Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Christmas dinner:

    Duck with orange sauce, honey glazed ham, scalloped potatoes, buttered green and yellow beans, broccoli rice cheese casserole, Parkerhouse style rolls. Cheesecake in a while. Right now I'm finishing my large glass of wine.
    Merry Christmas everyone!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Sorry to not be here earlier! MERRY CHRISTMAS to you both!
    Had a good time with the kids, but by about 1 I was ready to head home. DS2 fixed me a fantastic Vegan dinner. He really put some thought into dinner, knowing I can't eat flour and sugar anymore....and there are leftovers for at least lunch tomorrow...enough tabouli for 2 days...he stemmed the parsley, washed it, and kept the cuke, tomato, etc in the vinegar separate, so that I can just chop the parsley finely, and add in the other stuff! Keeps it fresh and not bitter! The dog Maya stayed here while we were at DS1's, and I sorta wondered about the house...I worried for naught! She was the perfect house guest! (and I even forgot to put the trash up and out of reach!!!)

    It sounds like you've both had a good holiday! So, I'd say we all did well!

    See you in the morning, I need to feed the cats....didn't while the dog was here. (they're dry food was on the porch, so they weren't exactly 'starving'!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Sounds nice, Val! I have enough leftovers to feed Rhode Island, I think...but supper was just a small subset of dinner. I had some of the roasted duck with orange sauce, a spoonful of scalloped potatoes, a nice serving of the green and yellow beans, and a couple of small rolls, along with another bite of cheesecake.

    Not NEARLY as much food as at dinner. I have a huge plate of sliced ham left, and a nice, meaty ham bone in the freezer for making ham and beans or ham and black eyed peas. Still about half the duck left after supper. I'm letting D eat most of the broccoli casserole, as I made it mostly for him. It's one of his favorites. He liked the duck well enough but he's more of a ham person.

    That's fine with me, as I love roasted duck with orange sauce and it's a rare treat for me. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! I have to go do the "day after Christmas" opening today, but only scheduled myself for 6 hours. I'm letting new guy open tomorrow, so it will be his BIG TEST as it will be his first time alone, after his last 4 hours of on the job training this morning.

    Leftover ham and some of the scalloped potatoes for breakfast.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good morning, it IS going to be a super Saturday!
    Skies are looking like we could see a few more moments of sunlight today. Half of my 'to do' list is already done, enjoying breakfast and 2nd cup of coffee...hopefully coffee with M this afternoon. Meanwhile, a trip to the gym is going to be in order. Two days off, and I'm stiff and sore todayl (that could also be because I forgot to take my Aleve and Turmeric last night. oops!)
    Feels like spring out...talk about false hopes....by next Saturday we're back to more normal temps of overnight freezing temps warming to mid 40's for day highs...rats!

    I rec'd a nice gift card for Cooks Warehouse yesterday...can't imagine what more I could possibly need for the kitchen. Thinking maybe a nice food processor since mine is about 20 years old, and no longer has all its blades....) Idea's appreciated! :)
    And from DS1, an under the sink water filter, and he's going to install it. Not sure when, after New Years for sure! I think I"ll really enjoy having that.

    Lazy cats are sleeping all morning... they may have the right idea!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Look, Val! I think you know what this is...but in case Roger doesn't, it's the collards and cornbread dumplings. DELICIOUS!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Finished off the roasted duck with orange sauce for breakfast, along with that last spoonful of scalloped potatoes and about half of what remained of the beans. I think the beans will be finished off at lunch or dinner. I plan to stop by the fuel center, ostensibly on a gas and grocery run (not really desperate for either one, but there are a few groceries I need) and see how the new guy is doing on his first solo shift. I'll buy some dark bread and some Swiss cheese and may have a lovely ham and Swiss sandwich for lunch. I don't get that very often either, and D got a tiny jar of some tasty, spicy mustard from his mother as part of his Christmas box but didn't care for it so it was immediately re-gifted to me. It will be great on a ham sandwich! He'll eat the rest of the box, which was a small summer sausage, a small block of cheese and some crackers.

    Almost finished with my "juice" that is really a sugar free orange drink mix that tastes more like Tang (remember that?) but provides plenty of vitamin C and at least gives me the illusion of having a big glass of juice.

    I'll head to the fuel center and store about halfway into his shift I think. Assuming Lilo vacates my lap by then. LOL!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    If I get it together I will head out to the gym before the forecast rains move in...
    If not the gym....????
    Ed, so glad you made and enjoyed the collards and corn bread! Next winter they'll be on my plate too!
    Hope your newbie is doing very well in the fuel center.

    I've had breakfast, put food out for the cats...but haven't seen either of them! Thats odd. I let them in for a bit last night, and Tom E. napped on my lap. That was a first! Poor guys are getting old. I may well pick up some kitty litter and 'invite them indoors' on cold nights. My only fear is they may not ever go back outside!! Not sure I'm up for indoor cats..... I know that sounds odd to you Ed, but I've never had indoor cats...always outdoor ones. Though this is the first bunch that were 'wild babies'...

    Ok, I need to get moving...as I continue to wonder 'Where's Roger'????

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I managed to miss logging into Saturday somehow, There goes my daily log in streak :)
    It is gloomy and misty out today. Friday and Saturday I ended up walking twice, once in the morning and once in the evening.
    While walking I have been listening to The Mysterious Traveler, The Shadow and Chandu the Magician.
    Links for free download or streaming sites available if anyone is interested.

    I did a taste test for my Brother Winging it bread, Bland :) OTOH he did wing it with no recipe so congrats for trying.

    Have a great Sunday
    Christmas dinner:

    Duck with orange sauce, honey glazed ham, scalloped potatoes, buttered green and yellow beans,
    broccoli rice cheese casserole, Parkerhouse style rolls. Cheesecake in a while. Right now I'm finishing my large glass of wine.
    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Hi Ed
    That sounds Delicious. All we had was a Cooks Low Sodium Baked Ham, The Mashed Potatoes and Stuffing were frozen
    leftovers from Thanksgiving. Home Made Gravy of course. We tried the Low Sodium version as last years was so salty as to
    be nearly inedible. And 2 slices of store bought cheesecake someone dropped off.

    Sorry to not be here earlier! MERRY CHRISTMAS to you both!
    Had a good time with the kids, but by about 1 I was ready to head home. DS2 fixed me a fantastic Vegan dinner.
    He really put some thought into dinner, knowing I can't eat flour and sugar anymore....and there are leftovers
    for at least lunch tomorrow...enough tabouli for 2 days...he stemmed the parsley, washed it, and
    kept the cuke, tomato, etc in the vinegar separate, so that I can just chop the parsley finely, and add in the other stuff!
    Keeps it fresh and not bitter! The dog Maya stayed here while we were at DS1's, and I sorta wondered about the house...
    I worried for naught! She was the perfect house guest! (and I even forgot to put the trash up and out of reach!!!)

    It sounds like you've both had a good holiday! So, I'd say we all did well!

    See you in the morning, I need to feed the cats....didn't while the dog was here. (they're dry food was on the porch,
    so they weren't exactly 'starving'!!


    Hi Valerie
    It sounds as if You had a Good Time too.

    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! I have to go do the "day after Christmas"
    opening today, but only scheduled myself for 6 hours. I'm letting new guy open tomorrow,
    so it will be his BIG TEST as it will be his first time alone, after his last 4 hours of on the job training this morning.

    Leftover ham and some of the scalloped potatoes for breakfast.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Again
    I did overeat the Ham Christmas night at about 7PM as we had the main meal for Lunch at 2PM. It was tasty however :)

    Good morning, it IS going to be a super Saturday!
    Skies are looking like we could see a few more moments of sunlight today. Half of my 'to do' list is already done,
    enjoying breakfast and 2nd cup of coffee...hopefully coffee with M this afternoon. Meanwhile, a trip to the
    gym is going to be in order. Two days off, and I'm stiff and sore todayl (that could also be because
    I forgot to take my Aleve and Turmeric last night. oops!)
    Feels like spring out...talk about false hopes....by next Saturday we're back to more normal temps of overnight
    freezing temps warming to mid 40's for day highs...rats!

    I rec'd a nice gift card for Cooks Warehouse yesterday...can't imagine what more I could possibly need for the kitchen.
    Thinking maybe a nice food processor since mine is about 20 years old, and no longer has all its blades....)
    Idea's appreciated! :)
    And from DS1, an under the sink water filter, and he's going to install it. Not sure when, after New Years for sure!
    I think I"ll really enjoy having that.

    Lazy cats are sleeping all morning... they may have the right idea!!

    Good Sunday Morning!
    If I get it together I will head out to the gym before the forecast rains move in...
    If not the gym....????
    Ed, so glad you made and enjoyed the collards and corn bread! Next winter they'll be on my plate too!
    Hope your newbie is doing very well in the fuel center.

    I've had breakfast, put food out for the cats...but haven't seen either of them! Thats odd. I let them in for a bit last night,
    and Tom E. napped on my lap. That was a first! Poor guys are getting old. I may well pick up some kitty litter and
    'invite them indoors' on cold nights. My only fear is they may not ever go back outside!! Not sure I'm up for indoor cats..... I know that sounds odd to you Ed, but I've never had indoor cats...always outdoor ones. Though this is the first bunch that were 'wild babies'...

    Ok, I need to get moving...as I continue to wonder 'Where's Roger'????


    Hi Again
    I think we have some rain in the forecast later on and also Monday Evening into Tuesday, It rained overnight too.
    The last few days have been somewhat breezy and thus despite being well above Norms for this time of year,
    Record highs actually. In the mornings when I head out is has felt chilly :) Another dreary looking day today,
    That makes Three in a row, Dec. 25, 26 & 27. Today being the only one of the three with no fog.

    Have a nice upcoming week
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Roger...
    good to see you! Sounds like you and your brother also ate well on Christmas! We Three Lucky Folks!!!

    I'm heading out the door, its 3 p. and still no cats. Worried.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Off to the salt races.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I have not gone out walking yet, Today is the first time I can remember ever needing to
    exchange a Christmas Gift :) My Brother gave me Mittens which he says will keep my hands
    warmer during the colder weather. He did not notice the size where it says "Large Junior"
    I could not get my hands into them.
    So I am waiting until after 8:30 - 8:45 since the store opens at 10AM in the next town.

    Much Colder today than Yesterday too. We Did not make the record warm Sunday,
    Due to clouds we fell 2 degrees short at 61 degrees. Today We might hot 41 degrees :(

    While walking Saturday on one of the streets I was on there was
    a different animal running across the lawns. That is the first time I've seen a Fox while walking.

    Hey Roger...
    good to see you! Sounds like you and your brother also ate well on Christmas!
    We Three Lucky Folks!!!

    I'm heading out the door, its 3 p. and still no cats. Worried.


    Hi Kat
    I need to get going so I will be brief :)
    It has taken me to this morning to get back to where I am not way up in weight for the past week.
    The way a lot of it dropped off in the last 24 hours I suspect much of it was water weight from
    the Ham despite it being a low sodium Cooks brand ham.

    Good Luck with the Cats
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Better late than never?
    Later than late today...been the tone of my day...late getting up, late eating, late to the gym, etc.
    Cats are back. Tom E not until this morning...he's sick, I think. laid around won't eat or drink, finally pooped, I scooped him up and set him in the litter box...but it was too late for the carpet...and before I could clean that up he threw up in two different spots. So, I've cleaned up, and he's hiding someplace in my bedroom! If he's not perkier tomorrow I'm going to try to get him into the travel cage and take him to a vet. I think I'll do a local one...the lady vet who neutered them is in ATL, and tomorrow is going to be a lousy wet day... we'll see. Hopefully he'll feel better....

    I'm guessing I should head to the kitchen and put together some dinner!!! Happy to say that my weight has stayed the same thru Christmas...that makes me happy! I'm usually good for 3 or 4 pounds. So, January should be interesting! :) (in a good way!)

    Glad your weight has come back down Roger...water weight for sure!

    I think you'll find that mittens are warmer for your fingers.

    I'll try to do better tomorrow!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Supposed to remain pretty warm today but the weather channel page is only showing a 20% chance of rain. We'll see.

    Off to the rat mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Better this morning...me, the cat, etc. Even chores are going nicely. 2nd load of laundry doing it's dance in the washer..dryer flipping the first load around. :) Sweeper has been run, and the little bagless canister emptied...Kitchen was put to bed nice, so not much needed there. :)

    Gym today, and I think that may be about 'it'. Some veggie cooking...made a run thru the grocery yesterday, and I have some good looking asparagus waiting to be cooked and eaten. Black beans portioned out into daily rations, and some additional beans in a jar...thinking black bean/corn/bell peppers sorta mix..cold, as Ed said its NICE outside! Humid as all get out, but warm. Nice sunshine coming thru the trees.
    Think I'll sit back and enjoy my coffee!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was a bit worried about today's weather when I went onto the porch last night to bring in the mail and
    I could hear little ice pellets hitting, However it is rainy and windy outside currently :(
    The rain is supposed to be over later on so I think I will walk up to the post office and bank after my
    noontime food. I found 26 cents Sunday while walking a different road than I usually take, that could be why.

    I have had my Banana already and in a little while I will go have my protein shake and Breakfast Entree.
    NS Cinnamon Roll or NS Pancakes.

    Have a Good Tuesday
    Better late than never?
    Later than late today...been the tone of my day...late getting up, late eating, late to the gym, etc.
    Cats are back. Tom E not until this morning...he's sick, I think. laid around won't eat or drink, finally pooped,
    I scooped him up and set him in the litter box...but it was too late for the carpet...and before I could clean
    that up he threw up in two different spots. So, I've cleaned up, and he's hiding someplace in my bedroom!
    If he's not perkier tomorrow I'm going to try to get him into the travel cage and take him to a vet.
    I think I'll do a local one...the lady vet who neutered them is in ATL, and tomorrow is going to be a
    lousy wet day... we'll see. Hopefully he'll feel better....

    I'm guessing I should head to the kitchen and put together some dinner!!! Happy to say that my weight has
    stayed the same thru Christmas...that makes me happy! I'm usually good for 3 or 4 pounds.
    So, January should be interesting! :) (in a good way!)

    Glad your weight has come back down Roger...water weight for sure!

    I think you'll find that mittens are warmer for your fingers.

    I'll try to do better tomorrow!!


    Hi Valerie
    I am actually down since Christmas morning and a little bit down for the month so far. I do expect that will change as
    Thursday Morning is Brunch with a family friend for my Brother and I, She chose the local Diner for Breakfast, however
    I am calling it Brunch :)

    Congratulations on Maintaining during a tough Holiday Season.

    Good Luck with the Cat
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Supposed to remain pretty warm today but the weather channel page is only showing a 20% chance of rain. We'll see.

    Off to the rat mines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    You are having better weather than I, It is chilly and windy and rainy here, My Technical term for it is Yuck:

    Enjoy the day
    Good Morning!
    Better this morning...me, the cat, etc. Even chores are going nicely.
    2nd load of laundry doing it's dance in the washer..dryer flipping the first load around. :)
    Sweeper has been run, and the little bagless canister emptied...
    Kitchen was put to bed nice, so not much needed there. :)

    Gym today, and I think that may be about 'it'. Some veggie cooking...made a run thru the grocery yesterday,
    and I have some good looking asparagus waiting to be cooked and eaten.
    Black beans portioned out into daily rations, and some additional beans in a jar...
    thinking black bean/corn/bell peppers sorta mix..cold, as Ed said its NICE outside!
    Humid as all get out, but warm. Nice sunshine coming thru the trees.
    Think I'll sit back and enjoy my coffee!


    Hi Again
    I am sitting here typing this drinking my Coffee, Maybe now the coffee maker will not look so forlorn from lack of use.

    It sounds like You are having a better day than yesterday!

    Have a Great Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Much better day than yesterday! Tom E. started put in my bed...wish I'd had a video. He settled right down, and I was the jumpy one. One leg just wouldn't stop randomly twitching! And I did finally settle as well. When I woke Tom was nowhere to be seen. Finally found him he was under the bed. I'm guessing that I must still snore and Tom E was 'over' the whole experience!!! I picked him up after he emerged from his hidey hole, and when I got close to the sliding doors he was already squirming to be let down, and bolted out the door!! Hoot came for breakfast, but haven't seen Tom. Probably scoping out a new residence!!! LOL!!

    Ok, morning nearly shot, and I haven't been to the gym. I did make my first batch of tomato salsa, and I liked the end product. (surprising, as I didn't look up a recipe)...

    Roger, I hope your rain and YUCK, (love technical terms) ends by lunch, and you have a good walk to the bank and USPS... Rain here tomorrow, and I have to drive to Decatur for my Chiro appt...and then will have lunch with Ted, as he is off all this week.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Supposed to be 90% chance of rain today. Sigh...or is that SOUPposed?

    It's tag day, maybe, the holidays mess that up sometimes. Tag day might not be until Saturday again, like last week. One never knows.

    Finished off the last of the sliced ham for breakfast. All that is left now is the ham bone that will need to be taken out of the freezer, if I remember, tomorrow morning to thaw up for making of New Year dinner black eyed peas!

    I've got collards. I've got smoked, sliced hog jowl for trimming, dicing, and mixing in. And, of course, I can make corn bread. If I make some great northern beans (vegetarian) and fry the cornbread, and do the collards vegetarian, J may even partake.

    Oh well, off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It was slightly foggy this morning as I walked over to drop off one of My Brothers Fruit Cake, This is last years recipe that has been sprayed with a Brandy spray for weeks.

    I'll be out the door shortly, We are spending the day at a friends, Then tomorrow is a Brunch (Breakfast) with a friend and then Friday is New Years day. So I'll be having three tough days for a dieter.

    Much better day than yesterday! Tom E. started put in my bed...
    wish I'd had a video. He settled right down, and I was the jumpy one.
    One leg just wouldn't stop randomly twitching! And I did finally settle as well.
    When I woke Tom was nowhere to be seen. Finally found him he was under the bed.
    I'm guessing that I must still snore and Tom E was 'over' the whole experience!!!
    I picked him up after he emerged from his hidey hole, and when I got close to the sliding doors
    he was already squirming to be let down, and bolted out the door!! Hoot came for breakfast, but haven't seen Tom.
    Probably scoping out a new residence!!! LOL!!

    Ok, morning nearly shot, and I haven't been to the gym. I did make my first batch of tomato salsa,
    and I liked the end product. (surprising, as I didn't look up a recipe)...

    Roger, I hope your rain and YUCK, (love technical terms) ends by lunch, and you have a good walk to the
    bank and USPS... Rain here tomorrow, and I have to drive to Decatur for my Chiro appt...and then will have
    lunch with Ted, as he is off all this week.


    Hi Valerie
    Yup, The rain did end and I was out the door by 12:30.
    I would have been out earlier but I found another bill to pay so I delayed to write that check.
    I had already had my Coffee in the morning so I took a
    Decaf Coffee bag and got a cup of hot water from the Keurig (spelling?) to brew it with. They work just like a
    tea bag but for coffee.

    Have a Good Day
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Supposed to be 90% chance of rain today.
    Sigh...or is that SOUPposed?

    It's tag day, maybe, the holidays mess that up sometimes. Tag day might not be until Saturday again,
    like last week. One never knows.

    Finished off the last of the sliced ham for breakfast. All that is left now is the ham bone that will need to be
    taken out of the freezer, if I remember, tomorrow morning to thaw up for making of
    New Year dinner black eyed peas!

    I've got collards. I've got smoked, sliced hog jowl for trimming, dicing, and mixing in. And, of course,
    I can make corn bread. If I make some great northern beans (vegetarian) and fry the cornbread,
    and do the collards vegetarian, J may even partake.

    Oh well, off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    That sounds like a Good Plan for New Years day. We used the Ham Bone and some diced chunks of ham in a
    Pea Soup that we will taking with us today. Then Some left over Ham for New Years day and maybe a little reheated Pea Soup.

    Good Luck at work
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Rainy, sloppy but comfortable Wednesday!
    Keurig...you got it right Roger... I use mine for hot water and tea bag if I just want a cup. My SIL had those coffee (pseudo) bags when we were in Texas. Handy!!

    Heading for ATL..hopefully a clear highway, chiro appt. afternoon with Ted.

    Ed, I didn't know tag day was a 'movable' day!! So, hope it is Saturday this week also. It will be colder, but DRY..or so they say. Last I heard we were 16 inches ABOVE normal rainfall, and that was Before this last batch of rain...but, not as bad off as so many, so not complaining.

    Gotta run. HA HA.(your morning joke)
