Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I'm here. Even though I had my flu shot in early October, I have the ache all over, run a temperature, chills, and etc FULL BLOWN FLU!!! So, since Thursday night I have pretty much just slept, with periods of wakefulness.
    I'm doing all that I can to not let this get worse and settle into my chest, or my sinuses as WebMD says it usually does. Cancelled hair appointment, Chiro for this week....and just feeding cats, and occasionally I think of something that sounds good to eat.
    Want a laugh? I woke up last night around 2 a.m. wanting a nice, perfectly ripe avocado...I could almost taste it. Of course there are no avocado's in the house :) The other thing I've wanted is saltine crackers. None of those either. I did have some oyster crackers, but they were old, and had gone not only stale, but rancid to boot...trash!

    Other than that I've caught snippets of news, knew about the snow totals in NJ...I looked for them online! See, You all were not forgotten...I was just absent.

    I think Ed would agree we got off really lucky. I essentially did not have snow anywhere except on roof tops. Ted said there was snow on the grass in MidTown. He was disappointed the husky wasn't excited about the snow...though she does love the cold. Other parts of GA did get a goodly amount of snow for even GA. Mostly in the mountain areas north and north west of here.
    The news carried on like we were all gonna be shut-ins til spring! from 4p until 7p snow was all they talked about....nobody apparently was murdered or robbed, nobody important died, nothing burned, etc. AMAZING....just snow.... and it was snow to come no less... not what had happened....

    I just had some canned chicken & noodle soup (veganism can wait a day or two) and I am going to eat a banana later. Yesterday that was my entire diet. May be the same today...may 'flesh it out' with an apple :)!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    I sure hope our 1/8 inch of snow didn't get Valerie! I haven't seen anything all weekend.

    The pork and bacon meatballs are warming now in some marinara sauce, spaghetti will be prepared to go with it. Collards on the side for me. I didn't have any bacon but I did put in a splash of smoke flavoring. :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Supposed to be pretty nice and warm today.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good morning,
    Nice this afternoon...50-ish and sunny. Like that!

    Still running night time low grade temps, so not over this flu business quite yet. Though I do seem to have a bit more energy this morning.
    Hope it lasts long enough to get me into and out of the shower!!! I look a fright. LOL!!! And ONE nap would be nice today instead of morning and afternoon 3-4 hour 'naps'. I've slept enough for me and 3 others since Thursday night!!!

    Roger take it easy on the shoveling...it IS hard work.period. Loved the pix you sent of the snow mound that supposedly had a car under it??? That was incredible! If it was mine...it would have to wait for spring. :)

    I'd really like to get out to the Mex Market for an avocado...I've been craving one for days now, and my W-2 is ready to be picked up at work. Business' next door to one another so it would be a quick outing, no stops, no people chatting, etc. Don't want to spread this crap!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2016
    I lost my mind and went walking this morning + 25 cents and 1:35 duration, only 6k steps however due to the footing, 7 degrees with no breeze. Then home for Breakfast followed by More shoveling. The Sidewalk to the street is now finished as is the end of the driveway to the patio :)

    Pictures of some of the shoveled sidewalks, many are not shoveled yet. Neat tunnel



    Evidently 60% of the plows in town broke down during the plowing. They were out again today doing a finish plowing on many streets that really needed it too.

    Have a Safe Monday
    I'm here. Even though I had my flu shot in early October, I have the ache all over, run a temperature, chills, and etc FULL BLOWN FLU!!! So, since Thursday night I have pretty much just slept, with periods of wakefulness.
    I'm doing all that I can to not let this get worse and settle into my chest, or my sinuses as WebMD says it usually does. Cancelled hair appointment, Chiro for this week....and just feeding cats, and occasionally I think of something that sounds good to eat.
    Want a laugh? I woke up last night around 2 a.m. wanting a nice, perfectly ripe avocado...I could almost taste it. Of course there are no avocado's in the house :) The other thing I've wanted is saltine crackers. None of those either. I did have some oyster crackers, but they were old, and had gone not only stale, but rancid to boot...trash!

    Other than that I've caught snippets of news, knew about the snow totals in NJ...I looked for them online! See, You all were not forgotten...I was just absent.

    I think Ed would agree we got off really lucky. I essentially did not have snow anywhere except on roof tops. Ted said there was snow on the grass in MidTown. He was disappointed the husky wasn't excited about the snow...though she does love the cold. Other parts of GA did get a goodly amount of snow for even GA. Mostly in the mountain areas north and north west of here.
    The news carried on like we were all gonna be shut-ins til spring! from 4p until 7p snow was all they talked about....nobody apparently was murdered or robbed, nobody important died, nothing burned, etc. AMAZING....just snow.... and it was snow to come no less... not what had happened....

    I just had some canned chicken & noodle soup (veganism can wait a day or two) and I am going to eat a banana later. Yesterday that was my entire diet. May be the same today...may 'flesh it out' with an apple :)!!


    Hi Valerie
    It was more or less the same here, Snow, Snow, Snow doom and gloom starting Monday :)

    I would say You got lucky with no snow, having just come in from a 3rd day of shoveling.

    I stocked up both of the NutriSystem Chicken noodle soups heading into winter just in case.

    Good Luck, Get Well
    I sure hope our 1/8 inch of snow didn't get Valerie! I haven't seen anything all weekend.

    The pork and bacon meatballs are warming now in some marinara sauce, spaghetti will be prepared to go with it. Collards on the side for me. I didn't have any bacon but I did put in a splash of smoke flavoring. :)

    Hi Ed
    I was watching Guys Grocery Games last night and the judges liked the one contestants Meatballs with Raisins mixed in. Something I would never have thought of trying.

    Have a Great Day
    Good morning,
    Nice this afternoon...50-ish and sunny. Like that!

    Still running night time low grade temps, so not over this flu business quite yet. Though I do seem to have a bit more energy this morning.
    Hope it lasts long enough to get me into and out of the shower!!! I look a fright. LOL!!! And ONE nap would be nice today instead of morning and afternoon 3-4 hour 'naps'. I've slept enough for me and 3 others since Thursday night!!!

    Roger take it easy on the shoveling...it IS hard work.period. Loved the pix you sent of the snow mound that supposedly had a car under it??? That was incredible! If it was mine...it would have to wait for spring. :)

    I'd really like to get out to the Mex Market for an avocado...I've been craving one for days now, and my W-2 is ready to be picked up at work. Business' next door to one another so it would be a quick outing, no stops, no people chatting, etc. Don't want to spread this crap!


    Hi Valerie
    If You look on the left side of the mound at the left edge of the mound You can just see the beige of the Buick Century showing, just :) It is work, that is why we did it in stints every three hours for a hour of shoveling. Thankfully I think we are now as done as needs to be.

    You may like todays pix too?

    Take care of Yourself, Darn Flu can turn into Pneumonia, happened to me one year and I was a lot younger then too.

    Have a Safe Monday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Glad to hear Val is feeling better. I'm back for a minute, just waiting for my yellowfin tuna steak to finish cooking, then I'll warm up the rest of the collards to eat with it, and maybe a small serving of potatoes.

    You know you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna steak.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Glad to hear Val is feeling better. I'm back for a minute, just waiting for my yellowfin tuna steak to finish cooking, then I'll warm up the rest of the collards to eat with it, and maybe a small serving of potatoes.

    You know you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna steak.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Did You ever watch Mythbusters on TV, They did a test of the myth about tenderizing a steak with explosives one year.

    I have heard that is is hard to tune a steak :)

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Managed to clean up after cats. Then finally a shower..a much NEEDED shower, and a stop in the Mex. market for my avocado and more banana's. I've some days all I ate was a banana or one day I actually ate 2. WooHoo! Got my W-2...and straight home. 2 mile round trip. Ate some miso broth with little tiny cubes of tofu, some left over sliced mushrooms, and soba buckwheat noodles. Not really a Japanese Miso bowl...but that with my half of an avocado was 'delicious'. Now I am exhausted...sad, huh!

    I am trying real hard Roger to take care of myself so I don't end up with pneumonia or throat and sinus infections...those two targets seem to be 'fav' landing locations of flu viruses. Ratty Virus!!

    I loved the pix of your walk and the creative way that some of the snowy walks were shoveled. I especially loved the 'tunnel'!!! Going back now to find that little piece of evidence you mentioned about the 'car/snow' mound! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Supposed to be pretty warm today, but rain tonight. We just can't seem to get away from that rain for very long!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I am delaying my walk today until later, I am waiting for the surfaces to warm up and soften for better traction. I was slipping some yesterday in places so today I will play safe. It is below freezing currently with decent above average temperatures forecast for today.

    Despite the handicap of equipment breaking down the town workers did a good job especially compared to parts of Queens, NY and Newark, NJ where last nights news still showed unplowed roads.

    Have a Really Great Tuesday
    Managed to clean up after cats. Then finally a shower..a much NEEDED shower, and a stop in the Mex. market for my avocado and more banana's. I've some days all I ate was a banana or one day I actually ate 2. WooHoo! Got my W-2...and straight home. 2 mile round trip. Ate some miso broth with little tiny cubes of tofu, some left over sliced mushrooms, and soba buckwheat noodles. Not really a Japanese Miso bowl...but that with my half of an avocado was 'delicious'. Now I am exhausted...sad, huh!

    I am trying real hard Roger to take care of myself so I don't end up with pneumonia or throat and sinus infections...those two targets seem to be 'fav' landing locations of flu viruses. Ratty Virus!!

    I loved the pix of your walk and the creative way that some of the snowy walks were shoveled. I especially loved the 'tunnel'!!! Going back now to find that little piece of evidence you mentioned about the 'car/snow' mound! :)


    If I remember I'll post a picture showing the same area with the car, In the unshoveled area next to the house the snow is as high as the hood of the Buick :( I did back the car up and we shoveled between the house and the car, just not all of it as the snow was piling high where we were throwing it :) The Entire driveway and both sidewalks are all shoveled so I am declaring the shoveling officially done. This house is the only one on the block that has two sidewalks to shovel. We are the only one that has a sidewalk leading from the front porch to the street and one leading along the front to the driveway. Everyone else only has the one going to the driveway.

    It sounds as if You are getting better.

    Have a Good Day
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Supposed to be pretty warm today, but rain tonight. We just can't seem to get away from that rain for very long!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I would still rather deal with rain than all the shoveling :)

    Enjoy the day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Guys!
    Feeling even a little stronger today...and I don't believe I ran a temp last night! YAHOO! First fever free night!
    Today's agenda has a trip to Costco to pick up thyroid meds, and while there to get more of the KiKU apples if they have any. Fingers crossed that they do....will by 2 pkgs as the temp in the garage is holding between 45 - 50 degrees...perfect for apple storage! :) Nearly as good as having a HUGE walk in refrigerator! LOL!

    Past my trip out shortly after lunch while I hope we experience the promised 60 degrees, and before the rains, I'll do chores as I feel up to it. Still wary about a set back and the pneumonia thing. I've had pneumonia years back...it was no fun at all!

    Thats about it from my end of GA...good news about your city getting all your streets cleared Roger! and hope you have a 'solid footing good walk' today.

    Ed...stay dry today, tomorrow's Wednesday, so I've come to expect rain! Thats sad, huh? Read a great article about EVOO the other day...and apparently Trader Joe's sells an excellent one at a really good price. Interested? read on: Its Trader Joes's Greek Kalamatra EVOO. Next time I'm over that way I will probably pick up a bottle. I have at least a month left on the also touted California EVOO..which is very good as well. (and of course is at your favorite "Whole Wallet") LOL!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day. But at least it's not supposed to be too terribly cold.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 39 degrees this morning so I went walking at my normal time since the snow melt would not have frozen into a icy surface. I also stopped at the Produce store for my Brothers Poblano & Red peppers, Yellow Onion & Cherry Tomatoes. Two Lettuce for him and one for me and four apples and a 3 pound bag of Clementines and Some Bananas for me. I sort of over shopped as the back pack was heavy so I took the short route home, That leaves me somewhat short on steps so I'll be going back out later. Most of the streets are fine, Many of the sidewalks are clean, however at the corners it is tough going or else go out a driveway to the street and walk a little there due to the piles of snow pushed up by the plows at the corners.

    Have a Great Wednesday
    Good Morning Guys!
    Feeling even a little stronger today...and I don't believe I ran a temp last night! YAHOO! First fever free night!
    Today's agenda has a trip to Costco to pick up thyroid meds, and while there to get more of the KiKU apples if they have any. Fingers crossed that they do....will by 2 pkgs as the temp in the garage is holding between 45 - 50 degrees...perfect for apple storage! :) Nearly as good as having a HUGE walk in refrigerator! LOL!

    Past my trip out shortly after lunch while I hope we experience the promised 60 degrees, and before the rains, I'll do chores as I feel up to it. Still wary about a set back and the pneumonia thing. I've had pneumonia years back...it was no fun at all!

    Thats about it from my end of GA...good news about your city getting all your streets cleared Roger! and hope you have a 'solid footing good walk' today.

    Ed...stay dry today, tomorrow's Wednesday, so I've come to expect rain! Thats sad, huh? Read a great article about EVOO the other day...and apparently Trader Joe's sells an excellent one at a really good price. Interested? read on: Its Trader Joes's Greek Kalamatra EVOO. Next time I'm over that way I will probably pick up a bottle. I have at least a month left on the also touted California EVOO..which is very good as well. (and of course is at your favorite "Whole Wallet") LOL!!


    I picked up a Cameo Apple to try when I was at the Produce store this morning, Then I went and dropped a Fuji so I'll have to use it first :)

    The footing was OK and most of the sidewalks were cleared.
    We do use EVOO, However the Semi local Trader Joes is now out of commission due to building damage during the snow storm and the news was saying the the building will most likely need to be demolished and I do not think there is another one anywhere near. This one was 30+ minutes away.

    60+ degrees, You are Lucky

    Good Luck finding the apples ate CostCo.

    Hi Ed
    I hope You have a light easy tag day

    Good Luck
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good Morning Guys!
    They've taken rain out of the weather forecast, and reduced expected highs to 50 degrees. (life's little trade offs!) :)
    My goodness Roger, after reading about your stop at the produce store, you need a pull cart not a back pack! (Just kidding about the cart!)

    Cats are outside, I still need to clean the boxes though. One load of laundry dry, folded, and stored...second load in dryer. That's my day's accomplishments besides working on a grocery list...
    and I've spent a lot of time this morning watching presenters in Dr Hyman's Fat Summit. Monday and Tues. I was really only interested in one of two of the presenters....today there are at least 3 I want to see...that's 3+ hours...I have to decide not only IF but HOW I'm gonna manage that!!

    I DID find the KiKU apples at Costco yesterday! And I bought not one flat but 3. So, just call me Apple Valerie!!! (to be confused with Apple Betty or Apple Annie)

    Talked with Marietta yesterday...she suggested lunch this week, but I declined??? I'm really laying low this week, and resting. My Costco trip yesterday wore me out! That's sad..... So, I expect today's shopping run, talk with Jack at 4p, and working the other 2 presentations from the Fat Summit will pretty much be the extent of my day! Wow! how exciting, huh? Certainly not like finding a CAR under the historic/record snow, right Roger? LOL!!

    Ed, today would be the day if you're going to have a handful of tags to change! Dry and quite chilly, but not high winds and 32 degrees!!!

    Later guys...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Only one outside tag to change yesterday, one of the cigarette hanger tags on the pump hoses. They're back to playing with the price of Marlboro Special Blend. One week it will be 4.14, the next, 3.99, then back to 4.14. It's a cigarette, not a yoyo!

    Of course the hang tags in the kiosk, under those cigarettes has to change too when they do that. It's very annoying when you have to keep re-doing the same tags week after week. Some of the vapor cigarette thingies went up a dollar last week, then down 50 cents this week. Sigh.

    Well, off to the salt races.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I am delaying my walk until it warms up, no sense tempting fate while walking and hitting a icy patch and falling. 23 degrees colder this morning too. Yesterday it was above freezing and this morning it is 13 degrees in a nearby town according to the TV. So I am awaiting better temperatures before walking.

    Walking in the Boots is a fair bit more tiring than walking in the walking shoes due to the extra weight. I did get out again yesterday between Breakfast and Noontime for some additional walking to work on making up for lost step count from the weather. I wore the walking shoes on the second walk FWIW.

    Have a Good Thursday
    Good Morning Guys!
    They've taken rain out of the weather forecast, and reduced expected highs to 50 degrees. (life's little trade offs!) :)
    My goodness Roger, after reading about your stop at the produce store, you need a pull cart not a back pack! (Just kidding about the cart!)

    Cats are outside, I still need to clean the boxes though. One load of laundry dry, folded, and stored...second load in dryer. That's my day's accomplishments besides working on a grocery list...
    and I've spent a lot of time this morning watching presenters in Dr Hyman's Fat Summit. Monday and Tues. I was really only interested in one of two of the presenters....today there are at least 3 I want to see...that's 3+ hours...I have to decide not only IF but HOW I'm gonna manage that!!

    I DID find the KiKU apples at Costco yesterday! And I bought not one flat but 3. So, just call me Apple Valerie!!! (to be confused with Apple Betty or Apple Annie)

    Talked with Marietta yesterday...she suggested lunch this week, but I declined??? I'm really laying low this week, and resting. My Costco trip yesterday wore me out! That's sad..... So, I expect today's shopping run, talk with Jack at 4p, and working the other 2 presentations from the Fat Summit will pretty much be the extent of my day! Wow! how exciting, huh? Certainly not like finding a CAR under the historic/record snow, right Roger? LOL!!

    Ed, today would be the day if you're going to have a handful of tags to change! Dry and quite chilly, but not high winds and 32 degrees!!!

    Later guys...

    Hi Valerie
    I think I would trade the 10 degrees cooler for no rain TBH.

    Congratulations on finding the Apples. That sounds like some stock You now have on hand.

    I think I have to move the car, the snow bank next to it is leaning towards it.

    Let Your strength come back before doing anything to strenuous. No need to work into a relapse.

    Enjoy the Presentations
    Good Luck
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Only one outside tag to change yesterday, one of the cigarette hanger tags on the pump hoses. They're back to playing with the price of Marlboro Special Blend. One week it will be 4.14, the next, 3.99, then back to 4.14. It's a cigarette, not a yoyo!

    Of course the hang tags in the kiosk, under those cigarettes has to change too when they do that. It's very annoying when you have to keep re-doing the same tags week after week. Some of the vapor cigarette thingies went up a dollar last week, then down 50 cents this week. Sigh.

    Well, off to the salt races.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if You got lucky with the outside and not so much with the inside. IMO customers notice when You play tricks with the pricing like that and learn to stock up when the prices are lower, I know if I smoked I would be doing that.

    Those Vapor things are something I never did understand the attraction of.

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey! Good Thursday! (no longer morning!)
    I've watched a most interesting presentation in the Fat Summit! Dr Hyman, has been advocating adding fat back into our diets..better fats like olive oil, avocado's, nuts, etc. His guest, Dr Dean Ornish...also is his colleague, friend, and opposed to the fat stuff!!! It was most interesting!! I watched while I cleaned up the kitchen, which had been neglected for several days...dishes, the few that I used were rinsed, and stacked, not put into the dishwasher...some of those days that was the very best I could manage... Fortunately getting some 'oomph' back in these old bones! So, dishwasher doing its thing, all the knives and other not dishwasher items, washed and in the drainer, and I'm seriously considering LUNCH. I don't usually 'want' salad...just not a total rabbit, but right now I do want a salad...but don't want to get dressed to go get one....so, CONSIDERING, taking off my robe, putting on my pea coat, driving thru Wendy's for their salad, no dressing...and coming home and making a citrus based dressing for my salad. What do you think??? (winter time is a great time for this 'trick'...I used to sometimes do that when taking the kids to the mall....it really didn't make their day when they figured it out...and it freaked out my neighbor! "What if you have a car accident??"....remember I worked in a big hospital. So I'd tell her with a big laugh that it would give the EMT's something interesting to talk about over dinner!!! LOL! Yes, I did say and do that! )

    Roger, I hope you have some warm weather coming your way. Talked to my bro in MO last evening, and they're getting the 60 degree weekend like we are. I know you all up and down the East Coast would appreciate having the same!!! Good Idea to move the car.... :)

    Ed...what a joke with the pricing...do they really think consumers are not noticing??? (that aspect of the job as frustrating as dusting!!) Wash, rinse, repeat......

    Ok, its a decision. I will drive out for a salad...not sure yet the attire....

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger...flipped over to fb lots of shaking going on in NJ...at your house? Apparently it all started around 1:30. Hope you weren't out walking.

    Later... (FYI Fox 29 said they'd compile data, etc and return about 4p today)
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ok...it was all sonic booms! Time that fb peeps reported shaking, and noise, corresponded with time from the FAA!
    If you felt them, or not, it made for an interesting couple hours this afternoon....
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    J is back finally. He just got back a few minutes ago. He's gone to bed with the cats.

    I'm off to the rat mines. Supposed to be cool and dry today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...