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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Stuart tries weird Christmas crisps in England.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited December 2018
    Best vegan "meat"loaf? Well, that's kind of subjective.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Looks like a pretty nice winter-ish day. Tom E's happy to be outdoors...(Happy for him!)
    I have too much to do today, but will get about seeing what I can knock off the old list.

    I think I can take a pass on the Pine Crisps....?why? just why?? The creativity barrel must be getting very low!

    Ok, I've had my coffee and my poor banana...why poor..really not tasty, looks like its had a rough trip here to my Kroger, and well, just poor!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was degrees and the walking was comfortable

    TV antennas are making a comeback in the age of digital streaming

    Skip breakfast? Science says that may increase your Type 2 diabetes risk

    Consume this drink at breakfast to help manage diabetes, study says

    Is a slice of pizza for breakfast healthier than a bowl of cereal?

    Really :(
    Survey: Average Person Forms A First Impression In Just 27 Seconds!

    New York Hot Dog Rabbi to Make Qatar Kosher for World Cup
    The rabbi who brought kosher hot dogs to New York baseball stadiums wants to help the Persian Gulf state of Qatar host Jewish fans with food they can eat at soccer’s 2022 World Cup.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi! In keeping with the weather forecasting on the Swamp....RAIN!!! Lotza rain..thunderboomers sometime last night woke me, albeit just for a very brief moment!

    Hope Ed has good safe driving as he heads south of Atlanta and near Macon if I remember right. Not a good day to be out. Never is a good day for a funeral. :(

    Roger I have a coffee press that I use to brew my tea that I make. Not the kind in tea bags that I make a cup at a time. That way I can control the brew time. And make a 4-6 cup 'batch' to see me thru the afternoon. I have the little filters, and the apparatus to make my Keurig brew 'my' ground coffee or tea leaves. I've used a few times...not very excited about them. Ok, just not great. And for awhile I was getting free soup cup samples from the Keurig folks. Like who were they kidding? No, nope, naw!

    The bronchodilator tablet is sorta square, and kinda mango colored...really different! Name...Montelukast Sodium. Like your brother I usually read the contradictions, etc. I was miserable enough to not even look...just patiently waited for evening and swallowed it. Got a bit ditsy, and went to bed...slept like a log! That effect was not noticeable the 2nd night (last night). Was glad. I don't like feeling 'buzzy'.

    The iWatch needs an iPhone. Won't work with other phones. I got a new update notice last evening...so did that this morning. Easy peasy!

    I need to dig around in the kitchen for awhile today. The dishwasher is empty, but the sink has quite a collection of stuff that needs washing. :( > When I don't feel well..I just don't generally 'do' stuff that isn't critical! like dishes. Was it here that I read the meme about being lonely?
    It went like this..
    You are never alone.Laundry is always waiting for you....
    That is not how it was worded..it was much more clever, but that was the jist of it...Laundry is always there for you.

    Ok, its almost time for lunch, and I haven't even eaten my breakfast banana...I think I should go do that!

    Be Back....
    Hi Valerie
    I had replied to this one, it must be lost :(

    At least when we had the rain there was no Thunder.

    The Dishwasher here, AKA, Me is also empty.

    I wish I could sleep like a log, Oh well.

    Apple does seem to like to go proprietary, I suspect that they hope the the iWatch drives iPhone sales.
    Good Morning!
    Looks like a pretty nice winter-ish day. Tom E's happy to be outdoors...(Happy for him!)
    I have too much to do today, but will get about seeing what I can knock off the old list.

    I think I can take a pass on the Pine Crisps....?why? just why?? The creativity barrel must be getting very low!

    Ok, I've had my coffee and my poor banana...why poor..really not tasty, looks like its had a rough trip here to my Kroger, and well, just poor!

    One More day to New Years Eve, Nothing planned, Bed at the usual time is my plan.

    Pine crisps sounds familiar from last year, If You are not sure about the lack of creativity look at how many old TV shows are being done again as with Movies.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday. 9C/49F with an expected high of 15C/60F and no chance of precipitation.

    One final holiday party scheduled for tonight. I don't really want to go but J has something he needs to send for someone who will be there, so I'll at least drop that off. I may not stay for the party to really get going though. We'll see how I feel about that tonight.

    Need to get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up and feed the felines. Also need to give J's greenhouse a squirt if I remember.

    There are a few plants inside that need misting at least once a day or so too, preferably more often. I kind of try to keep up with those...

    And, after yesterday's driving, I need to get gas before I go much of anywhere. Guess I'll be checking to see how many points I have on my Kroger card and probably buying gas there. Might pick up a few groceries while I'm at it. I can go and take care of that after I finish my tea and feed the felines.
    Hi Ed
    Whee, Dry and fairly warm too, Lucky You.
    According to the weather forecasts, Rain will be falling on the crowds in Times Square with warm enough weather so that it likely will be fairly comfortable, Warm for New Years Day also.

    Plants can be a chore, especially if like me You have more of a black thumb than a Green thumb.

    Do the Points give You a discount or ??
    Air Fryer PIZZA 3 Ways!! - Can You Cook Pizza in an Air Fryer
    They look good, Not good enough to make me buy a air fryer to cook things.
    Stuart tries weird Christmas crisps in England.
    Not my cup of tea, I think I will pass on weird flavored crisps.
    Best vegan "meat"loaf? Well, that's kind of subjective.
    Best is subjective as You say however it looks pretty good, Nice Color and so on. I have seen people put all kind of weird things in a Regular Meatloaf, Potato Chips, Potatoes, Rice, Onions and Mushrooms come to mind and then Cover the top with some slices of Onion and or Ketchup.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! 49F with an expected high of 55 and 80% chance of precipitation, which is showing at the top as light morning showers. I'll check the hourly forecast in a bit. I hope it's a bit nicer in the afternoon so I can get the garbage and recycles down for final pickup by the old service, tomorrow, and, presumably, collection of their bins. Then on Tuesday I can do it again for the presumed first pickup by the new service, which is actually the same service we had before the city incorporated and changed it.

    Need to feed the felines and get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up. And, of course, get the litter boxes done, and the garbage and recycles to the curb. Pondering the possibility of some laundry too. And a nap. I didn't sleep too well as I ate too much greasy food at last night's party and it was being disagreeable during the night. And then, early this morning, a thunderstorm rolled in, and that woke me up a couple of times before I was ready to get out of bed. At least my tummy was feeling better by the time I got up.

    Our Kroger card gets us a discount on many items available at the grocery, and we get a point for every dollar we spend on grocery items, other than tobacco and alcohol, and sometimes 2x or even 4x points for buying gift cards, which is a popular way to build up points around gift giving holidays especially. Sometimes they do the 2x for the whole summer on gift cards. Every 100 points built up in a given month gives 10 cents off per gallon, up to 30 gallons, and limited to a maximum of $1.00 off per gallon, on a single purchase of fuel, that is available immediately or through the following month.

    It can get confusing though, as the way it is set up the months don't combine and the system doesn't automatically use the oldest points first. It's easy to lose a month's points by not keeping close track of how many points you have for the prior month, and the current month, when buying gas and making sure for yourself that you use the oldest points first.

    If I get 255 points in April, and haven't used them yet, and then get 357 points in May, I can take either 20 cents off per gallon (during May) OR 30 cents off per gallon (during May and through June, if I don't use them in May) but I can't take 50 cents off (or even the 60 cents you might expect) even though I technically would have enough total points to do so.

    Unfortunately, I had to have the discussion often with customers at the fuel center, about the fact that, since the pumps offer the HIGHER of the prior month's remaining points or the current month's remaining points, in a situation like the one above the pump would offer 30 cents off if I go to buy gas in May, after accumulating that many points in May. If I say YES, and use the 30 cents off, it uses May points, leaving April's 20 cents off unused, and still expiring at the end of May. Thus, if I don't buy more gas in May, to use the 20 cents off, I'm going to lose it.

    If you have the same amount off for both months, or more off from the prior month than the current, then you can just say to use the higher amount and it will use the prior month's points. But if you have more points on the current month, you likely want to use the prior month's points first, unless you think you won't be buying gas again for more than a month and would lose more by not using the current month's points.

    So...when it offers 30 cents off, in the example above, you need to tell the pump to NOT use the whole 30 cents off but, rather, to use 20 cents off, and then it will use the prior month's points, leaving the current month's points available through the end of the following month.

    And, obviously, if I have accumulated some points in the current month and use them early in the month, then the remaining points in the current month continue to accumulate until the end of the month, and it's possible I may earn enough more, during the same month, to get another fuel discount.

    I'm sure for people who use their vehicles a lot, or multi-car households that do so, this happens often.

    Even if you don't have 100 points to get a 10 cent discount, using your card when buying gas will still get you a 3 cent discount all the time, and there is not a 30 gallon limit on that 3 cent discount.

    The policy is clearly (well, as clearly as possible) explained, in writing, when the customer is issued the Kroger card, and can be perused online again if needed, but we still had a lot of customers complaining about losing points. And, of course, there would be customers who claimed that they should have had 1000 points but it was only offering 3 cents off, and what was I going to do about it. Well, I had no way in the fuel center to see where or when the 1000 points was actually used, but they could call a number on the back of the card, or check their card's history online, to find out and they got grumpy about the fact that I couldn't tell them that. I COULD give them a printout of how many points they had remaining for each of the two months, if they weren't sure which month had the most points, but that was the extent of the research I could do for them. It was ALWAYS the case that someone else in the family had used the points, or that they had more than one Kroger card and were using the wrong one, that didn't have any points. I would direct them to the help desk to have the cards combined into one card or the other so that this didn't happen again.

    We had one man that ALWAYS insisted he was supposed to have more points and complained loudly about it, wasting my time (and the time of the customers waiting in line at the window) while I patiently explained (again) to him that I had no way of fixing that and he'd have to go in to the service desk and I was sorry about that but it was out of my control. He kept saying he was never going to come back to Kroger again. After the third or fourth time I was told he was "never coming back" I had to bite my tongue to not reply with some very sarcastic remark, such as "I wish!"

    Sometimes the help desk at the front of the store could also assist people in recovering lost points, within reason.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi, back again.
    Watched the Vegan Hoppin John...since I bought a can of Hoppin John, and a can of collards...(I eat collards, but seldom go out of my way to find it!).. I did watch Chef A.J. the other day and she put a sauce of Maple Syrup and mustard on her collards and swore that it was great. May try a bit of it on mine.

    Tom's been in and out...I think he's out right now. I need to check on the forecast to decide if he needs to come in before I take my nap! Tired today...did a bit of walking etc yesterday, and think I may have over done it a bit.

    The Vegan snack plate....ok, any of us could have put that together. Guess its a nice thing to watch if you need a little help. The bleeding beefless burger....I've not seen that brand, but listening to the ingredient list, sounded a lot like the Bleeding Beef Pattys from Whole Food. A young lady was putting quite a few of those in her cart, and when I asked, assured me they were really great. Really? I think I'd set my parameters to high on that one.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2018









  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 28 degrees and the walking was OK. On the Outbound leg the nose told me that there was a Skunk somewhere nearby.

    I saw the first Christmas Tree at the curb while walking, Likely the first of many. As I was 1 block from the house on the return leg I saw 5 Deer Trotting across the road slightly ahead of where I was.

    Wealthy Taxpayers Are Fleeing These States in Droves
    The tax freedom exodus can be quantified by looking at interstate migration between the 25 highest-tax states and 25 lowest-tax states. In 2016, almost 600,000 people moved, on net, from the former to the latter.

    CenturyLink outage that hit 911 service spurs FCC investigation
    The disruption affected 911 emergency services nationwide. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai called the problem "particularly troubling" in its "breadth and duration."

    Baltimore trying to stem decades-long disappearing act BALTIMORE (AP) — LaShelle Rollins’ rental house in West Baltimore is wedged between a line of derelict properties valued only by street gangs, drug addicts and firefighters conducting arson drills. And even though her family’s $700-a-month address sits across from a public school, they are among the only occupants of this desolate block.

    ‘I see no way out’: Living paycheck to paycheck is disturbingly common

    Why S.F. rents are likely to remain the highest in the nation


    Minimum wage set to increase in 21 states and D.C. in 2019

    Have a Great New Years Eve
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! 49F with an expected high of 55 and 80% chance of precipitation, which is showing at the top as light morning showers. I'll check the hourly forecast in a bit. I hope it's a bit nicer in the afternoon so I can get the garbage and recycles down for final pickup by the old service, tomorrow, and, presumably, collection of their bins. Then on Tuesday I can do it again for the presumed first pickup by the new service, which is actually the same service we had before the city incorporated and changed it.

    Need to feed the felines and get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up. And, of course, get the litter boxes done, and the garbage and recycles to the curb. Pondering the possibility of some laundry too. And a nap. I didn't sleep too well as I ate too much greasy food at last night's party and it was being disagreeable during the night. And then, early this morning, a thunderstorm rolled in, and that woke me up a couple of times before I was ready to get out of bed. At least my tummy was feeling better by the time I got up.
    Hi Ed
    Hmm... Will there be that much garbage Tuesday to be worth the effort ?

    I had somewhat the same problem sleeping last night due to the foods I ate Sunday :(
    Our Kroger card gets us a discount on many items available at the grocery, and we get a point for every dollar we spend on grocery items, other than tobacco and alcohol, and sometimes 2x or even 4x points for buying gift cards, which is a popular way to build up points around gift giving holidays especially. Sometimes they do the 2x for the whole summer on gift cards. Every 100 points built up in a given month gives 10 cents off per gallon, up to 30 gallons, and limited to a maximum of $1.00 off per gallon, on a single purchase of fuel, that is available immediately or through the following month.

    It can get confusing though, as the way it is set up the months don't combine and the system doesn't automatically use the oldest points first. It's easy to lose a month's points by not keeping close track of how many points you have for the prior month, and the current month, when buying gas and making sure for yourself that you use the oldest points first.

    If I get 255 points in April, and haven't used them yet, and then get 357 points in May, I can take either 20 cents off per gallon (during May) OR 30 cents off per gallon (during May and through June, if I don't use them in May) but I can't take 50 cents off (or even the 60 cents you might expect) even though I technically would have enough total points to do so.

    Unfortunately, I had to have the discussion often with customers at the fuel center, about the fact that, since the pumps offer the HIGHER of the prior month's remaining points or the current month's remaining points, in a situation like the one above the pump would offer 30 cents off if I go to buy gas in May, after accumulating that many points in May. If I say YES, and use the 30 cents off, it uses May points, leaving April's 20 cents off unused, and still expiring at the end of May. Thus, if I don't buy more gas in May, to use the 20 cents off, I'm going to lose it.

    If you have the same amount off for both months, or more off from the prior month than the current, then you can just say to use the higher amount and it will use the prior month's points. But if you have more points on the current month, you likely want to use the prior month's points first, unless you think you won't be buying gas again for more than a month and would lose more by not using the current month's points.

    So...when it offers 30 cents off, in the example above, you need to tell the pump to NOT use the whole 30 cents off but, rather, to use 20 cents off, and then it will use the prior month's points, leaving the current month's points available through the end of the following month.

    And, obviously, if I have accumulated some points in the current month and use them early in the month, then the remaining points in the current month continue to accumulate until the end of the month, and it's possible I may earn enough more, during the same month, to get another fuel discount.

    I'm sure for people who use their vehicles a lot, or multi-car households that do so, this happens often.

    Even if you don't have 100 points to get a 10 cent discount, using your card when buying gas will still get you a 3 cent discount all the time, and there is not a 30 gallon limit on that 3 cent discount.

    The policy is clearly (well, as clearly as possible) explained, in writing, when the customer is issued the Kroger card, and can be perused online again if needed, but we still had a lot of customers complaining about losing points. And, of course, there would be customers who claimed that they should have had 1000 points but it was only offering 3 cents off, and what was I going to do about it. Well, I had no way in the fuel center to see where or when the 1000 points was actually used, but they could call a number on the back of the card, or check their card's history online, to find out and they got grumpy about the fact that I couldn't tell them that. I COULD give them a printout of how many points they had remaining for each of the two months, if they weren't sure which month had the most points, but that was the extent of the research I could do for them. It was ALWAYS the case that someone else in the family had used the points, or that they had more than one Kroger card and were using the wrong one, that didn't have any points. I would direct them to the help desk to have the cards combined into one card or the other so that this didn't happen again.

    We had one man that ALWAYS insisted he was supposed to have more points and complained loudly about it, wasting my time (and the time of the customers waiting in line at the window) while I patiently explained (again) to him that I had no way of fixing that and he'd have to go in to the service desk and I was sorry about that but it was out of my control. He kept saying he was never going to come back to Kroger again. After the third or fourth time I was told he was "never coming back" I had to bite my tongue to not reply with some very sarcastic remark, such as "I wish!"

    Sometimes the help desk at the front of the store could also assist people in recovering lost points, within reason.
    If I said that the Points system seems as if it were designed to be confusing.

    I have seen on a TV show where people that were having the car clamped for unpaid parking tickets that they had never received found out that it was tickets that another family member got and never paid.

    I had customers that wanted to return items that were beyond the return period or that they tore open and then decided they wanted a full return on the item with the destroyed or in some cases thrown out packaging. They seemed to feel that if they complained loud and long enough it would happen. That sort of behavior is where I would get more stubborn the longer they persisted.

    We also had unhappy customers that were never coming back in the future, Unfortunately they came back again and again once they found out what else was out there and how expensive those alternatives were.
    Chefs Review The "Flexitarian" B12 Vegan Burger
    Looks like a regular burger. Feels like a regular burger. Bleeds like a regular burger
    Not interested in that "burger" I do not want a burger that oozes any liquid. I shall watch the video as it sounds interesting OTOH.
    Vegan New Year's Day Hoppin' John & Collard Greens for Instant Pot or Not
    I just Googled and my suspicion that Hoppin John is a southern dish was confirmed.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi, back again.
    Watched the Vegan Hoppin John...since I bought a can of Hoppin John, and a can of collards...(I eat collards, but seldom go out of my way to find it!).. I did watch Chef A.J. the other day and she put a sauce of Maple Syrup and mustard on her collards and swore that it was great. May try a bit of it on mine.

    Tom's been in and out...I think he's out right now. I need to check on the forecast to decide if he needs to come in before I take my nap! Tired today...did a bit of walking etc yesterday, and think I may have over done it a bit.

    The Vegan snack plate....ok, any of us could have put that together. Guess its a nice thing to watch if you need a little help. The bleeding beefless burger....I've not seen that brand, but listening to the ingredient list, sounded a lot like the Bleeding Beef Pattys from Whole Food. A young lady was putting quite a few of those in her cart, and when I asked, assured me they were really great. Really? I think I'd set my parameters to high on that one.

    Hi Valerie
    I would have thought that since You have a Instant Pot You might have made Your own, however the convenience of opening a can and heating is hard to beat.
    Maple Syrup and Mustard sounds like a weird combination. Toss in all the different Mustard varieties and ?

    Currently we have a quart and a half of leftover home made Pea soup in the refrigerator. I must be getting old, I keep wanting to call it the Ice Box :blush:

    One way to tell, Buy the Bleeding Beef Pattys and taste. That is assuming they are not real beef which I would expect them to be from the name.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday and it's New Year's Eve! 12C/54F with an expected high of 21C/71F (WOW!) and 40%C/40%F ... oh, wait, that doesn't change...chance of precipitation.

    Didn't do any laundry yesterday, so maybe I will today. Maybe. Or tomorrow, or sometime...

    Need to feed the felines and clean up yesterday's cat bowls. I've set out the ham bone and the jowl bacon for tomorrow, and they should be all thawed up and ready in the fridge for tomorrow's cooking.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    What's eating Dan? Or what's drinking Dan?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    5 festive foods nobody needs.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Americans try Russian holiday food.
