Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Grief....its 7:30 and I'm the last post????
    Happy Monday guys!
    Exercise yesterday was a complete bust...but today will be better. Feeling much less stiffness and moving doesn't hurt..so its gonna be 'gym time' when it warms up a bit.
    Except for the cat hair, my two kitties are being perfect gentlemen. They even let me stumble into the bar area to start my morning coffee before surrounding me waiting for breakfast! They're funny!
    The water filter is great! Its winter, so the water is nice and cold....summmmmmer will tell the real tale...I suspect I'll be back to having water in the refrigerator! Meanwhile enjoying it, and using it for my coffee and Red Zinger Hot Tea!!
    Cold enough today that I suspect my blooming way out of turn plants will bite the dust today. Daffodils do not seem to be affected by the cold, and good thing...Jack sent me pictures yesterday of his blooming yellow daffodils. (best guess? they're King Alfred's.) whatever, they are pretty.
    Time to head to the shower, Roger have a good walk when it warms up in Jersey, and Ed stay warm in the center. Oh, how's the new guy doing? Have meant to ask the past couple of mornings. Something tells me you're a good trainer, and that all is well...
    Roger, hope the new foods are good! I so remember waiting for them to hit the market, and trying to 'time' my deliveries, etc!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Grief....its 7:30 and I'm the last post????
    Happy Monday guys!
    Exercise yesterday was a complete bust...but today will be better. Feeling much less stiffness and moving doesn't hurt..so its gonna be 'gym time' when it warms up a bit.
    Except for the cat hair, my two kitties are being perfect gentlemen. They even let me stumble into the bar area to start my morning coffee before surrounding me waiting for breakfast! They're funny!
    The water filter is great! Its winter, so the water is nice and cold....summmmmmer will tell the real tale...I suspect I'll be back to having water in the refrigerator! Meanwhile enjoying it, and using it for my coffee and Red Zinger Hot Tea!!
    Cold enough today that I suspect my blooming way out of turn plants will bite the dust today. Daffodils do not seem to be affected by the cold, and good thing...Jack sent me pictures yesterday of his blooming yellow daffodils. (best guess? they're King Alfred's.) whatever, they are pretty.
    Time to head to the shower, Roger have a good walk when it warms up in Jersey, and Ed stay warm in the center. Oh, how's the new guy doing? Have meant to ask the past couple of mornings. Something tells me you're a good trainer, and that all is well...
    Roger, hope the new foods are good! I so remember waiting for them to hit the market, and trying to 'time' my deliveries, etc!


    Hi Valerie
    In reverse order :)
    I was not really expecting new foods, I just have so much on hand from previous A La Carte additions and Holiday Meals and Lunches with friends last month that I decided to delay another two weeks to use some of them up.

    It was a Bitter walking today with the wind chill rating of 18 degrees, It was Ok when the wind was not blowing, then it would blow and ouch. I would have shortened it if I did not want to get to both banks and get the deposits in. Now I can write the Credit card payment that is due on the 20th and mail it. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the single digits to around 18 degrees overnight depending on where in NJ a person is. That is why I look at the local Cable only news channel, News12, in the morning before I get going.

    Daffodils can take the cold. I suspect that the cold here will get the blooms on the rose bushes, All two of the plants and finish of their blooming season despite their being up against the house and getting some warmth that way.

    I am glad to hear the pain is gone, enjoy the Gym and Have a Great Day

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Thanks Roger, I really AM having a great day. I was going to grouse about the cold....then I read your post....never mind. LOL! Glad the cats are inside. Will have to drip faucets tonite, unless this wind stops. IN that case just opening the cabinet doors should do it.

    Stay warm. Ever consider walking in an area mall. Lots do that in the winter, just sayin'
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    edited January 2016
    Howdy y'all. It's 27 degrees out there! :open_mouth:

    New guy seems to be working out great. Newest gal has resigned so still looking for more.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    FWIW I have not gone out the door today nor do I have any plans to head out for a walk until after noontime. The Nearby towns temperature report at 7:01AM was 9 degrees with a windchill of -2 degrees :) Hence the delay in starting out until after my Noontime eats. The forecast is for it to warm up to a balmy 30 degrees and the winds to die down. Then we head into warming weather all the way into the 40s later this week.

    Have a Good Tuesday
    Thanks Roger, I really AM having a great day. I was going to grouse about the cold....then I read your post....never mind. LOL! Glad the cats are inside. Will have to drip faucets tonite, unless this wind stops. IN that case just opening the cabinet doors should do it.

    Stay warm. Ever consider walking in an area mall. Lots do that in the winter, just sayin'

    Hi Valerie
    I considered mall walking for about 10 seconds. However I would have to shiver my way part of the way there until the car warmed up and drag my brother out to move his car so I could get mine out of the driveway as he parks behind me and normally he is out with the car much more than I.

    Have You thought about heat tape on the pipes and insulation with a thermostat on the heat tape to prevent pipes freezing?

    Today the weather report is so much worse than yesterdays and that was marginal for walking. No out the door at Sunrise for me today. See my notes above and be happy You are down south today.

    Stay Warm and Dry as well as frozen pipe free.
    Howdy y'all. It's 27 degrees out there! :open_mouth:

    New guy seems to be working out great. Newest gal has resigned so still looking for more.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    You do seem to have a staff retention problem where You work. I can only assume it must be the pay scale.

    Stay warm today

    Good Luck getting staffed
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey! Good Morning, she said with a smile!
    was 27 here too Ed....but happy the wind was gone!
    Roger, There is nothing to wrap. Pipes not in the attic, but under the concrete slab the house sits upon. The pipe that broke is in the wall, runs from under the sink, thru what looks to be at least 2 studs, then up to the attic. It was the wind that did me in last January...cedar siding is fantastic, but not air tight, and in the south they do NOT understand insulation. Foreign word to them. I'd have to tear the north side of the house down to wrap the little quarter inch water line :):(.

    I made some interesting salsa this morning...roma tomatoes, tomatillia's,garlic, cilantro, onion, jalapeno pepper (properly seeded) a bit of lime, and a sprinkle of salt....what made it different? the vegetables were pan roasted in my big cast iron skillet! OH YUM!! Had several tablespoons atop my beans this morning! mmmmmmm!

    Roger, hmmm, about the parking at your house:) no suggestions, that will have to be worked out at your house. :) Glad you're waiting a bit before going out for your walk! 9 degrees would be deterrent enough but with that wind....time to prop up your feet and listen to a couple of the oldies radio shows! :)

    Headed to the gym after lunch myself...have no need to rush today.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Hope there's not much outdoor tagging today, as it's 28 degrees now and likely to get a bit colder before it gets warmer. We seem to hit our lows around 5 or 6, maybe even 7 in the morning.

    Off to the salt races in a bit...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got my walking done yesterday after Noontime, It was still very cold as the wind had not died down. When I checked the local temperature today it was showing as still cold nearby so I am postponing my walk to later on today too. I did get my steps in Yesterday so it could be worse. The temperature today is supposed to be near 40, however currently it is showing 7 degrees in Nearby Somerville hence the delayed start time for a second day. The Temperatures are supposed to be higher each day for the rest of the week until the upper 40s are reached, somewhere around 48 degrees.

    No Precipitation in the forecast until the weekend when the show showers.

    Hey! Good Morning, she said with a smile!
    was 27 here too Ed....but happy the wind was gone!
    Roger, There is nothing to wrap. Pipes not in the attic, but under the concrete slab the house sits upon. The pipe that broke is in the wall, runs from under the sink, thru what looks to be at least 2 studs, then up to the attic. It was the wind that did me in last January...cedar siding is fantastic, but not air tight, and in the south they do NOT understand insulation. Foreign word to them. I'd have to tear the north side of the house down to wrap the little quarter inch water line :):(.

    I made some interesting salsa this morning...roma tomatoes, tomatillia's,garlic, cilantro, onion, jalapeno pepper (properly seeded) a bit of lime, and a sprinkle of salt....what made it different? the vegetables were pan roasted in my big cast iron skillet! OH YUM!! Had several tablespoons atop my beans this morning! mmmmmmm!

    Roger, hmmm, about the parking at your house:) no suggestions, that will have to be worked out at your house. :) Glad you're waiting a bit before going out for your walk! 9 degrees would be deterrent enough but with that wind....time to prop up your feet and listen to a couple of the oldies radio shows! :)

    Headed to the gym after lunch myself...have no need to rush today.


    Hi Valerie
    I forget is that the water to the ice maker? I suspect that by contemporary standards this house is woefully under-insulated too. I think there was a little rock wool insulation in the attic originally and when I replaced it I used what was normal at that time with R9 now they would be using a much higher R number.

    And this morning the only way it is much better is no wind chill, however I also have no need to get out the door walking either so...

    Have a Good Day
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Hope there's not much outdoor tagging today, as it's 28 degrees now and likely to get a bit colder before it gets warmer. We seem to hit our lows around 5 or 6, maybe even 7 in the morning.

    Off to the salt races in a bit...

    Hi Ed
    I know where I feel it the most is in the fingers. I hope You manage to stay warm and have very few tags to change outdoors.

    Good Luck
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning, cold southern girl here....:)
    Actually, I'm toasty, inside, having morning coffee. Somebody slept in today. :) Ed, it did get colder, right now its 25 on my back porch and its 8:35..I remember looking at my phone sometime this morning and seeing what I thought was 23, but didn't have my glasses on...so who knows? It is cold now for sure, though the sun is shining, and the wind is not too bad. Supposed to be above freezing around 10 I think the weather guessers said.

    Yeah Roger the line goes to the ice maker. I don't find not having an ice maker a big problem...I just make ice cubes in a couple trays. Sure wish I had one or two of the old aluminum ones, the kind with the handle that you pulled and it loosened the cubes! These plastic ones with silicon bottoms are NOT user friendly!!! But, they work, and the grands think Grammies Ice Cubes are really funny....(so does Grammie)

    Roger, I know I am the Queen of Typo's, but yours today has me curious....its weather related, you were talking about the temps rising thru the week...and then it says..."No Precipitation in the forecast until the weekend when the show showers. Precip for the weekend is ??? A. when theY show showers, or B. When the SNOW showers. ??? I so hope its not option B. I'm not ready for snow, so I don't think you need any yet either!!!

    List today says:
    Laundry, Groceries, Gym, and Jack @ 4p.m. That's broad enough to work in a little fun here and there!
    Also today my Electric 'InstaPot' is going to be delivered. It does a LOT of functions, will sit on the kitchen counter, its a pressure cooker for food, not for food preservation...but to quickly cook things that normally take some time to cook, like beans, or beets, etc. it also makes yogurt, which I will not be using, and it cooks rice....hmmm. Not currently eating rice, and I have a rice cooker...but it steams, stews, braises, sautés, etc. Sounds like one of those 'go to' appliances. I know several folks who have it and love it. Programable, etc... I'm excited...can you tell???
    Then I will use my gift card at Cooks Warehouse for a really nice food processor. I have one, but the blades are missing...so all it does is chop, is so old it doesn't have a 'pulse' feature, etc. I suspect it too will be housed on the counter top.
    Since I love cooking, these new 'toys' will keep me happy in the kitchen for a long time. I won't even have time to miss flour and sugar!!!



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    That "InstaPot" sounds really nice. Let me know how easy it is to clean up.

    Right now I have my kale braising in a slow cooker, to be part of my dinner, along with a slice of tur-duc-hen and a spoonful of cornbread dressing.

    Almost finished with the tur-duc-hen, and while it's been good, I am getting a little tired of it. I did skip it for lunch and went out for something different. I had to go to Publix to get my blood pressure medicine and my Metformin anyway.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Warmer today, and maybe my missing tags from yesterday showed up. I did pull tags on things that I KNEW were going off sale, but this left a big, black gap on one end of each pump topper. From what I heard, the deli didn't get their tags either. At least it will be warmer today if I do get them, when I fill the gaps on the pump toppers!

    And I will be going in, since I didn't win the Powerball last night...but at least no one else did either!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Thursday Morning!
    Ed, isn't it great that nobody won 'our' money last night!!! LOL! I didn't have a ticket..forgot to get one, so....I considered going out to get a ticket, and lazy me said wait and see. So, in 3 days my $2 ticket will have a $175 growth...not bad! Somebody will win on Saturday...possibly more than 1 person. Oft happens with these huge jackpots...but what the heck..I'd share!!

    Warmer today, some sun...I can see light thru the trees to the east, so I know the sun rose today!

    Today I hope to unpack my InstaPot, give the stainless steel cooking innards a good wash, and try cooking some beets. I love beets, but they take so dang long to cook that I seldom mess with them...hopefully today that will change. Also have what reads like a really good 'meat loaf of lentil' :) that bakes in the oven, and I was told that the leftovers, sliced fry up nicely for a crispy leftover. I may wait on the lentils...not sure yet. We'll see how much old lazy buns gets done this morning. Tomorrow is lunch with Marietta, so I can kiss that day goodbye, and happy to do it.

    Right now, heading for the kitchen to round up some breakfast. Its another B.O.B day. (Banana,Oatmeal,Beans)... :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking + 26 Cents, again today and removed some temptations from the house. I dropped off at the Car repair shop two sliced sausages, original and Garlic along with pre-sliced cheese and sleeves of ersatz Ritz crackers for their coffee breaks.

    It was cold, however it was warmer than yesterday by about 8 degrees and tomorrow through Sunday each day will be warmer than the day before.

    I'll be heading out to Costco shortly, My Brother will drop me their while he goes across the Mall to the Bed Bath & Beyond, Thus saving me a drive.

    Have a Great Thursday
    Good Morning, cold southern girl here....:)
    Actually, I'm toasty, inside, having morning coffee. Somebody slept in today. :) Ed, it did get colder, right now its 25 on my back porch and its 8:35..I remember looking at my phone sometime this morning and seeing what I thought was 23, but didn't have my glasses on...so who knows? It is cold now for sure, though the sun is shining, and the wind is not too bad. Supposed to be above freezing around 10 I think the weather guessers said.

    Yeah Roger the line goes to the ice maker. I don't find not having an ice maker a big problem...I just make ice cubes in a couple trays. Sure wish I had one or two of the old aluminum ones, the kind with the handle that you pulled and it loosened the cubes! These plastic ones with silicon bottoms are NOT user friendly!!! But, they work, and the grands think Grammies Ice Cubes are really funny....(so does Grammie)

    Roger, I know I am the Queen of Typo's, but yours today has me curious....its weather related, you were talking about the temps rising thru the week...and then it says..."No Precipitation in the forecast until the weekend when the show showers. Precip for the weekend is ??? A. when theY show showers, or B. When the SNOW showers. ??? I so hope its not option B. I'm not ready for snow, so I don't think you need any yet either!!!
    Hi Valerie
    You guessed it correctly, Should have said when they show precipitation.

    Why not have the line ice maker line shut off or at least have a shut off line installed if possible.

    List today says:
    Laundry, Groceries, Gym, and Jack @ 4p.m. That's broad enough to work in a little fun here and there!
    Also today my Electric 'InstaPot' is going to be delivered. It does a LOT of functions, will sit on the kitchen counter, its a pressure cooker for food, not for food preservation...but to quickly cook things that normally take some time to cook, like beans, or beets, etc. it also makes yogurt, which I will not be using, and it cooks rice....hmmm. Not currently eating rice, and I have a rice cooker...but it steams, stews, braises, sautés, etc. Sounds like one of those 'go to' appliances. I know several folks who have it and love it. Programable, etc... I'm excited...can you tell???
    Then I will use my gift card at Cooks Warehouse for a really nice food processor. I have one, but the blades are missing...so all it does is chop, is so old it doesn't have a 'pulse' feature, etc. I suspect it too will be housed on the counter top.
    Since I love cooking, these new 'toys' will keep me happy in the kitchen for a long time. I won't even have time to miss flour and sugar!!!



    Hi Again
    Good Luck with the new toys, I await feedback on the instapot. I also have a rice cooker and a crockpot. I feel like I sort of wasted my money on the crockpot for one reason, I suspect I could have used the rice cooker as a type of crockpot. Hit the high heat to get meats browned and then let it simmer them when it dropped to warm mode or just use the warm mode depending on need. Yup I can be a bit frugal :)

    That "InstaPot" sounds really nice. Let me know how easy it is to clean up.

    Right now I have my kale braising in a slow cooker, to be part of my dinner, along with a slice of tur-duc-hen and a spoonful of cornbread dressing.

    Almost finished with the tur-duc-hen, and while it's been good, I am getting a little tired of it. I did skip it for lunch and went out for something different. I had to go to Publix to get my blood pressure medicine and my Metformin anyway.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I just do not know if I would like a Tur-Duck-Hen. I mainly stat with the white meat and thus Duck?

    If I get tired of something I vacuum seal it and freeze it for a while.

    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Warmer today, and maybe my missing tags from yesterday showed up. I did pull tags on things that I KNEW were going off sale, but this left a big, black gap on one end of each pump topper. From what I heard, the deli didn't get their tags either. At least it will be warmer today if I do get them, when I fill the gaps on the pump toppers!

    And I will be going in, since I didn't win the Powerball last night...but at least no one else did either!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Again
    Powerball prize, My Brother was asking me how could anybody use that much money if they won it. I said I think I could manage.

    Ab example that came to mind was that I would like to see the world but do not want to be crammed into a Commercial jetliner. So My solution if I had that kind of money would be charter a Luxury jet and avoid lots of flyings hassles thereby. And be able to go wherever on a whim of course.

    Or to put it another way I would manage to spend it. I would of course take care of family first, Pay off an mortgages and replace olde cars etc.

    Good Thursday Morning!
    Ed, isn't it great that nobody won 'our' money last night!!! LOL! I didn't have a ticket..forgot to get one, so....I considered going out to get a ticket, and lazy me said wait and see. So, in 3 days my $2 ticket will have a $175 growth...not bad! Somebody will win on Saturday...possibly more than 1 person. Oft happens with these huge jackpots...but what the heck..I'd share!!

    Warmer today, some sun...I can see light thru the trees to the east, so I know the sun rose today!

    Today I hope to unpack my InstaPot, give the stainless steel cooking innards a good wash, and try cooking some beets. I love beets, but they take so dang long to cook that I seldom mess with them...hopefully today that will change. Also have what reads like a really good 'meat loaf of lentil' :) that bakes in the oven, and I was told that the leftovers, sliced fry up nicely for a crispy leftover. I may wait on the lentils...not sure yet. We'll see how much old lazy buns gets done this morning. Tomorrow is lunch with Marietta, so I can kiss that day goodbye, and happy to do it.

    Right now, heading for the kitchen to round up some breakfast. Its another B.O.B day. (Banana,Oatmeal,Beans)... :)


    Hi Again
    Good to know it is warmer there too.

    Today was a almost ripe banana before my walk, NS Pancakes and NS coffee flavored protein shake for breakfast after the walk. Looking at the clock I will need to carry a NS Breakfast bar for my Midmorning (noon for my schedule) trip to Costco for my SC & PF, which is what a breakfast equals.

    Good Luck with the New Toy
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! Raining today, but since it didn't all week, I'll say that that's OK. Not too warm, but not too cold either.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have delayed the start time for my daily walk so here I am. Today is a regular checkup at the doctors and since I sometimes walk past the office when walking why not combine the two. So out the door around 8:50 to 9AM.

    The weather is much better looking as far as temperature compared to yesterday. Possible rain / drizzle tomorrow and then a soaker is forecast for Sunday. I am not sure how that will work regarding walking. Possibly later in the day Sunday. Warmer tomorrow and even warmer for Sunday before we head back into the cold weather.

    Have a Good Friday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...Friday!! TGIF
    Had to make oatmeal this morning, have had my coffee...soon off to the gym for about a 30 minute walk, as I know the rest of my day will be pretty much sedentary...as in Marietta and I will sit in Sweet Tomatoes and eat and talk, coffee and talk...and....yeah, more gabbing! :)

    GOt the Instapot out of the box...very well packed. Need to read the sizable instruction book..and cook a big batch of lentils this afternoon. I intend to use part of the lentils to make a 'meat loaf'...and freeze the rest. OR if I get really lazy, eat my 6 ounces of lentils at dinner, and make the loaf tomorrow. :)
    If I make the loaf, I'll pressure cook the beets while the loaf bakes.

    Hockey tomorrow early morning (8:10 game time) on Roswell Rd...that early, as long as there arent any traffic booboos it should take half hour or less to get there. :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    That sounds like a fancy kitchen gizmo if it needs a sizable instruction manual :)

    I am here and working on my NutriSystem future order that closes out on the 17th, I can do both easily as their website is if anything slower with the forums gone than it was before. I had hoped that something good would come from the closing of the forums, sadly things got worse in terms of other user support and the website got slower. Amazing !!

    Enjoy the Hockey Game
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    This week's delightful veggie and fruit box arrived in good order. But they don't seem to want to put the items in my cooler. The very first week they did, and every subsequent week they put the box on top of the cooler or next to it. At least they are picking up the prior week's box for recycling.

    Got more kale (yum!), more Boston lettuce, a bell pepper, some gold potatoes, some kiwi (3), a mango, four Roma tomatoes, an onion, some broccoli crowns, and three more d'anjou pears. I've still got to do something with that burdock root, but it will hold until J comes back, and I've got some red potatoes, some onion, and a bell pepper to use up still too, from prior packages. I think some roasted vegetables can use up a good bit of that.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! J is out of town but I have been conscripted to at least bring the light setup to the orchid judging this afternoon. Not too happy about that as i was not planning on going at all, and enjoying a nap with Lilo.

    Lilo was very nice and let me sleep in til almost 6:00 this morning, and might have let me sleep in longer if I hadn't heard D up and about. I decided to get on up, feed Lilo, and get my own breakfast.

    I may look on the NS site just to drool over possible new foods but haven't actually placed an order in a long, long time now. Their lack of concern for old time users and our support of each other really ticked me off and doesn't incline me toward availing myself of their food when I can make tastier food myself, and I know what to combine and how to combine it. The convenience factor was very nice, and some of their food is, surprisingly, quite good. All the same, I think they have lost the original focus and their new focus doesn't point where I think it should. There were a couple of dishes I thought delicious but never could figure out exactly which ingredient triggered a horrible allergic reaction, making me sick as a dog. Only took a couple of times on each food with the whole evening spent with Ralph to know not to order those items again though!

    I can find snacks of similar nutritional value at the grocery, since I stayed with NS more than long enough to know what to look for on the labels, and can prepare meals easily enough on my own. So I can still follow the original program. I just don't need them to help me any more, and they weren't helping me toward the end anyway. :(

    If Lilo ever gets out of my lap, I'll figure out where I left my phone.

    I have enough time that I may get a short morning nap in before going to the orchid judging.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Yikes! I just looked at the NS site.

    Breakfast choices (non-frozen anyway) just don't look all that great to me any more. They seem to have given up the pancake mix, which was one of my favorites. Aside from the honey wheat bagel and the Nutriflake cereal, everything is SWEET. Now I don't mind sweet sometimes for breakfast, but what about the unsweetened O's cereal? I liked that. I liked the pancake mix (I could decide if I wanted it sweet, and how sweet) and I liked the powdered egg dishes. All gone...The frozen sandwich type meals look good. But it's a mighty limited breakfast menu now, in my opinion, at least to satisfy my tastes.

    Lunch still has some of my old favorites but I never will forgive them for dropping the tomato soup, while I was still buying stuff. It was one of my all time favorite! There are some new (to me) dishes there that I never tasted because they weren't on the menu, and the new (really new) white cheddar macaroni and cheese looks good. But what happened to the vegetable beef soup? And when did the vegetarian chili move from dinner to lunch?

    Dinner still has enough of my old favorites (and one that made me sick, though I loved the taste of it going down...) and some interesting things that are new to me. Of course one reason I gave up ordering was that I had cold feet on new items, fearing they might make me sick! They seem to have given up the vegetable fajita, which I can't claim to miss because it was another that made me ill, but it was very popular and one of the most substantial, filling dinners they provided.

    The snacks look pretty good, all around, with most of my old favorites still there and quite a few that I never had the chance to try. I loved their ORIGINAL zesty herb snack mix, but after the reformulation a year or two in, I wasn't as fond of those. They were still acceptable, occasionally, but no longer a favorite. The cheese puffs were usually pretty good, as I recall, though sometimes you'd get a bad bag.

    In shakes, didn't they have a strawberry shake at first? They had just started with the shakes when I was phasing out my purchasing and I swear I remember buying, and liking, a strawberry shake but don't see that one on the menu now. They kept doing that to me! Dropping things that I really liked!

    Well, anyway, not going back, but it was fun looking.
