Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member








    Ties into the Zombie Knives news Link FWIW
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The temperature this morning was 40degrees. Rain is falling as was forecast in last nights weather forecast, There is a Breeze blowing too.

    Putin Polishes His Satellite Killer
    U.S. forces depend on satellites to guide bombs, drones, and troops. Russia is developing a missile to take the spacecraft out

    AP investigation: Doctors keep licenses despite sex abuse

    Ticks Emerging Unfazed Following Extremely Snowy Winter

    Salmonella sickens 22 people and causes the recall of 206 million eggs
    The eggs went to stores and restaurants in Florida, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, Colorado and West Virginia. They were sold loose to restaurants, of which one was Waffle House.

    I Suspect that explains the rise in Egg prices locally :(

    Mystery BOOMS across US sparks secret underground WW3 preparation fears

    Are robots people? Europe isn't sure...

    Lost city of Atlantis FOUND in Antarctica? Bizarre structure exposed by melting ice

    The UK
    Banned ‘zombie knives’ being sold on eBay in horrific web blade trade

    This Really Is The Everything Bubble: Even Subprime Mortgage Bonds Are Back

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2018
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 61 now with an expected high of only 63 and 100% (verified!) chance of precipitation.

    Need to get the towels and whites folded and need to run the dishwasher. J and my sister in law are heading back up to Kentucky today. We had a nice visit with her here for the weekend.

    Yesterday we went to BurgerFi for a late lunch/early dinner and I finally had a chance to try a Beyond Burger. I would never mistake that for a real beef burger, as it didn't have any of the texture of the usual beef burger and the taste wasn't quite right.

    The taste somewhat reminded me of the soyburgers that were part beef, part soy, that had some limited popularity in the 70s (I think that's when it was) when beef prices skyrocketed. That beef and soy mixture worked splendidly in spaghetti gravy or chili, but the burgers made from it had a crunchier texture and a flavor that, while not tasting like a hamburger, was actually pretty decent when topped with all the usual stuff.

    The Beyond Burger was not at all crispy, but the flavor reminded me of the soyburgers, and I remember actually liking them as a kid, and still liked the flavor well enough. If someone puts one in front of me again, I'll happily eat it. Now I did NOT get it as a VEGAN burger as I still had the cheese and BurgerFi sauce (contatins mayo) on it, so it was just vegetarian.

    J and M both had the regular VeggieFi vegetarian burgers and liked them a lot. The fries were hand cut and the onion rings were HUGE (like half onion sized rings) but delicious. We also went to several thrift shops and one shop that claimed to be a Salvage Store but the merchandise didn't look salvaged to me, not like what we would find in a salvage store when I was growing up.
    Hi Ed
    I Love good Fries and Crispy Crunchy Onion RIngs. I did have the Vegetarian Soy products that NS had when I first started with them, as I remember the Soy based Sloppy Joe was OK.
    I have tried the Vegan Burgers that are sold in the ShopRite Grocery Store, Which were the store brand. They were one of the few food items that neither I or my Brother could eat and thus they ended up in the Garbage.
    The Salvage Store did, however, have an inexpensive oval cast iron baking dish that would be perfect for one or two servings. Big enough for two if you're filling it pretty full and having sides, or could be used for one serving, less filled, or even filled up pretty full if you want to be a real pig! It came with an initial coat of dark black seasoning. the bottom of the dish is about 8x5 and the top dimensions of the slanted sides, including the end handles, is about 12x7 but about 10x7 without including the handles in the measurement. There is a little over an inch and a half of useable depth.

    M bought one as well, and I also bought a fairly deep (maybe a tad deeper than the oval dish) square cast iron grill/griddle with the ridges on the bottom to get the nice grill marks. I can use this when I want a stovetop grill rather than the microwave grill, or maybe for doing something too big to fit in the microwave grill as it is a bigger surface.

    We put on one additional home seasoning coating, letting them cool overnight in the oven, and I intend to do at least one more on each of my pieces, and maybe two or three more before actually using them for anything. M said she'll do at least one more on her dish when she gets home. She hopes to make something like a Denny's breakfast skillet in hers, but I have much grander plans for things like veggie gratins or small casseroles. Not that I have anything against breakfast skillets...

    This is M's first purchase of a cast iron piece. She does have a cast iron skillet that my mother in law gave her, but it was used and, of course, already well seasoned, so she wanted to be sure we got her new piece started off right and wasn't sure how to add more coats so I showed her. I wanted to season my new stuff anyway and it all fit in the oven so it was not a big deal to do the first additional coat on hers too.
    The Nice thing about using cast iron to cook the breakfast in is that it will come out with a great texture and will stay hot long enough to eat the breakfast in a Leisurely fashion. OTOH You would have to be careful not to overload it with grease :wink:

    The Salvage Store, Would that be anything like the old style Army Navy Store.
    I hope they have a good trip back to Kentucky. J generally goes up there to be sure my mother in law gets her taxes filed and usually helps with our nephew's taxes and his sister's taxes as well. The two of them came back over this weekend because J and I had that party for Friday and we really kind of needed/wanted to be there.

    The hosts for the Friday night party, fortunately, had not followed through with the original idea of home grilled chicken quarters for 20 people and, instead, baked some store bought cheese enchiladas and lasagna, and of course the guests brought sides and desserts as well.

    The chicken quarters sounded good in concept but in execution that's an awful lot of chicken to try to prepare and have ready at about the same time and they only have a small, round grill so maybe 5 or 6 quarters, at most, could be on the grill at any given time and the oven would have been pretty full keeping the first ones warm while the rest were cooking. 4 or 5 batches on the grill would have been very time consuming for the cook, not to mention hunger inducing for the guests while everyone politely waited for it all to be ready!

    The cook would hardly have been able to enjoy the party himself in those circumstances, but with what they prepared instead, I can assure you the cook had a good time. At one point he had something unusual on his head but it wasn't a lampshade. So not quite to the "lampshade on the head" point, but he had a good time. He lived there so wasn't needing to drive anywhere. I had one small glass of Shiraz with some food, shortly after we got there and nothing but diet Dr. Pepper the rest of the evening, as I had to drive home after the party.

    The music was too loud, the house a tad...cozy...with 20 or so people there, but it worked and I think everyone had a good time. Over all, a very pleasant weekend, at least until today's rain. But all I really have on my agenda is finishing with folding the laundry, and running the dishwasher, and probably getting that second extra seasoning coating on my new cast iron. And maybe even the third.


    Second coating on my new cast iron baking on now...third maybe later today, this afternoon and if time, maybe a fourth that can cool overnight in the oven...we'll see. :)
    I would have thought that if they throw parties they would have a large grill to cook on for the parties and a smaller one for everyday use.
    Precision cake making
    I would expect that a machine is used in making cakes in a factory.
    Somebody's opinion of the best home made chips/fries recipe
    I have had Lightly Breaded Fries in the past and I enjoyed them as they were nice and crunchy from the breading.

    Have a Good Day, Stay Dry
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well, while I was watching the 'Easy Egg Recipe's'....time marched on, and it became Monday!!
    I need to be asleep. Struggled all day with a Fitbit Alta HR, that was a gift, and finally about 10p last night I signed on for help....my iPhone 6X is not supported for the Alta HR...Nowhere on the packaging does it say that....just says suitable for iPhone, (and others like androids, etc)..well, no wonder I couldn't get it to sync. So, there is a sorta backdoor method to sync it to my laptop...except it needs a dongle, which I no longer have, and there wasn't one in the box that had the Alta...so very helpful lady and I worked thru all of this, and she ordered for me a free wireless dongle for free, and written instructions on how to pair it, etc. I think being tied to my laptop, it will not support things like message notifications, etc...but that's ok, it will work when I get a new phone...not in the near future! It made for a rather frustrating day.
    Though I did get a squash roasted, dishwasher run and unloaded, 2 loads of clothes folded, and one washed. The extra load to be folded was from Saturday morning... :).
    Hi Valerie
    IMO, the Easy Egg recipes would be Scrambled Eggs, Plain or with Chopped Cooked Bacon, Cheese etc.
    or Egg Salad. More involved would be what my Brother did yesterday, Which would be Grinding a pound of Leftover Ham, Ground up Hard Boiled Eggs, Grinding The Gherkins and Mayo to be used in a sandwich.

    I have been stung by packaging that mentions what works and not mentioning the limitations much like Your Fitbit Alta. I will say that I liked my interactions with Fitbit in the past.

    I had a great interaction with Yeti last week when I queried them about where on their website I could find new gaskets for the lid on my 30 Ounce Tumbler. A few days later I had a small padded envelope with two free gaskets.
    Thank you both for my birthday wishes....its Ok Roger... you sent greetings within the month!, as my roommate used to say. I'd rather think you were very early for when I turn 76! LOL!!!
    Ed, I also saw your post on fb. I was overwhelmed by the numbers of people who either called, or sent texts, etc...Had a great birthday...enjoyed being with my 2 sons, 2 grands, and my DIL also. We went to RThomas, as that was one of my choices. And you know I love going to RThomas!! DIL had never been there. Its really retro 60's, and I love it there.
    The littles were thrilled to know that you could get breakfast at 2pm. Both got french toast, and Nate also had eggs and bacon! Everybody ate well.

    Sunday here was wet, windy, and generally just disagreeable...a great day to be indoors!. Day started in the 70's and by evening had dropped 20 degrees...and is still falling to 30's in the morning. Brrrr. Winter just will not die and go away this year. Its been a crazy crazy spring.

    Ok, I am going to bed...I don't have to mess with the Alta HR until the dongle gets here, so life is good. Later today I'll launder sheets and then do the cat's hairy throws. And be caught up for a couple days. :)


    Just curious, how retro was it ? I would love to find a nearby old style Soda Fountain, not happening. The closest to what I experienced in my Youth would be the Dairy Queen and it is at least a 1/2 hour drive :(

    McDonalds has done pretty well with all Day breakfasts :smiley:

    Things that are no longer here Would be the Ground Round Steak House, Out of Business :(
    Friendly's Ice cream and more.

    Not a nice looking day outside with now, I got out anyway as I had 6 pieces of Mail that needed to go. However this mornings weather forecast shows the rain gone by 2PM and warming up nicely. I think I just heard Thunder too.

    Hopefully You have better weather Today
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 40 out there now with an expected high of 54 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Roger, that "Salvage Store" was not at all what I expected as it looked more like a place just selling inexpensive imported merchandise. It wasn't at all like the Army/Navy stores (which I loved when I was younger) and didn't look like any of the stuff was actually salvaged.

    When I was growing up and we went to salvage stores, they had stuff left over from places that had burned, or flooded, or in some cases just closed, and there would be nice new stuff from the closeouts, slightly flood or fire-damaged, but still useable stuff that was literally salvaged, and sold for a fraction of the original cost, and maybe a few odds and ends of seasonal things. The store we just went to did have some nice looking tomatoes for sale at the checkout counter.

    Oddly, the oval cast iron gratin dish that I bought just says "Made in China" on the bottom, while the grill appears to have had some kind of round logo, but it looks like someone took a machine or heavy duty brillo type pad and scratched off the logo, or at least made it unreadable. I suppose it could just be where they had an issue removing that particular one from the casting mold, but it really looks more like it was deliberately scraped off.

    After adding four coats of additional seasoning I feel like the gratin dish is ready for use. After J and M headed back to Kentucky last night the cast iron grill got its first use. I invited a friend over. S and I had some cocktails and then a, simple dinner of home made patty melts and rippled potato chips from Ingles. It's not always necessary to make something fancy to impress a friend or other guest. We both enjoyed it immensely. He's a high school teacher and is the first to admit that, while he really can't cook, he can't afford to eat out much either, and he said I can invite him over for food ANYTIME. LOL.

    He has three cats, as we do, and we exchange cat stories too.

    Today, I need to do one more refresh run on the bedclothes in the dryer and fold them. Then I can re-make up the guest room bed for the next guest. I already re-made up the master bedroom, yesterday. Dinah did at least wait until I finished before plopping herself on one of the pillows to settle down. Often, I have one or more, sometimes all three, helpers when doing this, and they don't usually wait, but help by pouncing on the sheets and blanket while I'm trying to make up the bed, or by laying on them so I can't put the next layer on or straighten out the current layer.

    I had hoped that by putting both sets of bedclothes the washer might not get unbalanced, but it still did its usual trick and tried to walk out from its location from vibration. I had to open it and re-sort the sheets before it could finish with the final rinse. As usual. I normally only have one set to put in at a time anyway, so even if two had taken care of the unbalancing, it wouldn't be real "fix" for the problem. I'm not about to deliberately wash clean sheets just to keep the washer from getting the load out of balance. Maybe if I toss all the towels from the house in with the sheets. Hmmmmm...

    Oh well, off to finish up that laundry and make the guest room bed up.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Stuart tries some food wraps. I don't think he was impressed.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Mr. Wolfe tries some ready made barbecue.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Some food orders that were completely misunderstood.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Here are the latest cast iron acquisitions.


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I'm back....two posts, one day! :) WIll make up for some of the days I've missed, right???

    Fitbit has always treated me well too Roger, with the One fitbit, the dongle quit working after about 4 or 5 months, I called and they asked standard questions, gift?, purchase date,? etc. and since it was fairly recent they wanted me to take pix of the dongle and my One...which I did and emailed to them, and they shipped me a new free dongle. etc.

    Ed, your new cast iron acquisitions look beautiful! Great job with the seasoning! Look better than new!

    Windy out today, and none to warm! (38 in Atlanta this morning, so lower here. and its only 42 degrees now at one oclock) I'd love to have the 70's back.

    Oh, Roger....no RThomas is not a soda fountian type place. Think 'hippie' with lights and hanging decorative stuff..and lots of color. I did have a cold fresh Apple, Pear, and Fennel drink, and it was delicious. Ted always gets carrot juice with ginger...it too is good. Its a fun place just to look at the decor, and the entree's give you a choice of seitan or tofu, or tempeh OR a real meat like chicken, etc. So its a great place for this family...the meat eaters are happy and Ted and I can eat too!
    Steak and Shake here in ATL when I first moved here in the late 80's had, at their downtown ATL store a soda fountain...the whole thing was retro, from the black and white checkerd tile floor, to small tables with ice cream style chairs, and of course there were counter swivel stools, etc. I don't know if its still there or not. I should check on that. The teeny crew would like that, I think? (You never know.)

    Ok, time to get into some grocery shopping clothes, and pick up a couple things to tide me and Tom E. over til later in the week! Hope I don't blow away! or freeze. I know Tom E. was more than happy to come indoors this morning. Yesterday Tom E. had company..a gorgeous medium gray young cat with fur that looked like cut velvet...a white tuxedo marking on its chin and chest. I remember seeing this cat as a young 3-4 month old looking for food on my back porch. Its a beautiful cat....but I'm not taking on another cat. That's my mantra!

    Ok, Later...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Sounds to me like you have another cat, Valerie! LOL.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Tonight's first use of the gratin dish was this notmom's meatloaf:

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The temperature this morning was 42 degrees. Yesterdays rain was around 4 inches in my area, Both higher and lower in other parts of NJ :)

    ‘I was a teacher for 17 years, but I couldn’t read or write’

    More restaurants go cashless, accept only cards and other forms of payment

    I won't ve shopping there, I only carry a credit card if I expect to use, I do not even have a Debit Card, They're dangerous IMO, Nor a smartphone, Only a flip phone, it does what I want a phone for, to make and get phone calls.

    Police: Seized Bootleg Makeup Tests Positive For Poop
    Yuck :(

    Passengers scream and cry and at least one vomits during terrifying Southwest Airlines plane landing in severe weather

    'Half human, half animal’ 7ft beast leaves residents TERRIFIED after ‘savaging two dogs'
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chupacabra ??

    Is This Tomato Engineered? Inside the Coming Battle Over Gene-Edited Food

    Humans will be genetically modified for the first time in Europe as scientists get the go-ahead to use DNA-splicing therapy to treat blood disorder

    Assorted Links, Click to Read, first up Three about CostCo, Then no Link found for this one, some of it from elsewhere below the links, USA Today: Song "Ebony & Ivory" is Racist by Today's Standard, Your Thoughts about it.



    USA Today Declares ‘Ebony and Ivory’ Offensive, Insufficiently Woke
    The writers call the Paul McCarney and Stevie Wonder song 'naïve' compared to the 'woke factions of today's cultural discourse'

    ....The reason why some of the songs might be considered offensive are pretty straightforward, such as Nirvana's "Rape Me." But even well-meaning songs were declared offensive, such as Live Aid's "Do They Know It’s Christmas?" USA Today acknowledges the song was written to raise money for the 1980's Ethiopian famine, but complains the group "did it with a song that declares the entire continent of Africa is bereft of water, trees or joy."

    Even "Ebony and Ivory," the 1982 anti-racism collaboration recorded by Paul McCarney and Stevie Wonder, was declared politically incorrect for not being "woke" enough.

    "McCartney and Wonder meant well with their hyper-literal interpretation of race relations," USA Today acknowledges. "But their message of ‘people are the same, there’s good and bad in everyone, so let’s just get along' would be interpreted as hilariously naïve by the more woke factions of today's cultural discourse."

    Aerosmith's "Dude (Looks Like a Lady)" is likewise declared problematic, even though the song about a feminine-looking man was written by an openly gay songwriter.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 40 out there now with an expected high of 54 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Roger, that "Salvage Store" was not at all what I expected as it looked more like a place just selling inexpensive imported merchandise. It wasn't at all like the Army/Navy stores (which I loved when I was younger) and didn't look like any of the stuff was actually salvaged.

    When I was growing up and we went to salvage stores, they had stuff left over from places that had burned, or flooded, or in some cases just closed, and there would be nice new stuff from the closeouts, slightly flood or fire-damaged, but still useable stuff that was literally salvaged, and sold for a fraction of the original cost, and maybe a few odds and ends of seasonal things. The store we just went to did have some nice looking tomatoes for sale at the checkout counter.

    Oddly, the oval cast iron gratin dish that I bought just says "Made in China" on the bottom, while the grill appears to have had some kind of round logo, but it looks like someone took a machine or heavy duty brillo type pad and scratched off the logo, or at least made it unreadable. I suppose it could just be where they had an issue removing that particular one from the casting mold, but it really looks more like it was deliberately scraped off.

    After adding four coats of additional seasoning I feel like the gratin dish is ready for use. After J and M headed back to Kentucky last night the cast iron grill got its first use. I invited a friend over. S and I had some cocktails and then a, simple dinner of home made patty melts and rippled potato chips from Ingles. It's not always necessary to make something fancy to impress a friend or other guest. We both enjoyed it immensely. He's a high school teacher and is the first to admit that, while he really can't cook, he can't afford to eat out much either, and he said I can invite him over for food ANYTIME. LOL.
    Hi Ed
    It does not sound like a salvage store to me either.
    I wonder if the one with the scratched off logo is a name brand that was sold off cheap as surplus and had the logo removed to avoid detracting from the price of their ones with a logo.

    One of these days I really want to look through the nearby Goodwill store.
    He has three cats, as we do, and we exchange cat stories too.

    Today, I need to do one more refresh run on the bedclothes in the dryer and fold them. Then I can re-make up the guest room bed for the next guest. I already re-made up the master bedroom, yesterday. Dinah did at least wait until I finished before plopping herself on one of the pillows to settle down. Often, I have one or more, sometimes all three, helpers when doing this, and they don't usually wait, but help by pouncing on the sheets and blanket while I'm trying to make up the bed, or by laying on them so I can't put the next layer on or straighten out the current layer.

    I had hoped that by putting both sets of bedclothes the washer might not get unbalanced, but it still did its usual trick and tried to walk out from its location from vibration. I had to open it and re-sort the sheets before it could finish with the final rinse. As usual. I normally only have one set to put in at a time anyway, so even if two had taken care of the unbalancing, it wouldn't be real "fix" for the problem. I'm not about to deliberately wash clean sheets just to keep the washer from getting the load out of balance. Maybe if I toss all the towels from the house in with the sheets. Hmmmmm...

    Oh well, off to finish up that laundry and make the guest room bed up.
    I do not know how they do it but the Washing machine we have never seems to vibrate when washing no matter how much or how little is in it.
    We did have to repair the Dryer, same brand FWIW, It turned out when looked at closer that the knob that works the timer had cracked and a inexpensive replacement from Amazon fixed the problem :smiley: That was a relief since I was afraid that the timer mechanism had gone bad.
    Mr. Wolfe tries some ready made barbecue.
    I have had some decent tasting IMO commercial BBQ ribs.
    Some food orders that were completely misunderstood.
    I have seen some decorated cakes on the news where the person decorating them was to literal minded and never engaged their brain.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back....two posts, one day! :) WIll make up for some of the days I've missed, right???

    Fitbit has always treated me well too Roger, with the One fitbit, the dongle quit working after about 4 or 5 months, I called and they asked standard questions, gift?, purchase date,? etc. and since it was fairly recent they wanted me to take pix of the dongle and my One...which I did and emailed to them, and they shipped me a new free dongle. etc.

    Ed, your new cast iron acquisitions look beautiful! Great job with the seasoning! Look better than new!

    Windy out today, and none to warm! (38 in Atlanta this morning, so lower here. and its only 42 degrees now at one o'clock) I'd love to have the 70's back.

    Oh, Roger....no RThomas is not a soda fountain type place. Think 'hippie' with lights and hanging decorative stuff..and lots of color. I did have a cold fresh Apple, Pear, and Fennel drink, and it was delicious. Ted always gets carrot juice with ginger...it too is good. Its a fun place just to look at the decor, and the entree's give you a choice of seitan or tofu, or tempeh OR a real meat like chicken, etc. So its a great place for this family...the meat eaters are happy and Ted and I can eat too!
    Steak and Shake here in ATL when I first moved here in the late 80's had, at their downtown ATL store a soda fountain...the whole thing was retro, from the black and white checkered tile floor, to small tables with ice cream style chairs, and of course there were counter swivel stools, etc. I don't know if its still there or not. I should check on that. The teeny crew would like that, I think? (You never know.)
    Hi Valerie
    When I did the warranty with Fitbit on my Zip I had to send a copy of the invoice to prove when it was purchased. They did accept the copy of the Purchase invoice email.

    It has been windy in this area too.

    I would likely not care for Hippie decorations, I did have friends back then with Black Lights and Day-glow Posters :wink:

    That Steak and Shake place sounds like it would be more to my taste. Back when I was in grade school we had a soda fountain / candy store nearby. Penny candies and fountain drinks.
    Ok, time to get into some grocery shopping clothes, and pick up a couple things to tide me and Tom E. over til later in the week! Hope I don't blow away! or freeze. I know Tom E. was more than happy to come indoors this morning. Yesterday Tom E. had company..a gorgeous medium gray young cat with fur that looked like cut velvet...a white tuxedo marking on its chin and chest. I remember seeing this cat as a young 3-4 month old looking for food on my back porch. Its a beautiful cat....but I'm not taking on another cat. That's my mantra!

    Ok, Later...

    I agree with Ed, You may have a new cat in Your future :smiley:

    BTW as I look at Ed's not moms Meatloaf is not what I would think of as Meatloaf. It looked more like a Meatloaf Parm. Ours always had Onions and Ketchup on top.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 34 out there now with an expected high of 73 and 0% chance of precipitation. Maybe Spring is back for a day and Summer will be back tomorrow.

    Breakfast this morning was leftover meatloaf, with leftover mac and cheese. I think the mac and cheese would have worked well in the gratin dish too but I only bought the one gratin dish. I may have to go back to that salvage store and see if there is another one, as I REALLY LIKE the results and the cleanup, after my thorough seasoning, was quick and easy.

    Need to get out of the house today anyway, to Walgreens and PetSmart, so may run by the salvage store on the same run.

    Sink needs to be cleared and those sheets are still waiting to be folded.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    What's Mr. Wolfe eating today?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Why two names for restaurant chains that have been merged so long they are virtually identical?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Emmy makes something I'm not going to try to pronounce, at least from the reading, but I haven't watched this yet. From the description, I think I might not be able to pronounce it but I would probably be willing to eat it. At least once.
