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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Cloudy, but supposedly no more rain for the day, and sunny....yep sunny weekend! I am sooo ready for that!
    Ed, indeed you will be in my backyard! I'll wave back.
    Cat is outside, and I know that makes him happy. (and me too). Shower and heading for Kroger at Reynolds Crossing. (Steve Reynolds and Old Norcross). I'll wave from there also! LOL! Maybe we can go to the same loony bin??? I'd be ok with that. Always nice to know someone when you're going someplace new!

    After the grocery haul, no doubt I will be tired. I still have no stamina, and still have congestion. This is now going on week 3, and frankly I'm damn tired of it!

    Had the last quarter of my avocado for breakfast today no more til Feb. I love avo, and could eat it daily...except none of my clothes would fit, and my scale would no doubt laugh at me.
    Hi Valerie
    That is some lingering bug that You caught, What did the Doctor Say if You saw one of course. I know I have be nearly flat on my back before I will go to the doctors.

    Is it the high fat content in the Avocados ? I see that they are getting pricey according to the TV News recently.
    I hope that by next week I feel confident enough that I can breathe to make a stab at going back to the gym. I really want to see what my watch will do with the TM, the row and other machines, etc. I did earn one minute of exercise the other day....I laughed a lot. (only 29 minutes short!). Ted and I discussed it...I earned that minute while I was in the kitchen cooking my dinner...??? like really??? Ted who reads more than I do, said people who wear their watch in the shower also earn exercise time...they think it may be the warmth of the shower, and some movement that triggers the exercise sensors. I haven't worn mine into the shower yet. I know I can, and I know if I've gotten water in it, there is a quick procedure that will expel the water. No, I'm not kidding. I flat out accused Ted of lying to me the day he showed me his brand new watch. So he held his watch under the water fountain...and then with out further ado, the watch spit the water out!! I laughed so hard. Don't ask me how that works...I just know that it does, and that's good enough for me!! :).
    That is just weird to me that the watch spits the water out. Apple :smile:
    Now, gotta go, will come back and finish reading later when I need to rest. Probably around 2:30 or so.
    I wish Ed, I'd have known sooner that you were going to be in my neighborhood, I'd have juggled some chores around. But, I HAVE to hit the grocery, as TOM E has no dinner. Opened the last can for his breakfast. I also eat around here, and could use some supplies for myself. And I'm still not sure what the heck I have/had/or am re-visiting. Scratchy throat, sinus drainage...like it started before Christmas. I would not like to share....:)

    Your Cat will definitely be unhappy if his servant forgets to deliver his dinner :wink:

    I keep forgetting to use things from the cupboard until they get near or past their Best by date, whatever that means. My suspicion is that they slowly lose nutrients.

    You had to mention sinus draining, this morning my nose has started running is sympathy, At least I hope that is what the cause is.
    Ok, I got home around 4p...and had frozens to put away, and refrigeration that needed to be in the Refrig...I have't even touched the cans of cat food.
    Saw my neighbor, she got sick first, and now her husband and son..a 24 hr virus of some kind. Lu said she is finally feeling better. Boy, my street can hardly qualify for a'Health Credit'! LOL ! Like me they seldom get sick so this has been a weird way to start the New Year!

    I didn't know double acting baking powder had been around as long as what I read from my google search. I was in college in the early 60's, and learned about baking powder, baking soda, butter milk, acidity, Double acting baking powder will work with either or both acidic buttermilk, and/or liquid.
    I am curious about the self rising corn meal that you buy Ed. The only self rising corn bread mixes that I could find all had wheat flour in them...Bob's Mill does have a corn meal that does not say self rising, and it does not have flour in it either. Lazy Mary that I am, Kroger had big blocks of baked corn bread...I got one. Yes, it has eggs and milk and maybe butter...(more likely a vegetable shortening)...I had a very small piece just now with my frozen Amy's vegan dinner....Chinese veggies, and noodles, a little bit of tofu, a token mushroom, broccoli, carrot, etc and linguine sized noodles. I suspect Udon, but not sure about that...anyway...I was hungry having not eaten since my avocado toast and banana.. Feeling much better now that I have eaten!
    Well that's one chore done that should hold You for a few days minimum.

    I have heard of Double acting baking powder, I just did not know why it was called that.

    The Corn Bread falls into the category of don't ask, don't tell food as it is so good. I'd bet big bucks that there is no butter in it vegetable shortening is so much less expensive for them to use.
    Didn't see much that I needed to 'try' at the grocery today. That's strange. I did walk 2000 steps while poking around in Kroger! And, again I confused the poor watch...I earned a one minute activity workout today!! I'm sorry but that just makes me giggle. Seriously one minute! Ha Ha Ha!!!
    Silly Watch, 2000 steps as one minute of activity workout, what's up with that.

    MY brother tends to spend at least an hour in the Grocery Store looking at most of the shelves just in case he forgot something on his shopping list, I'm get in and out as fast as possible type.
    You are quite right Roger about the gluten issue. (In my opinion). I am sensitive to gluten but do not have celiac's disease. It's not an allergy thing. I believe it has a lot to do with how we now harvest wheat, and the hybridization process of the wheat itself. Also as the body ages changes do happen. Allergies crop up where none had been before, etc. I grew up eating grains of wheat straight out of the combine..still warm from the summer July sun! It was sooo good, and if you chewed it for a bit, the gluten would form its stretchy self, and it was a lot like chewing gum!! I don't know what harm might come from avoiding wheat or other gluten grains... the real harm comes from someone like my former neighbor...Her Mother had Celiac Disease. So, my neighbor decided that although she wasn't showing as a celiac reaction, she quit eating anything with gluten....and then she's get tested for Celiac. Now, that does screw up test results. So she could honestly have been celiac but presenting with a false negative test result.

    Ok, since its nearly dinner time, and I just ate, I need to put away the rest of the groceries, and clear the kitchen sink, and a few other 'chores'. chores in other rooms....

    Will see you, yep, Later...
    I tend to wonder also if it is the way the wheat had been bred for different traits or something in the processing. I did not know Yo could throw off the results of the test that way either, I Learn something new every day.

    My brother and I were talking about our Sister and that she thinks she has all these allergies that she never had in the past, he blames the Holistic Healers she sees for what he considers bogus allergies, I'm ambivalent, as the body ages things can change.
    Surprise Roger!
    Hope you had a pleasant walk!
    Be back much later. Right now it's sleepy time.
    Surprise indeed, Talk about an early post, You win today :wink:

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sassy Saturday! 7C/44F with an expected high of 14C/56F and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Need to get the felines fed and get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up. And I may, since it's such a nice day, get out to do a little shopping. I went to two of the big Farmers' market Asian groceries yesterday, mostly buying noodles for J. He likes ramen noodles, but not the ones you can get at a regular grocery. I also picked up some tiny apples to see of the sugar gliders will like them. It seems like I have picked up that kind once before, but I don't remember whether they liked them or not.

    J is still in Kentucky but will probably come home tonight or tomorrow. I know the felines miss him and sometimes there isn't enough of me to go around for all four of them!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    The easiest way to clean and re-use frying oil.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited January 2019
    Mr. Wolfe's review of the best and worst from Dollar Tree for 2018.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    A couple of cheesy, hammy, bacony ideas.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Kids share their favorite snacks with grandparents.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Tamale pie. I'm sure this could be done with beans and/or cheese.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Yikes, as usual...I have spent my 'computer time'...reading...(I'd love that huge big house, but Vermont/Canada? Nope, wrong climate! Other than that...... Goodness knows the price is right! Now, about the rehab...hmmm don't have the means for that unfortunately.

    I agree Ed...the tamale pie could be made with some lovely black beans and corn as filling! When the boys were much younger and living at home I used to make them 'taco pie'. It was my life saver dish. I was going to school 8 hours a day.,,,etc. And they loved taco pie nights. I think this tamale pie would have been another fav. of theirs. I have dinner waiting to be heated for tonite, but....there's always tomorrow, right. I'd found a Chickpea/tofu Curry that I was going to make, but somehow the tamale pie sounds so good..... (check back Monday).

    Kitchen needs a bit of TLC and then there's lunch...its sunny-ish our side. sunny, but a weak winter type sun. and a LOT of wind. Even Tom who loves a sunny day, and shot out the door when he saw the sunny yard...was more than ready to come back in after about 15 minutes. He evidently doesn't have a sunny wind protected space to nap in. Glad to let him back in.

    Did I tell you about the pig??? Funny! Somewhat mean, but funny.

    I'll try to get back later, but for now I have to be the 'kitchen witch' and clean up my space.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 37 degrees and the walking was good.

    Want great quality of life? These are the best cities to live in every state across US

    Confused about the 'super blood wolf moon eclipse' that's coming soon? Here's your guide

    Artificial intelligence can detect Alzheimer’s in brain scans six years before a diagnosis

    As 'Microdosing' Explodes in Popularity, New Look at Benefits, Side Effects of Daily Psychedelics Use

    Scientists Have 'Hacked Photosynthesis' In Search Of More Productive Crops

    Have a Really Good Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sassy Saturday! 7C/44F with an expected high of 14C/56F and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Need to get the felines fed and get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up. And I may, since it's such a nice day, get out to do a little shopping. I went to two of the big Farmers' market Asian groceries yesterday, mostly buying noodles for J. He likes ramen noodles, but not the ones you can get at a regular grocery. I also picked up some tiny apples to see of the sugar gliders will like them. It seems like I have picked up that kind once before, but I don't remember whether they liked them or not.

    J is still in Kentucky but will probably come home tonight or tomorrow. I know the felines miss him and sometimes there isn't enough of me to go around for all four of them!
    Hi Ed
    I'm curious what the difference between the Asian Market Ramen and the Grocery Store is, I am referring to unflavored ones naturally.

    Hopefully the Apples work.
    The easiest way to clean and re-use frying oil.
    As I recall McD's filters the fryers daily using a powder that is one top of filter paper. The machine has a pump that feeds a hose that is used to spray any loose food particles down to the drain to be filtered out. So I am thinking that in the houses kitchen the Oil is filtered through Cheesecloth ? I'll know later once I watch it.
    Mr. Wolfe's review of the best and worst from Dollar Tree for 2018.

    Interesting that he covers it in 10 minutes.
    A couple of cheesy, hammy, bacony ideas.
    I do like a Bacon Grilled Cheese and a regional food, Pork Roll and cheese in a Hard Roll AKA Kaiser Roll, They are both Good hot or cold. I'm not nearly as big a fan of Ham & Cheese except in a cold sandwich with Mayo.
    Kids share their favorite snacks with grandparents.
    This is the reverse of yesterdays video :smiley:
    Tamale pie. I'm sure this could be done with beans and/or cheese.
    Nothing I would likely eat as I am not a fan of Tamales or TBH much of the Mexican food, Possibly because NJ has so many poor Mexican eateries and I do not have the patience to filter them to find the few gems. Not to mention that it's a Pie, Why ?

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Yikes, as usual...I have spent my 'computer time'...reading...(I'd love that huge big house, but Vermont/Canada? Nope, wrong climate! Other than that...... Goodness knows the price is right! Now, about the rehab...hmmm don't have the means for that unfortunately.

    I agree Ed...the tamale pie could be made with some lovely black beans and corn as filling! When the boys were much younger and living at home I used to make them 'taco pie'. It was my life saver dish. I was going to school 8 hours a day.,,,etc. And they loved taco pie nights. I think this tamale pie would have been another fav. of theirs. I have dinner waiting to be heated for tonite, but....there's always tomorrow, right. I'd found a Chickpea/tofu Curry that I was going to make, but somehow the tamale pie sounds so good..... (check back Monday).

    Kitchen needs a bit of TLC and then there's lunch...its sunny-ish our side. sunny, but a weak winter type sun. and a LOT of wind. Even Tom who loves a sunny day, and shot out the door when he saw the sunny yard...was more than ready to come back in after about 15 minutes. He evidently doesn't have a sunny wind protected space to nap in. Glad to let him back in.

    Did I tell you about the pig??? Funny! Somewhat mean, but funny.

    I'll try to get back later, but for now I have to be the 'kitchen witch' and clean up my space.

    Hi Valerie
    I thought that the Dual Country house was interesting too, The least expensive part would be the purchase price, Rehab could be a real pain in the neck, Imagine having to get anything approved by two countries as a part of the permit process.

    Taco Pie, Maybe the reason I don't care for them is that the ones I ate were chain food, Think Taco Bell :blush:

    Somewhat inclement weather headed our way, Supposedly Monday into Tuesday morning the last forecast I saw said rain, snow or a mix even though the overnight temperature is forecast to be in the mid 30s plus.

    With Your cat it would appear that the grass is not better on the other side of the fence so to speak.

    I do not recall You telling about a Pig, I could be forgetting on the other hand.

    Good Luck With the Kitchen, Hopefully a quick thing.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! 5C/41F with an expected high of 19C/66F and 0% chance of precipitation. Sounds like a lovely day, but sure doesn't sound like January!

    Need to pay some bills, clean up yesterday's cat bowls, and maybe do a little sweeping up and straightening up. Might even decide to go outside and make some vitamin D.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Some things to make when the pantry is nearly bare.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    I think this first one would be good with chicken instead of tuna. The second one looks pretty good, but both have too many carbs I think.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    7 hearty meals with, according to them, awesome fillings.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi. Finally some screen time. Ted came out...and it was lawn time. He blew the last of the neighbors oak leaves, and I trimmed my butterfly bush, and cut off the zebra grass. Plant will be so happy...I usually get busy and it doesn't get cut back before the new growth starts. I also napped after Ted left. We had a 'watch' session. Simple little things...like when I was in Kroger the phone started ringing, if I had put the palm of my hand over the watch, it would have silenced the ringing. Not cancel the call, just silence the noisy ringing! How neat is that? I don't really know how the Apple watch expels water, but you can wear it swimming, in the shower, washing dishes, etc. because of its water spitting ability!
    2000 steps...the exercise is a separate entry. It is dependent on heart rate rising and temperature also..So, when I get back to the gym my step count will be separate from my around the house, etc. (I think...you realize I haven't been to the gym yet. But I can tell the watch I'm going to use the row machine...and it gives me a countdown, and then it records the length of time I use the machine. Some of our machines are blue tooth enabled, so I'm curious to see how that works...also I have indoor walking (think TM) or outdoor walking, running, etc.

    To change gears...we had a SUNNY weekend. That after 7...Seven weekends to all rain, or part rain. Sure was nice to see that shiny object in the sky! Going to be partly cloudy tomorrow...still beats the heck outta rain!

    Ah, the pig....Its orange and has yellow spots..I'll try to take (if I remember) to send a pix later. Its latex, its a dog toy, it OINKS! I'm sorry, I laugh every time I look at it. So I am going to give it to Jack...they have 2 dogs who play with toys...Ted's dog doesn't play..at all. Neither did his first Husky..) I had more fun with that dufuss pig in Kroger....all the way to the checkout, and the checker had one for her dog..and the bagger could hardly stop laughing at the grunting pig. So, I set it on the floor, and made it grunt and freaked out Tom E. He wouldn't go down the hall where it was.. I really didn't think he'd freak...so pig is on the hall table, and only oinks when Tom's outdoors!

    Tamale pie would be a quick and so easy way of having tamale's without having to soak the husks, make the corn maize, fill, roll, bake, etc. Yeah...much easier to make the pie. Same with the taco pie... and please, Roger, please do not judge Mexican food by what you buy at Taco Bell...is like comparing a McDonalds hamburger with a big thick T-bone steak. Nothing wrong with either, but..... Also, in my opinion some of the best foods I've eaten have come from little hole in the wall places!

    I have a cat crying at me. Thinks after eating a tin of food, and a couple tablespoons for canned tuna, and having a small hand full of kitty treats..he thinks I should give him more treats???? Ho ho ho!

    Yep...dog toy that oinks LOL for days now!


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 26 degrees and the walking was good.

    The 'Little Ice Age' hundreds of years ago is STILL cooling the bottom of Pacific, researchers find

    Bluefin tuna sells for record $3.1 million at Tokyo market, but scarcity clouds celebration

    Dozens of tourists victims of mass robbery when climbing the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio

    Have a Really Good Monday