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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's muggy Monday! 4C/39F with an expected high of 6C/42F and 80% chance of precipitation.

    For the past 15 minutes I've been sitting in front of my computer doing nothing but pet Orion. When he gets in my lap and wants attention, NOTHING ELSE is allowed. I must, MUST use both hands to pet and stroke him, or let him nuzzle one while the other is stroking. My tea must be allowed to cool. If I attempt to get a drink of it, he gives me a complaining meow and a look that says, "HOW DARE YOU!" so while I may occasionally steal a sip, it's not easy.

    He's still in my lap, but now he's having a bath. I guess that's the best place to have a bath though really I would think that sitting in J's chair would be more comfortable for that, but I'm not a cat so can't really know.

    Need to clean yesterday's cat bowls and feed the felines. Sounds like another icky day that I'd rather not get out in if I can help it.
    Hi Ed
    I am somewhat surprised that Your weather is muggy and yet that cool. Our first chance of precipitation is Friday night through Saturday with a drenching rain Saturday morning. The sky was nice and clear so I expect it to warm up fairly quickly to around 40 degrees.

    I guessing that the cat bath in your lap is because it is warmer than J's chair.
    $1 Street Food In Shanghai
    I'm not sure how much taste and quality not to mention safety is in $1 street food.
    The Italian Struggle | Struggle Meals
    Hmm... I wonder what will be revealed when I watch the video ?
    3 A-maizing Meals | Struggle Meals
    Maize equaling a corn product.
    Stuffed Dough Meals | Struggle Meals
    They sound high Carb and high calorie :smiley:
    I have some ground lamb thawing. I have sweet potatoes.

    Pondering Moroccan shepherd's pie with sweet potato for dinner. This recipe, which can be made VEGAN by using chickpeas instead of lamb, sounds very tasty. Edwierdo...er Eduardo may insist on giving it a try, with a couple of ingredient substitutions and alterations in quantities. :)

    This is the first time I heard of Moroccan Shepperd's pie...

    I did make it downtown today at lunchtime to see one friend. The other is still on hold until we can fine a commonly convenient time for a meal meeting.

    The downtown friend (miserable wet drive down and back) and I had a very nice time but never actually got around to going back out into the weather to find food, as neither one of us really wanted to, but that's all right. There were issues on getting into (and out of, later) the parking garage at his building. I stopped on my way home and got something to eat, so it was all good and it was nice spending time with my friend. Next time, if the weather is better, I may just take the MARTA down and walk from the station to his building.

    I'm glad you copied the Moroccan Shepherd's Pie. I think you'll love it if you make it!

    Eduardo made a variation on the lamb version and it was absolutely delicious. There was probably more chili (OK, I KNOW there was more chili) in it than called for but it was still not terribly spicy.

    I expect the vegan chickpea version would be delicious as well. If J liked sweet potatoes, I'd make that one for him, but as he doesn't, I guess I won't, though it does give me an idea for a vegan cottage pie that he might like. I'll have to let Eduardo ponder the possibilities.
    It is nice to get out and about seeing friends, Trouble getting into and out of the parking garage seems a bit strange. Was it a private garage ?

    I wonder if he would like a regular British style version using Chickpeas and regular potatoes ?

    Either Way Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 2C/36F with an expected high of 10C/51F and 0% chance of rain. Sounds like it will be a lovely day for a change. We might even get to see that scary yellow thing in the sky!

    I've given Lilo her Tuesday shot. Orion is having a bath in my lap, and the others are patiently(?) waiting to be fed in a couple of hours.

    I need to be fed myself, but that will be easy enough as I have three servings left of my Moroccan Shepherd's Pie from last night. It should warm up nicely.

    I might get out to a grocery today. Maybe.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    The easiest homemade pasta recipe? Well, she thinks so I guess.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Chicken Cordon Bleu Lasagna.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Part 2 of the ridiculously expensive pot luck. They could have invited me, just to eat. :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    And heeeeeeeeere's Emmy! I haven't watched yet but I wonder if her small batch Kimchi is vegan?

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    This message will soon be interrupted by a bothersome vibration on my wrist. Message will be you have 10 minutes to reach your goal of 250 steps for this hour. LOL!! Makes me want to do an eye roll and mutter 'yes dear' under my breath! It really should say "get up off your butt and move already"!!! Seeing a sitting is now equated with being as dangerous as smoking!!!

    Do I need to worry about the Safari thing? Since I've never been convinced that anything on our devices is 'safe', I don't let Safari pick my pass words. It is convenient but.... and I have NEVER put my banking pass words on or in anything. I surely do use my banks bill pay, but I have to type in codes, etc.

    Sun is shining, its not quite warm, as Tom E. can attest to...but it looks great and my yard has lots of bird and squirrel activity. Nice to see the sun!

    Today, first up on the list is to move the load of dark laundry I started earlier today to the dryer, get my gym clothes on, hit the gym, get home eat, go to dentist, and leave from there to Sugar Hill and listen to my grandson's band concert. Hopefully that won't be too painful..the concert I mean... :) I've been known to turn off my hearing aids.......

    The only trees with leaves at this point, looking out my window, are leaves on the huge old oak trees...all of which seem to end up in my yard. I think we have a nice day or two coming up, and I'll go blow some leaves around. Not enough to pester Ted to come do it. At least the oak leaves are BIG leaves and fairly easy to manipulate! I am just not skilled at using my leaf blower...

    Ed, the pix of you sent of the black kitty made me laugh...not at the pix, but my brother went to pick up his NEW truck, and he and SIL decided to eat out...oncoming traffic, and a family of little wild black 'kitties', with white stripes ran into the road, with no where to go, he hit all four of them, and the ensuing 'aroma' totally killed his new truck smell. I understand my SIL laughed quite a bit! As am I.

    Have you tried any of the new crop of pears Roger? I got one a week ago at Kroger, and it was delicious! Wanting more!! Probably won't shop til at least Thursday..but Pears will top my list!

    Ok, gotta go..wrist is shaking....

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 32 degrees. I did see three Deer while walking, one running down the road and a little later two running across the road.

    No Surprise that NJ in the list.
    Judicial Hellholes 2018: Where lawyers' TV ads cause patients to stop taking their drugs
    The American Tort Reform Foundation issued its annual Judicial Hellholes report this week, identifying courts or legislatures in California, Florida, New York, Missouri, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illinois, and Minnesota among the nation’s “most unfair” in their handling of civil litigation.

    Radio Station Yields To Listeners’ Demands; Returns ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ To Playlist

    Voyager 2 probe moves into interstellar space

    Recall Issued For 30K Pounds Of Jimmy Dean Sausages After Metal Pieces Found In Food

    Scientists identify vast underground ecosystem containing billions of micro-organisms

    Study: 8 In 10 Adults Lie To Their Doctors About Their Health

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 2C/36F with an expected high of 10C/51F and 0% chance of rain. Sounds like it will be a lovely day for a change. We might even get to see that scary yellow thing in the sky!

    I've given Lilo her Tuesday shot. Orion is having a bath in my lap, and the others are patiently(?) waiting to be fed in a couple of hours.

    I need to be fed myself, but that will be easy enough as I have three servings left of my Moroccan Shepherd's Pie from last night. It should warm up nicely.

    I might get out to a grocery today. Maybe.
    Hi Ed
    Big scary yellow thing in the sky, I see that now and then this month too. Some change from all the cloudy overcast days. The one good thing about cloud cover overnight is that it holds the heat in and gives a warmer morning when I get out the door.

    Just curious, did You ever work up a calorie count for that Shepherd Pie ?

    I think I will make it to the Bank later today and refill my depleted Billfold then on to the Shoprite for a Gift Card and the savings buying there VS the Quick Chek where they charge a fee will more than pay for the wear and tear and fuel. On the way I will likely buy some Exxon gas and fill the tank since regular cash price is currently showing as $2.35 a gallon, This will be my last fill up for 2018 :wink: Now all I need to do is avoid temptation, like that will happen :(

    My brother and I both got the notice from SSI showing the change in amount for 2019, it looks like we both get something in the upper $40s, much better than the last couple of years where the increase was eaten up by the increase in Medicare.
    The easiest homemade pasta recipe? Well, she thinks so I guess.
    Pasta is not that hard to make, I get that from watching Cooking contests on the TV. If You do not mind wide pasta noodles You do not even need a machine, chill, Use a rolling pin, sprinkle with flower, roll up and slice the roll to end up with the width You want.
    Chicken Cordon Bleu Lasagna.
    This one looks really interesting and likely tasty too, Something I would not have thought of doing.
    Part 2 of the ridiculously expensive pot luck. They could have invited me, just to eat. :)
    I do not know if I would go, I would be sort of afraid of acquiring expensive food tastes.
    And heeeeeeeeere's Emmy! I haven't watched yet but I wonder if her small batch Kimchi is vegan?
    I was curious and and a ingredient list looks like it would be to my untrained eyes ?

    Easy Kimchi
    RECIPE BY MyRecipes

    Learn how to make this traditional Korean side like a pro.
    1 Napa cabbage, cut into 2-inch strips 1/4-1/2 cup kosher salt 2 tablespoons garlic, minced 2 tablespoons ginger, minced 1 teaspoon sugar 3 tablespoons water 4 tablespoons Korean red pepper flakes 1 large daikon radish, peeled and cut into 1-inch matchsticks 2 bunches green onions, cut into 1-inch pieces

    My Brother like Kimchi and usually buys it at the Asian Food Center grocery store.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    This message will soon be interrupted by a bothersome vibration on my wrist. Message will be you have 10 minutes to reach your goal of 250 steps for this hour. LOL!! Makes me want to do an eye roll and mutter 'yes dear' under my breath! It really should say "get up off your butt and move already"!!! Seeing as sitting is now equated with being as dangerous as smoking!!!

    Do I need to worry about the Safari thing? Since I've never been convinced that anything on our devices is 'safe', I don't let Safari pick my pass words. It is convenient but.... and I have NEVER put my banking pass words on or in anything. I surely do use my banks bill pay, but I have to type in codes, etc.
    Hi Valerie
    I do not know, It sounds as if You are using Two Factor Authentication
    There is a version of that where You need a hardware gizmo that provides the second code that expires shortly that You need as well as You User Name and Password. That is usually seen in businesses. That would be this

    It sounds as if You are not storing Your password using the browser, Way to go.
    Bottom line is run a Anti Malware and Antivirus and install security updates to stay safe.
    Sun is shining, its not quite warm, as Tom E. can attest to...but it looks great and my yard has lots of bird and squirrel activity. Nice to see the sun!

    Today, first up on the list is to move the load of dark laundry I started earlier today to the dryer, get my gym clothes on, hit the gym, get home eat, go to dentist, and leave from there to Sugar Hill and listen to my grandson's band concert. Hopefully that won't be too painful..the concert I mean... :) I've been known to turn off my hearing aids.......

    The only trees with leaves at this point, looking out my window, are leaves on the huge old oak trees...all of which seem to end up in my yard. I think we have a nice day or two coming up, and I'll go blow some leaves around. Not enough to pester Ted to come do it. At least the oak leaves are BIG leaves and fairly easy to manipulate! I am just not skilled at using my leaf blower...

    Ed, the pix of you sent of the black kitty made me laugh...not at the pix, but my brother went to pick up his NEW truck, and he and SIL decided to eat out...oncoming traffic, and a family of little wild black 'kitties', with white stripes ran into the road, with no where to go, he hit all four of them, and the ensuing 'aroma' totally killed his new truck smell. I understand my SIL laughed quite a bit! As am I.
    Yup, I made the mistake of forgetting I had done some laundry one year and when I did remember the musty smell took a couple of washings to remove.

    Yuck, Dentist visit :(

    I would expect a band concert to be pleasant unless the music is not to Your taste.

    It took me a minute to get it, a family of little wild black 'kitties', with white stripes, then I got it Skunks are not something you even want to scare. They tend to be fearless due to natures defenses and thus they get killed like that sometimes.
    Have you tried any of the new crop of pears Roger? I got one a week ago at Kroger, and it was delicious! Wanting more!! Probably won't shop til at least Thursday..but Pears will top my list!

    Ok, gotta go..wrist is shaking....

    That reminds me my brother said take a couple of the pears he picked up. I should look in the fruit section of the ShopRite when I go.

    Thank You for the reminder
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! -2C/29F with an expected high of 12C/53F and no chance of precipitation.

    Need to feed the felines and get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up. I also need to get out for some cat food for Lilo, and maybe meet up with yet another friend for a visit, but that last is in the maybe-maybe not arena, tending toward probably not, but we'll see.

    And I'd like to get a nap in. Dishwasher ran overnight and is unloaded and put away.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited December 2018
    Inexpensive vegan holiday dinner. Pretty sure their temperatures are stated in Celsius so you'll need to convert.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    5 meatloaf recipes so good they should be banned.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 32 degrees.

    Urban waterways are under siege by a new invasive species: e-scooters

    'Grinch' driver caught on camera plowing through yard and destroying Christmas decorations

    A Surgeon So Bad It Was Criminal
    Christopher Duntsch’s surgical outcomes were so outlandishly poor that Texas prosecuted him for harming patients. Why did it take so long for the systems that are supposed to police problem doctors to stop him from operating?

    Big Trucking Drivers shortage As I see it. I talked to some drivers and they confirmed a shortage.
    Trucking companies looking to put drivers behind the wheel

    Saving this Swedish town from falling into a mine has big lessons about a post-climate change world
    After Kiruna began sinking into the mining site near the town, it launched a radical plan to relocate two miles away. What can other places damaged by industry learn from the town’s move?

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! -2C/29F with an expected high of 12C/53F and no chance of precipitation.

    Need to feed the felines and get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up. I also need to get out for some cat food for Lilo, and maybe meet up with yet another friend for a visit, but that last is in the maybe-maybe not arena, tending toward probably not, but we'll see.

    And I'd like to get a nap in. Dishwasher ran overnight and is unloaded and put away.
    Hi Ed
    Lucky You, We have a chance of Rain, sleet or snow in the forecast for today :( It seems to depend on where the weather goes and where You are located. And that was about as close as they wanted to pin down the forecast last night. Less than a day out and they won't give a firm prediction. One thing I am sure of is that our moron governor will spend more taxpayers dollars on pretreating roads and stationing equipment all over. He did not take criticism over his handling of the first snow of the season well. So now if there is a 1% possibility of snow he sends out everything, Think $$$ flying into the trash can.

    I did fill the car yesterday the Exon was down to $2.33 and 9 tenths per gallon. I also saw a Conoco while I was out and about @ $2.17, I know the cars run OK on Exxon, Not to sure about Conoco as they have not been around the area for years. Also I would love to know the Alcohol percentage before buying. I know for example that the lawn mower says not to use E15 so I do need to buy E10 gas and I think the Buick being a 1999 should not use E15 either. It is now up to almost 17K on the Odometer and that is after the 3 stops yesterday :wink:
    Inexpensive vegan holiday dinner. Pretty sure their temperatures are stated in Celsius so you'll need to convert.
    Just one more conversion chart I would need to keep around, I already have conversion charts placed back to back in a sheet protector by the microwave to convert heating times for 1000 watt and 1100 watt heating times for use with our 700 watt Microwave.
    Home made vegan "butter."
    I do wonder how it tastes and melts.
    Vegan Beef for Christmas
    I think I will pass on that for Christmas as being a traditionalist we have Ham for Christmas and leftover Ham and Thanksgiving Turkey for New Years Day :smile:
    5 meatloaf recipes so good they should be banned.
    Why not ban everything that people like ? I am speaking sarcastically of course.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Valerie
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 3C/38F with an expected high of 12C/54F and no chance of precipitation.

    Already got the felines fed and yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up. Might get out for a bit today. I lucked out at Kroger yesterday. The warehouse was overloaded on boneless pork loin and had shipped them two crates of very short time pork loins. I was there AS the butcher manager was giving them their final markdown to $0.77 per pound to do their best to get them out of the store and into people's freezers. As he's a friend of mine, he made sure to point out what he was doing, while I was perusing the other marked down meat.

    I bought two of them, quite nice sized, one at $3.31 and one at $3.39. These are larger pork loins than I usually buy and i did consider cutting the largest one down into pork chops but, in the end, decided to freeze them both whole. I can always freeze leftovers after cooking a pork loin if I don't think I'll eat the whole thing within three days. And with these sizes I very well might not eat the whole thing within three days, but leftovers can be shredded and mixed with barbecue sauce or chunked up for making hash, or cut into bite size pieced for a quick pork Marsala...I can have lots of fun with leftover pork loin.

    I also bought one marked down package (still not terribly cheap, but at least affordable) of shaved beef and made a beef, onion, and broccoli stir fry for dinner last night. I have at least two servings of this left, and will likely be eating one serving for today's lunch.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...