Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story

Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Really late today!!
    Hi From GA! Home of the Irish Cat Lady, or Gangsta G. as the grands have decided to call me! LOL! Imagination at its best!.
    Ted and I went together to the LAST Stick and basket game this afternoon. Ted went to take Olivia his old iPhone. Livy has gotten a continuous monitor, and the plea went out to family if we had an old iPhone not in use. I didn't, and I turned mine in when I got my new one...She's happy..There is also a hand held reader, Jenn had that in her pocket. It showed Livi's blood sugar as a graph, and you could see its ups and dips. Hope this helps O keep a little tighter control over her blood sugars.

    Got a few things done around here before Ted arrived. And tomorrow is a lunch time appointment with my Chiro! I feel like I'm in pretty good shape..its been 5+ weeks and nothing seems to have gone out of whack!

    Tom E. has a new hidey hole...he's been sleeping on the top of the DVD. I'm guessing its warm and feels like a sibling? to him? With Tom, who knows.

    Read your post Ed...some little kitty had best learn to keep all his paws on the floor! Curiosity and all that will get Oliver in big trouble!

    Ok, Gangsta G is going to bed...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 48. The rain in the forecast for today has not yet arrived, It is due sometime this morning.

    Here are the cities where the most people live alone

    What is happening to Maryland ?
    10-Year-Old, 14-Year-Olds Charged In Armed Robbery At Columbia Park


    U.S. top court rejects Trump administration bid to halt climate trial
    Francisco noted that the plaintiffs are seeking to hold the U.S. government liable for the cumulative effects of carbon dioxide emissions "from every source in the world over decades."

    Rise in melatonin use to help children sleep leads to safety warning
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! 6 degrees out there (43 F) with an expected high of 18 (64 F) and 0% chance of precipitation.

    The cats (well, Lilo) did their level best to get me out of bed before 5:00 but I managed to snooze a bit more until about 10 after 5. Dinah is now crying for breakfast but even by the old time she's about an hour early. This is normal behavior for Dinah. She always starts calling for it early. Going to try to push it back a little bit today, so they won't be expecting it or asking for it quite this early. Same, of course, for waking me up, which will, hopefully, be pushed back a little each day. This involves getting Lilo out of my face and onto the floor, sometimes repeatedly, until I am willing to get out of bed. It's kind of like pushing the snooze alarm on Lilo. LOL.

    Hopefully nothing on the agenda for today, other than getting the garbage and recycles out to the curb and scooping the liter boxes. I do want a nap, as I didn't get much of one yesterday.
    Hi Ed
    Good Luck getting the cats adjusted quickly.
    Cats got snooze alarms ? :wink:

    Nothing in the agenda is a nice thing for the day.
    Kids Try Energy Drinks
    Kids Try Blood & Guts
    Why would You do those things to the poor kids ?
    In my opinion Energy drinks are dangerous.
    $55 GAC Fruit Taste Test | Fruity Fruits - Baby Jackfruit, Quá Guc
    Not the prettiest fruit.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Vegetarian Cheesecake ?
    Most baked cheesecake is vegetarian, though, obviously, not VEGAN.

    Some do have gelatin added as an additional stabilizer, but this is much more common in the no-bake varieties, which, while tasty, do not count as REAL cheesecake to me.

    I always read the ingredient list. Agar or even guar gum can be used instead of gelatin in the no-bake cheesecakes but it does seem that most have gelatin. I guess it's cheaper, or what they are used to (and know how to use) or a bit of both.
    I would think not, cream cheese, sour cream and butter in the crust seem to be in most recipes. I agree that the no bake are not a real Cheese Cake. OTOH better than nothing. Cheaper and almost as tasty seems to be the mantra for Commercial food producers.
    I have found a few small, tasty, HoneyCrisp apples at Ingles but have noticed the same thing as Val, that most of the apples seem to be MEGA APPLES that look like apples on steroids, the size of Grapefruit. I can't eat an apple that big without feeling stuffed and spiking my blood sugar levels badly. I guess I could make fried or stewed apples and eat it in smaller portions that way...but I usually prefer to just eat an apple as an apple and what I need for that is about tennis ball sized fruit, maybe a tad larger. It can be very difficult to find.
    In my informal testing even putting the remainder of an apple in a container covered in water is not that successful.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hi Valerie
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 12C/54F with an expected high of 19C/68F and 20% chance of precipitation.

    Need to get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up and feed the cats. A nap is hopefully in the agenda. This morning they let me sleep until 6:00, which was impressive. I'll see if I can get them to extend that somewhat, but if not, I'll take 6:00...especially this late in the year, as that would translate to 7:00 when the time next changes.

    Perhaps a little bit of housework.

    Edweirdo...er, Eduardo hasn't jumped on the pea soup yet. Maybe I'll open that for lunch...pondering. I have ham I could put in it, or pepperoni. But I'm pondering baking pizza for dinner, and if I do I may just pull out two cheese pizzas and pepperoni-ize one of them for me, so I may not add any of that to the soup, or may just not have the pea soup today and perhaps open a harvest veggie soup for lunch instead. Or just have something that's not soup! What a novel idea! LOL.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    edited November 2018
    Cats don't, per se, have snooze alarms but if I put her off the bed, she will sometimes leave me alone for 5 to 15 minutes before coming back to get in my face...and then sometimes she comes right back. I guess it depends on just how badly she wants me to get up.
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Why would You do those things to the poor kids ?
    In my opinion Energy drinks are dangerous.

    That was the first thing that crossed my mind on the energy drinks. I would never give those to kids, and won't even drink them myself. As for the "blood and guts" part, well I ate chicken hearts and gizzards as a kid, and sweetmeats too. Not fried intestines (why didn't they just call them chitlins?) though. I'm sure I had some that were used as casings for sausages, but never really thought of it when enjoying the sausages.

    I used to occasionally use the 5 hour energy drinks as they are sugar free, but that much caffeine makes me jittery so I stopped.

    And once (just once!) I tried two glasses of a cocktail that was made with an energy drink...not sure after all this time which one, but I can tell you that a mixture of energy drink, vodka, and Sprite is a very, very bad idea.

    I drank the first one pretty quickly, as it didn't taste that much of alcohol, and then got another to sip. About halfway through the second one, the first one hit me. Hard. I was feeling drunk AND wired at the same time and it was not a good feeling at all. I was sort of OK as long as I didn't try to stand up from my bar stool but was wishing that it had a back...

    At that point I waved to a friend and asked him if he wanted to share a small pizza with me, as the food in this particular bar (as in so many) was very limited, it being much more of a sleazy bar than grill. Yes, I hung out in a few places like that occasionally when younger, as did some of my friends. LOL.

    I figured they couldn't mess up a frozen pizza too badly so chose that over any sandwich or fried chicken fingers. I definitely didn't want to add greasy fried food to my system just then. I knew their chicken or tuna salad sandwiches could vary depending on how long since they had last opened a container of the chicken or tuna salad, which was not made on site.

    I also knew that asking for a burger seriously annoyed the bartender as that meant cleaning the grill afterward. And they didn't make fries, though they did have a frier on most of the early part of the evening, but shut that down around 10:00 or 11:00 so it could cool off and be cleaned before they went home. They had not invested in a second, separate frier for fries. You could get a small bag of chips to go with your burger though. Everything was a-la-carte.

    Pizza was the least annoying thing to order as they could just stick it in the oven, with a timer, and not worry about it until it was done, with little cleanup involved, since it was served on a foam plate. I didn't want to annoy the bartenders as they would then give me the fisheye every time I came in! To be fair, the chicken fingers weren't TOO annoying if the frier was still on, as they could set a timer for that too, but I didn't want the grease and that still involved more cleanup than a pizza.

    The small combination pizza finally arrived and my friend, T, did eat a few slices of it, and the rest soaked up some of the booze for me. After a while I felt better but still hung around the bar until the requisite "hour per cocktail" had passed and then some, until I felt sure I was OK to drive. Bar food. Not my favorite at all, but it will do on occasion.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    I must say, this take on the green bean casserole does look tasty. But I'd suggest vegetable broth over chicken broth, to keep it vegetarian. Vegans would still have to find something else to eat though, regardless.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning 11.05.18 @ 9:04 that may be a recent record! I really have been posting quite late....

    Hi Roger... did you miss my post from last night? No, just saying Hi or Yeah, I saw it. LOL!!

    Been up for nearly 2 hours...lost on the computer after feeding Tom E. and a couple other chores.
    This is apparently heresy in our little group, but I've never been a big fan of baked cheesecake...but I 'did' like the no bake kind. Those became popular while I was in high school, and I loved making, AND eating them. Sad, I know!! The presentation and dividing the baking pan into quarters were neat though...something to store away in my little overstuffed brain. That was the same bunch that did the 3 veg. gratin Video...'Tasty' Well yesterday at the Stick and basket game, I was sitting next to Jenn, who is again hosting the multi-family Thanksgiving. I wish I had enough room to stuff that many people into my house..but...anyway, I thought that gratin would be a fun veg dish and one that would appeal to almost everyone. Boy did she shoot that idea down. I was really disappointed. Oh, well, I may very well make one for myself, here at home, and eat it over the course of a couple days. Jenn is very much the traditionalist, conservative, etc when it comes to her Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, stuffing, green beans, maybe sweet potato mash that her Mom makes (vegan no less) And Salad that Grammie makes, And then by popular demand, they skip having Pumpkin pie, and have Ted make a couple apple pies???? WTHeck???? I wait all year for a piece of damn pumpkin pie, and they want APPLE??? So, some years Ted will bring a pumpkin pie from the freezer section of Publix or Kroger, etc. (They think that by Grammie making the salad I will have 'something' to eat, Damn Salads! Ok, now I have cleared my brain I shall continue reading and watching....:)

    Well, I see I didn't post the first half...hang on to your hats...
    The road crew came back, and we now have proper manhole covers, complete with the concrete surrounding it! They were just finishing up as I pulled in. Fortunately the'd left just enough room around their equipment so that I could get in to my driveway!

    And, Good visit with Dr. Pat. She was pleased with my lack of issues! Everything on her exam table is air pressure activated, and in the middle of our visit, the electric motor kicked in to fill the compressor, so we had ample time to chat about our elections tomorrow, and Thanksgiving, etc. Set up my next appointment for the same day in Dec. that Jimmy is doing my hair...very handy for me, as they are only about 2-3 miles down the road from one another. :) Will save me a trip next month.

    THEN....and THEN, I went to Whole Foods.....Went thru the vegetables..got some beautiful red beets with beautiful green tops..so there are beets and beet greens, and some Dino Kale. A purple Japanese sweet potato, 2 small (what should be Normal sized) Yellow Delicious Apples....and as I was leaving Produce to head to the other side of the store, there was a stand alone smaller open topped freezer...Peppermint Chocolate coated Ice Cream treats on a stick...and...OMG! Irish Whisky Salted Caramel VEGAN Ice Cream!!! 365 brand, should you want to find it at your stores. Holy cow!!
    First I went down the dressings isle...and spied Lemon Tahini dressing...sounded interesting an maybe not quite so vinegary..so into my basket it went...Oh, Look!! Imagine Soups...in flavors I've not seen out here in the stores, and on sale....Sold! Trying two new soup flavors...Ok, so time to get on to the hot bar...found my Chicken Fried Tofu...and right next to it, their vegan version of Mac and Cheese. So just a little of the mac and cheese, and 2 servings worth of the Tofu...thought about those goodies across the store, and went back to take photo's to send to Ted...then back to the bread end..near the hot bar. Decided against any bread..and WALKED BACK TO THAT FREEZER...Well, I knew just getting one of those would be a tough storage issue with my stuffed freezer, but let me tell you....The Irish Whiskey Salted Caramel is soooooo over the top good!!! By the time I drove home, it was just softening up a bit, and yes, I ate some right out of the carton, with my spoon. (perk of living alone! and having a dumb family who thinks that Vegan is akin to Poison) Poor sad dummies!!! LOL!!!

    Ok, I think that is about all...this is going to be one long post...oh, the Lemon Tahini dressing made a great dipping sauce for my tofu...
    and I watched and loved Emmy and her brother making donuts!! They had just too much fun.


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 50. The rain in the forecast for today has not yet arrived, It is due sometime this morning OTOH there is a light mist in the air.

    Democratic Party of GA accused of hacking voter registry; Abrams calls it desperate ploy

    Non-stop ads and robocalls: welcome to America's costliest election

    Jury awards $105M in suit against pH Miracle author

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 12C/54F with an expected high of 19C/68F and 20% chance of precipitation.

    Need to get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up and feed the cats. A nap is hopefully in the agenda. This morning they let me sleep until 6:00, which was impressive. I'll see if I can get them to extend that somewhat, but if not, I'll take 6:00...especially this late in the year, as that would translate to 7:00 when the time next changes.

    Perhaps a little bit of housework.

    Edweirdo...er, Eduardo hasn't jumped on the pea soup yet. Maybe I'll open that for lunch...pondering. I have ham I could put in it, or pepperoni. But I'm pondering baking pizza for dinner, and if I do I may just pull out two cheese pizzas and pepperoni-ize one of them for me, so I may not add any of that to the soup, or may just not have the pea soup today and perhaps open a harvest veggie soup for lunch instead. Or just have something that's not soup! What a novel idea! LOL.
    Hi Ed
    Congratulations on getting more sleep :smiley:

    Funny You should mention Pea Soup, My brother started one yesterday with big chunks of ham in it that he wants to slice into cubes later, more simmering needed today to finish.

    Since It is a Raw feeling day I think I may pull out the NS Chicken Noodle Soup and have it for Breakfast.

    Rain off and on yesterday, more on than off and in the forecast for today with a chance of Thunderstorms :(

    We just got back from voting, the line was not to bad, we also saw two of our neighbors there doing their civic duty. Why vote today ? Neither of us believe in early voting, Sorry Valerie :wink:
    Cats don't, per se, have snooze alarms but if I put her off the bed, she will sometimes leave me alone for 5 to 15 minutes before coming back to get in my face...and then sometimes she comes right back. I guess it depends on just how badly she wants me to get up.
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Why would You do those things to the poor kids ?
    In my opinion Energy drinks are dangerous.
    That was the first thing that crossed my mind on the energy drinks. I would never give those to kids, and won't even drink them myself. As for the "blood and guts" part, well I ate chicken hearts and gizzards as a kid, and sweetmeats too. Not fried intestines (why didn't they just call them chitlins?) though. I'm sure I had some that were used as casings for sausages, but never really thought of it when enjoying the sausages.
    That works for me as a cat snooze alarm,

    That is the only way I have had intestines, As the casings on Premium Hot Dogs and Sausages. Marked as Natural Casings rather that Intestines. I tried the NS Italian-Style Sausage and Peppers and could tell that the Sausage had Natural casings :smile:

    FWIW I heard this on the local Cable News Channel this Morning

    Laura Wooten has worked for more than 27 years as a food service worker at Butler College, one of Princeton's six residential colleges, where she checks students' meal cards. She has been volunteering at local election polls for 79 years.
    Wooten, 97, volunteered at several polling locations in Princeton throughout the decades until moving to Lawrence Township, where she volunteers at the polls at the firehouse on Lawrence Road. It's a long day — the polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.; Wooten rises at 4 a.m. to get ready and hasn't missed one Election Day

    Way to go !
    I used to occasionally use the 5 hour energy drinks as they are sugar free, but that much caffeine makes me jittery so I stopped.

    And once (just once!) I tried two glasses of a cocktail that was made with an energy drink...not sure after all this time which one, but I can tell you that a mixture of energy drink, vodka, and Sprite is a very, very bad idea.

    I drank the first one pretty quickly, as it didn't taste that much of alcohol, and then got another to sip. About halfway through the second one, the first one hit me. Hard. I was feeling drunk AND wired at the same time and it was not a good feeling at all. I was sort of OK as long as I didn't try to stand up from my bar stool but was wishing that it had a back...

    At that point I waved to a friend and asked him if he wanted to share a small pizza with me, as the food in this particular bar (as in so many) was very limited, it being much more of a sleazy bar than grill. Yes, I hung out in a few places like that occasionally when younger, as did some of my friends. LOL.
    I a report on this in yesterdays news FWIW
    Warnings issued over energy drinks
    The researchers state that the health risks associated with energy drink consumption are primarily related to their caffeine content. ... caffeine overdose (which can lead to a number of symptoms, including palpitations, high blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, convulsions and, in some cases, even death)

    When I am walking I sometimes see people Buying these things, I saw one man Buy two Monster Energy and then outside of the 7-Eleven drink both of them before climbing into has car and driving off, That much can not be good for You :(

    That sounds more like a dive than a bar ?
    Energy Drinks are something I do not use, I flirted with them in the past when I would Buy the Extreme Caffeine Coffee as my refill, I have since tapered off to 1/2 DeCaf and 1/2 Regular coffee now.
    I figured they couldn't mess up a frozen pizza too badly so chose that over any sandwich or fried chicken fingers. I definitely didn't want to add greasy fried food to my system just then. I knew their chicken or tuna salad sandwiches could vary depending on how long since they had last opened a container of the chicken or tuna salad, which was not made on site.
    Back in the early 80s I was delivering refrigerated foods to Grocery Stores and thus am familiar premade Salads. They came in various sizes and qualities too.

    Yummy, Gourmet Frozen Pizza :smiley:
    I also knew that asking for a burger seriously annoyed the bartender as that meant cleaning the grill afterward. And they didn't make fries, though they did have a frier on most of the early part of the evening, but shut that down around 10:00 or 11:00 so it could cool off and be cleaned before they went home. They had not invested in a second, separate frier for fries. You could get a small bag of chips to go with your burger though. Everything was a-la-carte.

    Pizza was the least annoying thing to order as they could just stick it in the oven, with a timer, and not worry about it until it was done, with little cleanup involved, since it was served on a foam plate. I didn't want to annoy the bartenders as they would then give me the fisheye every time I came in! To be fair, the chicken fingers weren't TOO annoying if the frier was still on, as they could set a timer for that too, but I didn't want the grease and that still involved more cleanup than a pizza.

    The small combination pizza finally arrived and my friend, T, did eat a few slices of it, and the rest soaked up some of the booze for me. After a while I felt better but still hung around the bar until the requisite "hour per cocktail" had passed and then some, until I felt sure I was OK to drive. Bar food. Not my favorite at all, but it will do on occasion.
    I have not seen a Chinese Takeout here that has more than on Fryer that is used for Chicken, Fish or fires and anything else that gets deep fried.

    I have not found any local Location that double fries the French Fries for really crispy sadly.
    Speaking of cheesecake...
    Cheesecake, Yum.
    Low Carb Muffin Recipes! Gluten Free & Keto + FREE EBOOK
    Hmm... I have come to the realization over the years that sugar free and Low carb does not equal Low Calorie.
    NONI - Vomit Cheese Puke Fruit TASTE Test
    Brave of her.
    Wee and Tee Make: Korean Donuts - Cooking with My Brother
    They looked like great Doughnuts to me.
    I must say, this take on the green bean casserole does look tasty. But I'd suggest vegetable broth over chicken broth, to keep it vegetarian. Vegans would still have to find something else to eat though, regardless.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Really late today!!
    Hi From GA! Home of the Irish Cat Lady, or Gangsta G. as the grands have decided to call me! LOL! Imagination at its best!.
    Ted and I went together to the LAST Stick and basket game this afternoon. Ted went to take Olivia his old iPhone. Livy has gotten a continuous monitor, and the plea went out to family if we had an old iPhone not in use. I didn't, and I turned mine in when I got my new one...She's happy..There is also a hand held reader, Jenn had that in her pocket. It showed Livi's blood sugar as a graph, and you could see its ups and dips. Hope this helps O keep a little tighter control over her blood sugars.

    Got a few things done around here before Ted arrived. And tomorrow is a lunch time appointment with my Chiro! I feel like I'm in pretty good shape..its been 5+ weeks and nothing seems to have gone out of whack!

    Tom E. has a new hidey hole...he's been sleeping on the top of the DVD. I'm guessing its warm and feels like a sibling? to him? With Tom, who knows.

    Read your post Ed...some little kitty had best learn to keep all his paws on the floor! Curiosity and all that will get Oliver in big trouble!

    Ok, Gangsta G is going to bed...

    Hi Valerie
    I Know I have had ups and downs in my Blood Sugar, especially if I cheat on My Diet :(

    The Monitoring has to be done with a iPhone, Not an Android, Not that I am a fan of Big Brother Google BTW.
    Good Morning 11.05.18 @ 9:04 that may be a recent record! I really have been posting quite late....

    Hi Roger... did you miss my post from last night? No, just saying Hi or Yeah, I saw it. LOL!!

    Been up for nearly 2 hours...lost on the computer after feeding Tom E. and a couple other chores.
    I did somehow miss it, I have now replied to some of it however.
    This is apparently heresy in our little group, but I've never been a big fan of baked cheesecake...but I 'did' like the no bake kind. Those became popular while I was in high school, and I loved making, AND eating them. Sad, I know!! The presentation and dividing the baking pan into quarters were neat though...something to store away in my little overstuffed brain. That was the same bunch that did the 3 veg. gratin Video...'Tasty' Well yesterday at the Stick and basket game, I was sitting next to Jenn, who is again hosting the multi-family Thanksgiving. I wish I had enough room to stuff that many people into my house..but...anyway, I thought that gratin would be a fun veg dish and one that would appeal to almost everyone. Boy did she shoot that idea down. I was really disappointed. Oh, well, I may very well make one for myself, here at home, and eat it over the course of a couple days. Jenn is very much the traditionalist, conservative, etc when it comes to her Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, stuffing, green beans, maybe sweet potato mash that her Mom makes (vegan no less) And Salad that Grammie makes, And then by popular demand, they skip having Pumpkin pie, and have Ted make a couple apple pies???? WTHeck???? I wait all year for a piece of damn pumpkin pie, and they want APPLE??? So, some years Ted will bring a pumpkin pie from the freezer section of Publix or Kroger, etc. (They think that by Grammie making the salad I will have 'something' to eat, Damn Salads! Ok, now I have cleared my brain I shall continue reading and watching....:)
    I do not recall ever having No bake Cheesecake, OTOH Since I love the Baked kind... My one aunt used to make one that was tasty and OK for her diabetic husband, I wish that recipe was not lost.

    Potatoes Au Gratin for me.

    Your Jenn and my Brother the traditionalist, His list includes home made Pumpkin Pie and Mashed Potatoes with homemade Turkey gravy however. And Salad is so long term filling, Not.
    Pumpkin Pie also requires Homemade Whipped Cream for him.
    Well, I see I didn't post the first half...hang on to your hats...
    The road crew came back, and we now have proper manhole covers, complete with the concrete surrounding it! They were just finishing up as I pulled in. Fortunately the'd left just enough room around their equipment so that I could get in to my driveway!

    And, Good visit with Dr. Pat. She was pleased with my lack of issues! Everything on her exam table is air pressure activated, and in the middle of our visit, the electric motor kicked in to fill the compressor, so we had ample time to chat about our elections tomorrow, and Thanksgiving, etc. Set up my next appointment for the same day in Dec. that Jimmy is doing my hair...very handy for me, as they are only about 2-3 miles down the road from one another. :) Will save me a trip next month.
    That would have stunk if they blocked Your driveway. Since my Brother picked up the F150 he has a harder time getting into and out of our driveway if the one across the street has cars parked up to the corners.

    Good, There is nothing wrong with combing trips, Saves Wear and tear and Fuel.
    THEN....and THEN, I went to Whole Foods.....Went thru the vegetables..got some beautiful red beets with beautiful green tops..so there are beets and beet greens, and some Dino Kale. A purple Japanese sweet potato, 2 small (what should be Normal sized) Yellow Delicious Apples....and as I was leaving Produce to head to the other side of the store, there was a stand alone smaller open topped freezer...Peppermint Chocolate coated Ice Cream treats on a stick...and...OMG! Irish Whisky Salted Caramel VEGAN Ice Cream!!! 365 brand, should you want to find it at your stores. Holy cow!!
    First I went down the dressings isle...and spied Lemon Tahini dressing...sounded interesting an maybe not quite so vinegary..so into my basket it went...Oh, Look!! Imagine Soups...in flavors I've not seen out here in the stores, and on sale....Sold! Trying two new soup flavors...Ok, so time to get on to the hot bar...found my Chicken Fried Tofu...and right next to it, their vegan version of Mac and Cheese. So just a little of the mac and cheese, and 2 servings worth of the Tofu...thought about those goodies across the store, and went back to take photo's to send to Ted...then back to the bread end..near the hot bar. Decided against any bread..and WALKED BACK TO THAT FREEZER...Well, I knew just getting one of those would be a tough storage issue with my stuffed freezer, but let me tell you....The Irish Whiskey Salted Caramel is soooooo over the top good!!! By the time I drove home, it was just softening up a bit, and yes, I ate some right out of the carton, with my spoon. (perk of living alone! and having a dumb family who thinks that Vegan is akin to Poison) Poor sad dummies!!! LOL!!!

    Ok, I think that is about all...this is going to be one long post...oh, the Lemon Tahini dressing made a great dipping sauce for my tofu...
    and I watched and loved Emmy and her brother making donuts!! They had just too much fun.

    That sounds like a successful trip to Whole Foods, I have not been there since they discontinued the Hot Foods breakfast section. When I was going I never did see any Chicken Fried Tofu to try nor any vegetarian Mac and Cheese on their regular Mac & Cheese.

    Who does not eat Ice Cream that way, I did in the past and still do when I have the NS Ice Cream Cup.

    My stomach was feeling a bit irritated fro some reason so I had a NS Chicken Soup for breakfast, I hope that works.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 17C/62F with an expected high of 21C/70F and 80% chance of rain. Since it's already wet out there I'm upping that to 100% for my house, but the rain is supposed to mostly move on by noonish.

    Need to get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up and feed the cats. Hoping for a nap as well. I got in line to vote 10 minutes before the polls opened, and was out 35 minutes after they opened. Not too bad a wait. They could have used more polling machines, as they only had 6 and they were very busy. I suspect they planned that as if this were a "normal" mid-term and not the hot mid-term that it is.

    I hope they STAY that busy all day though! People need to start voting instead of the majority staying at home.

    Nothing else major on the agenda.

    J is up the hill now now, in line. I went early as one of us has to be home to sign for my crate of wine, even though it's not really expected to arrive until this afternoon. But you never know! I got back from voting before the UPS truck even left the depot, just in case. :)


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...