Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy again y'all.

    Hard to say whether the fog affected business yesterday, because Tuesdays can be slow anyway. The rain this morning certainly did! I did manage to get all my tagging done, eventually, but it took a while as I had to take a long rain break on the outside part once the deluge hit. But there was plenty of tagging to do inside so I certainly wasn't bored.

    Veggies and tofu are roasting in the oven now. I slept a little longer in my nap than intended, so dinner will be late, but that's OK. I must have needed the sleep. I need to stir the veggies and tofu around a bit in a few minutes and then wait half an hour or so while it cooks some more.

    It's got tofu cubes, turnip, rutabaga, parsnips, onion, zucchini, one potato, garlic powder, extra spicy Mrs. Dash, salt, pepper, Spike herb blend, and a little super hot chili crush. Should be good. I spent quite a while working with all those veggies, so it better be good! LOL.

    Later gators, gotta go stir.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Looks like February is making a comeback today, with temperature only to 53 and down to 28 tonight.

    After all that rain, they're still talking about flooding even though it's supposed to be sunny and nice today.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Thought I'd stop in here before I got too wrapped up in the internet or nutritional classes! :) My cat boys are outside early today, so I've had time to enjoy my coffee.
    Time to do a quick fb pass thru...read Bloom County, and then get busy...its chore day. Funny how often that day comes around! I even cleaned in my sleep last night! I remember running the sweeper and burning out the motor??? As I think about that, I recall seeing a recall on the news last night about Dirt Devil sweepers being recalled because they catch fire....I don't even OWN a Dirt Devil, but I suspect that was enough to trigger my sleeping brain to run the vacuum for me...

    Roger and Ed! You all are just having fun cooking! The entree's that you bought Roger sound good, til I read the sodium content..yikes! As long as you don't have blood pressure issues its ok though! Its nice that you can branch out and enjoy some entree's that aren't NS. NS is good, but after awhile its great to supplement/enhance your dinners!

    Ed, as usual your dinners that you concoct sound delicious! I hadn't thought about roasting my tofu along with my root veggies....thanks for the 'Eureka' brain nudge!!! Makes perfect sense! Maybe not for today, as I have a big container of spinach that needs to be sautéed, and some asparagus to steam, but we have some colder temps moving in over the weekend, and I do believe that I can almost smell roasting happening Sat afternoon or Sunday!! :)

    Time for another cup of coffee while I watch my seminar. Later...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    When I went out walking this morning the weather was OK, Everything was wet from the rain, however the rain was gone and the temperatures were mild for February too. I was showing 50 degrees on the front porch when I left around 7:30. Tomorrow the weather is forecast to be colder with either wet snow or rain in the morning :(

    The Walking is much easier with much of the snow melted off of the sidewalks, Yea!

    I tried what was suggested with the NS Frozen Bacon Egg Cheese Muffin and microwaved it to defrost it, Then put the Muffin in the toaster, Microwaved the Egg and Canadian style bacon, Placed the cheese on the muffin after it came out of the toaster. Much better textures that way. Thank You to the person who suggested doing it that way.

    Have a Great Thursday
    Howdy again y'all.

    Hard to say whether the fog affected business yesterday, because Tuesdays can be slow anyway. The rain this morning certainly did! I did manage to get all my tagging done, eventually, but it took a while as I had to take a long rain break on the outside part once the deluge hit. But there was plenty of tagging to do inside so I certainly wasn't bored.

    Veggies and tofu are roasting in the oven now. I slept a little longer in my nap than intended, so dinner will be late, but that's OK. I must have needed the sleep. I need to stir the veggies and tofu around a bit in a few minutes and then wait half an hour or so while it cooks some more.

    It's got tofu cubes, turnip, rutabaga, parsnips, onion, zucchini, one potato, garlic powder, extra spicy Mrs. Dash, salt, pepper, Spike herb blend, and a little super hot chili crush. Should be good. I spent quite a while working with all those veggies, so it better be good! LOL.

    Later gators, gotta go stir.
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Looks like February is making a comeback today, with temperature only to 53 and down to 28 tonight.

    After all that rain, they're still talking about flooding even though it's supposed to be sunny and nice today.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    As Long as You were able to stay dry :)
    Our Weather today is supposed to be similar to Yours. I'll take it :) We had flood warnings for a fair portion of the state Wednesday, Today only a small area.

    Have a Good Day
    Good Afternoon Guys!
    I really was an early riser...honest! Up at 6:30, needed to take a shower, and we were having loud thunder boomers! Hmmm. Wonder has anyone ever really died from lightening while showering? I didn't want to test that out, so I waited, ate breakfast, had my coffee...saw my 'window of opportunity' and got my shower in before I left for Atlanta and my Chiro....
    Had a good visit with her, left her with a word of surprise/wisdom. She fixed my lower back (only second time in all these years we've had to do that), and my mid back, and my usual old C6...she told me to have a good day, thanked me for not coming last week while contagious, and I told her I was heading for my pharmacy...she looked at me kinda funny and I told her I was heading for the produce section of Whole Foods...that it was my "Farm-acy". She liked that! And its the truth to boot. :)

    I've got about 50 minutes to take an nap before DS1 calls, and I think I will do just that. Had my farmacy salad, and the chicken fried tofu from the hot bar, and now I'd like to sleep a few minutes.


    Hi Valerie
    I like that, Farmacy :)

    I seem to recall that they say to stay out of the shower in a thunderstorm and not touch the faucets too. I'm not sure how dangerous it really is. I suspect You have a better chance of getting injured or killed when You get in the car and leave the safety of Your house.

    BTW According to the news this morning they spent three years developing these. I do not know if it is available by You but:
    Non-dairy eaters no longer have to sit back and pout in jealousy as others enjoy Ben & Jerry’s.

    The ice cream maker announced Wednesday that it has started offering vegan varieties in four flavors—Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Chunky Monkey, P.B. & Cookies, and Coffee Caramel Fudge. The first two are Ben & Jerry’s classics, and the last two have been made special for those who don’t eat dairy.

    Introducing our #nondairy line – certified #vegan, made with almond milk, and oh so creamy! https://t.co/P3coMEmA0T pic.twitter.com/akvBYrFp1x

    — Ben & Jerry's (@benandjerrys) February 3, 2016

    Good Morning!
    Thought I'd stop in here before I got too wrapped up in the internet or nutritional classes! :) My cat boys are outside early today, so I've had time to enjoy my coffee.
    Time to do a quick fb pass thru...read Bloom County, and then get busy...its chore day. Funny how often that day comes around! I even cleaned in my sleep last night! I remember running the sweeper and burning out the motor??? As I think about that, I recall seeing a recall on the news last night about Dirt Devil sweepers being recalled because they catch fire....I don't even OWN a Dirt Devil, but I suspect that was enough to trigger my sleeping brain to run the vacuum for me...

    Roger and Ed! You all are just having fun cooking! The entree's that you bought Roger sound good, til I read the sodium content..yikes! As long as you don't have blood pressure issues its ok though! Its nice that you can branch out and enjoy some entree's that aren't NS. NS is good, but after awhile its great to supplement/enhance your dinners!

    Ed, as usual your dinners that you concoct sound delicious! I hadn't thought about roasting my tofu along with my root veggies....thanks for the 'Eureka' brain nudge!!! Makes perfect sense! Maybe not for today, as I have a big container of spinach that needs to be sautéed, and some asparagus to steam, but we have some colder temps moving in over the weekend, and I do believe that I can almost smell roasting happening Sat afternoon or Sunday!! :)

    Time for another cup of coffee while I watch my seminar. Later...

    Hi Again
    I should look into the Dirt Devil recall, We have three uprights, one for each level of the house. No lugging them up and down stairs. They were a really expensive $50 + sales tax each, new at the local appliance store.

    I was running one vacuum in the living room last night at 9:15PM. Some nameless dummy spilled part of his NS Popcorn on the rug :wink:

    I agree high on sodium however my BP is OK and the only real issue is water retention from all the sodium.

    As I remember from Yesterdays weather forecast You are heading into cold weather in the Atlanta area, I thought I saw them say 12 degrees?

    Have a Great Day & Stay Warm
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! J still has a cold or whatever and I'm still souping it up. Made more (but different) spicy vegetable soup last night and if it was any more chunky it would have been a casserole with a thin sauce!

    33 degrees out there (feels like 27) and looking at the forecast the coldest I see coming up is 24 sometime in the next ten days or so. It has not reached the coldest for tonight yet, as that will likely hit about 8:00 in the morning.

    Went to the doctor for starving...er, I mean fasting blood work yesterday afternoon. I did eat food but nothing later than 6:30 a.m. so it was long enough by the time I got off work and got to the doctor's office. In a couple of weeks we'll see what results the vampires got.

    Got to eat and head off to the rat mines! Maybe all the rats will be in hibernation.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Early Morning!
    TGIF for sure! And Ed you were spot on about the temps...28 on the back porch at 8:30. I took a trash bag of goodies to the trash can since the trash guys hadn't run yet....it really didn't feel bad at all. And its still...no wind. But, I think thats returning later today..argggg.

    Lunch at Sweet Tomatoes today with Marietta. We'll chat 'a bit'....HA HA!!

    Chores went well yesterday, surprised my self by finishing the list! (could be the list was too short?)
    Anyhow, Done is done :)

    Ed...Docs are mean! First they starve you...and then they send in the batty ones to drain your blood!!! I can laugh at that since I was a 'batty one' for 25 years. Make a fist....little stick! I think I probably say that in my sleep. LOL! Though my blood letting days ended when I went to the Red Cross, as I only did testing, etc.
    I hope J is feeling much better by today...being sick is no fun!

    Roger, wondering what your weather is this morning. Didn't hear anything on the news, so maybe its not flooding or snowing in your part of the world. And I suspect you're right about there being more danger of being killed in your car that in your shower in a storm! OTOH, I DO remember as a kid seeing a fireball shoot across the kitchen during a good thunder storm....it came from the old crank phone on the wall and shot across the room...I think had you been in the 'line of fire' it could have been trouble...

    I think while my 'gentlemen' are outdoors I will take my shower, and then do something...no solid plan for today. :)


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I think I went nuts this morning :)
    Currently it is snowing, started around 6AM, I got fully dressed in rain gear and Insulated Shoe replacement boots and went out walking around 7:15. I will say that the walking was not bad due to staying on a route where the sidewalks had been cleaned and dry from the previous snow. 8200+ steps I was back home around 9:10. My guess that the walking would be good with traction from the snow was proven correct :)

    Later on when the snow stops and the town has plowed my street back out shoveling :(
    I did see them plowing as I was nearing the house. They do the streets that get more traffic such as that street first.

    Have a Nice Friday
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! J still has a cold or whatever and I'm still souping it up. Made more (but different) spicy vegetable soup last night and if it was any more chunky it would have been a casserole with a thin sauce!

    33 degrees out there (feels like 27) and looking at the forecast the coldest I see coming up is 24 sometime in the next ten days or so. It has not reached the coldest for tonight yet, as that will likely hit about 8:00 in the morning.

    Went to the doctor for starving...er, I mean fasting blood work yesterday afternoon. I did eat food but nothing later than 6:30 a.m. so it was long enough by the time I got off work and got to the doctor's office. In a couple of weeks we'll see what results the vampires got.

    Got to eat and head off to the rat mines! Maybe all the rats will be in hibernation.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    That type of blood test is why I always try to schedule it for as early as possible in the morning.

    Good Luck with the results
    Good Early Morning!
    TGIF for sure! And Ed you were spot on about the temps...28 on the back porch at 8:30. I took a trash bag of goodies to the trash can since the trash guys hadn't run yet....it really didn't feel bad at all. And its still...no wind. But, I think thats returning later today..argggg.

    Lunch at Sweet Tomatoes today with Marietta. We'll chat 'a bit'....HA HA!!

    Chores went well yesterday, surprised my self by finishing the list! (could be the list was too short?)
    Anyhow, Done is done :)

    Ed...Docs are mean! First they starve you...and then they send in the batty ones to drain your blood!!! I can laugh at that since I was a 'batty one' for 25 years. Make a fist....little stick! I think I probably say that in my sleep. LOL! Though my blood letting days ended when I went to the Red Cross, as I only did testing, etc.
    I hope J is feeling much better by today...being sick is no fun!

    Roger, wondering what your weather is this morning. Didn't hear anything on the news, so maybe its not flooding or snowing in your part of the world. And I suspect you're right about there being more danger of being killed in your car that in your shower in a storm! OTOH, I DO remember as a kid seeing a fireball shoot across the kitchen during a good thunder storm....it came from the old crank phone on the wall and shot across the room...I think had you been in the 'line of fire' it could have been trouble...

    I think while my 'gentlemen' are outdoors I will take my shower, and then do something...no solid plan for today. :)


    Hi Valerie
    As You can see from my intro post I am dealing with snow. It has now stopped and is melting off of things. We will go out later, a little bit after noontime and do a cleanup shoveling of it. I would guess 1+ inches of heavy wet snow. They plowed the cross street by the house a few minutes ago. OTOH now that the snow seems to be melting maybe they won't plow us, Hopefully.

    Stay Warm
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    edited February 2016
    Not too busy this morning at work. Fridays, one never knows.

    Got a late start on dinner again, but tonight it's roasted veggies gratin. Bell pepper, onion, zucchini, turnip, rutabaga, potato, shaken in a bag with a little EVOO, several good shakes of Spike, some crushed rosemary, hot Hungarian paprika, regular (American?) paprika, and a hearty sprinkle of six cheese Italian blend and some sharp Cheddar, tossed back into the oven to brown the cheese a bit.

    Tonight’s wine choice:

    Lar De Oro Tempranillo Syrah blend, 2014, 70% Tempranillo, 30% Syrah. A delightful Spanish wine blend.

    I really am not terribly crazy about Syrah/Shiraz, but in blends like this it works nicely. I AM very fond of Tempranillo.

    Fairly soft tannins, but just a hint of sharpness. A very fruity, slightly sweet taste. And I have another bottle of this in the wine cellar, along with the rest of THIS bottle. :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Happy Saturday, y'all!

    I've been up for quite a while, but distracted by feeding Lilo, feeding me, washing up most of last night's dishes, cutting up a mango (ate most of it but chopped up a little bit for the sugar gliders to have tonight) and getting some spicy, curried, vegetarian, split pea soup going in a crockpot. J has never, to his knowledge, had split pea soup and I thought it might be nice for lunch. His cold continues to progress. He didn't particularly WANT dinner last night but I made it so he ate it. That's a good boy... ;)


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Ed, Valerie
    I am delaying my walk this morning as I want to stop by the bank and it does not open until 9AM. So Dunkin Donuts for a refill coffee, and stop at the bank later. Out the door around 8AM.

    10 +/- degrees colder than yesterday at this time. Colder air in the forecast for next week and a probability of Snow Monday, maybe Tuesday and several other days in the week showing in the 7 day forecast :(

    Have a Great Weekend
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    And now I've got that bunch of kale from last week cleaned, torn, and cooking in a smaller slow cooker! This week's collards can wait a few days. I do need to make salad either today or tomorrow to use the lettuce though. Still running a week or so behind usually on eating potatoes and onion, but that's all right as they keep well. All caught up on the other root vegetables except I still haven't gotten around to doing anything with that burdock...well, I'll get to it. Really!

    I have beets and carrots coming next week. And more potatoes and onion...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I'm out the door to see hockey,....read your posts. I feel like a total SLACKER!! LOL!!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back :)
    Out the door around 8AM and back home at 9:30, 7000+ steps and 1 Penny today along with a Dime yesterday, Yea I'm getting rich walking :)

    I just finished Breakfast, NS Pancakes & a NS Coffee Protein Shake as well as the 106gram Banana before I went for the walk. Probably a Quaker Oats Banana Bread flavor Instant Oatmeal @160 calories. Followed by a PF of CostCo Kirkland brand Canned Turkey as a PF and
    either a SC of Kirkland Canned Corn that is close to its use by date or an Apple as the SC and a Steak & Cheese melt for Lunch and of course Vegetables :)

    Have a Great Weekend
    I'm out the door to see hockey,....read your posts. I feel like a total SLACKER!! LOL!!!

    Hi Valerie
    Real Life comes first and real life usually means compromises :)

    Enjoy the Hockey
    And now I've got that bunch of kale from last week cleaned, torn, and cooking in a smaller slow cooker! This week's collards can wait a few days. I do need to make salad either today or tomorrow to use the lettuce though. Still running a week or so behind usually on eating potatoes and onion, but that's all right as they keep well. All caught up on the other root vegetables except I still haven't gotten around to doing anything with that burdock...well, I'll get to it. Really!

    I have beets and carrots coming next week. And more potatoes and onion...

    Hi Ed
    So true, leaf vegetables must be used first. Burdock is something I never tried. I await Your review of it and how You handled it.

    Thank You
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    edited February 2016
    The split pea soup came out quite nicely! J had a good bowl of it for his lunch, even though he still didn't really feel all that much like eating. But I made it for him, and he ate it. I put a good spoonful of the braised kale on my bowl and stirred it in, but he declined on the kale. Soup and kale leftovers in the fridge!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Well, I didn't win the Powerball last night...again. Sigh.

    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Felt kind of blah last night but feel somewhat better this morning. I guess I need to get out this morning to get some bottled water and some more cold medicine for J.

    I've been up for an hour or so but distracted by the usuals.

    The internet can be SO distracting!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today + 7 cents. I seem to be making covering the same distance in fewer steps and a little quicker than I was last year. I guess that's progress :) There were several people out walking the Dog or Jogging today, more than I usually see. I also got out again yesterday afternoon for a little while walking. Banking steps and working on extra weight loss for my next weigh in.

    It was a little cold when I left, It did warm up OK as the walk progressed however. They are still saying some snow Tomorrow arriving around 5Am and maybe more from a different system Monday night into Tuesday :(

    I was just looking at my food on hand and thinking I am heavy on Breakfasts, Lunches and Snacks. Not quite so much on Dinners. I had delayed my next order by two weeks, I am now thinking that I may delay even longer. My best guess is based on this reply last year from NutriSystem
    "Here is how we make substitutions for our foods with the Day Off Guide:
    Breakfast Entree = 1 PF + 1 SC
    Lunch Entree = 1 PF + 1 SC
    Dinner Entree = 2 PF + 1 SC
    Dessert = 1 SC"
    Thus It seems I could use Lunches or Breakfasts as Dinners by adding a PF easily and get my meals into balance that way. I have also noticed that the Breakfasts seem to be lower calorie overall compared to Lunches.

    Have a Great Sunday
    Well, I didn't win the Powerball last night...again. Sigh.

    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Felt kind of blah last night but feel somewhat better this morning. I guess I need to get out this morning to get some bottled water and some more cold medicine for J.

    I've been up for an hour or so but distracted by the usuals.

    The internet can be SO distracting!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Winning the Powerball would be nice. In my case I didn't have to look as I had no ticket :)

    I hope You are feeling better too.

    We only drink bottled water in this house. City water is not that good and if You leave a water spot on a black or brown surface such as the bathroom sinks when it dries it leave a white residue behind that can be hard to clean if not kept after. :(

    You do not want to know how much time I wasted yesterday on that huge timesink called the Internet.

    Have a Great Day

    Hi Valerie
    I hope my opening answers any questions You might have :)

    Enjoy Your day
    Roger the Non working Bum

    BTW I was listening to the Shadow on my walk today. Shows advertising the Red Cross from less than a year after the war in Europe ended. I know that as they mention that a year ago today there was fighting in the streets of Cologne
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Guys...oops...Happy Afternoon!
    Cats fed, cleaned up after, one out, one already back in.... DoorKeeper at their service!!! LOL!!
    Have also listened to yet another nutritional video. My book about epigenetics has arrived. Hmmm, the very word epigenetics has thrown spell check into a fit of hysterics! Guess we'll have to learn this together!!! :) (and I do have it spelled correctly)
    I was late eating this morning, so its just now time to head to the kitchen for some lunch....thats good cuz I'm hungry~
    Ed will think I'm retarded...but last night for the first time in a very long time I made a really good, basic hummus! I had a streak where whatever I made, and whatever I added, corrected, etc. just was nasty!!
    So, there will be a few non-GMO tortilla chips along with a heap of veggies should I decide to watch the commercials tonite. :)
    Hope you both have a good day....and that none of us end up with a snowy reality to the forecasted future!!! (yeah, Roger, we're hearing 4 letter s words down here too...)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Cold out there, but not snow weather, yet...

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    As Ed mentioned, its cold out there! And its coming...da-dummm, da-dumm, da-dum!....are you ready? Big DUSTING of snow...and as usual they are making it a big deal! :) Gotta love either the South or our Weather forecasters...:)
    Going to make this a busy day....get some things off my list...
    For now, off to the kitchen to find my nutty seedy breakfast!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking + 12 Cents, a little earlier than usual due to the weather forecast showing Snow starting shortly. It was 37 Degrees this morning with a intermittent Breeze which made it feel colder when it was blowing.

    I added a a little distance to my walk. I'll have to go to MapMyRun later and see how far I walked. I am :( with the weather forecast showing some snow today and more tonight into tomorrow from a different weather system.

    Off to breakfast shortly featuring The NS Granola Cereal with Low fat UHT milk and a NS Vanilla Protein Shake. I already had a Banana before I left for my walk as Well as a Extra Large 7 Eleven Coffee where I used Decaf & Regular coffee mixed together in the cup.

    Have a Great Monday
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Cold out there, but not snow weather, yet...

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    It has not started snowing here yet, Should be here in the next hour or so. Not too cold for February currently. However The forecast is for colder for the rest of the week with overnight temperatures going into the teens.

    Have a Good Day
    Good Morning Guys...oops...Happy Afternoon!
    Cats fed, cleaned up after, one out, one already back in.... DoorKeeper at their service!!! LOL!!
    Have also listened to yet another nutritional video. My book about epigenetics has arrived. Hmmm, the very word epigenetics has thrown spell check into a fit of hysterics! Guess we'll have to learn this together!!! :) (and I do have it spelled correctly)
    I was late eating this morning, so its just now time to head to the kitchen for some lunch....thats good cuz I'm hungry~
    Ed will think I'm retarded...but last night for the first time in a very long time I made a really good, basic hummus! I had a streak where whatever I made, and whatever I added, corrected, etc. just was nasty!!
    So, there will be a few non-GMO tortilla chips along with a heap of veggies should I decide to watch the commercials tonite. :)
    Hope you both have a good day....and that none of us end up with a snowy reality to the forecasted future!!! (yeah, Roger, we're hearing 4 letter s words down here too...)

    Good Monday Morning!
    As Ed mentioned, its cold out there! And its coming...da-dummm, da-dumm, da-dum!....are you ready? Big DUSTING of snow...and as usual they are making it a big deal! :) Gotta love either the South or our Weather forecasters...:)
    Going to make this a busy day....get some things off my list...
    For now, off to the kitchen to find my nutty seedy breakfast!


    Hi Valerie
    I Agree, Snow is a four letter word I dislike hearing from the weatherman too.

    Non-GMO has become the next thing to trumpet/Boast about on Your food packaging :)

    Have a Great Day