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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Rant over...had a good walk! Always helps! (as does pulling weeds out by their roots.)

    Ate my burrito and salad, and think I need a nap!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Watched the Rivel soup vid. Interesting...could be another of these 'Hard Times' dishes??? Between the eggs and the butter i"ll have to pass :(
    Wonder where the rain went? Didn't come here! This morning when I looked at the day's forecast that 4-5-6 time slot showed 60% rain...then a dry period, followed by more later evening 8 or so, rain again. Well....it was a no show at my house. Could have rained in the mountains or at Ed's house..... Thats GA summer rain & storms!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member


    There are the makings of a Knock Knock joke there too





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 66 degrees and It was comfortable walking due to the nice temperature and lowered humidity.

    Russian warship carrying £100BILLION worth of GOLD found off South Korea
    A RUSSIAN warship called Dmitrii Donskoi carrying gold worth £100 billion has been discovered off the coast of South Korea and is believed to have sunk in a naval battle 113 years ago.

    Millennials want to retire by 61, but most have nothing saved

    An earlier dinner may lower risk of some cancers, study says

    Scientists develop 'world first' melanoma blood test

    The scent of coffee appears to boost performance in math
    In addition to the physical boost it delivers, coffee may lessen our risk of heart disease, diabetes and dementia

    Sugar improves memory in over-60s, helping them work smarter

    Thieves steal 21 HUMAN SKULLS from a crypt under a Kent church that holds the remains of people who died in the Battle of Hastings

    Saharan Dust, Extreme Heat Making For Miserable Outdoor Activities
    FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) – The Saharan dust that has blanketed most of the DFW Metroplex with a brown haze in the air is expected to stick around for a few more days.
    The Saharan dust traveled more than 5,000 miles from the coast of Africa all the way to Texas.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I thank you Ed for your 'courage' in using the Jackfruit! I've even seen them 'whole, fresh' at my Kroger on occasion.
    Will have to eat the bbq Jackfruit I bought. Its good thru 2019 so I haven't been in a hurry. My only issue, and its because of my BP would be the 800+ grams of sodium. BUT, I can work around that...
    I was really pleased with the crock pot curry. Only next time I HAVE to half the recipe...I ate curry for 6 days, and there was more, (not a whole lot but at least a lunch and a dinner) that I put down the garbage disposal. It was nicely spiced, like a mild curry...so Ed would need to bump up the heat, but I'd rather add heat to a recipe than it start way too spicy.
    I will look for the boxed meals...Obviously not the Butter Chicken, and yes I saw milk on the list of ingredients that you used to make the Jackfruit but its ingredient #6, which means it was very minimal...also telling is there was no cholesterol...plants do not have cholesterol!!
    Pizza...ok, here goes another war in my life which right now is knee deep in conflict...but I like thick crust pizza! Its always been my choice.
    Hi Valerie
    Likely a good idea to get rid of the 6 day old curry, It had to be getting old and You had to be getting tired of it too.

    I also eat Thick Crust Pizza, What they sell as Sicilian Pizza where the crust is over an inch thick. The NS Thin and crispy Pizza is so tasty OTOH and has a nice crunch when You bite into it.
    About to say good bye, and head to the gym...I NEED my gym time these days. And I will most likely come straight home...I have enough food, drink, fruit and veg's. So I'm good. I will do a Kroger run tomorrow. My dry cleaning is in the Kroger shopping center and will be ready for pickup, and I need 2 Amy's frozen dinners....they're on sale, 2/$7.00. At least one of them will go to the north country, I'm doing a Sat-Sun morning sleep over with my grands so their parents can to to a concert. So, if you don't hear from me by Tues. I'm probably in jail. LOL! jk!!!

    Ok, need to get my shoes on and get to the gym. Then I'm coming home and make a bean, rice, avocado and tomato big burrito for my lunch along with a salad. Not sure about dinner...it might be a good night to try the jackfruit!?!


    Oh, skip later. Roger I read the article you linked recently about Chicago, maybe giving families $500 a month. You know if you lived under a bridge, had no phone, and ate in soup kitchens...that might work. But who the Hell can exist on $500 a month, part of which, if I read the article correctly would be taxable. To state, to fed's, ????City taxes? I see the $500 flying out the window ...........
    I think this article raised my BP at least 20 points. The ignorance of well off government cookie cutter employes...gaaaaah!! I have no qualms over a minimum for standard of living, and that adjusted on location, and other parameters...but its the word LIVING that has me chewing nails...
    for now, BYE!!! gotta go walk....
    I suspect that the $500 would be in addition to all kinds of other aid to them such as Food Stamps

    NJ Government, Yuck. I saw a TV news article that 76 % of CPAs in NJ think that the increased taxes that have been passed will have some impact on NJ and businesses.
    Rant over...had a good walk! Always helps! (as does pulling weeds out by their roots.)

    Ate my burrito and salad, and think I need a nap!

    I have done that too when the ground is soft from rain upon my return from walking.
    Watched the Rivel soup vid. Interesting...could be another of these 'Hard Times' dishes??? Between the eggs and the butter i"ll have to pass :(
    Wonder where the rain went? Didn't come here! This morning when I looked at the day's forecast that 4-5-6 time slot showed 60% rain...then a dry period, followed by more later evening 8 or so, rain again. Well....it was a no show at my house. Could have rained in the mountains or at Ed's house..... Thats GA summer rain & storms!

    Sounds like the accuracy we get in our weather forecasts here :smiley:

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning,
    Off to the gym...pick up dry cleaning, stop by Kroger.
    More Later...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Strange, I didn't see a post from Ed....hope my disappearing mystery posts didn't get him!!! LOL!
    Usual day today...gym, picked up dry cleaning, and Kroger stop.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member



    Sadly that's me currently

    Looks OK to me



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 66 degrees and It was comfortable walking due to the nice temperature and lowered humidity.

    San Francisco’s mayor won’t crack down on people using city as an outdoor toilet

    NJ considers taxing tap water
    NEW JERSEY (FOX5NY) - Never short on ideas for things to tax, lawmakers in New Jersey are considering a tax on tap water.
    The proposal is being floated by State Sen. Bob Smith D-Middlesex, who is trying to say it's not actually a tax but a 'user fee'.
    "Once again, the most over-taxed people out of all 50 states in this country, are being asked to dig a little deeper after Phil Murphy just raised their taxes by nearly $2 billion."

    Non-citizens legally register to vote in San Francisco school elections

    Weary Venezuelans rely on 'dog cart' transports as buses succumb to crisis
    But these cargo trucks are now nearly as common as passenger buses in Venezuela, where transport union leaders say a fleet that two years ago was estimated at of 280,000 vehicles has been whittled to just 30,000.
    Similar stories abound in the country of 30 million people which is reeling from a fifth straight year of economic contraction and annual inflation estimated at some 46,305 percent in June.

    That anti-straw movement? It's all based on one 9-year-old's suspect statistic

    Gene tests can provide health clues -- and needless worry

    'Boy or girl?' Parents raising 'theybies' let kids decide

    Have a Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Ed
    Good Morning,
    Off to the gym...pick up dry cleaning, stop by Kroger.
    More Later...
    Strange, I didn't see a post from Ed....hope my disappearing mystery posts didn't get him!!! LOL!
    Usual day today...gym, picked up dry cleaning, and Kroger stop.

    Hi Valerie
    I am not seeing any posts from Ed either, hmm...
    Ed problem or Internet problem or ...

    What disappearing mystery posts ?

    I do see that You more or less posted the same thing twice :wink:

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...its a lovely Saturday morning in GA. (thats from the inside looking out. (Outside its 71 degrees and 88 percent humidity!!) I can hear you groaning Roger!! At 1p we have a 80% chance of rain going to 90% at 2pm, and only 70% chance at 3pm. I think I can safely say its gonna rain on my parade today!

    I sure hope they do not tax your tap water Roger...it could set a precedent for many municipalities to follow suit, and I already pay for usage and a separate and more expensive charge for sewer that is based on water usage. So I pay sewer tax even it I use the water outdoors. All I need is a tax on top of that!! LOL!

    I'll be spending the weekend watching over my grands. Parent escape weekend. Actually just Sat night a concert for them and spending the night away. Should return around noon-ish Sunday they say! And I believe they will, as they are then leaving for some more time at the beach in FL. When they return from the beach the kids will have one week before school starts. Is that disgusting or what? School is still, since I was a kid, 180 days. And we started after Labor Day. i.e. September, and school ended second week in May. In MO where they had to schedule snow days into the year. Glad I don't have a kid in school these days...

    Have to tell you about my slip of the lip this past week. In a good mood I bounced into the gym Tues or Wed. and the manager (Blake) was behind the desk, and being in a good mood I heard my mouth say "Hi Ho"! And my feet made an abrupt stop, my eyes narrowed and I said 'That didn't sound quite right'....He started laughing and we both stood there laughing like silly teenagers! He said the worst of it was he took it as it was originally meant. Then we got to laughing about Snow White and those dwarves.. and just what profession they were actually pursuing!!! LOL! We're still laughing and now wondering what other innocent things did we say as kids that had our elders giggling in the corner or next room? That doesn't read so funny...I think you had to be there.

    Ok, hope we hear from Ed today. I'll check back later. Oh, and my 2 similar posts, Roger...first was I'm going to do this...second was I DID do this. (the 2 are not always the same at my house!)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,226 Member
    Howdy all y"all. We are camping and this is too small to do much on the phone.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Ed...
    hope you're staying in your tent and dry. Its 'monsoon' season down here. Lots of loud thunder, bright light from the lightening, etc.

    See you when you get back!

    PS Don't feed the bears!! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






    Pepperoni Pizza, Yum Yum

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 72 degrees and It was semi comfortable walking due to a off and on breeze. The Rain forecast for overnight happened and there was a bit of a drizzle on the outbound and after a period of no moisture the drizzle started again around 3 blocks from the house.

    California gains just 800 jobs in June...
    Seattle's bohemian culture struggles to survive as tech takes over

    Where the Super-Rich Go to Buy Their Second Passport

    California gains just 800 jobs in June; unemployment remains at record low
    The June numbers represent a pullback from May, when the Golden State added 7,200 jobs. And the gains in May were much smaller than April, when employers boosted payrolls by nearly 26,000

    Doctors Give Patients 11 Seconds To Explain Reason For Visit Before Interrupting
    That much :(

    Colleges ask for a share of future salary in lieu of loans

    Mass gathering of golden retrievers in Highlands

    'Half Mammal, Half Reptile Fossil Discovered In Utah

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning...its a lovely Saturday morning in GA. (thats from the inside looking out. (Outside its 71 degrees and 88 percent humidity!!) I can hear you groaning Roger!! At 1p we have a 80% chance of rain going to 90% at 2pm, and only 70% chance at 3pm. I think I can safely say its gonna rain on my parade today!

    I sure hope they do not tax your tap water Roger...it could set a precedent for many municipalities to follow suit, and I already pay for usage and a separate and more expensive charge for sewer that is based on water usage. So I pay sewer tax even it I use the water outdoors. All I need is a tax on top of that!! LOL!
    Hi Valerie
    The outdoors temperature went up overnight, At bedtime it was 68 degrees on the porch, this morning it was 72 degrees and it also felt more humid, Yuck :(

    I would like to think it won't fly, however we are talking NJ where the first thing they think of doing after getting into office is tax so they can spend more. You may have noticed that the new Governor has already passed nearly 2 billion in new taxes :(

    Rain AKA Thunderstorms in the forecast for the next 6 days not counting today.
    I'll be spending the weekend watching over my grands. Parent escape weekend. Actually just Sat night a concert for them and spending the night away. Should return around noon-ish Sunday they say! And I believe they will, as they are then leaving for some more time at the beach in FL. When they return from the beach the kids will have one week before school starts. Is that disgusting or what? School is still, since I was a kid, 180 days. And we started after Labor Day. i.e. September, and school ended second week in May. In MO where they had to schedule snow days into the year. Glad I don't have a kid in school these days...

    Have to tell you about my slip of the lip this past week. In a good mood I bounced into the gym Tues or Wed. and the manager (Blake) was behind the desk, and being in a good mood I heard my mouth say "Hi Ho"! And my feet made an abrupt stop, my eyes narrowed and I said 'That didn't sound quite right'....He started laughing and we both stood there laughing like silly teenagers! He said the worst of it was he took it as it was originally meant. Then we got to laughing about Snow White and those dwarves.. and just what profession they were actually pursuing!!! LOL! We're still laughing and now wondering what other innocent things did we say as kids that had our elders giggling in the corner or next room? That doesn't read so funny...I think you had to be there.

    Ok, hope we hear from Ed today. I'll check back later. Oh, and my 2 similar posts, Roger...first was I'm going to do this...second was I DID do this. (the 2 are not always the same at my house!)

    Oh, I did not catch that. I believe that the school year is 180 days here too Plus some built in snow days. However IMO they cheat those days as some of them are 1/2 days of school that they count a a day.
    When I was in school we also started after Labor Day.

    The kids will be heading back to school well tanned :smiley:

    We all do that sort of thing where we mean one thing that could easily be interpreted differently.
    Hey Ed...
    hope you're staying in your tent and dry. Its 'monsoon' season down here. Lots of loud thunder, bright light from the lightening, etc.

    See you when you get back!

    PS Don't feed the bears!! :)
    At least I have seen no lightening or heard thunder so far.

    Monsoon season should be good for the reservoirs.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y"all. We are camping and this is too small to do much on the phone.
    Hi Ed
    After watching the evening news I wondered if the reported power outages had affected Your being able to post.
    I'm glad to hear it was not that.

    Enjoy Your Camping
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning. Beautiful sunny Sunday morning!
    Waiting for parents to return...probably an hour or two...
    Meanwhile Nate's friend Brendo has been dropped..so I sent Brendo upstairs to tell Nate I needed a favor...Brendo tells me Nate's sleeping? I know he was down here and ate breakfast about 2 hours ago....
    Tom E will be glad when I get home...I'm sure he missed having his dinner last night!
    I'm a bit confused about TV programing. TV was on when I arrived yesterday...Animal Planet was playing. And all day and thru the night it was all about saving animals..from chickens to the big cats in National Protected Wildlife Preserves (in Africa)...so what is on this morning? Blood, guts, and poachers being arrested..carcusses, rotting flesh, etc. Just what kids should be watching on Sunday Mornings....this is just messed up!
    I don't know if it stormed here last night, but I know it rained...everything is wet outside. Ground needed it, so all good!

    My day at home will just be feeding cat, and not much more! I 'may' make it to the gym... :) No ToDo list today!!! Yay!

    Its been an unusually wet spring and even this far into summer...Lakes are full to the point of having to dump extra water...its a fine line they walk down here with the lake levels.
    And yes you can count half days as long as the kids are at school X # of hours...I don't remember how many hours that is...its a Federal Law that regulates these things.

    Knowing how the Feds keep their books I don't think if I was an aware college grad that I'd want them messing with my payroll. Portion...wonder what that means? for how long? etc. Nope I'd be a poor college grad eating catsup sandwiches and standing in soup lines first! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,226 Member
    We got back from camping early this afternoon. J and I were staying in the "big" cabin with a friend and actually had an empty bedroom available but hadn't been sure we'd have that until the day we left so weren't able to rent it to another interested party. We had rented the whole cabin with the idea that one of our friends might stay in the spare room, but that didn't happen and we didn't want a stranger staying with us and having access to all our group stuff.

    We had pizza from Pizza Hut for Friday night camping dinner. I made a hot breakfast for 25 or so on Saturday. Scrambled eggs, bacon (precooked, Kirkland, crisped up) and two kinds of toast, along with two kinds of bagels, some cream cheese, some butter, some multi-berry preserves, and assorted Nutrigrain baked breakfast/snack bars. We also set out some boiled eggs, coffee and juice to drink, orange or, just to be different, peach cider! The peach cider was a very popular option, much more so than last year's cranberry. Didn't even bring apple juice this time as no one drank it last year.

    For lunch, I laid out some torn butter lettuce, sliced yellow onion and red tomato, along with both kinds of bread from breakfast (not toasted), a tub of "palmetto" cheese that was really pimento cheese with a fancy name, some Kirkland roast beef, Kirkland Black Forest ham, and Kirkland roasted turkey breast, with all the usual condiments except that we couldn't find any pickle wedges at Costco and I wasn't stopping anywhere else to get them this year. People just had to make do without pickles. The boiled eggs were set out again for lunch. Only one person actually asked for pickles but I know they would have been eaten if I had them. I'll make the extra stop next time. J made some deviled eggs for his own lunch, from the boiled eggs and some of the condiments.

    Saturday night most of the crowd was going to a restaurant in a nearby town. We have done that in the past with the group but frankly aren't particularly impressed with their food, and vegetarian options are somewhat limited. We wend to a large flea market in the afternoon and stopped on the way back to camp for a nice Mexican dinner in a small town I can't remember the name of, but have to say I really LIKED that restaurant and would certainly eat there again. The name of the restaurant was El Parian, and from what I could see online, it might be a small, localish chain of several restaurants, but none terribly close to home.

    Sunday morning we set out the remainder of the lunch meats, the rest of the breakfast/snack bars, the bagels, the bread, the condiments, and thought (briefly) about scrambling the remaining eggs and warming up the remaining bacon but I just didn't feel up to that. This year I was REALLY, FULLY understanding why the prior year food coordinators only put out continental breakfast on the last day. It was my first year being the main food coordinator/preparer almost all by myself and by Sunday morning you are WORN OUT. There wouldn't have been enough scrambled eggs for everyone anyway, so we put out the boiled eggs and the juices to round out breakfast, along with butter, cream cheese, and the preserves.

    And the few remaining eggs (both fresh and boiled), and the rest of the bacon, came home with us. Along with excess butter, cooking spray, breads and bagels (though the bread and bagels got tossed into the nearby woods for the squirrels and birds, after I got home) and a small amount of leftover juice and potato chips. We also have the remaining cereal bars, most of the condiments, and some fancy mixed nuts, but the condiments, nuts, and some of the cereal bars may come with me to the next pool party we attend. J had bought some Little Debbie snacks and donated them but most of them came home with us too. J gets to eat most of them. Little Debbie is NOT my friend!

    I need to get some salad ingredients, as I also brought home leftover butter lettuce but gave the onions and tomatoes to the usual pool party hosts already. Maybe some cucumbers...I already have some carrots, and maybe get a few more tomatoes since I gave those away. And radishes! J likes radishes...

    Well, enough rambling. Need to get the little sugar gliders fed and get to bed.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member


    Not Humor





