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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Well, I got out in it. Drizzly, nasty, cool rain. But not raining very hard, so I went for it. I just hit up PetSmart and Publix to pick up those few things that I felt I needed or wanted.

    The rain is supposed to be worse tomorrow, and, while I could have waited still longer before I HAD to go, I did want to get more canned food for Lilo, as there was only about three days worth left of the canned food I bought for her. She can, in a pinch, eat the food the younger girls eat, as her morning canned food, but I'd rather her be eating something formulated for the mature cat (OK, geriatric cat) that she is.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi...quickly. There's a lot to cover!
    Roger...traditional cornbread recipe's are half corn meal, and half flour. Flour to for the gluten to catch the C02 and allow the cornbread to rise. Not a written in stone, but again..a traditional mix. I believe I saw Ed say that he didn't put flour in his corn bread??? That does make me curious.

    I haven't watched the video's this morning, but that pan of roasted vegetables looks mighty tempting to me!!! I seem to be especially hungry today. Ate my banana...went back for avocado toast and tea...and then got a handful of pretzel rods to munch as I type. Its almost lunch time for heavens sake. Lunch just needs to be heated, as its the Teriyaki from last night. You'd think I hadn't eaten in a month! Yikes

    I think I need to address the things I typed.
    "IMO doing chores is not a waste of time. Skip the chores for to long and pay the price when You start doing them.

    The Only reason for my Query into Black Eyed Peas was the appearance where they looked like Beans.

    Canned Cabbage is a new one for me, Is that a southern thing ?

    Years for the reports that are being sent at the speed of light seems a little long to me.

    As I see it the difference between burying in a pine box is that the remains stay there and are not being composted and used on plants in the yard, My opinion of course."

    Chores are not really a waste of time...its just most of them are not something that one notices.. :)
    And your sharp eyes were right...black eye peas are indeed beans!
    Canned Cabbage...I don't know. I just saw them on the shelf near the collards, etc. and decided to try them They are decent. I prefer my own cooked cabbage, but this makes a nice 'green' fiber rich addition to dinner. I've always loved cooked cabbage. Usually with a butter sauce. Now, no more butter!!

    Umm, considering how far they have to travel, I'm guessing that/s about right. I know I read that somewhere...NASA maybe?? I loved seeing the rock formation on the second transmission...red snowman is exactly what it looks like!! I just think its mind boggling to see the end of our universe, and a piece of rock that was 'left over'?...at least part of it. From the disc that formed the sun earth and out sister planets...read that this morning.

    I guess I didn't read it quite the way you did Roger.. My idea of composting a human is a corpse placed in the ground to return to dust, as opposed to these bodies that have been preserved by removing all the blood and replacing it with what used to be formaldehyde (I'm sure thats not what they use today), and then placing the body into a water proof, sealed container, and a concrete vault. Like who needs that? We have the Monastery of the Holy Spirit Trappist Monks not far from here...45 minutes. And I love going there. So peaceful. Quite a history, and among all the other things, their honey is delicious! Hands above any other I've ever eaten...I also understand their fruit cakes are spectacular..preserved with brandy and sherry! Whoops., tipsy cake? But, what really struck me was they have set aside many acre's in a really pretty area, and you can be buried there...no casket, etc. So that your remains do indeed return to earth.
    As far as you saying being composted and used in a flower garden...that's the left overs of cremation. Which I know my kids would NEVER go for the Monks burial, I have requested to be cremated, and added to the dirt mix for trees. I get some kick back from that too! Am afraid to die...I've seen their idea of funerals....

    Ok, its noon, and I have chores to do...


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited January 2019
    My cornbread rises nicely enough. It's very simple, and, since it doesn't use any flour, is gluten free! To make it vegan, use oil, vegetable shortening, or a vegan butter substitute for greasing the pan, and use an egg substitute meant for use in baked goods. And, of course, use a vegan milk substitute or water. Try veganizing it at your own risk though, as I haven't actually done that.

    Preheat oven to 425, with the 8 inch cast iron skillet in the oven. When it's all hot, put 1 tablespoon butter in the skillet to melt, and swirl it around to thoroughly grease the pan, or 2 tablespoons, if you want a little melted butter mixed into the cornbread batter - see below on that.

    While the oven is heating up, make the batter.

    For the cornbread:

    1 cup self rising cornmeal. Yellow or white, whatever you like for that but I usually have white on hand.
    1 egg
    1 cup buttermilk (if you'd rather use water or regular, whole milk, you will want to replace half a tablespoon of it with lemon juice or white vinegar, for the extra rise you would have been getting from the buttermilk)
    Optionally, the extra butter you can pour out of the skillet, stirred in very quickly at the end.

    This will make a very thin batter. You'll think it's too thin.

    Pour the batter into the hot skillet and place back into the hot oven. Bake for 15 to 25 minutes, until all risen and golden brown.

    Makes 8 nice wedges.

    I have found that one CAN increase the cornmeal to about a cup and a half, and get a thicker batter, and the cornbread still comes out fine and tasty, but when I did, it stuck badly to the pan I was using, and I'm not quite sure whether it was because I was trying a different method for greasing the pan (didn't warm it up in the oven, just greased it with shortening) or because of the thicker batter. At any rate, the resulting cornbread tasted fine, but I just had to get something under it to get it out of the pan and it left some of itself on the bottom.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 29 degrees and the walking was good.

    Expert: Weight Gain Appears Related To When We Eat

    Missouri teen was bleeding from eyes, then went blind — and doctors have no idea why

    ‘Seattle-ization’? American cities fear what’s happened here

    Vermont has a higher proportion of people moving there from out-of-state than anywhere else in the U.S., study says
    Vermont has a low overall population, yet the highest proportion of people moving there from out of state compared to elsewhere in the U.S., a study says
    At the same time, a higher percentage of people moved out of New Jersey than any other state, followed by Illinois, Connecticut, New York and Kansas

    No Surprise to me :(
    More people moved out of this state than any other in America
    New Jersey residents are on the outs with their state.
    More people moved out of the Garden State in 2018 than any other state, according to a new study by United Van Lines – though New York wasn’t far behind.
    New Jersey, which topped the list of the “most moved from” states, was followed by Illinois, Connecticut and the Empire State, the moving company’s study found.

    Once again not a surprise
    NYC’s minimum wage increase may lead to a business exodus

    Have a Really Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 11C/51F with an expected high of 13C/55F and 70% chance of precipitation. Very foggy this morning too.

    I need to feed the felines and clean up yesterday's cat bowls. I had thought I might get out for a few groceries and may still, if I can beat the worst of the rain. It's supposed to settle down to steady showers by this afternoon/evening but may be intermittent rain in the morning.

    I'm on my last mug of tea now. I'll see how it looks in a bit, when it gets lighter outside, but I don't want to get out into rush hour traffic. I suppose I could make it to Aldi and Publix easily enough as they are less than a mile away and I can take the back streets easily.

    The new year doesn't seem to be starting with a bang, does it?
    Hi Ed
    The upcoming rain is supposed to be here for Saturday, Oh well, For that reason I saved some of today's coffee for use tomorrow.

    TBH I will settle for a quiet start this year.
    Unmeltable in my mind means it isn't and ice treat.
    I know we all have our own ideas about how to roast vegetables, but let's see this version too.
    Those do look tasty, I see different colors of potatoes, sprouts, cauliflower and carrots. That would mean the equivalent of a stew just baked ?
    RogerToo wrote: »

    I had not realized they took that much cooking, that would explain it.

    Black Eyed peas and collard greens don't require 8 to 10 hours of cooking on the stovetop. Assuming the beans are fresh, frozen, or pre-soaked dried beans, they might need to simmer for an hour or two, but slow cookers are...well...slow!

    Even on high, a slow cooker will take 4 to 6 hours for beans, usually, unless the beans are pre-cooked and you just want to warm them and give them some time for added flavors to infuse, in which case you are probably putting them in there just until they get hot, which may only take a couple of hours.

    I find slow cookers are great for keeping things warm, or for cooking things when you don't want to have to pay attention to them, and have the time to wait while they cook.

    Pot roast, in an oven, requires me to pay attention to the time, put the carrots in at the right time, and then, later, put the potatoes in. In a slow cooker I put the roast in, with liquids and seasoning, the carrots on top of that with a light sprinkle of salt and pepper, and the potatoes and usually an onion, possibly cut in halves if needed, with the potatoes, and that layer lightly sprinkled with salt, pepper, and paprika. Turn it on low and leave it alone for 8 to 10 hours, or high and leave it alone for 4 to 6 hour, as high isn't necessarily exactly half the time of low. I generally find mine are fine at the lower time limits, but mine tend to be smaller amounts of food.
    Oh, Now I see, Toss a slow cooker into the occasion and the key word of slow is king.

    That Post Roast sounds really tasty to me.
    For soups or stews, the slow cooker gives the food a good, long time for the flavors to blend and mingle and I really like the end result better than a more quickly done soup or stew on the stove top, but again it's a matter of time. And one done on the stove top is generally about as good if kept in the refrigerator overnight after cooking, and not eaten until the next day.

    I loved using my slow cooker when I was working as I could take a few minutes in the morning to put everything in, and turn it on as I went out the door. When I got home in the evening, my dinner was ready and waiting. Yes, I know that this defies the rule of not leaving the slow cooker unattended, but I never had any issues from that, even with having cats in the house. My cats weren't stupid enough to get too close to a hot slow cooker, even if it DID smell wonderful, and I had used it enough while at home doing other things, such as laundry and housework, to verify that the cats wouldn't bother it. Eventually I got to where I am today with several slow cookers.
    I have slow cooker, unused for a while as of this morning. Once again my mind went to the Rice Cooker. I would think that it could cook Meats beautifully as well as simmering the rest of the ingredients on the keep warm setting that follows the cooking period.
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Pass on that, I doubt that I would like the taste.
    Emmy claims that she doesn't taste the sourness from the sourdough. I suspect J would taste it but he's very sensitive to sour and to bitter tastes. Often I can taste them in the same food, but don't find it as offputting as he apparently does.
    RogerToo wrote: »

    That is just weird to me, Along Racial lines ? Why would anybody bother to check into it ?

    Because this is the American south and we still check everything in America, especially the south, along racial lines.

    I put my race down as HUMAN when possible as I fill out forms. I wonder what they would do if I put down Martian?
    In the past I have found that I was not impressed with the taste of Sourdough bread and that was while I was visiting San Francisco, Years ago before it went downhill and expensive at teh same time.

    Did You also answer the question asking for sex with yes :wink:
    I know, I know that is so old that it has gray hair.
    Well, I got out in it. Drizzly, nasty, cool rain. But not raining very hard, so I went for it. I just hit up PetSmart and Publix to pick up those few things that I felt I needed or wanted.

    The rain is supposed to be worse tomorrow, and, while I could have waited still longer before I HAD to go, I did want to get more canned food for Lilo, as there was only about three days worth left of the canned food I bought for her. She can, in a pinch, eat the food the younger girls eat, as her morning canned food, but I'd rather her be eating something formulated for the mature cat (OK, geriatric cat) that she is.
    The rainy weather lately has had a raw feel here too and that is being kind.

    The Special food formulated for pets of different ages leads me to wonder why there is little selection marketed that way for adults ?

    With worse weather it makes sense to me that You went shopping when You did, OTOH would missing a day of the mature cat food have any consequences ?
    My cornbread rises nicely enough. It's very simple, and, since it doesn't use any flour, is gluten free! To make it vegan, use oil, vegetable shortening, or a vegan butter substitute for greasing the pan, and use an egg substitute meant for use in baked goods. And, of course, use a vegan milk substitute or water. Try veganizing it at your own risk though, as I haven't actually done that.

    Preheat oven to 425, with the 8 inch cast iron skillet in the oven. When it's all hot, put 1 tablespoon butter in the skillet to melt, and swirl it around to thoroughly grease the pan, or 2 tablespoons, if you want a little melted butter mixed into the cornbread batter - see below on that.

    While the oven is heating up, make the batter.

    For the cornbread:

    1 cup self rising cornmeal. Yellow or white, whatever you like for that but I usually have white on hand.
    1 egg
    1 cup buttermilk (if you'd rather use water or regular, whole milk, you will want to replace half a tablespoon of it with lemon juice or white vinegar, for the extra rise you would have been getting from the buttermilk)
    Optionally, the extra butter you can pour out of the skillet, stirred in very quickly at the end.

    This will make a very thin batter. You'll think it's too thin.

    Pour the batter into the hot skillet and place back into the hot oven. Bake for 15 to 25 minutes, until all risen and golden brown.

    Makes 8 nice wedges.

    I have found that one CAN increase the cornmeal to about a cup and a half, and get a thicker batter, and the cornbread still comes out fine and tasty, but when I did, it stuck badly to the pan I was using, and I'm not quite sure whether it was because I was trying a different method for greasing the pan (didn't warm it up in the oven, just greased it with shortening) or because of the thicker batter. At any rate, the resulting cornbread tasted fine, but I just had to get something under it to get it out of the pan and it left some of itself on the bottom.
    Once again I am not a big fan of buttermilk, OTOH it is OK in Pancakes and waffles and biscuits.

    That is something I had not thought about, I never knew there was a self rising Cornmeal nor that the Buttermilk helped it rise, I wonder how that works.

    Vegetable Shortening = Crisco ?

    I am of the suspicion that Being Gluten Free is the new fad and for many people not needed.

    That is a good Question, We Butter baking pans with butter that has sat out long enough to get somewhat soft and the pan is room temperature and they work fine that way.

    I do not know how You manage not to eat the entire skillet of cornbread fresh cooked and still warm with Butter melting into it ?

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi...quickly. There's a lot to cover!
    Roger...traditional cornbread recipe's are half corn meal, and half flour. Flour to for the gluten to catch the C02 and allow the cornbread to rise. Not a written in stone, but again..a traditional mix. I believe I saw Ed say that he didn't put flour in his corn bread??? That does make me curious.
    Hi Valerie
    You are more or less correct that Eds Cornbread recipe has no flour listed and he says that "since it doesn't use any flour, is gluten free! "
    I haven't watched the video's this morning, but that pan of roasted vegetables looks mighty tempting to me!!! I seem to be especially hungry today. Ate my banana...went back for avocado toast and tea...and then got a handful of pretzel rods to munch as I type. Its almost lunch time for heavens sake. Lunch just needs to be heated, as its the Teriyaki from last night. You'd think I hadn't eaten in a month! Yikes

    I think I need to address the things I typed.
    "IMO doing chores is not a waste of time. Skip the chores for to long and pay the price when You start doing them.

    The Only reason for my Query into Black Eyed Peas was the appearance where they looked like Beans.

    Canned Cabbage is a new one for me, Is that a southern thing ?

    Years for the reports that are being sent at the speed of light seems a little long to me.

    As I see it the difference between burying in a pine box is that the remains stay there and are not being composted and used on plants in the yard, My opinion of course."

    Chores are not really a waste of time...its just most of them are not something that one notices.. :)
    And your sharp eyes were right...black eye peas are indeed beans!
    Canned Cabbage...I don't know. I just saw them on the shelf near the collards, etc. and decided to try them They are decent. I prefer my own cooked cabbage, but this makes a nice 'green' fiber rich addition to dinner. I've always loved cooked cabbage. Usually with a butter sauce. Now, no more butter!!
    I like Boiled Cabbage with Corned Beef as well as used as the wrapping for stuffed cabbage and I also eat it raw which has a much different texture and taste. I may ask my brother to look for it in the ShopRite Grocery Store especially since they are running their Can Can sale for canned S/R brand foods.
    Umm, considering how far they have to travel, I'm guessing that/s about right. I know I read that somewhere...NASA maybe?? I loved seeing the rock formation on the second transmission...red snowman is exactly what it looks like!! I just think its mind boggling to see the end of our universe, and a piece of rock that was 'left over'?...at least part of it. From the disc that formed the sun earth and out sister planets...read that this morning.

    I guess I didn't read it quite the way you did Roger.. My idea of composting a human is a corpse placed in the ground to return to dust, as opposed to these bodies that have been preserved by removing all the blood and replacing it with what used to be formaldehyde (I'm sure thats not what they use today), and then placing the body into a water proof, sealed container, and a concrete vault. Like who needs that? We have the Monastery of the Holy Spirit Trappist Monks not far from here...45 minutes. And I love going there. So peaceful. Quite a history, and among all the other things, their honey is delicious! Hands above any other I've ever eaten...I also understand their fruit cakes are spectacular..preserved with brandy and sherry! Whoops., tipsy cake? But, what really struck me was they have set aside many acre's in a really pretty area, and you can be buried there...no casket, etc. So that your remains do indeed return to earth.
    As far as you saying being composted and used in a flower garden...that's the left overs of cremation. Which I know my kids would NEVER go for the Monks burial, I have requested to be cremated, and added to the dirt mix for trees. I get some kick back from that too! Am afraid to die...I've seen their idea of funerals....

    Ok, its noon, and I have chores to do...

    NASA has done some spectacular things, I am very impressed that their space voyagers con function for so many years as they travel huge distances.

    I know in my mind that the entire surface of the earth is covered with decomposed human remains from over the thousands and thousands of years. However it just seem disrespectful to compost a loved one. I know it is a emotional thing that I can not change, it is just how it is.

    I am also against scattering Cremains anywhere without explicit permission.

    Anyway, Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 12C/53F with an expected high of 17C/62F and 100% chance (verified) of morning rain. If it looks nicer, later, I may get out to a Farmers Market just off I-85 behind Best Buy. And may browse Best Buy just for fun, if I go that way. And if I go that way I'll be driving somewhere relatively close to you, Val! I'll wave in several directions. LOL. People would think I am nuts. Little do they know...

    Need to feed the felines and get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up. They let me sleep in until almost 6:00 today! Shocking, I know, but maybe they ran themselves out of fuel last night. They sure were racing around like maniacs shortly before bedtime.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Ex-workers tell us what never to eat at Sonic.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Scary restaurant food you have to sign a waiver for, before you attempt to eat it.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Chiquita Banana original commercial. Including a racy, banana strip tease!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Once again I am not a big fan of buttermilk, OTOH it is OK in Pancakes and waffles and biscuits.

    That is something I had not thought about, I never knew there was a self rising Cornmeal nor that the Buttermilk helped it rise, I wonder how that works.

    Vegetable Shortening = Crisco ?

    I am of the suspicion that Being Gluten Free is the new fad and for many people not needed.

    That is a good Question, We Butter baking pans with butter that has sat out long enough to get somewhat soft and the pan is room temperature and they work fine that way.

    I do not know how You manage not to eat the entire skillet of cornbread fresh cooked and still warm with Butter melting into it ?

    Have a Good Day

    Many people who don't care for buttermilk, are quite happy with it when it's used in baked products.

    The buttermilk is sour because it has developed some acidity, or perhaps it's developed some acidity because it's sour. They just go together. The self rising cornmeal has baking soda in it, which is a base.

    In a simple, chemical reaction, the acidity of the buttermilk reacts to cause extra gas bubbles when reacting with the base that is the baking soda, giving better rise. The egg will react with it to cause some rise anyway, but the buttermilk just gives it an extra kick.

    The vegetable shortening I used was butter flavored Crisco.

    I never eat the WHOLE pan of cornbread fresh cooked but often eat more of it than I should. I do try to limit myself to absolutely no more than 1/4 of the pan though! Usually.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Cloudy, but supposedly no more rain for the day, and sunny....yep sunny weekend! I am sooo ready for that!
    Ed, indeed you will be in my backyard! I'll wave back.
    Cat is outside, and I know that makes him happy. (and me too). Shower and heading for Kroger at Reynolds Crossing. (Steve Reynolds and Old Norcross). I'll wave from there also! LOL! Maybe we can go to the same loony bin??? I'd be ok with that. Always nice to know someone when you're going someplace new!

    After the grocery haul, no doubt I will be tired. I still have no stamina, and still have congestion. This is now going on week 3, and frankly I'm damn tired of it!

    Had the last quarter of my avocado for breakfast today no more til Feb. I love avo, and could eat it daily...except none of my clothes would fit, and my scale would no doubt laugh at me.

    I hope that by next week I feel confident enough that I can breathe to make a stab at going back to the gym. I really want to see what my watch will do with the TM, the row and other machines, etc. I did earn one minute of exercise the other day....I laughed a lot. (only 29 minutes short!). Ted and I discussed it...I earned that minute while I was in the kitchen cooking my dinner...??? like really??? Ted who reads more than I do, said people who wear their watch in the shower also earn exercise time...they think it may be the warmth of the shower, and some movement that triggers the exercise sensors. I haven't worn mine into the shower yet. I know I can, and I know if I've gotten water in it, there is a quick procedure that will expel the water. No, I'm not kidding. I flat out accused Ted of lying to me the day he showed me his brand new watch. So he held his watch under the water fountain...and then with out further ado, the watch spit the water out!! I laughed so hard. Don't ask me how that works...I just know that it does, and thats good enough for me!! :).

    Now, gotta go, will come back and finish reading later when I need to rest. Probably around 2:30 or so.
    I wish Ed, I'd have known sooner that you were going to be in my neighborhood, I'd have juggled some chores around. But, I HAVE to hit the grocery, as TOM E has no dinner. Opened the last can for his breakfast. I also eat around here, and could use some supplies for myself. And I'm still not sure what the heck I have/had/or am re-visiting. Scratchy throat, sinus drainage...like it started before Christmas. I would not like to share....:)


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ok, I got home around 4p...and had frozens to put away, and refrigeration that needed to be in the Refrig...I have't even touched the cans of cat food.
    Saw my neighbor, she got sick first, and now her husband and son..a 24 hr virus of some kind. Lu said she is finally feeling better. Boy, my street can hardly qualify for a'Health Credit'! LOL ! Like me they seldom get sick so this has been a weird way to start the New Year!

    I didn't know double acting baking powder had been around as long as what I read from my google search. I was in college in the early 60's, and learned about baking powder, baking soda, butter milk, acidity, Double acting baking powder will work with either or both acidic buttermilk, and/or liquid.
    I am curious about the self rising corn meal that you buy Ed. The only self rising corn bread mixes that I could find all had wheat flour in them...Bob's Mill does have a corn meal that does not say self rising, and it does not have flour in it either. Lazy Mary that I am, Kroger had big blocks of baked corn bread...I got one. Yes, it has eggs and milk and maybe butter...(more likely a vegetable shortening)...I had a very small piece just now with my frozen Amy's vegan dinner....Chinese veggies, and noodles, a little bit of tofu, a token mushroom, broccoli, carrot, etc and linguine sized noodles. I suspect Udon, but not sure about that...anyway...I was hungry having not eaten since my avocado toast and banana.. Feeling much better now that I have eaten!

    Didn't see much that I needed to 'try' at the grocery today. That's strange. I did walk 2000 steps while poking around in Kroger! And, again I confused the poor watch...I earned a one minute activity workout today!! I'm sorry but that just makes me giggle. Seriously one minute! Ha Ha Ha!!!

    You are quite right Roger about the gluten issue. (In my opinion). I am sensitive to gluten but do not have celiac's disease. It's not an allergy thing. I believe it has a lot to do with how we now harvest wheat, and the hybridization process of the wheat itself. Also as the body ages changes do happen. Allergies crop up where none had been before, etc. I grew up eating grains of wheat straight out of the combine..still warm from the summer July sun! It was sooo good, and if you chewed it for a bit, the gluten would form its stretchy self, and it was a lot like chewing gum!! I don't know what harm might come from avoiding wheat or other gluten grains... the real harm comes from someone like my former neighbor...Her Mother had Celiac Disease. So, my neighbor decided that although she wasn't showing as a celiac reaction, she quit eating anything with gluten....and then she's get tested for Celiac. Now, that does screw up test results. So she could honestly have been celiac but presenting with a false negative test result.

    Ok, since its nearly dinner time, and I just ate, I need to put away the rest of the groceries, and clear the kitchen sink, and a few other 'chores'. chores in other rooms....

    Will see you, yep, Later...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    You really have to look for the self rising cornmeal, as the bags look an awful lot like the self rising cornmeal MIX bags, and they sometimes just aren't there at all.

    Just look for the bag that says Self Rising Cornmeal and omits the work MIX, and there you go!

    I usually get it in a 5 pound bag and keep it in the freezer, inside a ziplock freezer bag when not in use.

    The other option is to make your own self rising cornmeal, which I've never actually done, but I've seen several recipes for that online with varying amounts of baking powder added to plain cornmeal, along with a little salt.

    I have been known to make cornbread that contains flower and I've even (gasp!) been known to use a pre-packaged mix, that might even have a little sugar in it, especially if I'm making blueberry corn muffins.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Surprise Roger!
    Hope you had a pleasant walk!
    Be back much later. Right now it's sleepy time.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 42 degrees and the walking was good. The Overnight rain ended early by the time I went out the door, It is forecast to return later.


    Free the Northwest Angle! Why the Americans own a finger of land that should have been part of Manitoba
    An anonymous White House petitioner demanded that Donald Trump turn over the northernmost corner of Minnesota, a sliver of land that is American only because of an 18th century error

    You could live in Canada and U.S. at the same time: House straddling the border is on the market for $109,000
    For sale: A 1782 fixer-upper with thick granite walls, 1950s decor, and armed 24-hour security provided by both Canada and the United States of America

    Professional ghost hunters to investigate haunting of USS North Carolina battleship

    NY supermarkets often mislabel seafood in fishy ‘fraud’: AG

    MSNBC Analyst Compares Facebook to ‘Soylent Green': ‘You Are the Consumable’

    Venezuela’s Lessons for American Socialists

    Have a Really Good Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 12C/53F with an expected high of 17C/62F and 100% chance (verified) of morning rain. If it looks nicer, later, I may get out to a Farmers Market just off I-85 behind Best Buy. And may browse Best Buy just for fun, if I go that way. And if I go that way I'll be driving somewhere relatively close to you, Val! I'll wave in several directions. LOL. People would think I am nuts. Little do they know...

    Need to feed the felines and get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up. They let me sleep in until almost 6:00 today! Shocking, I know, but maybe they ran themselves out of fuel last night. They sure were racing around like maniacs shortly before bedtime.
    Hi Ed
    Last Nights weather forecast said that 8 Fridays with rain out of the last 10, It does seem that way to me that Friday is rain day. This Friday the rain was towards the end of the day, OTOH that is still rain on Friday :(

    I slept later than what has become my usual wake up time Friday, I wonder if it is catching, That would be an hour later than I expected to sleep.
    Ex-workers tell us what never to eat at Sonic.
    There is a Sonic nearby, I remember not being that impressed when I tried it. I was expecting something better considering that when it opened the line of cars stretched down the highway and the police had to be there for traffic control.
    Scary restaurant food you have to sign a waiver for, before you attempt to eat it.
    My best guess is that it involves Ghost Peppers :smiley:
    Kids Try Their Grandparent's Childhood Favorite Food
    This could be interesting, OTOH I liked the foods that both sets of Grandparents served.
    Chiquita Banana original commercial. Including a racy, banana strip tease!
    I do not recall that one, hmm...
    ShopRite seems to have kicked the Cartoon Can Can girls to the curb for this can can sale. Good Grief they are drawings doing the Can Can, PC gone wild is my guess :(
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Once again I am not a big fan of buttermilk, OTOH it is OK in Pancakes and waffles and biscuits.

    That is something I had not thought about, I never knew there was a self rising Cornmeal nor that the Buttermilk helped it rise, I wonder how that works.

    Vegetable Shortening = Crisco ?

    I am of the suspicion that Being Gluten Free is the new fad and for many people not needed.

    That is a good Question, We Butter baking pans with butter that has sat out long enough to get somewhat soft and the pan is room temperature and they work fine that way.

    I do not know how You manage not to eat the entire skillet of cornbread fresh cooked and still warm with Butter melting into it ?

    Have a Good Day

    Many people who don't care for buttermilk, are quite happy with it when it's used in baked products.

    The buttermilk is sour because it has developed some acidity, or perhaps it's developed some acidity because it's sour. They just go together. The self rising cornmeal has baking soda in it, which is a base.

    In a simple, chemical reaction, the acidity of the buttermilk reacts to cause extra gas bubbles when reacting with the base that is the baking soda, giving better rise. The egg will react with it to cause some rise anyway, but the buttermilk just gives it an extra kick.

    The vegetable shortening I used was butter flavored Crisco.

    I never eat the WHOLE pan of cornbread fresh cooked but often eat more of it than I should. I do try to limit myself to absolutely no more than 1/4 of the pan though! Usually.
    When I mentioned that Your recipe had Buttermilk and that helped it to rise, his comment was who didn't know that, I raised my hand in the air. He likes baking and has done a lot of it for years.

    I did not know that they sold a Butter Flavor Crisco, Interesting. Many years ago I used a Butter Flavored Oil called Wesgold, Talk about flavorful fried potatoes and other fried foods. I have also observed it being brushed on Biscuits to give them a Buttery Flavor.

    I'm not sure I would be able to stop at 1/4 of the pan, That sort of thing is a big problem for me.
    You really have to look for the self rising cornmeal, as the bags look an awful lot like the self rising cornmeal MIX bags, and they sometimes just aren't there at all.

    Just look for the bag that says Self Rising Cornmeal and omits the work MIX, and there you go!

    I usually get it in a 5 pound bag and keep it in the freezer, inside a ziplock freezer bag when not in use.

    The other option is to make your own self rising cornmeal, which I've never actually done, but I've seen several recipes for that online with varying amounts of baking powder added to plain cornmeal, along with a little salt.

    I have been known to make cornbread that contains flower and I've even (gasp!) been known to use a pre-packaged mix, that might even have a little sugar in it, especially if I'm making blueberry corn muffins.
    Hmm... Until I read that You stored the Corn Meal in the freezer I wondered how You used it all before It went stale.

    Shock, Gasp, Ed using a prepackaged Mix, will the horror ever end ? :smiley:

    Have a Good Day