Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Monday Morning! ITS HUMP DAY...yeah, I know that's normally what we call Wednesday, BUT, today is Winter Solstice day (11.49p.m.) So days slowly, minute by minute get longer!!!
    And...there is a full moon on Christmas. Which is a rather rare happening.

    I've been thinking about what Ed said about snapping beans...I so well remember doing that with the garden haul, and Mom canning them, in summer, with no air conditioning, yuck... I had a little bro, but I don't think he ever got pulled into the bean snapping 'party'....and then it hit me....Beans, when I was a kid, had to be snapped...both ends, Mother didn't like tails on her beans....and you had to also 'string' them...I think today's beans may be stringless... Stringing them was the bug-a-boo!!! Hmmmm. I may try a pound, maybe. :)

    Roger, we need a banana bread report...). I know it was good.
    So glad you have your blood glucose under control. Sugar, sweet as it is, is a killer!
    I just read a long article today about sugar, (added sugars, not the ones in fruit & veggies), and arthritis, could be that's why my knees are feeling so much better that I've halved my Aleve daily intake! This article went on to say that whole food Vegans have less inflammation (C-reactive protein) than non-vegans...interesting. (The Vegan part was an observational study, not a scientific study.)
    So, Ted may be more right than I gave him credit for over my 'Vegan Shield).....who knows???

    Heading for the gym in just a few...


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    While Walking Saturday I had a Fully Decorated Christmas tree drive by on my way to the Dunkin Donuts. It was secured upright in the back of a pickup truck.

    Cold out this morning, Frost on the car in the driveway. Hard to believe we are supposed to be up to 60 degrees later on.

    During todays walk I dropped off a Banana Nut Loaf and a 1/4 lb of butter at our local car repair shop. I heard I'm going to cut a slice off in a few minutes for Breakfast, She said she missed Breakfast from running late today so that works out great. Plus it got rid of the bananas that had become real ripe and I prefer them slightly less ripe :)

    Then on the way back home I passed a snow globe decoration that had a steady stream of snow falling onto Frosty & a Penguin inside of it. That is the first one of those I have seen too.

    Have a Nice Monday
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Looking forward to this week's box, with veggies and fruit! Yellow beans (wax beans?) instead of green beans this week. Some of those may make it to the Christmas dinner table.

    I don't mind snapping a pound or so for personal consumption, but wasn't fond of helping to snap a bushel or two with the family back when Mom was canning green beans. That made it too much like work because it WAS work. Thank goodness for having a lot of brothers and sisters to help.

    Roger, I might try the scissor trick with the beans.

    Oh well, off to the salt races.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I learned how handy Scissors are in the kitchen from Mom :)
    I now keep a nice pair handy on the counter and use them every day.

    Pick a winner at the salt races :)
    Good Monday Morning! ITS HUMP DAY...yeah, I know that's normally what we call Wednesday, BUT, today is Winter Solstice day (11.49p.m.) So days slowly, minute by minute get longer!!!
    And...there is a full moon on Christmas. Which is a rather rare happening.

    I've been thinking about what Ed said about snapping beans...I so well remember doing that with the garden haul, and Mom canning them, in summer, with no air conditioning, yuck... I had a little bro, but I don't think he ever got pulled into the bean snapping 'party'....and then it hit me....Beans, when I was a kid, had to be snapped...both ends, Mother didn't like tails on her beans....and you had to also 'string' them...I think today's beans may be stringless... Stringing them was the bug-a-boo!!! Hmmmm. I may try a pound, maybe. :)

    Roger, we need a banana bread report...). I know it was good.
    So glad you have your blood glucose under control. Sugar, sweet as it is, is a killer!
    I just read a long article today about sugar, (added sugars, not the ones in fruit & veggies), and arthritis, could be that's why my knees are feeling so much better that I've halved my Aleve daily intake! This article went on to say that whole food Vegans have less inflammation (C-reactive protein) than non-vegans...interesting. (The Vegan part was an observational study, not a scientific study.)
    So, Ted may be more right than I gave him credit for over my 'Vegan Shield).....who knows???

    Heading for the gym in just a few...

    Hi Valerie
    I can not give a first hand report on the Banana Bread, We do have a couple of Banana bread muffins Vacuum sealed in the freezer however. However the Spatula tasted good when done :)

    Sugars, So much in the diet from so many sneaky names too. I would think reducing the Aleve would be great, as I remember it has side effects so any reduction is a good thing.

    Winter officially starts just as warmer weather moves in. They are saying 60 on Christmas


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    And from what I heard on the noon news Roger we are expected to break an all time high temp on both Christmas eve, and Christmas. You will not hear me crying over that!
    The only down side is when normal temps return we're gonna suffer!

    Need to get moving, I keep thinking of food....and dinner is about 2.5 to 3 hours off! Not good.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Supposed to rain all day. Lovely...but it's off to the rat mines anyway!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Warmer outside today, I could see where we had a real light rain when I left the house. Then past the halfway mark of my walk it started drizzling. Heavier rain later on.

    I'll be out the door shortly with my brother visiting friends and dropping off things. Then on the way home Coffee at the Diner with a Friend of many years.

    Have a Good Tuesday
    And from what I heard on the noon news Roger we are expected to break an all time high temp on both Christmas eve, and Christmas. You will not hear me crying over that!
    The only down side is when normal temps return we're gonna suffer!

    Need to get moving, I keep thinking of food....and dinner is about 2.5 to 3 hours off! Not good.

    Hi Valerie
    I'll still take the warmth :) After having to bundle up and wear layers and earmuffs for three mornings over the weekend this is so much better.

    The above average temperatures have made the Gas & Electric Bill nicely below average for this time of year. A nice Christmas present from Mother Nature.

    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Supposed to rain all day. Lovely...but it's off to the rat mines anyway!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Our weather forecast is for rain Tuesday to Thursday and then again on Saturday, Still it could be worse, at least it is above average temperatures too. Much better than Ice or snow :)

    Have a good day at work
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning!
    Beans to cook today...soaked overnight. Lunch with M canceled...thanks to her needy inlaws..rain, gray ick!
    I have a bunch of organic bananas that I got Saturday after hockey from W Foods...they are still as green as grass, I"ve tried the 'apple in the bag' thing with 2 of them, the skins turn yellow, and they are still so not ripe that you can't peel them. I finally got a bit of flesh from this second one, and it's YUCKY!
    Back to Whole foods they go....(and no they are not plantains! :) )
    Gifts got wrapped last night. Still need tags and bows.. and used up the rest of that roll of paper....one do-te-doot for the recycles guys!
    So, today looks like a trip to the gym, on to Whole Foods, and then Toys R Us, (which should be a ZOO today, for a 7 year old girls gift...(little one next door)...I'm about to believe the beans may go from soaked to crock. They'd be done for dinner...hmmmm.
    Ok, getting later by the minute, and for sure I want to be home tonite to enjoy that extra minute of daylight!!! LOL!!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful, wet Wednesday! Just working a few hours today but making up for that tomorrow. Maybe after work this morning I can get my overdue oil change done.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi All
    It was not to bad outside this morning, in the low 50s, Foggy and misty, The ground was wet from condensation I suspect. There is rain moving into the area later on and it is supposed to be heavier than yesterdays was too. I am waiting to hear back from FedEx as to where is the package that shows as on truck for delivery dated the 21st when I access tracking info on it. :(

    have a Great Wednesday
    Good Tuesday Morning!
    Beans to cook today...soaked overnight. Lunch with M canceled...thanks to her needy inlaws..rain, gray ick!
    I have a bunch of organic bananas that I got Saturday after hockey from W Foods...they are still as green as grass, I"ve tried the 'apple in the bag' thing with 2 of them, the skins turn yellow, and they are still so not ripe that you can't peel them. I finally got a bit of flesh from this second one, and it's YUCKY!
    Back to Whole foods they go....(and no they are not plantains! :) )
    Gifts got wrapped last night. Still need tags and bows.. and used up the rest of that roll of paper....one do-te-doot for the recycles guys!
    So, today looks like a trip to the gym, on to Whole Foods, and then Toys R Us, (which should be a ZOO today, for a 7 year old girls gift...(little one next door)...I'm about to believe the beans may go from soaked to crock. They'd be done for dinner...hmmmm.
    Ok, getting later by the minute, and for sure I want to be home tonite to enjoy that extra minute of daylight!!! LOL!!!


    Hi Kat
    I had something similar with bananas except that mine stayed Green on the outside and then as a touch of yellow showed up on the skins they stated getting brown spots and were actually over ripe. I suspect poor storage somewhere along the line.

    Sorry th hear about Your cancelled Lunch, We ended up having Lunch at the Diner with a friend yesterday :( I was probably OK until I went bananas and ordered the Carrot Cake. I had a small one of these http://www.mygreekdish.com/recipe/pastitsio/
    It was a small piece with most of the plate being a Salad and a bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup.

    Have a Good day on Your travels
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful, wet Wednesday! Just working a few hours today but making up for that tomorrow. Maybe after work this morning I can get my overdue oil change done.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I think we are getting Your rain later today and tomorrow according to the weatherman.

    IMO a overdue oil change is not as bad as a engine that only gets used for short trips and never really gets warmed up.

    Have a Good day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...yep, Wet Wednesday.
    Well, I got 'caught' this morning....neighbor came to the door at 10:30, and I was still in my jammies!! :) Never mind I'd been up since 6:30. Had laundry going, washed a big batch of pots and pans, and crock insert for the 'big' cooker, etc...oh well... :)

    I may go to the gym later today...chores coming along nicely.
    Your lunch at the diner looks delicious... darn ole carrot cake...they just shouldn't print stuff like that on menu's!! LOL!! Bet it was good...and hey, had some carrot in it, right?? :)

    Ed, sent you a recipe that caught my eye this morning. Its a southern thing Roger...:) Collard greens with corn meal dumplings cooked on top to soak up some of the good 'pot likker' . Not on my diet til next year, but thought Ed might enjoy it sooner.

    We're sending the clouds and some of the rain, but if I hear the weather right, we'll get rain on Thursday too. I know we're under flash flood watch until Christmas day sometime..??? Yuck.. noon news saying additional 2-4 inches.

    Til tomorrow be safe, dry, and enjoy the day.


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    What we're expecting in this week’s CSA box, scheduled for Christmas Eve:

    Beans-Yellow, 0.75 pounds
    Burdock Root-Wintergreen, 0.50 pounds
    Crowns - Broccoli, 0.75 pounds
    Grapefruit-Rio Red, 1
    Greens-Collard (bunch), 1
    Kiwi-Green, 3
    Onions-Yellow, 1
    Pears-D’Anjou, 3
    Peppers-Green Bell, 1
    Potatoes-Red, 1.50 pounds
    Tomatoes-Slicing, 2

    The plan is for some of this to find its way into my Christmas dinner!

    This is my slightly adjusted "small" box. $38.76, delivered.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    From the previous box, I ate all the lettuce. There is still one tomato, which I'll eat tonight. The turnips, potatoes and onion are still here, but some of that may be used on Christmas. J ate most of the cucumber today, with me eating just one slice so I wouldn't be eating cucumber all evening. The zucchini and the bell pepper went into the veggie fried rice that I made for his lunch. Nothing has gone to waste! My plan is for none of this healthy food to go to waste, and it is already inspiring me to eat more veggies, which was the plan.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas! Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Off to the salt mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Y'all!
    GOOD GRIEF ITS LOUD over here! Flashing, popping, sizzling, electronic things like coffee pot and microwave beeping, cats in the house, (LOL guess I'm an old softie)....
    Hopefully this will abate shortly...at least for awhile.

    To Do list together, cats fed, and sheltered! :), meaning I'll need to re-run the sweeper... time for my breakfast. Hope to catch a break in the weather to run to the grocery, and to the gym. Everything else will fall into place.

    70 degrees here on my porch...unreal, even for GA!

    I hope you're both safe and dry. It must be wicked to be in that little fuel center box during this kind of storms...YIKES!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It was so warm outside for this time of year that I was outside walking in a Pocket T-Shirt today. Record warm already and more of a rise in temperatures expected before the day ends. Predicted on the NYC broadcast was a high of 74 degrees, previous record was 63 :)

    During my walk I noticed clues that Beavers have moved into the Brook that feeds our lake here in town or else into the lake.

    Have a Great Christmas Eve.
    Good Morning...yep, Wet Wednesday.
    Well, I got 'caught' this morning....neighbor came to the door at 10:30, and I was still in my jammies!! :) Never mind I'd been up since 6:30. Had laundry going, washed a big batch of pots and pans, and crock insert for the 'big' cooker, etc...oh well... :)

    I may go to the gym later today...chores coming along nicely.
    Your lunch at the diner looks delicious... darn ole carrot cake...they just shouldn't print stuff like that on menu's!! LOL!! Bet it was good...and hey, had some carrot in it, right?? :)

    Ed, sent you a recipe that caught my eye this morning. Its a southern thing Roger...:) Collard greens with corn meal dumplings cooked on top to soak up some of the good 'pot likker' . Not on my diet til next year, but thought Ed might enjoy it sooner.

    We're sending the clouds and some of the rain, but if I hear the weather right, we'll get rain on Thursday too. I know we're under flash flood watch until Christmas day sometime..??? Yuck.. noon news saying additional 2-4 inches.

    Til tomorrow be safe, dry, and enjoy the day.

    Hi Valerie
    There were little bits of carrot in it, However that does not make it a vegetable dish :)

    I see lots of people in their pajamas during my walks bringing in the newspaper etc. I Must be a stick in the mud since I would never do that :)

    I have had Collards at friends in the meals.
    Same as I have had Kishka and Matzo Ball soup and Plaintains. Not all at the same place of course.

    What we're expecting in this week’s CSA box, scheduled for Christmas Eve:

    Beans-Yellow, 0.75 pounds
    Burdock Root-Wintergreen, 0.50 pounds
    Crowns - Broccoli, 0.75 pounds
    Grapefruit-Rio Red, 1
    Greens-Collard (bunch), 1
    Kiwi-Green, 3
    Onions-Yellow, 1
    Pears-D’Anjou, 3
    Peppers-Green Bell, 1
    Potatoes-Red, 1.50 pounds
    Tomatoes-Slicing, 2

    The plan is for some of this to find its way into my Christmas dinner!

    This is my slightly adjusted "small" box. $38.76, delivered.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    The Burdock Root-Wintergreen is the only thing I have never tried or even seen.
    From the previous box, I ate all the lettuce. There is still one tomato, which I'll eat tonight. The turnips, potatoes and onion are still here, but some of that may be used on Christmas. J ate most of the cucumber today, with me eating just one slice so I wouldn't be eating cucumber all evening. The zucchini and the bell pepper went into the veggie fried rice that I made for his lunch. Nothing has gone to waste! My plan is for none of this healthy food to go to waste, and it is already inspiring me to eat more veggies, which was the plan.


    Hi Again
    We were lazy here, I need to go to the freezer and bring up a vacuum sealed bag of Mashed Potatoes and a bag of Stuffing AKA Dressing left over from Thanksgiving. I have leftover Turkey there too that will get used next year, as if next year was a ways off :)

    We have two Hams, One Cooks brand from the grocery store and one from a Place in Pennsylvania called Dietrichs in Krumsville Pa., where they make or smoke all their meats and baked goods. You might find their list of foods interesting.
    I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas! Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Off to the salt mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Again
    We had a decent rainfall yesterday and showers in the forecast for today. Oh well another cloudy day outside, I think tomorrow will be better however.

    I hope You have a easy day today at work
    Good Morning Y'all!
    GOOD GRIEF ITS LOUD over here! Flashing, popping, sizzling, electronic things like coffee pot and microwave beeping, cats in the house, (LOL guess I'm an old softie)....
    Hopefully this will abate shortly...at least for awhile.

    To Do list together, cats fed, and sheltered! :), meaning I'll need to re-run the sweeper... time for my breakfast. Hope to catch a break in the weather to run to the grocery, and to the gym. Everything else will fall into place.

    70 degrees here on my porch...unreal, even for GA!

    I hope you're both safe and dry. It must be wicked to be in that little fuel center box during this kind of storms...YIKES!!


    Hi Again
    When I left the house at 7:25 it was already 69+ degrees outside, at least it was not raining and it was a nice cooling breeze.

    It is hard to believe the Year is almost gone, it seems like the other day that it was New Years Day.

    Good Luck with the weather, More bad weather out west yesterday :(
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Made my trip to the grocery! It was a hoot. Lady in the parking lot gave me her cart, saying there weren't any inside, so I gladly pushed it to the store. I congratulated at least three employees for still being able to smile...what a 'needy' bunch of shoppers...LOL!! Let single item folks in line go ahead of me at check out...wishing the all Merry Christmas..Yep, I was little miss sunshine! Nasty gray outside...none of what I did cost me a red cent, and hopefully made some folks happy.

    The cats were not at all happy with being evicted from the house so I could go to the grocery. I'm not ready to trust them inside just yet...I remember what all they destroyed as young cats when I took pity on them and let them in for a night that was 10 degrees...cost me a bundle to replace window blinds, etc, and I never had the carpet repaired, just thru a throw rug over it....they tried to 'dig out' around the sliding glass door...and so on... however now, with age they seem pretty laid back. Tom E. slept the whole time in a chair with his head on a pillow that says Merry Christmas...Hoot being more wild and leery, napped on the floor and moved toward the door any time I walked by...poor fellow.

    Ok, I"m heading out for the gym....weather radar looks like I'm good (dry) for about an hour...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's relatively late now, on Christmas Eve. We shut down the fuel center at 6:00 and I left the store at 6:30 to come home and eat the leftover fried rice I made for Jason the other day. Now just sipping water and pondering snapping these yellow beans, but I think I'll wait until tomorrow...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    edited December 2015
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    The Burdock Root-Wintergreen is the only thing I have never tried or even seen.

    We have two Hams, One Cooks brand from the grocery store and one from a Place in Pennsylvania called Dietrichs in Krumsville Pa., where they make or smoke all their meats and baked goods. You might find their list of foods interesting.

    I've seen burdock root at the farmers market but never actually cooked any before. The quantity delivered was larger, in volume, than I expected, but I'll have fun with it. From what I've read it can be eaten raw in salads or stir fried or even in soup. It was just a "one off" that I got for fun. You know how I love to play with my food!

    I used to get those Cooks brand half hams every year. Not terribly expensive, but I could make up a nice honey brown sugar glaze for them that would knock your socks off and they came out quite nicely when re-cooked. Now I usually (as this year) buy a Kroger brand spiral sliced half ham that comes with a packet of glaze mix that I jazz up a little to suit my taste. It works, and costs less since I get an employee discount.

    I looked at the web site. They have some interesting stuff, including RING BOLOGNA! I love that stuff, and it's hard to find in stores. So hard that I had trouble convincing some of my friends that ring bologna (and rag bologna) are actually REAL things that people do make and eat. I'll keep the site in mind if only for the ring bologna. I didn't see any landjaeger snack sticks there, which I also love, but I don't really need those...I just eat too many and then regret it. LOL! Just about any of those smoked sausage type things with some whole wheat crackers, cheese, and good, spicy mustard...Mmmmmm. I get fat just thinking about that!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Merry Christmas y'all! I woke up a bit before 3, and decided to get up anyway, even though I don't have to work today. I've had my breakfast and Lilo has had hers. Here is your Christmas funny:



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Beans are snapped! I think I'll mix the yellow beans and the rest of the green beans from last week. I used Roger's idea of scissors and snipping...er snapping the beans was a ... well... snap!



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Merry Christmas
    It was very foggy out this morning when I started out, I could not see the far end of the block I live on :) The fog is getting lighter now. It was cooler this morning, still well above the norms for December 25. I wore a Pocket T-Shirt and a light long sleeve shirt. Cooler in the forecast for Saturday and then warming back up for Sunday.

    I used two of my Christmas presents today during the walk. I have joined the earphone brigade. While walking I was listening to a old time radio show called Chandu the Magician I got a iPod Nano and earphones last night from my brother so I loaded some OTR (Old Time Radio) shows into it and charged it overnight. Maybe tomorrow I'l listen to some Boston Blackie, The Mysterious Traveler, The Shadow, The Whistler, The Inner Sanctum, The Fat man, Fibber McGee & Molly or Fred Allen.

    Have a Great Christmas Day
    Made my trip to the grocery! It was a hoot. Lady in the parking lot gave me her cart, saying there weren't any inside, so I gladly pushed it to the store. I congratulated at least three employees for still being able to smile...what a 'needy' bunch of shoppers...LOL!! Let single item folks in line go ahead of me at check out...wishing the all Merry Christmas..Yep, I was little miss sunshine! Nasty gray outside...none of what I did cost me a red cent, and hopefully made some folks happy.

    The cats were not at all happy with being evicted from the house so I could go to the grocery. I'm not ready to trust them inside just yet...I remember what all they destroyed as young cats when I took pity on them and let them in for a night that was 10 degrees...cost me a bundle to replace window blinds, etc, and I never had the carpet repaired, just thru a throw rug over it....they tried to 'dig out' around the sliding glass door...and so on... however now, with age they seem pretty laid back. Tom E. slept the whole time in a chair with his head on a pillow that says Merry Christmas...Hoot being more wild and leery, napped on the floor and moved toward the door any time I walked by...poor fellow.

    Ok, I"m heading out for the gym....weather radar looks like I'm good (dry) for about an hour...


    Hi Valerie
    I have done something similar with letting people standing in line behind me when I see them holding their item(s) in their hands. It isn't as if I do not have any spare time.

    After the damage they did I wouldn't trust them alone either :)

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    The Burdock Root-Wintergreen is the only thing I have never tried or even seen.

    We have two Hams, One Cooks brand from the grocery store and one from a Place in Pennsylvania called Dietrichs in Krumsville Pa., where they make or smoke all their meats and baked goods. You might find their list of foods interesting.

    I've seen burdock root at the farmers market but never actually cooked any before. The quantity delivered was larger, in volume, than I expected, but I'll have fun with it. From what I've read it can be eaten raw in salads or stir fried or even in soup. It was just a "one off" that I got for fun. You know how I love to play with my food!

    I used to get those Cooks brand half hams every year. Not terribly expensive, but I could make up a nice honey brown sugar glaze for them that would knock your socks off and they came out quite nicely when re-cooked. Now I usually (as this year) buy a Kroger brand spiral sliced half ham that comes with a packet of glaze mix that I jazz up a little to suit my taste. It works, and costs less since I get an employee discount.

    I looked at the web site. They have some interesting stuff, including RING BOLOGNA! I love that stuff, and it's hard to find in stores. So hard that I had trouble convincing some of my friends that ring bologna (and rag bologna) are actually REAL things that people do make and eat. I'll keep the site in mind if only for the ring bologna. I didn't see any landjaeger snack sticks there, which I also love, but I don't really need those...I just eat too many and then regret it. LOL! Just about any of those smoked sausage type things with some whole wheat crackers, cheese, and good, spicy mustard...Mmmmmm. I get fat just thinking about that!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Hard to believe people never heard of ring Bologna. As I remember it that was what Pop bought to grind along with Hard Boiled Egg, Mayonnaise and Sweet Relish to make a sandwich filling (Spread).

    My Brother handed out some of the smoked Sausages and a smallish Pork Roll to friends that he picked up when he was out that way recently. Pork Roll and Cheese on a Hard Roll makes a tasty Sandwich for lunch, Add an Egg and Voila a Breakfast Sandwich instead.

    I would just as soon use a spiral sliced ham for ease of use, however my traditionalist brother nixes that.

    Have a Great Holiday
    Beans are snapped! I think I'll mix the yellow beans and the rest of the green beans from last week. I used Roger's idea of scissors and snipping...er snapping the beans was a ... well... snap!



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Again
    Glad it worked for You, Life is short enough without doing things the longer way.

    Have a Great Holiday