.. if my yawns get any bigger I'm likely to break my jaw! LOL!!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    Kitchen gadgets we all NEED. Well, maybe not...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    edited November 2017
    Howdy y'all. It's magnificent Monday! 60 out there now with an expected high of 77 and 20% chance of rain.

    I finally got out for a relatively major shopping trip yesterday, spending nearly $200 at Ingles. Somehow though, the shopping list never seems to be completed and there's always something else, so of course I'll need to get out again sometime in the next week or so. Nothing critical left though.

    J wanted pizza last night so I was saved from having to cook anything for dinner. Or breakfast for today. Or lunch. Or possibly dinner again...

    I need to pay bills this morning.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    Satisfying video you might enjoy watching.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member


    Beats me :)




  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2017
    I did some more walking this Morning. The temperature this morning was 61 on the porch and 62 on the cable channel. I wore a light long-sleeve shirt, and took light gloves which I did not wear after a few minutes as they were to much.

    Texas church gunman who killed 26 in Sutherland Springs baptist church was booted out of US Air Force for attacking his wife and kid
    By Patrick Knox and Emma Lake, 6th November 2017, 6:30 am
    Updated: 6th November 2017, 11:41

    Vin Scully says he'll 'never watch another NFL game again' due to anthem protests
    by Mike Axisa @mikeaxisa 18h ago

    NBA drama breaks out over using the word ‘owner’
    By Greg Joyce, November 3, 2017 | 11:25pm
    So according to Draymond Green they do not own the team ?

    Insurers make billions off Medicaid in California during Obamacare expansion
    By Chad Terhune and Anna Gorman, Nov 05, 2017 06:00 AM

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Cassette tape fans are left reeling...Reely? Er, I mean really? :)

    That restaurant sounds interesting. Probably wouldn't bother me but at my age, seeing me au naturel might put some people off their food. :blush:
    Hi Ed
    I had the same thought regarding that eatery :)
    McDonald's items you cannot buy in the U.S. And this is probably a good thing.
    I will have to look at this later...
    Howdy y'all. It's magnificent Monday! 60 out there now with an expected high of 77 and 20% chance of rain.

    I finally got out for a relatively major shopping trip yesterday, spending nearly $200 at Ingles. Somehow though, the shopping list never seems to be completed and there's always something else, so of course I'll need to get out again sometime in the next week or so. Nothing critical left though.

    J wanted pizza last night so I was saved from having to cook anything for dinner. Or breakfast for today. Or lunch. Or possibly dinner again...

    I need to pay bills this morning.
    I was being hit with a mist while walking and at this moment it is still a dark and dreary day outside.

    I would love to order a Extra Cheese and Extra Pepperoni thin crust Pizza, OTOH I am sure it would not have leftovers so I have so far resisted the temptation :)

    I wrote checks for a credit card and the water bill yesterday which I put in the slot inside the Post Office while walking.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Good hockey game, even though they lost! Nate was angry...something the ref's did. I dunno! Jack had a good laugh over my story of catching the lizard in my bathroom. Poor little lizard.

    I'm thinking a nice nap could be in order...

    I'm with you Ed...way to old and saggy to be running around clothes less! Would be more distracting than little loud kids in that other restaurant.

    I zapped a sweet potato for breakfast this morning, and topped it with Emmy's granola...THAT was tasty!!! I have no idea Roger what went wrong, but later today I'll re-watch the video to see that I got all the ingredients in the mix, and in the correct amounts. Because I'd like to make this again, just want them to set up a bit more.

    Ed,glad the orchid sale went well. I'd buy more, but my window that grows Orchids is full.
    Mac and cheese is good, always! Even my cheat Mac and Cheat is tasty. And you're not alone Roger, I never cared for the Kraft 'wet' mac and cheese...but that orange powdered stuff in a box was boss!!

    Sometime today, like after my nap I will set the clocks to Standard time. Just not quite yet.. if my yawns get any bigger I'm likely to break my jaw! LOL!!!

    Hi Valerie
    I did the clock setting thing yesterday after breakfast :)

    With the Kraft Mac n Cheese I used to try and get it pretty well drained and then put Butter on it before opening the Cheese packet...

    Have a Good Day, Better Luck with the Hockey next time.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,508 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I would love to order a Extra Cheese and Extra Pepperoni thin crust Pizza, OTOH I am sure it would not have leftovers so I have so far resisted the temptation :)

    J had just Extra Cheese and I had Pepperoni and Sausage, which otherwise used to be known as "combination" pizza when seen in the frozen food section. We did not have frozen, but ordered in. I know I ate two slices of my large, thin crust combination pizza. Not sure how many slices of the Extra Cheese pizza were eaten, but I think maybe half the pizza, which would have been four slices, and would not be unusual.

    My breakfast this morning was, of course easy to prepare, as it was just two slices of pizza, leaving me with four more slices left.

    I expect lunch and dinner will probably be the same.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Late I know...
    I hit the ground running this morning...I've done 4 loads of laundry, cooked beets, lentils, and rice (individually) in the IP while doing kp, and later cleared the sink and counters...I managed to squeeze in a quick nap, watch an hour and a half video, ate something I'd been looking at for awhile...WF carries these, maybe other places too...Beyond Meat is the brand, and it looks like 2 hamburger patties. But its apparently Vegan. It was reasonably good...but made with way to much cr@p stuff to make it resemble food. Anyhow, now I know!

    What else did I do today??? I don't remember. Its dark out for awhile now, and I think its bedtime...and I'd go to bed right now if I could find my cat. I opened the screen door earlier, and he must have gone out when I wasn't looking...Best start calling him. I put him out last night and it took him nearly forever to come back...I don't want to wait up that long for him tonite. Its supposed to only be 64 degrees tonite...he for sure won't freeze will he?
