Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!

    58 out there now with an expected high of 62 and 40% chance of rain.

    I need to get some breakfast together for me and for the cats.

    Maybe some laundry and maybe just a teensy bit of shopping.
    Hi Ed
    Your weather is now starting to run warmer than here, Lucky You.

    Stay Dry.
    We had one of these, and liked it well enough. But the blades tended to bend if you weren't really careful in using it. Let's see how Emmy does with it! I see hers only slices and dices, but does not wedge. That was also true of ours. We did not have the wedger blade.
    I remember the commercials for those, OTOH we never had one in the house.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,326 Member
    So...red wine is good for us...BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!...even moderate consumption...well, I'll just take my chances. Seems like everything we eat, breathe, drink or look at can have health consequences but I'm going to LIVE, not just exist...you know?

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited November 2017
    OK! Made it to the end...
    gonna watch a few minutes of the news, get out of the house to pick up a very few groceries. Can't be an effective Vegan if you don't have any greens in the house! :)

    Roger did you read thru the articles you posted? The one about Mumps ? in particular? If you read about 2/3rds of the way thru the article it talks about the risks associated with Mumps...and the last one mentioned is deafness. I haven't heard a word from Marietta in a week, and it was then that she said her hearing was getting worse again in that ear not better as tested had shown...she hosted a 'Tea Party' for her little great nieces while in Texas, and flew to and from Texas...no doubt there was at least a child or two on board. Certainly not definitive evidence, but a new angle to consider.....

    Yes Roger, standing at the door and tapping my foot would be for my benefit...Cat doesn't really give a darn!

    Ed, wine seems to be taking a beating just like coffee has over the past 30 years than I can recall. Coffee/caffeine has gone from 'evil' to 'great' .....cancer causing to protective via all the phytonutrients it has....

    The really scary article is from England where the article states that Dementia is the Number One Killer in Britain, surpassing heart disease....
    Good thing we had Emmy's Slice and Dice Demo, and all the cartoons to off set the other 'news'. (for the record, I did not have a Slice and Dice!) I did on the other hand buy a dicer thing about 3 years ago, and every time Emmy had to stand on her step stool, I had to laugh and remember mine..the diced material fell into a plastic or glass container so it was neat, BUT, I could not for the life of me get it to actually close, thereby dicing what ever I'd put into it. So I set the darned thing on the floor and stomped on it...that worked, but who wants to eat food that you've pretty much stepped on???? It went straight to trash.

    Heading for Kroger and Walmart...(need a new set of 'sweats' for the winter...and of course Cat Food.... Kroger will have my greens and a sweet potato, and some banana's, etc.

  • ahrengirl
    ahrengirl Posts: 34 Member
    Hi All,

    It’s hard to keep up with you all. I am reading through everyone’s posts and loving your content. I can’t respond to everything but know that I am thoroughly enjoying your activity.

    I did much enjoy the wine last night. I may have even enjoyed a little tonight as well. I reached the office this morning at 7:30 and left my last meeting tonight at 6. Another long day.

    I was based out of Chicago and covered 12 states in the Midwest. I just was promoted to a national position based out of our HQ in Georgia. I can’t move right away due to personal reasons but my company is so great they will work with me on a commuting program for up to 2 years... hence the back and forth. My previous role involved lots of travel too. This is a little easier... same hotel for 3 nights in a row and evenings to myself. Before I was working all day and entertaining at night. The really hard thing is 90%+ of my meals are in resturants. I went vegan last New Year’s. I would have done it sooner if I realized I need to put myself first and that it is manageable with all the travel and events.

    Red wine is great! Sweet dreams!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,326 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 49 out there now with an expected high of 58 and 100% chance of rain.

    Interesting article on Kroger and upcoming plans:


    I need to eat, feed cats, clear the sink, and maybe try to ooze out between rains to get a few things.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,326 Member
    It's safe for me to watch this. I don't eat at McDonalds!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,326 Member
    Hot and fast science facts!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,326 Member
    Things shop assistants won't tell you.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did more walking this Morning. The temperature this morning was 36 on the porch and 38 on the cable channel.
    The Weather forecast shows a overnight low of 25 in the near future :(

    ‘Ebola’ outbreak DECLARED amid Black Death comeback – and this virus is UNTREATABLE
    By Nicholas Bieber / Published 7th November 2017

    Just got a traffic ticket and didn’t see a cop? They saw you
    By Kaitlyn Alanis, November 08, 2017 12:26 PM

    Boy with rare deadly disease gets whole new skin
    By The Associated Press | PUBLISHED: November 8, 2017 at 10:25 am | UPDATED: November 9, 2017 at 4:30 am

    Group Calling National Anthem Lyrics Racist, Anti-Black
    November 7, 2017 10:11 PM By Shirin Rajaee

    NBCUniversal exec says NFL advertisers have threatened to pull out over protests, but none have yet
    By Alex Putterman on 11/07/2017

    Man Pulls Gun After Failing To Get McMuffin, Police Say
    November 6, 2017 2:28 PM

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    So...red wine is good for us...BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!...even moderate consumption...well, I'll just take my chances. Seems like everything we eat, breathe, drink or look at can have health consequences but I'm going to LIVE, not just exist...you know?
    Hi Ed
    If I said it reminds me of Eggs.
    Eggs are bad for You
    Eggs are good for You
    Eggs are OK in moderation :)
    Time changes everything.
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 49 out there now with an expected high of 58 and 100% chance of rain.

    Interesting article on Kroger and upcoming plans:


    I need to eat, feed cats, clear the sink, and maybe try to ooze out between rains to get a few things.
    Interesting link on Kroger's... I have been in a couple of the chains they own FWIW.

    I have eaten a lot of McDonalds over a period of 15+ years back when I was dealing with McD locations and other foods including bakeries, Convenience, Grocery stores and Delicatessens.

    Stay Dry and Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    OK! Made it to the end...
    gonna watch a few minutes of the news, get out of the house to pick up a very few groceries. Can't be an effective Vegan if you don't have any greens in the house! :)

    Roger did you read thru the articles you posted? The one about Mumps ? in particular? If you read about 2/3rds of the way thru the article it talks about the risks associated with Mumps...and the last one mentioned is deafness. I haven't heard a word from Marietta in a week, and it was then that she said her hearing was getting worse again in that ear not better as tested had shown...she hosted a 'Tea Party' for her little great nieces while in Texas, and flew to and from Texas...no doubt there was at least a child or two on board. Certainly not definitive evidence, but a new angle to consider.....

    Yes Roger, standing at the door and tapping my foot would be for my benefit...Cat doesn't really give a darn!

    Ed, wine seems to be taking a beating just like coffee has over the past 30 years than I can recall. Coffee/caffeine has gone from 'evil' to 'great' .....cancer causing to protective via all the phytonutrients it has....

    The really scary article is from England where the article states that Dementia is the Number One Killer in Britain, surpassing heart disease....
    Good thing we had Emmy's Slice and Dice Demo, and all the cartoons to off set the other 'news'. (for the record, I did not have a Slice and Dice!) I did on the other hand buy a dicer thing about 3 years ago, and every time Emmy had to stand on her step stool, I had to laugh and remember mine..the diced material fell into a plastic or glass container so it was neat, BUT, I could not for the life of me get it to actually close, thereby dicing what ever I'd put into it. So I set the darned thing on the floor and stomped on it...that worked, but who wants to eat food that you've pretty much stepped on???? It went straight to trash.

    Heading for Kroger and Walmart...(need a new set of 'sweats' for the winter...and of course Cat Food.... Kroger will have my greens and a sweet potato, and some banana's, etc.


    Hi Valerie
    I did read the Mumps article, It did not occur to me to connect it like You did to Marietta OTOH.

    So many foods have gone from Good for You to bad for You and Vice versa.

    Was that dicer the one I have seen advertised on TV recently? The commercial makes it look easy to use, naturally.

    Have a good shopping trip.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    ahrengirl wrote: »
    Hi All,

    It’s hard to keep up with you all. I am reading through everyone’s posts and loving your content. I can’t respond to everything but know that I am thoroughly enjoying your activity.

    I did much enjoy the wine last night. I may have even enjoyed a little tonight as well. I reached the office this morning at 7:30 and left my last meeting tonight at 6. Another long day.

    I was based out of Chicago and covered 12 states in the Midwest. I just was promoted to a national position based out of our HQ in Georgia. I can’t move right away due to personal reasons but my company is so great they will work with me on a commuting program for up to 2 years... hence the back and forth. My previous role involved lots of travel too. This is a little easier... same hotel for 3 nights in a row and evenings to myself. Before I was working all day and entertaining at night. The really hard thing is 90%+ of my meals are in restaurants. I went vegan last New Year’s. I would have done it sooner if I realized I need to put myself first and that it is manageable with all the travel and events.

    Red wine is great! Sweet dreams!

    Thank You for the feedback.

    It would appear that unlike what has been happening in many companies You are working for one of the Good Ones.

    Years ago I enjoyed flying or driving all over, These days I suspect I would not deal with the hassles at the airports well.

    Good Luck and have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Everybody!
    Rainy day...and none too warm or bright either! This may be a nap kinda day? Nearly 10a.m. and my major accomplishments so far are pathetic...unloaded dishwasher, microwaved and am eating a nice big sweet potato to go along with my morning banana. WOW! Who's impressed??
    Later today I'll push the trash out to be picked up in the morning, Take myself to Sweet Tomatoes (salad bar place, with a soup bar, a small side bar of pasta and/or pasta-ish dishes, a small offering of fresh fruit, and some other stuff, and soft serve ice cream...( you get to see a lot of littles, faces beaming, ever so carefully carrying their dish of delight back to the table! :)
    (That's near Gwinnett Place Mall..Ring Road surrounds the mall, and Sweet Tomatoes is on Ring Road. Its my old go to, for lunch. If you don't already have it, you might want to download Happy Cow to your phone...you can find other Veg/Vegan places to eat.
    And after eating I'll go watch O do her gymnastics practice. :)
    (the longish description of SW was for Ahren's benefit. Being Vegan is not always easy...Also there are Indian and Hispanic places around. I find it easier to eat at ethnic places than 'American' restaurants :)

    I agree, Roger...the Kroger article that Ed posted is very interesting...I really can't imagine why they want to get into clothing??? Granted retail has a really sweet markup...but I'd rather not buy my clothes at Kroger!! I knew about their other stores, or at least a few of them, but that list of Kroger by another name is L O N G!!!!
    I think I'm still a bit miffed at Kroger for taking away my Senior Discount...and I know I'm not alone on that score.

    The video Ed posted about McD's french fries is very interesting and telling at the same time. I knew FF's were given a coating of sugar...and some fast foods also use milk on their fries..ugh, but they McD's were right up front about the entire process. I saw the video about their chicken nuggets, was afraid to watch it! Does anyone else remember when in maybe the 70's the rumor went around saying that Wendy's burgers were made from worms??!! I don't know what other fast food chain started that, but for awhile it surely set Wendy' back.

    My fav. cartoons this morning Roger was the dog with that 'Waiting for dinner' look! She's too cute not to feed! I mean who could resist that look??? And I can relate to the happy LITTLE car, and the Semi. My Fit is pretty small, and the Fiat that I had in the 80's was even smaller. When I worked at a hospital in IL, I'd take the interstate to work, and if I looked out my window I was about the height of the semi's wheel wells!! That's little! I loved that crazy little Italian car...gave him 6 good Italian names for heritage sake! :)

    Ok, back to the original issue....to nap, or not to nap????


  • ahrengirl
    ahrengirl Posts: 34 Member
    Heading home to see my honey and puppy. Can’t wait. Thanks for the fun materials. It kept me entertained at the airport.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did more walking this Morning. The temperature this morning was 41 on the porch and 45 on the cable channel. As I was walking the breeze started up and the Wind chill is supposed to be worse this afternoon and to help the wind chill the temperature is forecast to drop during the day.
    The Weather forecast shows a overnight low in the 20s for tonight :(
    I need to get out for fruit today too.

    Darned shame

    Meatballs with fishhooks planted at Ormond Beach dog park, deputies say
    Similar incident reported 2 years ago, records show

    By Emilee Speck - Digital journalist, Posted: 11:36 AM, November 08, 2017

    Christmas Music Can Harm Your Mental Health, Psychologist Says
    November 8, 2017 11:35 PM

    Sundial Changes Perception of Ancient Rome
    By Ruth Schuster Nov 08, 2017

    Plague feared to go GLOBAL as death toll rises in 'worst outbreak for 50 YEARS'
    By Henry Holloway / Published 8th November 2017

    NJ election: World War II vet, 93, wins upset for Tinton Falls mayor
    Dan Radel, Published 9:39 p.m. ET Nov. 7, 2017
    Updated 5:33 p.m. ET Nov. 8, 2017

    *Late week Arctic blast may not be the last of the month…”high-latitude blocking” pattern likely to form by Thanksgiving Day*
    November 7, 2017, 12:20 PM
    Medium Range Outlooks, DC, NYC, PHL

    Who didn't know this ?
    How Brazile’s book exposes liberal media’s Hillary health coverup
    By Michael Goodwin, November 7, 2017 | 10:48pm

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning Everybody!
    Rainy day...and none too warm or bright either! This may be a nap kinda day? Nearly 10a.m. and my major accomplishments so far are pathetic...unloaded dishwasher, microwaved and am eating a nice big sweet potato to go along with my morning banana. WOW! Who's impressed??
    Later today I'll push the trash out to be picked up in the morning, Take myself to Sweet Tomatoes (salad bar place, with a soup bar, a small side bar of pasta and/or pasta-ish dishes, a small offering of fresh fruit, and some other stuff, and soft serve ice cream...( you get to see a lot of littles, faces beaming, ever so carefully carrying their dish of delight back to the table! :)
    (That's near Gwinnett Place Mall..Ring Road surrounds the mall, and Sweet Tomatoes is on Ring Road. Its my old go to, for lunch. If you don't already have it, you might want to download Happy Cow to your phone...you can find other Veg/Vegan places to eat.
    And after eating I'll go watch O do her gymnastics practice. :)
    (the longish description of SW was for Ahren's benefit. Being Vegan is not always easy...Also there are Indian and Hispanic places around. I find it easier to eat at ethnic places than 'American' restaurants :)
    Hi Valerie
    I had heard that about some of the ethnic places, that they have many Vegan Dishes.

    Even if I wanted to I could not download anything to my Dumb Phone :)
    Unfortunately that does mean I miss out on some Bargains that need a App to access.
    I agree, Roger...the Kroger article that Ed posted is very interesting...I really can't imagine why they want to get into clothing??? Granted retail has a really sweet markup...but I'd rather not buy my clothes at Kroger!! I knew about their other stores, or at least a few of them, but that list of Kroger by another name is L O N G!!!!
    I think I'm still a bit miffed at Kroger for taking away my Senior Discount...and I know I'm not alone on that score.

    The video Ed posted about McD's french fries is very interesting and telling at the same time. I knew FF's were given a coating of sugar...and some fast foods also use milk on their fries..ugh, but they McD's were right up front about the entire process. I saw the video about their chicken nuggets, was afraid to watch it! Does anyone else remember when in maybe the 70's the rumor went around saying that Wendy's burgers were made from worms??!! I don't know what other fast food chain started that, but for awhile it surely set Wendy' back.

    My fav. cartoons this morning Roger was the dog with that 'Waiting for dinner' look! She's too cute not to feed! I mean who could resist that look??? And I can relate to the happy LITTLE car, and the Semi. My Fit is pretty small, and the Fiat that I had in the 80's was even smaller. When I worked at a hospital in IL, I'd take the interstate to work, and if I looked out my window I was about the height of the semi's wheel wells!! That's little! I loved that crazy little Italian car...gave him 6 good Italian names for heritage sake! :)

    Ok, back to the original issue....to nap, or not to nap????

    I seem to remember that McDonald's French Fries used to have beef fat applied as well as there being beef fat in the shortening they were cooked in. Sugar IMO is quite commonly used give a nice coloring to deep fried foods.

    I went through many of the videos following the French Fries.

    I do not recall the rumor regarding Wendy's Burgers. I do remember scammers putting Dead Rats (mice) in their chili to try and extort money.

    I think I would be afraid to get on the highway at high speeds in a small car, You are braver than I.

    Flip a coin when You can not decide :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    ahrengirl wrote: »
    Heading home to see my honey and puppy. Can’t wait. Thanks for the fun materials. It kept me entertained at the airport.

    Weekend :)

    Have a Nice time
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,326 Member
    Simon's cat. Guide to birthdays.
